Cooking Issues Transcript

Episode 295: BACON, pt. 2

Hello, everybody, and welcome to a brand new series on heritage radio network called the culinary call sheet where we give a peek into the back kitchen of culinary media. I'm your host, April Jones,

and I'm your co host, Darren bresnitz. Part of why we started the show was to offer an unofficial mentorship for anyone who's interested in learning about all aspects of food and video, whether that's TV, social media online, or just something you want to do for fun.

Absolutely what was once niche or a little silly, as I'm sure you remember, Darren, when we started out, this man has now become such a massive playing field for so many creatives using food as the medium.

It's something that has driven us professionally and personally, for so many years. What excites me the most about this show is that we're going to sit down with some of the industry leaders to hear how they made it and what drew them into this industry.

With 20 years in the culinary production game ourselves. We're hoping we can give through these conversations an insider's view into personal stories from the field, as well as an in depth behind the scenes look into some of the most popular food programming. In today's evolving culinary media landscape.

We'll be covering everything from how to style your food, to how to license IP, to developing your own ideas, and some tips from the masters of how to host your own show.

Yeah, it's a little bit of conversation, how to and how do you do the things that you do in color media, which I'm so excited about? I love so many of the guests that are coming on this season. We have talent from Food Network from Vice media eater refinery 29,

we've met some of the best people in the world both in front of and behind the camera. And we're bringing them all together to share their stories, their delicious adventure and their unique journey into this crazy world.

So to be the first to hear our episodes when they launched this fall, go to wherever podcasts are streaming and hit subscribe and make sure to give us a follow at the Culinary call sheet on Instagram.

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This is Dave Arnold, your host of cookies coming to you pre recorded from the Ace Hotel in Pittsburgh. Pa joined not as usual with Anastasia hammer Lopez she's not here she is in New York City. And Dave is also not in the booth because we are pre recorded from the Ace Hotel in Pittsburgh. But we do have just like last week, the evil cocktail overlord of the universe,

Don Lee Neverland

now beneft now that he's my new business partner, I guess he's supposed to be benevolent. But I thought you liked being the secret evil.

The secret evil, the operative word is secret.

So we've gone through this before. So wait, you have to refresh me because it's a little late in the evening. I know you're much more into the kind of Star Wars universe timeline, which like when is he good? Is he's good when he's Senator Palpatine? No,

always bad.

Well, when is he theoretically good? When does Amidala still listen to him? When his name is what that's

why it's a secret Overlord in the beginning, his secret bed

and you haven't been introduced yet? also joined again. With Kevin Denton, who is the LA I swear to God, I swear to God, folks, His title is international mixologist for Pernod. Ricard, that true story, Kevin.

It's just national David.

Oh, well, what about Canada? Canada.

I think we have Yeah, we have something grandfathered in that I take Canada to the country on request.

That's to immerse your country. Yeah. You've been in Mexico, Mexico.

It's the best place on earth.

Do they have their own Kevin Denton or are you the Kevin Denton of Mexico as well?

I would imagine they have someone better. Oh,

well, Kevin den for those of you that don't know, and you can't call on your questions because this is pre recorded. But if you could, you could have called in about the bar program at WD 50. Or at older about what he's doing at Pernod Ricard now, but you know what, something we didn't discuss last week. because you by the way, the reason we're doing these pre recorded is we've all been fortunate enough for the past week and a half to be doing a multi city tour discussing new and interesting bar techniques were done. And I have been doing demonstrations to bartenders in in Pittsburgh, Denver and San Diego, about kind of new techniques in the bar industry. But also they we've been doing presentations, the folk good folks from death and company and whatnot, had been doing presentations on what was their presentation on Kevin,

technically, the art of training,

right, which is actually important. I think people don't, people, it was actually really good talk. People don't take training. They don't take training. Sunday, don't take it seriously. They don't think far enough in advance. But how important training is both in a culinary standpoint, and I guess they do not only think people take training more seriously, in a culinary standpoint, not in front of house, but in back of house. But bar, you know, bar training, I think is an important important thing. And it's taken seriously by people who are working as consultants doing multibuy, like multi. You know, they're doing multiple bars, they have to roll out their training, because they can't always be there. Right?

Well, I think you made a good point earlier that like, if you really want to know something, you have to teach someone how to do it, right? If you train someone, then you really have to know what you're doing in the first place. And I feel like those guys really know what they're doing, and therefore are really able to articulate good training, right, you

know, what's the dumbest saying in the world? Those who can't do teach as a dumbest damn saying, in the whole freaking world, like if you can't, in the culinary world, and in many other worlds, I assume as well. If you can't teach it means you don't have any idea what the hell you're talking about, you know what I mean? It's a mega there are people who are just non community cannot communicative kind of savant, who are really good practitioners. But, you know, the inability to be able to articulate what you're doing and teach the next like group of people how to do it just means that you're, you know, maybe useful for your customers, but you're not useful to the future and unprofessional. So anyway, it's a crappy crappy saying, and we have new guests today. Mariah and bar towels. So Brian wrote a book that just came out this this year called The Bloody Mary Now what's the it's the lore give me the full

legend of the classic cocktail, brunch and beyond. For every little school kid, who's ever wanted to aspire to make a Bloody Mary.

It's a longest title at all time. Yeah,

that's true.

So give me some give me some lore and legend,

lore and legend. The book itself the Bloody Mary book published by 10 speed in March of 2017. basically establishes the background history of the Bloody Mary. How it came to be named Bloody Mary and also 50 recipes, three different categories, encapsulating classic recipes, modern recipes and then hosting party large format recipes.

Okay, so give me some quick history so bloody Mary, is it some sort of Mary Queen of Scots thing or what? It's not she didn't drink a lot of tomato juice.

One of the four Legends is Mary, Queen of Scots, which is great, but at the same time, not the validity of what we have come to know today as our favorable first cocktail of the day

so well. So what's the what's the what's the current accepted history of the Bloody Mary cocktail?

It's established in corresponded with Mary Warburton, who is a socialite a Philadelphia socialite, if there ever was one

amazing name or burden or bargain

a very sound this family from Philadelphia definitely definitely rich.

I mean, Dexter, Dexter CK Haven Dexter

if I had the $50 to go down to city hall I would change my name to war bar right Oh, what

if the four of us could be the four mighty wire Barton's

heavy amazing Okay,

So Wes Anderson film is

the next Anderson why

if so, why would the named after her first name which is no nice but unremarkable when it could have been called the bloody Warburton.

That is a much more badass man. Yeah. Sounds like a Scotch strip.

Yeah. So talk in prohibition 1927. In Florida, there was a coup. George Jessel was a vaudevillian, entertainer, comedian, actor.

What have you was any good. Have you seen any of his work

and never seen a single thing that he's done? Other than his Smirnoff ads? He was a Smirnoff campaign ambassador in the 50s.

Really? How are his ads?

His ads were in a little bit of a barrel chest. Back Ed boastful. Yeah, like he looks like a like a beefier bomber. up before Bob Hope was, I guess when Bob Hope was skinny at the time, because he was probably alive in 1950.

He was live up and down Come on man. Baba was was alive until like in my life recently. I mean, Bob lived to be a billion.

Yeah. Listen, Mary Warburton clearly caused a lot of trouble

in the marijuana bar, not Florida, some vaudevillian dude

2018 27 When vodka was not even available. George Jessel claims that he was looking behind the bar after an all night drinking out of fit with all of his friends. And they were trying to stay up there was 8am and he grabbed bottles behind the bar to make a concoction.

I don't believe that this is not a story. I believe it's

not a story. I it's not a story I wholeheartedly believe either, but it gets associated with every Bloody Mary's story that's ever been.

This sounds like a lie down. What do you think? Is this a lie?

I don't know. I'm just shocked by the Wikipedia fact that Kevin Denton showed me that Bob Hope was born in 1903 Yeah, so in the 1950s Bob Hope was my eight years old.

