Cooking Issues Transcript

Episode 372: Moon Rocks Are Forever

Hello, everybody, and welcome to a brand new series on heritage radio network called the culinary call sheet where we give a peek into the back kitchen of culinary media. I'm your host, April Jones,

and I'm your co host, Darren bresnitz. Part of why we started the show was to offer an unofficial mentorship for anyone who's interested in learning about all aspects of food and video, whether that's TV, social media online, or just something you want to do for fun.

Absolutely what was once niche or a little silly, as I'm sure you remember, Darren, when we started out, this man has now become such a massive playing field for so many creatives using food as the medium.

It's something that has driven us professionally and personally, for so many years. What excites me the most about this show is that we're going to sit down with some of the industry leaders to hear how they made it and what drew them into this industry.

With 20 years in the culinary production game ourselves. We're hoping we can give through these conversations an insider's view into personal stories from the field, as well as an in depth behind the scenes look into some of the most popular food programming. In today's evolving culinary media landscape.

We'll be covering everything from how to style your food, to how to license IP, to developing your own ideas, and some tips from the masters of how to host your own show.

Yeah, it's a little bit of conversation, how to and how do you do the things that you do in color media, which I'm so excited about? I love so many of the guests that are coming on this season. We have talent from Food Network from Vice media eater refinery 29,

we've met some of the best people in the world both in front of and behind the camera. And we're bringing them all together to share their stories, their delicious adventure and their unique journey into this crazy world.

So to be the first to hear our episodes when they launched this fall, go to wherever podcasts are streaming and hit subscribe and make sure to give us a follow at the Culinary call sheet on Instagram.

This episode is brought to you by TABBERT in New American cuisine in one of Washington DC oldest hotels located in Dupont Circle. For more information visit TABBERT

This is Dave Arnold host of cooking issues on heritage Radio Network. I've been a part of the HR and community for nine years nine years. Each week I record my show in the HRM studio made from two recycled shipping containers because I'm excited to bring you our listeners the most important stories from the world of food but not really food more like you know whatever and assassin I happen to be doing at that moment. I you know, technical issues all of us here at HR and make food radio because we love it. This year Hrn is celebrating its 10th anniversary but we need your support to keep food radio going strong for the next decade. During the Asian community today by becoming a member go to heritage radio right now. You can even show some love for my show by selecting cooking issues in the designation drop down menu and if you hate me but loving Anastasia still do that select cooking issues in the designation drop down menu. Thanks for listening to Hrn.

issues coming to you live on Tuesday like a drowned freak these days thank God I always worked under shirt Thank God this guy wears an undershirt 100% of the time

and I have the STD blanket on me. Well you want explain what that is? It's old dirty blanket in the studio that's been here forever

that Mr. Massey has nicknamed the STD blanket

and he got so desperate that she's actually touching so what

happened was is that when we left the house the sun was shining right I was for me anyway I was like oh it's not gonna rain. Yeah, so I wore my shoes that have holes in the in the in the bottoms because I'm walking on dry land. Yeah, you know what I mean? What am I gonna throw away shoe just has got a hole in the bottom. I could buy new shoes. Yeah, right. No Sunday day shoes right Matt Matt in the booth. You have sunny day shoes. They have holes in the bottom

of sunny day shoes. Now today I'm wearing my rain boots because I you know looked. I didn't look

I didn't look just goes to show people. The internet is there for a reason. Look up the weather. Okay, get out of the subway. I'm carrying with me. The classic in the field we're going to talk about today it's in my hand because I was refreshing myself at some of these points starts pouring so I don't have time to like cover my site, just shove the book under my under my vestments and then walk here and man How did I look when I showed up?

You look like you walked out of a swimming pool and The studio that's

true. I took my overshirt off and wrung it out and copious fluids came out of it as though as though it had been in a pool. So,

anyway, okay, we're gonna be at. Well, hello.

Why don't you start with next week we're not going to be here during Crickey didn't Stasi, like it's like you think that they're part of our lives isn't like they know what's going on next week we won't be here. Where are we going to be? We're going to be in Detroit. We're going to we have two things. We're doing one we're judging a contest, which is oh, by the way, I hate contests. I hate to do. But apparently this is a good natured contest. So it's so it's okay. I don't like contests. Okay.

When you were judged on nailed it, I watched it with my own eyes.

So also on Time Machine Chef,

never got aired never happened. So like the, but the issue is, is it nailed it? The people very specifically said that they were going to be good natured about it. And they flew me first class to La we're going first class to Detroit. Okay. But anyway, I they stood up to their promise. It's a good natured show.

Yeah, I love it. Yeah.

I don't know some about contests. Maybe it's because like, you know, I'm not built to win contests. Like I never, like I never do what it takes to win a contest. It's never the thing that I want to do that wins contest, you know what I mean? Sounds like, you know, that's when I, you know, I tell people the bar lose with style.

