Cooking Issues Transcript

Episode 222: You Don’t Have a Circulator?

Hello, everybody, and welcome to a brand new series on heritage radio network called the culinary call sheet where we give a peek into the back kitchen of culinary media. I'm your host, April Jones,

and I'm your co host, Darren bresnitz. Part of why we started the show was to offer an unofficial mentorship for anyone who's interested in learning about all aspects of food and video, whether that's TV, social media online, or just something you want to do for fun.

Absolutely what was once niche or a little silly, as I'm sure you remember, Darren, when we started out, this man has now become such a massive playing field for so many creatives using food as the medium.

It's something that has driven us professionally and personally, for so many years. What excites me the most about this show is that we're going to sit down with some of the industry leaders to hear how they made it and what drew them into this industry.

With 20 years in the culinary production game ourselves. We're hoping we can give through these conversations an insider's view into personal stories from the field, as well as an in depth behind the scenes look into some of the most popular food programming. In today's evolving culinary media landscape.

We'll be covering everything from how to style your food, to how to license IP, to developing your own ideas, and some tips from the masters of how to host your own show.

Yeah, it's a little bit of conversation, how to and how do you do the things that you do in color media, which I'm so excited about? I love so many of the guests that are coming on this season. We have talent from Food Network from Vice media eater refinery 29,

we've met some of the best people in the world both in front of and behind the camera. And we're bringing them all together to share their stories, their delicious adventure and their unique journey into this crazy world.

So to be the first to hear our episodes when they launched this fall, go to wherever podcasts are streaming and hit subscribe and make sure to give us a follow at the Culinary call sheet on Instagram.

Hi there, I'm Greg from kapow. Visit us a to check out our unique collection of everyday reusable products designed to help you do more with less cu p p o

I'm Linda Placido host of the tastes of the past. You're listening to heritage Radio Network broadcasting live from Bushwick, Brooklyn, if you like this program, visit heritage radio for 1000s More

Hello, and welcome to cookie nature. This is Dave Arnold, your host is gonna be alive on the network in Bushwick. out of the back of the Roberta's pizzeria in what looks to be a container that was pasted over with what Jack Why did they like faux wood this container up?

Why not? Well, I

mean like it's a container like you know, living rock container like corrugated it's got like, you know, 5 billion year old reused like you know, upstate barn beams. Well,

it looks nice and it probably diffuses the sound a little bit because if you just had the container it would kind of sound like maybe being a shower or something. You know.

What do you think about the faux wood finish that I like it? Yeah, Kevin? In a cat Yeah. Excavating for mine. You got your sweet sweet Clementine your head you're joined as usual with Mr. Garcia the hammer. Lopez How you doing? Good. Yeah, and in the engineering booth today we have the intrepid jackings Lee we also have Rebecca the What's her official title with the booker index, a

blogger index intern but she's focusing very heavily on social media which is what she's doing now. So you should all tweet at us please. Yeah, what handle at cooking issues and

heritage underscore radio

was with the underscore Jackie that you couldn't get it away from those like weird like, you know, constant battle. They've the underscore,

if somebody in the cooking issues army can can like you know, reconquer the regular heritage radio, Twitter handle Jake's will do something for them.

Listen, I'm not saying you should find these people and threaten them. I'm just saying if you did find them and threaten them, we would gladly accept the handle without the underscore. But we're not advocating that you threaten them. You know, I'm saying Correct. By the way you call it your questions to 718-497-2128. That's 718497212 It actually the Congress fails on the credit card program. Yeah, yeah, plastic right. I

have to do something before we start the show. I have to give the biggest shout out ever to Kevin Scott, who gave us a very generous donation. Thank you. So so so so so so so so so much, Kevin Scott.

Is that you? vaporizing his enemies?

Yeah, that's that's what just happened. They're gone. Yeah.

Kevin, all your enemies totally totally vaporized. By the way. Speaking of not speaking of vaporization but who's who's kapow? New? Yeah, yeah, they're new. And it's spelled with a C like Talk about like company power not like when I felt kapow I spelled Batman style, which is K

cu P P

O W wait like cup. Pow. Yeah. Take take the cup that you're drinking out of. And don't smash into smithereens, because that would be against the mission of reuse, reduce. Actually, it gets it reduce first, then reuse. Then recycle. Those are that's the order that we're supposed to do everything right now,

it's cool company though. Check them out. and you'll hit more on the break from them. So

what are they? What do they sell? Well, this is a coffee sock. What the hell is a coffee sock? What is it coffee said

they're gonna travel mugs and we take some lids and I'm drinking my coffee.

