Cooking Issues Transcript

Monocles and Board Rooms

Hello, everybody, and welcome to a brand new series on heritage radio network called the culinary call sheet where we give a peek into the back kitchen of culinary media. I'm your host, April Jones,

and I'm your co host, Darren bresnitz. Part of why we started the show was to offer an unofficial mentorship for anyone who's interested in learning about all aspects of food and video, whether that's TV, social media online, or just something you want to do for fun.

Absolutely what was once niche or a little silly, as I'm sure you remember, Darren, when we started out, this man has now become such a massive playing field for so many creatives using food as the medium.

It's something that has driven us professionally and personally, for so many years. What excites me the most about this show is that we're going to sit down with some of the industry leaders to hear how they made it and what drew them into this industry.

With 20 years in the culinary production game ourselves, we're hoping we can give through these conversations an insider's view into personal stories from the field, as well as an in depth behind the scenes look into some of the most popular food programming. In today's evolving culinary media landscape.

We'll be covering everything from how to style your food, to how to license IP, to developing your own ideas, and some tips from the masters of how to host your own show.

Yeah, it's a little bit of conversation, how to and how do you do the things that you do in color media, which I'm so excited about? I love so many of the guests that are coming on this season. We have talent from Food Network from Vice media eater refinery 29,

we've met some of the best people in the world both in front of and behind the camera. And we're bringing them all together to share their stories, their delicious adventure and their unique journey into this crazy world.

So to be the first to hear our episodes when they launched this fall, go to wherever podcasts are streaming, and hit subscribe and make sure to give us a follow at the Culinary call sheet on Instagram.

This episode is brought to you by just egg you can't have plant based breakfast without a plant based egg. You can get started with a free sample, just head to j u dot S T slash Hrn.

This week on meat and three, it's the final episode of our series on global trade. We're thinking futuristically from China's ambitious plans for a new Silk Road to the future of borders and automation

here at banana. You know it's easy to cross the border. But if you're a person who's trying to follow the jobs, it's a lot more difficult if not impossible to do so in an authorized and safe fashion.

They love food trucks and they love growing your own food because these things are not dependent on essentially government system. So there's a whole politics to pretzels on the dark web.

Tune in to meat in three hrs weekly food news roundup wherever you get your podcasts

Hello, and welcome to cookie Asians. This is Dave Arnold, your host of cookies just coming to you live on the heritage Radio Network every Tuesday from whenever to whenever I'm in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. The Stasi Lopez is on the Barney Barney shores of Connecticut. And we got Matt in his hidey hole booth in Rhode Island. Hey guys. Hello. Hello. Yeah. John, of course is still doing his grand jury duty down there in lower Manhattan. And he can't obviously tell us anything about it but he says it's kind of brute it's he says it's brutal.

Yeah, yeah. Because you're in for like, isn't it you're in for 10 or 20 days and they're like full days and you are really you're actually doing stuff on like normal jury duty where you just kind of sit around and wait to get dismissed.

Well, he tells me now I've never been in Grand Jury right I've only been on a regular jury and but he says it's like you know because the basically a grand jury all they're deciding is Is it worthy going to trial right? So he's like, they'll do like four days or four or five that day and and yeah, and you don't hear anything good? Or like there's no redemption ever because all that happens is the defense doesn't even show up. It's the prosecutor shows up and shows you a bunch of horrible stuff. So like, here's a videotape of someone being murdered. Here's a blah blah because we know all the security footage, she says it's just a freaking like, he says it's a freaking living nightmare show.

And they don't show you things that are like, yeah, maybe the guy isn't guilty. Or maybe the guy didn't kill the guy. It's always like, no, that guy definitely.

Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Or John was like he's like, Well, that guy is definitely dead because I can see him on the ground and up Little of blood and they have enough evidence that the other guy beating the hell out of him is a is the guy that they're trying to charge? So yeah, let's just let's take that to trial. Yes

like a very it's like a slightly toned down Clockwork Orange. They're showing you like tons of violent things in sequence just like a little bit slower.

Oh, yeah. I don't know what John's for those of you that haven't seen Clockwork Orange, it's it's McDowell was his first name Roddy Roddy McDowell, and Andy McDowell. I can't remember anyway. So like the. So he's an ultra violent guy. The only thing he actually likes in life is Beethoven. And so they would have they strap him in a chair and like, peel his eyes open and play Beethoven and they somehow they ruin Beethoven and violence at the same time for him, right? Yeah, yeah. Although I don't really understand it. I haven't seen in a long time. I saw it when I was too young. I saw it when I was like, maybe 13. And I haven't seen it since. So maybe I should watch it again. Yeah, I feel like this is ripe for a rewatch you ever watch that Anastasia? No, no interest,

no interest?

Because you don't have interest in that era of movie or that particular movie?

I just never never got around to watching it.

But I do you go. Did you go through a period in your life where you try to watch like, like, all the classics of particular eras? And just that one, you're like, That one doesn't appeal to me, or did you just never do that as a thing?

I just never did it as a thing.

I see. I used to do that. I mean, it makes sense. Right? That makes sense.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Anyway, okay. So DAX wanted me to do this last week. And I forgot. So here. He wants to write this book. See what you think Mr. Macias, who you think Matt? Right. He wants to write this book. But he's never going to do it. So he wanted me to ask whether anyone else thought this was possible. He wants to write a book such that the first is a 300 page book because that's the longest book that DAX you know, who's 16. That's the longest book he can conceive of is 300 pages. He can't imagine a book longer than 300 pages. So the first 299 pages of the book suck. They're terrible, right? You with me? So far? Yes. Worthless. Garbage. Trash filth, anyway. But that that last page, makes the entire book into the best book you've ever read. Okay, but you can't just read the last page. If you just read the last page, it still sucks. You need to have read the 299 first pages in order for that last page to make any sense.

But if the first pages suck, why wouldn't I mean the chances already you stopping are high, right?

Oh, very high chances of getting published or very low. But like if it becomes known that like this phenomenon becomes known, I told him that he said that this wasn't Now again, this is going to give you some idea of taxes, literary tastes, but he was like, I was inspired by To Kill a Mockingbird where the first half of it I thought sucked. And the second half of it made the whole thing good. He's like, but I want to do that where it's like, you know, all but the last page sucks. And then the last page is good. But again, this is Dax, his opinion, not mine. Again, I haven't read To Kill a Mockingbird since I was probably 13. But I told him I was just Yeah, I told him when he

was just telling me that they were reading a book that they were really super into, you know, they got it from the strand or something and they and they get they get to the very end and they realize somebody's ripped the last page out. So that would be especially effective with the taxes book.

