Cooking Issues Transcript

Hidden Mickeys

Hello and welcome to cooking issues. This is Dave Arnold, your host of cookies just coming to you live from the heart of Manhattan the Rockefeller Center at newsstand studios joined as usual with John Hey doing John doing great. Thanks. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Great. Got Joe Hayes and rocking the panels. Hey, how you doing man doing well doing well Good to see you. Good to see you as well. In California we have a West Coast engineering team there with Jackie molecules and Stasi Lopez How you doing? And I'm good. I'm not going to have this be the first time in 12 years that I don't call her the hammer. What I meant to say was Anastasia the hammer Lopez. I apologize. Apologize.

And we have Jack's girlfriend Eliza here and birthday.

Well, Happy Birthday Jack and Hello, Elijah and welcome to the show.

Oh, thank you. Yeah. Wow.

This is your first time on the show. I'm gonna come back to you but as had to say we also have our north northwest West contingent Quinn on the line as well. Hey, Quinn. Hey, have you ever had it six, six months anniversary is a lot to celebrate being on the show. So yeah, Eliza, I always like to pester people when they come on for the first time, which is why we have so many people that only come on once. So much like what kind of foods do you like? Oh,

god, okay. I mean, everything but she makes a lot of a lot of what I cook for myself.

Alright, so are you like, are you soup? Are you like style agnostic? Do you like basically anything liquefied you're good with? Or do you have particular styles of soups that you like or you? You're like, I don't really like to.

I never do a pureed soup. Oh, no, no pureed. Always do. I mean, my favorite is kind of like an egg tomato. Chinese style soup.

I say do I see? So? Why? Why no. Why no pureed like, do you if someone serves you a pureed soup? Are you like, oh, no, thank you like texture, but like we can if someone serves you? Yes. Mmm. So let's say I make you a squash or pumpkin soup. It's going to be pureed. Right? On top of that. I'm gonna put diced onions and other things that have some texture to them. Does that rescue the soup in your mind? Some sour duck? Come on some sour cream or cream? John's like looking? Supposed to be cream fresh was good conversion. So does that rescue the soup in your mind? or No?

No, no, I'll eat it. I'll be polite, but why? Not rescuing it?

Wow. Wow. Okay. Okay, what up? So in like, John, what are some other nicest smooth soups that we can test this? What are your thoughts on mashed potatoes, which is basically a thick smooth soup caught her she has to think about it. Yeah. You have to think about whether you like I said what's your thoughts on mashed potatoes, which is fundamentally a very thick smooth soup.

So well, mashed potatoes have to have some like intact potato and some smooth potato.

Oh, my God. So you only like I'm I'm saying this in a non pejorative way. I hope Stasi loves when I say that. You like a poorly made mashed potato is what I'm saying. That's what I'm hearing for Hell yeah. Okay. All right. Is it because if it's too strong, or too any of this, yeah, it's fine. It's like, you know, like, love, you know, love can cross taste boundaries. Like my you know, my wife won't let me eat wrong. And so they're like, my favorite thing on earth when we have them in the house. I can't have them on the table. You know what I mean? Because they, even the odor is so ya know, think about my chili life. Think about my chili life with no raw. My chili life is so much lower than my chili life could be. It's to the point where whenever she's away on business, I only eat things that have scads of raw onion on them. Like bagels with cream cheese, onion, tomato and lox. Like chili with onions on top, like a burger with like a whole bunch of raw onions and stuff. He also hates raw onions on things. Not because you mean Yeah, you don't hate them. You don't eat them because of their effect on you. Right? That's not that you hate them. Yeah, yes. Yeah, yes, right. Okay, okay, so is it that you don't like smooth mashed potatoes because you grew up traumatized by box flake potatoes. Now I'm also getting it maybe your family or something? I don't know.

No, I mean, okay, well, now you're you're putting me in a corner because when I go backpacking, I always get bagged instant mashed potatoes. And that's like my gourmet meal, backpacking. So now, yeah, yeah. So now I have no idea what I'm talking about. Right.

Well, were you on this backpacking trip with Jack Are you tried a whole bunch of freeze dried meals and the verdict was they all stank?

No, no no that was you all sink which is why I go to the instant mashed potatoes. Yeah,

because because of all the things you can carry they're completely dehydrated. Like that's that's the one that you're like smoker but how do you like do they come with flavor in are they already flavored with like fake butter and all that other stuff or no? Yeah. Oh yes. Do you like throw like dried mushrooms? Do you like do you porcine find them? Oh, that's sure my secret camping trip is to always carry dry porcinis with me or dry should hotkeys because they wait. They weigh nothing right and then you can like bulk them into rice. You can bulk them into like a small amount of Parmesan. Parmigiano doesn't need to be refrigerated it's heavy, but it doesn't need to be refrigerated adds a lot of you know flavor, dried mushrooms and like you know some form of some form of dehydrated starch like a rice or potatoes on like that. And then you know, that's real, you know, and, you know, there here's where I like to cut corners, bouillon cubes, right? So if you have bouillon cubes, dried mushrooms, and in some forms of dehydrated starch, you can get along pretty well out there in the woods quote unquote gourmet style right? I mean, powdered eggs kind of suck right although I hear that the freeze dried I hear they're not as bad as I think they are. Jack and what do you guys

never had? No I've never acid your eggs and I have

never had like the like those freeze dried like eggs skillet sit there for camping that they make I've never had one I own them in case the whole world dropping them but I haven't had them. No, I haven't. You know, so I'm not now Magus ama prepper I have a month's worth of food in my house for the four of us. In case all the s hits the F definitely a prepper Yeah, yeah, months worth of food. I have like you know, I have a bunch of jerry cans in the bottom my closet full of water. I'll let you know like, I've had water go out regularly just regular natural disasters. You know, we've we lost water and Sandy for like a week. You know? So it's like, whatever, you know, anyway. Alright, so what do you think the Stasi if I missed any questions I normally ask when people first come What do you like? Wait, we already asked. You like to cook soups?