No feet. No feet on coffee. don't require sucks. What is that? Is that like a coffee mug sock? Yeah, so you don't have to throw away the freaker what's a free hot coffee? freaker what's a freaker? Oh, no, that sounds like something. What's the freaker Jack sounds like something you would know what it is. I could guess. Speaking of which, what what was that country Sufi music you let us in with oh, I'll

play something on the break. That is actually thanks for the free plug. I just produced a record for my wonderful girlfriend no data Hartman it's called tu tu tu it's like psychedelic banjo bluegrass weird stuff and it just came out last week and it's gotten some nice reviews and yeah, check it out. Oh data Hartman

Odetta Hartman, tu tu tu she own Odetta? She does nice. But it does have like a little bit of Sufi twang to it, don't you think? Oh, yeah, little, little beer and beer. And I used to listen to so much quality music back in the day, so much quality music. Alright. So let's get to some questions. I know, we had a lot leftover from from last week. And I gotta remember what they are though, because, you know, because I'm a bad human being. Right. And because I spent almost every single Waking Moment working either on the new book or index project, which I was going to announce today. Someone asked us to announce it today. But I don't think I'm quite ready. Maybe maybe next week. You out there. We're twittering in some people know already because in private I'll tell you what I'm doing but I don't want to announce over the air because we not like it whatever. And we think says I

say announce it two months ago but why? liability? Know why now? I don't know why because it's gonna happen.

Yeah. We have the not the next project coming in soon. Do we know what the eta is on that? The the minor one the cube?

Yeah, like can come up by Christmas. Oh, really?

Well, we do have a product coming out. That's not let's not a big deal, though.

It's i People will like it. Okay. Okay. So let's, let's explain it. Listen, listen, to wrap your head around. Listen,

is this is very difficult to wrap your head around. Okay, listen. So, it Okay, when you shake a cocktail, right? It's been known for a long time among kind of higher end bartenders that shaking with a large cube. And by large, we're talking like two inches across, right. creates a better texture, right? So I was doing I do events a lot. And what would happen is, is no one would ever bring the big ice cubes to the event, right? We would have them at the bar and but we wouldn't have them at the event and then I would lose my mind. Right? Because the stasis heard me say this a billion times. Does it make any sense to donate your time to get people to donate product and then show up and not do the best job? You can just because of an ice cube?


Does it make any damn sense since Rebecca, does that make any sense? She's on the mic. Right? Yes, she's doesn't make any sense. No, it makes no as a Chuck D as a quote. So I'm not it's just not my curse. Makes no goddamn sense at all. That's him talking about the New York Post, which he he detested back in the day anyway. So you shake with the big ice cube, and you get a better result. But the big ice cubes aren't necessarily sitting around. So it struck me that it's not the actual ice cube that's important numbers. It doesn't need to be ice. It's just the shape. So then I started looking at building fake ice cubes, right? But they're not ice cubes. They're just texturizers right? So are they called the stars? I love the I love you for this because it didn't know they're not cold. They are not ice cubes. Neither do you put them in the fridge they are unlike or the freezer, they are unlike a whiskey stone. They are in fact designed to have almost no effects on the dilution of your cocktail. At all. No effect. Let me say this again, they have no effects on the dilution of your cocktail at

all. You still have to put ice

up but but the good news is is you don't have to freeze the big ice cubes for shaking anymore. So like a well like so if you come to our ice well and look at it at Booker and DAX. It's full of ice cube big ice cubes that you're basically throwing away after one shake, and then they're melting into nothing right? So it takes up a bunch of freezer space and you have to melt all this ice. Whereas you could just use the small crappy ice and get the same same texture as if you had a big ice cube just by throwing in this what are we calling a cocktail cube this like texturizing cube that has no freaking chilling ability Get it through your head it doesn't rock. No because a rock will affect the dilution but think of it as like it does not think of it as not existing other than as a texturizing effect. Okay, it oh it has the same density as ice. It has it feels the same and shaker as ice but it has no chilling effect one way or the other. Okay, all it's doing is making

better made out of Justin wants to know How can it not mess with your dilution?