Oh, yeah. Well, the problem is, is that any critic reading it right? Would would they would never make it to that last page to get the integration would have to become No, it would have to become known. I told them the reverse happens a lot. The reverse happens where you have a really great book and then the author destroys it in the last couple of pages. This happens constantly. Anyway, the other thing is that is it the kids his age now are playing certain stars in I used to play a game called How much would it take to write so like Anastasia and I would think of something unpleasant and then figure out how much it would cost for you to get that to do that right just as he says true. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, a great game. It's a great game actually, frankly, because you also get an idea of whether someone's a liar i find that almost everyone who plays this game is a liar because their numbers are like ridiculous like how much to drink that gallon of oil and they're like no million dollars you're like crap on you. If I showed up with $1,000 Put it on the table and said drink that oil you drink it, you know what I mean? Anyway, so like whereas like I feel like I'm more realistic with my numbers.

Did I ever give you that? How much would it cost for you to eat alive sea slug that's like the size of a shoebox.

The size of a shoebox? Do I get a knife and fork? Yeah, you get a knife and fork but it's live and and any I can I can dry gag but I can't throw up

right and you have to finish it all. And I in You really have to know like these things have went rings and antennas and like, So,

how much? How much time do I have?

You'll have six hours.

Do I have condiments? No. No. Oh, Jesus, Jesus. Or Hello, I'm Sam stinking thinking. I get a knife and fork. A good knife. I couldn't get the knife of my choice.

Let's think no, you get you get just a knife. Just say like a regular steak knife.

No cheese, so I can't even I don't even have like, I can't even sashimi this no stuff. No as though it's possible with its rising, disgusting body. Okay,

well, you have six hours, so you have the chance to sort of kill it. And then like, let it you know, actually expire?

No, but yeah, yeah. But I mean, you still, I mean, the problem with the knife. The reason I asked a knife question is because you can do a lot for palatability with amazing knife skills, like you know, talk to any decent, like, you know, sushi chef, you know, fish cutter, you know what I'm saying? So like, I'm not going to be able to do like paper thin that like slices and just like, like let them slide down my throat. I'm going to be hacking at it with some sort of like Bonanza or sizzler grade steak knife. You know, and it like jamming a fork into it. And then like shredding pieces off with this with this steak knife that can barely cut butter, and then jamming it so that that makes it more money. Right. And I'm just worried that I get halfway into it accidentally throw up and then lose all the cash.

Yeah. Yeah. I think yeah, that's. So that's the format.

No nursing. Number four. C's sea slug.

Yeah. But it doesn't come up online the way that it should. It's, it's very different. Looks like an order like a human organ.

No condiments, beverages? No.

Do you have an image by the way that you can share with me?

I'll try to find a microphone. Yeah.

Yeah, that's, I would be really worried that like, I'm going to set a price. I'm going to start on this and not be able to finish shoe

box. So how much is a shoe box? But it's also like probably like five pounds? Yeah, how much is a lot?

It's a lot. A lot.

Six hours. I'm gonna say 25 grand.

That's it.

I've says I'm saying I've been

reorder. Seems pretty legit. Actually, if

you showed up with a shoebox, one shoebox had $25,000 in it. And once you had a sea slug, and a steak knife from Ponderosa and a fork, I get a bib, right? And then like, I'd be like, No, go for it. Wow, go for it. Because then like, I'll know, by the end of our one after I've gone through like, you know, a third of the sea slug, whether or not is to call it quits and see what are my bet was wrong. Right? Yeah, it's not like, it's like, this is what I like to say to people. I was like, what percentage of people in the Stasi Do you think do for money for a living something that they really, they don't really care about? 92%? Okay, so 92% of the people are basically selling the vast majority of their day of their life. For money. Yeah. So I get here in six hours. 25 grand seems like a good deal if the average person is not doing what they want to do with their time anyway, want to just do something horribly unpleasant for a very short period of time. And then that frees up the rest of your time to do whatever you want.

Yeah, but I don't know. I think that that's a very small amount of money for what you gotta do.

Okay. I mean, you know, I mean, it depends. I still use my college brain when I'm like, I'm like, that's more than I make any year. I get a whole sea slug out of it. You know what I mean? It's like, yeah, you know what I mean? Yeah, like, you know, when I got out of college, I was making 20 grand a year and I was happy to get it.

And real college brand this is free food. I man can't turn that down.

Yeah, yeah.

I mean, it's theoretically nourish no cultures that eat it.

So what's your number? Anastasia?

I don't think I could do it.

How am I? Right? It's okay. If someone showed up with a million dollar briefcase of cash you wouldn't be like I'm gonna give it the old try.

No date because I know

that's not come I just don't I

know I would gag I know I would cry. I know I know me.

All that's all an acceptable risk to take. That's what I'm saying. It's my whole life. That's that's my that's my my college band gagging and crying. It's actually there's a Southern rock band, driving and crying. I'm ripping their name off a little bit. Driving crying was a famous band and so gagging and crying the other Oh, Yes, anyway, so Zach's DAX is now playing instead of that game he's playing kind of disturbing variants of would you rather that's what the kids on the internet are doing. But like, like much more crazy than we used to do when we were kids like he's would you rather have someone chop off both of your hands? Or? Or and this is an the your answer is going to depend on how old you are, I think right? Or would you rather have someone tattoo a swastika on your forehead and you were never allowed to explain to anyone why it was there?

You have to feel the chopping of the hands.

This wasn't a question, but I didn't ask him. So I don't know. But I'm going to say no.

I think I'd rather have my hands. Not have hands.

That is nuts to me. That's Have you heard

of hats? I don't know that part of it. Is everything in your life the idea? Well, so. But the thing is, is that like I really enjoy my hands.

Yeah, hands are really important. I'll go live in a very rural

areas and like,

like, tell someone why you have a swastika on your head. Like,

what? Well, I'm to the part of the world where this means nothing to them and still have hands

or just be a social pariah. I am anyway was last time you saw human beings. It doesn't matter. All I'm saying is is it until

you live it day. You can't take crap. So it's

not saying he's not saying DAX is not saying that you have to like, No, you're saying a Nazi sympathizer? Yeah, like DAX is saying, Dax is not saying that you have to take on any sort of ideology. It doesn't matter. Yeah,

it does not matter.

I had a good strategy. You can't explain it. Right. someone's like, What's that on your forehead? You say? What? No. Like you have a swastika on your head. What do you say like that? What? Like that? I don't know. Hands.

It's interesting.

There's a lot of good prosthetics out there. Also, you're like, oh,

what's the opposable thumb?

Oh, that's fine. Like swastikas? You know, a swastika? Whatever. No, no, what

they chose, he chose us to go because it's like, obviously,

it gets an obviously clear answer. I guess for me.

I don't know. Let's put a pin in this head. If we're still doing something even remotely similar to this in 10 years, right? When you're, you know, 10 years older. Let's see whether you choose your hands.

Okay. Okay.

Anyway, so is Dax. By the way, even though he's young. I don't know. He didn't tell me what he chose. But his friend shows no hands over Nazi symbol.

I think it's a generational thing.

Yeah, you are. A component.

Boomer like you.