You never won like a science fair when you were a child, no, science fair winner. No, I

mean, I did some stuff that's totally should have won, like, my, my giant parabolic mirror array from like, 1983, when I was like, 12, that could light like any body and anything on fire, like definitely kick the crap out of anything else. It was all made with this pre internet, I just called every glass and mirror company in the yellow pages. And because I was talking, I was like, well, you can build a little set of mirrors. And you can like make a little bit I was like, little, little, little, little. So I built a four by four foot Mirror Array, like parabolic mirror array with two by fours for the angles, and my dad helped me like figure out, you know, the angles to make sure it was a parabola. And I found a company that was like, you want to buy you want to buy like a couple of hungry four by four inch mirrors? Do they need to look nice? And I was like, nah. And they gave me an amazing rate. This back when you had to look up like mirror and glass and the yellow pages inside called like every place that was, you know, within driving distance, and made a giant solar thing that concentrated the sun into a four by four inch window of death. And then you barely put anything in that you lit it on fire,

like a tiny little Bond villain. Yeah, yeah. But you

know what that doesn't do when that doesn't win because they're like what you can like the judge is on fire. It's gotta count for something. Yeah, the problem with that kind of thing is they have to kind of stay in one place. You know what I mean? It's like, it's like you're like, Oh, a little a little a little, it's cloudy. Come back when the sun's out. I'm gonna get you. I'm gonna get you and then you're like, you aim it exactly. At the angle of the sun. And then you're like, okay, okay, good. Put your hand right here. No, they're not. They're closer. No, no further away now at the focus point, and they're like f f this morning to get lit on fire by this little snot nosed kid. Okay, wait, so we just threw that away. We just threw that away. Like a year ago. My stepfather was like, get the sting out of the house. He doesn't think he needs the space. Was he gonna do with it? Dave? What Detroit? I don't know. You set it up

Cocktail Competition. Okay,

that's on the Tuesday. But it's not a common day. No, the competition is on the Tuesday. Okay. And it's not. It's not done by cocktail people. It's chefs who are doing ingredient driven cocktails. That's the that's the goodwill of it. You know what I mean? That's what makes it different. Yeah. And apparently, I'm told good natured Okay, and then we're making cocktails or making cocktails on the Monday, but here's a little known fact to people who aren't from Detroit. Monday. Is this Monday coming Monday for those of you in the Detroit greater metro area is apparently like the day of the year for firework show in Detroit, not the fourth. It's like next Monday. So we love fireworks. I love fireworks but guess we're not going to see fireworks because we're going to be inside during the firework show apparently entire city is one big firework show right? And nobody goes out on that night and that's so please come to please come if you're in the Detroit Metro area and for some reason I don't know you hate fireworks. I mean, there are some people out there with fireworks that are fireworks. Oh my god. So this weekend, since you know any cough closer to the mic next time? Geez. Like this face here. Yeah. Anyway, so I'm getting rid of my place in Connecticut by the way shout out it went to Coronavirus. Again Togo, Ghana was restaurant. We're packing the place up and I realized I had somewhere in the high hundreds of dollars of illegal fireworks from Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania, by the way of all the states around New York. There's two the two closest illegal Fireworks states, whether they're legal there are New Hampshire and Pennsylvania but in New Hampshire, you can get nice big shells, right? But no rockets. You can't buy rockets in New Hampshire. So if you really want the rockets, you got to go to Pennsylvania. Who doesn't want the rockets? The rockets are fun. So anyway, so on father's day on Sunday, Booker doesn't care. So he went home. My wife Jen definitely didn't want any part of this. So she went home with Booker Dak stayed with me Anastasia, Jack and Bobby from the bar came and we lit off like what was that like? Like a half hour 40 minutes of like continuous Yeah, continuous boom boom boom boom Yeah, so great. Yeah. And the awesome thing about where my house is, you know, is that there's really no way for the cops to find it there's no way for them to know where it is. It just looks like it's coming from the middle of like this like ridgeline there's no way for them to see where it's coming from. Awesome.

Anytime that to some music. Oh, yeah. Well,

you got the Stasio wanted dad rock.

So what was the song we did know you your greatest was the Boston

Oh, Boston foreplay longtime? Yeah. Yeah. It's good, too.

And then you wanted to play gaps in that cradle? Which

is you play that? Yeah. Like Anastasia always had tries to foist stuff off and other people. And my son was right there. I was doing something with my son, so it's clearly not applicable. Yeah. Yeah. Anyways, tandoors already gone out of that house. My mom has it and she's already used it today. So you know, kudos to my mom, my stepfather. Gerard. He hates anything he doesn't understand. So he's like, this 10 What is this? 10 What is this? It's gonna burn through the deck, it's gonna burn through the deck. And I'm like, Troy, listen, listen, it only burns through like 20% of the decks. And he's like, why, why what, like, you know, and specifically, the, you know, I forget where I got, like 100 Tandoor in Jersey and like Southern New Jersey, specifically, a guy designed this Tandoor for decks. It's on wheels

story when you called for a tandoor?

No, no, I will not. I will not. I will not. It's not come to the bar. If you want to hear that story. Yeah, come into the bar. If you want to hear the story of, of buying a tandoor. And, man, whatever.

Someone show up at the bar at requesting one of these stories, it has

happened more than thrice. Cool. Yeah. Call in your questions. 27184972128717184972128, by the way. So to continue with theme of the past couple of weeks and on fire and fire in general. Don't read anything. But do you have any idea? Don't don't read at least ask you. But do you have any idea what this is?

No. Okay. moonrock?

No, no, no. You know, how much moon rocks? Cause when you crack? Moon rocks are expensive. You don't care? Because you don't care about those things?

