Cooking Issues Transcript

Episode 136: Dave Tweaks on Lemonade

Hello, everybody, and welcome to a brand new series on heritage radio network called the culinary call sheet where we give a peek into the back kitchen of culinary media. I'm your host, April Jones,

and I'm your co host, Darren bresnitz. Part of why we started the show was to offer an unofficial mentorship for anyone who's interested in learning about all aspects of food and video, whether that's TV, social media online, or just something you want to do for fun.

Absolutely what was once niche or a little silly, as I'm sure you remember, Darren, when we started out, this man has now become such a massive playing field for so many creatives using food as the medium.

It's something that has driven us professionally and personally, for so many years. What excites me the most about this show is that we're going to sit down with some of the industry leaders to hear how they made it and what drew them into this industry.

With 20 years in the culinary production game ourselves. We're hoping we can give through these conversations an insider's view into personal stories from the field, as well as an in depth behind the scenes look into some of the most popular food programming. In today's evolving culinary media landscape.

We'll be covering everything from how to style your food, to how to license IP, to developing your own ideas, and some tips from the masters of how to host your own show.

Yeah, it's a little bit of conversation, how to and how do you do the things that you do in color media, which I'm so excited about? I love so many of the guests that are coming on this season. We have talent from Food Network from Vice media eater refinery 29,

we've met some of the best people in the world both in front of and behind the camera. And we're bringing them all together to share their stories, their delicious adventure and their unique journey into this crazy world.

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more. Hello, and welcome to cookies you save on your host. Roberta's pizzeria on a network in Bushwick, Brooklyn, how you doing? Good. Yeah. I'm doing right. Yeah. You know, we made the we made the Kickstarter goal. Plus, we made an additional $20,000 plus over the Kickstarter goal, which means that I have to do the Lemonade Diet and then at some point in the future, do the do the Paleo diet. So what you're hearing is me uncorking my core container of crappy lemonade. By the way, I heard I missed some calls, because I was a little late, kind of as usual. So quite quickly to 74 and seven to one to 874 and seven to one to eight. Have Eddie here filming this proceedings for posterity. So maybe your call will be filmed, although you will not because you will be at home. Hey dude, Eddie Dumas we got Jack and Joe in the engineering with How're you guys doing?

Good and you were pretty energetic for being on that lemonade cleanse.

Let me JETRO let me let me tell you something about the lemonade. So for those of you that, thankfully don't know what this is, the Master Cleanse was devised by a nut a nutjob named Stanley Stanley, I think borrows sometime in the 40s and was re publicized in the 70s of the last century. And yet I went, I went ahead and read, here's the premise. You don't want to eat anything you want to cleanse your body. His first premise is that all ills are due to this thing he calls that toxemia which is a buildup of toxins in the body, right? So in fact, he doesn't believe that there are such things as dangerous germs or viruses or microbes take that aids, you know, take that cholera anything, right? The guy doesn't believe in this. He believes that all kinds of bad things that happened to us are caused by a buildup of toxins that we take in into our bodies, which is on its face absurd. And then he furthermore says that really what you need to do is clean out these things. And so he has devised a cleanse that he thinks will clean you out and get rid of all the toxic stuff and fix. Literally whatever ails you. He believes that this will fix whatever ails you. So it's, it's for every 60 ounces of water or purified or spring water, you need three quarters of a cup of organic, fresh, fresh, of course I mean I believe in this part lemon or actually lime juice does you know you could use lime juice now you can manage is possible because as he says lemons have more vitamins in them than any other fruit known demand which is a lie. And then maple syrup or organic preferably great beet three quarters of the cup because it also apparently has all sorts of terrific stuff in it. And lastly but not leastly some groundup cayenne pepper because I think he believes that you know if it's not gonna it's gonna come hot coming out clean you out you know what I'm saying? He doesn't believe in any protein in your diet because he literally believes that like leguminous trees we have nitrogen fixing bacteria in us that allow us to obtain nitrogen out of the air and then synthesize all the necessary proteins out of it. So he believes that you can go on this lemonade cleanse for 40 days if you want to. By the way stars I tried my first saltwater purge this morning was it a horrible but tastes horrible it's horrible anyway and these nutjobs also believe you should not use iodized salt because they believe that somehow it stops it from cleansing you out. Believe me if you pound a liter of you know seawater style salty water. You'll get cleaned out mighty mighty quick. But one lesson yesterday I did have a nightmarish headache because I am a coffee drinker. So caffeine if you withdraw from caffeine you get a nightmarish headache and so I guess this is part of the quote unquote toxins leaving my body but the problem is is that the whole the whole concept behind this diet is that somehow that you have an adversarial relationship to the food you eat and to the life you live and everything about who you are as a person when it is true that if I don't have coffee for a day or two afterwards I will have headache until my body clears itself of its desire to have caffeine but this is not a monkey I want to get off my back I can't wait to get back on caffeine not because I need it. Because I like coffee and because decaffeinated coffee sorry everyone out there This doesn't taste the same. It's not the same. I've side by side and coffees when people are like hey, man, you can't tell the difference. I can I can believe me because I'm not drinking like milk out like milk. Stravaganza is right. I drink like short, straight espresso shots. That's what I drink and I drink it because I like it so I will go back to drinking it as soon as humanly possible. Also have it installed so you remember it you know what it's like when you eat too much candy. It's like so much candy and how you have like the sugar high that's what it feels like to be on this Master Cleanse because it literally is just it's just you're on a sugar high the entire time. It's because you're eating nothing but sugar in the form of maple syrup. It's friggin nuts. Anyway, let me let me get what are you reading by the way says nothing did nothing on this end. I'm actually just staring at the page. What's the book? Sex, drugs and rock'n'roll by Judy Judy McGuire

Jr. McGuire. She's a co host of the mike and Judy show.

Oh yeah,

that was great. We love her. Yeah, good. It's cool book.

