Cooking Issues Transcript

The Wine was Drank and the Garlic was Peeled (feat. The Hammer Quartet)

Hello, everybody, and welcome to a brand new series on heritage radio network called the culinary call sheet where we give a peek into the back kitchen of culinary media. I'm your host, April Jones,

and I'm your co host, Darren bresnitz. Part of why we started the show was to offer an unofficial mentorship for anyone who's interested in learning about all aspects of food and video, whether that's TV, social media online, or just something you want to do for fun.

Absolutely what was once niche or a little silly, as I'm sure you remember, Darren, when we started out, this man has now become such a massive playing field for so many creatives using food as the medium.

It's something that has driven us professionally and personally, for so many years. What excites me the most about this show is that we're going to sit down with some of the industry leaders to hear how they made it and what drew them into this industry.

With 20 years in the culinary production game ourselves. We're hoping we can give through these conversations an insider's view into personal stories from the field, as well as an in depth behind the scenes look into some of the most popular food programming. In today's evolving culinary media landscape.

We'll be covering everything from how to style your food, to how to license IP, to developing your own ideas, and some tips from the masters of how to host your own show.

Yeah, it's a little bit of conversation, how to and how do you do the things that you do in color media, which I'm so excited about? I love so many of the guests that are coming on this season. We have talent from Food Network from Vice media eater refinery 29,

we've met some of the best people in the world both in front of and behind the camera. And we're bringing them all together to share their stories, their delicious adventure and their unique journey into this crazy world.

So to be the first to hear our episodes when they launched this fall, go to wherever podcasts are streaming, and hit subscribe and make sure to give us a follow at the Culinary call sheet on Instagram.

This episode brought to you by appeal helping you to enjoy your fruits and vegetables at peak freshness and reduce food waste. Learn a

This week on meeting three we're talking about comfort food as we explore its history meaning and different interpretations from around the world. Don't booty is just a simple casual dish, but it's packed with the history.

Somebody might have their conferences would be something that they remember eating at their friend's house, but they would never have at their own home. consuming foods that were eaten then can bring back some of those feelings from from those times.

It's about creating these little breaks and moments during the day where you kind of feel

present. Tune into meat and three hrs weekly food news roundup wherever you listen to podcasts.

Hello, and welcome to cooking issues. This is Dr. Arnold, your host coming to you live on the heritage Radio Network. On our intercontinental show, actually trans continents I guess. Show we have a Miss Nancy Lopez on the piano. Aaron Polsky doing the bass notes on the piano with his left hand. That's the polecat for those of you that listen to the show. And Posey on the saxophone playing a song that you know, I don't know when to come in on because not our normal introduction song, you know, so, welcome to Cooking issues. We have Matt in his Rhode Island troll booth. And we got John chillin in the Murray Hill of Manhattan. How're you guys doing?

Right now.

So Pat, thanks for you know, and you know not not to not thank you polecat. But, you know, Pat, thanks for coming on and performing that live. I insulted you beforehand because you said you were going to pre record it. And I was like, Well, what can a classical musician is not going to just complete a live What's that? That's what I said. And you said that I was being an inappropriate bad human is that true? Speechless speechless. Did we lose those guys? No. Oh, they're still on supposedly. And now they haven't said anything yet. But we also have special guests, which longtime listeners of the show will be very excited to know. We have Jackie molecules. That's right. jackings Lee is in Los Angeles right now or whatever the hell fake Los Angeles. You guys are actually in outside of Los Angeles. Whatever form Oh, this

is this is real Los Angeles.

You're in real Los Angeles. This

is real Los Angeles.

You're not in some sort of like external canyon or some sort of valley or not. Yeah, that's

next show.

Yeah, yeah. You guys are doing a tour.

Wow. Wow. Yeah. Yeah, the Lower West Coast tour. And in a nice inversion of the universe. It's like 75 degrees here in Manhattan today. And what is it where you are as a backup being like normal? Or is it still real cold over there?

It's normal ish. It's, let's see. So that's 60 right now.

All right. So send your molecules Why don't you let people know what you've been up to? Since you were last on the show. The last time we had you on the show was for our 10th anniversary, which was sometime during the COVID or not during the COVID. Before the COVID

there was maybe at the beginning, I had started a new network with the line hotel called Full Service radio. Thanks to COVID that's on hiatus. So I'm out here in LA living my best life ready to produce anybody's podcast that needs help?

Really like podcasts for hire? Sure. Mike will travel. Yeah,

I mean, like like we did just now we've got a whole for my setup in studs is swanky apartment. So

so like do you show up like Clorox every but like, let's say you were gonna go do a produce something for someone that you like, didn't know that wasn't in your kind of immediate thing. Would you just show up in like a hazmat suit? And like, just Clorox the hell out of everybody are now.

Sure, yes. Very distance. We have very long like, cables, you know?

Yeah. So well, so I had to do the same thing for my mom's 70th birthday this weekend. Because they're like, super, they're, you know, they're super hardcore, because my mom you know, is a, you know, has a lot of risk factors. And so, so Booker, I'm gonna whisper into the mic because he's here Booker made this like awesome cake that like in the shape of a 70 like he you know, ice did in blue because my mom likes blue and all that stuff. And you know, we took it and kind of dropped it off like at like a like, like a burnt offering at at an altar right on a chair. 12 feet away from, you know, my mom and then slowly backed away, drove back into the city because they live outside of the city. I think they probably didn't eat it. Which is kind of sad. But I'm not gonna say that such that anyone can hear it because I think they're that paranoid that unless they can like flame throw it. They don't. They don't. They don't eat it. As far as I can tell. Interestingly, my stepfather opened a $4,000. But he didn't pay $4,000. He's had this wine in his cellar since 1986, or 87. But he opened what is now a $4,000 bottle of 85 DRC for my mom's 70th birthday. And for any of you out there who are wondering, is the 85 DRC. Still standing up? I know there's at least one of you out there. Apparently it was delicious, transcendent. And then I spoke to my I asked my Girard, my stepfather, they, you know, they have just speedy fame, the like the Italian side of the Boston Italian side of my family. I was like, so I was like, how does this relate with all of you know, other Burgundy's? Because it's like, oh, by far and away the best burgundy I've ever met. Now, bear in mind, all this the only things on earth that my stepfather likes are, and I'm not going to choose the order. My mom fishing, wine, cigars. Those are the That's it. That's that's all there endeth the list if you tried to buy him something that is about that, like a book about like a murder mystery about someone who like owns a vineyard. He's like, I don't care about this. I want the juice. I like the wine. You don't even doesn't care about any of the other like, anyway, same with cigars. Same with fishing. He doesn't want to hear about fishing. He wants to be fishing anyways, specifically surf casting. So I said to him, I said, this is the best burger you've ever had. I was like, yeah, and now trying to get an idea from him, like how much he thought it was actually worth, like, what was it worth? And bear in mind? He's a, you know, a tenured psychiatrist. And my mom, you know, is a pediatric cardiologist, you know, also, you know, fully tenured, you know, and they've been doing this a long time. So, you know, they're not hurting, right. So I said, I said, so like, how much would you pay say, oh, never pay this amount of money. I was like, well, like if you were at a restaurant, and it was $400. And you said, Would you reach into your pocket and pull out? $400? And he said no to that. Can you believe that? Can you believe that? This is this is how I was raised. Anastasia, this is why I am the way I am.