No, I would like a moon rock. Yeah, but you wouldn't

be willing to pay what I mean, have a lot. I mean, like, they only have so much of it that they brought back. This is also a rocket, there's only so much of so because we've been talking about nuclear warfare. Are they

more than diamonds? I would guess moonrock I mean, like,

it shouldn't be you have to go 250,000 miles to get it. And then 250,000 miles better engagement ring? A moon rod? Yeah. I mean, it doesn't really sparkle. Who cares? You know what I like the way you think. But most people they like to sparkle. You know? You know, most people aren't, aren't you? Hey, Matt, do you have some sort of knife and or scissors? Yes.

Do you have a key right there.

I want to cut it cleanly. It starts he's like, just grab it open. I mean, it's not mine. I don't care what it looks like when it's done, not mine. So this is also a rock that there's only a fixed amount of in the world. It's called Trinity, right. And what happened in New Mexico when they set off the very first nuclear weapon in the desert, outside there, where it was in Alamogordo. wherever the hell they were. At the Trinity site, it turned the desert to glass. And that is a piece of glass from the very first atomic bomb that was ever detonated called Trinity. And people used to go out in the desert and collect it. And then in the 50s, the government got pissed off for people going out there. So they just bulldoze it all over and started to come off into five gallon drums. So this is some of it. And this reminds me of a cooking thing. So Anastasia and I are going to do some ridiculous cooking things over the summer. One of which is the chicken gun, which was spoken about Anastasia, just make up a date, we're going to do it. You tell me why would I tell you next week takes longer than that posted date in the future, such that we can set up what it means to do and then we have to stick to it because otherwise it's never going to happen. Okay, we're gonna do resistive cooking

I wanted to do it on.

This is a these are all kind of postwar cooking things that never happened. But I've been a long time many, many years thinking about kind of atomic level seer, right atomic level seer. So for any of you have ever watched nuclear test videos, which if you haven't, please go out and watch them. They're amazing. But you'll see when They put these test buildings out in the in the desert, and they dropped the bombs. If you look at them, you'll see the initial flash. And then you'll see like smoke just rising off the building and then stopping, because the thermal energy that was delivered to it was enough to Charlie outside instantly. But because it wasn't long enough, it didn't actually catch on fire. Now, I did some research and the numbers for that classic picture that you can see of that wouldn't cited house going poof and smoking but not catching on fire was 700 watts per square inch for about a second. So that is a high number that has a high number of thermal energy to deliver to something but it's achievable. We can literally test searing at nuclear level stuff would you like to do that sometimes doesn't like doing and see how many how many nuclear nuclear pulses it takes to get a nice sear on the outside. Maybe it tastes terrible. We all know that shooting a laser at something makes it taste terrible, at least according to Harold McGee. But anyway, here's a little piece of history to remind you of nuclear searing there's the very first nuclear seared so you open it I mean, why it's all sealed. It's nice

caution radioactive material tape all around it. I mean,

radioactive in the way that like I'm radioactive, not radioactive mean like it was a long time ago. Not a lot of induced radioactivity in the glass. Why worried about it a little

bit? Gonna Hurt my maca explain what

a mark is? No. No, she she's like, she busted out and then she's like, No, this goes back to the stasis. Mom is. This is a term that people actually would not understand. It's Russian. Yeah, but she uses other Russian terms that you might understand. Such as


What's that one?

She's like, What? She can't understand what I'm saying about her. It's in Russian. Why? Yeah. Okay. So Anthony din writes in. Hey, hey crew, Anthony from Seattle writing in I purchased a control freak, which is the very fancy induction hob that was made by rebel in conjunction with PolyScience our friend our friends at PolyScience I purchased a control freak and I've been running into some issues where the unit will frequently trip the circuit in my kitchen. Even if I have nothing else plugged in talking to the building manager. It's a standard 20 amp circuit set to triple 80% Load although he said something stupid. 80% low 20 emphasis 20 freakin amps. My wrong about this. This doesn't know if it says 20 amps. How many amps? Should I get? 20? Should I get 80% of one? No, no. How about you said at the triple 101% Load jerks jerks. But anyway, you need far less than that you need a 15 amp circuit works fine. I plug it into 15 amp circuit so given that a control freak runs at 1800 Watts, it doesn't seem like it should be a high enough load to trip the circuit you are correct. I've also run into this tripping issue running circulators with much lower power requirements 911 100 Watts respectively. The building manager seems to think this is due to the AFCI breakers that department is wired with. Apparently, they're prone to tripping when appliances cycle their heating element. If this is the case, do you have suggestions about what kind of outlets breakers I should be looking forward to new apartment? And then ChefSteps says you should use GFCI Okay, here's the thing. I I've never used an AFCI which is an Arc Fault Interrupter, which is designed to trip if it senses what's called arcing. But even like crappy GFI, GFI is can cause problems. If there's an internal problem with the GCF, I also certain older pieces of equipment. Were like for instance, say we used to have one of the large model Hobart mixers. You know, like, you know, I mean, the large model ones at the school that was equipped with electronics that would blow in any GFI. Right. So even a good modern GFI because they were brand new, it would trip and so we had to go find non GFI circuits to plug this into. And the issue is is that depending on the electronics that are involved, this the it puts some noise back on the power line. And especially if you think about the way that an induction works with it, it's like it's like hunting and hunting for frequencies and doing all this stuff doing a lot of switching, putting some power back on. Again, right into the microphone, Anastasia. Listen, it's like you know when you're talking to someone and you turn your head to cough imagine that the microphone is somebody what do you think that

I you know, I'm just having when the Stasi is on mic. Wow.