Yeah, well, this is just I just mentioned that because it's on videotape here and I want you guys to know what nostos is doing I've heard all this I like I like what you know what you actually do? I know you didn't because I hadn't done the assault stuff yet. Not at hand report at the back not you haven't heard any of it. I hadn't I hadn't read the Burroughs No, I hadn't read it yet. No, no, you just I just want people to know out there now recorded on videotape. Exactly what goes on in a cooking program. Okay, Adam, call them a follow up from last week. Just want to thank you to take time for answering my question on last week's podcast can be pleased and this is the person who who was asking whether they could save this stuff at the back of their fridge big because the wife is pregnant now. Remember, just wanted to thank you for taking the time to answer my question on last week's podcast, you'll be pleased to know I threw out the stock and stewed fruit. Although I'm still surprised there isn't a more scientific way to determine the food safety refrigerated items. Thanks again for the program. I've learned a lot cheers Adam. Ryan Berkeley writes in about hams dear Dave, and Stasha Jack and I'm going to add Joe and Eddie. I impulsively ordered a whole country ham several months ago from fish field farms in Kentucky's actually scratch that actually order to country hams due to an accidental click. You shouldn't be able to do that you shouldn't be like, is it because I think that happens to us at Booker index because our internet is so slow that you hit click a couple of times you ever double bought something? No, no, it shouldn't be allowed anyway, but don't worry. Anyway. The problem is I don't have a meat slicer. And it seems a little silly to order one just to eat these hams and cutting them with a chef's knife has been a nightmare even after I do a bit of amateur sharpening. What's the best way to cut this ham other than buying a meat slicer? Should I get a longer knife? How about some kind of holder apparatus for the ham or maybe just take my seven inch chef's knife in for a proper sharpening. Thanks for any guidance Ryan from Berkeley, California to well first of all, congratulations on the purchase of a good hand fish feel makes an excellent hand. I've visited their plant well Once they are they do like a semi ambient cure where it's ambient you know another is not temperature controlled during the first portion of it they they used to anyway I don't know if they still do this but they really only cure one time a year and then they run out a good product all around a good also, memory serves a nonsmoker not a smoked ham. And I'm trying to remember I think believe they also do bag here so the bad hams are wrapped in bags as they're being cared for portion of time anyways. Good hands. Seven and chef's knife is not the tool to attack this with first of all go out and get a longer chef's knife for this sort of deal anyway, but what you're going to want to do is get a thin blade slicer, I do not I do not recommend any meat slicer on I've ever used other than a professional meat slicer. The little ones that they sell. They're they're crap. I mean, a pardon me if anyone out there sells them for a living but they're crap they don't work in at least the ones that I've used, they just don't work. Well, you're gonna want to like a professional meat slicer is super super baller. It's awesome, right? But they're very big. You have to clean them and it's not so easy. And sometimes newer ones are easier to clean the Hobart model 3000 slicers easy to clean, but it's very expensive. So here's what you should probably do traditional old schools now in America, we've come to eat our hands like this. Cut cross crossways. Right, the way you normally would get prosciutto if you go to a deli cut crossways. And this produces a cross section of what's going on in the muscle and it's very tender, it comes apart. But European advocates have European ham folk have long advocated for slicing the long way. So you get a little piece of a bunch of different muscles and you can get these long strips, they are a lot to hear. But I had an expert make me some the other day and it was quite good. But gotta remember European hams are not cured in the same way that ours are in the way that they're hung. So they don't have the same necessarily slicing characteristics because they're not the same shape. frenchville and other hands are hung with the point with it with the hawk and down so that the cushion that big part of the meat kind of gets full and fills up because it's more normal for it to be served American style. That way, what I recommend you do is D bone the ham or cut the cushion off the top of the hammer and then use the separate P use the pieces on the bottom for different and then once you have it as a more manageable piece, trim away a portion of the skin make sure it's very cold when you slice it and then you can slice off thin slit thin slices with a like a long flat slicing knife which are they're flat, they're easy, like one that's meant for slicing fish or that but like any long slicing knife, but you're going to want significantly longer because you want long draws on it, you don't want to do a lot of sizing on it. So you're going to want to get one that's long, like 14 inches or more. I haven't measured one recently but long. And if you're gonna attack something with a chef's knife, you're gonna want mean with a hammer doesn't really matter. You don't need a long chef's knife because there's no place you can really get into it with it. But go ahead and and next. Next, you know super gift giving holiday like invest in a sweet you know, they used to say in all the Mac cooking magazines, you know, you know an eight an eight inch knife is good enough or whatever. Let me tell you something once you get yourself a good 10 inch chef's knife good quality one right that feels good in your hand and I don't care whether you prefer Japanese Western Japanese or, or western style knives. Like my one of my favorite Believe it or not as a as an old French style. So but yeah, like really old carbon. But once you start like using attention, it's such a joy, right? Oh, for sure. Yeah, tennis knife got a lot of attention if go for tennis. Anyway. Hope that helps. And by the way, just keep eating the ham a little bit every day. That's what I do like ham, like little scraps and stuff like ham and eggs like no one's ever made a better combination and country ham and eggs. I don't think I don't think so. Anyway, Peter writes in another follow up. I'm the fellow from Minnesota that dropped the call dropped a call on you two weeks ago. Sorry about that. The answer to your follow up question. I remember he was asking about different ways to treat deer meat because he got a lot of deer meat in Minnesota, which is a problem I wish I had here in New York. To answer your follow up question. We get a range of deer throughout the season so you'll get anything from fawns to old DOS, when you put them in the bag. The gamey flavor has been a bit intense and as such I've been using pretty strong sauces to counter them think Juniper bears with current preserves? Do you have any other strong flavor combinations that could hold up to the gamey power of an old dough? Well, it's interesting question. I mean, usually, when you're talking about gamey flavor, people recommend like the pre soak in some sort of an acidic merit if I hadn't been able to elucidate the chemistry of it of why I mean I don't know I don't know that it's a similar chemistry to what happens with for instance fish when you add vinegar on them and it kind of deactivating some of the nasty smells that are there. I don't really know but it's unit versus I wasn't I read, I went back and reread after the hunt which of John's forces book on Louisiana game cookery and didn't find any sort of stuff mean, a lot of what I read about the taste of gaming is in Deer has to do with well, there's natural gaming is because deer has a flavor, thank God, it's delicious. But there's also kind of an off flavor that can happen based on slaughtering and kill steps. And I read a number of scholarly papers that were not very helpful because all they basically said was stuff that you already knew, which is you need to chill the sucker down very quickly and that a lot of bad deer flavor comes from the fact that the deer hangs out in the back of the pickup truck too long before it can get cooled down. But other interesting thing they said was that, in general, people prefer check this out. So between those and bucks, right, people prefer dose and dose are slightly more tender, at least in the studies that I've read. There's one contradictory study out of Poland, but most of the ones said that and even furthermore, they have a different kind of flip flavor breakdown. But I can't I don't know whether it's due to diet. This study didn't go that far. But interestingly, although younger doses were preferred to older dose, older dose are preferred to younger bucks, even though the younger bucks are probably more tender. People just prefer the domain. Strange, right? What have caller Oh, we'll get back to some more dear stuff in a minute. Caller, you're on the air.

