Cooking Issues Transcript

Episode 288: Bag Juice Blunders

Hello, everybody, and welcome to a brand new series on heritage radio network called the culinary call sheet where we give a peek into the back kitchen of culinary media. I'm your host, April Jones,

and I'm your co host, Darren bresnitz. Part of why we started the show was to offer an unofficial mentorship for anyone who's interested in learning about all aspects of food and video, whether that's TV, social media online, or just something you want to do for fun.

Absolutely what was once niche or a little silly, as I'm sure you remember, Darren, when we started out, this man has now become such a massive playing field for so many creatives using food as the medium.

It's something that has driven us professionally and personally, for so many years. What excites me the most about this show is that we're going to sit down with some of the industry leaders to hear how they made it and what drew them into this industry.

With 20 years in the culinary production game ourselves. We're hoping we can give through these conversations an insider's view into personal stories from the field, as well as an in depth behind the scenes look into some of the most popular food programming. In today's evolving culinary media landscape.

We'll be covering everything from how to style your food, to how to license IP, to developing your own ideas, and some tips from the masters of how to host your own show.

Yeah, it's a little bit of conversation, how to and how do you do the things that you do in color media, which I'm so excited about? I love so many of the guests that are coming on this season. We have talent from Food Network from Vice media eater refinery 29,

we've met some of the best people in the world both in front of and behind the camera. And we're bringing them all together to share their stories, their delicious adventure and their unique journey into this crazy world.

So to be the first to hear our episodes when they launched this fall, go to wherever podcasts are streaming, and hit subscribe and make sure to give us a follow at the Culinary call sheet on Instagram.

This episode is brought to you by jewel the emergent circulator for suevey by ChefSteps. Order now at E

Hello, welcome to Cooking issues. This is Dave Arnold, your host of cookies coming to you live on the heritage Radio Network every Tuesday from roughly 12 to roughly one and Roberta pizzeria here in Bushwick. Brooklyn joined as usual with Natasha hammer Lopez how're you doing? Stars good. Got Dave in the booth as per what up how you doing? Got a few special guests in in the booth. Today in the shipping container? We have? Of course you know what do you you're a regular you're like a regular guests, right? Yeah, the

regular regular guests. We

got Ariel from formerly of Nordic cooking universe formerly of UC Davis, and currently doing the food thing at the Massachusetts Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It's true. True. Yeah. And what's your title over there?

Directors fellow?

Directors fellow. You're the directors fellow. So like, is it what like one step from being the fellow of the director to being the Director Director of what it's like being a familiar

or something? Yeah. Like I take on a cat shape and then like advise Yeah,

so for those of you not hip to old school, sorcery. The familiar is the is the person that the devil comes and and no, it is. No, it's the actual personification of the devil. Right? The the the witches, the Witch and the familiar is the personification of the devil. All

right. I mean, I was thinking about it more in an Advanced Dungeons and Dragons format or like Sabrina the Teenage Witch, because there was that talking cat in it. That's just what

I mean. That's me. That's me. Oh, wisecrack.

Technically, the familiar is the stand in for the devil on Earth and

wonderfully today. And it's unfortunate that you can't see it. But Ariel's with us in talking cat form today. So please, if you can just imagine that while listening

nice and the person that you're hearing chime in there is the one that only Peter Meaghan then I don't know, you tell me what your title what you want your title to be. I'm just gonna say, food media impresario.

I think that gives me too much credit. I am the editor of the currently doomed food publication, Lucky peach, which we're wrapping up work on right now. And I write cookbooks. And yeah, I'm just happy to be here with you guys to eat pizza.

Currently doomed is a fantastic band name.

It's a Yeah, and also an app description of the last six years of my work.

But the thing about the interesting thing about like currently doomed It is first of all, like we're all doomed

we are all doomed, but like currently doomed, it's like it's like, it's like being on I don't want to make light of but it's like, it's like we know we're keyboard getting the needle this weekend. It's loud. All this days of execution are over. So I'm just at the point where I'm like, can I get six orders of McDonald's french fries and some ice cream on top of that, thanks.

So there's there's no governor to call.

There's no the No, the governor is just gonna come and watch what happens at this point. Yeah,

you're in you're like face to face. Yeah. Yes. Scott's marked for death

of the word. All right. So speaking of Scots, I know I talked a little bit about it last week. So I was in Scotland, like a week and a half ago or something like this. And and I'm learning bagpipes again.

We let's let's rewind again, was there a time at which previously you had experienced experimented with bagpipers? So

like yeah, 15 years ago, there was a 16 There was a society in like the Upper East Side that was like

trying to make this sound fancy. No, no, they taught

like cops and firefighters how to play bagpipes so there was this like less than that you can get Okay, so then I went to said less and I bought the bagpipe is one of the very few instruments where no one allows you to play the actual instrument for a long time after you started learning it because it's just so horrific the idea of you inflating that bag and just going to it is so horrifying to everybody

that they don't that statement alone is so

yeah, so you have to learn this thing called a practice chanter, which believe this or not, Anastasia sounds worse than a recorder if there is possible to have an instrument. Wow, that is more grating on the nerves than the recorder. It is the practice chanter. Wow. Rich, for all intents and purposes is a slightly quieter real chanters that thing that makes the notes on a bagpipe other than the drums okay? So, I, you know, practice for like, a couple of months on my practice chanter. As soon as I get ready to get a real set of pipes, I laid into the bag ones and Jen, my wife was like, Absolutely not. This is over. It all got thrown away like I was I thankfully, it was like, save our marriage. It was it was a worthless set of pipes. Anyway, worthless certified anyway. But like, that was a long time ago, and I only had the apartment in New York. Then, about six months ago. I was like, I'm going to learn again and I hit the practice chanter. Once my son Booker was like, I'm gonna break that in half. You're an idiot. Like this. You're a bad human being. Why are you doing this? Yeah. And Jim, my wife was like, yeah, yeah, he's right. You know what I mean? Horrible. So but that went Scotland. I was like crap on it. So now I have purchased to practice with electronic bagpipes.