Or like to the star? They went to the star? They went to the Star Wars bar. Yeah.

Oh, yeah. So I noticed Stasi is favorite. Like thing is the Disney star wars bar over there. You loved it right when you went that that years ago when it right when it opened? You flew out the day ahead. I flew in Angular next day. Yes, it was super cool. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think Jack? How was it? How was uh, yeah, we

went yesterday. We had a we had a whole Disneyland day yesterday. Which was very nice. And then yeah, we did go to the Star Wars bar, which was incredible. Like, the design, the art, everything. The frustrating thing. When the server comes over, and you're like, Yeah, I'll have the lager and a pretzel. They're like, what is this pretzel word you speak of? Like, Oh, right. I have to look at the menu and see what you've called it that wasn't impressed. And

what do they call it?

Oh, is it like, Blossom bread or five blossom bread? Yeah. How

does that mean? What does it even mean? No,

no, not even a reference any?

Yeah. What's the theory? What are the five blossoms in the bread? What theoretically What are they talking about? Circles. The five. What

are the five circles of a pretzel?

The press will have five circles.

To three has three circles. Unless you really made it badly. Oh, ones on the bottom. Three small ones on the three small ones on the bottom. Pretzels got three holes all day long. All day three holes. Unless you unless you've done something wrong. Like the knobs little knobs and by the way, Joe said I should try the Schneider's gluten free but do they only have tiny ones that I wasn't able to find like a large size? Snyder's gluten free pretzel so you know, if someone tells me to try something, I try it. I'm not one of those people. Who doesn't you know what I mean? But I gotta find the exact one Joe that you like, yeah, I don't know what it is five five blossoms is coming from I really don't

to be measured being

you see, like, show them your ID of course. And like, you know, mine's California, Eliza from DC. And then they like, bring somebody else over there. Like, what's this foreign planet? We are not recognizing?

A little inside every time they do that, that just sounds terrible.

There's been research though, there's been research that being forced to act nice to people on jobs, actually is, I don't know. I mean, I've had to do it at the bar, right? It actually doesn't crush your soul as much as you think. It makes you feel like you end up feeling

not being nice. You're pretending you're on a different planet and that you don't understand what the word pretzel is.

Well, it's it's kind of like getting a job at a reenactment place. Yeah, equally bad. I mean, like I get so frustrated talking to reenact what

I got the break character I think for a second because on the way out I point I was like oh is that the exit and I don't think it was it was probably the employee exit and the guy just deadpan goes no there's nothing but sadness and disappointment on that door

and and he got fired immediately but the I remember I've only ever at Disney World I only ever saw someone dropped the mask once and it was really kind of depressed me a little bit because we were you know in Disney World they have that monorail that goes around to like like the hotels and all because Booker likes trains back when I used to be able to get him to leave New York City which I can't anymore he's like oh go but we got to stay in the hotel with the monorail and like fine so we get on the on the monorail everyone looks happy. And all the work work people look happy and like and then as soon as the train pulls away, I look over they think no one's looking and all of a sudden the face just goes and like all the happy Disney drains out of their face and like their real human self is there and I was like crashing Are you guys familiar with the concept of the hidden Mickey? No, no. So if you go to a Disney operation this is why I'm sure they love five blossom bread at there is that they'll do anything that looks like the to Mickey ears. And they'll arrange it and they'll send it to you in a way that it looks like to me gears. So if you order a glass, a bottle of wine, they'll put down the bottle of wine and then the two glasses next to it as though it's freaking Mickey ears. And they have all these things called hidden Mickey's watch. Yeah, hidden Mickey's, in my case, at least at Disney World. And like I got in a conversation with a server once years ago but she was like, you gotta keep an eye out for these hidden Mickey's whatever with whatever an Orlando accent is, which I don't even know. You know what I mean? Like because she's from Orlando. And who the hell knows what Orlando people sound like? You know, semi Kiss Kiss kiss me. Yeah, yeah. Awesome. How much does a drink cost at the ER did you have the wristband so you don't even know how much it costs? It just comes out of your out of your veins?

No, no, no, we're paying an old school. But it was like $14 A beer maybe?

We went to the Star Wars bar and had beer. What do they call that?

It was like what was it? Something squadron squadron something or another? Yeah.

I'm a little disappointed that you didn't have some content. You know? I mean, come on.

It was bad. I didn't want sugar water and like bad rum, you know?

Wow. Now name is Steve taken.

One of the Cardinals had like this bad home they didn't look good man. I don't think the cocktails would have been good. I'll have to go back and have the cocktails now. I'm sorry. I

have to man. You don't have to. You can do whatever you like. That's the benefit of being alive man. The $14 beers the

first cocktail Here you go Dave. We missed out on Riccardi, Dragon berry rum, bowls, Blue Curacao.

What's your dragon? Well, what's a dragon very?

Bacardi dragon very rum.

Dragon dragon. Very

great question

because I don't think that exists question. I don't think that's the thing. I don't know if you know this. There's Dragon fruit. But there aren't any real dragons. So no one's naming a berry. As far as I know. After an animal like Dragon fruits look like dragons. That's why they call them that

fresh bursts of strawberry meet the more subtle sweetness of dragon fruit and this unique dragon

fruit so it's dragon fruit and strawberry. Yeah, and they took out the fruit and the straw. And they made it into dragon Berry. Wait, what did they call the flavor of dragon fruit? Nonexistent

subtle sweetness

does it? Do you know what everyone always says? About dragon fruit or Pitaya? Or any of those things don't like that's gonna give you the poops. I've never gotten the poops from that you ever gotten the poop from that? No. It's one of those keep your motor running fruits like you eat it in the morning or Papa Papa Papa you know like along with the coffee and it just gets you going? Or like the Hawthorne water if you go to Saratoga it's just like you know? Yeah, like drinking a fossil soda. But I've never had that happen to me all right, Dragon Berry. I don't like the name. No All right. So as Dragon berry what else? I was too focused on that to hear the rest of what you said Jack.