Oh, I am actually the last generation that like I'm the last generation where like Nazis were more real. Like they were literally Nazis, or like, around when I was like, like a like old school like Nazi still alive who escaped to like South America. And like, that was all more real. When I was a kid of World War Two was very you can still get World War Two surplus in surplus stores when I was a kid. You know what I mean? Yeah. Anyways,

oh, wait, you had me? What was the thing we put a hold on for? Also Wait, somebody's asking if they can do a lot. I saw this pop up. If you can do half of squats to go on one hand? Is that an option? I will ask. That's Clayton. That's Clayton Patterson's question.

I will ask DAX whether it's whether it's possible

thinking outside of this luxury box there. What was the question? I icemaker? You I asked you like oh, yeah, I made you turn off the icemaker before we started because it was making this like, high pitch sound last week. And then later, I thought, Oh, I never wanted to turn that back on. I hope that's not causing some issue. And then you said that your answer might be illuminating for?

Yeah. So like, I have an icemaker in my house. It's like, you know, everyone chooses what their luxuries? Are I have two luxuries. One of us isn't even that that hard to get anymore. I have the Japanese toilet seat which every living human being who has a toilet should get a Japanese toilet seat like if you if you don't like toilets, if you're like more of a poop and the whole poop and a whole situation, then I guess Forget it. But if you use a regular toilet, get a Japanese toilet seat. The second luxury is having a machine that makes ice for me in my house. And I use it to chill myself certain whatnot. The problem is that they are incredibly wasteful ice machines because they keep running water all the time. And they make noise all the time because they're running their compressors so they're relatively wasteful. And my wife, like has progressively over the past five I have years gotten more and more hatred for the sound of the ice machines and it's a known problem that ice machines make noise. Right? And so the one that I have and the Stasi we never got our monocles. You were gonna get your I forget why you needed a monocle but it never needed one You totally did. You were like why can't you just fly to Belgium and ketchup mustard? That's where the whole monocle thing came from was from us saying that like we could just shed out. Yeah, all right. Whatever. monocle lady, whatever. I will get off to California. Where's my monocle? That is in the Stasi. You are the monocle lady. Anyway, like my because of like the whole attitude of oh, if I want a jar of mustard, I will just land the plane in Belgium.

Also as a little monocle that turned down a million bucks to eat the sea slug. Yeah,

but until you see it, I really, really don't have

to say yeah, the video was a little. It didn't look like there. It was just like a shoe box size. Yeah, like how big was that? It was kind of hard to tell. I was like six

inches. Yeah.

Oh, wait, do I still get the money?

No, I'm saying shoe box. I've seen shoe box size sea slugs and they are disgusting.

Speaking of things that are large and disgusting that I really, really really want to eat, but only if they're legal to eat is the coconut crab. I've discussed this before. It's the world's largest terrestrial crab. They are huge. It looks like someone put like a like an enlarging array onto a hermit crab and the thing just like when compound and blend blasted shell open and just got giant and like the like hanging out like on trees and on trash cans. And they're just big, big big but I hear they're tasty

toilet is the largest Extra Terrestrial

mommy underwater crab. I don't know probably the king crab. Can I bet the king crab is probably bigger by way but it's a lot harder for a crab to hold. Hold on a second. The kids have locked the dog into a room hold second.

When Dave says kids, they're like I don't 18 and 17.

Yes, yeah. So of course. Um, I don't remember seeing these on the beaches of San Diego where were you seeing Malibu?

They were mostly in Malibu and like it was they were everywhere. It looked like someone had killed bodies and like their organs were everywhere. What are you talking about?

Oh, I was just wondering where she saw this because I never saw him in San Diego. But yeah.

So anyway, ice machine. So the like the one that I have. And I pull out my monocle has what's called a board room setting. And then of the board room setting, you can turn it off for like you push a button and it turns off for 246 hours depending on what you want. So that you can have your board meetings and silence and then the ice machine comes back. It's nice. Yeah.

It's a good feature.

It's a good feature. Yeah. So Jen comes in. And Jen comes in and puts the board. You know, when she comes into the house after work, she just presses the, you know, the boardroom feature, and we have our nightly board meeting without the ice machine going.

I was having flashbacks because it's a classic like radio Freelancer thing. While they don't do that anymore because of COVID but used to do what were called tape syncs where you go to people's houses and workplaces and record like one end of an interview while they're talking to somebody else elsewhere to get a high quality recording. And it's like a classic maneuver to want to kill their refrigerator while you're there. So you you you stick your keys in the fridge so that you don't forget because it's like huge faux pas to go to your interviewees house. Have them turn off the fridge forget to warn them to turn it back on at the end and then leave and spoil all of their food.

You don't you don't grenade your way out of those situations. Like when you get the interview. It's over.

You're out. Yeah, go bang fun done.

Dump. You know, take a roll of paper towels into the into the bathroom, wash them up, throw them in the toilet and drop a load on top and leave. That's the move. Right?

Yes, let's say you get repeat. Work.

Yeah, well no. Do we the interviewee is not hiring. They're a chump. They're like someone like like you or me who's being asked to be on someone else's show. It's over. Oh, you're

saying Are they really gonna bring this up? Like are they gonna complain about that? Come on, they can't be sure that you intended to do it. Or they're gonna like come back to that person who hired you and be like, I think that they intentionally poo bombed my bathroom.

I mean, I mean, it was the entire roll of paper towels. I don't see how you could do that by accident. Like poop bomb through paper poop bomb through a pile of paper towels means you are going in there with gloves. There's no other way to do it.

This show has just from start to finish been things that like technically are kid friendly, I guess but like really?

On a separate you Don't say curse words, but we teach what we're

talking about Nazis. You know what?

Nazis were real man. And they were real,

like completely off limits.


curses anyway. Another thing I've been noticing people have been asking me a lot of cookbook recommendations on Twitter and whatnot. Do not forget that kitchen Arts and Letters exists for the reason of telling you which cookbooks are good for a particular application. So try calling them and talking to them. But then please also buy the book from them for the extra freaking $10 for that book, can you just buy it from kitchen Arts and Letters, please, kitchen arts and letters in the 90s on Lex in Manhattan, they'll pick up the phone, they'll talk to you, they'll give you an excellent recommendation that will fit you tell them what your parameters are. They're like a bartender for books. You tell them what your parameters are. And they will tell you in their vast experience of doing nothing but reading cookbooks all day, like which one of those books is going to be ideal for you. Right? Right. Anyway.

The answer is probably liquid intelligence.