He was my age. Not even like before 19 This man

lived to be 100 He died in like last oh three. Yeah,

yeah. Which to me is yesterday. 2003 for me is yesterday. I would rather Bob Hope created the Bloody Mary. Alright, so this, this vaudevillian, Smirnoff peddler and Mary Warburton are hanging out sweating. They're sweating there took his his arm in 1927, Florida, and the guy happens to find a buttload of tomato juice behind the bar why you would have tomato juice in 1927 in Florida only God knows. Right? Okay, so Okay, so let's just carry this improbable story to its conclusion what happens?

He makes all of these he basically assembles versus your lemon juice valid, valid key which he calls valid key because it was a potato, hot, rancid smelling spirit. This is like was it harsher? Okay, go ahead. And actually he brings all of these all of these items together along with it tomato juice, which just only recently been canned

by the Sacramento corporation by cottage in

Michigan. And once he puts Are you about to say once he puts everything together for Mary Warburton and all of his other friends. Everyone deems it an actual acceptable savory drink. They're all talking drinking and having fun still up all night. And the drink it spilled on Mary watergardens white dress. And she jokingly says George now you can call me a Bloody Mary.

Wait, so is this? Is this a weird? Like, I agree. This is a weird, like, is it just a blood reference? Is it a sanctuary friends? Is it like Is it some sort of like a family show? Well, I'm just curious, like, No, this is history.

So this is history talking about? I mean, Duran Duran was in a band yet, but like, at the same time,

very much not so like, you know,

could have been very warm. Or it could have been Rio and she could have been dancing on the sand. But

all right, well, I see what you're trying to go with this. But this is one of those stories that to me, sounds like my horse hockey. You know what I mean? And so like, also, like, I don't know whether you've ever had a drink mixed by a vaudevillian in the morning when they're hungover in the pits? hot heat. No, I mean, like, I'm like,

they're the only people that would come up with the combination tomato, and what's the sheer you know, that time of day? That sounds like crazy talk.

And I'm very kind of like, not vodka town. Like, no one in Florida then was drinking vodka. No, like, you know, you know, Martha Stewart wasn't even like alive and much less drinking. So no one was drinking, like, like vodka in Florida at that point. And, you know, it just seems very not sort of feasible. No,

but the way that the Bloody Mary actually developed and was eventually I think established was because of Fernand pet to pet to you, as his nickname was particularly patchy PD pet to you. bartender at the St. Regis PD

Pablos like the King Cole bar.

What the what? The King Cole bar in St. Regis? In New York.

He just off of Central Park.

Yeah, but that's not extent.

It's still there. Yeah, really a great martinis. It's like it'd be like a 10 ounce Martini but

why would I want to town's Martini that's a nightmare. Give me two five ounce Martini. That's a friggin nightmare. People the end of the world has happened to five ounce martinis is what you want.

But also go for the mural. Humpty Dumpty, beautiful mural.

sexiest rooms in New York. Yeah, it's

a great room.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

They recently did a anniversary Bloody Mary party a couple of years ago.

ostensibly the birthplace of the Bloody Mary.

Oh, I thought you just said Your boy. There's your view your boy.

More Barney rabbit holes here. That's the name of the Bloody Mary and women on Hemingway was ostensibly created by George Jessel Okay, let me pet to you was the was the bartender who brought basically what I like to say is if Jessel Oh in the Cadillac peak pets, you took it out onto the highway and developed it. So there's been a hard enough time locating the identity of who created the

blood and when this guy died when did pet you die?

Late 60s early 70s. So 1964 in The New Yorker article that George Jessel created it but then I developed it. So pet you put in his

name calls this Jessel dude, yeah, so it's just not wait. You're telling me that Jessel didn't even have like any sort of spice in it then it's not a frickin Bloody Mary. Exactly. Which is why I think pets

what he Garmin develops exactly. Our modern day version of the Bloody Mary is petites, its pet to you. So I get pet to you the credit for establishing the bloody mate.

I don't know if you know this. But I like listening to David one. Ritu for those of you who aren't in the cocktail world is like the cocktail writer about history par excellence. But I enjoy the histories of the cocktails but I find them almost always to be garbage and unsatisfying. In fact, most histories and most etymologies I find, unless they're, they just don't have kind of meaning to me. You have to do it. You have to talk about it, people asking for it, but it doesn't really talk about why you think X, Y or Z thing is important, right? So let's get to the more important meat rather than trying to think of like these knucklehead hungover fools in the 20s in Florida, which Why would you live in Florida before air conditioning? Like why would you live in that? There's no dt, right? You had no DT nursing. You had no air conditioning? You got it? You could have a DVT I don't know did they in the 20s. It's like a 70s 70s. That's 50 years. You're trying to look out you're living in a place without bug spray. And without air conditioning, it's just skaters and gators. All freaking day. Palmetto Palmetto bugs. sulfurous. Groundwater, like Florida is fine now because we have civilization to override the inherent nightmare. That is the flat Sandy bar that is that state of Florida, which fine place, but not in the frickin 20s Right

before after Jerry Seinfeld's parents moved there.

I assume before any of you know they have a whole breed of cattle in Florida, the cracker cows that are in fact, like these cows that are bred they're the skinny, scrawny weirdo cows that can stand hanging out in the humid heat, poor soil Palmetto eating like bog nastiness that is Florida prior to modern technology.

Can they handle brackish water? Are they like the ASA bow pig because that sounds delicious.

Or like the the San Michele sheep of the floor? Many I've never had a Florida cracker cow someone out there. Why are you really a cracker cows? I've never had one. No, I think they're awesome. In theory. I've never eaten one. But those are football. No, I never say anything bad about the cow. The cows are tough son of a cow. It's a cow. It's like tough. In fact, there's a whole sub there's a guy named ret What's his last name? I forget. He's a pastor, and a cow with maker and he was vaudevillian. He's alive today. Don't make fun of this man. He's a real life human being with children. And he makes cow whips out of nylon because in Florida It's so humid that if you make a leather whip it will rot into nothingness in like two seconds flat

until the kangaroo leather is the best leather for making whips.

Yes, but they don't have kangaroos and Florida knows that everybody knows that kangaroo leather is the finest with making leather in the world. This is like if you don't know that why am I even talking to you? Like if this is not just a freaking given that kangaroo leather is the toughest simplest best cracking whip leather that God has ever created. Then there is no further discussion for us to have about any subject that's our sponsor this

week. Right? Again,

kangaroo You know, the guy David Morgan who made the whips for the Indiana Jones movie he he obviously uses Australian kangaroo hide for his better with sometimes with some kind of BS regular like cow belly on the inside. And just kangaroo on the outside for his lesser whips. But the Yeah, Australia is the best producing country in the world by far. And it's because they have the best raw materials. They are the DRC, if you will, of whip making, and it's just a known fact. And what's strange is, is that all of us as Americans are completely obsessed with the bullwhip because we grew up with Indiana Jones and his crappy Fedora, which is, by the way, wore a crappy fedora. Like, I'm just going to go ahead and say that I love myself some Harrison Ford, he wants to push me aside at an art event years ago, and I was like, Ooh, I was shoved aside, like a piece of garbage by Harrison Ford. I finally made it in the art world in New York. And you know, I love Harrison Ford. But that is not what the like the traditional Australian whip is like they they use a different style of whip in Australia. And I think since they have the kangaroos, we should probably look at their style of whip because they probably have some tails. Just saying. I don't know how we got on that. So we're talking about Bloody Marys? Yeah. So my question is, Brian, yeah. Why? Why did you get interested in the book you like Bloody Marys? And here's my question. So like, I do a lot of work with cocktails. Sometimes like I do a lot of work. But someone's like, would you order that? I'm like, no, no, I would not order that I would have a glass of rosette instead. So do you actually order the Bloody Marys and why is it only a breakfast drank? Is it because it's gloppy, and no one wants to drink gloppy stuff at night? Or what?