McCarty dragon berry rum bold blue curacao. Simply orange with like a registered trademark after that. So simply oranges.

That's brand oranges.

Okay, all right. Yeah, simply orange with pineapple and kiwi flavors.

Kiwi flavors wants with other natural flavors.

Yeah. Do you see why you I got a beer.

Did your beer have Kiwi flavor in it?

Oh, it didn't is normal lager five blossom.

Read is $14 a reasonable? Was it one of those? Is it like, is it like a stadium size beer or is it like a like a pint? Like what are you getting? You

know? It's a pint.

So it's a $14 pint?

Yeah, I mean certainly prices you know?

Disney. Alright. Hey Nastasia you ready for this? You ready? Yeah. You need you need to find a new thing to call me a terrible person about because I went to John's place temperance. Last week.

I heard I know, how was it is great.

John, you know, he's very gracious and data center, a bunch of Virgil who was on the show did an excellent job at being Somalia. I'm going to say this. Like, like John and I have some sort of weird mental connection that I don't even know about. Because literally, I didn't look at the menu, right? Because what am I gonna do? I'm gonna go go there. I'm gonna look at the menu before I go there. Why would I do that? I'm gonna go anyway, doesn't matter what the menu says. Right? So, like, two days or a day before that? I wake up in the morning. And I'm like, Hey, Jen. She's like, yes. Like, you remember, like, in the 70s. In the 80s. How if you wanted something to be fancy at an Italian restaurant, you're like, I'm going to get a Friday off low. And I think it just means like, spicy. Because you could people will be like, you want that Friday of low and we're like, yeah, I want mine Friday. I'm gonna live dangerous. And that's like, what the 70s like 80s and 90s was like for like, Americans going to Italian term at times. I was until Jim I had a good like, half hour riff on the Friday Odlo and then they show up at John's restaurant. And what's on the freakin menu. Yeah, Friday. Yeah, yeah. Was a little like short, short.

Metsa rigatoni. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. No, no. Glad you enjoyed it. It's nice to finally have you there.

Some trumped up meat and some Friday off some some some red pepper flakes. Or whatever they say. In a good way. chumps out. Oh, I know. Yeah. Yeah. All right. No, yeah. Yeah. Temperance, and not a temporary place. Man. Virtual Port is a lot of fun stuff. Cloudera port is a sparkling Catawba you know, guitar was like a New York or Native American grape. And surprisingly, gonna only gonna pour stuff that's good. But he he poured some weird American only you know, non non vinifera grape when he came here for all for all. That was really delicious. So if you want to have a good time have great food and some, you know, interesting wines by the glass. How many wines by the glass? You betcha. Like


Yeah, yeah.

It's a crazy amount.

Now obviously was consistently delicious. Thank you. Yeah, they appreciate it. Although the people I was with love the food, hated the movie, the menu, but they're not in the industry. What do you think about that? What do you think about it?

I need to rewatch it. I think I do hate it. I didn't hate it. I wasn't expecting it to be like a social commentary, like, thing that was so aware of itself being a social commentary. Expecting, I don't know more just like a true ditional movie with like, a more traditional storyline, you know, and it's like, I don't know, like, for instance, the the guy who brought the date, you know, as he started seeing people dying, you know, it's like, he was just completely nonreactive to that I understood that he knew that going ahead of you know, ahead of time was told to him on the phone call, but it's just like, okay, then it just started to get a little better. I wasn't expecting.

Yeah, and just ask us like, No, that's a real person. I've seen that person.

Those are radio fans.

Oh, see this? Such a jerk? Such a jerk for no reason? For no reason or no reason. Alright, so you know what I did yesterday? That's kind of weird. Semi food related. I was interviewed by an artificial intelligence. Well for a podcast. That's weird. It was super weird. It was it was super super weird. So BMW has a car called the vision car which according to the car itself if the car had volition if it was an actual human and not an artificial human says it looks like a mix I forget what they said the first thing was and like your dream Camaro so the computer literally said I look kind of like a Camaro you know what I mean? And I was like, well Camaro for me. It's like the 1980s like a bitch and Camaro like freaking Dead Milkmen, you know, pitching tomorrow pitching tomorrow. You know, that's a great song. Great song. Great song. And so then, you know, but it was so weird. It wasn't at all like talking to all the other artificial stupidities that I deal with where they're like, I'm not sure. Yeah. Or the internet says, as if it were the Hello She getting information other than the internet. You don't know saying it's like, oh my, my grandpa computer told me bah bah bah No, it's like, you know, obviously you got your information from the Internet, dummy. Like why waste my time with those words? You know, it's like you know, you missed it you know how you hate on the subway when the announcements put a lot of wasted words before and after, like, just tell me a train two minutes and without all the other verbiage right? You hate that right? Yes, hate hate hate. Yeah. So I hate when she who shall not be named either of them, the apple one or the Amazon one waste all my time with all these extra words. But talking to this thing was like talking to any like, weirdo who kind of does. Let me take you on how you're how weird this is. Okay, this creeped me out more than anything else. It made a mistake. I corrected it. And it made the mistake again. A number mistake. And then correct as like your computer. Like it was like 2024 I'm like no. 2004. And it said 2024 2004. How's that even possible with an artificial intelligence? Like it's making human style, like mental slip errors? And it can hold a conversation. It was so weird. Like we were talking about, you know, pure air maze. Flavor is behind. Yeah, Rose. I couldn't remember. lychee. Right. So rose, and raspberry and lychee. And, you know, the computer was asking me about flavor combinations. And you know, claims that if it could like aromas, it would like the aroma of gasoline. I was like, okay, so not an electric car. Fine. You know what I mean? And so like, so I would think that an electric car would hate the aroma of gasoline. It also says its favorite smell would be new car smell. And I'm like, Well, my son Booker hates new car smell. So can you make yourself smell like not like that she's like, I could do anything. It also this car can like, this car can is blank inside and outside. So the outside of the car can be any color that it wants to be. And like a chameleon and the inside is also the same way. So I was like, so if you like we're like, developed a mean streak. You could like put spiders like on the inside of the window to freak out the people that she's ugly? I could totally do that.