Oh, that's that's always the answer. I've been looking for a book on on roasting a chicken. Have you tried liquid intelligence? Yeah, no, I get not I get nothing out of it anyway. Alright. Also on a note, after last week or the week before people have been trying out putting their bread when it comes out of the oven into their vacuum machine. And people have been getting good results. Curie speak first. So like I'm I'm trying to figure out if any of you guys run experiments on putting your bread remember to put something around it like a super bag or put it in a paper bag or shielded somehow from not destroying, not destroying, but in filth running the inside of your vacuum machine. But when I do it, I do it on full vacuum because I'm trying to boil it and get it to go down. Everyone tell me what your results are experiments are I wouldn't try it on bread. You didn't want that like a Pullman loaf, where you aren't looking for a thick crust. But if you're trying for a crusty bread, let me know what your results are. I want to run some tests, get some parameters. And another thing I'm working on, people ask me a lot of pressure pressure cooker questions, usually, although not so much here. People ask me like elsewhere. When was last time we had a pressure cooker question Anastasia? I don't know. It's been a while. So I've been running into the I've been running into the issue of like having liquids that are too thick that that for some reason, don't build up pressure until the temperature is too high. So I'm working on this for the for the book. So if you have any questions about pressure cookers and how they work on the inside, now's a good time to ask me because I'm going to be drilling holes in the top of one of my pressure cookers, and putting all a bunch of monitors in and doing a bunch of tests. So if you ever needed a test run on the inside of a pressure cooker to figure out what's going on. Ask me now because I'm going to be doing that kind of work as we go on. Now, John, when he's back said he's going to get an oyster person on but we had. So someone asked us a question about apparently when you're shucking oysters occasionally you'll get these little crabs on the inside. Someone said Kenny can can you eat on and we had Eric stroke. We're going to get an oyster shucker on to talk about it. But Eric strode who who does shellfish farming research wrote in and someone is going to was going to give it to you here. Sorry, Spencer Roberts Eric strode acid original question. Spencer Roberts gave me the answer. Spencer Roberts from Philadelphia, the shellfish farming expert. Greetings from Philadelphia. The last week of January the topic of oyster crabs came up working in the shellfish farming and research worlds for five plus years. I have some info, a few tips and opinions. Oyster crabs or pea crabs represent a couple of species Pineau theory's Astrium and ze ops Austria's and can be found in bivalve shellfish like mussels, clams and oysters. These crabs find their way into the bivalve shells as larvae and live inside of the bivalve stealing food from its host as both grow they can be found in many coastal waters and depending on the environmental and or ecological conditions can be fairly common. totally edible. They are totally edible as long as they are still alive when you shock or cook the shellfish. But of course, if you cook it and only find it later, how are you going to know? Yep, you know, hang on out. So unless you shook your own oysters, you may never see them since raw bars almost always remove them before serving. Some people set them aside well shocking to cook up later. When shucking oysters I prefer to eat them as I go that said I would avoid eating if they're already dead and sad when you open up the oyster. I mean, I mean, I mean, sad in what sense? You mean like limp You mean like not lively not like I mean I'm sure there it you know, to the extent that crabs have a motion And there's been, by the way, so many papers on whether you guys know the difference between nociception and and and pain.

No remember you talking about this?

That's close enough but so for for math benefit and anyone who wasn't listening to that episode or I don't know what it was episode of Real Life nociception just means that something that you and I would interpret as noxious. Right? That it is avoided, right? So a machine can be adapted to do nociceptive behavior. Pain is a mental state. And so like there's been a lot of research especially by you know, people who are interested in animal rights animal welfare, on what kind of animals can experience pain versus straight nociception and some people believe that crabs So assuming of a small crab can do it a large crab can do it hermit crabs were tested whether hermit crabs can feel pain so the the point being that to the extent though that pain that there's some sense of sadness, or some sense of unwi and a crab if you were going to pop open its house you know what I mean? It's going to be sad no matter what, but I'm guessing that my attitude as the popper be like free rides over baby right I mean, like it's been living off of this by Valve for whoever knows how long for your rights over anyway.

I'm gonna go down I'm taking you down with me.

Yeah. In things you're more likely to cook like clams or mussels, the cooked crabs at a nice crunchy bit. I highly recommend saving and trying next time shucking or cooking your bivalve mollusk friends. Nice. All right, that's good advice from Spencer Roberts. We appreciate it. Spencer had an unrelated question because that wasn't a question of stasis. So this is not two questions. Sichuan peppercorns have come up a few times on the show especially about them blowing out your taste buds. I get this effect from Sichuan peppercorns and things sometimes from spicy mustard and other such things. Is there a way to negate this effect or speed up restoring your taste buds or just do you have to deal with it now I was trying to get McGee on for a different question that we have coming on later or maybe you know, we'll get a perception scientist on but the interesting thing is session one pepper corns like the all of these things are and this goes back to nociception and pain these go back to pain receptors. And like you know, heat receptors in some cases for things like capsaicin, but Sichuan peppercorns some mustard and capsaicin and things like that tend to hit similar channels in your in your like nerve channels, right section one peppercorns there's a an article called pungent agents from Sichuan peppers excite sensory neurons by inhibiting to poor potassium channels in 2008, which seems to indicate that the Sichuan peppercorns hit a different target then things like mustard or horseradish, or, or capsaicin or things like this. So you probably can't choose one thing that's going to knock out. It's going to knock out the both of them anyway. But you know, next time I have someone who knows this stuff, for sure, I will ask. Also, there's a New Yorker bivalve poem that Spencer gave us too long to read now you got that and Stassi already right. Hey, did I answer the question about about John is trying to make trying to make pair cocktail before I answer that, I don't think so. I don't think so. So So Jana is the oldest is trying to make a pair cocktail doesn't have a centrifuge, and is wondering what you know, how to up the pear flavor right. And I thought I said something about this pear flavor is very difficult to work with because pear flavor is very light, right. So, like, people use overripe pears in distillation and you get a lot of the aroma effects, but especially in kind of cocktails, it can be difficult for something to be like pair right. So like you know, at the bar well back when I had a bar we bought like Comis pairs which are very aromatic right. And then we we cleric, we waited till they were like just at a peak point of rightness, but for they started fading, we clarify them, and we just used a bunch of the pear juice a bunch. And that's how we were able to get like a really big pear flavor. We chose one of the most high flavored pears you could get. And then we you know, used a boatload of it and you don't have that because a you can't clarify a bunch of juice because you don't have a centrifuge. But B you're not adding that much of the pear product to it. So I would say you're going to be more likely better bolstering with like heaps of dried pears, but those are going to give kind of more cooked and dried aromas. But you got a tough you got a tough road. A tough road for yourself. That may make sense guys. Yep, yes.

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Patrick Ciccone wrote into your cooking issues gang I recently acquired a roto broil 400 The 1950s countertop rotisserie long championed by Geoffrey Stein garden. So the roto broil 400 Is it looks like like a 50s like an Airstream trailer or like you know a 50s Toaster like a lot of Chrome. And then straight out of the side of it you shove a stick that the or you know goes in and out a stick that the rotisserie is on and you open the front just like a toaster oven, you put the stick in you close the door and it rotates the stick and acts like a little rotisserie for things like chicken and Geoffrey Stein garden in the 90s I guess you know decided that he loved the roto broil and like 90s, early 2000s and just got like whole bunches of roto Broyles in in his in his inventory and went through them and I think he wrote wrote a lot about them. They're kind of cool little pieces of equipment made by I believe by Ron Popeil, who you guys are familiar with Ron Popeil, right? Yes. Matt? No,

no, you

don't know Ron Popeil, like, like Ron Popeil is like the inventor a lot of them kitchen gadgets that like all people who make crazy kitchen gadgets probably like aspire to like he was the he's like a mixture of like Edison and PT Barnum, who went on TV and sold like a whole bunch of like crazy Bronco brand, you know, kitchen gadgets that are of questionable utility or need. So you know, just like Anastasia and I, basically like we are we are the we are busted for appeals, right? We're like, we're like worthless pull appeals. Is that true? And Stasi? Yes. Yeah. So

um, we is someone chuffing behind you? Hold on. I mean, it is very, it's like very on theme. Yeah. To have actual cooking.