I'm thanks. It's like it was such a backhanded comment. Why are you thanking him for that?

Oh, did you see my Charmin bear?

No, no, let's finish this story first. She's trying to get me off with a Charmin bear. I'm getting you off. It's no I mean off topic, cheese, so pullquote so please people, please people. It's hard enough for me to stay on message please. So we're a heck was I so? So I put some noise back on the power line in older equipment. A lot of older electronic equipment can chip trip even regular GFI is because it puts noise back it doesn't like AFCI it's probably since they're not as common. It's probably not designed for that. It's probably tripping it even in your current apartment. Go buy one they're like you can get a good GFI GFI for like $15 at a big box home improvement store. Wire and it should work fine. Mine plug into them all day all night and they work fine. Ah, see. See. See, although, although people I'm not singling the Stasi out. I know people say I'm mean. But Anastasia. It's in the food business. You don't cough into your hand. Where do you cough?

into your elbow grease into the food?

Yeah, elbow grease. I've been still coughing by the way because of the fiberglass. It's not Dave.

We're sick.

I'm not sick. What am I sick from? I don't get sick. We're sick. I'm not sick. For two weeks sick. Yeah, no.

Okay, Chairman bear.

I don't even know. I couldn't look at my list. It was raining.

There was we do have a caller, by the way. All right, caller you're

on the air and then we'll get to the Charmin bear. Hey, Dave. Hey,

I've got a running issue for you.

All right. Running. Like jogging.

Yeah, yeah, jogging. Sure. Yeah. So every now and then the summer, my friends and I will hold a beer mile event. Have you heard of a beer mile?

I have not. Is it like the Century Club where you have to drink 100 shots of beer in an hour?

It's similar in spirit, I guess. So the big girls have a beer mile. All right, you set up around a quarter mile track. And before each quarter mile of what you run for you chug a beer, chug or shadow. So you can't shotgun that's part of the rules. No wide mouth cans, no vortex bottles, none of that nonsense. You know, typical 12 ounce minimum beer 5% alcohol by volume or greater? or greater? or greater? You have a little control.

Right? You know, I would have to say for performance standpoint, you'd want to go with minimum, although you could probably jog a mile before you'd feel the alcohol, right?

Yeah, yeah, well, so the trick, the reason I'm calling is because after you drink that first beer, you're on that first quarter mile, things start sloshing around in your stomach. Foam starts precipitating pressure starts building, it gets really painful. It's not easy. And it's not easy to burp up that foam. You know, the gases are trapped in the foam. So I want to wondering if there's a solution, you know, I have control over the type of beer, the temperature of the beer I can, you know, do any sort of tapping beforehand on the can. But I need to eliminate as much trapped gases both from in the beer and in my stomach because I can

and freshly opened it has to be freshly opened.

Yeah, yeah, you can't you can't doctor it beforehand. So you have to open it right before you run the lab.

Well, what's the newest carbonation beer that exists?

So the carbonation. Yeah. What's

the lowest carbonated beer in the world?

Well, that's a good question. That's,

I mean, it'd be some kind of like, you know, that real stout?

And we said, Well, yeah, but we don't. Yeah, it'd be some kind of British thing, right? You want to go and you want to make sure it doesn't have one of those little like infom inators at the bottom. And you're not allowed to like pour sand into it. Right?

No, but I do have control over the contents of my stomach. I'm not above peds. You know, if there's anything I can take before during the race to I mean, you disrupt the phone wants to

things there. It's there is the problem a what, what has the lowest carbonation but also doesn't produce a nice head like you want basically you want like yeah, incredibly thin, like low bodied beer. You want the lowest body beer that exists? You just want it to be lowered carbonation, then then you'd expect that there's gonna be some terribly produced beer of low carbonation with almost no body. Like you want like the most garbage thin bodied, like, like almost no barley in it. You know what I mean? Like you want like, yeah, yeah. But I'm going the other way. I think you guys should make this race more challenging. And what you have to do is you have to eat a soft serve ice cream cone and then pound the beer.


Oh my god. I've been pushing for an eggnog, five K's right. Nobody's taking me up on that.

Oh, my God. Oh my God. Are you allowed to throw up?

So you have a penalty lap if you can't? Keep the beard down. No,

I'm not recommending this, but I wonder if there's any way you could like, bypass, like, open yourself up so that you're like one long constant burp. Like, but no, you can't. Because then you choke to death, you would choke to death. You don't want to choke to death?

Presumably, that's probably down

at the penalty lab for that penalty lab for choking to death. Yeah, I mean, like, obviously, if you modify it, there was a not proud of it. But I was a member of the drinking team. So I can enter the mic. Again.

was at Yale with squee. And

no squeezing go there. Please don't get me started with these people. So what we used to you cheat by using stale beer, like stale old beer? You know what I mean? Yeah, right, right. Yeah. I mean, are you above cheating? Because we could put up we could put a micro you could put, you could put a micro hole in the can that no one will see. And then just let it let it gas. Just let it gas off for like a week and a half. And then like, you know, that's cheating. I can't endorse cheating on the show. Wait,

how would you do? Well, there's

there's only so much honor in the beer mile. That's right. Although if you look at the records, they're pretty. They're pretty out of this world, I think. Four minutes. 30 seconds. Something like that. real serious, folks.