Wow. Yeah, that's, that sounds like a new genre.

Yeah, yeah. Well, so have you brought them with you today? I have. Oh, god, that was such a good, natural build up and reveal.

Oh, that's it. These are the

that's the size of an electronic. It's like, it's electronic man. Wow, it looks like a recorder.

Yes, yes. Or a small fight. You have to plug your ears into it. And you don't blow it in or anything. It's dead silent. Oh, so anyway, so the reason I'm mentioning this is that I need someone in New York City to I need to take some lessons because I need to get good enough at bagpipes to play a song when we open the bar, which is extremely aggressive since that, like I hope to open, you know, sometime around August. So it's extremely aggressive to want to be able to play and I don't have to do

a good job. You just have to be confident enough to do it in public song. Right? So I know a guy who knows a guy.

Yeah, yeah. All right. And speaking of just last week, we were talking here and I was describing how I had dinner with you. And you know, the guy next to me happens to be the lead singer of pavement and I freaked out and no one here had listened to pavement just to show you kind of what kind of people you're dealing with. Like these are the people you're dealing with. Where was this? Hear? i You didn't know? Was it you Dave who didn't know someone else?

Maybe it wasn't fucking me. All right. Did

we talk about Scotland? I feel like this is a regular Scotland session.

Maybe it wasn't on the radio show maybe was in Scotland and I was just so horrified at the quality of people that I was,

I think I think I was one of those people.

I wonder if pavement never made it big in Scotland, but if it hasn't your Scottish listeners or listeners should really tune in.

Yeah. What did they just sit around listening to? Not garbage style, but just garbage to the band? Which is a good i likes garbage garbage in

The Proclaimers like that's it.

Oh my god. So anyway, you had a music store, as you were coming in here. You're saying you had to listen to stuff because your staff before you send them on their merry way

there will there they're all listening right now and will probably bombard us with phone calls. So no, I just I was surprised when there was not a wide awareness of the works of Public Enemy. So that's been no but I but it's not really office music.

Like it's office music when you're about to close. It certainly is.

Right like fear of a Black Planet is really you know, it's kind of a heavy soundtrack to like, let's make food's Tories. Yeah,

we know it's even, like harder. Like the stuff that no one listened to is like 1991 The enemy strikes black. Yeah, that's like, you know, by the time I get to Arizona where they literally threatened the life of the Arizona governor,

I mean, I think that that's how old are you?

46 Yeah,

I'm I'm gonna be 40 this fall and I feel like for for dudes of our age, that was like the thing with listening to NRA NWA like growing up but now

I still remember you're not seeing my thing. You're not seeing my face but I still remember the first time I heard straight out of Compton this was it. Like I'm doing the I'm doing the the West Chester white boy. Like the hands to the lips, but this

allowed but they put

on like they actually murderers. Are they murdering people? Like that's, you know, that's the Westchester white boy right there. They're bad people. They're rapists and murderers. I did not have that they do drugs. bad actions. That's where you had a bad reaction to the wall. The wall the wall. I was really young. And that was the song came out when I was like eight or nine.

I had a bad reaction to the wall.

I was like, What do you mean? We don't need any education? Yeah,

I saw that movie. And I Oh, really? Like you were like,

Yeah, I was like, this is a bad message.

You were kind of terrible music too.

Ah, now sit back. Yeah.

I just I had a better commercial opinion.

If you don't eat your meat, Dave

can't have you putting

down your meat. I did that. I do that to tax all the time. He doesn't know what the hell I'm talking about. Because my wife hates the wall and so I can't really listen to it.

I had a waiter recently say that to my daughter at the table. To the to the whole thing. No, just the mother. If you don't eat your meat, you can have your pudding and I was like, You're an old creep but identify.

Alright, so calling all of your either MIT technical questions, your how to shut down a magazine with style questions, your food media questions. You're in Stasi Lopez questions or any questions you have dedicated either to me Dave Arnold or Dave in the booth. 27184972128. That's 718-497-2128 we have a caller. There you go. Caller you're on the air. Hello, Dave. Hi.

Hi, I'm trying to make a foam that's similar to the head of a Guinness that can sit on a carbonated beverage, I take on to the carbonation and bubble over. And I've added gelatins and some even marshmallow fluff to my face. But that's still overflows when added to the beverage marshmallow. Trying first. So with methylcellulose 50 Or even powdered egg whites I wanted your advice

at 50 is great for that. That's what Sam Mason used to use. So f 50. I mean, he literally used to make a Guinness foam with F 50. Sam Mason for those of you that I don't know were born yesterday. It's like one of the great pastry chefs of all time, then went on to be an excellent savory chef at Taylor. And now it's like an ice cream magnate in Brooklyn. Anyway, so he used to use F 50. And whenever I was doing foams for things I would I always gravitate towards methyl sell at 50. The one thing is remember, you have to whip F 50. For a long time, there has to be something in it that wants to foam like some sort of like protein or whipping agent and along with the FFT to really help it along. And also remember, you're going to do that in a Kitchenaid and you're going to spoon it on top, you're not going to try to put it out of a nisi whip and you're not, you know, otherwise, yeah, it's going to be a friggin nightmare. If you try to inject the whole thing and have the foam rise to the top your life is

over. So that's a whisk don't share type of situation.

Well so typically for FFT, what you'll do is is is I what I'll do is I'll vortex it in a blender then put it into my KitchenAid and like do it it the one thing that won't work well in typically is milk systems. Some people like versalift I never liked versalift Because Versa whip sometimes even when verse whips gonna work. It like takes its sweet time about it. So you'll be sitting there with the kitchen aide with the beater or whatever development over there for like five minutes and like this craps not going to work and then all of a sudden poof, like the virtue of just like pops up. Speaking of kitchen aides, I just fixed the kitchen aid this morning. This morning, I fixed the Kitchen Aid. Have you ever reassembled an entire KitchenAid and then looked down and you left one washer out of the exact middle of the gearbox?