I have two kids in this house and two dogs, and I can't get them for one hour a week.

When do your kids just come adults? How old do they have to be?

They're always your kids in this assay. I don't know if you know this.

Or you can't just abandon them at some point. Because

Lord, if I lived to be a billion, and they are a billion minus 30, then they are still my kids. Okay, and I still have that. 30 years on him. Yeah, 33, or whatever it is. Yeah.

I think she was maybe going after something slightly different than the technical definition of killing children.

But what was she going after then? First of all, like, but yeah, my kids are like, my kids are still in high school. So they're still living here. And yeah, and nowadays, it's not like when I was a kid, like people live with their parents now until they're like, 90. You know what I mean? So like, I don't even know what the world is going to be like. I have no idea. You know what I mean? When I was a boy, you went to school, you got a house. You weren't, you're done. You were off the teat. You know what I mean? But that's just not the way it works for anyone anymore. I don't think I don't know. Was that was that what you were? What were you implying a sassy? What what rude thing were you? Let me know what rude thing you're implying. So I know what I do when

you you know I just imagined that if I had the same thing going on here, I would never hear the end of it.

Well, well, you don't say like, you can hear me saying negative things to them in the real life to try to ameliorate it. I don't think that's acceptable. Yeah. Right. I only get angry at people that I'm working with when they somehow when things that are unacceptable are happening. And they somehow deem them acceptable. That's the problem. Like if you had someone like doing a spinning plate routine in the background, and the plates were constantly falling on the

job, and we had

they were salaried by Booker and DAX to do the spinning plate, but not

direct, but I would never have someone salary to do this job during the show, unless it was part of the show. And we have the one hour a week when we're supposed to be focusing on this. And there is how, like, what is seven times 24? There's seven times there's six times 24 other hours, no, sorry, six times 24 plus 23 other hours in the week that they can spin plates and break them. So it's like, what

if I were doing this from prison and my cellmate had to?

We do expect that when when you No, no, no, no. When you go to prison for whatever may happen, you do need to keep doing the show. It's an app phone call. It's gonna be expensive. By the way,

do you not do you know how much they charge for those calls? By the way, they're very expensive. This dossier you get a prison pass or whatever is happening in the background. Like that giant hulking person being like enough on the phone. That person it's fine. It's

when you guys hire the spinning plate person, you should set it up like anti piecework like they should get deductions and pay based on how many plates they break.

Yeah, well,

I don't know. I don't like I don't think salary plate isn't a salary is not a good schema here.

Know what since when are you Since when are you dance monkey dance on people? You're not supposed to, like create perverse incentives where like, you're supposed to pay someone a living wage, and let them just do their job not be like you're not. You've broken three blades. No money for you. You that's ridiculous. What is this?

Wow, you guys are so terrible.

Then you have to keep buying them plate. I don't know. I don't know,

look, they either need to get better within a certain amount of time, or you fire them but you don't keep them working as a plate spinner, and then just not paying them because they're breaking your plates. That is immoral.

Put your resumes in the chat listeners for just plates, the plates spinning position.

Be like and you'll live with me. So be like, Jenny, Jenny, you broke. You broke too many plates. If you if you break this many plates next week. I have to say we're gonna have to let you go. That's fair. That's fair. You've had a bad couple of weeks. You're not up to your game anymore. I think you've lost the knack, Jenny. You know what I mean? That's fair. That's fair, you know? All right. Back to the rhodo broil which we haven't even read the question yet. Okay, on a test spit on a test, spit, roast run. What do you think about the word spit roast? Anastasia?

I think it's fine. Because whatever.

It's got a lot of power, right? Spit Roast.

Also, I want to try out. There's this. There's this radio host in LA on a public radio thing. And she always sounds incredibly happy. Like everything she says is just incredibly happy and smiling and laughing like even when she says like, it's Black History Month. Like, I want to try that

out. But she doesn't in real life.

You're not kidding. You're not kidding.

So what do you think's actually going on in her head? I

think she's just like that.

Do you think she's the doctor from The Simpsons?

No, I think she's just I think she's just happy. I think she's just happy that when

you think she's legitimately happy about like, wildfires, or whatever, she's discuss everything. So you want to show

no without warning us? You should adopt that demeanor for one full episode of Cooking?

Yeah, no, no, I would be frightened. I would send an ambulance to her house.

I think it makes some people happy. Well, I think it makes some some of our listeners happy. If what I sent an ambulance to oh, if I if I adopted that personality. She's like a very bubbly female. I would like I mean,

is it isn't she isn't she and female kind of redundant?

Well, like she's, she's a female element. You know, like,

so what I'm trying to get what you're implying I'm trying to get we're implying feminine energy is high. But there's no the implication I'm getting is which I guess I'm wrong, is that you're saying that she is playing a particular stereotype up that you think certain men who listened to our show would enjoy from you. There's a BB here there's an attack. There's no word that it mean to me. I take that as an attack on that. I mean, that's how I read it. Oh, no, I just know that You're saying that like a bunch of men listening to our show wants you to be fake and therefore would want you to adopt what you perceive as a fake hyper feminine personality. That is what I guess. That's the implication would

enjoy. Yeah, I do. Yeah, but I

think it's, I think it's like a horrible. That's a horrible thing to say. No, that's a horrible thing to say about our listeners anyway. I'm sorry. No, you're not.

I'm gonna try it. Why? Because I want to.

What is it you said about Maria? You just want to be mean? No, I

don't. She was authentically herself. And I'm being authentically myself by Wow.

Yeah, no, by being by us, it has something to do with sticking it to these people somehow in a way that cuts off every my nose to spite your face. The Stasi is a genius.

I would hear this woman and I was like, wow, she is always happy. I wonder what would happen if I

let's get her on the show and talk to her about it? No.

No, because she has her own program. And she's so why No, no. Why not? Nope, nope, nope. Nope. She's like, very

fine. Like, what if she's so like, she could be miserable? You're gonna find out you know, you don't want to like yeah, I don't

want to meet your idol heroes. Yeah, exactly.

We don't get to meet her. She's going to call into a zoom thing. Whatever. Whatever.

Clayton has popped into the chat again to defend the stasis right to say whatever she wants about the listeners. There on team the Stasi, I think there's a free like a free anastasius coming out.