Ah, that's an excellent question Justin. Because it it has very low numbers, it will mess with it slightly it will theoretically if it is warm, it will slightly cause slightly more dilution and if it is cold it will cause slightly less but it itself has very low specific heat so it doesn't store a lot of energy and it's also an incredibly poor conducted insulator as well. So it doesn't transmit heat or suck heat in readily. So it's, it's it's an insulator and it has a low specific heat so it has almost no effect no noticeable effect on dilution, but excellent question. Justin's anyway, so before Christmas, those are going to be in town but the big goal is to launch the big product on a pre sale by Black Friday. You think we're gonna do it says then we're gonna make it

half to you Black Friday fan

of mine three years? No, no, our Thanksgivings have been ruined, like three times straight, but like they have that. The thing the fact of the matter is, is that anyone retail knows you. You do like huge numbers at the end of the at the end of the year. You know what I mean? Yeah, sure do. Yeah. BJD wrote in, hey, hammer Dave and J mol, which is your, which is your nickname for the molecules. The second time I got to J Mo. Now we just didn't get to the question last time. Okay, good. Yeah, I've seen nitrogen push cold Totti coffee around. Is that something I could do with my EC whip? Or if so? What's your suggested procedure Sent from my iPhone? BJD. Okay, so look, there's a couple of different things when people say people I wish people get over Listen, I want you next time you see someone and they they're not clear. Is it a cool to tell people to like lightly smack people in the face like a little bit? Probably not? Well, like punch him in the arm. Do it with your eyes. Oh, give them a like an eyeball. SmackDown likes what stars does 100% of that. It stars is eyeball Smackdowns are effective. I would be like crushed into like a disk on the ground like a like a thin pasty disk. Right? Anyways. So do not and do not allow anyone else to confuse the difference between nitro Gen. A, the relatively inert diatomic gas that we breathe in and turn to a liquid so that we can freeze things. And nitrous oxide, the bubbly soluble sweet narcotic. I should say anesthetic product that we used for whipped cream, right? So you could use nitrogen to push coffee around. But I would guess that you want to use nitrous. And the reason you want to use nitrous is because it creates the kind of nice texture in a coffee drink that you lose when it's not hot. Right when or when it hasn't been just made, especially espresso, which has that kind of like, you know, that liveliness and so it puts it puts it back in so sure, I mean, do it just put it I have actually a couple of nitrous post pushed recipes in, in my, in the book and liquid intelligence, you just, you know, just shake it and shoot it. Right. You know, I mean, unless you unless you're looking to use your EZ whip or to push out a larger quantity out of a bottle in which case you gotta go through a rigmarole and blah, blah, blah. That makes sense. Jacqueline McKinney's got a

caller on the line when you're ready for a call or you're on the air.

Dave, this is Devin from DC. I just got back from my honeymoon in Japan. And of course, we went to the CG fish market we saw the ICA GMA, which was awesome. And my wife is an awesome person. So she insisted that I buy a Yanagi when we walk past our two Gu stole in the outer CG market nice. And it's one of the three traditional single bevel deals. That's the way to go. And yeah, yeah, I'm really excited to use it. My question is, I've never honed a single bevel knife and I actually don't know if that's even something that you do I have the DMT whetstones but I also have a ceramic honing steel and would you just put the flat side against the flat part of the honing steel or do you not even hone your Nagi at all?

Okay, so I do things compared to what A Japanese person thinks is reasonable. I am the worst human in the world complete enemy enemy of quality I do not follow. I'm just letting you know straight up. I do not follow traditional sharpening procedure on any of my traditional Japanese knives which DMT stone Do you have?

I have a set of three like, medium fine and extra fine, I think.

Yeah, but do you have the interrupted ones? The interrupted pattern? Do you have the interrupted pattern or the solid pattern?

The one with the polka dots. Is that interrupted?

Yeah, the interrupted pattern. Okay. Do you have the really, really big one?

No, they're like, five inches long, maybe?