Hello. Hi, this is Steven denzinger. from Indianapolis. Are you guys

doing all right? How's Indianapolis?

It's, it's pretty good weather. It's actually nice out here for once. So, question for you. I am cooking for somebody who is neutropenic at this point. And I was curious, do you know what is neutropenic diet something that's

now let me give us a neutropenic. Okay, so

when you take chemotherapy, if you have like leukemia, or something that wipes out your game essentially wipes out your bone marrow, so you cannot produce white blood cells. So you have no no real immune system. So food safety at this point is extremely, extremely important. And so I was curious on your opinion about, first of all, some safe practices, like maybe boiling poor containers before making soups or whatever that I could do in this situation. Also, I was curious about yogurt. And because it has a lot of bacterial cultures, but they're good bacteria. And everything I read says don't give neutropenic yogurt, but because of competitive growth, I would assume that there was no pathogens in there, but I'm not sure.

It's an interesting question. Okay. So let me just say at the get go, not having studied the problem, I like I'm going to hesitate to make any actual pronouncement or so the only dietary restriction is absolutely nothing that would compromise the immune system. There's no dietary restrictions from a food standpoint.

Right. Okay. Yeah.

Right. So it's kind of just like a very hyper version of what you would do with a pregnant person. Right.

Exactly. I was listening to a few of your podcasts, and everything that I heard about pregnant people I was applying to this situation, kind of, but I'm still

right. I mean, if you want to serve somebody like super safe, just as a as a note, I'll say the same thing I say when I talk about cooking for pregnant people. As immersion circulator is a fantastic investment for I don't know if you already have one, but an immersion circulator is a fantastic investment for for this for this sort of diet, because now I don't go pushing the dunkel pushing the edges. Do you know what I'm saying? But

don't try the 54 degree stuff maybe are right.

Right, exactly. So don't push, don't push the envelope. But, you know, all of a sudden, for this person, you can cook, you know, a bunch of stuff that is, you know, amazing that they can't otherwise have because they have to cook the crap out of it. So I mean, I would definitely focus on things like 62 degree, eggs, applications like that, you know, you're going to be more careful than they otherwise other people would be about making sure there's no cross contamination and stuff like this. But you have the ability then to serve this person, foods that they couldn't ordinarily get when they were when they were out. Now, with yogurt, I mean, my initial inclination is that you're right, there's competitive bacteria in yogurt, that are going to prevent most of most pathogenic, you know, pathogens from growing in it. But if if the if the, here's the issue, a lot of doctors out there will just say, No, you can't have it. Why? Because they haven't done the research. And so rather than tell you no, you can't have it because I haven't done the research. I would say that if someone has said you can't use it, I would go and see why they said you can't use it. Right. I mean, I'm all for making an informed decision on this, but I don't know all the factors. So it could be that some doctor out there who has a lot of knowledge and maybe even some clinical experience has seeing problems with yogurt and patients who are on chemotherapy, right. And so I don't know that, but I've seen it go the other way to where doctors have made knee jerk responses to questions about foods just because they don't have a lot of food information. They're not cooks. They're not they don't study this thing. They don't really know much about food. And so I, I can't make a statement about it one way or the other, except for figure out what the source is, and then make a judgement. I mean, I have no problem overruling a doctor who just speaks from a knee jerk perspective, you know, but on the other hand, I've had it go the other way, where people are like, No, I've, you know, I've seen actually clinical problems because of X, Y, or Z. Now, when it comes to boiling core containers, quart containers can very easily stand up to boiling liquids. So that's not going to be fact that, you know, it can't actually interestingly is the lids, the lids are made from a different material than the core container themselves, the core containers of polypropylene can easily stand up to boiling water. In fact, I don't believe they'll melt down even in a pressure cooker. Although I think you're getting close, I have to look it up. Whereas the lids are made of polyethylene, which melts at a much lower temperature, which is why when you nuke stuff, in core containers, the lids expand and blow up and the containers are fine. So you're going to have a difficult time sterilizing lids of core containers with boiling water, I would just use a sanitizing solution. If you're worried about it. If your soups are extremely hot, they should self self obliterate whatever. Yeah, right. But it's a very good idea to keep a sanitizing solution bucket around the kitchen and just be ultra aware during this time of cross contamination and making sure that things aren't tripping on each other, making sure things are sanitized properly. I mean, if you can, you know if you can, I don't know what you make, but you know, presumably, you know it because you're worried about it, you're gonna do a good job, assuming that you're being vigilant. You know what I mean?

Right, right. Definitely. And do you have time for like, one or two more questions? Shoot me. Okay, first one, the I'm actually building the a, I'm a about to be a med students, we're not gonna have a lot of money. So I'm actually building the immersion circulator from the Seattle Food geek website. And I was wondering if you thought that that one was a good model, besides the fact that if you turn it on that side of the water, it overheats, and blows up?

But yeah, well, you can fix that, you know, by just strapping an extra over temp an over temp thermometer to the heating element. Which one? Is that? Is that the one that's built in the acrylic case?

Yes, it is. Yeah, we're trying to figure out a different thing for the acrylic because I don't have a lot of time to build it. And people that are building it, for me are not as familiar with how to heat the acrylic to bend it. And I'm, I've never done it either. So you know, just just in case, we're trying to figure out a better box for it than the acrylic. But

what's the total? What's the total cost of it when you're done?

70 bucks, 80 bucks.

That's pretty cheap. It's pretty cheap. I mean, I've never used I've never used it, the only circuit I've used only commercial circulators. And ones I've built myself, I'll say that the ones I've built myself. You know, like the first one I built was with, you know, coffee, you know, immersion coffee heaters, and they leak electricity. And so I got shocked whenever my hand went into the bath, but you know, the temperature equipment temperature monitoring equipment now being what it is, I mean, you're going to be able to get the accuracy with the home. So you're not from a safety standpoint, you're not going to have a problem. It's just a question of whether or not you liked the usability of it compared to a right you know, compared to a standard one, but look, if it's the only thing you can afford, again, it's 80 bucks, do it. You know, do it and and, you know, I've seen a couple where people have found like, kind of prefab boxes that were used for other things that kind of work. You know what I mean?

Just drill a few extra holes in them or something like that. Yeah, when

you're drilling acrylic you got to be careful drilling acrylic when you're drilling acrylic, it has a tendency to shatter because acrylic is very shatter prone as opposed to other things like lexan also, you can't wash acrylic with alcohol because it crazes and goes nuts. When you're drilling with acrylic, you're going to want to get a special drill bit that has a different point it's much more pointy and you're going to want to make sure that you have the acrylic backed up with a piece of wood or something else so that there's it doesn't flex a lot as the drill bit goes through and it's going to prevent shattering because it's really irritating once you shatter a piece of acrylic you're going to keep propagating that crack crack especially if it's at a stress point.