Yeah, that's including drinking the beer. Right, right. So do you do you drink then run or run drink? In other words, do you end with a beer and with a lap?

You start with a beer and with the lab and you have to you can't drink while you're running? You drink before

lap. So it's like the pistol goes off. And then you hear all the clicks? Yep. Okay, how many competitors are that isn't a sport I didn't know existed?

Well, you know, we it's kind of impromptu for us when we do it. Maybe like, between five and 10.

Have you been in one of these five or 10 people that you can run a four and a half minute and drink for beer? No, no,

that's that's national. I'm

nowhere near that. All right, well, you know what, you should also start practicing your javelin catching, which is the sport that I want to say, javelin catching. Now, I think you can get this done. I think it's just a research problem of like, research on like one of those rate berating sites for like, Oh my God, no carbonation. Oh my god, this has no body, you know, either of those things will win. If the beer has no body, you'll be able to burp up, you know? Alright, you're halfway there. If the beer is like a Corona, you can burp up a Corona. Right? Because it has no body. Right? Sure. Because right. Yeah, right. So that's one way to go. But imagine if someone made something with his little body as a Corona that also had very low carbonation. Then your winter the BMI or something? Yeah. And clearly don't eat any dairy beforehand. Stone, Tony, what

temperature? Do I want this room temps?

Ah, look, I don't really I wouldn't go room temp. Just because again, not proud of this have shotguns many beers. But if you with uncertain occasions, you can get like these like rapid, rapid nucleation things happening in your throat when you're drinking really quickly. And that itself can be quite painful. You know what I mean? Like when you're drinking? Yeah. And so, you know, that can be that can be problematic. And so you don't, I mean, you want to get we used to drink other we drink one flat beer, I would say that warm, just open beer is probably more prone to that then beer that's a little bit colder, which is going to make it down before it does that. Are you allowed to squeeze the contents of the can into your mouth? That's another way to go.

They recommend against it. But you know, we're a little more informal, probably. Yeah.

Although it might make the last couple of dribbles Vader, I don't know how they test the weight of the can afterwards to make sure that you don't cheat. It's a classic shotgunning trick that when you are finished, you crushed the can and throw it and you lose. Like you know, half an ounce or so from the toss. It's undetected. Yeah. Yeah. Classic.

The classic trick is you put the camera over your head upside down. And

how do you do that? You gotta you got running to do what is this? What do you got time? Over your head? You have to hire some sort of like, you have like in a duel, some sort of second to put the camera over their head. Yeah, and let us know. Let us know how it works. All right, thanks. Oh, by the way, are you? Are you better winning on the drinking side or the running side? Seems to me, you're probably a specialist in one. You know what I'm saying? Like, yeah,

well, it definitely is advantageous to be really good at one rather than you know, a jack of all trades, but running for me. Yeah, I have trouble burping. Yeah. Are you married? Oh no

Stassi for you. All right. Good luck with this. Let us know. Elvin wrote in about peanut butter steak. Hello, Anastasia. Dave, Dave, Matt, Jackie, etc anyone else in the room? Longtime first time running in love the bar accidentally became a NOC quite regular even though I don't even live in the same state, city or coast. I'm curious if anyone has asked it. What Why do you? What do you wait? What do you need to cut? Don't cut anything on my button. And I'm in the middle of reading the person's question. She's like, they can't hear that. I'm asking you for the scissors. Anyway. I'm curious if anyone has asked about this meme that seems to be exploding on the souviens subreddit. Basically, people spread peanut butter on a steak low tempted and wipe it off before searing. Apparently the resulting product tastes really good and not peanut butter at all. But I feel like I should try to reach a theoretical explanation before trying it myself. That's a mistake. Just try it and then throw it through. All theories are garbage by the way, including the one that I'm going to give you. By the way to start that you couldn't have just reached over and gotten the scissors