Sounds like you that

ma'am. Fact is me if you had done that you would be living my this morning. Yeah, cheers. Cheers to that. Does that make sense?

Excellent. Thank you very much.

No problem. Yeah, so I don't know. What do you have any thoughts? Any any of you like I've spent too many years of my life sitting around making Metacell at 50 Farms I just like

Oh, no the kid. Are you a fan of the KitchenAid? Stand Mixer?

Yeah, why wouldn't I be a fan of that? KitchenAid stand mixer. I'm definitely against it.

No. And I had a friend who had a bunch of the five quarts burnout on her. And then I got what does she do for a living? She was a baker at the time. No,

she's not something not meant for that.

And I got a Breville stand mixer and I gave away my old KitchenAid 4.5 Quart Stand Mixer and some sort of exotic strange buttercream yellow color. And now my wife is like, bummed that we don't have it anymore. And I'm worried I'm gonna have to like Indian give that with my friend, just killing with the swap for the Breville Have you tried to level standards?

Here's what happened. Breville sent me a couple of years ago, or a year ago, basically every freaking thing that they make, like stuff that I didn't even know like, was a thing that you could make like, like a tea maker, I didn't know that you needed a teammate. Turns out you do you need a tea maker did not send me the standard mixer. I then tried to I was like, I'm gonna go get the standard mixer. And that's the hard one. They're not pushing the stand mixer very hard. So that's actually the more difficult one to like, beg, borrow and steal around. And I've had the KitchenAid for 8 billion years. And then literally, my mother in law was like, I have this broken KitchenAid I was like, I know how to search for KitchenAid. Like, you know, because like I do, you don't? I mean, it's like and so you have the KitchenAid why would you not you know, why would you not use the KitchenAid the one I have has the metal gears, although I've heard the bread was very nice. Do you enjoy it?

I enjoy it as much as I use it, but I'm not the baker of the family. So I don't have like the day to day. Like it gets a little bit jumpy with a hard dough on the counter. You know, like,

everything gets a little jumpy with a hard deal on the family program. Yes. Yeah.

One thing another call?

Sure a caller, you're on the air.

Yo, caller

Hello, hey.

Hi, Dave, I have a question for you that might apply to your upcoming suevey book. Nice. I'm wondering if you have put much thought and attention into awesome things to do with Suvi bag juicers, especially in the context of making pans sauces.

Anastasia, I'm kind of guess here that you hate the word bag juices she's making. She's making her bag juice face. The here's some issues with big juices. So

typically, because they're in a chapter called bag juice actually says,

well, that's, you know, honestly, like we all know I'm not allowed to call the book The miracle of moisture management. That's really what it's about. I have I have actually a title for the book, but you know, I couldn't get it out but it's not going to be unfortunately the miracle of moisture management. But one of the things about the moisture that exits meat when it comes out of the bag is that it has a lot of coagulated proteins, which you know area

you could probably what's good about a non coagulated protein not

much because when you tried to make a pan sauce, it goes Bucha and it looks like you have these nasty gray egg whites in it. Arielle, you're familiar with this problem? Yes. Are you you don't understand it's like yes, I am familiar so good news about that nasty business is that is actually a clarification aid so if you want it to be slightly clearer what I would do is put the pan juices gently bring them up to a boil without losing too much of it and then strain it through first of all everyone uses coffee filters if I could go back in time and shoot everyone who I would not really shoot you know what I mean? Like you know like dissuade people family show coffee filters are are a nightmare

like hours of my life I've wasted trying to string things through coffee filters when we ran out of like cheap cloth

Yeah, horrifying Yeah, just use a dish towel those days back just use a dish towel like dish towels are great just don't use one that you've worn through so there's big holes but a standard dish towel so long as it's clean and doesn't have any holes drains like a mother and filters pretty well do you agree area

oh yeah like I just felt was even better than like the stuff that they felt as cheesecloth

yeah store because

here's why I've never told anyone to go buy cheesecloth because they're gonna go to the supermarket and they're gonna buy what amounts to medical gauze. And that is that what do you got gonna strain on? Yeah, what do you straining pebbles? Like what the hell is that? Like that is a useless, it's useless. It's like it doesn't deserve to be called cloth. It's gauze. It's not I mean, that's why they have the word gauze as a separate thing from cloth. You know what I mean? It's like, it's horrifying. Like we're not making mummies. We're trying to filter things. So you should definitely never use that garbage. So I would strange as

long as you don't use like the dish towel that your mother in law bought for you at like an exhibition or something. It would upset her to see a gigantic green stain on it. That

depends on how you feel about your mother in law. Really well. Yeah. So

you can you can send a message.

Yeah, here's another thing like if you're using something that you also, if you're straining something that's green that hasn't been cooked yet. It's Also gonna turn black, which is like it depends on on whatever greenery you're putting through it, but like an oil that you've already. Yeah, Nightmare nightmare anyway. But the point is I would use that and I use that stuff 100% of the time. And then chefs are always worried about that. I'm like, now what is there to worry about? They're worried, I don't know, they're all worried about the cloth, they're worried that it's been treated with some sort of something,

just wash it first. Thank you, like bought by like $20 class, put it through the clothes washer. And then you have like a stack of like clean, usable filters.

So what else do you do with meat juice from there? Well, bag juice.

So yeah, bags use. So here's another thing back to this. Here's another thing you need to know about bags use in general, so and myself with a lot of bags use this age. Well, okay, so like, let's say you're the kind of person who, who is doing low temperature braze work. Let's say you're that kind of a person. I don't know that you are saying I can

say that. Okay, well, let's roleplay right. I haven't seen a person who does a lot of low temperature praise work.