But it would have helped to keep the acrylic before drilling

and now in fact no in fact the problem is it heats and gums and then your drill bit catches and then it cracks. I would just mean if you can, I would put it even in water on top of a block of wood and go through it but acrylic I'm just I'm telling you is acrylic like acrylic drills beautiful When you do it right, but then, you know, when you stop paying attention is when you drill a hole through it and shoot a crack across it, you know what I mean?

Okay, and I have one more quick question. And so I'm starting to get something done. But I was curious about if you so I have another friend that's going gluten free. And I'm giving them suggestions for thickeners. xanthan gum guns and Agra, Agra and things like that to replace, you know, starches that are that are, you know, that have gluten in them like wheat flours and things. But I was curious if what was the source you were talking about one time that there was a source from national starch or something like that was that was just like 100% amylopectin or something like that. That was?

I mean, I don't remember exactly what what we were talking about. But Nash the national starts Corporation, other than having an awesome name, national starch was they have a lot of different starches that are specifically geared towards certain things. And they are very aware of gluten because it's a huge business. So they have a you know, they have a lot of knowledge about it. And a lot of their databases are online. So depending on your particular application, I'm sure you know, they, if they don't have a starch that will fit what you need. And probably nobody has the starch that will fit what you need. I mean, they they are made. They come by their name, honestly, national starch.

Awesome. Thank you very much, David. Appreciate it.

All right. Have a good one. You have another caller. Caller you're on the air.

Hi, Jarvis. I'm calling from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Hey, what's up? Andy? You know, I've never been in Milwaukee. I've been near Milwaukee. We've never been to it.

Yeah, yeah.

I mean, I mean, I drink the beer. I own the tools. But other than that.

I had a question regarding sausages. Our owner has a farm that has megaliths of pigs. And we're trying I'm trying to make Italian sausages out of it. But what's happening is the sausages themselves are coming out really batty because of the fat content. I mean, I'm still I'm using Michael Ruhlman, Xhosa coutries. But for the Italian sausage recipe, right? But what happens is after a case it I hang them to dry, I do prick them. And then when I need to render it in the hotel pan first to get the to get the initial fat off. But when I put it on the grill, there's still more fat to come off. And then also the casing splits as well. So I was wondering the question about the the actual sausage and then the casing as well as how to make a hard, nice, sturdy, crispy casing on the grill. Hmm.

Well, you know, I actually the casing problems when I wish I'd studied more. I was just talking about this witness Dasha, how the Germans make the greatest sausage casings, right. So that's and that's snap of a good sausage casing when you bite into it, and the meat just explodes. Awesome. But okay, so we'll get back to that in a sec. So the first of all, what's the diet? Like? Are they being fed kind of a standard grain diet? Are they being what are these pigs being fed? What What's the characteristic of the fat? Is it a hard fat or is it really soft fat before you process it?

Well, it is kind of it gets it kind of melts in my hand if you don't work best in a room temperature kitchen. Right? So it is kind of, it's kind of softer. It's not that soft, though. That makes sense.

Yeah, it does. So I mean, for for sausage production. A lot of times, you're gonna want a little bit of a firmer fat just because well, it depends also everything like everything depends when you're having like when people are making salumi with like, dried stuff, they want that the nice stuff that really stands up to the you know, so they they prize so that's why things like the Bayeux dyfed Like with this really soft, fat varicose they make awesome hands but harder to make straight drives. That's awesome. I love their dry sauce please don't call me and say that they don't make good grades. I'm not saying that but like the texture that the fats a little bit more difficult. I think you know one thing is are you really chilling the heck out of the meat before you grind it?

I guess I guess not. I mean, I put it in the cooler until I need it. It is cold it's definitely not not warm or you know my hand is definitely not as warm as I mean it's it's cold yeah, but it's not like you know it's not like detailed where the surface is starting to seal up a little bit but I mean, I guess I could leave it in there a little bit longer. I could put it in the freezer for for for a second just to kind of give it a deep shield but not freeze it.

Yeah, yeah, you know, so what I when I'm making sausage, especially if I use a softer fat or like if I'm using a non pig fat like duck fat or something like that. You need you need to get it really be really cold otherwise. And you know, as I believe it might even say in the charcuterie book, you know, it's hard to tell when you're making a sausage, what's happened to the fat during the grinding process, you can only really tell Once it clicks, and you start bleeding out a lot of the fat that otherwise stay in. So what I would do is, I would, I usually pre slice the meat into the strips that I'm going to feed into the grinder, then I lay them out on sheet trays, and then I throw the sheet trays in the freezer, and I wait until they get basically pliable, but hard, right, almost par frozen. And then, and then I feed them in. And if it takes me too long, I'll even have a couple of ice chips that you know, you don't want to add water. But I'm saying look up, just keep that sucker cold. Also, if you're using one of the big meat grinders, I would I would throw all the parts in ice water before you grind like polio meat grinder apart, throw it nice water, get that whole sucker cold before you grind. So then, you know, flick all the extra water off, put it together, take your par frozen meat grinder and my guess is that's going to take care of 90% of your problems. That's my guess. Okay. Now on the casings breaking apart, are they breaking when there? Are they breaking on the drying step or when you grill them? When we want to grill them? Yeah, I mean, if a sausage isn't like full, like, typically, I will pre cook a sausage before I before I hit it on a grill just because you're gonna get much less splitting. I mean, the best way you could do it in a combi. You could do it in. You could do

it. I was using the sorry. I was using the circulator. Yeah. Perfect. 60 degrees for an hour.

That's great. So he's you did it like that pulled it out? And they were still breaking apart on you on the on the grill?

Uh huh. Correct. Hmm.

I don't know. Maybe it's just maybe with the I don't know, I have to think about that. Usually. Usually, that's a recipe for keeping it together. Like too much air in there. Maybe when the stuffing process he said he said he prick them though and got the air with either air? Or maybe the fat bubbling out maybe moisture content, but you said you dried off this stuff? I don't. I don't see why. I don't see why unless they're mechanically damaged. If they're like, obviously, everybody knows, if you try to cook the sausage raw on the grill, you're gonna break the skin. Everybody knows this. But if you part pre cooked like that, and they're not broken when they come out of the circulator. Right? No. Maybe try a little less drying time before you grill them off? I don't know. Okay. I don't know, I have to think about maybe maybe someone else who has some experience in this can troubleshoot that, but I think I've solved your fat bleeding problem, I think that will help a lot, everyone, everyone tends to underestimate how cold they want their meat to be. And the answer is very, very cold.

