Cooking Issues Transcript

Episode 34: Stand Up!

Hello, everybody, and welcome to a brand new series on heritage radio network called the culinary call sheet where we give a peek into the back kitchen of culinary media. I'm your host, April Jones,

and I'm your co host, Darren bresnitz. Part of why we started the show was to offer an unofficial mentorship for anyone who's interested in learning about all aspects of food and video, whether that's TV, social media online, or just something you want to do for fun.

Absolutely what was once niche or a little silly, as I'm sure you remember, Darren, when we started out, this man has now become such a massive playing field for so many creatives using food as the medium.

It's something that has driven us professionally and personally, for so many years. What excites me the most about this show is that we're going to sit down with some of the industry leaders to hear how they made it and what drew them into this industry.

With 20 years in the culinary production game ourselves. We're hoping we can give through these conversations an insider's view into personal stories from the field, as well as an in depth behind the scenes look into some of the most popular food programming. In today's evolving culinary media landscape.

We'll be covering everything from how to style your food, to how to license IP, to developing your own ideas, and some tips from the masters of how to host your own show.

Yeah, it's a little bit of conversation, how to and how do you do the things that you do in color media, which I'm so excited about? I love so many of the guests that are coming on this season. We have talent from Food Network from Vice media eater refinery 29,

we've met some of the best people in the world both in front of and behind the camera. And we're bringing them all together to share their stories, their delicious adventure and their unique journey into this crazy world.

So to be the first to hear our episodes when they launched this fall, go to wherever podcasts are streaming and hit subscribe and make sure to give us a follow at the Culinary call sheet on Instagram.