Okay, well, one thing I'm going to tell you is that most of your guests slash customers will prefer a high temperature braise because it's going to have more meaty flavors, but low temperature breezes have their place. They're interesting texture, they're good for plating out etc, etc. You can cut them Okay, so for like the like rare short rib. Yeah, or even like, like a medium shot or any of these things or like lamb shanks or any of these things that you're going to actually put a sauce in the bag with it like or like Coco's, or one of these kinds of things, right. And we're

distinguishing here between bag sauces and bag juicers, well as Jesus being in the undesired, leftover juice at the end of the bag process,

this is where it all comes back together again, Peter. So what you have is, is you have your bag, you tried to put your sauce in because you put yourself but people always make the freakin mistake. Always, always, always make the mistake of not reducing the bag sauce enough because they're not accounting for the dilution of the bag. juices. What happens is when you add because there's no reduction in a bag, people, there's no reduction.

There's nowhere for it to go.

Where's the juice gonna go buddy? There's

nowhere for it to go wait for it to go. So where's the bag? Just gonna just gonna stay in the bag. So now I'll have natural environment.

Now if you didn't reduce your sauce enough when I say reduce I don't mean Oh, a little more reduced a little bit. No, I'm talking like, gelatin ping pong balls, like reduced. It's gonna taste like a freaking like a freaking pot of foot like a freaking poached piece of meat. And do you want to poach piece of meat? No, because if you wanted to post beach meat, what would you have done? You would have poached it. Right?

I would have low temperature poached. Yeah, that's who I am. I just want to keep the role playing right. There

you go. All right. So my point being that if you don't want a poached meat texture, if you don't want that particular texture, let's just say with beef, then over reduce your stuff because you got to worry about the juices now then you could take that stuff, you still have to hit it with some energy and strain it through a dish towel or you're going to get those nasty Float Float floaty bits. But once you get those nasty floaty bits out, it's it's great for Pan juice,

so I should over reduce my sauce to account for the bag juice delusion. If you don't, you're a bad person and then I need to strain it through a dish towel that after mother in law.

Yes, after you eat. So after it comes out of the bag, you have to heat it to coagulate, the non coagulated, globular extracted globular protein, obviously, da jerk. And then strain that through your mother in law's dish towel

dish towel and then clean and then what is the end result of that?

Then you have something you can work with?

Would you put it over buttered noodles?

You well, you'd need to probably thicken it still again slightly. Was a use some sort of liaison maybe burn money for Bernie fan. What about fluff? I would not use fluff for that. Unless it was a unless you cooled it off and then just whipped it in. But that sounds super gross. Yeah, sorry, sounds super, super gross. But we had some more they also the stuff that comes out of a bag, it always needs brightening. So you need to kind of brighten it up. If you're doing a lot lot of it, you can refreshing it with a little bit of fresh meat or you can just hit it with a little bit of acid or a little bit of it's gonna need a little bit of something. It never comes out of the bag tasting like bright and fresh. Another thing I'll say about the the juice that comes out was I gonna say it was something it was important. Oh my God, it was important. It was like the key thing. And now it's just added my key. It was the key to using the bag juice. It was the key to using the bag juice. Oh, oh well listen, if you're gonna use it, so like if you've had something in the bag for a long time and it's raw and you haven't cooked it yet, right? What happens is you develop something called kind of confinement aroma. And you don't you want to you want to not have that in your in your bag juice and also if you're bad if you're if you're using like dry aged meat with the bone still in it, the dry aged funk from the bone can kind of make the sauce like really funky so you just got to make sure that that's what you want. It's just making any sense color.

What are the worst things you've ever done with that juice? Like I imagine you've tried and failed with packages before?

I mean, I've just heated it it coagulated and I'm like, oh no and put it over the meat and and call it a day. I mean, that's the absolute worst thing you could do like juice blender factories blenders which is that's a chapter right there bad cheese blunders in the title. Anyway, so you're gonna have to correct it, you're going to need some acid. In know you can do you can use like a small quantity of it and then mount it with butter. You can hit it with a burn money if you want. I mean, I'm a big fan of mount the the problem with mounting with butter is you got to be careful. And you have to like know that people are going to sit, right that's like an 11 minute kind of a sitch if they're not going to sit, which you know, you know, my family is not going to sit until I get so angry at them that they're like, Why do you always ruin dinner? I'm like, it is not me. Why are you never sitting like why are you Why is my own family?

ruining everything I do and care about? Yeah, right world. Right,

right. Yeah, right. Like, why do you enjoy my pain so much? You want to hate? I hate here's what I hate. It's like, I'm like, Okay, I'll be I'll be like five minutes. I'm gonna serve dinner. Five minutes. I'm gonna serve dinner five minutes, and then they wait until that and then when it comes out then they're like, oh, I need to light some candles. Oh, now I need to go get the napkins. Oh, now's the time. I need the Pete No, I give you the five minute warning.

And then they bring up the bagpiping as an example of why you're a bad person.

Exactly. Are you like I feel like you've been at every dinner that I've ever had Peter because

with bag juice in your bag pipe

bag. You don't want to know now area you'll be pleased to know that newer bag pipes have a synthetic bags so that you don't need to like it's not like some stinking rotting leather and nightmare and not like part of the whole experience. Not for me. The old bag man. Like just a leather bag. Like originally it was like a sheep bladder. Well, not a bladder originally my stomach, but the whole freaking like animal like you take a small animal and think about it. It's got like holes for three drones, a chanter the blow pipe and then one extra. You only got to sew up one hole. And then you know and you're good to go. In fact, I saw a guy. I saw a guy playing a small goat skin bagpipe where you could see the outline of the goat in Greece when remember that. Anyway, so So

really, your memoirs could be called you've only got one.

So one whole baby. I mean, think about it. The guy's like, what am I gonna do with this goatskin? Let's turn it into a bag. Hey, I got an idea. Harvey I got this idea. What if we put a pipe in it? Does that it's not that stuff happens. Anyway to tell him

American I don't know, man. You're

Scottish accent is amazing.

