Cooking Issues Transcript

Episode 333: The Legend of Shiny's Severed Leg

Hello, everybody, and welcome to a brand new series on heritage radio network called the culinary call sheet where we give a peek into the back kitchen of culinary media. I'm your host, April Jones,

and I'm your co host, Darren bresnitz. Part of why we started the show was to offer an unofficial mentorship for anyone who's interested in learning about all aspects of food and video, whether that's TV, social media online, or just something you want to do for fun.

Absolutely what was once niche or a little silly, as I'm sure you remember, Darren, when we started out, this man has now become such a massive playing field for so many creatives using food as the medium.

It's something that has driven us professionally and personally, for so many years. What excites me the most about this show is that we're going to sit down with some of the industry leaders to hear how they made it and what drew them into this industry.

With 20 years in the culinary production game ourselves. We're hoping we can give through these conversations an insider's view into personal stories from the field, as well as an in depth behind the scenes look into some of the most popular food programming. In today's evolving culinary media landscape.

We'll be covering everything from how to style your food, to how to license IP, to developing your own ideas, and some tips from the masters of how to host your own show.

Yeah, it's a little bit of conversation, how to and how do you do the things that you do in color media, which I'm so excited about? I love so many of the guests that are coming on this season. We have talent from Food Network from Vice media eater refinery 29,

we've met some of the best people in the world both in front of and behind the camera. And we're bringing them all together to share their stories, their delicious adventure and their unique journey into this crazy world.

So to be the first to hear our episodes when they launched this fall, go to wherever podcasts are streaming, and hit subscribe and make sure to give us a follow at the Culinary call sheet on Instagram.

This episode of Cooking issues is brought to you by Bob's Red Mill, an employee owned company that has been offering organic stone ground products for decades. Their flowers and whole grains are the highest quality and are minimally processed in their stone mill in Oregon, visit Bob's Red to shop their huge range of products. Use the code cooking 25 for 25% off your order that's cooking and then the number two and the number five for 25% off your order.

I'm HR in communications director Kat Johnson with a preview of this week's episode of meat in three HR NS weekly food news roundup. This week we're focusing on water. You'll hear some disturbing news from an NYC investigative reporter.

Here lies the problem how much we don't know about water tanks.

Katie Kiefer reports on water woes in the heartland. Their water

is heavily polluted with nitrates which are coming from agricultural chemical applications on fields and running off into their water table. And we'll

check in with Dave Arnold who is about to open a new bar that will serve some pretty fancy h2o. It is hardcore. So pour up a tall glass of ice water and be refreshed by this week's episode of meat and three available on heritage radio Apple podcasts stitcher or wherever you get your podcasts.

Hello, and welcome to cookie issues. This is Dave Arnold, your host of cooking issues coming to you live on the heritage Radio Network every Tuesday from roughly 12 to roughly 12:45am Roberta pizzeria in Bushwick. MultiPlan joined as usual with Anastasia the hammer Lopez, how're you doing? We do not have Dave in the booth today because Dave is moving from Ditmas Park, Ditmas Park to sunset sunset. Anyway,

I live in Sunset Park. He's moved to Ridgewood. He's coming closer.

Redwood, redwood, redwood, Ridgewood, home of the Ridgewood pork store that I've not been to, but I hear I need to go to where they they have whole. They do whole heads of cabbage. As a sauerkraut you buy the whole head of cabbage. It's apparently like super hardcore old school like white enamel and oak place. And everyone's like, you've never been to the Ridgewood bookstore. And I'm like, No, I've never been and they're like, why? And I'm like, Well, bad. I don't know. I'm stupid. That's why I need to go. Maybe. Although you think if I go there and I see Dave on the street. He'll pretend he doesn't know who I am.

Probably. Yeah, yes. Yeah.

So instead of Dave, we have Matthew in in the booth. Matthew, is this your first time doing the cooking issues?

I think I sat in once during training. It was a formative experience.

So what's sort of second get a feel? What you know what did you eat anything interesting. This last week

yesterday I did it I did one of these things where I look up a recipe and then like retain 10% of the information and just go for it so it was a Portuguese hockey recipe hockey like the fish oh yeah. And a little bit of cornmeal fried it did this salsa that was like tomatoes Mexican hats chili or New Mexican actually. Olives some other good stuff it was good

are you from New Mexico he just like a hatch come lately. Finn has come lately, although you know it's been a little while. Yeah, well, yeah. But I mean, like when I was a kid, it was like you got to hatch hatch you know what I mean? And then like it became a thing what like six years ago or something like that hatch became a thing like this. I think the New Mexico people are pissed off now the New Mexico people have other chilies that they can try to be like our chili you with you're not Africa. So again, when you did the cornmeal you did a cornmeal breading. Did you do a pre dust?

What do you mean by pre dust? I basically slapped the fit it was pretty half assed as far as breading goes I slapped the fish onto a plate of cornmeal right on both sides, no

salt, whacked it. dusted the

salt on in while I was in the pan because I was I was kind of just shooting from the hip. Yeah,

I recommend in the future that you do your salt pepper on the naked fish before you slap it onto the cornmeal. Oh, this

is why we're here today.

So you were doing she did a straight straight into the cornmeal on a on a plate. Did it make it an unholy mess? Are you okay?