Hello, and welcome to cooking issues. I'm Dave Arnold, your host of cooking issues here with Miss Dasha hammer Lopez in our studio in Bushwick, Brooklyn behind Roberta's pizzeria, coming to you live today as we should be doing every Tuesday from 12 to 1245. Colin all of your questions to 718-497-2128 That's 718-497-2128 Today's show is brought to you by the Hearst ranch. Hearst Ranch is the nation's sorry, Hearst Ranch is the nation's largest single source supplier of free range all natural grass fed and grass finished beef since 1865. The Hearst family has raised cattle on their rich, sustainable native grasslands with the Central California coast. The result is beef with extraordinary flavor that is memorable and natural as the surrounding landscape. For more information go to www dot Hearst That's www dot Hearst ranch one We've had their beef right and Stacia, we enjoy it. Later on, I'm going to give a shout out to some of our other sponsors on previous shows because they were also sponsors of the amazing event for the museum of food and drink that we just finished on Sunday. And stache and I are still recovering. But we'll we'll get to that probably a little later in the show. We'll take some questions first it came in on the emails. Okay. Crispy writes in and says I was hoping you could help with a question when I'm making breads, pizza dose etc. I sometimes like to replace about half the white flour with whole wheat flour, but the dough tends to be dry. Is there a standard ratio of extra fat or liquid that needed a needs to be used when using whole wheat flour? Thanks for the help Chris spear okay. And this is a problem I think that we all run into a lot when we're using whole grain items. There's actually several problems that happen one, the dote the breads tend to be drier, that's true. Same with things like pancakes and muffins, things tend to be drier. The second problem is you tend to have reduced volume. So they're, they're denser, so they're denser and drier, and also more crumbly. These are three things that we in general don't enjoy in our breads and pizza dough is correct, correct? Correct. So So what's the problem here the problem is in whole wheat flour, you get the brand, and also the germ actually in holy flour. Now the germ actually helps out a bit in some ways because it provides oil The reason a lot of oils added to whole wheat recipes, oils and fats is because it tends to soften fats in general tend to soften the texture of breads, so they feel softer, they don't feel as dry just by adding oil so you can add that stuff at your discretion. But the other really good thing you can do to make up for two things that you can do to make up for lack of volume and also for dryness is to take the whole wheat portion because he is going to take about half and half whole wheat and why You know, white flour is to take the whole wheat flour and hydrate it in all the liquid first and let it sit there for a long time that what happens is, is that even though that a good chunk of the brand of the fiber in brand is not soluble, ie that it's not going to dissolve in water. There is a bunch of stuff in there that is soluble in water, we'll hydrate but need some time to do it. And the more other stuff you have, the more like the rest of the white flowers there when the liquid is present, the less water is going to be available to soak into the whole wheat portion. So you should always do with whole wheat products and, and I do this with pancakes. For instance, my pancakes at home are well over half non non white flour, I throw in wheat germ, I throw in a good bit of like oatmeal and I throw in a bunch of cornmeal, a bunch of other things like this, and whole whole whole grain. And I add all of the buttermilk at the very outset along with the eggs because they're liquid ingredients. And then I let them soak for minutes at a time in a very high liquid environment. And this helps hydrate them and prevents it from being dry. That you know that should also improve your improve that the not only the moistness, but also the volume somewhat. The other thing is is that you're going to tend to want to add a little bit more liquid when you have a high fiber product because the the dough is going to probably take on more liquid. One source I read which is the wheat flour and the high fiber ingredient handbooks from the Egan press series and I highly recommend the Eagan press series to all of the people out there. It's a very, very easy to read very short, not so expensive books on technical issues such as hydrocolloid starches, high fiber ingredients, wheat flour, emulsifiers, very good stuff mean, you can skip the coloring book, because most of us aren't adding a lot of food coloring things, at least I don't. But you can, you can either buy these books for like 68 bucks or something a pop, or it used to be, and I'm sure there probably still is if you go to the American Association of serial chemists website, you can sniff around there, it takes a while because they bury it, you can buy a subscription to get online versions of all of these books, which you can then download. And back when I did it, it was 99 bucks, it's probably more you get a year subscription to their website and I downloaded all of their books, I own them all on PDF, and they're they're chilling happily on my iPad where I can peruse them at my leisure. Anyway, those are the sources I went to. So you should pre soak out a little more water. And if you're dealing with a bread and you've gotten rid of the dryness problem by the pre soaking, add a little more water adding oil at your discretion, you can further increase the volume of it which is going to decrease your perception of it being crumbling and whatnot by adding a little bit of vital wheat gluten. If you add a little bit of that it'll counteract some of the problems you have. There's two things that go on when you add a high fiber, brand laden things to breads, one. In terms of gluten one, there's less overall gluten because the flour that you've added instead of adding flour that has whatever percentage gluten it is you've added a bunch of brand which has 0% gluten. Second thing that happens is that the brand and the fibers actually inhibit the formation of the gluten network. So what gluten is there is actually weakened. So you end up with a with a very low air holding capacity compared to white flour. And one of the ways to counteract that is to you're going to probably have to develop it longer. That means makes it more by and you're probably also going to have to add a little bit of wheat gluten if you want to jack that that loaf back up to where where it used to be. All right. How's that? Was that? How's that? Okay, that was good. All right, see back on track after last week's nonlife although I know last week, we did the we did Nathan Myhrvold, you know, Nathan Myhrvold amazing, you know, 8 million page book that weighs 35,000 pounds and costs like 600 bucks. So you get it on Amazon for 40 or $50. Anyway, so he's doing his like, he's doing his press junket thing. And so we had to do one on Tuesday, or he basically did. We did. What was it? Prosecco and clarify grapefruit juice, it was carbonated, and we showed the glasses of liquid nitrogen. So that's why we couldn't be here last week on Tuesday. So unfortunately, even though we had like our heavy hitting guests, Harold McGee online, it was on Monday. So not a lot of you, I think got the call. And so I'm, I'm sad about that. But anyway, so we're back on our normal time today. Thank goodness. Okay. Got a question in saying I saw this instruction David starts I saw this pigs stuff pig trotter on ideas and food blog. It looks incredible. And I will read the description that ideas and food by the way, there are friends Alex Talbot, Mackey, over ideas and food and they're probably the best known blog on kind of modern techniques and high tech cooking right when you say so. Yeah, I saw him last week at an event also another one is Nathan Myhrvold events at John George restaurant. And it was funny ideas and food also has a cookbook out now. I think it's doing doing fairly well. But the funny part was this. I think it retails for like 20 bucks and it's on Amazon for like 14 bucks, right? So I see Alex and I get Hey how's the cookbook doing? And he was upset that I didn't have a copy yet. So I think he's sending us one which is nice but he said yeah um if you go to buy the Modernist Cuisine cookbook the $450 Cookbook they they give you his book for like five bucks like if you buy it together it's like five bucks extra to get Alex Talbots book. So here's a word out to you guys. Anyone out there buying the Modernist Cuisine please do Alex Talbot a favor and clicking the extra five bucks to get his book along with it. So Alex Nathan Myhrvold and I had a good long laugh about this and Alex and I were joking that we're just going to take a sharpie to his entire stack of books and rights seven as like the seventh volume of