Yeah, you're cheap.

I am. I'm cheap. And when it comes to, but he's like cheap when it comes to his own pleasure. I'll tell you this story. So for those of you that don't know DRC is I guess it stands for domain illuminate County, right. And so, since you know, since as long as I've been alive, they release a mixed case every year as a future, right? So in that case, you get like, you know, the two top two ones are reach Borg and you know, actual Roman a Conte, you get like, one each of those right and then you get like a couple of like the kind of the also great, but kind of lower end ones like Latasha and encode us know, at the base, that one of them anyway, whatever, I'm not an expert in this anyway. So it's a it's a mixed case. Now, my mom bought this as a future before it was released, which you know, you can do, and at the time, you know, my stepfather thought it was an unconscionable amount of money. I think it was like $500, or something like that. 600 on this ruined Christmas, Gerard. Like, he's opened the thing, it was the thing of futures. I don't even think the wine was there, it was because I don't think it had been delivered yet. Or maybe it had just come. And he knew how much it cost because he follows all the auctions and whatnot. And he literally went upstairs and fell asleep because he thought she had spent too much money on this. Now bear in mind, a single bottle of the Roman a county a single bottle is now worth $20,000 at auction, at least. Right? And this is a whole case of mixed of the mixed case mix. And you just heard like that one of the bottles one of the not even like it's like, you know, mid top level bottle that he just ate drank is at like, $4,000. And so you know, that's the level of cheap, you're dealing with my family. We're that cheap. So, Anastasia, it's not like you're not cheap.

I'm cheap for myself. I'm generous with people.

Yeah, so see

ya. Anyway. What do you think of our performance?

I thought it was good. But you didn't let me know, like kind of what you were going to play. So I had no, I had no way of knowing when to come in.

Were you able to recognize it? It was pretty obscure.

But like I didn't know when you wanted me to, like go in like usually we didn't have any sort of sharing of like a cue or something like no one. You know what I mean? So like, that's why I had to come in on the on the mellow intro. It also is much more of a mellow intro Lee thing, you know,

I think it's probably best that you talk to him. But that was our first time playing together in public. And I think this is his first time playing in public since she was maybe eight years old.

What would you do when you were eight? In public, I mean public like at a recital or like, you know where you were at Showtime at the Apollo, like, what are we talking about here? Like, in like a church or

whatever we played in her mom's living room while our mom was blasting music and the other music in the other room to come Nice.

Okay, so like, is that literally what your mom listens to do ah,

I have a video of my mom listening to oldies radio while I'm playing the piano and the other room,

oldies is one thing, but is it like Motown or is it like Dude,

it's a radio station.

You don't know what you listen to? It's a child. Oh,

these it was all these

switches. So listen to them. Yeah. And actually, when we came over to rehearse last night, she loved having she wanted to have the radio playing in the background while we played and comfort and turn it off.

She is demented about this stuff, but like I can't believe that oldies is still a term. I can't even believe that the word oldies is still like a valid musical term. Well, it's relative, right? Well, yeah, right, which means it has no meaning. I don't mean like by that there's that like, hip hop station in LA. That's great. Oh, God. The whole idea of oldies, hip hop is a perversity. Like I remember it was it was called oldies, when hip hop hadn't come out yet. When there was no hip hop, there was oldies, at which point it was basically and this is what I'm trying to ascertain. It was do up Motown, right. And like, you know, the classic rock stuff, which is now in the old like, that was not on that was on the classic rock station. You never got like Led Zeppelin on an oldies station because that was classic rock. Right? So that's why like calling it oldies in the 80s right? 70s and 80s was when they started calling things oldies. 80s I guess, right? It's perverse.

It's perverse. Anyway,

so do up, by the way, fundamentally, I'm gonna get some people are gonna get mad. I cannot listen to more than five songs in a row. This is a ridiculous error in music.

When it's between that and listening to stop to play the piano, I think you might have a different opinion.

Listen, listen, listen. Listen. What's the worst era of Billy Joel? All of it.


Oh, here's all right polecat. We haven't talked about this before. What's the worst error ability drill?

That was there didn't give him Mike

Don't walk into night nonsense. It's the worst but it's pretty bad.

Yeah, first of all, where is all this anti? You know what? Stay in California. All of you stay there. You don't have to hang. Hating Billy Joel. Come on. First of all, it's his doowop stuff. It's like for the longest time, all that stuff that stuff is like heart like of his work The worst because it's like all this weird do ABI stuff.

What's the best?

Sure. So we're all single. And we're all preparing for a second quarantine. And Pat has a specific question about soups and love.

Jesus. Okay, well, we're

just gonna go right there. Yeah, yeah.

All right. First of all, linking soup and love. I can sense this is gonna go way, way south way fast. But go ahead.

Yeah, I think she I think she misunderstood my text message from the other night. But since we're talking about soups, I before the quarantine before the whole COVID thing started I was I got really into making stock and then using that and everything I cooked and then when quarantine happened, and it was evident that we were all going to get sick and possibly die. I made a bomb as chicken soup, and froze it in case I got sick during the time to eat. Now I still have that because I haven't gotten sick because I haven't been out of my house and I haven't had any lovers to get me sick. But I'm now since it's getting cold in LA. It's like 60 degrees today. So I gotta head on freezing. I'm thinking about making more soup. Because it's soup season. And so I really just wanted to sort of talk about that and talk about the process of stock making and then talk about the basics of what are needed in a good soup. Like how can I just read my fridge and make a good soup? What are the things that I can just do?

Well, I mean, it totally depends on what's in your fridge.

But what he said that will also get him laid. Ah, yeah, David good at that kind of stuff.