That process knows I was good. Okay.

And you used a like a fine or a finer grind of cornmeal or more of a coarse ground corn.

It was cornmeal. So I used to work at a distillery it was cornmeal that I took off of our mill it was like extra cornmeal from our mill so I think it was pretty coarse was pretty coarse Yeah. Yeah, I

would sometimes I would cut in some finer stuff to just to you know,

increase your adhesion there. Cornmeal was free, which was mighty from free is the

best free is the best kind of cornmeal. And then what did you What did what kind of fat did Friday? Butter, butter and corn do love each other quite a bit now? Was it greasier was it good?

No, it was great. Oh, no, no, it's

great. And how long did it sit around? Did you like what's interesting to me about cornmeal crust. There's various various schools of thought on criminal crust. I like cornmeal crust, but cornmeal crust. And there's a big argument when people are frying because people have different kinds of tastes right? Whether you like your crust, there's a difference to me between crisp and hard, right. And so cornmeal ends up I think being a lot of times hard on the outside, so it's crunchy, but it's crunchy in a kind of very hard way has a very specific kind of break to it when you when you go through it, which I like but it's different from like a shatteringly crisp crust. Do you agree with me?

Yeah, sure. I'll go with that.

And start to you like a corn cornmeal crust? Yeah. Do you like fried plantain sticks? I love fried plenty stick. You know what I did the other day. Remember when I went to Charleston? Yeah. I got some of these like super fancy. I think they're called Geechie boy grits like Jimmy read corn grits, real good grits, very high quality grits. And I cooked the grits and of course I cooked him for dinner. You know as one I did it in the rice cooker. Put a bunch of like, put a bunch of butter and salt. Right. You know what I mean? cooked it? I cooked in fast math. You don't get mad you ever seen my cousin Vinnie Matthew. I have? Yeah, you know that the whole thing turns around the whole the whole plot turns around. Okay,

okay. Your way you're gonna have like a spoiler alert request for a movie that's older than me.

It's pretty, it's fair. So I will go ahead. So the whole plot revolves around how long it takes to cook grits, right? The whole thing is this northern guy Joe Pesci like somehow it soaks into his head because I think because anyway, I don't remember exactly but the whole plot hinges on that you can't kind of rush grits but turns out you can rush grades in a rice cooker on on fast because it can boil off the water very fast without scorching it. You see what I'm saying? So you just you know open up the rice cooker everyone's want to turn it anyway. grits are delicious, but because my kids are low quality individuals they did not finish all the grits I had grits leftover. And you know what to do with those grids? I blended them into pancakes to cook grids and plans can you ever blend cooked rice into a pancake when you have it queued? So I haven't sitting around it's gonna go to waste because my kids also aren't I know I know I don't want to hear anything about it. They're not huge fried rice people so like I tried to make when The fried rice was one man right and then like I figured if I just made kind of like fried like grit cakes they wouldn't do it but in the pancakes what's amazing about it is it still retains the pancake was had that gooey grits Do you like grits? By the way Anastasia?

No, not really.

Matthew grid love grits. There we go. So it retains some of that kind of gooey grip texture is halfway in between a pancake and a grid. It's kind of cool. Grip pancakes. Sounds great. Was was good. I will make it again sometime. Had a happy weekend. Andritz oh, we're talking about cornmeal. Alright, so Anastasia, you eat anything interesting. As far as we know, nothing. Nothing. You ain't nothing interesting, especially interesting. And you call yourself a food professional. You own a restaurant and you ate nothing interesting last week. No, I

did not just feeding the body. Literally, yes, just feeding the body is feeding

the barn. Well, we have another week of mean not being open with the bar. Very, super depressing. But we haven't done a lot of presentation. I have an interesting thing I built for the bar. I finally built a working glycol system. I went through three or four different systems. See at Booker and DAX. When we were chilling our drinks we would we were using these refrigerators. But the problem is, is it was hard because we only had the one refrigerator because it had to keep it at a very low temperature because anyone Stasi doesn't want me talking about carbonation, but the stuff has to be really cold. So I built I called Philip Preston from Polly science and bought like a big glycol chiller. And if anyone's interested at some point, I can tell you how this rig works, but it's super sweet. Every bar station now has ever Do you ever go to wine stores when you were a kid and stuff? You know? You never went to a wine store in your job? Never. Never once your freakin lives where Stasi has lied more to me 20 minutes

on my life.

When I was little Yeah, it was fun to go with my dad. No,

there you go. A human being. Thank goodness. So like, they used to have these like, and I think some places still have it. They have this weird, like circular thing with like kind of a blue liquid. And when you buy white wine, you throw it into the chiller while you're shopping. And then like, honestly, like five minutes later, suckers chilled. So you can like drink it right away. So we every bar station has the equivalent of that for carbonated or any other cocktails. It's pretty sweet. Cool. It makes it cool. You're just being a jerk. You know what, Anastasia? I work real hard. Because you wouldn't even think What do you think? What do you think is the problem with it? Yeah. Okay. Why do you think it's difficult problem you don't, I knew it's a difficult problem, because you're dealing with a bunch of different bottles, some of which are full, and some of which aren't. And you don't want to add enough weight to the bottles such that they sink even when they're empty. So it becomes an issue of how to keep all the bottles properly corral without them rattling around your bar in the minimal amount of space. It is an interesting technical problem. And I think I solved it. In fact, I would like to convince Phillip Preston to make some self contained ones maybe we can if we ever open this bar, and then if we ever open more of them, I can you know, roll that out. Or maybe you know have them sell to other people. Did you hear the International House of Pancakes change the name of the restaurant? But why? Because they're stupid. But the bees were what? Burgers.