shipping a long way away. It's only five bucks extra you know, it's really a drop in the bucket. Let's like pissing in the ocean to raise the tide, you know, an extra five bucks anyways, go out and buy Alex's book. So here's what they ask snackies book I should say apologize. Here's where it says picture here is the rear Trotter from the pig. The force meat is flavored with Ross Island in an exotic neurotic spice blend. We added meat from the shoulder knuckles and ankles. And just for that extra special something a few flog raw pieces, we added a touch of Aktiva that's meat glue for all of you non meat glue people out there as insurance to bind everything together. Unfortunately, our finished charter was too large for our vacuum bag. So he divided into two pieces. This allowed us to present the whole foot and fortuitously gave us another piece to enjoy a seconds. Okay, so stuffed pig shorter. Right? The most famous Oh, sorry. And the question about this was he saw it and he wants to know how long to cook it and at what temperature if he's going to do it low temperature? And he says somewhere in the area of 60 to 65 degrees Celsius for 48 to 72 hours and do I have any advice? I think your numbers are good. I don't think you're going to 60 to 65 Celsius in other words I think are good I would do something between 60 and 63 Celsius myself 60 to 63 I don't think you're going to need to cook it for 48 to 72 hours. And here's why. I think a lot depends on on what size pieces of meat you put into it. The classic pig Schroeder that you know I grew up knowing about is a delicacy a New Year's Eve New Year's Eve delicacy from Modena, Italy called Simponi and Simponi what they do is they they take a pig trotter and you burn it completely out. Take out all the meat and take off the toenails. And you do it by of slowly turning the skin of the pig's foot inside out and removing the the bones meat and you know all of the connective tissue stuff as you go so that you basically have the pig's foot as a glove almost right? You then take that Zen punt the pig's foot that's been totally denuded, right, do that raw, by the way, otherwise, the pigskin is going to be too fragile, it's going to break apart on you and take that raw, and then stuff it with a mix that that the sausage is called cut the quinoa if you just have the meat by itself without the pig's foot is called cotechino. And then you that's typically cooked, boiled and then served with lentils on New Year's lentils for love because it represents money. So the problem with doing this in the US is that the pigs trotters are slit typically when they when they get the pigs that pigs trotters are slit, and so they don't hold the filling as well. But if you have meat glue, you can kind of fix all these problems. And if you look in a Chinese butcher shop, you can get pig's feet that haven't been slit like the regular American style and you can make a good Simponi. As long as the meat is finely divided. You don't need to cook it that long. The length of cooking time really is to gelatinous, the starch in the in the pig's foot. And so you can do it by feeling how long it's taking the the gelatin, the collagen, and the pig's foot to break down because the meat on the inside is finely chopped is not going to be that much of a problem. So I don't think it should take as long as 72 hours but you can give it a try. I would just as a test before you went through the whole thing. Just throw a piece of pigskin into a bag and test how long it takes for it to get to the texture you want. And that's going to give you a good idea but go research Zim ponies cook for a long time, like they boil for like like two to four hours. So at simmering temperatures, so give it a shot, and I think it'd be delicious in a bad because you wouldn't be leeching the flavor out to the broth. Anyway, I hear we have a caller. Caller you are on the air. Hello, howdy.