Yeah, like for something like this, I find it's a it's a lot easier. It's I know, it's an investment. But like, the only one I use really, is the very big one that has two sides on it. And it's the fine extra fine. So that's green and red in the DMV colors. And I use the big ones, it's just gonna make your life a lot easier. But even so, most Japanese, remember, you can't you can't switch. You can't mentally switch between European American grids and Japanese grits doesn't doesn't work, right. But those guys are all using very, very fine grained Waterstones. But you don't need you don't need to do that, frankly. I mean, I've been doing it for years. And no one's ever said, Who do you know, he's not sharp, it's dead. They're like, holy crap. That's a shock. You know what I mean. And the good news is, is that even though there's a mystique about this, the Japanese knives are the easiest knives to sharpen in the world, which is, you know, I guess why they can make them out of steel that requires so much freaking sharpening because you have to touch it up all the time, you know what I mean? So I would I don't do anything other than I finish on the on the extra fine. And I just, you know, on the flat side, I will go almost 100% flat, like like basically flat like I would, but I won't, I won't put any force into it at all. Like when I'm going on the green when I'm going on the less fine one, or maybe lifted up slightly to take any burr off. Like when I'm saying slightly I mean, like like a couple paper couple pick thicknesses, the paper off the back edge, just I'm not putting a mark on the back of my knife, and then shoot, but then on my last one, it's literally just like, gliding over over that thing. It should be almost nothing, you know what I mean? You're really just taking the burr off on that on that side. And it's because remember, when you look at the back, it should be slightly con cave on that side anyway, so you should it's not like you should be getting a bunch of scrape along the crown the back of the knife if you're, if you're doing it right. And you'll find it as the easiest knife in the world is sharpen. It's so easy to sharp and so freaking sharp. Sometimes I will, I will run the knife backward. I have a leather strop. So sometimes, I'll just like lightly drag it backwards on a strop to take off anything off the edge. It's done, but I don't I don't go to any hyperfine stuff. I don't do any, like honing or polishing of it. And because you're doing it like every time you use it, you know what I mean? Every time you bust it out you the touch it up and you go so you know what I'm saying?

Yeah, yeah, I guess, I guess it's a commitment, which is fine. It's

like literally, it's like, it's like a like a minute, especially if you're used to it. And this is the problem I have with a lot of like big systems. So I have one of the I forget the name of it, but it's very popular sharpener that you bolt down and you have like the thing that holds the exact angle and it goes up to like 8 million. It goes up to like basically what looks to be, it feels like that it's not abrasive at all, like it's like finer than even toothpaste and anything. And you know, you you scrape it along with thing and it maintains the angles that you're never going to use it every day because it's it's it's a it's a thing. It's a it's a rigmarole to to use it, right. Whereas I have a big DMT the big DMT thing that's flat, it doesn't throw off grit. I don't need to soak it like a Japanese waterstone, right. So literally, I just rinse off any grip that's on it, throw it on my Surface, Chef, Chef, Chef, Chef, Chef, Chef, Chef, Chef, Chef, and I'm ready to cut and then you have a Yanagi where every time you draw it through a piece of fish, you are a happy person, right? So is it worth like, you know, 45 seconds to a minute to prepare yourself when you're going to cut an expensive piece of fish anyways such that you get a cut that makes you want to cry. It's so much fun to cut the single draw through without that line because you had to push the other direction Don't you hate that line when you have to push another direction? Yeah, yeah, you hate it. So it's like it's it's totally worth the time and so it feels like a commitment when you're starting but when you're actually using it it's like so much more fun to cut that way that it's like you're not gonna we're not gonna get think about it. Yeah, cool. Thanks a lot there. No problem. But I'm sure someone will write in and I'm an enemy of quality and a terrible person for the way that I sharpen.

I've another call that just came in. Alright.

Caller you're on the air.

Hey, Dan, Seattle is out there. Anyway, I've been doing pork belly at 65 degrees Celsius for 24 hours. And as long as I do it with a driver, it comes out perfectly. I mean absolutely perfectly. But I'm trying to get basically to do I have and Robin's pork belly in the movie. And I cannot reduce it enough to keep the texture from going completely weird in the bag.

So, how reduced is the like, Tell me tell me what what what liquids are going in the bag.

Okay, so it's it's it's soy sauce, Saki. And I mean, I mean he calls from Iran but getting there and it's so hard to find in the US. I just had more Saki with more sugar, garlic and ginger. It's nothing real complicated. And I mean, I reduce it. I mean, as much as I can reduce it and steal and get more out of the pot than I leave stuck to the pot,

right? And instead, what happens is

I mean, just the texture of the port comes out. Completely different.

Like how so like more spongy or more like it's poached. Yeah.

Okay, so like, when I do a dry rib, and I've done three, three or four different ones. One of the best things I cook. I mean, it comes out perfectly firm, perfectly tender, it's just it's just still flexible. And you see it off for you know, a minute by whatever's convenient that day. I just got the Palladium screens for my fears. Oh, and that is a very good trick. You know, you sear it off. I mean, it's just, it's just absolutely amazing. But I cannot get this soy sauce, Saki flavor profile.

How much liquid is coming out of the regular dry rub bag when you're cooking?

Probably two tablespoons of fat and one tablespoon of liquid. I mean, guessing I mean, that's cooking more or less an eight ounce portion

right now are you on the dry rub? Are you letting it sit for a while before you bag it? Like

I just do a fairly high salt percentage like 1/3, salt, two thirds, two thirds of whatever spices I mean five spice works great. And I just you know, mix that up, patted on the belly, pat it on there heavy and straight in the bag. And um, you know, just the results are too good, you know?