Well, let me ask you a question. Free Free Anastasia. From what? I don't know. We got

to ask the listeners. Yeah, we're gonna find out we're gonna get to the bottom of this.

Oh, because Because one thing I know for sure. Is this Tassia is never speaks her mind. I mean, she doesn't on the show. It's true.

I speak about 30% of my mind. Yeah. Wow.

I mean, when we're just talking though.

No, I think in life, like how much how much how often do you guys tell the truth? Any Yeah. Are you like

it's too difficult to lie? Yeah, I would just rather say nothing. So if I don't want to say anything, and someone says I'm like me

that must be very effective. I don't know how to answer this question because I'm already you made me look bad with the I would still drugs from my friends thing last week. I'm not doing this again. Rightly so.

Look, Matt, I knew that answer and I don't fault you for it because I know that that is what people like it's it's 100% web some no one I know would say I wouldn't do that.

I've never lied.

Oh, come on. Please. Please That's the Yeah. Anyway, point being whatever. Yeah. All right, back to the can we get back to the back on the road or oil now people? Yeah, on a test spit roast run. It performed really well. But after an hour on high, the plug became extremely hot and started melting the plastic on the electric receptacle. And on high is what you'll get if you try to send a friend drugs through Matthew because he'll be taking all of your drugs and getting high on he never said that. It's exactly what he said. I wasn't going to take it there. Remember?

I didn't say exactly that.

Okay. He's going to take the drugs and then put them on the counter to use them as like a prop. Yeah,

I'm shooting a short film. Yeah.

on drugs, right yeah. The plug has become extremely hot and started melting the plastic on the electric receptacle. Now, here's my question, Patrick, but the answer is going to be the same regardless. But the question is are you talking about it's getting hot at the wall or getting hot at where it's going into the into the roto boil? I'm going to guess based on what you're saying that that it's getting hot at the wall but doesn't matter the answer is going to be the same anyway with upgrading to a modern grounded cable help or is the issue it's not the grounding that's the issue or is the issue just it's overloading the circuit it was running on a 20 amp GFCI which is what the wiring is for in all my kitchen outlets. I would like to use this thing but don't want to burn the house down burning down the house you like that you like them styles or know what you don't like? Okay, did you not ever whatever too much too much Gantu. Also, when are you going to have Stein garden back on the show as Patrick Ciccone? I don't know. I haven't spoken to Stein gardening years you saw us know, Dave. Again, you talked to plenty of people that I talked to without just talking to me, so I don't know. I never know just ask us like you don't talk to anyone. I talk to everyone. So why was that an unreasonable thing for me to ask?

Talked about him a lot, but whatever. Anyway,

here's what's happening. First of all, be careful with older cords. unplugs older fabric cords are an old wiring the insulation on old wiring because of its heat resistance are full of asbestos. So don't cut through them and like you know, sit there and snap them and inhale them and do all that stuff. Just take the machinery apart, unscrew the terminals and remove them and then dispose of them. Because they do contain asbestos, any fabric cord, or any, like woven looking insulation made prior to about 1972 7072 73. Anything in that era asbestos, that's just 100% Also don't file or sand the standoffs. Inside of things like toasters, hair dryers, any sort of heat equipment, anything that looks relatively ceramic or fabric, if it's made before 1970 knee, I'd be safe, let's say 74. Anything made before that and after 1910 is made with asbestos. So just don't turn it into dust. Right? Okay. Secondly, what happens over time with electrical connections is that you get a little bit of corrosion. And like like a patina, let's say like, like the Statue of Liberty style patina. And a lot of this stuff is copper. And a lot of especially the older stuff wasn't tinned over with things that are resistant to patina and build up, right. So modern things, they're, they're tinned with things that don't corrode, and then the bulk of your connector will still be copper. So you get the great, you know, you get the great, low resistance of copper, and the corrosion resistance on the things like your plugs, that's why you're plugged in our all silvery, old ones aren't, they're just copper, and when they corrode, they become resistors. When they become resistors, they not only suck power, so your your unit is not going to get as hot as it used to be, but they themselves get incredibly hot. So the old circulators the old emergence circulators used to have removable, what's called like equipment plugs like once for computers in the back. And those connectors, a lot of them aren't turned on the inside. So if you use those, the moisture would corrode them over time. And as they get corroded, they become resistors. And when you have all of that current passing through the resistor, it heats up by quite a lot. And so I would have the entire backside of the circulator melt, you replace the cord, and you know, rewire the part of the plastic housing that's melt melted, and it works fine again, and I'm going to say the same thing is going to be true of your roto broil. You just put a new cord on that thing and you're good to go. You can measure the resistance just to make sure it's not pulling more than it's 20. But it's not it's clearly not otherwise it would have popped your your GFI. So I think you're good. Just replace it and beware of the asbestos. Good answer. I'm not gonna answer that answer. Nick rude wrote in a longtime listener, I'm a neuroscience. Stasi. This person is defending me ready for it? already. Okay. Wait, see whether you agree with this defense? What is it? I don't understand where the Snark is coming from? I really don't. I really don't get it.

She's in she's in a good mood today. I think she's already doing the thing where she's,

yeah, I'm being like, yeah. Lady. Lady.

Yeah, so the in a pretty in a previous life. I was like some sort of like goofball, like, vaudeville singing dance, man. You know what I mean?

Yeah, we're like the guy who gets you the Cracker Jacks at the ball field. Like, you would have been really good at that. I

thought you were doing Jerry Lee Lane

arts. Yeah, that's where that's where he comes from. peanuts. Peanuts. Nuts. hot nuts. Get your hot nuts. Right. Yeah. Nuts. Like that.

Yeah, like that. Yeah. Looking for another gig. You know.

I mean, Anastasia, and I might be looking for another gig very soon. Considering that we're selling nothing on Amazon, your book isn't selling anywhere. Yeah, my, like, my publisher was like that people would buying the book. But let's not print it. They did print it. It's just, you know, book on the water. It's taken forever for that book to get over here and get into stuff. So liquid intelligence is out of stock. The Sears all is in stock. But Amazon has decided that unless it's certified astronaut proof. Here's the thing. The reason I say astronaut proof is because because what they're asking for, they're asking us, literally Anastasia they're asking and they send us all these emails. You must certify Either it passes the UL certification for a torch. And we say to them, Anastasia, what do we say to them? It's not a torch. It's not a torch. And they're like, Yeah, but it still has to pass the torch certification. So we're like, okay, so we go to a testing lab, and we're like, Hey, will you test this thing? As though it was a torch? And what is the lab say, Anastasia? Well, no, it's not a torch shell. No, that's not a torch. I'm like, Well, how about my car keys? Will you will you test my car keys as a torch? And they're like, No, those are car keys, not a torch. And then Amazon's like, Yeah, but you can't sell your car keys. Unless they're certified as a safe torch.

And then they call it a menstrual cup again, and we were like,

have we discussed this on area?

