Cooking Issues Transcript

Episode 334: Streaming Issues

Hello, everybody, and welcome to a brand new series on heritage radio network called the culinary call sheet where we give a peek into the back kitchen of culinary media. I'm your host, April Jones,

and I'm your co host, Darren bresnitz. Part of why we started the show was to offer an unofficial mentorship for anyone who's interested in learning about all aspects of food and video, whether that's TV, social media online, or just something you want to do for fun.

Absolutely what was once niche or a little silly, as I'm sure you remember, Darren, when we started out, this man has now become such a massive playing field for so many creatives using food as the medium.

It's something that has driven us professionally and personally, for so many years. What excites me the most about this show is that we're going to sit down with some of the industry leaders to hear how they made it and what drew them into this industry.

With 20 years in the culinary production game ourselves. We're hoping we can give through these conversations an insider's view into personal stories from the field, as well as an in depth behind the scenes look into some of the most popular food programming. In today's evolving culinary media landscape.

We'll be covering everything from how to style your food, to how to license IP, to developing your own ideas, and some tips from the masters of how to host your own show.

Yeah, it's a little bit of conversation, how to and how do you do the things that you do in color media, which I'm so excited about? I love so many of the guests that are coming on this season. We have talent from Food Network from Vice media eater refinery 29,

we've met some of the best people in the world both in front of and behind the camera. And we're bringing them all together to share their stories, their delicious adventure and their unique journey into this crazy world.

So to be the first to hear our episodes when they launched this fall, go to wherever podcasts are streaming, and hit subscribe and make sure to give us a follow at the Culinary call sheet on Instagram.

This episode of Cooking issues is brought to you by Bob's Red Mill, an employee owned company that has been offering organic stone ground products for decades. Their flowers and whole grains are the highest quality and are minimally processed in their stone mill in Oregon, visit Bob's Red to shop their huge range of products, use the code cooking 25 for 25% off your order that's cooking, and then the number two and the number five for 25% off your order.

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If you look at the length of human history, we've been eating insects a lot longer than we haven't been in the United States and Western Europe.

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Hello, this is Dave Arnold, your host your cooking issues coming to you. Why because there's no freaking internet here. And there are no telephones and Roberta's pizzeria in Bushwick Brooklyn on the heritage Radio Network. Well, you're just that's just your phone. That's a game you have apparently, you know, Brooklyn Tech Hub that is we have no internet here. And Dave in the booth, how're you doing? I'm good. How are you? How are our voice over IP telephones working Dave? We don't have voice over IP telephones. So don't bother calling in your questions to 718-497-2128 because you can't listen to this live anyway because it's not on the internet. Here's some more fun news. This particular area of Brooklyn is a blackout zone for at&t. Anastasia. What carrier Do you have? CNT Booker who's here it's bring your child to work life. What do you have? What carrier Do you have? What what your who's your telephone carrier?

ATN T Yes.

So am I so that means we have zero internet here now.

I don't even need to use internet for what I'm doing. I am apparently I am playing brick breaker which has been keeping me up late. Every night these this past week

yeah brick breaker is from from the BlackBerry back in the day

but many people missed it so it's now available for iPhone.

Yeah so I was gonna push something that we're doing at the bar tomorrow existing conditions but I guess there's no point in just not going out live

well it's good to go out and let an hour or so. Yeah, I

mean I can still post this on the internet that's where everybody's gonna hear it anyway. No internet no it Yeah. And like I was gonna try to get Chris Young from ChefSteps to call into you know answer one question that I didn't even bother really looking at the answer to because I'll go I'll go right to the source but we can't

he won't be young for long he will

he will always be He's forever young. It's his last name ever young now. This means they have you got to use your brain and not the internet. Well, except for like, you know, that's great if you'd counted on using your brain but since I haven't been able to use my brain effectively for how many years assassin many decades. So anyway, as the listeners of the show will know. Booker, my eldest son Booker is working for Anastasia as you say illness son eldest eldest,

your as it was some laughter HUBZone

Yeah. Anyway, is working for Anastasia at pasta flyer. And Booker apparently has no conception of how scheduling works. Right? And Stasi, right? Like because

I'm so 16 I am 17 year olds that work there. And 16

Yeah, learn to tell time when I was a little younger than that. Yeah, no. So So Booker's big thing is he's like, so I want to work today. How's about today? And he's like, Booker makes his own schedule for the restaurant without bothering to tell the person who's doing the schedule for the restaurant. How does that work out? stand out? Okay.