Well, it was the first cocktail I ever learned to make. I had to learn to make it in order to be a bartender. So that was part of my introduction and a huge part of it. If I wanted to be a pm bartender, if I wanted to learn how to make cocktails, I had to make a Bloody Mary brunch. That's part one. Part two

was what's the brunch customer like? Well, and well free from your side, from the bartender side. What's a brunch customer like?

When I was learning to make the Bloody Mary or what the modern day version of a brunch customer is, like,

well, your choice like what are your feeling about brunch customers,

people are very thirsty. And the lack of correspondence or communication is sometimes a little gray with with people. I understand that you're still trying to wake up your children, you

know what they want. You

should carry either one a mimosa or Bloody Mary, Brian, like there's two things they want me in a

big coffee. They want it they caught my coffee. They want a water they want like big water. There's, there's abstractions to request one sip of a brunch drinker really wants it's kind of confusing, but at the same time, you're there to be like, facilitate any request.

So I'm assuming you also had to make the most sense. Why didn't you write the Mimosa book?

I didn't have to make a lot of Moses in my 20 year career as a bartender I actually didn't have to make a lot of money. I kind of feel I feel blessed. What do

you what are your thoughts on the billini?

Definitely call it a bleeding zone. Don didn't ask you whether you had to make en donde se what are your thoughts on the blini?

I don't think much about the bleeding. Oh,

we don't think about it or you think it's a garbage drink? I don't think much about it. Here's my point. I think a bleeding can be delicious often is not. I have the same feeling about Bloody Marys frankly. So why don't you tell me why so many bloody marys are garbage and how you make when it's not garbage?

Question. Well, to follow up with your previous question, I actually my palate had to evolve. That's how I got to like Bloody Marys and started to engage them a little bit more.

What you just called your palate not evolved.

It is somewhat, it's constantly being being checked, which is important but at the same time once you question again,

first well why do you choose to read a book and bloody marys? You say it's the first string he had a perfect second. Like why like what makes a Bloody Mary good and so many are garbage. Why are so many garbage? And third, I'll tack on to this. Why is it only a breakfast drink? Is it because nobody wants to drink gloppy drinks at dinner?

If you need him to chime in Dave has plenty of opinions.

By the way, by the way, I don't mean I don't mean gloppy in a pejorative way.

No, no, that's okay. I actually feel like the the reason I got so involved in it and the more I started writing about it and researching and developing the bloody marys was I actually don't like the viscous soupy thicker versions of Bloody Marys. I think the bad Bloody Marys are the prepackaged Bloody Marys. If they're housemade, I'm a little bit more inclined to try them. And actually in the book tour that I've been doing, everybody has been been telling me that their response to Bloody Marys and how they enjoy them that much more in the last 510 years has been direct related to people who are creating them creating them from like, the ground up. And I think that's important actually. Because you're channeling a certain kind of texture and dimension with however you're making your bloody mary if you're using prepackaged plenty Mary's

love. Come on, come on please. Please, you know, please, if you're gonna have a cheese plate, you don't pull out the Kraft Singles. No. Kraft Singles are great on certain things. Kevin, Kevin, Dan has given me the stink eye. I'm just saying cheese plate.

If you're gonna make an analogy like that, say something bad at the end. If you're it's gonna be x Don't be y if y is superior, like singles are better than most bloody mary mixes. I know it's apples to oranges but in the grand scheme of things

true. What true which

crossing goes on pre bagged Kraft Singles any day.

Okay. Yeah, I'm gonna throw it around. I'm gonna throw out two random ones for you. Okay. One VA does a bass instead of other stuff hate

Well, I have to backtrack a little bit. I had a liking VA or tomato juice.

We like cricket all the time. I never drank it.

It was it was something I tried. I think I tried when I was a little kid and I didn't like the taste of it. Or my palate if you want

I really love a lot at least a love the weird little cans with the pull tab and the absurdly small teardrop shaped hole in the VA can Yeah. All right, go ahead.

Those are great. Those are great.

No but VA show no one actually wanted to drink it.

Yeah, so sucking the VA out of that can with that little hole thinner.

Which is why I think people who don't like bloody marys are more akin to actually being open minded about liking stuff like that. It's actually a vast I'm impressed by like, how people feel about like,

it was a gateway drug just plateau for me. Yeah.

That's exactly it. The thick soupy Bloody Marys, the thin

What about an alcoholic? despacho

I think I think that gazpacho actually brought me to the Bloody Mary because I never liked the Bloody Mary. But I do like to sponsor

sponsor delicious you know what I don't like blended gazpacho that has been put through a vacuum to suck the air out. Because sponsor that looks like a friggin foamy mess.

What if you're like getting the what is the summer rindo the one that's made up the bread like torn leftover bread,

that's good. You should still hand chop it and let it soak in. You shouldn't blend the hell out of it. So that's all foamed and airy. That's like a nightmare that was means that you hate quality. You hate everything. This is why you cheat and use a blender but on a vacuum machine so you can suck the air out and get the color back into the spot. Yeah, this was literally the first thing I taught people how to do in culinary school with a vacuum machine is Take tomato puree and stop it from looking like nonsense that comes out of a freaking blender. Yeah, because stuff. Yeah, it's so gross. Gross. Disgusting. People don't like that. Alright, so here's another one for you. Yep. Hey, Brian. Yep, okay, so I'm playing my wife. Okay, and you're gonna you're playing me okay. convinced me. I don't I don't like drinking in the morning. I don't want to Bloody Mary You're a dumbass now convinced?

I'm playing you

hear me? Yeah. convinced me convinced me as my Dominus.

Remember, channeled an emotional robot? Yeah.

Okay, well, like alright, I don't understand why. Why are you just not like drinking in the morning?

Really? It doesn't sound like that. You're asking someone else's feelings. This doesn't sound like

you don't like drinking in the morning? Do you mean alcohol or do you mean all things to drink coffee? Yeah,

so All right, let's I don't want to drink alcohol. What am I an alcoholic? First of all this is soupy. This is

boring. go to meetings. No, no no alcoholic Dave

we have kids this is irresponsible. Why would I want to get my kids what do you care about? Oh now is now your VA I had to break character I had to break character now.

Take the Virgin Mary and there's tons of vitamins and vegetables in VA. So if we give the

kids Alright, listen, listen. I don't want to have alcohol in the morning. Why should I have alcohol in the morning?

Why should you not have alcohol in the morning? Because I do what I

want Why should you have alcohol come

from three bartenders here's boys try to convince okay it's well known fact that once you're in airport there is no time

we're convincing okay

I've got it here it's real simple if you don't want to drink in the morning don't do it. No one cares no peer pressure

give a Brian wrote a book on Bloody Marys which is a drink you're only allowed to drink in the morning when you think about people.

You can drink it anytime you want. But listen, if you want it can

you're allowed to think of Wait Wait are you guys are the three of you saying that I can walk into little bar in the evening time when the sun has gone down, certainly, and say, excuse me, I work in the nighttime, this is the morning. Give me a Bloody Mary. Or can I say I'm a regular person. This is the nighttime for me and I would like a Bloody Mary.

You can in fact say that.

Wait. So this is yet another barrier to good taste that has been thrown out the window. Like when you're allowed to wear white clothing when you're allowed to order a gin and tonic you may be

a poor quality human being. Oh, but you could say,

well, I can do anything. I can get sharp pencils up my nose like blockhead but my I don't.

You could also drink in the afternoon if you want. But what I want my point

is is that you don't order Bloody Marys at night. Do you ever want to order Bloody Marys? Never. Oh, all right. Why

give me a tequila and St. Greta. I'm in muta Lata I'm in Bloody Mary.