thus far, I haven't been able to test it but I'm really curious. PS I know Jack and Bobby at the bar last week with this very question to try to avoid sending it in to no avail pass on my thanks for tolerating my low quality individuality as well. Thanks, Elvin. So I watched a video by someone who claims to have thought of this idea. on his own, I forget the guy's name. But the theory was that he likes peanut on beef and Vietnamese cuisine. So he was going to white peanut butter on the steak and sushi did and everyone on the video went like you know crazy for how good it was. Now, I have not tried it. But again, theory all theories are garbage. However, what is peanut butter made up? If you asked me to think about it and not having tried it, you wipe peanut butter on you cook it you wipe the peanut butter off and sear it now there are a couple things I would like to know everyone in the video said that it was one more tender to more beefy, and you know, three, just delicious as for more tender, I don't really understand why there's not a lot of tenderizing agents in peanut butter that I'm aware of. It's salt, sugar, oil and peanut solids, right, that's what you got in peanut butter, you got your salt, your sugar, your oil, and your peanut solids. So the this could be one of those cases of you know, like I like to put mayonnaise on things before I'm going to serum, it could be a cake because man is fundamentally is solid oil. It's solidified oil plus egg yolks. So you know, the egg yolk is good for browning and oil is obviously good for, you know, for serum. So this could be a case of like similar demands, but even thicker, with the addition of the sugar, which in low concentrations is not going to be perceived as burn, but it's going to be perceived more as a searing thing, like a small amount of sugar. You know, which could, depending on the sugar involved probably also help for my art. So there's that and the oil is going to help with you know getting good contact between the pan you're sitting on are going to sit on and the meat itself. So that's one explanation to I'd like to know whether or not I mean, I don't know if there's not that much salt in peanut butter. So I doubt you're gonna get any salt, pre salting something's, obviously a long, long discussion that I can't get into right now. But I'd like to know whether there's more drip loss or more drip in a bag with a peanut butter steak versus not peanut butter steaks. So when you wipe that peanut butter on the steak, you're in essence wiping another sealant over the meat exactly across on the ends of the fibers where you're going to get a lot of liquid coming out. So it's conceivable that you are inconceivable if it's conceivable that you are sealing some of the moisture in as well. And that could be the extra juiciness. I don't know I'd have to run some taste tests. Also things like peanuts just taste good. And so maybe seared peanut on the outside also increases beefy taste. Now for those of you that say, well, there's no penetration of the peanut butter so can't really affect the taste of the meat. You're definitely wrong about one half of what you said it's probably true that there's little to zero little to no penetration of the actual product onto the inside of the meat. But just saying that things like spices marinade etc are only on the outside of the meat therefore they don't add a lot of flavor is incorrect because a lot of the flavor of cooked meat is from the outside where those kinds of interactions can take place. And so they're quite important even if you don't have a lot of penetration. Which is why if you cook a large large hunk of meat and then just like large and then cut it directly in half and then cut a small cube out of the center are relatively flavorless no matter what you do to it. So I'd say give it a try. I'm gonna try it. I hadn't thought about it but now that you know I'm theoretically writing my book on this subject, I will. I will have to test it out and then give give props to the inventor if I can determine exactly who it is. Sherman bear. What is this about Charmin bear?

He was in Union Square, riding a toilet animatronic giant bear?

It's not animatronic it's a human. animatronic. It's not animatronic. It's a human being.

No, it's animatronic it was moving like an animatronic.

It's, there's no such thing as a freewheeling animatronic bear it's a human being on a cried jazzy. It's not anyway, it's not remote control. It's a person. The Stasi? How would you think that like? Why? like it'd be so much easier to just hire one of those because it was the idiots outside of Time Square animatronic? Yeah, but watch watch. Alright, yeah, move moving like an animatronic, but I'm still relatively a human being.

You guys built an animatronic Dave. See?

See? Where's my red book that you took care? We're gonna go to the thrift store after this. People don't know what you're talking about. We're building. People say I'm mean. But like, after all these years, man what episode numbers is 1000? I forget right all these years, right? You have to preface anything you say to the listener making information for our PR person All right, what? We can't say it because you've been wandering saying it on air, but it's but look out for it. They want you to say so you're saying tune in next time? Yeah, and we will discuss the special we

are we're making boondoggles for her. Yeah, but we're we're doing something even more special. We already talked

about boondoggles on the air right. A little Oh, yes.

plasticky things.

What's our current boondoggle song.

I think it's the shot a one

boondoggle later that won the Grand Canyon and Winter Sale

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So if there are no more callers on the air,

well, you have a question from the chat actually.

What do you got for me?

Robert asks if Dave has any thoughts on the new isI nitro siphon and any uses for it beyond coffee and beer, he says sort of rude in my opinion for isI to make the Nitro system incompatible with our current isI siphons so on the fence about it?

Yeah, okay. him my phone associate, please. I need a little picture. The for those of you that don't know, the new Nitro, which they shouldn't have, I wish they hadn't. Okay, this is one of those confusing things. The new iisi nitro thing is not nitrous oxide. And so the nitrous nitrous that you buy for whipped cream, or for rapid infusion, or the co2 that you buy for seltzer water, or whatever else from from EC, they are both compatible seven gram chargers. All you know, they all of that stuff's compatible back and forth. This new nitro is not nitrous. It is nitro straight nitrogen. And what it's doing is under pressure, it's putting nitrogen, nitrogen is not soluble. And so what happens is, is you get that it like immediately bubbles and creates that kind of foamy texture that you get from like a widget in in a Guinness. Right. So it's not the same gas mixture. And I guess that's why they made it not compatible. I don't know. Like maybe the pressures are higher. I don't know I, I had a conversation with them briefly at the bar because they came to demonstrate it to us. But, I mean, honestly, could they have made it compatible? They probably could have made it compatible, but they didn't want you to use one for the other I guess so that they they didn't do it. Although that's not a problem for them with co2 versus nitrous. I don't remember their story about why it wasn't compatible. I'm not going to say that i i My feeling is is that if I believed that it was a good story, I probably would have. I probably would have remembered it. So I probably also agree with you that I didn't think it was such a good story as to why they made it incompatible. All right. Now, for this week's episode of class return on the field here we have making pigeons pay, which is a classic that first came out in 1949. And is still considered to this day, a classic in the field of raising pigeons. Now, the for those you that don't know, the Stasi, you knew that squad was pitching, right?