Not I didn't know.

I told you the last time you worked.

Now, right. Now he knows. Now he knows and knowing means to battle to GI Joe. Yeah, you know, I told you about the pork chop sandwich, right? They've no, you know about everyone. I'm assuming that many people who listen to this have seen the fake GI Joe what a real pi GI Joe PSAs. Pa Joe is private investigator cousin. Yay. Where they they remix the end and they add stuff. So anyway, my one of my favorite ones is pork chop sandwiches. You know that one right, Dave? No, you're not cuz I can't I can't go to YouTube zone. Yeah, but you should already have seen this 1000 times. I don't have children. So excuse me. This was when you were a child. This came out when you were still in diapers practically. You're not cooking? Yeah, did bad, bad, bad, bad. And then the guy runs pork chop sandwiches. And then he says a bunch of not safer radio stuff and goes in and then gets the kids out. Anyway. So like Bobby Murphy at the those of you who know, well know, Bobby Murphy at the bar was developing a pork chop sandwich, which is an Iowa Do you know, I will pork chop sandwiches about this already. Anyway, pork chop sandwich. I talked about the portrait sandwich and how they're like huge, like silly, this giant schnitzel coming out of a ridiculous piece of bread. Yeah, so we're having Bobby's version of the Iowa pork chop sandwich. Pork Chop sandwiches tomorrow? Tomorrow? No, it won't be. That's on the full menu. So tomorrow the at the bar existing conditions. There are still some tickets available. I think there's a couple tickets available. I would search how to get to the website. But But I don't have internet. And I don't have it on the top of my head. Dave, as you expect me to have everything what the site is, but it's I think it's on some crazy site called brown paper bag or something. You heard of this thing? Yeah. It's like a ticketing site. I think so I think it's on. I think it's on that go to my Twitter, go to cooking issues. If you're interested tomorrow night. We're having a preview because we don't have our liquor license yet. Supposedly, supposedly, the SLA the State Liquor Authority Board is meeting tomorrow and tomorrow is the day that we will have the firmness of liquor license in our you know, sweaty little palms and we can announce the official official opening date of existing condition and where to get firm. Right? But tomorrow, we're going to do a preview and it's being sponsored by I think either by mace or by Boilermakers. So another bar is sponsoring our bar so that we can buy liquor. Funny Oh,

I gotta tell you this, okay? Sit um, when Booker and DAX closed. The new bar cannot keep that name. And um, and then I say, Oh, how about DAX and Booker?

Right. Well, I still hope I mean, I still hope someday to reopen a booker and DAX would you like to be able to someday go to a bar and or a restaurant that had your name on it, Booker.

It would be a little awkward but nice.

I think DAX would enjoy it. Yeah. Anyway, whatever. We'll work on it. Okay, so longtime listener and, you know, what do you call that the correspondent? Not insensitive, like correspondent News correspondent, but one who corresponds with you. Yeah, right. Kang Baroda and he says, Hello, Anastasia. I lost track of how recent the podcast on cooking body parts was was recent. But I listened, found it grimly amusing the funny and quirky Dave Sideris Davidson errs has a new book that includes his adventure of his fatty tumor and how to feed it to turtles. That sounds gross. You hate the word tumor, right? Yeah,

I know. Yeah. It's usually a sign of cancer.