Okay, so let's have this talk. The man wrote a book on Bloody Mary so I'm trying to get you the man bought a book book on bleh Mary's here we have Don Lee's supposedly benevolent cocktail overlord Kevin Denton ensure there are no Ricard USA and I have a man that says he doesn't order What about UK let's be honest you order Bloody Marys

when I want one which is

occasionally when

typically when I want to you know the best time to have a Bloody Mary is on long morning flight when you don't leave first thing in the morning like first thing in the morning. I just want to go to sleep right? Okay. When you like board at eight and you're on like a three or four hour flight, the thing is the Mrs. T's spicy Bloody Mary mix is that thing

that exists? Without a doubt related to Mr. T me? Actually Mr. busineses right. It was what it is Mr. T. Mr. T. Nice

that they did it together. right babe? raucous

Oh, well, I mean, you know, that's a character Mr. T is a human, it's true.

At any rate, and pity the fool. Once you have that, like sometimes you want that chilled, salty, savory thing to sort of press the button that some peanuts or some garbage like cookie is not going to press

Delta makes delicious cookies. Morning flight man,

when you fly cattle class, you'll get the delicious cookies. All right, you're in the back and you're like, I'm going to split this Mr. And Mrs. T's with somebody next to me, because 16 or 12 ounces is too much of it. And you need to cut it like with a little bit of water. But when it's a little watered down and a little salty and little savory, that's kind of a lifesaver mid meal, particularly if you're flying and changing a bunch of time zones and you're getting in like, Oh, we're closed for lunch at three or it's morning where you are now like it's sort of a mediator of time zones where you can have a savory thing anytime

you know when I like it when I like it best because I'm not a morning drinker either. I don't like drinking morning. And you know, I don't do brunch that often. And when I do it's with kids and not with that. Also, I'm not drinking. I like a I like Bloody Mary not in a full cocktail format. I like it in a shorter shot format in a group before I'm about to have a bunch of raw bar. Because to me like those like go together really well. So like you're going to have like the equivalent of a half a cocktail. You're going to shoot it real fast and you're going to have it right before you're about to pound like a whole boatload of like mussels, shrimp, oysters, that kind of stuff. That's a win crab Crab. If you're going to have a lot of crab Bloody Mary tomato delicious is a good mixture. You know what I mean?

Sure, if you're a lady that has to have cocktail sauce with their rahbar

Did I say I was going to pour cocktail sauce on my robot you pretty much

did by saying you enter the Bloody Mary beforehand.

What I've been told that we've already been going I've not answered a single question which had many classic so we're gonna go to commercial break in a minute. I'm not saying I have to cocktail sauce on my Robert in fact, like if you take the time to dip crab meat into anything you have wasted time. You just need to shovel like crab meat into your face as fast as you can. Can we all agree? Can we all agree to the love of God? That crab is the most superior crustacean that exists? Crab is infinitely superior to lobster crab it for meat.

Yeah, lobster shells I think make a better

stock fair. Shrimp heads also make an excellent style also

true also delicious when fried. Yes. I love

sucking on shrimp heads but for meat sucking

crab is king crab Crab.

Crab is king. I'm a king crab.

Okay, by the way, have you ever have you guys ever had live king crab? Cooked directly not frozen.

No never been to Alaska

you don't have to you can spend a lot of money and have true real foods owned by the moon or you can work for a company that does it for free. You think I paid for the king crab when I was working for SCI I spent all my

buddy Kevin Denton, will you buy me?

Kevin can pronounce Ricard by Dawn lease and live king crab. Oh good. We're gonna cut to commercial and listen for those of you that haven't had the world's most dangerous catch live. Like live King Crab is as delicious as you think it is. It is just crazy. Delicious because crab meat is the sweetest, most umami laden, delicious crustacean meat that can be bought.

Do you think masochistic crabs keep butter on them?

Are you familiar? I think I've spoken about this years ago. Are you familiar with the movie? What was it called? Was it called Night shift with Henry Winkler Yes, and yeah, so yes, feed the tune of the Manet's while they're still alive cannon that's that's what one should do. And we'll be back with more cooking issues.

Monitors pantry was created by food lovers and cooking issues fans just like you Janie Chris and the modernist pantry family share your passion for experimentation and have everything you need to make culinary magic happen in your own kitchen. professional chef home cooked food enthusiast no matter what your skill or experience monitors pantry has something for you. And make it easy to get the ingredients and tools you need and can't find anywhere else so you can spend less time hunting and gathering and more time creating memorable dishes and culinary experiences. Visit monitors today to discover why cooking YouTube listeners call monitors pantry that cooks secret weapon. Be sure to check out their new kitchen alchemy. It's not really new anymore, Dave. It's like you know, anyway, be sure to check out their new kitchen alchemy blog at blog dot modernist for free recipes, tips and tricks. And don't forget the follow modernist pantry on social media to keep up with what's new and exciting in the world of culinary ingredients and tools. And we're back. So Donnelly has brought us some interesting KitKats what are these guys?

These are a suck a KitKat what is white chocolate? KitKat that tastes like socket?

Well we know what are two words I don't like together white and chocolate. No chocolate fat

KitKat tastes like soccer.

I kind of understand what they mean by the Sokhi but it's in there finish.

I think I mean I'd say like soccer. Really? There's like socket. Now like it's like you know gorgeous like a

super racy prescan like that. I really do. Suck and KitKat who call? Do you know? The Chocolate Rain fellow Tay Zonday followed me recently. I put this on my Twitter feed. I did see this. Yes, he has followed 604,000 other people before he followed me. And I later found out because I kind of called the robot that is tase on days Twitter machine out on this fact. And he's like, Well, if people follow me back, I keep them. And if they don't, I don't. So that means he probably followed 8 billion people before me. I'm probably literally the last Twitter person on earth. That Taves on Day has followed. But um, I did go back and listen to shop at rain once because I was falling.

Electronic rain. Good man.

Everyone, I shot them rain. We have some questions. We get ready to answer some questions. Questions. Hey, Dave, Anastasia. David in the booth. Dave is not here in the booth. Remember I told you I'm in Pittsburgh, Don, if you're there nice. And of course, everybody's favorite punching bag. Peter came last. Peter Kim is not here. He's too lazy to come out to Africa. He's in Tanzania right now. He might actually still be in Ethiopia. And when he comes back from Ethiopia, he has a lot to report on because he is very interested in this special Ethiopian egg. So in Ethiopia, they have two kinds of eggs like foreigner eggs, which are like the normal eggs that we have and special Ethiopian eggs and he's going to try to run down. He's eaten some in the past couple days is going to try to run down what that is. He's also going to try and tell us about interesting foods he had in.

You can follow him on Instagram. He's been posting pictures of eggs, right?

Yeah. If you want to follow him on Instagram, I recommend that yeah, he's been posting some big pictures. Anyway, he's not here so we can't beat on him. I asked him downtime soon. I was hoping to have another look at the miracle of moisture management in console. This is the program this is this is Nick Devlin who I'm working with yet. So like look for more console stuff coming in the future. And by the way, his wife Naomi writes cookbooks including some gluten free cookies and worked with my man. I know I've never met him. I don't know why I'm calling my man. Hugh fearnley wedding hall from the River Cottage. Do you ever know about these books? Learning these books, though? Good books. Anyway, question. I'm thinking about our bars autumn menu and wanted to include a sherry flip a flip. Alright, so you're good that we have bar people here, because I know nothing about the modern flip. Anyway. But I'm mulling over options as far as egg safety for those nervous customers. The Internet suggests and minimum of one hour or 57 degrees up to two hours for subi pasteurization, no low temperature like in the show. Firstly, what are your thoughts on the time? Secondly, what would the shelf life of a batch of eggs be after after pasteurization? I've also read that can be 100 to whip after you've pasteurized them, and then it might affect the texture of the flip. So I'll need to run some tests. Looking forward to getting the spins all later this summer, and celebrating with a gin and juice to the bar. Of course ginger is one my favorite drinks that get done when we open the bar again. Are we going to gin and juice again? Are you going to maybe have only only cocktails? Yes. Which? I gave you two options. And you said yes. And one of them's right. Ah, you guys are the worst people in the world. So first of all, define for those who aren't bar people a modern flip don't take me flip dog. Don't give me that. What can we flip? To find flip?

whole leg shaking drink.