Yes. All right. But I didn't know that till I was like, 30.

Yeah, yeah, it's not well, for those for people who, you know, speak other languages, right, like French, right? Where it's more kind of apparent. You know, it's kind of clear like, we're used to eating squat. In fact, I was at a three Michelin star restaurant in France, you know, well over a decade ago. And I know what made me mean, we spent our last time on it. Anyway, we went in there, and we were lost. So for those you have been to Paris, there's this restaurant. I don't even know if what's still doing but love. The pre Catalina thing is what it's called. It's, it's in the blood of Milan, which is this kind of area kind of on the outskirts of Paris, and it's where all the hookers hang out. Right. And we were spending all of our money on the meal. And we have reservation, we don't speak French. And so we've got lost, there was no Uber there was no nothing like no cell phones, nothing. We got lost. And we were walking around the water water bill and trying to ask hookers how to get to this restaurant. And we were an hour late to our reservation, they still satis and they were you know, they were quite nice to us. Anyway, the waiter came, they weren't really nice to us because they were French. No offense, France, but you know that your service is not about being friendly. To me. It's about you know, being kind of more austere. It's more austere service style. You prefer a terian service style, right? And fasciae where they're kind of more friendly. Yeah, I do. Do you know, they austere French service? I do, like austere friendship. Anyway, so very austere, not American, French, French, French. And so the guy comes up, and he's giving us you know, and I have my high school French with me, you know, which is basically crap. And he's like, serving us the pigeon, which you know, squad, and I tried to joke to the guy, I was like, hey, try serving something called pigeon in New York City, right? Am I right? Nothing. Nothing? Nothing? dead eyes, dead eyes.

$855,000. For moonrock.

I use Mr. Massey still on the moonrock. I like how like, how many different people's Wi Fi did you have to parasitize to get that information? Because those of you that don't know, there's no internet service in this little box that we have. She had to like, he had to go buy a satellite phone and download it one bit per year to get the information. How much

855 I can't see how much 3014 inch? Nope, I'll find it. Like how

many carats is this rock?

I don't know. Let me figure it out.

This is what you want for your engagement. Right? Yes. For those of you if you plan on trying to get engaged to Anastasia Lopez. Alright, so anyway, so squad is young pigeon. Now the thing about squad that is cool. I want the reason I have this book Making pigeons pay first published in 1946. And I believe still in print. So right after the war, is I wanted to raise pigeons in Connecticut. I wanted a dovecote, because here's another thing. So squabs are the yet flightless pigeons. So the way pigeons grow is that they have the you know, they lay eggs that pigeons hatch, the full squad hatches, it grows to two thirds of its adult size before it ever flies. So it is extremely tender. It is never flown. So you don't have to worry about trying to catch it right. And here's the other great thing. Adult pigeons are just going to make another pigeon as soon as that one leaves, so they don't really get attached to it once it's gone. So as long as you take the squad out of the out of the nest right before it would have flown, you get a super tender bird never never flown, and the parents don't care, they just make another bird. So it's kind of this genius thing. So what they what what the old time folks used to do, they would make something called a dove coat. And this is where is how I come to this because I wanted to build a dove coat is you would create and you can still see them in Europe. And some places even in the US these large kind of almost like large beehive things off and sometimes they're square with holes in them. And what happened is the inside you could get into it so the pigeons would poop inside. And the people could go inside because you could use the poop for manure, people will go inside to go steal the squat out of the nest before they fly. But there were holes to the outside so that the pigeons could fly out. And this is kind of what I learned from one of the things I learned from this book we're going to talk about the pigeons would fly out and eat whatever so the nobility never used to feed their pigeons. In fact, you are not allowed as a common person you were not allowed as illegal to raise pigeons because what the pigeons did was fly out and eat everybody's crops. So it was kind of like another tax. At the nobles had on the peasantry because they weren't allowed to kill or raise these pigeons, but they weren't allowed to mess with them when the noble persons pigeons came to eat their crops go back and raise little birds that the nobility got to eat. In addition, the pigeons are good at scrounging even in wintertime for whatever's lying around and creating more meat for you to have in the wintertime. So anyway, so it's a win win for everybody. But two things. The reason I didn't make the dovecote in my house was one, every one of my family said, If you murder those baby pigeons, we won't eat them. So I'm not going to sit there and eat the baby pigeons all by myself. Right? Yep. And to it's kind of rude to send animals out specifically to eat everybody else's stuff and fly back and you get to it's a drupe. And in modern kind of pigeon raising, which is how I got to this book, modern pigeon raising, it's considered kind of in poor taste, to allow your pigeons to freely roam, so that they may ravage the countryside so that you may have a nice meal. So if you look even to this day, like I want to learn about pigeons, there are three books exactly three books that are highly recommended. And they are all by the same guy. Wendell Mitchell Levy, he died in 1976. The actually I'm not gonna talk about the most classic book, The most classic book he wrote, it's called the pigeon. And it is like the pigeon Bible in the way that for you, those of you who are book aficionados, Ashley's book of knots is like the not Bible. The pigeon to this day is still is still the Bible for all manner of pigeons. So we're talking, we're talking homing pigeons. We're talking eating pigeons, we're talking pigeon, feathers, we're talking pigeon, pigeons, pigeons, pigeons. If you want to know about pigeons, right, the pigeon by levy is the book to get, it's quite expensive. But for very little money, you can go online, I have the I think seventh or eighth printing from the 70s. That is actually ex ex, ex libris. From a middle school library. We're trying to get middle school people to read it. If you're actually interested in just raising pigeons, and you want the bare rudiment of knowledge to get into pigeon Gree. Making pigeons pay is not only a great title of a book, but is the book you want to get. Now, a little bit about a little bit about our boy, Wendell Levy, he was he was born in the late 1800s and started raising his own pigeons when he was 11. By the time the First World War broke out, he became the first lieutenant in charge of Pisa in charge of the pigeon section of the USA Signal Corps because not just food pigeons, an expert in homing pigeons. He did that from 1917 to 1918. During the time the United States was in World War One. He then became the president founder and chairman of the Palmetto pigeon plant from 1923, tells retirement in 1956, and then became chairman of the board. I mean, how many people on the board of the frickin Palmetto pigeon plan? He was the president. He really he was the editor of the question and answer department of the American pigeon journal from 1927. Until apparently this book was published. I didn't even know that was a journal and the president of the National pigeon Association from 1931 to 1933, as well as the president of a bunch of actual breed pigeon breed associations. So anyway, so if you want to know about pigeons, he's he's your guy. Now he read some choice, choice words from making pigeons pay. It is my hope that through this book, many persons desirous of earning a livelihood and undecided as to their future may find in squad raising an answer to their dreams. I'm an independent outdoor existence. Commercial squad raising is a sound business for one with the necessary qualifications. It can also be made a well paying sideline. So what what's interesting in my uncle my crazy Well, I have several crazy uncles but my uncle Rick, there was a lot of schemes for raising animals in the depression and just post war in United States where they were like, Hey, you got nothing else to do. You got a house. You got something you can raise animals for money and make a lot of money. So I have another book on how to raise rabbits if you're interested. The interesting thing about that one on chinchilla rabbits is the chinchilla rabbit poem. So if you want to hear that chinchilla rabbit poem, we got to do classics in the field chinchilla rabbit at some point, let me know let me know. So then we see what else do I have here? Making pigeons pay