This is Michael Madsen. I have a question for you about thermalization in a pressure cooker. All righty. So I got to see Nathan Myhrvold speak a few times lately, and I haven't gotten to look at the book yet. But he gave sort of a partial recipe for making a caramelized root vegetable soup and the pressure cooker where you don't add any water at all right? You chop up some carrots, you throw them in a pressure cooker cooker high pressure for 30 minutes and they come out. Very smooth, easy to puree and caramelized and it works great. It's delicious, but I don't understand why it's working.

Right here first we just caramelized right now.

That's right. He refers to it as carmelized and I wouldn't think there's enough protein and carrots to do my reactions, but maybe I'm wrong about that.

As interesting. I saw him speak a couple times I had to dish and when you get to John George, which event were you at?

No I was at the Book Launch in Seattle. And also he came to speak at my work a couple of times,

right? That's an interesting question. Because, like you, I wouldn't consider. I've done some experiments with caramelization in pressure cookers, but most of them were done in very high concentration sugar syrups, right. So I would throw fruits into high concentration, sugar syrup, and then pressure cook those and got definite caramel, like caramel flavors like, and this and that. And I did this because I did some experiments with durian removing kind of the stench from durian. And one time, a bunch of the juices went to the bottom of the of the pressure cooker, and we're at the exact proper temperature to form a caramel without burning. And then we've never never ever able to reproduce it, unfortunately. But then I started doing like caramelized bananas and other caramelized fruits and high sugar syrups. I don't know why you would get caramelized flavor and a non unique look. As we both know, you need a high enough temperature to inlet unless unless caramelization happens at lower temperatures under pressure, which is possible.

Right. So I was wondering if that could be the case. And then the other thing I had noticed is that fructose caramelizes at a lower temperature, there's some fructose in carrots, so that could be a possibility.

Right. And you and I don't know, does he add acid to the recipe? In which case, you

know, you don't have anything at all? Yeah. And, and it really, you know, it definitely has a clear caramelized flavor. And then the other the other question I had about that, because I put this recipe on my website, you know, with the various things that I put in to make it a nice little moose boosh, and people are concerned about the safety now, I didn't have any problems at all in my electric cooker. But that's temperature regulated. And I got a little concern. Well, if I tell somebody to do this on a stovetop pressure cooker, without any liquid how to is there. Is there any risk that's being created there?

Well, okay. Oh, you know what, that's also maybe true, you're gonna get localized much higher temperatures. Yeah. Right. Another possibility. Yeah. I mean, you won't in an electric but in a in a gas. You will I asked him. I was in one of the dinners in Seattle. I personally asked him about this. I said, Will this work in a gas fired pressure cooker on the stove? And he said, Yes. I looked around at the pressure cookers that he uses. He has an American canner, one of the big ones, although I doubt he uses this for that recipe because it takes so longer for the flung flows to grip the pressure. I think he has a he has a bunch of lying around. I'm sure he's got some cool MRI cones because they're awesome. And he can afford it. You know? It's an interesting question, I don't think it's going to be a safety issue. Because there's no, there's no safety issue, because the worst is going to happen is you're going to scorch the heck out of your out of your vegetables. Right? Right. And because what will happen is, is that the only danger really in a pressure cooker is that you're going to build up pressure and the pressure relief valves are going to continue to work no matter what. And there's three different over pressures on that thing. The the gaskets themselves are good, up to about 500. And so degrees, so the plastic will be melting off of the unit before the gaskets go on you. And even if the gaskets were going to melt, like they're not made out of Viton or something that's going to decompose into a toxic deadly gas. So if we, if any one of those things weren't true, like if for some reason, someone decided to move to Viton seals, you know, I don't know if they had an excess of money in the lack of good sense. Like there might be a safety issue. But I think you could basically just melt the pot down on the stove without without too much of a safety issue. But I'm, you've now I don't know, why wasn't observant enough to ask that question. At the time. I myself don't own a copy of the book, there is one of the schools so I can go go look at it. Unfortunately, right now, as I'm sure if you've heard him speak, there's a dearth of the books in the country. You know, they're, you know, he likes to say they're literally like, they're literally on a boat, you know, on a slow boat from China, like, quite like now