Okay, typical base give me a typical recipe can mean I'm a

big fan of the Ruby Port in a flip the coffee cocktail classic drink. No coffee in it tastes like coffee and Ruby poured whole leg. Shake it up.

So I'm a little simple. No, no classic drink that doesn't contain its own ingredient. The Flaming Dr. Pepper, lemon heart. And mirando Do you like that?

I was never a Dr. Pepper fan.

Whoa. You don't like Dr. Pepper

the soda? Listen. Korean upbringing. I didn't have soda until I got to college.

I didn't ask you whether when you started having soda. I asked you you don't like Dr. Pepper.

I could take it or leave it Kevin.

I didn't have tequila till college and I love it now.

There you go. By the way, we can talk oh, by the way not to go back because I know we already talked about the Bloody Mary. Why would you ever order a bloody No offense? Why would you ever order a Bloody Mary Mary with vodka when you could just have it with tequila instead?

Or tin?

Just throwing it out there my preference is Beskow or Dr. Pepper if

so you call it a Maria. He's called a Bloody Mary with mescaline.

Actually, there's no name for a bloody bloody Walker with a mohawk and

they call it a Maria. It's not a Maria. Tequila. So now you're gonna be so freaking handle on me like Mezcal. Okay, maybe it's a bloody Mario. Mary, don't get me here. You don't get please. Like, these people haven't been hanging out with us all week. They don't know about the Mario brothers Mario Brothers.

I think it's an important question that needs to be put out to the world. Is it Mario or Mario?

We're answering a question about egg safety. Okay, it is Mario Kart and Mario Brothers. They are different.

there's ever been a Bloody Mary flip, by the way, or a prayer

that is freaking disgusting. Throwing up in my mouth a little bit.

That's eggs in Purgatory, right?

You scramble the egg beforehand and turn it into some sort of like omelet

prayers or cocktail was predates the Bloody Mary.

That's all right.

Question. Egg safety egg safety.

So back to egg safety neck, the one hour is sufficient at 57 degrees once it gets up to 57. But the fact of the matter is, salmonella is what you're shooting for. It'll probably pasteurize earlier than that, I usually do 57 degrees for about an hour, two hours is not gonna hurt it or you can drop it look 57 degrees Celsius is like 135 Fahrenheit. And after about an hour, the egg white will be slightly thickened, but not a lot to ours, it's going to be a little bit more appreciably thick and you'll still be killing salmonella. If you drop it down to 56 after that first hour and the inside a lot already hot. So you might want to do that. I've never actually run the test at 57 versus 56. I have a sorry, 57 versus one hour versus 57 degrees for two hours. I have run with Kenta gotoh after he got falsely accused of of serving raw eggs without mentioned them on the menu at pegu club years ago of raw egg versus Suvi. pasteurized egg versus box pasteurized egg POC box pasteurized eggs are a garbage product for garbage people made for garbage consumers. They should never be purchased, bought or used. If you see someone purchasing buy them or use them, you should provide an intervention. You should throw them out and you should excoriate your supermarket for selling them. They're a bad product, but pasteurized eggs you make yourself are pretty good, but not quite as good as raw eggs. But it's not that big of a difference. But they're totally safe. And they keep they keep a long time. I mean, eggs, frankly, keep a long freaking time. So eggs that you pasteurize are certainly going to keep a long freakin time, I would say that you are not affecting the keeping time you're pasteurizing them. But you're also possibly washing off any waxes on the outside of the eggshell. So that's probably the point is moot, I would just say that you have not affected their keeping

at all just use it raw.

Yes, some people are really freaky about it. And I mean, I agree with you, Don, some people, here's an interesting test that someone can run for me that I didn't, you guys are all familiar with wet dog, right. So you take an egg white, and you crack a fresh egg white into a drink and you shake it. After a couple of minutes, you may or may not get although you often do the aroma that I call wet dog. Very similar to using transglutaminase meat glue on something, you get this wet dog aroma. And, you know, famously, people put bitters on the top of their egg white drinks. And people do because because it's pretty No it's to cover up the stench of the egg white. And so one way around this is to crack your egg whites a good two to three hours before shift, let them flash off and a quart container, close them put them in afterwards, you can close them and no wet dog because you flashed off, or whatever the precursors to the wet dog are. But what I've never done is tested whether or not wet dog happens after pasteurization. But that'd be an interesting test when it

can kind of cover it up too with like asthmatic oils and things like that if you put kind of like when you put eggs in rice with a truffle and it sort of absorbs that preferably flavor before you crack them. Yeah. I've never heard this. We don't need to clear out did it? I can't remember the compound but he was going for the Fresh Cut.

Yeah, he did it with hay. And he did like a smoke tasting. And you know, it's like a truffle deck. You know, when you put a egg in the thing and fix for the Roma, the truffle. I don't know. I will say not osmosis. Osmosis, specifically, the random movement of water across a semi permeable membrane. So it's a semi permeable membrane. But only water. The movement of water will not move with anything else. Osmosis is specifically when water moves.

So when is it like an aromatic compound? How does that it's an infusion

of some sort. You know, it's picking up so there's not a good but it's not osmosis.

Okay. But all I can say for sure is I've never tested any of this. So I can't say where did Tony write about this stuff?

In his book, the second one. I think the first one first one. I heard him talk about it. Using many years ago.

Yeah, anyway, go look it up. But it's an interesting test. I would like to I would like to test. Unfortunately, the person who asked the question Nick lives in England so can go ask, but the it's interesting question. I don't know whether pasteurization is going to affect the wet dog aroma or not. Alright, let's go the next question. This is from Matt Z. I recently got into kegging sparkling water, but right now it's just filtered tap water, which by the way is the best. You know what? You know what? Like seltzer water should just be ripping, purified water ripping, delicious, purified water, I think. Well, let me finish the question. I'm wondering if you have dabbled into trying to mimic mineral water from specific sources? Or any additions to make it taste better and if so, do you have a good jumping off point? Is it worth it? Any other way to top to up my fizzy water game mad Z? Okay, okay. Okay. Darcy O'Neill from the art of the drink and from his well known soda book from like six years ago called called Fix the pumps, which is apparently a boob reference. Do you know that Bluebell friends

when a soda jerks were working did say to each other? Hey, got time to fix the pump because, you know, go check out the lady that just walked in.

But specifically a woman who stacked correct that's the which I don't really like those references. Come back. Scumbags scumbag reference, but anyway, Darcy used it and he and he doesn't strike me as a scumbag. No good man. Yeah. Canadian Canadian. Yes. But yeah, so he's nobleman. Yeah. Anyway, point being that Darcy is also in his real life work job chemist and did a bunch of work on researching old articles for ersatz mineral waters and a lot of the mineral waters have been classified as to their exact mineral composition. And so he has a lot of recipes about recreating these mineral waters and you can look them up and Martin lash from Cosmos who is the famous compiler of hydrocolloid recipes, called textures or something also has a comp couple issue of all of these water recipes. I have never had one work I have bought a bunch of the stuff and tried to mimic for instance, some waters that I enjoy. So for those of you some waters that you can purchase that I enjoy our girl shiner, I enjoy girl shiner because I like heavily if I'm either going to have seltzer with no minerals in it or I'm gonna go freakin mineral on you. So I grow Steiner, I like fish, Katelyn, which I think is delicious. I like regular Vichy I like a Polen Rs. These are all good waters and I've tried to mimic some of these waters and I have been in a word unsuccessful. Now, let me and Darcy points out, quite rightly, that you have to add things in certain orders and solubility is really hard but boo b ba ba but the way that real mineral waters are formed is deep in the earth in rock under high pressure over a long period of time sprouting up like you know under pressure and then you get them like that. And then in fact, especially carbonated mineral waters because why would you drink flat mineral water? We're not animals like what I can drink any sort of water that's flat I can drink garbage. The word for water that is derived from rainfall is meteoric. So any water that is primarily derived from recent rainfall is meteoric water. And if you're going to drink meteoric water then just drink tap water unless you live in Florida where the tap water is garbage or if you live in Hong Kong where the tap water is garbage where else who else has terrible tap water people who is terrible tap water anyone you're not going to shout out your favorite horrible tap water Los Angeles for a long time had bad tap water terrible at


Flint definitely a winning right now I

mean that's just us being mean like they like

poison you want to do some like fracking water you set on fire water

Cleveland you mean fire water from the rivers all the

all the all the older you know the the the the Psalter oil deposits so

you're saying I'm just spoiled like I have

your your your very spoiled in general in general water rich

i We are water rich like not only does New York had delicious tap water you can shower and poop in it not have to worry about a reading drill

not You're not a survivor of the you know, the great drought of California and the the two deaths and tents.