And your vacuum level with your vacuum levels the same in both cases, you think?

Well, it's exactly the same bag on exactly the same machine. And I mean, I've done this exactly the same piece of pork because I mean like Costco, so we will sell you a whole belly, you know, basically five pounds of belly and I'm watching that out and um, you know, two or three or four things on it, put it in the freezer.

Well, how much how much liquid would you say is going into the bag when you're doing it this other way?

Probably two to three tablespoons. I mean, I'm really trying not to put too much in there. I've been trying to put less and less as I tried to get past this problem

and the less you put in is the therefore the better the texture or no

it doesn't seem to matter. Any any starting liquid at all. And it just doesn't work. You're this and people

Bucky I know there is there's there's there is soy sauce powder. There's spray dried soy sauce, and there's. And there's also yeah, there's granulated soy sauce, but your dry rub has sugar in it or no. My driver of what your dry rub also contains sugar or no.

I don't think any of my dry reps contains sugar.

I'm just I don't know, I'm trying to figure out what the differences are between them you would think that like an extra tablespoon of liquid isn't going to necessarily make that big of a difference. Right? So I'm just trying to figure out what it is. Yeah,

I mean, that's why I've just been shaking my head about it. But I mean, you know, what's the dry rub and I've done it. I've done five spice I've done this.

More or less Tywin from penzeys. I've done I've done barbecue. I mean they all just work. Amazing but one drop of liquid and it just goes to heck.

Last thing I wonder if like another two let's say you were to do that. I don't know how like willing you are to mess with it. But let's say you were to do your dry rub next time, right? And you and you were to just throw like a tablespoon or two tablespoons of like, like whatever or no stock like whatever Whatever you have, like, and then see whether or not that is, like, also bad, because remember also that like, how much spice Are you putting in is as such, you have to brush it off at the end? Or is it all melt melt in and like the spices are going to be absorptive. I mean, you have, you're putting an absorbed thing into also something that has less water in it to begin with. So I'm wondering whether or not but like the only the sort of things is there's added water there sugar. I don't think the ginger is making that big of a deal. I guess it's potentially possible, but I don't think the ginger is doing too much to the texture. You know, I've been wrong many times, but in the slight amount of alcohol, I don't think it's going to do anything to it. Especially since you've reduced the heck out of it, right.

I mean, again, you know, I just, I tried to reduce it until I'm like, just terrified of burning it

right. And remember what the amount of sugar and other solids in that you'd also think that the water activity of that stuff would be quite low with all the added sugar, I would want to test to see whether or not just adding a couple tablespoons of neutral liquid to your bag totally ruins the texture. In which case you're in a situation where you might want to go all powdered and they do make powdered everything right or another thing I would do is you could add a little like we said before add a little sugar to one of your I would like next time you do it and you portioned them all out. I would take one bag I would add sugar to your dry rub to the sweetness that you think you're going to get. I will do another one throw in a couple of tablespoons of water and see whether that what that does the texture obviously the taste won't be the same. And and then you can kind of work from there. Figure out which one it is the same time you can go online I know a lot of powdered soy sauce spray dried soy sauce, granulated soy sauce. I've seen them. I've seen them all the had one last thing, but I forget what it I have one last thing what I forget what it is. She's like, Oh yeah, do they taste both? Like they have the same level of salt. And then when you're done?

Well, I mean, it's just such different tastes, it's sort of hard to judge,

right? Because another thing is, is that salt in the thing is going to firm up the meat. So if it's a lack of firmness, it might also be that you're just low on salt, in which case, I wish you could like throw salt but I don't want you to oversold it. But if the soy sauce one is not as salty as the one that you normally make, then what you could do is salt it down, put in the reduced stuff and go and it might bring you back to where you once belonged. You know I'm saying got it. So those are the things that I would try. I would try to try to make a judgement in your head about how salty the soy sauce one is when you're done. See whether sugar has an effect? Because I don't think we have I don't think I've ever really cooked a lot of meat in a bag with a lot of sugar. I don't I don't know that I have I'm sure someone has on Twitter here. They'll they'll chime in Jack is anyone trying to get on this stuff?

Not yet.

Someone chime in on this chime in and chime in on the board's. But anyway, let us let us know how it goes.

Thank you very much.

All right. Hey, Jackie. Let's take

Yeah, let's take a really quick break. I've got a caller on the line. So caller stay tight. We'll get to you in just a second. First a few words from Powell.