I mean, you know, like I have, I haven't had to impress somebody, you know, to on that score in long, long time. But

longest time.

Oh, yeah, we could do the whole thing. Can you play it? Can you play longest time on saxophone? What?

I don't think I can actually. We've got a lot of things going on here. Tech wise. This

Alright, listen, the secret is either like make a lot of stock and have it chilling in your in your freezer. And it's going to be good for the longest time. Right and so you can keep it there. And then having a good base is kind of the I think the start so like, you know, it's never probably going to get is it ever cold enough in LA to do like a squash soup? Yeah,

I did well on Saturday. I meant from

normal people.

I repeat it is 60 degrees here today and I'm wearing a hat. Yeah, it was your flaps. With

earflaps you got the oh you got the full Elmore. Fudd it turns 60 degrees Fahrenheit and you go Elmer Fudd on me. Listen, I have an Elmer Fudd hat that my mom bought me like 25 years ago like a real Filson like you know northern like outfitter with the full thing and people like when it's cold out I wear it and I pull the flaps down Are you the hunter I'm like you can do the cold idiot you know what I mean? It's like those things work those your

flaps they're good interested in selling it because we could use that out here with this week

with your 60 your head would ignite if you put this hat on

your head things that are gonna help me get laid


wait Jack can you please Jack has a great food story he's been I thought I was gonna do soup we're doing so well you didn't finish this right all right go

well I'm more soup information or you don't want more soup information

please sir may I have another

make the stock the easiest way to make a stock is is like to save scraps of whatever bones and whatnot you have from like cooking you can save those in the freezer if you want and then make all your stocking in one batch so like like the chicken the bones that we have a lot and I think honestly in John maybe you'll back me up on this the most versatile stock to have around isn't what a restaurant would choose its chicken stock because most of us at home go through more chicken than we go through like veal bones for instance. And so having to go by veal bones is a pain whereas like I think I would guess the average household goes through more chicken What do you think John? Yeah, grid and chick chicken stock works very well in pork based things. So when like I use chicken stock in my house for almost everything it works well for many, many, many many things and I don't do a fully I sometimes do a fully brown chicken stock but I don't even necessarily bother. I do kind of like a blonde or light chicken stock is good. It's faster and the pressure cooker So Pat, do you have a pressure cooker and or Insta pot?

I do not know but I'm interested in hearing your thoughts. Thoughts on light V dark stock, because I've never heard it talked about in that way.

So, you know, it all depends on the amount of pre roasting of the veg and meat that you do. So, you know, traditional like a darker stock sometimes like the old French cheese will actually kind of burn an onion to get it to get darker, and then roast off all the bones and then make your, you know, have that roasted stuff be the base of the stock. And that gives you just this kind of brown umami, kind of, you know, flavors that we kind of all enjoy. And most of the time, the only reason that they don't is because the same reason we'll get to it, hopefully later, you know, the French use white pepper because they don't want to see the little black flecks in cases where they want it to be blonde. Because they want a lighter flavor on brown flavor. They use kind of a blonder a couple under stock. And in my opinion, most if not all people, most of the time in most applications would prefer to have a darker stock to a lighter stock when it's being used as a base in a soup John, you back me on this or you

don't Yeah, I do vacuum. I would also like to chime in I I'm a big fan of using chicken feeds in my sock as well make them you know, low cost and also adds a lot of gelatin and a lot more body to the soup. In the end.

Yeah, I'm a big fan of anything that adds anything that adds body right. So like, here's a secret that I do this is not a super lead secret. But if DAX my the thing that I make the DAX likes the most is the stuff that we call pork chili here. And so we we pressure cook like that we chop up but I rip the skin off of of the pork shoulder hole, I throw it into the pressure cooker and it you know gelatinous is into the into the stock and whatnot and then I pull it out and I literally blend the entire skin chunk into the sauce to make a super high high gelatinous like really really anxious base anyway little tip for you if you want it but so that's when you're making stock but honestly also like and you know don't get all bent but have a crap ton of decent flavored bouillon cubes around because it is you know if if you're showing up and you know all of a sudden you decide to you know, see a human being in person again and they show up and you don't have anything a decent bully Han cube can like take something that would otherwise have no discernible kind of mommy or flavor and pop it a lot harder than you would think. And if you get a decent brands don't use it kind of in excess. They you know no one as fake Christopher Walken said and SNL no one will know you know what I mean? But they'll just know that this stuff is, is better. The one thing I'll say is, is it should you ever use bouillon cubes, this is the one time salt is a big thing with stocks, right? So the reason people don't salt stocks is because you don't know how much reduction is going to take place and you don't know what you're going to put it in. This is why in restaurants, you don't sell stocks. Similarly, if you're going to use a bouillon cube in a braise, or in a soup, right, you should not salt it as early in the process as you would otherwise because until you become like acutely aware of the salt level and bouillon cubes, it can throw you way off. Anyone else had this experience? Yeah, yeah. So, but I'm not a hater on the bouillon cube but again, I keep chicken bouillon cubes around because again, I find that of all of them. They are the most versatile I haven't tried. You know, I haven't had too much luck with straight veggie stock. I know people have worked on the veggie stock I would go on the internet and I probably should for the book try to get like a really decent veg based stock. But even when I'm doing like a high umami, fungus or plant based like like a like a porcine or any kind of like made a delicious mushroom gravy. Oh, by the way, this week, I made stuffed cabbage. Delicious, delicious. You want to cold weather treat stuffed cabbage. Like John and I went to this place called the Ridgewood pork store. And they used to make their own whole pickled heads of cabbage. And we asked for it they're like I don't make that no more. Too much of a pain in the butt. But they do sell whole pickled cabbage leaves and I pulled out my cuisine of Hungary by what's his name something Lang which is kind of the one of the Hungarian Bibles and I made his like kind of very paprika heavy with the paprika gravy over the top. So it's like stuffed cabbage with cabbage in the sauce and tomato is on point on point but even I don't know why I brought that up because it's not that but in a gravy like that. I'll use chicken base. Anyway. That's my feeling.

Okay, so Jack has a has a story of food related story food and love related story that

that sounds wants me to tell I want him to. This isn't much of a story. It's just I guess he loves it. What would you do listener? You know, I met somebody that I had some nice times with, let's say and she came over and was like, Oh, I brought wine and it was just some cheap mirlo And I was like, you know, like, do I drink that I

really show Jack remember family

every time

Hey, kids go watch a movie. No,

I won't use any swear words. I'm sorry. Um, so that was the first frustration and then I was like, well maybe we can cook something together and then she's like, What can I do to help I was like, you know slice the garlic or some she's like she didn't know how to peel garlic. Oh yeah. No matter how much of a good time you're having do great taste and film all this other stuff but like can you really move forward?