Yes. I was also disappointed to learn the same show that you are the world's worst friend. I was talking to the Stasi here. I mean, I heard it before but I didn't think much of it

dad said his ringtone to him saying you were mean to me whenever she calls

him that that is true. But when I've heard the same thing several times I cannot I can just not always I cannot just dismiss it. Although as I think of it, all the allegations come from the same source. I'm checking once again to see if you ever watched her get the link to Dave and family to insist they watched even banks home entertainment, which is an old ad thing so you guys can go look it up on the internet if you're a fan of 80s Entertainment. Yes, I did. Watch it. I enjoyed it. Okay, that's from Kennedy Lindbergh. Now, about this guy, you chopped his foot off. A listener sent to Anastasia the Reddit through the direct Reddit thread that apparently, if you scroll through a bunch of stuff, you can get to this person's email because we wanted to contact him and perhaps get Mr. Foote Eater on the show. How'd you like that? Dave? I'm ambivalent about that. Your hand waving around but you wouldn't want to have Mr. Foot either call in and people could ask him questions about eating or wait, what's the backstory? Here? He eats feed? Oh, you don't remember? Oh, you weren't there for this episode? Was this one that was filling in? Yeah, this guy lost his foot in a motorcycle accident and ate it? Well, we had a chef friend cook it. And then why consumed it with friends. He was in a motorcycle accident. That doesn't answer my question why the guy was on the table probably high out of his mind or whatever they were giving him to not pass out from you know the pain. And the doctor said we amputated your foot and the first words out of his mouth. Keep it

speaking of amputations. I just got my ingrown toenail cut away. And since it was infected, I was very worried that the toe would have to be amputated.

For releases. This is what we call on the trade book or too much information. Too much information. Anywho. Okay, sorry. The guy wanted to freeze dry, but he didn't have the cash. So he cooked it instead. Fair, fair. Anyway, this is a real person. He's on the Reddit and someone sent Anastasia a way to contact this person, the Reddit thread. Apparently his email is in the Reddit thread. But just so everyone knows. Miss dasya did not have the stomach to sift through the photos to look for the dude's email address. Doris Day to do it. So she asked me to do it this morning. Yeah, so if you do it, why do I have to do it? You have to do it. David, do you want to do it? If I can save in the booth? Wait, what? Sorry. I was distracted because the internet just came back. Oh.

My brother loves that horn.

Well, what do you want me to do? You're gonna pay me to do something. Now the way Harris radio network is gonna pay you to find this guy's email to get him on as a Yeah, I can probably do that, sir. Yeah, but like, Yeah, but so So Miss Das, he is not willing to sift through all the pictures of frozen foot, feet away. Right foot one foot. I kind of don't have the stomach for those kinds of things. Oh, Steve. Oh, get it done, guys. Okay, Colin, all your questions. 27184972128. That's 718-497-2128 it's pretty good imitation there, Dave. I like that. I've been working on it. Nice. So you want to see if Chris Young is available? Yeah. Good morning. All right. And I'll do the next question here while we're waiting for it. All right. My name is Laura Maddox. This is not me. My name is not learn Maddox. This is someone writing in my name is Laura Maddox. And I work at a cocktail bar in Austin Texas called small victory owned and operated by Josh loving we use your that was my it was kind of Casey Casey Maskull. Huh? I wish right Casey caisson you ever asked? No, I've said this before on the radio be ever listen to the flatland. You know, flatland the old band. They got a recording of Casey Casey losing his mind.

I've heard that one.

It's It's amazing about the dead dog. It's about the dead dog. And you too, and like and it's him going

completely mentioned dead dogs. It makes me very sad. No, he's like,

so Booker. He has to introduce the YouTube and he hasn't clearly doesn't know much about you too at all. And he's introducing this thing. And he's going from a happy song into this. Like dog dying and you lose his mind. He's like, I go from a happy song into freaking dogs dying. Bullshit. He starts screaming and yelling say things like deadly shit. Deadly shit and they go what are you doing? Family Show you bleep it. This is a quote. I can't believe it a Casey Kay some quote, I can't change the quote. I could try. I'll try to change the quote. He goes. He goes about you too. And you'll appreciate this. He goes See, these guys are English and who gives a damn like, and I'm like first of all first of all not English. Second of all everyone everyone gives me like it's so weird anyway and in the back they have I forget what you two song It's like It's like unforgettable fire something playing with like a real Tinky rinky dinky like Casio tone in the background. Amazing Flatland. Check it out. If you want to hear a case the case I'm losing as my business back by the way before everyone and their sibling like leaked like studio tapes out this was like the 80s You know what I mean? So it was pretty funny. These guys are English and who gives up fiddly, fiddly anyway, it's like you like it right? Yeah. All right. Anyway, I don't know how we got on that. We use your cordial with Aguilar technique from liquid intelligence as a foundation for our house lime cordial. What'd you think about the word Cordial? Cordial. Do you like when someone says when you say you're being cordial it means you hate someone right? That means you're being nice to them even though you hate them. Yeah, right. They were cordial. Anyway. I was hoping to get a few tips on procedure and equipment that might help us increase our yield. Below is a recipe we've adapted for our space 500 grams of lime juice finely strained 250 grams of white sugar, approximately 50 gram of lime zest 250 grams water and two grams of ag our powder. Alright, so when we look here basically