No, but I flew over that once and it was crazy looking. You know what I mean? Like you fly over California during heavy drought time and you're like, this should not exist. My produce should not be this cheap. You know what I mean? It's like,

all Honestly, all I can still think about is the job that if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate,

ah, strong. You know, New York.

That's one of those things that could also go

yeah, anyway, back to water. Very fortunate. meteoric water is relatively soft hasn't had time to pick up a lot of flavor. If it has, it's from urine, poop and effluent so it's possibly done. So

you're in No, no, not

if it's meteoric water. That's what I'm saying. If it's meteoric water, if it's recent water, it's like all the pollution is recent pollution, like bacteria, nasty, nasty stuff. And you don't want that. This is where you're gonna dig deep. Dig deep. That's right. So you want to get stuff that and this is why certain like marketing fools like the Fiji people say that their water is X number of 1000s of years old. But if you really want badass water, you have to go millions of years old, and they go millions of years old. You gotta try to tap some deep seated stuff. And if you really want to do that, and you live in the New York area, you're gonna want to go to Saratoga Springs, Saratoga Springs has the most badass non meteoric like millions of year old water that you can possibly find and that stuff is salty and crazy and good in small quantities that don't make you rush off to the bathroom because frankly, highly mineralized water is like it's like Belmont Stakes for your butt. You know? bibbity bibbity they've been in it's like it just boom makes you want to go like nobody's business. It's like coffee on steroids. If you made coffee with this stuff, it would taste horrible but don't do it. So don't do it. But if you have I have had a coffee with it. So I drank like the most hardcore of the Saratoga Springs waters which is half Thorin three, which is the most highly unmixed water the most deep earth saltwater it's about a third of the salinity of salt of ocean water. And that stuff and a coffee is supposed to make you like have to run while you're set on spray to the bathroom. Try to get there in time. And I have to report back not to brag but I am Iron by I, I am Iron but I was not this is

this is why you will be patient zero in the Super poop, you know poop exchange.

That's correct we can get we've discussed this before we can get back to it at some point point being

I will say that I had those waters when you brought them in. And interesting right I can do like application of this you have the

the search for deliciousness that we made with that instead of the salt, right? That's pretty weird. I think if you did bottle it, use it like saline, it would be real nice. You can it's got a little weird, like a radioactive thing going on the back of the throat. There's some

of them are radioactive from the Polaris and Pilar springs specifically is radioactive. But the the issue is that these are formed under very high pressure. So if you if you let those things go flat, all a lot of the interesting minerals precipitate out, so you're part of the precipitate, in this case, and you've the water has died. So it's very hard to take uncharged water, not under pressure, and recreate the same mix that you would get from the spring. So the answer is, I've not had a lot of success, there's a long way to say no, this is a very long explanation to say no. Right?

And yet, at the same time, New York is still like, from your resources, the way that you're referencing water. Saratoga Springs being like, the best of the best, right? Like,

I mean, locally. I mean, like, I think like, I think that Saratoga Springs, they don't bottle so the stuff that you call Saratoga, water is garbage, meteoric water, it's garbage, no offense to them, and they're blue bottles, but that is not the water of millionaires. That's not what people traveled hundreds of miles or 1000s of miles to take the care in. That's just like water that was ran a couple of weeks ago. That is not the stuff.

What about what about the deep Canadian stuff?

I have a year's long dream done. And that years long dream is to go to the Timmins zinc mine in Ontario, Canada, to go two kilometers deep into a hole in the ground and find the spring, which I happen to know I'm told that the water that springs out of it is extremely valuable and can't be wasted. But I also know that the scientists don't capture all of it. And then it leaks out at a rate of approximately two liters a minute. And that this water has not gone through the water cycle and approximately 2.4 billion years. And then it's incredibly salty, and that this guy wants to use it in a cocktail. And some freaking Canadian scientists won't let me have it. Even though I've emailed her several times, saying that I am in fact, not a crank. And I'm a real person with real credentials. Who likes some of her water?

Modern day Ponce de Leon, you are

the founder of old baby. Okay, we have a question from Dan. For a couple. I think I've answered this. I've answered this. Already. Today talk we says in remember about BP and Rubbermaid containers Rubbermaid. You did. All right, Dan, if I've not answered your Rubbermaid, BPA questions, Texas back we got a question from Victoria, British Columbia in Canada. And I see we got here. Hey, Dave, the hammer and other day was not hearing a question from Canada. I know you love us even though you'd like to give us plenty of grief here your brother your our brothers and sisters from up north. So you know, why would not why would we not give you grief? You'd like to give Canada but

if that's that's how you know we love you.

So yeah, so how do you know that? I don't like you

never talked about them? Don't think about them. Yeah, right, motionless robot.

Yeah. If I say anything about you at all, if that's like, you know,

he cares enough to hate you.

I don't hate Canada, Canada. You know what, you know, when I hated Canada, remember that like period of a couple of years. Remember, here's what happened. Never forget this. So like, you know, American money always kicks Canada's monies. But right. Like, this is not like this is just our money is historically in my life worth more than the Canadian dollar. So like my wife and I could go to Niagara Falls. Enjoy the better Canadian side of the falls. We have the garbage falls, the US has the crappier part of the Niagara Falls situation. But you can go over there and even if you don't have a lot of money, the American dollar is so strong your lead times yA as many donors as you want honey, do it. You know what I mean? So point me that remember a couple years ago when the Canadian dollar reached parity with the American Yeah, it was beating us for a while. Yeah. And I was like, This is what we get. This is our punishment. But we're back no question. Yes. Oh, Canada, but I love a senior show. I've been a semi frequent reader of your blog, and have been happy to have your shows listened to while I make a small batches of ice cream. Over here on the west coast of British Columbia, keep up the good work. You have a love affair for Crosby's molasses I do Crosby's molasses is delicious indeed you guys northern people, northern people.

Northern outdoors.

What likely freakin name north.

Well like manuka the North

Main Eastern, Midwestern North like North

Madison, Wisconsin, where you are from Yeah, do they have Crosby's molasses on their cheese curds or not? No.

nor other browers good sir.

Right. Do you eat? pasties or pasties whatever you call them? No, that's only Minnesota things Minnesota. Oh too good for you. You don't like you don't like a meat pie and

give away the flowers. All right.

Okay, question. Crosby's molasses. What gives you live in the US so why not get sorghum syrup I will gladly mail you as much Crosby's as you want in trade for any good sorghum syrup. I've never had good sorghum syrup. I don't think it exists. But it could exist. It's a traditional like

a Philly cheesesteak

Oh Don Lee does not believe that he's ever had a good Philly cheese

I know we've never had a good one but there might be a good one out there much like sorghum. So I'm gonna be freaking

absurd and the by the way, like I don't understand why Philadelphia gets to own the freakin cheese steak. Cheese Steak is an inherently delicious concept and also very well executed on it on many situations. What could you possibly not like about sauteed shaved steak with melted cheese and sauteed onions on a roll done? Well, if you

took those rolls and dip them in June, you'd have a great French dip. Allah Felipe's

Los Angeles though no but friendship doesn't have cheese and onions. It doesn't need

it because it's delicious with meat and the juices of

different sandwich.