But it's a different type of restaurant.

I think they just ripped the pea off of their thing or flipped upside down. Now it's aI hub. I'm gonna call it I HOOB I've never ever been to an IHOP in like 20 years, but like every other burger changes like rip them new one. We ever go to the house pancakes. Yeah. When I was little, but not recently. No. Do you like pancakes for dinner? No. I like it, but I haven't done it since the kids because we make pancakes on the tube. I used to like I used to like a breakfast for dinner sandwich. You know you hate that. I used to like it. What about you Matthew breakfast for dinner person ever? I'm more of a dinner for breakfast person dinner for breakfast. I like that. Like what like steak and eggs are like what do you mean?

I just eat all sorts of foods that are not breakfast foods at breakfast time sometimes because he got I get in a rut I get in an egg rut. I don't want to do anymore. Egg rut.

That sounds like a band egg right? Maybe it's an album it's more of an album egg a rut during their egg but yours egg right yours was that good or bad? The egg right yours so some sad news before we by the way, call in your questions to 718-497-2128 That's 718-497-2128 slat last week, John Mayer died. You know very well known bartender in in Florida. He was younger than me he's 45 well known sweet, smart, sensitive guy. And you know I think it's going to be something we're gonna I know that Don and I when we're opening the bar are talking you know more about this. I was talking to Jimmy here yesterday of PDT I think everyone in this industry has to just help each other be a little bit be a little bit better to themselves, because anyone is going to stay in it a long time. You know, you don't want to end up, you know, dying because of your lifestyle. Well before well before you should mean it's obviously been a tough week with Bourdain and all that for a lot of people. But anyway, I just wanted to say Our thoughts are with the friends and family of John Mayer. But I should feel that first maybe last because now what am I going to say?

Yeah, you can't really.

Yeah. Anyway, he was the for a while he was the rep for Cru champagne. Yum. What's the what's it? What's some interesting facts from Cru champagne Anastasia? I don't know Cru champagne, one of the few champagnes that most of the time does not go through malolactic fermentation. This is why Cru champagne tends to have an Apple Keynote because it still has a good bit of malic acid in it. You like right? I love it. You like any kind of champagne? I really like Greek. Yeah. All right. The Stasi Lopez, even though she's going to come and drink free at my new bar existing conditions, but only not the cocktail will never drink a cocktail. If you want to have a terrible friend become friends with Anastasia Lopez, because Anastasia Lopez, not only will she not support what you do for a living, but she will come in and for free drink the stuff that you're paying more for. And rub it in your face and anybody else's face that she doesn't want. What you've worked hard to try to achieve, she said just wants a giant fishbowl a sparkling wine. Yep. Yeah, that that is that is Miss dassia. Okay, so you want some crazy? Yeah. Before we get to the question, you want some crazy. So this is actually, this seems like one of the things that I probably has nothing to do with our show, but I have never seen anything on the internet that had more to do with our show than this. Okay. So this is via via Twitter. I got a you know, someone sent me this on Twitter today, Brian Pittman. And it is to a vice story about an I have to say I don't think there's a good possibility that this is a hoax. Okay. A very strong possibility. Karen, just go to it. Okay, someone was interviewed on vice who cooked his own foot and served it to his buddies.

Did they know? Yes. Okay.

So this is amazing. Check this out guy got so apparently his handle he's, he's anonymous, but he's handled because we came to people's attention via Reddit thing. Shiny. We'll call him shiny because we don't know his real name was in a motorcycle accident. This is like our thing. I'm saying Yeah. was in a motorcycle accident. His like leg and foot were shattered. He's in the hospital. And the doctors are like, we're going to amputate your foot. And literally SHINee says, we cannot keep it. Literally, it's on his back. We're gonna keep it. And they're like, well, it's your foot. You want I mean, and so they gave it to him in a bag. He originally thanks. I swear to God, this is what it says on the thing he originally says to himself. Well, maybe I'll get a freeze dried. And I'll have my foot freeze dried. Right. looks it up, takes it home, washes it off, puts it in the freezer. looks it up freeze drying cost too much money. Yeah. So he doesn't know what he's going to do. So he's like, Well, maybe I'll make a plaster cast of it. If he says that, like he and his buddies were tossing it around the room like his foot because it's like he said, it's I mean, I imagine it is surreal to have your foot just in there. And before he takes the plaster cast, he cuts off a piece of it, puts it again in the freezer, and saves it and then decides weeks later that he is going to cook it right now this is the smartest thing. I mean, I don't really necessarily agree with the way that it was done. But this is the smartest thing I've ever heard. He's like, I don't want to mess this up. Finds a chef friend of his name, by the way, kudos to SHINee for finding a chef friend. Find a chef friend who's going to prepare the, the the piece of the you know the upper part of the foot. The Shin there for the for the for the table invites 11 friends over and they all have tacos. With the marinade, the cooking onions, they have tacos. They have tacos with it. Now here's where it gets crazy. Here's where the shout out is especially important. He goes. Everyone wants to know what it tastes like. Apparently, only one of his friends refuse to eat it. Only one of his friends refuse to eat it says, You know what it tastes like? He's like, I've had heritage pork before I swear to God, he's like, I've had heritage pork before. He says when people say people tastes like pork, it's not like the pork you get in the supermarket. It's more like heritage pork. Wow. Patrick when he says it's like redder and he says more beefy. So I think what he means is just like a higher kind of blood content. Like obviously older the guy's 38 So obviously like older, like more flavor, we

should ask him on the show.