But even when I paddle, you know the the recipe calls for you to paddle the vinegar into the into the grind after you grind it. That's going to bring the temperature down a bit. But I should also put the bowl and the paddle into the freezer as well.

Yeah, everything should be everything should be like just cold. And in fact the most like so like there's two so when you're grunt when you're grinding sausage is like the first time when like everything can go to hell in a handbasket in this situation, right. And also, I find that like pre cutting the meat into strips like that and sending them out, like gives me another opportunity to make sure I'm not putting crap. I don't want my sausage, but like pieces of Grizzle or whatever. Because I don't like to put that in, even though I know you can whatever I don't like to do it. And then the second time you can mess stuff up is either on the primary bind when you're mixing it together if you really want to bind the sausage a lot, or if you're doing if you're doing an emulsification step for an emulsified sausage, and both of those heats the enemy. But I guarantee that's what's what's happening. But I'm pretty sure that what's happening to you is happening at the grinding stage. Okay. All right. Good luck. Let us know what happens. All right. Hey, Dave. Yes, so

we've got another caller. But really quick, I want to shout out somebody who became a member listener of cooking issues, Irene Lee. And she had a really nice message I thought I'd pass along she said, I thought you guys might be entertained to hear that we usually listen to cooking issues while we're on our way to and from restaurant depot, which I assume you're familiar with. The place is a real bummer. No one knows how to park. No one can phase all their barcodes the same way. And a lot of the food is scary, like really freaky and weird. But it's part of our reality because it's our best option for dry goods, paper and cleaning supplies.

She's from Boston is that Irene from Boston? We have a question in from letter.

I believe so. Yeah, it is. She is from Boston. Yeah. Nice. All right. So thanks to Irene for becoming a member and then real quick, like listeners of putting issues who can't make our big fundraiser August 11, which is going to be awesome. And we'll all be there. You can get $10 raffle tickets which is for a dream trip to Seattle all expenses paid flight and hotel three meals of your choice at Tom Douglas restaurants. So that's from Chef Tom Douglas out there. In Seattle, so it's Hrn Hawaiian For raffle tickets. Nice. Yeah. And we have a caller.

Hey, caller you're on the air. Hey, Dave. How you doing?

My question is the guy who's having the problem with the sausage, do you think there's any issues? overstuffing just put too much pressure on the casing.

And it could be and I hadn't thought of that. It's Yeah, there's definitely a possibility. I mean, you're from Chicago, not from Butcher Packer or Yeah.

I buy from Butcher Packer but not from them. Yeah.

Because maybe think of someone else. The same guy who was asking you about deer before is stocking out his his butcher supply stuff because he's gonna they're gonna be butchering more deer this year. And I was thinking he's like, Do you have any recommendations for other stuff? I need sausage stuffers and stuff, but I've only ever really used the I've only ever used like the five and I guess the 10 pound guys that were crank guys. So I don't really know anything about bigger ones than that. Do you have any experience with that?

Not that big a bigger one. But those crank stuffers you know, even if they're

they seem to work great.

You know, I've had I've had a lot of success.

Yeah, me too. I've used the expensive ones. And I've used the cheap ones from like grizzly and the cheap ones from grizzly seem to work. Yeah, they worked fine. You know, what I don't like are the ones that look like the ones that look like weird horns.

But never use those. No,

I mean, me neither. But I just don't like them. I saw I've seen them. And so I guess I'm also well, you know, while we're talking I'm answering part of Peters question. But yeah, I don't like those suckers. But so and another thing I think that most people, when you're going to set up a big butchery thing, get a bandsaw I didn't see that on the list of stuff, get a bandsaw everyone loves a bandsaw. Right. Extremely dangerous in the kitchen because people don't think about how dangerous they are. And it will cut your finger off as fast as it will cut off, you know, a rib. But if you are accustomed to wood shops, and you know how you know danger works, then I think bandsaw is a good, good thing to get for your butcher setup. I mean, you know how dangerous Yeah, yeah, I mean, like, swear to God, if you're gonna slice up a bunch of hams like, especially country hams bandsaw. Anyway, so what was your what do you have a question? Are you just talking sausage with me? Well, it's like, you're cutting out a little bit homesick. Start again.

Yeah. I wrote in. I'm the guy who goes to Alabama sometimes to go fishing. I did that. Jimmy on the blue fish. Oh, beautiful. Nice. Yeah. Yeah. So I didn't get a blue fish is here. It's kind of a crappy fishing gear. But I did get a like a 35 pound big drum red fish, which was great. And it's, it's a little tough. You know, the bigger they get, obviously, the tougher they get. And so I was thinking about doing it low temp for tender isation doing kind of a test with four chunks. Over a five hour period you tested at 123 and four hours. Does that seem like good? Yeah. Have you ever had an experience with big tub? Fish? tenderizing them?

Yeah, well, I'm cooking well, okay. So I mean, the problem with fish and low temp cooking is that usually, for most fish, you cook them for a long time, and but they don't get better. They just get kind of mushy. So they don't care. Yeah, they don't get tender. In other words, like the hardness is still there, but it's just also mushy. There are a couple of fish that can stand long cooking times, like stripers. I know stripers can take long cooking times in circulators. And, and they're one of the few fish I think tastes okay, at higher temperatures like 57 Celsius, which is like 135. So like, you know, like, that's the kind of fish that usually I'll cook a long time. It's also luckily the fish that I usually get in larger sizes like 3640 inch stripers and I cook them hold on, you need to cook them a long time. Because they're tough, you know, you need a quick, long time because they're large. Yeah, right. Because they're large. They also tend to get tough when they're big, but it's good because you're not overcooking them. So if you're cutting something into filets, I don't think there's any reason to cook it for a long time when you cook it through it and you should be done now prove me wrong. Like please you know cook cook it but I find that most fish when cooked for a long time tends to degrade rather rapidly like I don't really like salmon it's cooked more than like 20 minutes or so. You know even in a circuit if I'm doing like a higher thing like if I'm doing like 5050 in change for like a cold poached thing you know what I mean? We're I'm gonna call it back down so I'm gonna cook it through. I still don't you know like it cooked too long. No, unless you go all the way the other side to cannabis and

thinking maybe, you know, maybe it's more along the lines of the stripe. I'm thinking it's definitely more along the lines of the strike for that it would be the salmon. So Right. Yeah, I'll give it a shot and let you know.