Yeah, I think you can

well Aaron's like you can move forward at least that day. You never have to see your again and my Ryan was

drinking the garlic was peeled yes

he's like He liked the meals already. Like it's a sunk cost you might as well you know you might as well go for the dessert. That's what the poll

sorry maybe I asked this incorrectly. Do you continue to see this person?

That now now Aaron now what do you say?

Her choose the foams. What does it matter?

All right, listen. This is a question to people who are here right now. of true or false of all low price wines. mirlo is the worst. Thank you. Right? Yeah, it's like, like mirlo I mean, I like my low but like, of the cheap things cheap mirlo is the worst right?

It's like yeah, incense

Aaron is incense. Why he loves cheap mirlo

That's not it's not about the cheaper low man.

Wait, am i Are you on record Aaron saying that you think that the cheap mirlo is like the best call of all the cheap wine varieties?

No, I just don't think it's the issue in this situation. All right, or is not on the prize.

Do you have a $5 glass of barefoot mirlo in your in your hand right now.

So what are you incensed about? Also the garlic thing? Here's the thing. You don't want to be that guy who's like No, actually you should hit it with the blades you know what I mean? Like even my you know sons don't like me telling them how to do stuff like that. Even though I am right. You know what I mean? It you know, you can't you can't you can't tell them.

No, I just did it. It was like oh, don't worry about I got it, you know.

But this has gone directly to God. Yeah. Oh, let

the night was fine. Everybody may notice born complaining to stars later,

did the person notice and was like, you had to correct my garlic champion course. I noticed you didn't enjoy the wine.

No, I'm not sure what happened. Of course, I drank that mellow and

but the question is does he continue with this person?

I mean, you know, Pat, who's right there. No offense, but Anastasia has gone. friends with people for many decades who bring less than ideal wines to people's houses.

Yeah, one of them is sitting right here.

That's what I said. No offense to pat. And when I say no offense what that means is here comes something offensive to you. I don't know if you know how that works.

Is it rude to because I was thinking this because I just moved into my place so she was just kind of like a housewarming and someone for us it would have been rude to been like, Oh, that's awesome, but let's drink something else tonight. And you can't do that. Can't do that. You

can't do that. You can't do that. Aaron, would you say

if I had something open already that would have been a hack? What? Because yo yo this is dope. Oh ready let's finish this first you have

to drink it you have to drink it you have to drink you have to drink. So then what your goal is is over time is to like you know if you want to continue seeing the person just you know move them on up the scale a little bit. You know what I mean? What does that mean?

have wine move them up?

Go to their house and you bring a bottle of wine and then hopefully they're like oh do

it already. That's what I was a little confused. I brought over wine talked about the wine I like it was a nice

Wait, what is there and it starts you gotta get closer to the mic. I can't hear you

close as possible.

Sorry. There was a garbage

inside her mouth. Well, we in their head.

I know from garbage trucks for sure. I know from garbage trucks. So Aaron wanted that. make you mad why the fact that he'd already been to her house with a with a bottle of wine

and I think it's the talking about the wine and I feel like there's a time and a place I don't want to shame you Jack

I'm here we don't even know what he said he could have shown up be like, Hey, I got this bottle of wine. I really like it.

I don't even anyway, you know about the wine. I just brought wine and she was like, Oh, this is great. And then I like oh, this is what it is. I'm not a wine Splinter by any stretch. I mean, listen,

I think that like, if over the pattern of a few dates, you discover that like, you're just a universe apart on everything. That's one thing. But you know, you gotta you gotta meet in the middle here. Yeah, there's I think

that's true but you know we're in a time of plague and we have to have somewhat higher standards now in terms of getting to know people Time is money people you know, it takes a lot longer to get to know somebody and to get to the point of you know, being in the same room and wanting to make out with each other at least for me

see your standards are higher once they're in the room your standards should be zero my standards

but I think I think seeing context was like that that it's not going to work is is a thing you know, the the person that I got closest to in the last six months we actually were you know, he was coming over and we were having dinner I had cooked for him once and then he was very excited he wanted to cook for me and I was excited to try this and then he came over to cook and was like reading recipes off of of websites and clearly had never done it before and I just kind of lost all attraction because

what the guy is trying to cook something for now that's not cool, dude, Aaron Are you incensed over their monsters? I mean, like a guy trying to come over to cook for you who doesn't cook? I mean, that's nice.

Yeah, I'm at the side with Aaron on this one. That's rough man. I read recipes when I cook.

I read recipes sometimes when I cook but I think it was that he was so excited to cook it was the exact same thing that I had cooked for him. And he had clearly never done it before. So he came by the way it was hard boiled eggs not short of saying how to feel that garlic

Dan so for those of you that want to go out with Pat Posey man, this is what you have to deal

with. Be clear it's men get

this episode brought to you by appeal here at Hrn. We care about reducing waste across our food system from farms to home kitchens, we know that about half of the produce we grow ends up in the trash, we all want to enjoy produce at peak freshness and reduce the amount that gets thrown away. That's where appeal comes in. Appeal is a plant based protective layer that helps produce lasts up to twice as long it's edible, invisible and imitates how peels naturally protect fruits and vegetables. Because here's the thing less waste doesn't just mean that we're throwing less food away. It also means we throw away less water energy and other resources that go into growing produce. Appeal works with nature to reduce waste across the food system from the farm to the kitchen appeal helps us to conserve our precious resources to ensure that we have fresh food to meet our growing needs appeal food gone good learn

Whoa wait I have a question though. What the What is the best like varietals of wine to cheap out on which one are you most likely if you buy a really cheap bottle of are you most likely to sort of bring their

kava inexpensive carbons are pretty good if you're gonna go inexpensive bubbly I would go kava over really expensive I go kava over Prosecco agree or disagree people.

I agree. Yeah. I'd also like to say Dave, that I blame you entirely for this for having me brainwashed through the school of enemy of quality. Think, you know, that's that's how you end up in your mid 30s getting upset about a cheap bottle of mirlo.

Yeah, well, I think I think Aaron's got a good point with the with the Gruner. There's some decent deals on Gruner. And hey, pro tip. A lot of those mothers come in liter bottles. Am I right? Aaron?

Hey, yeah, yes. Which is 20% More fun.