I mean, obviously that deserves a spot.

I mean, I would have if SHINee wants I mean I don't have any contact with SHINee I would have shot to

you advice context. I'm

you know, yeah, but like, I mean, like that is right up there. It's right up our alley. Remember how

angry you were at the Japanese guy that overcooked his penis?

Yeah, yeah, I was. I was like, horribly, I was upset. I mean, like, I have to get one shot. You get one shot. Now the you know, look, the issue is I don't think they had that much. They want to divide it up between 11 people. He's But it was a little to be honest. SHINee said it's it was a little bit kind of disappointing on a texture level. I mean, the real issue is I think that's where you're going to have to spend your time is getting the texture, right? You know what I mean? I would say if you were going to do it, no matter how you now marinating it is great, because it's going to soften up the protein. But the issue is, is that the kind of connective tissue that you have in a cut like that, even just like standard fajita working isn't going to do it, you're going to need to do some serious. I mean, if his foot wasn't already Jakar did hard enough by like, you know, smashing into a tree when he flew off of his bike, you know what I mean? off his motorcycle. I mean, that's some serious terrorization there, right? But I totally would have taken like, you know, if you're going to do it, get the jack card, right and do some serious Jack Harding on it so that you can get the taste you want but not have it kind of be tough because he said it was tough. And science has figured out kind of science, like classic butchery has figured out like with your cube steak or things like this, how to get the texture right of anything, by just popping the hell out of it with a bunch of needles. I would have suggested that. Are

you saying that if Cheyenne had been like a religious acupuncture fan, he would have tasted better?

Well known I'd say like, I don't think any amount of acupuncture or any of the live stuff because remember, there it's not like trying to turn you into Hellraiser into pin cush or whatever. Although, you know, I guess you have a lot of needles in you. Like Jack Harding is like relatively large, the column needles, but they're almost like little like, it's like a dog brush. Yeah, but it's like, but they're thicker. It's like it's almost like, like kebab skewers, you know what I mean? But sharper, and they're in one of those like, like a spring loaded pinhead thing. And you're like trying to target Target, Target, Target target and just shreds the meat into something so that you never get to me basically removes the texture. It's a mechanical means to remove texture from meat instead of grinding and grinding will be another way to go. emulsified sausage, if you want the flavor, but the texture is terrible. Get some fat making emulsified sausage with it. Tell the tell the Japanese guys during when we said this on the air.

You never did. I know what I know you never did?

Well, this is not family friendly. It's human body. It's not like the guy. He was he was a guy he wanted to be completely genderless This is a true story. He wanted to be completely genderless he wanted to be completely asexual. So he had his private parts surgically removed so that he just has a I mean, I don't know what I don't know what pronoun I don't know what pronoun I don't know the the favorite pronoun that was chosen afterwards. But so there was just a flat spot there, and then cooked up the junk and auctioned off on eBay rights to come eat his junk.

How do we know is overcooked?

Because one of the one of the people who had paid one of the pain guests was like it was robbery was overcooked. And and for years I've been very upset at this person. For for doing this because as the Stasi said earlier in this in this speech here, you've got one shot, right? You got you only cut your junk off once. And if you're gonna do it, do it right. This is why like, I think shiny is onto something here. Shiny. Got a chef friend to do it.

And as you said you would have circulated the thing, the junk.

Oh, definitely for well the thing that it's like one of my life missions. I think I've said this before, but one of my life goals is to cook woolly mammoth meat, like not nouveau like Jurassic Park style woolly mammoth meat. But I mean, one of the one of the side effects one of the, I guess, like, you know, positive, you know, possible positive side effects of it's not a good side effect. I don't even know I'm saying that of global warming is that the tundra is melting at a ferocious rate. And as it happens, like these woolly mammoth, Willy men myths that myths, men lie mammoths are, like, are getting thought out and they're finding all over Siberia, these woolly mammoths. And apparently, some of them are still fresh enough to eat, even though they're like, you know, 1213 1415 20,000 years old, right? life goal is to cook some of that but the key the key to cooking anything that you've never cooked before is running some tests. Right? You have to run some tests. So yeah, I mean, I would definitely circulate some to see kind of what happens to the woolly mammoth meat. Have to do with penis. Oh, because what is the mistake that I'm sure first of all this guy clearly not a cook from the way he cooked this stuff? Right? He just you know, fried it up. I don't know. I don't remember what like what kind of garniture was added to it. But what you need to do is new take a small a small enough portion away people are afraid when they have a small amount of something to take some away to run some tests so that yes it's true you only have a finite amount of this product you can't get any more but you risk ruining the whole thing by not running a small test first right so you got to cut off a little bit and run a small tests that's what I that's what I would have done. I think this is the mistake everyone makes they don't. They don't they just kind of roll the dice and

he garnish them with mushrooms and parsley. It's a week it's a week they paid 160 pounds each of those 300

Like again week. Oh terrible. Anyway, how do we get on this? Oh, yes. Shiny. So if anyone out there knows shiny math, you think we should get him on the show?