I'll tell you the striper can take two striper can take two and a half hours while you're waiting for the Senator to cook through cook like The larger ones that I cook take two and a half, three hours to cook through at 57. And they don't they don't turn to crap. They're fine. So if you need to cook that one, yeah, yeah. So and we'll also fry the outside but like if I you know if you know, they can take it it will it will work. Alright, cool.

I'll give it a shot. Thanks very much.

Thank you. I love those experiments you do with Eugenia last year. They were awesome. Okay, so I think we answered like Peters question on the on the Well, before we before we go, go back. Like if you're from Minnesota, and you're interested in hunting, you got to get the Bull Moose cookbook, which was a cookbook by a Christian herder back in way back in the day. He owned an outdoor shop and he had a couple of cookbooks. They are wildly inaccurate. He was like crazy. Probably. Probably a misogynist. I don't know. I know. He had some very unjust things to say about Hollywood starlets in his book, but his book is the craziest cookbook. One of the craziest cookbooks I've ever read, complete, nutbag. And like interspersed with like, how to how to, you know, get a tortoise to stick its head out when you cut its head off answers, of course to shove your finger and it's behind. But it's an interesting book to read if you are a hunter and from Minnesota because it's part of your Minnesota hunting heritage. Okay, so on to Lucas who now lives in Nairobi. Hey, longtime listener from Australia, who's living in Nairobi at the moment still lived in Nairobi for a while right now. How long were you there? How long have you never been to Kenya? What right before you never been to Kenya? So this brings up my first question when I got over here a few people told me it's much harder to bake at altitude is this true? Can you describe why altitude might cause difficulty in getting breads and or cakes to rise? I've had little trouble bread comes out different to at home. But to put that down to different quality ingredients. The flour at the start is not the same. So for me use reason items are fine and I haven't tried chemical rising agents yet. Okay, look, as far as I can tell Nairobi is at 1700 95 meters, which is 5889 feet. At that altitude water will boil at 93 Seven Celsius or 200.7 Fahrenheit. Now listen, that is true. And so things that are boiled tend to cook longer, but that's not the biggest deal. The fact of the matter is that also water is going to evaporate at a much more ferocious rate. So things just operate in different ways I would go to the Colorado They have a whole thing on altitude baking and what to do with it and King Arthur Flour actually has an interesting thing because they're a flour company. But the The upshot is that gas bubbles are going to expand more quickly. So you generally use less leavening agent as you go up higher. Also, because things evaporate faster right in the oven, they will because the ovens the temperature of the oven is and the humidity is lower, so the water inside is going to evaporate faster. As that happens, it's going to create more steam much more quickly, right. So things tend to rise more and pop more. It's also harder to get things to boil, etc. So according to Colorado State, high altitude has its most profound effect on the rising time of bread at high altitudes the rising period is shortened since the development of a good flavor and bread partially depends on the length of the rising period, it is well maintained that period punching down the dough twice gives the time for the flavor to develop or perhaps just use less freaking yeast, right? In addition, flowers tend to be drier and less absorb more liquid in high dry climates. Therefore less flour may be needed to make the dough have proper consistency. Right makes sense. Secondly, I've really liked darker sugar and pretty much everything if you're going to add sweetness, why not add flavor at the same time? Says Lucas and I think so as well. I like some textures are not always sometimes if you're adding a darker sugar in place a more refined sugar for example, find muscavado in place of castor or the sweetness levels the same or as more refined sugar sweeter per volume. Keep up the Keep up the good work. Enjoy the show. Cheers, Lucas. All right. Well, volume is so Okay, so on a weight basis. brown sugars are technically a little bit less sweet than sugar because they have non sucrose stuff in them like Ash and other things that are making them brown. Now the most hardcore brown sugar you can get in the Codex Alimentarius, where you looked up with is still 88% Straight sugar, right that's like including the water that's in it and the most molasses the most dark brown and that's high that's higher than any of the actual stats I've read on brands that I could find. So you're looking at something that's roughly the same sweetness as sugar on a weight basis. Now volume basis has a lot to do with density. Now the brown sugar that you buy, you know domino brand brown sugar that we buy here in the States is about the same one to one sweetness as regular refined granulated sugar on a volumetric basis, but it just packed brown sugar but it just happens to be that way if you were to have a sugar of a different density it would be wildly different. So I always recommend going on a weight basis with sugar right weight basis. So the answer is yes and no okay Irene wrote in the same Irene I think deck right from the May May they may may street kitchen there's in fact may may restaurant outside of my house and it's called the new maymay kitchen and I'm assuming I read that yours is of much higher quality than the one outside my house. Dear cookies use crew greetings from my read ready new from Boston, I run a food truck called Mamie street kitchen with my brother Andy, Sister Margaret and the partner Max. We do a bunch we do a bunch of local sourcing whole pigs and the like and we're opening our restaurant later this summer and hope you can come visit us one day. Our staff loves the show and the blog. So thanks for being cool and teaching us lots of cool stuff. Also, congrats on the Kickstarter. We're eagerly awaiting our puff pack and are super happy for you guys. So good supporter right strong. I'll be in Boston actually in early September for a little bit. I might have my dog with me though. So I don't know if you have outdoor seating. My question today is about MSG. We don't use it in our food or at home but we don't mind eating it drives us nuts when people complain about it like Mr. Russia for instance. The number one complaint is our mom who claims she gets headaches and can taste it in the cheap Chinese food we occasionally eat. She is both a doctor and of Chinese descent. So you can imagine that it is a tricky, tricky, tricky topic around the house. We've considered just sneaking it into her food and then surprise attacking her with the truth but I still live in her house so that seems inadvisable? Do you know of any particularly legit or academic scientific work on the MSG myth that we can share with her? She's read a few pop SCI articles and stuff in HuffPo and salon and they didn't really do it for any help as much appreciated. All the best Irene and the main main street kitchen PS sometimes when we're having a bad day, we really listened to your rant about wraps. Thanks for that. It was a good rant actually. Okay, here's what you want, Irene. First of all, look up the article the Chinese restaurant syndrome, an anecdote revisited in 1986 Food and Chemical Toxicology where it describes the history of Chinese restaurants syndrome. In brief. In 1968, Dr. Robert Hillman Kwok recounted a letter to the New England Journal of Medicine his experience of a strain syndrome whenever he ate at Chinese restaurant, he reported his experience one of numbness beginning at the back of the neck radiating to the arms and back and accompanied by weakness and palpitations. He suggested that the cause might be some component of the cooking wine, the high salt content or the northern Chinese food, or the monosodium glutamate that was used. This letter triggered a de luz of similar anecdotes and focused attention on MSG as the causative agent. However, back then it wasn't MSG, it was called Chinese restaurant syndrome. And in fact, I think, you know, a lot of it has to do with the fact that people who are eating stuff that wasn't used, they weren't used to, or if, for instance, they go to a Chinese restaurant and pound all of the stuff without having any rice. It's not salted, they're pounding a boatload of sodium, just my two cents. But here's another interesting from that paper. When the study population was screened to identify those who claim to have heard of Chinese restaurant syndrome, and believe that they knew what it was it was found that those subjects had a rate of reporting CRS type symptoms that was 10 times greater than the general population and an equally greater rate of reporting nonspecific syndrome is presumably from this group of dyspeptic individuals that the majority of Chinese restaurant syndrome anecdotes arise so the nice way of saying in your in your head and I'm not insulting your mom, but it's I'm not insulting your mom here. Don't take it that way.