Americans throw away 58 billion disposable cups every year. A lot of those cups will still be around long after you're dead. Kind of dark. I know. But I'm Greg from kapow. And we decided to do something about it. We created the only glass travel mug that's 100% us made you can check it out alongside our complete line of everyday cu p

Had to play a little tiny piece of that because it's such a it's such a cool coincidence. You asked about that music before the show started. That's all jet produced that album for Odetta. Hartman so the name of the album is 222 and it just happens to be episode 222 cooking issues.

Weird 220 We've done this 222 times that shockingly Yes. Oh, man. Crazy.

That's your girlfriend's voice. That's it.

You got it. You gotta hang out with the Sabri brothers man. Yeah, sweet sweet Michael Sabri could do some some quality chants with that. It'd be sick putting put, you know I think he's the dead one. I forget which one of the famous breezes dead maybe it's mockable I don't know. Anyway. Yeah. All right, caller you're on the air. Hey, hey, Dave, how are you doing? All right. Okay, so I had a friend

asked me this question, so I'm calling you because I couldn't figure it out. So he had about 15 leaves of fresh bay that he infused into some Leatherby gin from Chicago, two ways once he blanched it, and the other time he didn't. And both times he started an airtight container. And it was a really great green color initially, but then turned it nasty brown after a couple days.

I'm familiar with nasty Brown. That's my that's my nickname. That's right. So,

so his question is, why did that happen? He thought, at least the blanching would have killed those, those enzymes, and he could have had a great color.

Well, like. Like, why is it oxidizing over time in St. Qian, I mean, a lot of times you'll get oxidation. So I'm trying to figure out how to how to prevent it. You wouldn't be you if you blanched it enough. Well, okay. I mean, bay leaves are tough suckers, right? Because they're so thick and waxy. Like, I don't know how long he blanched them. But I have never had good luck with I gotta be honest, I've never had good luck with Bally's cuz it takes forever to infuse them. And they don't nitro model well. And they're, they're so tough. Why are they turning brown mean, certain things are going to turn brown like, like, what if you dried it first? Dried it first. Yeah. But I guess that kind of kills the fact that you're using fresh, right? But what if you dried it first? Because you know, like, that's an easy way to keep mint. Really, really just not from term Brown. Right is to dry it before you before you put it in to this stuff. Or like why is it the chlorophyll from spinach in like chartreuse does never turns brown. Why?

Right? Right. Do you think if he tried a different infusion technique, instead of maybe like a vacuum infusion, isI would hold the pillar better

or No, he's just doing natural regular natural infusion. Right. So I think it would just it would accelerate it. But, but I don't think it would prevent anything from happening. And also bayleaf isn't appreciably watering it down. So it's not like you're changing the you know, the environment of it. I don't think of bayleaf as being hyper green anyway. Do you stars? No. You think of it as being fallen drab, right. Yeah, I've used fresh Bay. Tastes good. Hard to get into. What did it taste good to stuff?

I don't know. I haven't tasted it.

I think he said it takes it. Okay.

So he's like, he's letting you look at it. But not letting you taste it. So wrong. So wrong. No, no,

no. Okay. He's texting me says it makes it awesome.

Okay, and did it taste any different after it turned brown?

Ooh, I don't know. Let's see what he says. Yeah. Because,

like what most of the time when things are turning brown, there's a there's a concomitant oxidized taste as well. Right. Exactly. And taste any different. Yeah, you know what else you could also you could freakin cheat. You know what I mean? You can just add some some like chlorophyll some green style go like go chartreuse on that. No one No one accuses no one accuses the Carthusians of being bastards just because they put a little spinach juice into their into their product. Yeah, how do you think they do that? I know they put all those dry brown herbs into it. Right? Because I've seen the buckets that they pull the herbs out of and then they you know, they make it all nice and green. Well, I guess they distill it comes out clear. And then they add Yes. But like, they say it's chlorophyll. Chlorophyll. It's chloroform.

Where Where would I find that modernist? They probably

you know what their thing is they don't have it, they'll probably buy it. And also there's like all kinds of people who think that chlorophyll is going to save their their guts from like, you know the ravages of whatever they do or do not do to them. So people you can buy it on Amazon, you can buy chlorophyll powder. And you know, instead of making you can make it from spinach, right? And there's plenty of like, what's it called YouTube videos on how to get the green on a spinach without the kind of nasty black stuff Takota things green plenty plenty. And that'll probably punch the punch the green up as long as the flavor of the of the liquor is not going oxidized in bed and I would just cheat with the color rather than like worry your head about it too much. Okay,

awesome. That's That's great. Thanks so much.