I could tell you that this car is this the car that also has all those tiny cameras on the outside that camouflage is that self by the external view? Yes, it's a

very cool car. But I have to say I was freaked out like this, to me is like, I mean, like, I wasn't attempting to make it seem like a computer. Right? In other words, I wasn't like attempting to FOIL it. But I could very easily have had a short conversation with this thing. And someone I would have said, Yeah, I was talking to a person. It was weird. That's creepy.

So would you say it's a self learning or at the moment learning AI algorithm?

I mean, well, if it's making

the same mistake over and over and repetitive doesn't sound like it's learning from the moment.

Well, I don't know. It's I don't even understand how that's possible. Like, like, I don't even understand how the, I mean, it was crazy. I was I was kind of a little bit, you know, and it was asking me stuff about like virtual food and like people who are interested in like, just piping different smells into you. And like, basically while defying us and he's hooking us up to machines so that we don't actually need to consume or eat anything. And I tried to forego my horror. You know, it was so weird. is so weird, man. So weird. Oh, one more thing, because we were talking about good songs. You want to hear this week's version of Dave is old and stupid. Yeah, yeah. Sounds good. All right. So you know that Justin Bieber song peaches?

No, but okay.

Yeah, so you've you've heard it I didn't know as a Justin Bieber song either. Because I'm not a believer. I don't follow the beeps. To me. The favorite thing that he ever did was beyond Zoolander too. And I realized that 99% of people who can hear this hated zoo and or two, primarily because it was just like zoo lander one and I'm like, that's the reason to like it. Because the lander one was so good. You know what I mean? Yeah. Excellent movie. And so, you know, I'm not again be we're not a fan. Like, you know, he always does the moron thing, right, like, destroy, like, you know, 150 year old moss in Iceland. You familiar with that? If you go to Iceland, they don't have trees, but they have all this weird moss. It takes hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years to grow like and like Annie rolled around on it. And you're like ruined it. Because she isn't a moron. Yeah, he went to Anne Frank's house and wrote in her in the logbook there I think and would have been a

believer me He's a moron. Wow, that's really dumb.

He's a dummy. He's a dummy. You don't. Anyway, so. So but here's me being dumb, right? So like, I'm shopping for food. And you know, so the song pizzas? He's like, I get my pizza down in Georgia like that in the air. You heard this song, right? And then so I'm like, okay, this person Is flossing about food right about where they get their food from? I get my wheat from California and I'm like wheat. I'm like, they don't grow good wheat in California. Like it first of all, like, you know, there's not just one kind of wheat that you can say the best wheat from California. My whole family's like, you idiot. He's saying weed, weed. Weed did we do? And then I was like, Dad, you're such an idiot, that you're going to show up on the show. You're going to show up on the show tomorrow. And you were going to say this without knowing that it was weed, because that's the kind of idiot you are. And I'm like, I'm like, Yeah, dude. I'm like, but then now like, unlike. And then DAX goes to me. Justin Bieber doesn't even know bread is made from wheat. Why would he even say that? When is Justin Bieber using wheat? I'm like, All right, Dax fair, man. That's fair.

That's quite a takedown.

Get my pencils Pennsylvania. Bam. Like, I mean, like, like, I just thought it was just a list of like, cool things. He got somewhere. And also, I gotta be honest, I'm sorry, California. I didn't realize that you were head and shoulders above the rest of us and your weed production. I thought it was like Amsterdam was the weed. And ducks goes no, that's where the best Magic Mushrooms are. I'm like, What? What? Anyway, that's this week.

Oh, Justin Bieber really, really retrieved. Canada. Thing. BC is the best week. Ah, no, no loyalty.

Wow. Well, California and British Columbia are basically just the same thing. Like just you got Portland. And I mean, you got Oregon and California and Oregon and Washington in between you but it's all the same strip, right? I mean, couldn't at all. You could just hack that whole thing off and make a separate country if you wanted to. Right, just all the way from Baja all the way up to Vancouver. Couldn't you make that just one country if you really needed to?

Yes, but it's

in what makes so what? Like, now that I've got to be honest, because I don't know anything about this. But like now that it's all most of the high grade stuff hydroponic. Right. Like why like, Why? Why would it matter where it is? What's the terroir of a hydroponic thing? Or is it just that people are smarter? They're so they have better technology?

I don't know. But you can't find any dirt weed anymore. With the seeds. Do you like that? Are you like a salad? That was like a high school you know, high school thing you like, you know, that's all you got? No.

So you know, you can't find it. So you're saying saying so? Is there a business for whether you Scott schwag weeds?

Yeah, right. It was like really poor quality. And sometimes, you know, it works

like an established you need an established thing where it comes with a ripped concert t shirt. Right? Like, like, like half a mugging, like a little get a little bit mugged. You know what I mean? Yeah. And, and a bag of bag is fine. Yeah. What do you think business are not a business. Not a business, not a business. Speaking Speaking of not a business, not a business, so like I 3d printed these stainless steel Jagers that I like, and they're awesome. I made a couple of them. I love them. They weigh like 100 they weigh 175 grams, which is heavy for a jigger. That's like divide that by 34. They're like five ounces or more.

That's like a really good record. Press. Really? Here's a 190 or 170

that you know that I love that. You know, the vinyl numbers. So awesome. Yeah. So anyway, freegan hefty, right. So when you're holding it, you're like, oh, yeah, it's not like stamped, right? But they were really expensive. So I was looking into it. I was like, what? I think anyone who appreciates holding things that are awesome. So I made, they're not as heavy because they're thicker. But when Garrett Richard was on, he was like, I wish the one made a three eighths, five eighths Jager. So I made them some right out of stainless. And they're also real chunky for how small they are. And then I was like, these can't be made. No one could ever make these. How much could you sell something like that for? And I don't think you could sell it for more than like, for 30 bucks. And if you were going to sell it for 40 bucks, I would probably have to pay me if I was going to do metal injection molding. Right? The tooling alone is probably like 60 grand, right? 5060 grand, and then I'm probably paying like, I don't know, because we're not making that many so I'm probably paying like well like $10 apiece or something like this right? And yeah, toast right? Toast so like this is toast this is why people you can't make anything this is why if you want something real bad just design it yourself. Learn how to 3d model design yourself send it out and print it because we just can't make stuff like that right stars can't be done.