A lot of papers later that were really there's been a lot of papers and papers that have found that there is a problem have a couple of with with monosodium glutamate, glutamate have a couple of issues. A lot of them are that they don't successfully mask the taste of MSG and the studies that they do. The best paper I know of from an earlier date that kind of disproves really kind of strong kaboom that there's no problem that proves that there's no problem monosodium glutamate is from Dr. Tarasov in 1993, monosodium glutamate, a double blind study and review, which is like baller. They put the monosodium glutamate into gel caps blew the gel caps off did a double blind controlled placebo thing and show it in fact that there's nothing wrong with MSG there's someone who wrote a criticism of their of that article and then he came out here she actually made music she no Dr. Tarasov came out and a with a with a with a rejoinder to that called another case of gluten mania in also in 1993, and I will just read it very quickly because it is intensely awesome. Because it's one of the and I said it before the last time I went off and MSG. It's like you see the scientists like totally dropping the glove and just being like listen, you d bags. Here's what here's where it is. And give this one to your mom have her read it. I'll just look up. Look up another case of gluta mania by Dr. Tarasov Ta ra s o FF I think was 93 Although it might have been a year later so Okay, another case of gluta mania and This is from the article. Ms genes is an amino acid found in all foods and sometimes termed free glutamate or glutamate. All organs in the human body contain MSG as it is found in the bloodstream boom. But the boom is mine. By far the highest levels are found in parts of the brain. The brain is protected from the bloodstream by the blood brain barrier, which is largely impervious to incoming MSG. The brain synthesizes its own glutamate from glucose. This is an excitatory neurotransmitter, namely, you need glutamate to think effect which is worthwhile pondering. Boom, also mine, the brain eliminates its used glutamic acid by conversion to glutamine which can cross the blood brain barrier that is, the brain is a net exporter of MSG. The notions of exogenous and endogenous MSG are only relevant around the blood brain barrier outside they're biologically equivalent. The turnover of MSG in the body is approximately five to 10 grams per hour since it is readily trans emanated to Alpha keto glutamate, which is used in the Krebs cycle for conversion to energy and several organs. Sally, when plasma levels are increased by huge doses of MSG in the absence of food, they returned to basal levels in less than two hours. unrealistically large doses can elicit mild transient sensations such as lightheadedness, stiffness, tightness, weakness of the limbs and warmth and burning of the skin, face or scalp in some subjects. It should be emphasized that such effects are caused by very fast consumption in several minutes. In the absence of food and do not reflect a realistic eating situation. The World Health Organization lifted its numerical limits on the use of MSG in 1987. And more recently, the American Medical Association did not support labeling requirements for food containing free glutamine, MSG, here's it boom, boom boom. MSG is ubiquitous in vegetables and meats as it is in the human body. to comprehend the issues it is easiest to start by considering some foods which do not contain MSG, pure salt and white sugar. The crystal and msg that is added to foods is made by a fermentation process which produces the identical optical isomer found in quote unquote natural foods. Chemically, it is the minor monohydrate of the sodium salt of our two amino penta, penta, PENTA Tani, I can't pronounce it. Pen 10 e di o ik acid, the concentration and tomatoes can be as high as point three 4%. foods containing fermented autolyzed or hydrolyzed proteins contain much higher concentrations of amino acids. These include Parmesan cheese, and equivalent of 1.5%. MSG, soy sauce and equivalent of 1.3% MSG. So boom, the boom boom, boom, boom, boom. I hope that helps with your mom. You think it's gonna help Eddie? Pretty pretty hardcore stuff. Okay. We have to we have time for a couple little bit. One, one. What Jack? Can we stand for comments? Or Joe? No one's there so we could do it if we want. Bang. Alex writes in about pressure cookers. My wife recently gave me a pressure cooker which I've been delightedly using to make delicious recipes. Actually, she claims to have been unduly influenced by unboiled unborn child on the grounds that she would never deliberately give me more kitchen stuff. I've been thrilled with the results so far, but the cooker was, as we shall say, a thrifty purchase. And I'm somewhat dubious that it performs as well as a more robust model model a cocoon recon, specifically, I wonder whether it gets up to the full 15 psi call for by the recipes. Is there any way for me to tell what kind of pressure it gets up to and how to modify these recipes to compensate for this? Thanks. And keep up the good work, Alex. All right, Alex. I feel you man, you got the present from from the wife, so you can't ditch it and get the get the higher quality one. It's alright, listen. Unfortunately, there's no way easy. I don't know what brand you have, if you know, but you can do things like go on cooking issues on our pressure cooker tests and we do eggs at different temperatures for different lengths of time. And you can kind of gauge by the Browning that you get whether or not you're at a full 15 psi or you could borrow someone's pressure cooker and cook like to eat or two eggs in them hard boiled eggs in them for like an hour and check the pressure pressure differences or sweetened condensed milk you can see whether or not they they turn brown like don't say the lady at the same rate. But unless you want to tap into that sucker, I don't know that how you're gonna be able to test the pressure. One thing I'll say most pressure cookers that aren't the Qun recon, they need to be venting act actively for them to be at pressure. So it's not just that little yellow button popping up the indicates pressure. It's actual venting of steam that indicates pressure. But yeah, I know it's tough. It's tough. You got the president. You can't say I love it, honey, but I wish I had the cone recon doesn't work, you know, I mean doesn't work. Okay, James writes quickly about stretchy ice cream. Hey, Dave and Stacia and the booth crew I like that booth crew booth booth. We are the booth crew you know that's I've tried making Dave stretchy potato ice cream when it works. It hits it out of the park destruction is adds to the sensation of creaminess without becoming too sweet. However, anytime I vary the recipe or even occasionally when I follow the cooking issues blog recipe it fails to gain stretch. Have you done any more tests with this? They haven't made it into the blog. Cheers, James. Well, I I've tested it and no I haven't. I've tested it and had it not work when I've used other than I Idaho. You know, other than like russet Burbank style potatoes, I've had it fail with mealy like kind of potatoes from Columbia these potato creos. So I think, you know, I've had it fail when I lead store too long when the potato has been sitting around too long when the starch Retrogrades too much. So I have had to fail, but I haven't done any more research but you know, but let me know exactly what happened because maybe we could work this in and maybe I could find someone who's, I don't know who will work on the problem. Also a good stretchy ice cream is guar and lo and guar and flavor flavor free guar and jellen. That makes a nice stretchy ice cream but doesn't have the potato which I like, I like the potato Hey, I should do more work on it. I'll tell you this. I wasn't able to make it with straight starch. I'll ask Piper I'm sure Piper will think about this crap a lot. Right? That's, that's the kind of thing Piper's gonna sit around. Instead of doing the work that we're supposed to do. He'll do that kind of stuff. Okay. Lastly, we're gonna make it all the way through Johnny writes in about eggs and EC Ripper, Dave Anastasia, Joe and Jack longtime listener first time question asker I love the show, blog and bar. Thanks. And look forward to each new episode. You guys do a tremendous job. Keep up the amazing work. I am an avid home cook. And no matter how many eggs I eat, and I eat a lot me too. Eggs are good. I can't seem to keep bits of shell consistently out of my eggs when I'm cracking them any tips on avoiding this I've gotten better at fishing them out with a shell. It's like a magnet. But we'd like to get good at cracking and without so much carnage. Also, I know it's been covered over and over but can you recommend a particular isI Ripper whip or for rapid infusion for a home cook? All right on eggs. You know what? I really don't know. I haven't studied this very much. I will say that Jack LePen the famous French chef that you know we know hung out with we you know calm Jackie peeps I don't know why sometimes, Jackie peeps, so he always used to say that you want to crack your shells on a flat surface and not on the not on the edge of your bowl. If you want to avoid shells I also noticed that obviously my shell problem is worse when I'm not paying it when I'm when I'm literally like bowl cracking one hand and like breaking them open. That's when I do it. I think a lot has to do frankly with the eggs themselves. Some eggs seem to seem to shell out and throw bits of shell a lot more than other ones do. But I don't know. I mean, what do you think I try the old table crack instead of the bowl crack to