Thank you Kevin

Foley, different sandwich. drippy, like juice sandwiches. That's that's like that's a knife import thing or it's like a multi napkin thing, whereas the Philly cheesesteak is great, and that you have goopy singles or Cheez Whiz as processed cheese no matter what.

As an adult. I like reruns

on Philly Cheesesteak. Ignace kind of BS. I'm not an atheist. I don't. It's not like I said, there is no good Philly Cheesesteak. I just haven't met the good Philly cheesesteak yet so I'm open to it. I

think it's like a, it's like a thing. And you know, the good version of it is going to be different than the original thing. Not saying the original is the best interpretation of it. But like if you're calling something by its name, a Philly cheesesteak is like

I just call them cheese steaks, kind of an overcoat. I don't add the Philly, because I'm not from Philadelphia. I feel like I can make a decent cheese.

What so what's your thought on the chocolate cheese?

I mean, Chuck cheese cheese.

It tells Youngtown like, like Bodega uptown. Oh, wow. The cheese. We got we got to

put together the next episode.

Like what's your next episode of Cooking issues coming to you live from a bodega of a Philly

cheesesteak, but it's chopped cheese.

Harlem Harlem dish Yeah, it's called chop cheese. Cheese. You walk in and you say chop cheese please. Yeah, but it's

only if you want to run

Oh, but you've chopped cheese is the actual dish it's called anti cheesesteak that they hack and cheese into the

meat it's not a steak it's a it's like ground beef kind of like a like a hamburger patty chopped up

by you guys anyone had this? Who's had this you've had this you've had this okay it's

very like to have right now reasonable thing

well this is big. Well notice I'm a not a trendy fellow.

Judging by your outfit. I don't believe you.

So listeners if you could only see this outfit,

seven shirt. I have a very fetching salmons shirt. Anyway point being I've not had I've not had this shop she's I will try this shop cheese. What kind of roles that shop she's on? Like I'm here. Yeah, please, please is community thing. Are we talking like a thin thing like a Cuban sandwich on and we saw some sort of zoom. Now you have in the chat cheese. I've never I've told you I've haven't had a decent sorghum syrup if I had a decent sorghum syrup. I would call surly Dave right now and be like here's my decent sorghum syrup send me as much Crosby's molasses as you can. But I'm not if any of you guys had a decent sorghum syrup. Is it a traditional sweetening agent and so it'd be good to get?

Do you guys know about the molasses flood?

Your course 1919 Right before Prohibition, so my great aunt Annette was alive during that time and remembers that she used to work at the Schrafft's. factory in Boston, and was like, it still smelled like molasses in the summer time, Jean soggy that she was from Boston. And she was the last surviving of the three made nots on my stepfather side, and vividly vividly remembered that because she was born in 1909. So she was like 10 years old when that happened. So that was a legit thing. And she imagined this little old lady in his factory stuffing candies into Schrafft's little cups at the end that does, you know, it's kind of sad. Recently, the last of that whole generation in my family, and my stepfather's family die, so I have no more connection other than my crazy stories to that whole kind of generation. We had the molasses flood was amazing, I think it was, my memory serves me it was like it got hotter than normal on that day, they'd overfilled the molasses band, it was like cheap rate molasses, it had a little bit too much water fermentation started. The container was also built poorly and kaboom. And imagine like, how did your uncle die, Jimmy? He drowned in molasses. Like, what? He couldn't outrun the molasses in January. He was kind of slow. I'd like to drop it now. You know what I mean? Because like I do you tell people that your family members were killed by a wave of molasses. Horses were killed by a lot of people killed. And interestingly, they had overfilled the molasses because people it was just prior to prohibition. Now, it might be a little bit of a canard in that story. Because the people that owned that molasses tank were one of the few people that were actually licensed to produce alcohol for industrial use. And so they could have continued to produce molasses. But well known fact by everyone in this kind of alcohol room here is that prohibition killed Medford rum, which no longer exists, which was drunk by Paul Revere on his ride and is still commemorated to this day in Medford, Massachusetts by a DRAM of rum at a particular doorstop when Curtis told me that even though like I grew up going to Medford I had no idea when Curtis, the rum historian taught me that and also nagila rum here was pretty much destroyed by prohibition. She started, right and then right. When I said rum, I meant right. But a lot of good things were destroyed by prohibition. But uh, you know, without it, all the pre prohibition people wouldn't have a job with a with Sasha become so famous if there hadn't been a prohibition and a crappy interim interregnum years where we had garbage cocktails would have been so well known. I never

thought you'd be such an optimist, but you've managed to find the bright side of prohibition. So yeah, yeah.

Yeah. Good gangster movies. There's another no Boardwalk Empire without prohibition. You like that? Right? You're Steve Buscemi fan, aren't you?

I look just like him. What? I served me just that's just the thing that no one ever wants to say.

I started drinking Stevie said anyone's good guy. Okay, second question. As stated, I make ice cream for a living recently, I've been getting many requests for Tiger Tiger or tiger tail ice cream, which I understand it is a very Canadian flavor. Is this true? Will insurance crapping in American flavor. I'll tell you that. No one's heard of Tiger Tail. We had to look it up on the internet. Do you not get tiger tail in New York City? We do not. We did not know we're not gonna get moose trucks. We get moose tracks. All you have to do is go to Connecticut. Again New

York City. Have you ever walked into a bodega and gotten moose tracks?

I don't walk into bodegas at all.

Well, la dee da o improving time and time again on this top 1%

I should I shop I shop at a fine fair. I show up in a funfair which is like right equal to a key foods in a C town. Right? Give me this. I don't have the money to pay the middleman bodega. I can't I can't afford the convenience of shopping right downstairs from where I live people. Anyway. Tiger Tail. Kevin, why don't you tell us what tiger tail is.

It's an orange flavored ice cream with a black licorice swirl. And it looks really wild. It's pretty psychedelic. It's popular in Canada but seldom found elsewhere. Created by Morgan Carr, according to Wikipedia. You know,

quick bit. How likely is it that the person who sent this question created a fake Wikipedia page about the tiger tail?

No, come on.

60%. It's a nonzero number, right? It is a nonzero number. Everything's a

nonzero number. Well, no, that's not true. Every probability is a nonzero number greater, mostly mostly. So those early days, none of us and well, I, myself live in a box. Don, and Brian and Kevin get out a lot. So I'm assuming that this doesn't exist in New York. But here's what I'm gonna say. Americans hate licorice. Let me repeat this. Americans hate licorice. And so I don't think it's ever going to become popular here. But I would like to try it. I really like creamsicles orange and vanilla is like,

yeah, licorice is kind of just like stomping that in the dirt.

Do you not like lick?

Hold on, you got to fly from the last issue that you are a not a discerning ice cream eater, because you did not call for a specific brand of ice cream. And I'd like to come in your defense, Kevin, that unless you're buying ice cream for yourself, when have you ever been offered an option of two different brands of ice cream? In a like retail establishment ever?

I think it's it's not full nonstarter and also I would love to throw in the

Kevin Denton eats those crappy unified brand ice cream sandwiches that way like you know a half a gram per liter

big for salmon shirt is Adeline I've taken them making my own ice cream recently. And I think that's the only way to go.

What that's not true. Most home ice cream machines are garbage.

So I'm going to do a picture of rebel and have them you know be your next sponsor because their home ice cream machine is pretty dope.

Let me ask you a question can the ice cream out of your machine? I'm sure it's good the minute it's made. But what about the next day?

It's better because then it hardens and crystallizes in a way that I think is superior than

last minute crystals.

You lost me on Christmas. You lost me as crystals.

It's creamy and delicious.

We will okay I'll tell you what, here's another question I have for you. This is the other answer because I'm a real I'm a real butthead when it comes to this. How many minutes? What's your batch time in minutes?

I don't know roughly

60. And

No dude, ice cream needs to be frozen freakin 10 minutes or less. Or your crystal size is too large

system and that usually has liquid nitrogen all the time.

All right, maybe 15 minutes. 60 minutes.