Obviously, yes, shiny calling please. Yeah, please, shiny.

Please Shani. Okay. This is in another question from Scott who writes in looking to do a low sugar sorbet for personal consumption. My understanding is that a pacojet would handle this with ease. But it is $5,700 retails that really would have pacojet costs now, Dan used to be like 2500, right? He used to be so the Stasi is now showing me pictures, which oh my god, Anastasia. Remember, this is a workplace you know, even though we're not getting paid, this is a workplace and you show me some Not Safe For Work photos. And I don't appreciate it. I just didn't want to see this people, people. This is what Anastasia Lopez is like. She's like, I looked at it. And I don't want to have that image burned into my brain. Without you having that image burnt into your brain as well. This classic Anastasia, she can't just make a mistake and live with it. She makes you live with her mistakes. Anyways. So we were talking about Paco jets while you were busy looking up overcooked, you know, junk being sold on eBay with mushrooms and parsley. And do you remember when pa projects that used to cost like three grand right or 20 something 100 that are up to $5,700. For those of you that don't know, pacojet takes a blade, you freeze your your your product salt. Now they say that you can do all sorts of savory things which is true, you can make fantastic textured mousse is but let's be honest, most people use it. As an ice cream maker, you freeze your base solid, right. And this is the advantage of it is that you freeze it solid, then it stays good forever. Unlike not forever, but stays good for a long time. Unlike ice cream, which has a lot of problems with re crystallization and kind of loss of texture after it's been spun. The pacojet, you kind of make that texture all a minute because a blade feeds very slowly into a solid frozen mixture and creates the texture of an ice cream or sorbet as it goes on. So it's like, first you create the base, you freeze it solid, then you make the texture now they are very expensive. Let me finish the question here. Wondering if you've ever heard of anyone fashioning something with a pacojet blade and a modified drill press. Since I would want to do a full beaker at a time and have no commercial application for such a device. I'm trying to figure it out as close as I can get on the cheap. Any advice? Okay, here's the problem. The pacojet isn't just the blade is important in the pacojet, but what's most important in the pacojet is the feed rate. So the feed rate on a pacojet is very, they also say that the exact kind of pressurization of the container in terms of getting the overrun getting the air whipped into it is important. You can read and I've read many times because I was thinking about trying to build something the patent that pacojet has and in the patent for pacojet, they let you know various things like the optimum RPM to get the right texture, if you have too much RPM, you have too much heating, and you don't create the right texture too low in rpm and takes too long to feed through and it also melt. So there's an optimum rpm, and then there's an optimum advanced rate. So how far the blade advances down for every turn that it makes, and that the advance rate is what determines the crystal size and therefore the smoothness of the ice cream. So the pacojet is all about having a large enough blade that you can get a good texture over a large amount of product. And that's the problem, frankly, with the smaller versions of the pacojet like the Frick's air, which I have the Italian one, the blades too small. And it can't really create the kind of large area of nice, beautiful homogenous texture that the pacojet can, but then it feeds down a very specific amount for every amount that goes forward. And there's also the way the blades are oriented, helps kind of create the right texture and then feeds back up but you have to get a big combination of things right. You have to get the feed down rate, right, the speed of rotation, right, and then also the correct amount of air pressure or kind of tamping down on the top of the of the thing to get the overrun Correct. overrun is in ice cream and sorbet land overrun is the percentage error that's in your product. So 100% overrun means that your your ice cream is half air and half, you know bass. So most premium things or things you do at home, you'd be shooting for a much lower, much, much lower overrun. Anyway, the other problem you have here, so no, I don't think you can do it with a with a drill press. The other problem you're going to have here and this one is more severe is that a pacojet actually cannot make a very good low sugar sorbet. A very low sugar sorbet is very difficult to make because sugar isn't just a flavor of sugar also provides texture. Remember, it's not so when people try to make low sugar stuff at the school and it's always grainy as hell it comes out more like a granita, or it's like in a pacojet even because it's so cold. It's like super dry. Remember, you've had like those like like low sugar ice creams or low sugar sorbets people and then there's dry, dry, dry, dry dry, because it's like a powder like that. They don't have like the textural effect of sugar. So you can if you want to go low sugar, you have to add something else to overcome the fact that you haven't put sugar in to get the texture, right, because sugar is the main thing that's doing freeze depression. So making it such that you still have liquid left at your ice cream and sorbet temperatures. And that's what's going to provide the mouthfeel so it doesn't turn into like a snow pile of dry powder. And you can use things I mean, I don't know why you want low sugar, whether it's for taste. If it's for taste, you can use non sweet sugars or whether it's because you're not allowed to have sugar in which case, you know, that's a different thing. But anyway, so have you ever found any technique for like kind of like at home making a good survey? No. mean you can if you have a Champion juicer, you can take frozen cubes of sorbet base and like push them through the first couple will melt out. But you can actually make that chum something into a sorbet. I've never really had much luck with a Vita prep, you could probably Vita prep the frozen stuff, and then reset it in the fridge little bit and probably get a good bit, but you're gonna want it you're never gonna get like the perfect texture. So I would add some fat to it in the form of like coconut milk and that'll probably help get your texture rights, you can do a smoothie and then a refreeze or the Champion juicer. If you're going to do that you have to keep a lot of kind of structure in it because it's not going to self hauled away a survey is that's why they do that with like frozen bananas. They do that kind of crap because the banana provides enough structure anyway. What do you think? You're like, you know what, I don't care. Math, you wanna take a break, come back.