No problem. All right. So the color okay, caller you're on the air.

Hey, Zoey, from Chicago. Hey,

Haley, what's here? You got in an argument with someone over who is the true Elliot apparently there's like dueling Elliott's

yeah, there's before now in the chat room. I don't know what's going on with it. Nice. Yeah, like I got a question for you about cooking some sausages this weekend. So I made Just 30 Lamb sausages yet last night, and I'm gonna be cooking them I got a weapon grill and whatever charcoal whatever gas, and I was stoked to be able to think about doing like a poach and grill, but I need some advice on timing everything.

Okay? What like what are we talking here? Like MIGUEZ? What size are we talking?

Yeah, well, it's kind of mixed, but it's a regular like on casing.

Okay. So what I always do on this, I would go a lot depends on like, whether you need them to look 100% Perfect, but I always prefer like the high the high heat finish. So like, they know if I were you. It's no offense to people in there. And that gas grills, but I've never had a gas grill that I was like, Yeah, that's really freaking hot. Like that really makes me feel happy about my life. how hot it is. Have you ever encountered a gas grill that made you feel happy about your life? No. Serious power for that? Yeah, power. Right. So I would I would do like the big charcoal and I would go like, you know, my average temperature to finish things is roughly kind of like as close as I can get it to the surface of the sun. Because you can't really over go on on a charcoal heat like that. It's not like using a blowtorch. You can't go to over on it. So I would go like super hot like that. Then I would do are the people that you're going to feed it to at all squeamish? No, no, no. Okay. Then I would do 140 degrees, which is so close. It's lamb anyway, it's not well, but you have pork fat in it. Right? But it doesn't matter. It's not going to be no I

didn't use any portfolio use all landfills, but it's pretty good supply.

Oh, yeah. Was it nice and firm the fat? Did you like dessert? Is it lamb have like a firm enough fat to really?

Yeah, you know, I weighed out about 20%. But I think my yield probably got like somewhere between 50 and 20%. At the end, you know if it was strict, a little bit at the end, but I wait I waited afterwards, the stuff I took out, right? It took them 14 1015

If you're doing if you're getting smear and you're in like you're doing lamb fat and like low temp, it is 100% the way to go. Because that way if you were going to get like a lot of bleed out, if it wasn't going to hold the then then the low temp, you're going to like be a freaking champion. You know what I'm saying? So normally, most normally with any sausage I'm doing, I do 60 Celsius, which is one for

now to be able to get that on the electric stove is pretty good for temperature control. So I should be fine. So you don't

have a Cirque. What's that? You don't have a circulator. Now remember circulator. icsem, circulator? Yeah. But you can do one for 140 is not that hard. So I would I would do it in water in bags. And I would put out what I typically do is I put a you could do a poach over that time. Do we do beers beer that time does that you can do it that way too. You can do a you could do a poach. You can do it. But if you made the sausages man, they have circulators now for like, like, they're almost free. They're almost free.

I know, I gotta get one of those. They're almost like going over the wildfire. So they gotta they gotta keep her a little rusty.

All right. But anyway, so yeah, so like, you know, one other thing you could do, you could do the old school, the way that people you could get like a cooler, calculate the weight of sausage, and then the weight of your poaching liquid and then like dump it in and let it just cook through and settle down. And then you could just pull them out of the out of the VAT as they go. And go bang, bang, bang, right. So like, if you have like a stock that you like the flavor of, and you know that it's like, we just have to calculate what the what the finish temperature is. And there's, they're not that big. So it doesn't take that long to cook them through as long as they're submerged. So, you know, like, you know, like half hour or something like that. And so, lamp stock

already, too. So I could put that in there and then finish them on the grill. Just pull them off. And

yeah, so then you could like take the cooler like you like, like a couple hours beforehand, you put the water you know, you put the water in at the strike temperature, which you know, any homebrew shop, any homebrew site will tell you how to calculate strike temperature for things like mashes and, you know, and it's a little bit different because you have to you have to assume that the thermal mass of your sausage is roughly the same as water, right? So you figure that unlike I don't know how they calculate has been a long time whether they bother doing the calculations on thermal mass or when they're doing more bad or no but anyway, check it out. But, and a bunch of other people have calculated the strike temperatures for cooking low temp in in standard five gallon coolers before whatever you want. So anyways, so like a couple hours beforehand, you do that and then the temperature slowly drops over the next over a couple of hours which is actually a benefit to you because it means that you're not going to overcook on the finish but they'll still be warm, right so when when when pull them right out with tongs right on the freakin like hotter than the sun grill. Your broth will taste better. You can use it later make a sauce with it and as long as it's very very flavorful liquid it's not going to ruin the flavor. Your sauce is just too much. Yeah, it's gonna be good. But get a circulator. They're like how much they cost as well like 150 bucks today. Yeah, well, I'm gonna tell you what like whatever holidays you may or may not celebrate get someone to get it because like it's gonna make your life so much easier with the stuff you're doing it'll it can depending on what how you cook and what you cook it can save you money in the end because you know, you'll never get to

chat rooms going. We got Christmas coming up and my birthday is right around there too. So we got to go

get a circulator. But what is the chatroom saying about this jack? I

can't believe he doesn't have a circulator.