the way you and unseeded water like water, water.

So you have 750 grams of water and two grams of Agbar powder. So right off the bat it's a little high on Aguilar, so you could go I mean I typically use two grams per liter on Aguilar. So for my stuff and the firmer the Aguilar is and it's not linear by the way. The firmer the Ag bar is, the less yield you're gonna get so anyways, with paddle attachment Miss mix zis and sugar and KitchenAid for approximately 20 minutes. Let rest 10 minutes add lime juice and mix until sugar dissolves strain outlines this and set the OLIO lime OLIO aside stir the egg or powder into water at room temperature until it is fully well until it is dispersed you can't dissolve it you say dissolve here but it's dispersed. Bring to boil, stirring continually for two to three minutes. Transfer ag our mixture to heatproof container slowly pour lime OLIO into ag our mixture, whisking continuously. Once mixed, put cordial into freezer for one hour until ag our gel set doesn't really need to be in a freezer. But yeah, you could do that. Or you could put it if you don't want to freeze freeze it unless you're doing freeze thaw in which case go ahead but yeah, you want it to set as soon as it really gets down below room temperature. It'll set an ag our sets pretty quickly. Just once it goes all the way through. Don't disturb it though. Until so it's good to put it in there just so that people don't mess with it. Don't you find people always messing with things and sighs Yeah, especially in the Stasi loves to poke at stuff. They never tell the story on air Dave about Anastasia and fmdc Blue. Yes. Do you remember that one day? What was it? About Anastasia and fmdc Blue? What is it number two ever tell you that one? No. So fmdc Blue. I think it's two right stars. I can't remember the one that they use in all of the all of the foods like blueberry and whatnot. So like it's the stuff where if you eat 50 packages of blueberry your poop green for a little while because as FGCU goes through your body, it turns green. No, in fact, so we got it for I forget what experiment we were doing with it at the French culinary. I was like, hey, Anastasia don't mess with it. And then I went to go get lunch. And I came back and I was like You messed with it and a stylist and she's like, What are you talking about? How do you know her whole face was blue. Her whole face Dave was blue. Because the other thing you got to know about Anastasia Amina was Boo Boo she can't help but touching her face. This is a fact I know. So I didn't warn her that like this stuff doesn't look so bad. But if even the smallest particle of it gets on your hands and then you touch anything else that's something becomes blue so her face was like freaking violet Beauregard. Out of Willy Wonka. It was amazing. It was awesome. Willy Wonka. Everyone loves Willy Wonka. But everyone I think the old one right but what do you think of the new one?

The new one is so creepy and monka is just so rude in the new one was never seen and he's he's just an idiot. What's more, it's like he wants the he he derives pleasure out of watching the kids getting her in his factory.

Yeah, yeah, well sick. Yeah, yeah. Well, Booker

treats Mike TV like trash. Well, mighty It makes me sick Booker. Even though Mike TV is kind of a jerk Wonka still disrespects him.

Yeah. So Booker, what is your alarm tone?

You get nothing. You lose. Good day, sir.

You know, Booker, my My dream man in life has always been Gene Wilder. You know,

your dream man is in a box. I

know. But like if you wanted to, like bring

some insight into your psyche that I didn't Oh, Johnny Depp is the is the actor of the trashy Willy Wonka. That means a bad word in German.