children's character loved pigeons. What do you remember?

No, Bert, oh, Bert. Pigeons human pigeon song. He did the pigeon dance. He did the pigeons dance even my favorite quote from Bert. No brother.

I heard that he was created as everyone's idea of a blind date. Watch Yeah. Like that. He is what the producer called everyone's idea of a blind date.

So when you show up at a blind date, you're like bird you And then do you say the young of pigeons has been recognized as a delicious and nourishing food for many centuries. As far back as we can trace recorded history, we find the young pigeon a preferred article of diet among the many peoples of antiquity. And the Gibsonville affair about 5000 years old records their use of that time among the ancient Hebrews and this actually is true. Their desirability as a choice article of food was well recognized. They called them young pigeons and not squabs for the word squad has only been used in English speaking countries for the past couple of centuries. Abraham, about 1913 BC was ordered to use a young pigeon as a sacrifice to God. The subsequent mosaic laws were very strict in approving various foods, and especially so because of the existing hot weather and consequent quick spoilage doves actually, small pigeons and young pigeons are the only fowl suitable under the Law of Moses to be used as sacrifices, chickens, ducks and geese though raised at that time, we're not acceptable then in a couple quotes from Leviticus and it is true that you could sacrifice a lamb if you were rich, but remember when we did the Anthony Bourdain, what would Jesus eat for Christmas? Yep, yeah. Turns out that when Jesus was born, Joseph and Mary didn't have a lot of money so for a sacrifice, they did squad, and we cooked the squad in a Palestinian what amounted to a tandoor for Anthony Bourdain, when he was doing his Christmas special all those years ago. Remember, we made that fake tandoor. All right, the ancient Greeks and Romans were also fully cognizant of its superior food value. With their early writings, many references to raising pigeons as food Socrates discusses their breeding. Aristotle discusses discourses on their characteristics and habits and actually describes five distinct breeds or domestic pigeons. In Rome about 2000 years ago, pigeons were in a high state of cultivation. And the Roman writers described pigeon raising for food purposes in great detail. Then he goes into a very long if you're curious, which you should be, if he goes he goes into very long discussion of the intricacies of pigeon raising in United States, including how to raise them on railroad right of ways. But I want to find what he says about the meat of pigeons, alright. Compared with chicken, probably the most popular of all foul meats it is tender has a richer flavor and does not have the dryness which is often found in chickens unless they're very competently cooked. The meat of very young lamb is quite tender, but not as tender as that as squabs and young land as a flavor that does not appeal to everyone. About the only meat on our national market today that seriously competes with squad is filet mignon, it good filet mignon was always tender. It has a flavor that quite justify quite justifiably appeals to many, but the size of the squad fits exactly in with a formal serving no carving of the table as necessary, and individual portions are of the exact same size which is a real asset. Again, squad meat lends itself to a great variety of cooking roasted with or without stuffing, broil, fried smothered in fact anyway that the most enterprising cook may desire see recipes on page 253 Yes, he teaches you how to raise them how to buy them, how to breed them, how to kill them, how to skin them, how to sell them, and how to cook them making pigeons pay by levy issues. Oh, yeah, cookie.

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