Yeah, let's do it. All right, come

back more with more cooking issues

just as last week, I was using Bob's Red Mill almond flour. And you know, what I want to do with it was kind of make a version of an angel food cake because everybody knows that one of the main things that is not necessarily so good about Angel cake is that it contains no fat but if you add fat to an angel food cake, it deflates somewhat so I thought maybe almond flour would be a good substitute in for the cake flour. Also, the structure of an angel cake is almost entirely from the egg whites. And so you really don't want a lot of protein structure from something like a flower. So it's really a perfect application to a make it gluten free, if that's important to you and B to really kind of reduce down to almost zero that kind of gluten protein kind of feel that's in the cake. So what I did was I took 360 mils of egg whites which is 10 Extra large egg whites, and then 125 grams of the snare you have to sift this now old school inch for cake recipes. You know they have you sift all the ingredients it's like super important with almond flour because nut flours tend to clump together a little bit. So push that through, you know a sieve or a sifter or whatever you want. But 125 grams of Bob's Red Mill almond flour. Then I use 150 grams of granulated white sugar, and 150 grams of confectioner sugar. I add a little lemon for the egg white, which we'll talk about in a second salt, which I don't measure. I mean, to be honest, I don't measure us do by and have no extract. And here's a little something extra. So normally, like that ratio of weights would be perfect for an inch fruitcake, but because almond flour doesn't work exactly in a moisture management technique, like flour does. I also added 50 grams of cornstarch to it. So you sift all they do not sift the granulated sugar but sift all the other dry ingredients into something then take your egg whites start them up whip them up. As they're coming whipping up add your granulated sugar, add your vanilla, add a little bit of I add a little bit of lemon juice and salt. Whip it up till it's a stiff peak but don't with too much what's going to get granulated you're going to lose all of the volume of the cake Ah, then fold in the sifted almond flour, cornstarch and powdered sugar mixture. Bake that sucker in an angel food cake pan for like, you know, I don't know, it depends on your oven. Like I actually did it in my Breville toaster oven because it's you know, was too warm to fire up my big oven. And the toaster oven was a little too small. So I got a little brown on the top, but it made a super moist, super delicious gluten free aged fruitcake that had a little bit I think, better mouthfeel than a normal aged fruitcake, because it contains both almonds, which are delicious, and fat, which everybody knows is delicious. So go to Bob's Red and use the code cooking 25 That's one word all caps, cooking 25 And remember the number to five and not the word 25 for 25% off your order. We are back doing good. We're able to survive listening to that. I didn't listen to that, like Anastasia. Like she's like, don't I hear this jerk enough? I have to also hear him during the during the break. But thankfully, she can just take off the listen to you. No, no, no. Okay, so we have another question. Let's do it.