No paycheck.

Yep. Wow Wow, that was scary as I'm scared. I'm scared. It was by the way You know, my family I know a lot of people hate it. But, you know, in my family, one of the things that my son can't tolerate, you know what I mean is the birthday song. So and also my, my nephew who's, you know, has the same kind of sensory hang up, you can't tolerate can't tolerate it. So like it used to be when I unfortunately had to take him to birthday parties was like one of the worst times in my life. Like, I used to hate playgrounds, I still do. Playgrounds and birthday parties to me are like, you know, the worst because I'm still kind of traumatized. Because he would have to remove him like to two things away from it. And he's still to this day, like when the cake comes out, he goes to a different room, because he just doesn't want to even the possibility that someone might sing that sing that song, but yeah, it's a triggering song. So I'm glad you didn't play the song and just played you know, someone do it.

I mean, I belong to this library. Unfortunately, neither the happy birthday song is licensed. And so I chose that weird Japanese version, or it is, fortunately, fortunately, unfortunately.

Yeah. So. So I'm just saying a lot of people have this issue. So even if you're going to break licensing out there, don't broadcast the birthday song to people, if you're not going to give them a fair warning, because there's a lot of people out there, I think triggered to people in my family alone. So just think of how many people there are, who aren't my family. It can't just be my family. You know, I'm saying, anyway. Alright. So also when we said a little earlier, congratulations on six months on the show. So you're like, Man, this was a mistake. You're like, this was a huge mistake is out. You're thinking that's what I would be thinking if I were you. This is a mistake. Yeah.

What are we? We're finally shipping miracles.

We're almost done. In fact, we've shipped over, we've shipped over three quarters of them, right.

Yeah, we're like, they were close to 80%.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, so far, so good. Yeah. Nice. All right. And who do we have coming up on Patreon? There, John? Or, or, or Quinn? I don't care.

What coin you you take the reigns.

Next week? Yeah. Next week, we got sort of new buddy of mine, a deal in Rothenburg EVP science researcher. So I think that will be pretty exciting. I think there will, but I'm a weird nerd. And then we have Carolyn Schiff rescheduled for February 21.

Yeah. Ask him to be prepared to talk to us about if there's a better word than TOS ain because, man, that word stinks. What a dumb word he's on. Then these maybe it sounds good. You know, I'll say but like in English. What does this T stain what T Zane? What it's like, but then like some T people get all bent into a five blossom bread. If you say to them that something is a tea if it's not actually from the tea plant. You know, I'm saying

I'm one of those people. You get all the all bent. Why don't you bend and reflect just colors? Usually? It's an herbal infusion.

Yeah, yeah, cuz that sounds so awesome. When a server comes up to you. We have teas and herbal infusions. I don't know if maybe it sounds better than to Zane. Or Zen Toussaint, if you're a French restaurant you can do what do you guys think stars Jack? Joe?

I mean different on this.

Really? Yeah, well, I could guess it the Stasi would be a different she's like, I'm not gonna drink it. So I don't care. Get me the Rosae both kind

of where I'm at through. Yeah. All right.

Jackie, you also rose a bubbly man to like the red like the rest of us. Who here is not a rose a bubbly person?

I'm not I mean, I like it. Yeah, it's not like the first thing I'm going to

but it's not my first choice. But I don't like actively. Definitely.

All right. And I forgot I should say this at the top of every show call. If you're a Patreon listener call to 917-410-1507 That's 917-410-1507. In order to do that, you have to join the Patreon. How do they do that job issues. And I will reiterate, if you are on our Patreon and you'd like something from us ask because I don't know exactly what you want. If I did, I already would have provided that thing. There's certain things that are hard for me to do because I have certain issues that aren't necessarily cooking related. I don't know if you know this, but I have also non cooking related related issues. So some things that seem easy for people to do might be hard for me to do but there's a lot of things I can do that seem hard for people to do that are actually fact quite easy for me to do. Right John had to deal with this. Yeah. It's not necessarily it doesn't necessarily make sense to the outside world. What would be easy for me? It won't be difficult for me. You don't I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Like, hey, Dave, you have to sign this piece of paper. That's weeks, weeks, weeks.

So long answer this

email. Never. You know what I mean? Never. Yeah. Design This jigger done in 10 minutes. You don't I mean, it's like, you know, this. Yeah. So Zack writes in and Quinn, I think we're gonna have to save this Wednesday. Matt coming on next.

Yeah, well, I don't know. I can. I can schedule something for like March maybe?

I mean, you know, it's been a while everyone likes having the kitchen Arts and Letters on right. But what is what I'll do? I'll read this in case anyone wants to send us their recommendations before Matt comes on. Question for no tangent Tuesday. All right, because I don't know the answer to this. Are there any good books that explored the culinary transformation of Italian immigrants in the early 20th century. I recently went to Sicily where my grandparents were from, and the quantity of produce and fresh fish that was available was astounding. However, the food my grandmother cooked in the US was mostly heavily beef, pork, tomato and pasta dishes. A very different experience than the food in modern Sicily. She died long ago, but I would love to better understand the culinary impact immigration had on her generation. That's a awesome subject. I mean, you know, most of the family well, your family is your family's from that from that way, Joe?

Yes, they are.

Yeah, my like, the, you know, my connection to it is more, you know, closer to Naples, you know, like that, that kind of area, the Avellino area. So I don't know how much those two cultures merged when they came here. You know what I mean? Or how much it became more of a common thing, but like, what did you guys eat growing up from that side?