crack you push it to like a China cap as well after you crack. I mean, if you're doing like a scramble, but yeah, if you're doing the selling side up, you're kind of screwed.

You're kind of shafted. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's problematic. I mean, honestly, like the lower quality crappy eggs have that problem. And a really high quality thick egg problems have that for different reasons. One, because the shell just disintegrates in your hand and like falls into the air and the other one because the shell is so damn strong that sometimes a bit of the membrane can come off and go in. I wish I had a good answer on that. But I do have a good one on the ISI for you. So the ISI, people themselves are easy, actually, we've been dealing with who make the whipped cream containers, they they kind of think that you want to use a half liter whip or and for home use a half liter is probably good enough for a bar, I use a leader. The problem is, if you're gonna make a lot of whipped cream, kind of a leader is nice to have. If you're doing infusion rapid infusion recipes, you might have to use two chargers instead of one, when you're doing an A liter versus a half liter if you're not changing the recipe to get the pressure up there. But I really don't think that's that big of a deal. The tricky you might have to change a recipe written for half liter to work in a one liter. But you can definitely work it and if you're at home, the cost of throwing in an extra charger every once in a while isn't big compared to the cost of being not as versatile if you need that one leader to do something, right. So mean if you're in a restaurant, and you're doing it every day, and you're paying out for service was chargers out of quick, but Lee but if you are doing in a home, it's not such a big deal. So if I only could have one, I would probably have a one liter guy. Now listen, didn't mention this came up with a new technique the other day for the ISI Whipper. So in a nutshell, rapid and fusion. Rapid and fusion works this way. You put product in a liquid in an ISI at room temperature, you force the nitrous oxide and the nitrous oxide under pressure forces the liquid into the product, you shake it around the pressure also increases the rate at which things come out of the food and into the porous object into your liquids. You then vent it violently after a couple of minutes and stuff boils out and brings the flavor with it. That's how rapid infusion works rapid nitrous infusion and an EC. Okay, problem is you can't use any C or couldn't use an EC to get the flavors into a product. So for instance, like the cucumber martinis that I made like you know, a billion years ago like you know when I was first starting out in this thing where I used the vacuum machine to suck the air out of the cucumber and then having it underneath gin and and gin and vermouth and a little bit of simple. And then when you let the air back in, boom, the air slams the gin into the cucumber making a awesome looking transparent kind of Cucumber Martini that doesn't work in an ISI because the stuff boiling back out of the cucumber makes it look not right and it doesn't have as much of an infusion so you can't do nice flash pickling in the ISI and have those beautiful results. I figured out a way to do it. Here's what you do. Here's the new technique called I don't know what I'm gonna call it like ECE flash pickling or something like that. What you do is you put the cucumber and the gin vermouth little bit of simple salt in a sandwich sized Ziploc bag, right. I cut them into planks right then you roll a roll three of those sandwich ziplock bags with the with the alcohol in them and I don't need much. So for 200 grams of planks or for 150 or 180 grams of cucumber planks I use about 200 and change a mils of this mixture right? In the ziplock bags. You do it just like low temperature, zip locks, you put your finger in it, you dip it under the water to get the air out so it's only cucumbers and gin mixture in those ziplock bag, roll it up, stick it into your ISI, fill it up to the fill line with water, close it, put a charger on it agitated, you know a little bit just a little bit you don't need to do it a lot. And then let's sit for two minutes like that now slow. Now what's happening is is that you've used the pressure from the from the nitrous or carbon dioxide doesn't matter in this case, to force the liquid, it's in the bag into the pores of the cucumber, right? There's still a little bit little gas bubbles because they're crushed in there. So you're going to lose some of the infusion when you vent but not as much as you would if you were actually injecting nitrous into the cucumbers themselves. You then want to slowly vent the thing up to up to atmosphere after about two minutes. Now if you were gonna don't remove it, although if you did, you'd look at it you'd see there's still air bubbles coming out of the cucumber just because the cucumber doesn't know what the hell's happened so for the next five minutes or so, you're gonna see little tiny air bubbles coming up out of the cucumber into the gin liquid so you're gonna let it sit in the in the in the whip or for five minutes. Then add one more charger let it sit for another two minutes vent very slowly and when you take the stuff out Oh flash pickle that NIC and NEC Whipper cooking issues Yeah.

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