So like I said, $10? No, it's a leader. It's a leader. That's why it's 1250. Okay, okay. Okay. You're gonna mean like that kind of a situation? Yeah. Yeah.

And on the chat asks if Carla can work. Okay. And cocktails that call for champagne as well.

Yeah. I mean, it's not going to be champagne. It's not going to make Anastasia happy. But, yeah, I mean, like, I think most like it depends on what you mean. Like if you're talking like a classic champagne cocktail, which is just like a sugar cube with some Ango in the in the champagne, then you're going to notice, right? But once you've like, you know, Mimosa FIDE, or billini ated. Like whatever you're doing, you know, I don't think it's gonna matter much. What do you think polecat?

I think that in most cases it won't matter but the rescue run I think that most of those recipes are written for suite champion. means, right? Like we're talking from the 30s. So you want to make sure that you're not adding some super nerdy dry wine that I'll like, throw the balance into the too acidic category.

All right, what Aaron, Melvin, you agree with me? He doesn't matter. He just said it doesn't matter, but that we're all wrong for using dry wines. How's that a disagreement?

I'm whatever.

I say it again, so they understand where our disagreement lies.

No, I just felt, you know, it just wasn't acknowledged. I think.

I hear you and you are acknowledged. Right? Like 930 here. Yeah. All right. Okay. The Stasi is up at like, 6am. Anyway, you want to know how to get Anastasia up, send her a random text at zero in the morning. And she has her phone set to like, like immense alert, because she's always afraid that somebody in her family is gonna like, tell her that someone's done

terrible for me. Erin picks up the other night for me. Well, he

texted you at zero in the morning. No, he

just set up this thing where only my mom and dad can get through. Nice.

By the way, like I told the Stasi this like last week, I was like, You need to fix that. And I'm glad because she's like, but what if something happens? It was like if I am dead. You don't need to know until tomorrow at night.

What? That's it, Erin said that they're dead.

Yeah, what are you gonna do about it? Like, you're already like five hours? Like, what is it? Like, if you were already on a plane, it would already be five hours before you landed and then another five hours to get from the airport to wherever like something is happening in New York. So it's not like you it's like there's anything that could happen in New York. It's not like I'm going to text you and saying oh, there's a volcanic eruption is traveling across the entire country and you have time to get on a boat now and go into the Pacific it's not going to happen you have no need to hear from me other than during when you want to the air and I'm worried about this right now about that. Anyway, all right. I'm gonna say what Aaron Melvin said. So last week, I was hating on white pepper and I forget who co signed I think John did John did you cosign on the on the white pepper hate? No, no, no I cosign but anyway. Why

don't I just say I like that. It's uh, I don't know. I don't to me it doesn't taste like dirty or anything like that. I think it's just another interesting dimension of pepper Enos to have on. Yeah, in addition,

full disclosure, you speak French? Yes. For those of you that know the French or the white pepper freaks anyway, Aaron Melvin writes in AI to intensely dislike white pepper until I had the one from bot tree Now it's entirely worth having. I'd be pleased to send each of you some if you'd like to try. Thanks for the show. Best regards, Aaron. Yeah, I want to try some some

decent white paper all included in that so are we included?

Well, I'm sure that we that isn't the Stasi is included, and then she can parse it out to you guys. I mean, I can't see I can't see where he's promised to send it to like, you know, anyone that we would if we would if we had, you know, Mannheim steamroller on today. Would he have sent one to every member of Mannheim steamroller? Yes, I'm telling you, man. Yeah. What do they do now? They just do Christmas albums. Now what the heck is the deal with Mannheim is to just do

Christmas Tours The tour around and play it. Oh, I

don't think they're touring this year, though. Right? Except for this year.

But is that all they ever did? Or did they used to play stuff? That wasn't Christmas stuff?

They did stuff? That was not Christmas stuff, too.

All right. What is your least favorite style of like, your least favorite use for saxophone? Do you like you'd like you like your least favorite? Oh, put this way. Like, Kenny G? Can you listen to it? No. And what about like, you bet you like big band stuff? And you like most jazz saxophone, right?

Sure. Sure. I mean, like, you know, they like the old school Big Band stuff like the Glenn Miller, the Stan Kenton, Thad Jones, Mel Lewis, or Mel Lewis orchestra, like all that all like the classic Big Band stuff. And the progressive Big Band stuff is really great. But like once it gets into Kenny G like, it's, you know, it's not it's not bad. It's not terrible. I don't hate it as much as many saxophones do, I think. But it is it is a little light. And it's a little simplistic and it's and it's a little annoying because we hear it so many times. But part of that is also just jealousy. Because you know, that dude made some money on it.

It's like the Fleetwood Mac of saxophone. But it's basically that I mean, they actually

they use Kenny G in in a bunch of kind of like in China. They use Kenny G to close down shopping malls and shops. There's an actual Kenny G song that is known to be the signal for we're about to close. Get

your ass out. Wow. Before I ask Aaron about his Fleetwood Mac hatred. What Do you then do you like kind of like loud cacophonous like Ornette Coleman? Kind of saxophone?

I do. Yeah. I love that stuff. And like if you don't know, like Anthony Braxton is then another, you know, going into third stream jazz land, and the kind of stuff that's really out and then Colin Stetson is someone that I'm really diggin on these days.

Erin, explain yourself with your Fleetwood Mac.

First of all, Aaron, tell tell everyone which shirt you're wearing. Well your shirt says family friendly show kids go watch something stars.

What do you got to do is what is it?

I just like?

Wait, Jack, why don't you read it because I can't read my shirt. You got a mouthful.

You guys are the worst.

Listening to Fleetwood Mac and doing blow doesn't make your wish. And I walk around in this shirt and some people think it's really funny. The ones who get it. The Fleetwood Mac is saccharin garbage. It's the white cloth of rock and roll.

It's the white, white cloth, white cloth, rock and roll.

That makes Kenny G the

true white claw the sales never gonna remember. Aaron polecat Polsky is trying to push his canned cocktails and so wishes that you wouldn't buy white claw. First of all, the worst term in the world is what what do they call that crap? Hard. Seltzer?

Yeah, filter. It's the category of balls.

Yeah, all the free one should go read. The Smithsonian article about the history of canned cocktails. There in Polsky is even mentioned in that article. Oh

by the way, John and I were in a vehicle moving a bunch of stuff from the no longer existing conditions up to storage in Connecticut. And we I think came to an agreement that the best flavor of seltzer is seltzer flavored seltzer.