People People chip in get my man, Elliot a circulator. Come on, come on. Come on. He's asked so many good questions that you guys have heard the answer. Say

this though. I can solve the real Elliott question. Oh, obviously the next donation that comes in from an Elliott. That'll be the real Elliott,

man. Oh, man. All right. Okay, so do we talked about the four minute do we talk about? Did we talked about an STL last time mistake us Okay, so we got Yeah, right. We talked about it. We didn't ask George's question because someone else called in about mystique. All right. Very hard to keep track of what's what's going on? Oh, this one actually. Would be good for. It's gonna be good for the Twitterverse out there that what do you call the people on the heritage radio site? What do they call what what's the chatroom called?

I don't know. We had to come up with a name for that. I don't know. Yeah,

you got to do that. This one because like, I'm gonna just say right now that my opinion is not good. Here we go. Joel Stowe writes in on chili. Hey, Nastasia Dave Jack and whoever else is hanging around, which is Rebecca today. It's getting to be Chili Cook Off season. You fan of chili stuff. Yes. What kind of chili? Right?

Any kind of chili? Wait, what I mean, any kind of any kind of chili with Korean chili so it's not getting discovered?

Oh, yeah. Remember stars probably makes her chili without cumin. So like, she's human. She's automatically we hate humans.

I just don't put it in. It's not

chilly, then. It's not freaking chilly. Okay, okay. Okay. And I'm really looking to put some effort into finalizing my recipe this year. I haven't heard you speak on the topic at all. So do you have any special tips, tricks or modern or otherwise it might make to make a good chili and put it over the top? I don't know if circulator would help at all. But maybe there's something interesting that can be done with the initial chili mixture. Do you have all a favorite brand of blend of dried chilies? A favorite favorite method of adding extra flavor? beardruff that more meat anchovies, tomato paste beef bones bourbons, you like using short ribs as the meat any tips would be much appreciated. Love the show. Joel Okay, so listen, I'm gonna want people to tweet him because I don't I'll tell you how I make it. But I don't think that I have any like, like my tricks like aren't aren't amazing, right? Like I use a pressure cooker. And I over over overdose on on alliums right because they they you know get kind of totaled in the pressure cooker right? I use like hyper reduced. What I do is super it's fast. I'm not doing like chili cook off. Like I'm not like trying to be like the best human in the world on this I just I'm going for kind of speed but I use like a hyper reduced stock which I blend with. I blend with a mixture of dried chilies it's usually like whatever I can get but I like I like a mixture I like I don't like I'm like hyper smoky like I like I'll put a throw a couple of smoky ones in bright like like you know like a mixture like guajillo and Persia and like some others and not not that spicy cuz my family won't won't do it, but I like a good blend of dried chilies. blend that with the stock in the vitae prep. And then I'll priests of sear off all of the meat and the pressure cooker and then throw it in. Due off the Allianz throw it in with the throw it in with the with the hyper reduce stock blend with the chilies. Then I'll pressure cook that down, pull it reduced this stock blend in and then I'm going to blend into tomato paste not before and the OH I also sometimes put in beer and or tequila but then then reduce it then add it back to the meat and then stir it and go that's typically how I do I also I also fold back the teacher rounds. If I'm using I usually put some pork by the way I didn't mention this. I usually am using some pork in there too. And I fold some crunchy to throw it back back in when I'm done. But I don't really have any good tricks, but I'm sure that people on the chat room will have excellent Chili Chili tricks. Is anyone giving us excellent chili? Shakes Jack? Oh, no. Yes. All right. So how much longer do I have?

Like no time.

Alan, Alan from the UK has apples and we need to think about some apple things for him for next week. And then we have all of this week's questions including ones on chickpea aquafaba which we will get to the next time on cooking issues

thank you to everybody in the chat room and if you're listening on iTunes or in the podcast, be sure to tune in live every tuesday at noon and join the conversation Live. Thanks again.

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