I don't know about that. I took German I never heard that. That anyway. woke it up. Okay, so do you want to take a call? I mean, yes. Let me finish this real quick. You're still on? Yeah. All right. I just lose track. Alright, so the Jaguars sets now once it's set, you break the gel and occurs with a whisk pour into a cheesecloth lined strainer and let the cordial leak out of the Justice bench. By the way. Don't use cheesecloth unless you have access to real cheesecloth, in which case still use a bunch of layers. I actually use like dish towels are much better like fine linen dish towels or cotton like unbleached cotton. muslin is kind of amazing. Or if you have the money on Super bags, you can use super bags for it. Anyway, I

forgot to say one more thing about Willy Wonka. Okay, what do balloon buzz and the new and crappy one are so creepy.

Well, it's only one guy anyway. Okay. The yield we get from this met.

What's more of their clones. So whatever one guy does all the others do?

Yes, that is fact. Well, we could talk about I could talk about the original the Oompa Loompas for a long time, but I will not okay, the yield we get from this method is usually around 425 to 450 mils. So you're losing about 250 mils of liquid we would like to make this ingredient more often and possibly in larger batches. For our cheesecloth line strainer, we're using a flat bottom Chinese strainer sitting on top of a large bowl usually takes us several hours to leave the cordial out of the gel. Do you have any suggestions you could pass along regarding tools materials to scale this method up? We don't have access to a centrifuge also, do you think there'd be any problems in doubling this recipe as is I'm concerned about the straining, leaking losing its effectiveness is there's too much gel to work with. Okay, so no, I think you can scale that up. I would take the Ag guard down a little bit. And if you're you're doing quick Aguilar, so you can just sit there and manually kind of do it. You can get like a bunch of leaders out by just manually like it's called. Sorry, folks. It's called massaging the sack. You pull this thing up and you kind of massage it and unclogged. It's what it's called you like unclog the thing. And how many liters that we don't have quick it has so many so many so many so many. So many. So massaging the side produces liters and liters, liters and liters. liters. That gross but yes, anyway, so but the trick is, if you squeeze too hard, you will extrude this stuff out, and then it's all nasty. You'll extrude stuff out of the sack, and nobody wants to have extruded either sack Correct, right. Correct. Depends on the show, I guess. Wow. Don't want to go there anyway. But also like if you're doing a cordial that's going to be left for a long time anyway, you might want to consider doing freeze thaw if you're doing freeze thaw you let that thing free solid, right. Then you on crack it, and then you let it thaw. Good day, sir. That's Booker playing his phone. So you let it thaw over the cheesecloth. And that's the case you do like a wide wide thing like over a perf pan, Anastasia and I have done like in many, many years, like 30, or 40, or 50 or 60 gallons, maybe that party is 1500 People fruit juice, and we filled every freezer at the FCI with with frozen grapefruit juice. But the problem with that is it takes a long time. It's a lot less labor, and it's fairly high yield, but it takes a lot physically longer. Anyway. All right, we got a caller caller on the air.

Hey, Dave, my name is Max Boston. Big fan. Got a sausage making question for you. And I wish I had caught Johnny hunter. I've actually reached out to underground foods separately, to ask the same question. So traditionally, with salami. After you've stuffed the key things, there's a fermentation step where you you let the bacteria kind of come alive for a period between 12 to 72 hours depending on the culture you're using. Traditionally, this is done in like a fermentation room set to particular humidity and temperature. My question for you is could this fermentation step be done? cvwd?

I don't know. I mean, the whole idea is to drop the pH right? Quickly. And you're also your nitrates and right, or nitriding it should say so botulism shouldn't grow. I mean, I can't think of any inherently reason why you could not do that. But it's not commonly done. So there must be a reason why people don't Do it. But I can't I mean, yeah, I mean, like

my big concern would be right. moisture loss. I'm guessing traditionally, during the fermentation step, you do have some moisture loss.