That weren't that part's new. That was new. Okay.

Okay. Okay. Do you want to do this? And go You owe me? All right. So they send the Stasi. First of all, it's kind of hilarious because the Stasio the Stasi gets direct. So Anastasia will send all these WTF emails to like the Bezos crowd. And every once in a while, someone in his orbit or him sees one of these emails and then direct someone else to sock quote, unquote, solve the problem. And nine, well, three times out of four in our Amazon lives, this has solved the problem, right? They get the Jeff Bezos question mark one, this is the only time that that we have not that is gone to that level and not been solved. So what happens is, is that my mental picture of Amazon is that you think of it as like a computer online thing, but really, it's just a pachinko machine of idiots. Okay, and like Jeff Bezos is smart and his crew, right, they launch the ball, right? And then it goes up. And then ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping. And so you get all these different responses, but it always ends up in the same cup, right? And so the Stasi will go through like a 20 email chain. And it always ends with this. We have come to the conclusion that it needs to be certified by a UL lab to or you know, the UL certified lab to ul safety standard, they always do the 147, which is the torch, and then after that they append this paragraph. If it is a toothbrush, it needs to be certified to blah, blah, blah. And if it is a menstrual cup, it needs to contain EPA, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And we're like, menstrual cup. Are they listening to anything? And then the Stasi and I were like, can we get it certified as a menstrual cup? I mean, it's, it's vaguely cup shaped. Can we get it certified as a chastity belt? Is there some sort of thing we can get it certified as the

new cup email has come through three, three or four times now?

Yeah, but my Stasi has launched that Pachinko ball like three times, people just in different places it'd be

it always falls back into the cup. Yeah,

every time we get the menstrual cup thing where it's like the first of all, like not to be someone who knows nothing but what what exactly is a menstrual cup actually a thing?

Yeah, yes. Yes, it is thing, a cup. But

it's is a similar use to like pads.

You put it inside of your vaginal cavity and it collects the blood and then you take it out and you wash out the blood?

And if it's considered what more eco friendly than tampons or pads or like, what's the advantage? Oh, it's it's an eco friendly situation. All right.

Okay, so it's a lot like the sear is all really? Yeah.

I mean, I now feel now that I know I thought it was an externally applied cup. Now I feel bad even suggesting having it be a menstrual cup. You know, you've made me feel bad about even suggesting that as a menstrual cup. But all right, back to how the hell did we get on this? Oh, no,

I'm not clear.

I mean, usually, I usually I can look back the tunnel, where we've been to see where this has come from and somehow bring it back to where we needed to go. But I have to admit, the menstrual cup has thrown me off my game. Oh, I have no idea.

When I edit the episode. I'll find out and be amazed I'm sure.

Yeah. All right. So where we were, I don't know how we got to where we ended. But where we were we were talking about Nick root who? Oh, oh, yes. I remember now was defending the stasis idea of sunlight. Anastasia decided to be snarky about it. That's what happened. Yeah. Longtime cooking issues listener. I'm a neuroscientist studying multi sensory processing, how different senses interact, we perceive the world, and I thought I'd offer an alternative hypothesis about the sunlight in New York debacle not debate. debacle. What did you go, huh? Yeah, I don't understand.

Like, like that proved soap like that. You're like, got him

kind of now it's a debacle. It is a debacle. Hey, Have you got I forget the name of someone remember it? There's an aural Schwarzenegger movie, where it's the worst singer movie ever. Well, no, that's not true. Not even close, but it is. It was after Terminator. But before he got really good at like commando and stuff like this, and he is a he's a cop who has to go into witness protection. And his wife is there. And she's all at stout and it's like, terrible, stereotypical, like, you know, wife role are unfortunately a real thing. And she is day drinking hard, like hard day drinking. And she's pissed that she has to live in this hellhole town because she's from New York anyway. And so she throws she bakes a cake for him a big old cake and then throws the entire cake. He does like the mike tyson like head Barbary head, Bob's his thing and the cake smashes against the rear, like the cabinetry he goes, You should not drink and bake. And so now like whenever I'm baking, and I have a glass of wine, I'm like, You should not drink and fake anyway. All right, our brains This is from Nick again. Our brains often combined sensory informations in ways you might not expect. So this is a mental into integration argument. For example, by altering the frequencies, slash amplitudes of sounds that you hear, we can make you think a stale potato chip is crispy and vice versa. Yes, I've read these studies, perhaps the same way your brain is in stasis brain is incorporating temperature into its estimate of sunlight. This has been shown in laboratory conditions, subjects judge warmer rooms to be more brightly lit, even if they have the same lighting if the west side of Manhattan is slightly warmer than the east side at sunset, and I can imagine several reasons why this might be true. Then maybe you perceive it as being brighter for longer even though the physical light is the same best. Nick, what are your thoughts? You agree?

Yeah, maybe I mean, maybe, maybe, maybe that's true.

Okay. Laughing cow wrote in via Instagram. Hey, any resources you can point me to for cookware recommendations for starters. Hmm. So like, usually cook where recommendations? I mean, like, this is a very wide question. I feel like we could I feel like we could get it. Maybe we should be John's not here. So he's no one's taking notes. And no one's gonna tell me to work on this later. But

John's listening from jury duty here, right?

Yeah, sure. He's watching somebody get horribly like beaten to death right now. I'm sure he's doing some terrible work anyway. We should just have I think it'd be an interesting episode. If we just we'll get like two or three, you know, different style of people on and we'll all discuss what makes a good starting batter, kitchen battery battery to cuisine in your house, because I'm sure we all have different takes. And usually, like some old school like soup to nuts, cookbooks. We'll start with this right? So you can look at those kind of series. But it would be an interesting, I think it'd be interesting episode and assassin or no?

Yeah, I guess so. I don't know. It depends on like, it's all about money, isn't it?

No, because no matter what you need to start, right? So it's like, what do you start with? If you have a lot of money? What do you so like, at the beginning of liquid intelligence, I have like the, you know, three levels of Bar Kit. And a lot of bar people do this, because they know that you have to buy a bunch of stuff that you don't necessarily already have. So I feel in bar books, there's a lot more of this kind of like, buy these things first than these than these. And a lot of cookbooks are like start with this knife and this pan, and then work your way up. But like, you know, like the kind of like the list of what you would buy in what order depending on how much money you have. I think it's always an interesting question. You know what I mean? And I think people have different attitudes on it. I don't know, I think it'd be fun. We just had to get the right to get a group of people that have different enough opinions that it's that it's fun. You know what I mean? Yeah. Okay, kk Husky wrote in Hey, I have a question about carbonation which I could not find in your book your most says, I cannot get the same level of carbonation from an EC soda bottle the one with the wire mesh on the outside as soon as you can in simply in a use spray bottle. Is there a trick to it? Yeah, this does things just don't work right? I mean, I'm sorry they don't work right but here's the trick. The problem is is that those all school seltzer bottles have a like a dipstick that goes down to the bottom so they're actually taking seltzer from the bottom. And the reason they're doing that is because you're not supposed to open it. You're supposed to take it three stooges style and spray someone with the with the with the sprayer or like, you know, like Bugs Bunny used to do so. Like that's why that thing is there. But that problem is, is it means you can't vent them properly. So if you really want good seltzer out of one of those things, and you must have the yuck right. Put a charger into it. Do the charger. Shake it, turn it make sure it's cold as Oh of cold cold. Then turn it upside down. You hear me upside down, not right side. up upside down, vented, vent the gas out. You're now getting rid of all the oxygen in the air and all that nastiness. You don't need to vent 100% But vent it until it's bubbling on the inside. Turn it right side up, make sure it's cold. Hit it with another charger and that's the best you can do with that system. Alright, was that fast enough size or no? Yeah,

it was good. All right. So we gotta go pretty soon.