That's Hey, listen, I didn't prepare for part to be listening. Kevin

and Kevin. You know, we're friends. So what I want to do is I would like you to force me I am an honest fellow. And I will have I would like you to make ice cream and store it for a day I will come over to your house all the way over in Brooklyn, and I will taste it and I will see whether or not your stored overnight ice cream is actually as good as someone who spent millions of dollars on an instantaneous freezer they can freeze stuff instantaneously and is spent I don't know their whole life working on producing the awesome texture that is you

know, some of us can't afford that nice million dollar ice cream that you have 1%

Kevin Kevin Kevin den works for one of the largest liquor companies on Planet of the earth and can get liquid nitrogen delivered his office any damn day of the week and can make ice cream as quickly and efficiently as anyone else. So I don't want to hear it. You know,

sometimes things are done best in efficiently. That's why I like a nice slow burn on mine.

Listen, listen, listen. All I'm saying is is whenever whenever anyone says ice cream, I don't get to taste it. You asked a couple of facts one what is the freeze time? That's the easiest thing to see how long to take the freeze? Because everybody knows the faster you freeze it the smaller the ice crystals and the smaller the ice crystals done. The smoother the ice cream Bobo Borbone okay. Hey Dave, Anastasia at all this from Connor in Chicago. you've referenced on the show a few times that you use the rose a still rose smell coffee. They used to roast your own coffee using a quarterly pop. Like before Depop. Really? Yeah. I'd like to try it myself. But my popcorn loving girlfriend has some concern that if I use our worldly pop, it will be forever tainted with coffee flavor. Is this the case? Or will it be okay to use for both purposes so long as we give it a good scrub. Any other roasting tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Connor in Chicago. Connor, you have a smart girlfriend and that coffee will ruin your worldly pot for popcorn. It will turn your popcorn into garbage coffee oil popcorn and you will not want to eat that. Guess what a worldly pop is not that expensive if you're going to roast your own coffee to two batches of green coffee into roasted coffee in a world Pop and you've paid for the worldly pop. The problem with the worldly pop is that once you start you another worldly pop is right. Right Kevin, your order pop is you guys know where the pop where they bought. Once you start cranking that worldly pop, you cannot stop and like I am a well known non human. And so like I can sit there and just crank the worldly pop until it's done because I don't care whether I have physical discomfort or whether I need to pee, or whether the house is burning down, or whether the dog is peeing or barking or whether my kids are shouting at me because right now what I'm doing is making coffee. Many people are not like this. And so what happens is they stop cranking it and walk away and then it burns is the problem. So I have a 3d model somewhere on my Insta Twitter, where you can download something that you can convert a whirly pop into a motorized thing for fairly cheap, and it's pretty good, but the worldly pop is good. Just you gotta keep cranking. I've since moved on. I built a drum roaster. It's actually not quite as good as the worldly pop because I it's too complicated to get into but I still roasted on my own as a first step into it. Worldly pop is great. Some people prefer the flavor of air pot air, air popcorn popper coffee roasting. So there's basically in the home coffee roasting world. There are two fundamental kinds of people and they're the people who like drum roast, kind of coffee and those people typically are worldly pop or if they have money harvest, you know, the mini drum roasters, and if I had a lot of money, I'd buy a habit burns or jab as I pronounced it back when he was alive. sample roaster and then there's the air pop people who are based on kind of the civets model of roaster I used to air roast I know Harold McGee likes and air roaster but I kind of drum guy What do you guys like? Do you guys even think about this? What do you drum people Drum? Drum. Kevin, you have a feeling on this? Do you like arrows to cut? Do you like? Are you more of an espresso person or more of a drip? Drip pour over Drip? Drip, drip drip? did?

You know I think I'm more of a working man on a coffee. I like drip coffee was me working man, you know, just turning into a class.

Can you out on

how rich you are? Because I roast stuff in a popcorn machine. espresso maker that I bought on eBay was shattered and had to put together like disassemble completely, like boil in water on the stove that I found on the street and then reassemble that kind of rich anyways. Isn't it isn't what I'm trying to say America. We have to get past this idea that because I like a particular kind of food and it's a class issue. Just because I like to drink espresso doesn't mean that I hold my pinky out while I drink it.

Although he does. That is also

true. Was it? I will we see? Got some more questions. One more question. We do one more question.

We're going long quarterly.

Let's see we got let's see, we got this is from Sean Sean Andrews last week, depending on when you read this, you took a question about a low temperature proxy for dry aging. I've not been able to stop thinking about dry aging, since this is someone who did like a like a warm hold on low temperature for meats to try to kickstart the enzymes in meats to tenderize you know, relatively quickly. The issue of trim loss from formation of the bad kind of crust during dry aging process seems ripe for analysis slash optimization from someone who understands the miracle of moisture management. Listen, I've never said I understand the miracle of moisture management. I mean, I kind of I think I understand it more than most people but I think that all of cooking is fundamentally all of cooking fundamentally boils down to two things one, getting the temperature right and to the miracle of moisture management. Because almost everything costs like tater tots french fries mean NEVER food

jelly beans

What's your problem? What's your man?

Sugar is hydrophilic right what's a pull the moisture out of the air so it is in fact actually a moisture problem.

How do you think you get that skin on it? Bye bye Pisces to Sunday that's how you cornstarch Yeah, moisture management baby that's like prime moisture man name another food. Boob chicken Wayne's obvious moisture management probably fried Come on man. more moisture management give me give me give me a softball

after jelly beans. Beef jerky.

You're making my point human beings have given jerky everything Beans and jerky. There is a jerky brand in Denver and I'm not making this up it was the airport climax jerky. So when you're getting on the airplane, you can buy yourself a package of climax jerky. If you said okay, never want to finish so. So no, I gotta finish the question. Miracle of moisture management side note, please write a book on the topic of moisture management and use this title I'll start a petition if necessary. Listen, Sean, nobody else but you. And I believe that the miracle of moisture management Don also believes in the miracle of moisture management is a good title for a book, but we're leaving it out in the minority. I

think moisture intelligence is the second book in the intelligence series

in science and moisture management. I've read Kennedy's posts on dry aging, which are pretty good. And I've looked into the literature on the subject, including dry aging and beef in a bag, a highly permeable to water vapor, and you give the DOI number which is nice. But I'm left with the sense that more can and should be done. Since my wife birth my wife's birthday present to me this year is allowing me to create my own dry aging setup, which will include a fridge internal fan UV source, the UV sources interesting actually. So UV radiation on me will prevent bacteria from growing. But what I haven't I don't think has been studied on long term dry aging with UV is the possible rancidity caused by the UV light, because fats are clearly going to go rancid quicker under UV light than not. So it's interesting question and various wireless sensors. I'd appreciate any thoughts you may have on the subject, including safety optimization, and whether or not you personally think it's worth it. Note, I'm probably going to do it no matter what you think. Awesome, which isn't my favorite kind of person. I love the show. Good luck with the spins on thanks for your time. So Shawn, I don't really know the answer to your question. I'm going to actually put it out to the readers who have done more listeners rather who have done more work with dry aging. But I'm going to give it kind of more thoughts. Somebody else had a question. Josh had a question which Donna's telling me I'm not going to have time to get to. But it's about whether or not you can do the old DOS a delay che trick with honey? No, you cannot. So don't settle ha I typically make it because I'm a cheater. I don't make it the grandma way which is over and open pot stirring for a long time while it concentrates my rash. I do it by taking sweetened condensed milk and putting it into a pressure cooker. Which is the way 99.9% of people who aren't like good, normal people do. And the question is can you do that with honey? Will that happen? Answer No. You need a lot of you need the milk proteins a bunch of it there is protein honey, but not enough to have the kind of dose they really should think had been you might have some difference happened. But you're not going to get those subtly changes but try it let me know. I have more questions which we're not going to get to because Don tells me that I'm out of time and next week back live in New York. From Bushwick, Brooklyn with more cooking Ah, thanks guys.

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