Some it's done at a relatively high humidity, you know what I mean? relatively high, right? And you're talking 48 hours, you're talking less than you're talking like 24 hours, honestly, right or less, over the course of a several week drying and firm and drying and aging procedure minimum, even for something thin, right? So I don't know, I don't know. Hey, Dave, can you put that out to the chat room and see whether anyone there has tried this or knows why you cannot do it? If you were not nitriding? It, I would say you put yourself in danger, because you're not going to reheat the problem product. And you could get a botulism growth, and then you would not be re sterilizing it to get rid of the I mean, that's the only thing right. So typically, during you're not smoking during the ferment, the ferment is done in plain oxygen, right, just in a regular oxygen environment. Right. I mean, so maybe they are worried about some botulism growth in that initial point, because you're adding nitrites and the drop in pH and the salt together form the hurdles that make it safe. So maybe it isn't inherently safe during that initial drop before the pH goes down. I don't know. I'd have to I mean, that's a real, like safety technical question that I don't have at the tip of my fingers. But technically, you mean you will be able to get something to if you inoculate it with lactic acid bacteria, and, you know, keep it at the correct temperature to ferment. Those bacteria will grow. That's for sure. You know what I mean? I know that because I've done sauerkraut in the bag. I've done kimchi in the bag. I've done pickles in the bag. Ain't never done meat in the bag, though. Me not on purpose. Every time I've tried to from every time something's fermented in the bag. It's a meat. It's been a horrific mistake. And man was atrocious this month. It's that's the river there. And we cut up with one of those fermented bloater bags. Yeah, one time you were you there that time? We did the pork shoulder and it fermented? Yeah. And the entire room smelled like cheese. Yes. And we had all those products and cheese. Well, I mean no like cheese like what she's like, like Swiss like stinky feeds cheese. Not like stinky feeds cheese. It was hardcore. You ever notice how I want to eat that? No. You ever notice how when meat when something goes bad like that? Your first your first use? Like, can I fix it? Can I fix it? And you're like What? No, yeah. Do you have that yet your mind for a second? Can I fix it? Fix it? No. That's like when we broke into the dining hall in college and the cops showed up and like, the cops were like freeze. My first instinct was to try to climb out the window. What the hell was I going to do? It could have shot you was that I would have fallen I would have gotten skewered I would have been killed falling out the window. But your first instinct is not your best instinct story. Yeah, it's true story. To you, David Ray able to look through that read it. Anyways, so far, I have not looked at color. Is this an answer? I know, I have not answered your question. But yeah, maybe someone in the chat room will get to it or Johnny Hunter maybe will like text me back are gone. And, you know, cooking issues. And chatroom says I fermented koji suevey. So I think the same principle can apply. Right. Except for koji. I don't know, first of all, Koji a lot smarter. The question really is, is do you need that oxygen at the beginning of the ferment to protect from botulism in something that will not later be heated and or so that's the whole point of botulism toxin is if you if you heat botulism toxin, it will be destroyed. Or if you don't produce botulism toxin, it will be destroyed. But if you merely allow it to grow, then inactivate the bacteria, but leave the toxin. That's when there's kind of problems if you're not going to heat it again. But I don't mean if you have nitrates, I mean, the question is, is the salt and nitrate alone enough to prevent botulism growth considering the fact that the pH is going to be dropping relatively rapidly? Because you're going to have lactic acid bacteria that you inoculate plus, you know, there's going to be a lot of competition for the botulism to grow because of the lactic acid bacteria. So I mean, it sounds like it could work but I would be very hesitant to say it's safe unless I had a food safety person told me that it was.

Thank you. All right. I'll try to get in touch with Johnny.