You got a message from the chat? That I don't even understand. I had pretty good success with error theory tall in a Blackberry sorbet.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. As it was an alternative sugar to get the texture. Right. Good. Yeah, keep them coming. Keep suggestions coming. But do any of you have techniques for making a decent sorbet? without having any sort of decent machine? I mean, that's the real that's the real kicker there. You know what I mean? And I think it's going to be some combination of you know, what else you could do? If you're doing you know, how you ever done where you just kind of like, you know, make a whipped cream bass and then freeze it or like a mousse and you freeze it? It's not quite like an ice cream, but it's could you ever done that stuff? Do you ever do you ever, ever do anything? Anyway, you can do that? I bet you could do something like with like, like makeup, like almost like a sorbet mousse, like with a hydrogel or something? You know what I mean? And then freeze that it would probably be pretty good. Like you could probably do. I mean, I think he wants it to be not cream based cream is so good that way and you could do like, like a reinforced like fluid gel, like folded in with whipped cream and then freeze that sucker and the texture would be great, but that's not a sorbet. You could probably the problem is is that unreinforced you know, you could do a very dense, like Metacell foam and then maybe freeze that but it's gonna be really airy, it's gonna be a huge overrun. How would you dense that up if you can make a nice dense foam with a few make a nice dense foam and then freeze it relatively quickly. You can probably make a decent survey texture without any sort of machine but I don't know if anyone on the chat room has tried this. Let me know you remember when they used to do they used to put like the ice cream base when like Alex do pack used to put the ice cream bass into a vacuum chamber and it would turn almost into a cake. Did you like that stuff? I like that. It's crazy. Made it I made it once. But just for just for giggles at the at the place. Yeah, that's fun technique. Okay, so we asked this call in from Kyle Youngblood. He says, Hey, Cookie issues team and the rest. I'm looking to make a lobster shell stock. I have five one gallon bags of lobster tail shells in the freezer. I was looking to use them for a staff soup. Soup. Remember, we need that milk soup? Were you there for that one? We did and like people were coming up they're like, What do you serve in milk? So yeah, we were like what? We're like it's like a variant on a Colombian milk soup. Changa have your milk soup? We were like No, I don't want it we're like it's delicious. And really they're like no you like lost me with the way you said milk soup. And we're like come on man. Oh by the way here's another thing if we did the event existing conditions even though we're not open yet we did city city Meals on Wheels like their giant gala at Rockefeller Center. It was yesterday remember we did that a similar event and John George dressed up as a sailor boy you dressed up like not for him? Well, no, no, you made me by see Anastasia again with the bus throwing this dossier. This dancing right? We go to a thrift store this does he's like you have to buy this sailor theme you have to buy you made me buy a shirt with a sheep on the back. And a rainbow and the sheep was like made of sewed on like cotton balls such that it was a puffy backed sheep with a frickin rainbow and his dad's he was like, you must buy this or I won't work with you anymore and you must wear it. So she makes me wear this to the frickin event John George came in a very you know, John Chef John George Vendrell he came at a very Mati sailor boy outfit with the round sailors hat with like, with a little blue tassel coming off of it. You know what I mean? John George is I call him the amazing I was Asian. Anyway, so he shows up It is event and so to Stasio who forced me to buy this freaking shirt? It now is giving me crap saying I was not dressed properly when in fact it was she that made me do it. And this again is classic Anastasia Lopez. Anyway, photo Yeah, I'm gonna put so I did this event yesterday with existing conditions. So who went with this? Jamila, Jack Bobby? You know, like opening crew? I don't even know what we're talking about that how do we even get to that?

Oh, there it is.

How does that kind of that come up? Why did it even come up that we did the city? Oh, I know why the Stasi and I are the worst at everyone who does these events. They have somebody whose job it is. And if any one listening is doing these events? distancing are always embarrassed because we spend all this time and energy working on the product and zero time thinking about the booth. Am I right? Yeah. So like everyone has, like people have like river stones, and buoys, and like multiple levels of freaking surf where and like, that's all fancy looking. And then we're like, it makes soap. Like, our table looks like like a crab shell. It's like everything's built around. Same thing last night. Like, we never take the we spend so much time on our foreign ingredients and on the stuff that we're preparing that we never take the time to, like, make our little booze look good and buy we're changing that I'm now appointing somebody at the bar to whose job it is whenever we do an event to style out the booth. It's a smart move stone. Yeah, totally. You gotta do that. Do you do this with pasta? Flour? D style? Yeah, no, you need to hire him to get someone at that particular style it out when the Stasi is the queen of styling out like her boxes. Like if you are a famous person, Anastasia likes us is a very small subset of people because she hates most people. And there's not that many famous people out there. But she is like, why don't you tell the people about some of your styled out boxes?

I mostly do black men

really well. And in terms of styling out their boxes? Yeah. Yeah,

I found out that I'm a great hand cut. construction paper, mail, black person, artwork person.

I'm just gonna let that stay right where you put it and not gonna say one damn thing about that at all. But it's true. Okay. Okay, the roots. Yeah, well, yeah, Pastor fire just did the roots picnic. Yeah, that was fun. Yeah, in Philadelphia. But don't tell him that Tom. What made you the most angry?

No, I don't want to because I don't know if

she had to leave early. made her angry. I still do not. I can say this because both my grandparents are dead. But I still have never forgiven them for making me leave my mom and stepfathers wedding early. So for really? Oh, yeah. My dad never told you the story. Oh, okay. So my stepfather's family you know, they're Italian. Right? The father who died last year as a butcher. Right. And, you know, Gerard was you know, Gerard is the you know, the son. And even though typically, you know, my mom's family would have paid for the wedding. You know, grandma and grandpa were too cheap so and you know the amount of money so Gerards dad throws this huge wedding goes all out on the food all out so for months I'm hearing about the food at this wedding the fruit of this wedding the food of this way and how old are you? I have always say this 1211 12 So they told me that like we're getting this special Italian pastry from the north end you're just speedy we're getting to your speedy like speedy wishes pizza like is this thing it's like this it's like this ethereal amazing it's this you speedy omen. Oh, you're getting a speeding for the wedding again. There's your speed. Oh, there's your speedy Oh, there's your speed up. Everything everything every day. I hear oh, I'm sure you're gonna have this experience. But again, we had this baby we get this baby and then they're like the day of the wedding. Did you pick it up if you could just be the baby. And so like, you know, I'm waiting for this whole wedding. If you know I'm not you know, I'm young. I don't drink it's boring. It's not boring. My mom's getting married Gerard and so it's great. But we're all sitting around and I'm like, the whole thing like okay, the dinner Great. Yeah, the land the great, great, great fall food group. She's been she's been she's been she's been she's been they started doing the dancing or getting ready to bring out the thing and Grandma and Grandpa are like we're leaving now because we're getting into motorhome and we're driving back home now and Mike and I never got to have the freakishly speedy and here's the worst part about it. We get into freaking motorhome leave the wedding early we drive by the way my grandparents lived in my driveway for three years and it's freaking motorhome one day they just showed up, put the motorhome on blocks and plugged into our house and didn't leave for three years when they finally got that thing out there is debt. There's a debt four inches deep in our freaking driveway from the blocks this motorhome grandma who only like used electric blankets. You use electric blankets constantly. We constantly blood the circuits in our house because it's freaking umbilical cord coming out of this motorhome which contain get this grandma grandpa two dogs and a parent I swear to God anyway, so they drive back from his wedding we end up in the bottom of the driveway and then they look at me they're like do you have keys to get into the house? No are don't Grandma I'm 11 Why did I leave my mom's wedding early so that we could drive through the night and end up in a driveway and I can't even get into my house and now I've never had your speedy and to this day I don't even remember what it was you speedy is but it was almost like like I just walk around sometimes I'm just gonna just be just really just be just be anyway back to lobster shells. So with this we have oh yeah we have Kyle Kyle's making lobster shells. He has five one gallon bags a lobster tail shells in the freezer and was looking to use them up for staff so that's how we got on that that was a long way to a long trip afield from soup.