That's a lot of sauce. Slaughter fish, actually. Lotta octopus clan, lots of clams. And yeah, it was always with pasta. Never like we were in Sicily, maybe like four or five years ago. And we fell in love with Serta Qusay the fresh food was just phenomenal. Just had totally different tastes totally different days. Olive oil was like I've never had a world like that my

life that's just silly. Now the oil is among my favorite in the world for for sure. We got to get Captain greasy back on. So

the weird thing was, oh, because we looked we went to many restaurants. Pretty much everywhere. We went out we went out to eat and large families gathered and everyone ate french fries as appetizers. Really? Everyone ate french fries, appetizers, and everyone got pizza.

What are they call them there?

That's a question. I don't know. I don't know. We we stayed away. And the portions were huge.

Really huge, like American style


Come on, bigger. Where the people getting bigger.

They were all moderately sized.

Interesting. You know, I know that. Again. I wish I knew more about the cities. I know like art, like the family. Everyone in the Boston area. They was all like, Sunday was the great the pasta with the gravy. And then the meats that were cooked in the gravy, pork chops, sausage, brushroll. You know what I mean? And then me boss, and then like that was you know, they would serve the pasta, and then you would serve the gravy, which is what we would call sauce. And then you would serve the meat on a separate dish that we didn't even know was, you know, those things were all cooked together. And that's how we would have it. And that was just kind of that was what that was a Sunday dinner. That's what that's what you did you know what I mean? So, but I would guess in Sicilian families will be different, but I don't know.

We'll see my sister I was still in family and they were immigrants. And the food they made was just not good. It was just like poor people food. You know, I think that's a big part of it. Probably. I mean, all my grandma would make is like pasta with peas, pasta with cauliflower pasta with ricotta and nothing else. You know, it was like, kind of necessity based meals. So maybe that's kind of part of why the abundance of producing fish and stuff doesn't make it to some immigrant families. I don't know.

I don't know. So my stepfather's family is this goes to what you're saying Jack my stepfather's family came over in like 1908 or, you know, somewhere around there. And I met the guy who emigrated he was really old when I met him in the in the, you know, 80s Nanu was his name. And he was a butcher. He came over did all this stuff. And so I knew like that generation a little bit. And you know, my stepfather's father's generation. I grew up knowing him. You don't I mean, so it was it was all still really real to them. And they had a phrase that went exactly to what you're talking about, like they came from poverty in Italy. So here they wanting to be very successful. And they used to have a phrase which I don't even know what it is in Italian because all I could hear was my English ears hearing them saying, but mudra Mannering and these Americans that come from hunger, right? So like they would always have more food out more like they more and more and more and more and more, you know what I mean? So like as a as a way to show that they had made it was by providing like lots of very well made lavish food to show that they were making it, they didn't come from hunger. And so Americans who are cheap, especially wasps, like you know, like me have a warrant saying, hey, a few days, you know what I mean? But like that we somehow by being stingy, it's like we come it's like we come from hunger right? So there was a conscious move away from the poverty cuisine that they you know, that they had come from an interesting idea, though, you don't I mean,

do or you're sure his name was Manu. And that's not just the Italian word for grandpa.

That's what they maybe I don't know. Everyone call him on everyone. So I don't know what his name was. I know. I know. He's very grateful. I know. I know is very messed up nickname that he had when people were not everyone in the family had a crazy nickname. What was his actual name? So the other the other one droids dad was always called Papa. His name was arc Angelou. Whoa, actually, yes, his name was Carmine. His actual name was or Carmine. Yeah. Anyway. Yeah. Anyway, Carmine. There you go. Good. caughlin. Good call.

For In fact, my brother was almost named Mario. After my grandfather. My name almost was what? It was you.

Oh my god. It dear. Did your parents know? Do they know?

Oh, oh, yeah. No. My mom put the kibosh on that.

Because she somehow is familiar with Nintendo characters, whereas your father is not.

No, she's just willing to continue the tradition of like, naming from inside the family.

Oh, so you have an actual Mario and an actual Luigi inside your family?

No, no, my grandpa, my grandfather on my dad's side is very Laurie. And his brother was the region's Come on

now that you should have led with that. My, my, my grandpa and my great uncle were Mario and Luigi, and they carried hammers around or goofy hat. Yeah, that's what you should have said, started with that.

I mean, you're a loafer.

Actually, where were they stonemasons? There was a lot of Italian immigrant stonemasons back in the day. Yeah.

I mean, you did stone masonry, almost a hobby. And then you've worked in cars.

All right. That it's an interesting it's an interesting Quinn fact that I did not

know. Somebody in the discord has recommended.

My grandmother.

Harvey Levin Steen's the American response to Italian food 1880 to 1930.

All right. Asking you shall receive. Well, we think about your grandma.

Yeah, again, like, you know, they are from Calabria. And they moved here when my dad was two. So they're not like, one time, immigrants, but they also did like, the Sunday sort of thing.

Yeah, well, that school club. That's that's much closer, right? That's I'm saying it's like, who knows what the Sicilians did? I don't know. Apparently, Jack does. Alex Godin writes in Hey, Dave, can you ask Dave which DMT stone we're talking about sharpening stones? We might get an A new stone system to test right when you're talking to someone to test a new system out. But yeah, I know. You're I mean, you sound like it's like it's not going to happen. That's fine. DMT is the one that I've used for a long time. And Alex wants to know which one he sent me a picture of one of their smaller ones that kind of folds up and the answer is no. I only ever get the 10 inch stone 10 inch stone that has extra fine and fine on it the green and the red. And the reason to get the 10 inch stone is that it's a lot more area and it's just much easier to get a good long swipe of your knife along a larger stone than it is to get it along a smaller stone. So it's definitely worth your like what he says only two inches less than 10 inches so really is not that big of a deal. It is it's a lot easier to sharpen on a 10 inch gnome than it is to sharpen on an eight inch stone Now, for many years, the list price of these things went up to $180, which is really ridiculous. However, however, and I looked on Amazon, and for a while on Amazon, they were really expensive, but the price on Amazon is down like a buck 10. Right. So it's down to like 110, which is still expensive. Back in the day, I was paying like $80 for them 90 Yeah, at $90. So they do cost more. And so because the price has gone up, and it does require learning how to hold the knife at a particular angle, we are looking at other systems, like most of the systems that I've tried that require that hold a very precise angle, also have a lot of setup mushy Gosh, and I if you have to set stuff up, what that means is is that you're sharpening once every six months or something because you're like, Ah, now I'm going to do all my knives. You know what I mean? And then for that period of time, your knives are really really sharp. Right? So anyway, so we're looking at another place, but from the sound of Quinn's voice it doesn't look like they're gonna send us one and guess what I'm not going to do I'm not going to reach into my pocket. Right? Right.