This episode of Cooking issues is brought to you by Bob's Red Mill, an employee owned company that has been offering organic stone ground products for decades. Their flowers and whole grains are the highest quality and are minimally processed at their stone mill in Oregon, visit Bob's Red Mill dot Welcome to shop they're huge range of products, use the code cooking 25 THAT'S ALL CAPS cooking and the number two and the number five for 25% off your order. So they sent me a little bit of their muesli mix, which I really kind of enjoy. So, you know, muesli for those of you that don't know is kind of like imagine imagine like fruits, nuts, seeds, oats grains kind of smashed into kind of a thin almost rolled like a Rolled Grain scenario and instead of cooking it mean you can cook it but typically you're going to hydrate that in yogurt over a long period of time. You can do a quick one, you can hydrate the muesli in, in yogurt for like 1015 minutes if you want to be quick. Or you can do the more traditional which is actually on the back of their package where you grade an apple, you may take the muesli and you take the yogurt, you let it sit overnight. And I have to say as far as traditional kind of products and textures. Now, I love that stuff. So it's been a long time since I've had traditional music my wife and I are constantly making fun of the word muesli because it's, you know, we used to hang out with these Germans and any kind of cereal we would be eating they'd be like, we had this also we call it muesli. So anyway, so like I make, I like to make fun of it, but it's been a long time and it was a it's really good news, I'm sure. Also because it's all thin and easily hydrated. You can also add it to anything that's quick cook so any quick cook recipe, you have your pancakes, your muffins, anything like this, you'll be able to throw them usually mix in and get a shot of nuts, fruits and oats in it at the same time. It's not going to mess with your recipe too much. So it's good thing to have around in the house. So go to Bob's Red and use the code cooking 25 That's one word all caps cooking 25 The number two five for 25% off your order

all right. Dear Dave Anastasia David booth after burning through multiple FoodSaver type sealers and being frustrated with trying to get a good seal on liquids or items with high moisture content. By the way, I was at a thrift store the other day. And guess what the tag said? moisture management. It was a pant. A miracle. Yeah. And I was like you forgetting the most important word, the miracle the miracle of moisture issues. Yeah, I had Booker shows up another food service thing Booker tries to show up at work at a restaurant with open toed shoes. And gross. Yeah, unsafe. Unsafe, unsanitary. So I got

it boiling water gets poured on them, or cryo how terrible that would be

now you'd have a lot more than your toenail cut off. That happened. All right. Okay, so this person is trying to get a food burn through FoodSaver type sealers by using liquids with high moisture content. So I've decided to break down and buy a chamber vac sealer, the prosumer models from VacMaster, the 112 and the 121 12. S rather than the 120 are in my price range, but they actually take up more counterspace in the professional models due to the vac pumping on the side as opposed to underneath the chamber. I've also never used this. A million people have asked me if they're any good. And people said no, you know what I said every time don't know. Don't know. Never used one. Those guys, listen. VacMaster if you're out there, let me see your dance. No, but like you said he was funky. But like my point is, is that like, is it raining? Have you listened to the Black Album? But the point is that I will never recommend something that I have not used. Right, Anastasia. Right. David, that makes sense to you. I'm not going to recommend some stuff I haven't used No, like Bob's Red Mill, for example. You're using it every time. I were you weren't here. I cooked a whole bunch of recipes with Bob's Red Mill. I heard Yeah. To edit those. Yeah. Oh, they didn't edit him for you know? Yeah.

Are they gonna use mine? I have to say, I don't know how bad was it?

It's pretty nasty. Like it wasn't nasty. It's like it's like, okay, the Stasi has given me huge amounts of of, of guff, let's say about how I needed to do these every time she would talk to me about Booker and DAX business. By the way, Sears I was back in stock, right? Yeah. Every time she would talk to me about Booker and DAX business. She would say you do it about Zed. No big bass. I use their almond flour for my angel food cake. I don't know whether what which one's going up. And I have to say almond flour and Angel Food Cake is an amazing sub. It's a great song.

Can you make me one of those?

Did you have a piece of the one I made before? Or did I eat it all before? Did you not know that it was going to be good. So you didn't eat book by the way, Booker now is cooking. Check this out. Booker. Are you a huge fan of the Star Wars movies?

No, no, not as well. Not as much as DAX.

Right. But, but what is your favorite cookbook?

The Star Wars cookbook? Booker has cooked

almost every recipe out of both Star Wars cookbooks. And I think he has made those recipes more even then the writer of the book I mean, the writer of the book probably didn't even make the recipes that were in that book and got to


and so Booker has Booker has been cooking a lot, but Oh, exclusively using recipes from the Star Wars cookbook. Ah, Booker that's, that's,

I'm proud of you.