Okay, see and Linden wrote in via Instagram. Dave and Anastasia and Matt have you addressed on cooking issues? The Dragon's Breath fad of eating cereal? Super cool. I don't do cereal. I do like marshmallows with liquid nitrogen that they sell in the mall? Oh, yeah, they used to sell it in a mall. I gave a whole talk in Harvard on this. I know you've given so many warnings on your show about the dangers of liquid nitrogen. How can this be safe? Thanks, Chad Linden from Georgetown, Kentucky. By the way, most podcasts I can listen in at 1.2x or 1.4x. Speed. But you already talked so fast. It's impossible. Oh, yeah. I when it starts and we talked about the accident on the show? Which one? Yeah, we know the recent one the lung, the liquid nitrogen accident down south? Well, there's at a poultry plant, like a liquid nitrogen line ruptured. There wasn't apparently I haven't read the after all the after action reports. I don't think they exist yet. But a bunch of people, like six people died from asphyxiation. And I sounds like they didn't have adequate training or adequate alarm warnings. But that look, that's not a danger that's going to happen. In this case, the danger that we're talking about here is cold burns. And the reason that you can eat a marshmallow that's been filled with liquid nitrogen, or anything that has a low, basically, what you need is it needs to be very lightweight, needs to not have any water in it. And if you have those two things, it's like mainly air, or mainly, mainly air and no water, there's just not enough energy present, you know, not enough thermal mass present to give you a coal burn. And that's why they work. So if you were to take something that had water in it, and put it in liquid nitrogen, and you would ruin your tongue, like you would do damage, like for a long time. And that's why, you know, you really just need to be careful of what you're what you're doing. I did a whole talk at Harvard, about the there in Florida, where they had these stores in the mall years ago, there was a whole bunch of people who wrote a bunch of very wrong things about safety, and it got picked up by news reports and then picked up by pseudoscience weasels saying that it was real. And I traced the entire history of that. So if you look on my, the Harvard lectures that I've done with Harold McGee at the beginning, they're all online, I believe the public lectures, one of them is devoted entirely to the specific problem of people not understanding. Dragon's Breath in malls. All right. Did you start Did you on this week's on this week's newsletter? Did you put Devon Patel's bartender pasta troll poem in or no,

that was in last? No, it's mostly well, did you do your newsletter priority?

mean, I talked to you about it, you didn't see whether you like whether you liked my ideas?

Are you writing it? Or am I writing it for you?

I can write it out. I can write it you can see whether you like the idea or not. All right.

Also, Claire, Claire wants to come on the show at some point and talk about intermittent fasting.

Claire can come on whenever she wants. As long as she knows that. I'm probably going to be like

yeah, no, I think she knows.

But you said that not that I'm one of the only people that has that reaction to

her. Yeah, your son loves her.

I'm not saying I don't like her. I'm not an anti Claire. I have this thing where like, there are certain people that like I like I react to them differently from other people. You know what I mean? And I don't really understand. I don't really understand why. Anyway. So listen, Gil komikko wrote in and we in not only do we not have time, I don't have the knowledge but there's a lot of and this is another thing maybe we can do this for next week's show if we can get it together. But especially because of COVID There are a lot of people dealing with anosmia where they can't smell anymore. And Jen had a version of that for a while. And my wife which sucks but there's also Perez Mia where it's like your your sense of smell is offered altering your sense of smell almost like when you know a lot of people when they're pregnant. Like they get aversions to certain smells. And so maybe we should get some people on it because it's like, you know, very topical and uh, you don't hear a lot of people talking about the mechanism of it. or kind of how to get around or how to deal with it. So maybe we should put that together You think that'd be? Do you think that'd be fun? Sure. By the way, we read her question. Anastasia, when we get, I would like to get McGee on because he suffered and osmia doodle a virus years ago and beat it, and maybe like some sort of like neurosensory person, like, from Yale, or maybe Bob data from Harvard. Maybe erielle on the chemistry, you know what I mean? Like, get like, like a like a panel like that together and do a cooking issue on aroma in general, but like pair asthma and asthma in particular. Anyway, Jill is 30 Female single and a home cook that has almost no gadgets, but enjoys food science and restaurant industry. shoptalk. She's a former server. Also, shy boy wrote in and about sweet potatoes. Okay, so I want everyone to think about this. I want everyone to think about this. Because I don't know this effect I want someone to write in if they also have noticed this effect. I'm going to try to find some information. So Matt, I'm not taking extra time because I know I don't have time to answer it. And because I also don't have the answer. Quick question. Why do baked sweet potatoes, ie yams for Americans lose it by emo batatas automa lose much of their sweetness once chilled. Even an hour or two at room temperature seems to reduce their sweetness level consider it considerably. And it isn't fully restored even if reheated for reference and to encourage their consumption. My method is to place them a hole and unpeeled into a cold out and set at 285 degrees Fahrenheit for 30 to 60 minutes, then 440 degrees Fahrenheit for an hour, at least thanks to the low temperature, I guess is to sweeten it up and automatically in high temperatures to roast it. So look before I hear all the chimes. Yes, I'm aware. And Shai NOI is, I'm sure aware that your perception of sweetness goes down as things get colder. I don't think that's what they're talking about here. Because they said even when it's reheated they noticed an effect where it's lost. Its sweetness. So anyone who's noticed this is perfect and whoever wants to talk about it, please chime in. And we'll try to get to the bottom of it for next time, Shai. Anything else does? Are we good? I think that's it. All right. We missed a couple of questions. We'll get them next time on cooking issues. Cooking issues is powered by simple cast. Thanks for listening to heritage Radio Network food radio supported by you for our freshest content, subscribe to our newsletter. Enter your email at the bottom of our website heritage Radio Connect with us on Instagram and Twitter at Heritage underscore radio. You can also find us at Radio Network. Heritage Radio Network is a nonprofit organization driving conversations to make the world a better fairer, more delicious place. And we couldn't do it without support from listeners like you want to be a part of the food world's most innovative community. Subscribe to the shows you like tell your friends and please join the HRM family by becoming a member. Just click on the beating heart at the top right of our homepage. Thanks for listening