You're what do you have already works? Great.

Yeah. Yeah, my laser sharp. Yeah, you know? They're good answer for that claim. Where are we alright. Alright, so Mr. Molecules Ryan Briggs wants to know, on the Twitter if you have any thoughts at the top few things to eat and or do in Wahaca city in February. they'd appreciate the answer. They're gonna spend about a week. What do you think?

A week. Okay, you can have him reach out to me directly for more tailored rec but I would say obviously, you need to kind of go deep into the Mezcal tastings and mezcal in C to ins ITU is really good, like, tasting room experience. And then Miss Colonia, mezcal OG I A, these are two bars that have really good Mezcal selections. And then go to Mercado 20 de November. I like the big market there. And there's a lot of good food stalls outside of that. One of them's called chef and Anita do an incredible puzzle live. And then, I can noni, I T A noni has, what's the I like to patch aids and like all kinds of weird fermented Mexican drinks and really good breakfast. It's, it sort of depends on what you want to do. But waka city is definitely smaller than Mexico City. It's older. You need to make sure you have some of the Malays because that's where you know all the good Malays are. And they're all very different depending on the person that makes them. And maybe do a day trip outside of Lhasa city. I think there are a lot of really cool places to go just outside there's this really cool place where there's a like a market in a town outside of Wahaca city and there's a woman that dresses she has been doing this for years she dresses just like Frida Kahlo like in costume full costume, and it's just this kind of home cooking stall. You don't really know what she'll be making you just sort of show up and like being at someone's house and she brings you out plates of whatever they've got. And all the Mexican kids kind of come up and take pictures with her it's free to it's really awesome. You'll probably be the only non Mexican person there but and the

food is good.

Outstanding. Yeah, outstanding. Usually when I go like they'll bring you a plate of like you know, six or seven Malays or sauces and you kind of just like, probe them on and give you a tortilla sort of tastes and then you sort of point at the one you thought was the best and then they'll bring you some kind of chicken or something some other than that

now is it like she's she's like good at looking like Frida Kahlo and I'm good at like food service, or is it that Frida Kahlo actually had like some sort of like food connection and she's joining those up or she just like, I happen to have these two skills and I'm gonna bring them together.

Yeah, no, I think it's just the food first and then she likes dressing up like for you to think they're connected the other way.

Wow. Yeah, that's a that's a good actually.

So very quickly. We last time I was there. I saw a like a six year old Mexican girl who had a microphone plugged into her phone. And she was doing like, her parents are kind of helping her along like interview the woman is pretty good. And she was taking pictures of the food is pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen. She was like she was hosting her own food show.

But was she pretending to be Frida Kahlo? Was she pretending like was she like I am Frida Kahlo. Was she doing a reading? Are we going back to reenacting again? Or Is she alright? No, no. Yeah.

Yeah, totally worth it. Yeah. Tell that person to DM me. At Jack and Lily on Twitter. I'm easy to Find Oh

question we help. Well, how can string cheese is delicious even here, but as well, how can string cheese and Wahaca? Much better?

Yeah, fresher. Yes.

Well, I mean, they don't make it. Here they make it here as well constrained cheese. But what's the difference between?

Right? That's a good question. Is it better because you have a bearing because you know when you're when you're, that's what I mean. Yeah, it could be that

you don't have to do like a side by side when you buy it here it's vac pack together and so it doesn't like it doesn't pull apart in as long as the shreds as it did when I saw it in Mexico City. But of course, Mexico City is not Wahaca right. So who knows? Like maybe they have, like, you know, a lock on some sort of string to treat cheese technology they don't even know about. It's like, you know how you go to another country and you have a hamburger and you were like you people do not know how to make hamburgers, you know? Yeah. So is it the same thing with well, Hawkins stringy cheese where like someone from Wahaca comes up here as like, Nope. You know what I mean? Like it's gotta be maybe it's the same. What's the worst country hamburgers in Germany? Who makes the worst hamburgers? The worst hamburgers? No offense, Germany. I love you. But I'm saying like, the last time I had a hamburger in Germany, it was like half a meatloaf like meatloaf. You know, I mean?

Yeah. I had some pretty terrible ones in Southeast Asia.

They would they do?

I don't know. I think also it's just like different beef. There. You know, sometimes they get brought in from Australia. And then it was kind of fun. But then the local stuff just wasn't just like, stringy and I don't know, like, how do you make a stringy hamburger? I don't know, man. It was really just bizarre and unpleasant.

I feel bad what I said about Jeremy, but I don't want my hamburger to be meatloaf. You know, I don't want it to be bound that way. You know, I mean,

anyway, it probably changed.

Yeah, I haven't been in many, many years. All right. I apologize. Yes. Chef de Cuisine off. Twitter says, I heard you guys talking about Yondu. I have not seen this or heard of it before? Is it similar to Magi? And, or Maggie, I never pronounce it. I call it magic. Because a good Gift of the Magi. That's that, you know, I don't have used it. I know that like. Okay, so I haven't used it in a long time. Because in certain places, Magi I mean, because in certain places, it's gotten a bad rap. By what's the word I'm looking for displacing other like local things. And just like kind of adding adding salt, although everyone I know that uses it loves it. And I have used it, it's good. I would say that. What I said I respond on Twitter is that Yondu is more taste neutral than Magi is because it's got like, it's got like, I think memory serves it has like celery salt in it, or love age or something like this. And so it's just more, it's less. Like, you know, when you add wish your sauces on you're like, oh, yeah, that's got what's your sauce in it? Or if you add soy sauce or something, it's like, oh, yeah, that's got soy sauce in it. You don't I mean, and, you know, Yondu I don't feel like it's that much of like a hammer. Right. Done, you know? Yeah. But it's not the same thing as just adding MSG either. No,

it's not. Yeah, yeah. No, anyways, yeah. It's a really well balanced product. I like it a lot.