So anyway, the new the new pipe bags have a zipper in them so you can open them and air them out. And the really, really some of them they fill with spittle. Well yes, they do. And so this is no joke. They don't recommend that. I'm not joking. They have moist it's called moisture management things for the insights

Oh, geez. were stolen from bagpipers weren't that totally 100%

and nowadays for those of you who want the convenience of a synthetic bag, but really liked the feel of who doesn't but like the feel of a natural like leather bag right you want the convenience of the synthetic and the feel of the natural I feel like you're describing

my private strong enough for a man made for a waiver Woman

Oh you know what I always say for that one for that for that roll on I just as soon as it's strong enough for minimum Don and buying it they're like but it's made for him I don't care you say was strong enough for me. That's what I'm buying. Anyway. They make a synthetic bag coated with leather now called a hybrid bag. Wow. With a zipper and moisture management although I don't recommend you go for the moisture management.

So am I right in assuming that bag pieces have a different connotation with bags

hanging in there? Yeah, your kitchen I think you're exactly correct bags uses in a bagpipe are to be avoided. And bagged juices and Super Meat are to be used like hey, here's another one. Appropriately shepherded? Yes, I saw like, here's a piece of equipment that nobody has anymore. The gravy separator remember the gravy separator? Oh, yeah, the

it looks like a measuring cup with a little spout comes up from the bottom. That's right. I've thrown away many of us.

Yeah, many many many right? I mean with I would assume the since your Twitter since your Instagram handle is grease trap that you would have a bunch enough that you can throw away 20 and still have some left. But But my point is, is that if you if let's say you're cooking, let's say you're not using a vacuum machine, let's say you're doing the ziplock technique for sealing a piece of meat, you're always going to seal it in with a little bit of oil otherwise you're not going to get a good seal around it. And so there you can separate the juices from the oil with one of those separator doodads. As you know areas I want you to choose a separatory funnel because they don't have a separatory funny funnel area come on and and then you can do you want and then you can use the oil for your garlic bread and you can use an E Where's garlic bread gone people garlic bread is was like one of the great 70 staples. Where's garlic bread gone?

It remains great. It's just to make garlic bread. Great Again.

I think we need to make people great such that they enjoy the garlic bread. When was the last time you went out and we're like I want garlic bread. Bring garlic bread to the table. It just doesn't happen anymore.

It's not offered to do the offering here. Roberta's I could see getting garlic bread here.

I mean, I love garlic bread, you know but the other thing is, is you know what they buy now the kids the kids, the millennial freaks, they buy they buy this thing called garlic knots. Which is like you go to the guy that got against garlic knots. A guy to pizza store not to use the same accent again but the guy at the pizza store is like yo I got all this overproof dough ha What the hell am I gonna do with it tied into a knot patient freaking grease on it put some garlic powder on fill in the oven for five minutes. Boom garlic knots on a bang and you're already eating pizza. What the hell do you need a garlic not for if you're already eating freakin pizza and the garlic not is fundamentally useless without the marinara sauce just eat another slice of pizza

but would you rather have garlic bread instead of the garlic not Is that what you're saying?

Not when I'm having pizza but when I'm having steak that garlic bread but nobody said you have to eat it with pizza. Well I'm going to the pizzeria just to get freakin garlic knots and no pizza. It's not a garlic not Urrea

you know what I mean? And like when it 2017 Hottest startup.

Yeah. Anyways, and like I remember the first time someone said garlic knots like garlic nuts What the hell are you talking about? He's like no, not garlic knots. And like what I still can remember I remember to this day it's it happened sometime the garlic nothing happened. And I'm gonna want to say like mid 90s. I want to say Have you ever used

back juices in the making of garlic knots? Do you think that they could help them?

No, but I have used it in garlic bread. So to get back to like where we want started, let's say let's say you're going to take a bread that's like slightly stale and you're going to do I hate What's that Catalonian thing where they is mash up tomatoes. That stuff is terrible. It's bad like they love it. I don't like the bread and the tomato quality unless it's the right season is garbage but they serve all

year if you make it out of garbage. It tastes like garbage but they serve it all year.

Anyways, like you can use the meat juices for a situation like that to slightly moistened some hard bread and a rust situation to put some stuff on top of it and it's good. I've done that. And then the oil if you're going to you can use the oil for garlic bread as a separate thing. Anyways, I want to take a quick break. I'll take a quick break and come back with maybe some questions that people wrote in I hope so calling all of your questions to the cooking issues

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contrary to what you just heard Today's program is brought to you by modernist pantry providing magical ingredients for the modern cook for free videos recipes, tips and tricks visit blog dot modernist Or is it actually Dave is it brought to us by both people or what yeah, obviously. Usually brought to you means that the break brought to you like one or two people like it's got two handles when you

watch TV. Do you only see one commercial?

It's very heavy. It has a lot of mass. Yeah, no,

no Dave, here's the thing, right?

Imagine yourself on a litter and all of these brands are supporting the litter beneath you.

So I'm like a pharaoh and like it like there. That means I need four people want to each handle for that

you could you could work harder to prove that you're holding right now. That's that's what this is going toward.

Yeah. Dave here's the thing brought to you is like the old school 50 situation where like Palmolive buys the whole show. Nowadays. It's like yeah, you wouldn't say that they brought it to

you. I don't know how to not that Bring that up legal

I mean it's not a bring situation it's a help to make possible situation viewers like you which is in fact how we work listeners like you

semantics Dave's

life's all about semantics Peter especially for writer Come on.

All right maybe that's why my magazine is

wasn't even me. Yeah, guys, dueling air horns here.

Members told me to lay back on the sound effects.

A fan of like air horns.

I don't know. So that so DAX has been doing this recently has this but he's, he has the Wilhelm scream scream is one of his air horn effects. She's been Wilhelm screaming me all the time. Speaking of Wilhelm scream, I'm slowly and we talked about this I think last week as well. I'm slowly introducing DAX to the mover of Arnold Schwarzenegger started with Terminator which is a good place to start. And I've Conan, because I consider that pre the real Schwarzenegger means good, right? Back when you're aware of his works, right? So you know, or like Hercules in New York not going there. No, no.

Like, like late 70s Porno work he did.