Yeah, Dave, there was no plain white you know, no, unflavored seltzer. There's a Dave had to cave in and get one of the flavored ones and what do you get there was an orange or citrus or something like that? Discussing?

Poisonous poisonous. I want my seltzer with a twist of seltzer in it. That's what I want. You know what I mean? Like, I don't need any flavors. I just need some ripping bubbles. And I need has, okay, has anyone had a flavored seltzer? That the last sip of that seltzer was even like, vaguely enjoyable?

Raspberry? Grapefruit? Yeah, I was gonna say raspberry is the only one that could possibly work out

there to me. They're all they're all poisonous. Speaking of. Can you believe in one week we lost Alex Trebek and Sean Connery? Yeah, I was think about that. I was like looking at the SNL because stars of course loves SNL more than she loves anything else, pretty much. And so when I was doing that, after it came in, I was there was looking at all the old kind of Will Ferrell and, you know, Hammond things where one's Connery and one's Tabak and then they actually had Alex Trebek show up on one but man that's end of an era. Hmm. Terrible. We can do Curtis Barner wrote in. Hey, do you have any good sources on sizing a kitchen hood properly? I'm buying my first house and want to put something in where I can scare the bejesus out of a steak and not have smoke alarms go off. However, it would be nice if it didn't sound like a jet engine was taking off every time I needed a little ventilation. Alright, Curtis, here's the problem. If you call it a hood, right, then certain regulations take place, right in terms of like fire suppression and whatnot. I don't know that there's a good answer. If you go on a lot of restaurant supply websites, they'll have heard sighs calculators. But the reason that your hood is so loud the hoods that you're used to home hoods, which I hate, which I've never seen one that's any good. The reason they're so loud is because the fan is in the room with you first. That's the first mistake. Why would you have the fan in the room with you, it should be on the outside of your house or on the roof. The other problem is, is that because the fan is in the hood, it's small. And so to get any sort of airflow with a small fan, it needs to spin at a much higher velocity. And the faster a fan spins, the more high pitched screaming noise the fan is going to make. So you have a higher pitch more irritating, louder fan placed closer to you as a result of the way that home hoods are made. I have never tested it but there are some home rated hoods right so that are good for fire code where you are that have external fans mounted on them. They're still nowhere near powerful enough in my opinion, but they are A hell of a lot better than having the fan in the room with you. And anything you can do to have the fan be both bigger so that they can run slower even at the same amount of CFM and then putting it you know, on the outside of your house or far away or at least you know sound wrapping it and having it not be in the you know, in the hood is going to be a win what people are worried about is that if you don't clean your hood and we're you know for good reason, but especially in a restaurant environment, if you don't clean a hood, you can get a lot of grease up in the hood and then that can catch fire and you know, you can look it up there's like you'll see giant plumes of flame coming out of the coming out of the vents. And so the commercial the commercial events are designed to withstand that and the rules about them are designed to withstand and or prevent that kind of thing from happening. The odds of that happening in a house are very low because the odds that you're going to do enough frying to like coat the inside of your of your hood vent with oil and then ignite it are relatively low but because in a home kitchen you also don't have fire suppression so they have no way to guarantee it so typically they're not allowed at as as hoods so that's kind of kind of where that where that is Was that helpful it all guys are not yeah I've never seen a hood fire ever seen a hood fire John, Has anyone here ever seen a hot fire? Nope. I'm sure it sucks. Real bad though. Tata came in via Instagram. Dave, what do you think about reheating hot cocktails? Say they're poked or pan made in advance and reheated later Is it doable? What should be avoided easy shy add the acid or final slugger booth later at serving time serving in batches, slightly inconvenient circumstances. I mean, we used to do it like so you would you know you pre poke as they say, and then put them into those vacuum containers with the push top. You know those coffee? What are those things called guys? You

don't talk them out? Vacuum pots?

Yeah, yeah, those things are good for hot drinks. They can hold stuff for a long time. Protip pour boiling water into the into it first. And like kind of roll it around. Be careful. Because remember, when you put boiling water into something and then shake it when there's air, it'll pressurize right. This is why you have to be careful when you shake if you're going to shake something hot or do you know, this is why blenders are a problem right? When you put hot stuff in a blender and then you seal it and hit go. The it blows up it that I've seen people do I've seen people get pretty badly burnt with that. So be careful when you do that. But preheat the vacuum pot first and dump it out. Another good way to do it is to get a pot, make sure it's covered, put it on an induction you know, low medium heat. And you should be fine. And even reheating it I think should be fine. Because you know most, the one thing you have to be worried about is that you're going to lose, you're going to lose some alcohol because it evaporates relatively quickly. Now you want hot drinks to be relatively low in alcohol anyway, because it's unpleasant on the nose to have them behind alcohol. But you might want to sit there and after a couple of hours, hit it with a little hit it with a little dab of booze just to keep it at the same level. You know what I'm saying? What do you think? Okay, what do you think you're a bartender?

Yeah, so one of the things that I found to be successful in batching hot drinks, is to I think a lot of the listeners of this show probably already have an emergent circulator. But set it to a temperature where the drink is plus on the hot but well below the boiling point of alcohol. So like a good 155 Fahrenheit, and you can batch it in a bottle of keep it in a water bath and then, you know, grab it with a dry towel or a silicone grip and you can just pour it and that's a pretty good way to, to you know, keep it hot and serve it to your guests like on demand.

Would you say hot and pleasant? Is that your Tinder profile?

Yeah, not on Tinder.

50 degrees. I'm not on Tinder. I don't like it.

Tinder is bad. I'm not a fan.

Are you on some like equivalent swipe right swipe left situation. I don't know what the kids are doing these days. So

I recently rejoined this app called Mariah. And he

got me on that. I think Mariah like Mariah Carey.

Yeah, like Mariah Carey. And, I mean, whatever, they all kind of suck, but this one's like a little bit better than the others slightly.

But it's still a swipe left swipe rights, which basically,

on this one, you get to have, like a song like a theme song to a slideshow photos. So that's,

you get to choose a song that goes with the photos that you show people,

your own songs, so like they hear the song that you chose, yeah. It's not like they listen. They're not listening to like Exuma or while they're looking at your Think tanks, whatever you choose,

it's whatever you choose, which is good because as soon as you have somebody who's slideshow has Fleetwood Mac's dream

Listen, listen. Like first of all I'm glad that guy got his car fixed. First of all let me just say I'm glad that guy got his car fixed. And second of all, you're just hating on it because it like it popped because the guy on the skateboard with his Ocean Spray. I'm happy for the Ocean Spray Corporation. I want them to sell cranberries like the end of the frickin world is coming. I'm sure they get taken a hit this year. You know, I mean, why are you hating on them? Just because did you not like them before? You know the landslide brought me down all that stuff. I really don't like Fleetwood Mac since

I since I heard their first song. I was like this was awful. What?