Why did you have to sleep in the motorhome guys sleep in the

motorhome? By the way? They one of the dog's names was Taffy was a chow and I've only recently overcome my hatred of Charles because of his dog taffy. This dog was the meanest dog ever. So tat Like honestly, I hated this dog so much that when whenever grandpa would walk Taffy when when when he looked the other way, I will make a face of the dog so the dog would growl and grandpa would Yank its chin That's how much I hated this dog and how much his dog hated me the dog really hated everyone except grandma and grandpa. But I when I slept in the motorhome I would sleep above the driver's seat and that little like bed that's like sticking out over the highway. Their dog would not let me out of the bed to pee. So I would like whenever I stayed in that motor home I had this is how I learned to fly for like 14 hours straight without peeing because once you were in that bed, there was no bathroom visits the whole freaking night because Taffy would sit there with her satanic freaking Devil Dog eyes and just growl at you. If you ever tried to put your feet over and get down and use the restroom. Nightmare. No just speeding. No, just be the five one gallon bags of lobster tail shells in the freezer and we're looking to use them up for staff soup. I know if you boil shells too long, they give a stock a bit of a calcium tastes. This is a true story, Kyle, wood making a double or triple stock out of the shells lead to a bad tasting stock? I don't think so. But I don't know how much of a gain you're going to get. You know what I mean? Like I think you're probably going to be better off making the single stock and then reducing it. But anyway, I'm not sure I've never tried it. Someone in the chat room maybe has some advice on this. I've never done a triple stock on. On lobster. I would plan on doing a short simmer on each infusion of new shells around 30 minutes to an hour. That's about right. I just think he'd say I've never had an experience with triple stock. Besides shell stock. Here's where I do have some ideas besides shell stock. Do you have any suggestions on what to do with all these shells for the employee dinner? We have a lot that we can that we can go through and I'd rather not throw out the rest of the shells when everyone gets tired of soap. Thanks for the episodes. Kyle Youngblood Yes, what you need to do Kyle is you need to make the lobster butter lobster butter lobster lobster butter, you like lobster butter, Anastasia. That is it. We take the shells you

know what I don't like any shell stocks or anything that's shells in it. Like anything of the flavor of shells hate

but when you're Coolangatta calcium or just hate okay well Anastasia is low quality individual here about the lobster butter. Here's where he lost her butter. So you I typically you roast off the shells a little bit right you roast him off, then you toss it you chop them up real small you know fine cut them up real small so you get like fast extraction, and then you throw it in with butter. And you can do it in the oven almost like you would for clarify you can do it stovetop you can do whatever you want. But you steep the shells, you could do it in a Ziploc bag. I've done that before. The problem with zip locks and lobster shells is it's super easy to puncture the Zippy so then it's the one kind of reason that you don't necessarily want to bag this stuff out but whatever. So you kind of steep it for a long time and the butter will extract like a beautiful color from the shells and you get beautiful flavor from it. Then you strain the whole sucker off chill it and then any scum that floats or any liquid that you somehow inadvertently left into the into the butter you skim off beforehand otherwise it won't keep right so you you chill it you get rid of anything that's on the top or the bottom of it and now you have like solid chunk of lobster butter roll that real tight get rid of all the air and you can freeze it to use for a long time but the way that God wants you to use this lobster butter is making lobster rolls now Nastasia your hot lobster roll fan or cold either. Matthew you do hot. Yeah me too. I like a hot lobster roll and I like a hot lobster will wear just like a soft almost like Martin's hot dog like split Like the one with the flat sides you don't talking about not really Martin you know the flat side hotdog buns, split toasted, and then just toss big chunks of lobster me. I like some tail but you got to have claw. You got to claw in your in your last rule you lay cloths us. Yeah, you got to have claw right, Matthew, indeed. Yeah, make sure you have enough salt in there and then toss that stuff in the lobster butter. Put that on the bun. It's all you need. It's all you need. You don't need to gussy up your freaking lobster roll people all you need is butter preferably lobster butter chunks of lobster. And then on the on that bond which I also like to toast off a little bit and then again the good news about that is you just cook more lobster tonight you have more tails to make more butter, a cooking issues

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