That's much later. It not in chronology, but in when you introduce Yeah, so start with Terminator. And I was surprised to see Bill Paxton is one of the pumps. I was like, Oh Bill Paxton. And then of course what do you what do you introduce him to after the Terminator everybody the greatest movie ever made come on Total Recall. Oh, yes, but not that Commando. Oh, wow. Commando is what I like to call not the best movie ever made but it's a perfect movie there it's structurally Perfect.

Oh wait no I'm thinking of predator now what happens to commando Commando?

Nothing really? He just goes around killing food.

No, no,

I'm not a bad movie but it like no, this is part of its beauty and its simplicity.

Here's what happens. Arnold Schwarzenegger there's a lot of i Black right at the end or on Schwarzenegger is leading an idyllic life notice another good movie of setting up the ridiculous idyllic life is face off right? So like in like, in Commando, they set up their ridiculous idyllic life that are Schwarzenegger has with Alyssa Milano, who's Oh, yes, in the beginning, right? Who's been hot the entire time because she's my age. So I'm allowed to you know, I was allowed to like think she was good looking when she was like 12. And now well, anyway, so like

an improbable, beautiful house on a clifftop.

That's right idyllic life and he likes to fish and get ice cream shoved in his face and all this other stuff. So these people want him to kill this leader in another country. So they kidnap the daughter put them on an airplane and he has exactly 11 hours to find his daughter and kill everyone involved. Or they find out that he's not on that airplane and the daughter dies so it's got a time limit. He finds radon Truong amazing right old school raid on genre I mean amazing. So any goes to an island and kills every living creature on this island. So it's like perfectly contained movie. There's a reason for everything. It's super tight from a movie structure standpoint. I introduced him to it DAX to it and then I realized that like, bit part again, Bill Paxton is in Commando. Maybe they were buddies back in the day.

Maybe you should get them both on the show. Well,

God, okay, so

maybe that's another reason why magazine is closing when radon not enough reference for Bill Paxton. Apparently,

when radon, Shawn is flying graphics or is vocal, the Coast Guard is like you must land immediately. And that person was Bill packs. And then Arnold Schwarzenegger was like just fly below the radar and they fly below the radar. And I lost him. That was it.

So your order of great Schwarzenegger movies starts with Terminator. Or is this for appropriateness of introducing to a child and how old is the child you're introducing these movies?

Okay, so he wasn't interested in Schwarzenegger until he saw at a friend's house Kindergarten Cop, which is a good way to get your feet wet. Oh, it's not the tumor. Great way to get your feet wet. Then he was like, Okay, I'm interested in a switch and everything. So you got to start with the breakout role of Terminator because I mean, come on Terminator is a great movie. And how old is this Booker DAX is is Booker doesn't like movies. It's just X and how

old is Dax 12. Okay, so he can handle some of the themes of Schwarzenegger

movie nanny, you know, and when I know, I know when someone's gonna get a skewer through the head because I've seen the movie like a billion times. So he also saw Terminator two. So I'm like, avert your eyes. Well, you know, T T 1000. Like, shoves his like metal finger thing,

or whatever

it was. That was my favorite movie, and

my dad took me to see Robocop when I was about that age.

Oh my God. What a good movie. Oh, what a good movie.

They remade that recently, didn't they? Yeah,

with a guy that I liked regard. I liked the guy who's in the new one. I forget His name, but I like him. He's a good actor. But yeah, first of all, like why would you redo Robocop? Right? Okay, we should we should talk about food. But Dave, what's your favorite Robocop part? I have to wait. What's your favorite part of Robocop?


there to the stick right out right out. You have 15 seconds to lie.

I like all the like all the in between like the fake commercials actually.

I like it when the guy messes with the robot and he shoots the guy in the boardroom classic. And the other one the bad guy gets coated with toxic waste. Remember that part? Classic trope? Oh, yeah, the ball guy. While he's bald after he got dipped in acid, that's for sure. Anyway, let's don't even get me started with this with this era where it wasn't cool. Sure, caller you're on the air.

Hey, what's wrong calling from fallston? Maryland, I have a question for you about SodaStream and carbonation. Sure. I've been going through the backlog for like the past four years. And I've noticed that you'd like your water heavily carbonated like I do. The top of the Soda Stream says to three buzzes for a normal combination. But I'd like to do like eight to 10 Farts before I really get it up there. Yeah. My question is, can you Is there a saturation point with the water? Or can it handle that? Or am I wasting it? That much,

most likely, but it's very satisfying waste. So like, probably I

would like to clarify one misunderstanding here though, is that Dave likes carbonated water more than any other human. And he likes his water more carbonated more specifically carbonated than any other human I've ever encountered. Maybe you can talk us through some of your carbonation preferences after you address this.

Yeah, I mean, I'll say this. I don't stop at three. Because if there's even a chance of getting marginally more carbonation in I will do it. But you know, there's not. Okay, there most likely is not. Here's the one thing.

I'm not a scientist, I can't actually say that I'm, I'm just a guy with a magazine who's closing?

Here. Here's what I'll say about it. One of the issues with the Sodastream is getting the water as physically cold as humanly possible,

right? When I fill up my bottle, I put I'd use a funnel and put ice cubes in the funnel and then run water through the ice cubes into the bottle. And then I carbonate it.

Right, good. Good and good. All right, good. So you're following all the all the advice? The SodaStream people are like, No, I mean, I don't know that personally. So I can't say that they are garbage. But the like the rules that they have about, like cocktails and whatnot, if they had just designed the fart valve a little better, like you could have done so like we could have allowed so many. Like better things. You here's what you need to do if you're carbonation free just by the freaking adapter that allows you to adapt the Sodastream to a 20 pound tank. And then you don't have to worry about wasting the farts on the on the thing because you're gonna have so much co2 That you're not going to know what to do with it. 20 pound tank is the way to go. Like without question, a 20 pound tank is the way to go. And you should do that. Like how much do you pay for one of those weeny little cylinders?

I think they're like, $15 That's absurd. That's

great. Yeah. How much do they weigh? How much? How much gas isn't one of those things?

I don't know. I could probably get maybe two or three dozen bottles out it's an abomination.