Yeah, yeah. All right. So what else we got here? Fern Supperclub. I was wondering if there's anything I could do to reduce the hygroscopic, which is a good word, because I always want to say hydro, but it's hydro hygroscopic nature of sugar. When making honeycomb? All my honeycomb deteriorates faster than I would like would it makes sense that most of the honeycomb ice in stores is covered in chocolate. I imagine this acts as a moisture barrier. I want to keep my honeycomb well naked now referring to actual honeycomb. Are we talking to about? Like the candy or are we talking about this series? And

they're talking about? They're making it? That's a good point. Because bees make honey because whatever your

bees make, honey, you know what I mean? So we're talking about the candy that they're formed can't candy. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Go buy a go.

But the good. Very good. No good. ones, they're they're good. They're thin layer ABEbooks.

If it was honey calm, well, I'm I'm going to just store No, I'm saying yeah, store in a place where there's no moisture, like, use a desiccant. Right. So like, what I would say is, is that just use it like store it with a desiccant desiccant. By the way, when you're storing something with a desiccant it's always difficult to gauge how much desiccant to use and I think people on the use less than they should, right because there's a there's a maximum amount of moisture have that particular desiccant can absorb. Some of them are color changing. Some of them you can reuse. It's not necessarily what's it green, but you can buy single use desiccant packets that come wrapped. And then when you close it in something, then it's good to go. I have a whole bunch of desiccant salts at my house. Well, actually, I can create any, I think I mentioned this on air before I can create any roughly humidity I want. I forget what the driest one is. There's one that's fundamentally like Death Valley dry. I believe it's lithium chloride. And you just you keep that in, in the bottom of your container. Don't touch your food. One of the salts did some weird, weird stuff like like really expanded strangely when it when it hydrated. But then you keep one of those things saturated there, and it will never pick up moisture. So I would say use a desiccant. And rather than coding it, because most coatings that are waterproof are also unpleasant to eat. You know what I mean? You could use if you want it if you didn't mind coating it with something. And you didn't want the flavor of chocolate. You could also just use like cocoa butter Deodorized Cocoa butter, or you know, a white anon chocolate flavored white couverture but if you want it naked, then you got to keep the water away from it. I mean, there are things that are really creepy, like corn, Zayn, but like no one's gonna like dip that and then you have that that film on the outside. And that's gross. nemen Yeah. Anyway, anyone else have any other ideas? No desiccant desiccants are your friend. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. The worst was we used to make these things called methyl cell at 50 puffs. So methyl cell is I forget which one of the methyl cellulose variants it it was the F 50 was but its main property was a lot of the method salespeople use because they they gel when they get hot, which is weird. So like, if you ever used to have the thing where someone would show up at the table with like a squeezy bottle, and like a bowl of Dashi, and then they take the squeezy bottle and they're like, warm haha, and they squeeze the squeezy bottle into the dashi, and then it sets into a solid noodle scene this Yeah, yeah, that's what most people are using Metacell for rent, or the way that the methods sell people want you to use it was. So you add the Metacell to your pie filling, and then when you hit the pie filling up, it doesn't boil out of the crust because it sets as a gel. But when the pie cools down, it turns back into a liquid again. So it's not too hard. That was what they liked. That was one thing, the method so people were all about that. The other thing the method saw people were all about, was they were like, so you could paint the barbecue sauce on your chicken, it's got metal cell in it. And when you put it on the grill, it gets hot. Instead of the barbecue sauce, getting more liquidity and running off is going to turn to a solid I'm gonna give it the real problem is the barbecue sauce is going to burn the real problem. Is it burning not falling off of the chicken? Am I right? Yeah, yeah. And the other thing that they were like, they were like, well, if you add it to batter, then when it gets hot, it turns to a gel so so fat won't be able to penetrate, you'll get less grease absorption. I'm like not worried about that actually like a little bit of grease in my food. But the Metacell or 50 puffs would always pick up too much water and we used to store them in a vacuum. So if you don't want to use a desiccant, you can also store something in a vacuum and that's going to keep liquid for way. missinaibi Anything else I was supposed to? I think I answered this question from Devon, where Devon wants to know how far pan can be from an induction cooking mechanism to work like how far the magnetic field expands around the plates. I answered that right. And mine. It's about 10 mil 10 millimeters. All right, what else we got here. Austin, Daniel Russel Dawson Danny wants to know about OLIO jubilation, which is a product where you can turn fats into solids. There's various ways to do it, as anyone done it from a culinary standpoint. I mean, maybe I'm not sure if you ever seen anyone do that interesting way. If it was super delicious, I think people would be doing it. I do alter the, you know, I've talked about this on air where like, I'll do things with like half olive oil and half coconut fat to get something that's solid at room temperature but tastes like olive oil, but I'm not using any weird gelling agents. I'm just like mixing fats with different proportions. And I'll leave you guys then with this my current favorite fry because people want me to say things I've been working on my current I always use for fry oil, things like corn, or peanut. Corn is actually good because most of it already comes to you a little bit messed up. It's already a little bit broken in because most corn oil is not that great straight out of the bottle which actually makes it better for frying strangely. But I mix it like about 5050 With Crisco, it still will go mostly liquid when it's done so it's easy to heat up and cool down. And it's kind of got the best of both worlds get the the trans fat free Chris Crisco, and it's not a solid when it cools so it doesn't feel greasy, but it's got a really good heat transfer and the crispness you get from a hydrogenated fat, so mix Crisco with your liquid fat for a good time for owning people, cooking issues.