So tell him about your tote and the hole, Booker. What? The? Yeah, the toad in the hole. You know, toad in the hole is that's toast with an egg in it. So Booker comes to me, he's like, Dad, I need a piece of toast. Seven inches long. I'm like, Booker, you can't just mean like no one makes I have to find like an unsliced. Pullman loaf, because no one makes that because he wants to put two eggs in it. Because that's tattooing right? That's how tattoo ween has two sons. So it's two eggs instead of one egg. That's the tattoo we can toast. What's the name of that recipe, Booker? I forgot. I forgot anyways, whatever. So we're back. It's a call. Okay, let me finish the fact most of the Pro models are out of my range but I've seen a number of Chinese made knock offs on the eBay in the sub $500 range that I'd be willing to take a chance on now that song Take a chance take a chance Yeah, first of all, Jack from the from from the bar, like loves ABA plays ABA all the time. But then but now you take a chance to hate that song take a chance on me. Why? I don't like very much why I don't like their music. Why? It's it's great thing you don't like happiness. Joe she hates happiness and she has the most robust and for it's just a word of I don't know. One thing I noticed is how these low cost units use an oil pump as opposed to a dry pump I recall that sometime in the past you discussed this issue but I don't remember what you said was better oil. Can you share your thoughts on what I should be looking forward to low cost chamber sealer and give any tips on maintenance trace of bags etc. Thanks in advance. John and Jersey Johnson and jersey of Jersey New Jersey. Anyway point being this again. i It's hard for me I should say impossible for me to recommend a product that I haven't used oh I know how we got on that on that whole tangent before VacMaster if you send us a unit I will test it and see whether I think it's acceptable or good the truth of the matter is though if I if I don't think so I probably just won't say anything but if I do I'll recommend it right and that's how I work alright, you got to take this call cuz then we gotta go okay, well I was like so on the oil thing Philip Preston who by the way we built this awesome system using a Philip Preston Poly Science chiller. So if you want to anyone wants to talk about chiller systems, like I got a lot of new information on chiller systems, sorry, chillin, chillin about it. No more. I have more. I'm working more and more I got more information. But the point is, is that Phillip President Once imported some of the Chinese Phillip presses importing some of the important some of those Chinese Chamber systems. Now remember, if you don't say Chinese, that's like, like super racist to think that all Chinese units are the same quality, right? He imported some units from China that had oil pumps, and said that even when using moisture that the pumps fundamentally frigid out and like because they weren't electrically sealed enough to not have problems when there was high moisture in the chamber. So even though oil pump bass pumps would be good for handling this kind of problem. The particular units that he had imported, were not good enough. So just because it's got an oil pump, which is inherently superior, as long as you keep it clean, by running it for a long time. The reason they're superiors, they can achieve a much lower vacuum much, much quicker than the equivalent dry pumpkin. They broke the spins on the bar. That's fine. That's that's fine.

Why are you like he said, make sure you tell him on the radio.

Why would you tell me on the radio to make sure I did. Make sure you Wow. What does that have to do with the radio? He wants you to know live? That's okay, fantastic. We gotta go take the call rotate the caller. But point is I can't recommend it. Because I know people have had problems ordering no name products off the internet. Even though I think oil based pumps are superior in general. Caller you're on the air.

Okay, hi.

Hey, how you doing?

Oh, really quickly. I know the spindle has a density limit. So if I mix and oil to get below the density, you could either run that in the spindle in batches.

Yeah, I mean, the problem the thing honestly, the thing about density limits is just we didn't test anything for safety over simple syrup density, like my personal opinion is that it'll be fine. My but I can't say that it'll be fine. But just because it hasn't been tested. That's where that density limit comes from. But yeah, if the ultimate density of the rotor is less than you know for you know, the If the density of the liquid in it, or the average density is less than 1.23 grams per cc, then you will be you'll be fine. Okay, did you but it might be might be fine. Anyway, did you say you had something about the fermentation?

Yeah. I told you, right. Air circulator, even open air filter answer.

No, that's a good idea. So there's still some oxygen in there. Yeah, yeah, that's a smart idea. There you go. Leave some oxygen in the bag. And then you don't have to worry about, like, you know, just put it in something and let it make sure it gets. That's a good idea. I like that. I like that. Thanks so much for

all your help when? Yeah.

I mean, all right.

Thanks a lot. be back with more cooking issues.

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