The Stasi to their defense. What? I can't believe you're not coming to Fleetwood Mac's defense.

No, he knows I like them. But I actually liked them. I'm not one of those girls that wears the flower crowns and all that other.

I feel like the deeper you go, that's the thing.

That's the thing.

Yes. Dave.

We're accepting cheap mirlo But but not Fleetwood Mac.

There are some deal breakers. Yeah.

See, I'm alright with that. A little bit of Fleetwood Mac. The

cheap Hello, Dave, we're supposed to tell you what we're eating thanks to heritage they don't know yet. We got mauris bagels which are really really really good. Do you know the history of Jack or Aaron or pat?

Do I know the history of Oreos? Yeah, yeah. So is this guy Jason. He is from New York. He worked at either Jolina or giusta. And was like bagels out here a terrible I need to do something about it. So he started making really amazing bagels and selling him at the Hollywood farmers market for about two years. And then he finally opened up a brick and mortar which is basically Well, I don't want to give away where you do. As it happens. And it's delicious. It's really good.

It's hard to find vehicles out here.

So like, like when we were closer to nature and age closer to an ESA closer to an absolute closer to Colombia closer to the Cozaar. We're like what style of bagel closer to one of those Montreal things.

It's kind of like, like Tompkins Square big old but a little smaller.


That was never my neighborhood. I never mean like he actually is my neighbor but and that's that I've never been there never been there. Should I go with you like that bagel.

Tompkins Square is my favorite one New York. Really? Huh?

Okay, Dave. So everybody here needs to go soon. So they all want to promote what they came on to promote. So can we do that?

If you must.

Who wants to go first? Pat, though?

All right. Well, I'm promoting a new video featuring Nastasia that we made of take five which you heard earlier tonight. It's it's whimsical, and we're going to be Phil Bravo's also in it as well as the st. Right. So friend, Rachel bruschetta? Yeah, right stuff.

You say Dave?

You say?

Come on, just do it.


Anyway, after that, I got a new album coming out in about a month's time. And so, you know, follow the video

with this dossier or not?

No, no.

But I have a band and then Aaron and I have joined a band

joined a band or made a band made a band just

having a band with everybody now. Yes,

but she only wants to play covers. So weird.

Yeah. It's a good way to start. Feel everybody out.

Yeah, okay.

All right. All right, Aaron, you're next.

Live Wire Cocktails by the world's top bartenders just won two silver medals and the bronze medal at the LA spirits Awards, which we're very excited about. Find them at a so they're canned Cocktails by bartenders that you have read about most likely so now you can buy their drinks or you soon will be able to expand the roster very rapidly next year.

So is this like an RTD which stands for ready to drink by the way? Was this an RTD category?

We want I mean, we got those medals in that category. Yes.

I didn't know that. They so how long have they had that category?

Sorry. Helicopter a truck driving by what was that?

I want a helicopter truck for real. I say like how long have they had that category they had is that like relatively new, like past like three, four years. This

was the inaugural year of the awards, so Oh, nice. So like,

you know, that's nice. You're there at the ground floor and you're like winning medals. Like at the ground floor. Who do we need to knock off? We've got the who got the gold? Oh, you feel like

Man, I've never released it. Oh, that's not cool. Not cool. I don't feel okay about it.

I don't like it. I'm not full. I mean, I have to say,

I'm very grateful that we got the award and I'm very happy about it.

But let me say something to Dogfish Head like it. If you don't like they have those interesting for them so for the museum of food and drink people who are interested in this, like Dogfish Head has that collaboration that they do with the with the person whose name I forget who researches and looks at the chemical looks at the at the leftovers in like 1000s of year old vessels and tries to figure out what people was drinking back in the day hint, it wasn't cheap mirlo and then try to recreate with Dogfish Head The you know some of these ancient brews, some of which tastes good and some of which tastes terrible. But, so let me ask you this. I'm assuming that you still on the Dogfish Head when I first heard of them, which was like, you know, I don't know a billion years ago. They were doing they were kind of part of the wave of giant giant giant. I'm not telling anyone who listens to this anything. They don't know giant IPAs now. Do you guys still like giant IPAs or No? No.

No, we'll drink whatever if it fits the established girl.

I always thought their 60s was better than their 120. Right? The 120 was a bridge too far for me. But the 60 I thought was nice. Now,

if a girl brings it over, I'll drink it.

But you'll crush up garlic and put it into oboe. Yeah, wait, Pat, what's the name of this album you're putting out?

It's called Lamar toe songs. Maitra.

Great friends. What without master what's what?

John can say it better John said.

Well, yeah, I'm having a hard time distinguishing the first word to moto. Moto. Sarmat hammer without a without a master. That's right.

There we go. Hmm. Sweet. So is this about Anastasia?

Inspired by Anastasia?

Nice. All right. All right. I rip the motion. Oh, nice. All right. Oh, yeah. molecules.

So if you feel like things are moving too fast, and you take it down a notch, you can buy my new line of move it slow. mirlo $6.90 A bottle. And then you can find that out check ins

How much the case Jack what do I get on a case for $69 a case? Oh, man, that's a good deal.

Yes. Jack Yeah, I'm here in LA. You know, writing out the COVID WAV and available to produce your podcasts listeners. If you have any podcasts you want to get off the ground. Holler at me. So what are what are some casting guys wants me to say I'm single.

Well, you're not going to see this person again.

I mean, I'm I'm single. Let's just leave it

right now. By the way, do you have any sort of like are there any sort of boundaries like podcasts that you that you won't you won't do she likes people shouldn't pitch that you're not going to be involved with no, I'm I'm open podcast. Collection recap podcast. Yeah,

I mean, I'll I'll produce it. I just might not produce it the way you write me? Yeah, I'll edit those. Would you do Alex Jones? Oh my god. He's very entertaining. But no, I wouldn't.

What's your plan? How much money would you have to offer you?

Is my name on it? Yeah, that's a tough

you're just the engineer. You're just following orders.