That's crazy. It's nuts. First of all, carbonation should be free just like the internet it should just come like from God it's a right to have water should be carbonated. That's right. Which is why I want to move to Saratoga Springs. Where I never wrote. By the way, I owe Peter an article and sighs waiting until the magazine close to say hey, I'm gonna write the article now because it's too late. Strong, strong, strong move. Yeah, so like pictures

you said of me bathing in sparkling water springs will be indelibly burned into my mind.

There's a picture of me in a and I you cannot tell that I'm naked, thankfully. But I am in fact, which I hate to be naked ever. But I am naked in the water because you have to be you're never nude. I'm never nude. I'm an anti. Yeah, yeah, I don't know. But I've never I've never ever knew there's always like some scrap of clothing on me at all time. With you. Yeah. You know, I still feel I don't like I'm no one. No. Make it and when I shower.

Temporarily, we're getting into the Arrested Development territory here. Yeah. Anyway.

I've never nude. Yeah, so anyway, so. So back to the question. I don't know. I don't Yes. If I were you, I would buy the adapter. I don't think it cost that I actually come to think of it. It's funny. The person who I saw selling the adapter for the Sodastream was charging an absurd amount for the device so that you wouldn't pay an absurd amount for your co2. Yeah, of course. So let's just open source that

sucker. And what about when you were doing the whole nitrous co2 mix?

We're gonna do that. I think again, at the new bar. The problem is getting the nitrous there's only one company In New York City that will give me like bought bottles of nitrous and the nitrous price has gone up a lot in the past is that because of the Hells Angels why are they using a lot of nitrous now in their in their bikes?

No they have a the Hells Angels clubhouse on Third Street has a nitrous line up through the wall into a number of the rooms. So there's just a spigot so you can have you been inside of the house? No, I have a friend who went the Look at me would if you were a Hells Angel, would you let me into one of your parties? No,

I don't know. 100 Thompson got into all the Hells Angels parties. Yeah, but he seemed like a

good time. I'm just like a wet blanket with a closing food magazine.

So anyway, the nitrous I plan on doing it again, I think well, I'm going to do it instead of trying to use the gas mixer like I used to use, I think I'm going to pre mix 20 pound bottles of gas and then just use that on a separate carbonation line. The problem with the problem with carbonating out of a mixer is that the mixer can only do up to about 60 psi, which is enough to do ice cold water. But if you want to go into a carburetor, I'm probably going to need the max the carburetor could do about 125 psi. And so it's a it's a little bit a little bit long, but I hope to bring back that water. Yeah, it was a 25% nitrous 75% co2 Maximum bulk bubble fizzy lifting drink kind of a situation you remember that stuff was great.

It was amazing because the sweetness of the nitrous in the sparkling water was yeah, it was just so lively. Such a lively bubble back when you were young and your water was lively

back when I was young and I hadn't had the the life beaten out of me by actually like working like a service for the people like Yeah, it's like you know, you know, it's like to get the life now

you're just an old version of back juice.

You know who helped turn me into just a sack of bag juice. You're looking at it right here

is the only thing that's kept you from turning into a full on bag. Full on coagulated bag. Steve,

I think there's a whole show that this could be devoted to badges? No, no. Well, you're you're changing into a bag of juice that

you choose. Not even like not even good juice.

Are there any other home carbonation systems that you would recommend?

Yeah, buy a freakin 20 pound tank and get the liquid bread caps. And then so that's what I do. I use a bag and so like I have in my home in New York City. I have carbonation on tap because I have an ice maker and in the ice machine is my cold plate and it just runs and it's on tap I have a very nice tap but up in Connecticut I have I just have 20 pound tanks with a with a hose and a bagging box connector off of it and liquid bread caps. And occasionally people complain like I want to you just go to sleep is too hard to pull on little Great. Oh God, come on. It's like, you know what? If you're too weak to get the bubbles that way, then freaking die of thirst.

Can you see that in Arnold Schwarzenegger Swayze,

please, I can't do angry. I can't actually channel him when I'm angry. Okay.

That reminds me one more question. If I may. Yes. Over the years, I've loved the voices that you do your Brooklyn guy. He's a New Jersey guy. I love them all. Have you ever been approached by anybody to do cartoon overtones or anything like

that? No. If you know anyone, send them send them for a little voice work acting? Do you know Anastasia and I at one point were contemplating doing the jersey bible where the entire Bible would be read in New Jersey. But then we thought that some people might get offended by it. And so like we never pursued

it. That's awesome. You would totally take as one family guy, dude.

Well, you know. Hey, guys, like I say to everyone else, like, here, here I am. So myself. Just send someone who wants to buy that. That's right. Anyway. All right.

Hey, I got a question from the chat room for Peter. It's a little controversial. Oh, let me read this word for word. Who took lucky Peach from the slightly serious but a casual feeling to a lot of stunt food type content? Me

Wait, so it's done food as a pejorative?

Or I assume I don't I don't know.

But I'll take that hit. All right.

What's what's a stunt food?

I don't know. I mean, I am interested in I don't I don't think that we're doing anything stunt here now than we did back in the day. I've always been interested in things that are so smart, they're stupid. So you know, I feel like the in the final issue will be ramen. Yeah. You know, like we're there we're working on right now. Ariel and I were talking about when she was working on something for the the website and it turned in from like a 400 word like answer a simple question thing until like a 3006 months later, yeah. Six months later, research piece about how we taste wine. And the last issue of of new content we're doing is the suburbs. And I was like, I was like, this is So good. I wanted to I want to put it in the last issue. And so I've made a new front of book section for our last issue called Wednesday night wine club. And it's going to be populated with Anna Hazel who's now at taste who's written drange crafts for us did a tasting of all these brands of mommy wines. And then mommy whines Yeah, like mommy's timeout. And Kathy, I

mean, it's a whole marketing segment that his Mommy likes to drink that I don't like to drink

that. Turns out that I don't want to spoil it in ways in rich made a white Zinn for a little while. That was kind of a cool thing to find, but

apparently makes one I haven't had it yet. But

really, okay. Chardonnay that the kids at UC Davis Cougar crack.

Yeah, but you put a couple ice cubes in there and some sparkling water? I don't know. Like I can find any reason to drink any wine.

Is it Cougar a specific age or a specific age going after a younger dude? Can you can you be a cougar and be age appropriate or not?

No, no, it's always it's always a younger man. Okay, just curious.

So the prey determines the predator.

I suppose in that case, that's a very like fellow centric view of things. Yeah, sadly.

Yeah. So I was never clear on that. Dave, you're

a cougar to me is

sounds like a song.

Take one take one more call before we gotta go. Oh,

man. Okay, okay. Bye. By the way, people I just want you to know I'm because I'm not here on Monday. So you can go through all them. I mean, today. We're going to stasis birthday is next week so you can send your happy birthday wishes to Anastasia Lopez who will be chilling in Rome on the Spanish Steps. You know, hopefully violently ill who can really I'm just messing with

he's drinking white zinfandel enjoying herself.

Imagine going to go to Rome, and gotten the white Zen over here. Come on. You're gonna be like magic. Amazing. Like, yeah, enough with enough with

the smell. Shame her for what she loves.

I want my smash artichokes but I want wine. Same with them. Here. I mean, really? The smash artichokes. What does that stuff called carciofi? What?

carciofi like a utopia?

Well, it is. Yeah, all those things are but like doesn't have like another name. That was the Roman name. You're gonna be pounding the salting book over there. You don't like something? A personal question you don't like saltimbocca? What the hell you have a caller and caller you're on the air and I'm so angry at Anastasia for not liking saltimbocca that and it's hard for me to concentrate but go ahead. Something bulk is delicious. How do you not like sage produto veal where you lightly flour and then like saute that mother in butter I've ever had a good one? Caller you're on the air.

We lose you call

them on the air. Yes. Hello. I have a three part question. First. First, I should say first time long time. But my first question is, do you guys have a favorite film and the Alien series? My second question is do you guys have a favorite comedic Arnold Schwarzenegger film? And my third part is Peter would you mind if I have an employee of yours? Went home at around two today?

No no I know I know you peter out at about that hour so no, that's totally cool. In terms of the

What's he gonna do fire you

my new my new sign off for emails is you'll never work for this magazine.

So awesome.

I've never personally seen an alien movie so I can't I was invited. I don't know I lived a sheltered I don't have any excuse. There was a new subway out they keep making them though. The

original has both the the guy playing mumble the peg with with the with with the night. Aliens. Yeah, no, that's the first one.

No Lance Henriksen ism aliens. The second one.

Wow, this bill fucking sorry. I like

yeah, like good aliens. That alien like that. That's the best. That's aliens. The worst is alien vs predator that doesn't even count doesn't know it stops after alien three. Okay, and comunicar Schwarzenegger wins. Okay, so is are you a twins person? Or like a Kindergarten Cop kind of a person?

I've never seen three,

the kindergarten. And this is why your magazines like have you seen heavy? What about the one where he's pregnant? That's the only one I haven't seen I think it's called Luke who's pregnant now or something like this. I swear to god this

movie happens. It's called Junior according to our communications director nice yeah,

I have not seen it now. But now when you say Junior, were you saying?

I'm really glad I didn't know about that during the pregnancy of my junior.

I have the line with everything. What's What's the Beastie Boys song? We're at the end he goes Jr. It's on? I think it's on your communication. Anyways. I would have to go with twins is probably the best twins is put Probably the best Kindergarten Cop has a lot of good lines in it but probably twins

and it's a heartwarming family show like this show

everything with Danny DeVito is a heartwarming family show. I like his I emulate his. The way he parents from Matilda. That's my parenting style is Danny DeVito from Mathilde, have

you ever tried his Limoncello?

I have not have you. I'm not a huge live in

a huge lemon jello guy. There are no huge lemon jello guys, except for Danny DeVito.

How is this live in Charlotte? I haven't had it compare it to like police are compared

to like Cabo Wabo like let's do we should have a celebrity liquor tasting.

We did celebrity we did celebrity wine. We did not do celebrity liquor here. We could get out really Soderbergh

ever been in heritage radio.

It's not talking about that. We could get the same crew back plus

Santana have a tequila. I hope

you were Santana. Wouldn't you have it to you? Absolutely.

She has a tequila Mezcal. Actually,

she's a very smart man by the way. She's very smart man.

Oh, we could drink crystal skull. Dan Ackroyd

beverage No, no Wow Dave Hirsch hating on Dan Aykroyd are on the crystal store or on Herkimer diamonds aka quartz maybe a little bit of

all three I could use a couple more like classical atop my bookcase so everybody

could you don't have to fight they're gonna kick me off I answered No questions. So please send in no new questions because I have all the questions. No, I have opening grand closing I have a bunch of questions to answer next week. So we'll deal with all that next week no new questions because we did all callers I've enjoyed having you on Peter has on and if anything want the celebrity liquor thing I'm sure we can make that happen but you have to like tweet on in are telling the Stasi that you really wanted to have happen because

she's the one who gets things done around here when she's not hanging out in round drinking weights and

she's the only person why are you checking luggage to Rome? You're only bringing like three changes one change of clothes I noticed dassia She's like all the white Xin had to check its liquid. But Dave's I have to read this mid roll on the way out.

No. Did you read that already? No. I read the pre roll. Oh, dude. Yeah, read the mineral. Alright.

Modernist pantry was created by food lovers and cooking issues fans just like you, JT Chris and monitors, pantry family, share your passion for experimentation and have everything you need to make culinary magic happen in your own kitchen. professional chef, by the way, I need to learn to circular breathe when I'm doing bagpipes. Did you know that you gotta like circular breathe sometimes. And maybe you don't do that when you're playing clarinet bass

recorders. are gonna be the Ornette Coleman of bagpipes.

Yeah, that he did.

Wow. Harsh Dave keep reading. All right. professional chef

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