Come on. Do that speaking of bridge too far. Listen, I have something we can discuss on the on the on the on the way out here because I feel that you guys might have some opinions. This is from Devin patelin. How's it going? Has everyone voted? Do you have your escape boats packed and your bunkers prepped? I do in fact, I have a lot of freeze dried. I have like five days of freeze dried food here that don't require any preparation just in case the s hits the F and the transmission doesn't go as planned. You guys do any ei exam any prep duty prep I have I have a I have 10 days of water in Jerry canceled here. What do you do? You did?

I didn't sound good. What do you do stepping out to make a call and just hit his head on the top of this garage door.

Here's a tall man. All right. So did you guys do any prepping in advance in cases in case you got really bad?

In Airbnb, so we're in California we're gonna be fine.

Fruit and vegetables.

I have a lot of freeze dried food though as well. manicured

freeze dried food is good for 30 years now the good stuff by the good stuff. It's worth it because it's good for 30 years anyway. So Devin has a question about pizza that we can discuss. And so this is where I think he's going to go off the rails for a lot of you. He says specifically the best part of pizza the sauce and then something maybe even more controversial says well maybe not the best cheese is the best but cheese is easier than Valentine's Day to singles bar which is that easy. I've never I've never had good is not true. I haven't One good luck on Valentine's Day and married her anyway. But sauce is a secret lair that I think elevates a pizza from being tossed by a troll to that of a disk of Heaven spun down from the gods, specifically the key ingredient from making that sauce pop. And I think it's blended kalamata olives in the sauce, and maybe some zoo of mushroom as well. The variable Janessa quoi of mushroom deliciousness. So I asked, Why do all recipes online suck? And what is the best pizza sauce recipe? Sidenote, Devin enjoys Hawaiian pizza thinks it's delicious. So what do you guys first of all we do think about Hawaiian pizza. I'm fine with it. I've never I don't order it, but I'm fine with it if I will eat it.

Hawaiian pizza is one of these aspects of dating. It's one of these weird things on dating apps that people really like to proclaim that they love or hate. I don't know why it's such a thing on dating apps, but it is.

Yeah, on dating apps. Like literally they're like, they're like don't

swipe right. If you like Hawaiian pizza, or I honestly, apologetically love who I am pizza

tells me everything I need to know yet for

sure. Exactly.

Which ones right? Right is yes or right is now

either is not to put it on a dating app profile. Yeah,

exactly. If it appears on your profile, it's a no,

no, no. Swiping, swiping. Which direction is the is the way to say that you would like to move further in this direction. What's the right swiping? Right? He likes him, right? Yes. Yeah. All right. All right. So first of all, Devin, we can we're all allowed to have our own opinions. But if you're dealing with serious, serious pizza heads, the only thing that they will accept you saying is that the dough is the most important thing, right? I mean, like that's what serious pizza nerds are going to do to you. They're going to say that the dough is the most important thing. And that everything else is just window dressing. In the same way that you know, Don used to, you know, my partner, ex partner, I guess at existing conditions would say about, you know, the ice or the rice in sushi is like that's the base. You gotta get the base, right? The breads gotta be right. What do you guys think about that like that? definitely true. Now, on sauce, I do like adding stuff like umami pack stuff, like much like mushrooms. I do kalamata olives are good because they have a lot of salt as well as kind of an umami pop. I like anchovies ground in. I like Neo not too grounded, which is another fish based thing. So I'm a big fan. So I use this. Anything that has that kind of hid in it. I like grinding it in. But people who want kind of more straight ahead. pizza flavor, even though the sauce is delicious, if it's outside of the realm of what they're used to. Some people are gonna be like, Oh, you're I'm saying so it's like, it's like work because like, you can tell now Allah's Kamado specifically, if you grind just a little bit of it in, like, they're not going to know what you've done necessarily. So you might be able to get away with it. But when I grind it in, I usually grind like a whole bunch of it in and people can notice that all of a sudden, it's like got some of that briny hit, which if you like olives is delicious, but I'm just telling you, some people are going to find it like, you know, some people are going to find it. Not as good. What do you guys think about this?

I'm gonna put anything in pizza sauce. I don't know. I mean,

oregano, or no oregano, and pizza sauce.

I'm not a huge oregano guy.

Really? That's fine.

But do you think it doesn't taste like pizza? If there's not some oregano?

Yeah, I think oregano is kind of like pizza flavor, right?

I mean, classic. That's the classic. Like, it's gotta have at least a little bit of oregano in it. That's like, you know, but to be honest, like until recently, I didn't use a lot of any really reg. I've never really had dried oregano around. And then I was talking to my brother in law, Wiley, who, you know, makes us making a lot of pizza at home during the corona thing. And he's like, you're not putting dried oregano. What do you maybe it sounds like Okay, and so now you know, when I make pizza, I'll add a little bit of dried oregano to the sauce. I think when you do sauce, I think concentrated flavor is good. Like, for many, many years, I was a just let's get some tomato paste, blend a couple of canned tomatoes into it. And then adjust the flavor with kind of umami olive oil and you know sometimes a little bit of cheese and salt. And then depending on who it was some people like a little bit of sugar correction Some don't The reason Domino's Pizza sauce used to taste so terrible by the way it was because all of the sugar they added that stuff was basically a tomato lollipop. It's why that thing was such hard to go hey, look, you're the ones that were late getting on Boom.

Oh, we're already two minutes past eight minutes Yeah,

it's fine. You know we do this

last week to win you used to be a half hour late so

yeah, and then I was still stay

well, yeah, go

Yeah, yeah. I'm saying is is that like, you know, I can do this I can do this. Whenever anyway, thanks to by the way, I like some of us have to leave the Stasi of like invites and you guys are always welcome on invites a bunch of people over Nastasia beforehand. Hey back me up Jack and

Aaron Aaron, Dana's Aaron all right to go

so well you invite her mom but that's fine because they you know their guests they can come go Jack True or False to stasis like listen, I don't want this to go along. So I'm gonna say that you need to go and I need to go so that it ends. She's just go with it. How did that happen? Yes or No? If you lie to me, I don't know. If you lie to me, Jack. I will. No. I don't remember. Pat, is that happened or not?

I don't I don't remember, but I'm pretty sure it didn't happen. Because today you mean you're like,

oh, no, not today? No.

She did not do that today. No, no, no,

I'm sorry. I thought you're asking me historically. And

I just want to say she she pointed a butter knife at me when she said when I said that?

No, no, she didn't do that. That did not happen today. Seriously? Yeah, I mean, has it happened in the past?

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Fair enough. All right. What do you say?

Dave Arnold world we just live in it. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Because Because Mr. Garcia because the Stasi I always get my way right. Why why?

I miss this so much.

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