I have my my order. I keep looking at Amazon waiting for them. You know, my dad keeps moving out.

Right. I mean, he donated, he donate a book to the museum's auction that we had. And he's like, but you know, I'll donate it, but you're not going to have it there live because they just don't they don't exist. You know, it's kind of like, it's unbelievable. I think he's actually going to make money off this

thing. I know. I know. Well, they've already, you know, started a second printing. So that's pretty incredible.

Yeah, a second printing of $25,000 money. Yep. Unfortunately, the paper they're printing on the first paper was Japanese. And they were not able to reach the company on the phone after the tsunami. And so they went with a Chinese paper the second time around. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, thanks for coming. And we hope to hear from you again soon. Okay, thanks. All right. So I guess we should go to our first commercial break. This is cooking issues, calling all your questions to 718-497-2128 That's 718-497-2128 cooking issues.

You want to set the crawls for you, Ben? All right all the things you want Oh real complete you been much too long. In your right hand stand there's a midget standing tall, and the giant beside him

following is a public service announcement from Heritage Radio Network every Sunday at 4:30pm Tune into burning down the house. Architecture is the laser focus of burning Government House and weekly discourse on all things built, destroyed, admired and despised. Each week, Curtis Dewayne your host invites a posse of authors, critics, builders, designers and other architecture themes to reflect on various topics related to perhaps the most functional of all art forms. Again, that's every Sunday at 4:30pm on the heritage Radio Network.

Welcome back to Cooking issues call in your questions to 718497 to 128. That's 718-497-2128 Stand. There's a midget standing tall and a giant beside him about to fall I've not heard that song in a long time. But that is one hardcore butt kicking tune. It's kind of a in my head. There's a race between at their funkiest kind of who's the funkiest human of all times. And sometimes, I think it's slightly the Family Stone. Sometimes I think it's James Brown. And sometimes I think it's Stevie Wonder. And then every once in a while, when I'm in a special, weird mood, I'll crank up the house quake and think Prince might be one of the funkiest human beings of all time. I'm forgetting parliament on my brains. My brain is all messed up today. Anyway, I appreciate the Sly and the Family Stone. Before I leave the pig trotter entirely. I didn't completely answer the question. There was more more stuff. Any other things to keep in mind? Do you think I need transglutaminase? Or will the Trotter hold together well enough on its own? Thank you. And we rock apparently study, which I did not know, which I'm glad to hear. And he was also digging the hall notes. But Anastasia decided they're going to switch it up. So we had two weeks of Hall notes. And now we're going to we're going to slide the Family Stone this week. I don't think you're going to need to transglutaminase if you use a ground meat that's been bound by mixing it with salt like you wouldn't traditional sausage. Unless there's a lot of damage to the actual skin of the pig's trotter itself. If you're using large chunks of meat as they did in the ideas and food picture, then I think a little Aktiva meat glue would help bind the thing together, I think just the fact that you're going to put it into a vacuum bag or if you don't have a vacuum bag, roll it in plastic is going to also help keep it together while it's poaching. And so I don't think you're you're going to have too much of a problem. But hey, it couldn't wait. Especially if you're going to do any sort of post searing to it to you know, that crisp up the outside skin, which I don't think it's actually traditional, is it? You don't understand pony? I don't know. I don't know whether you traditionally would do. So I've only ever done it in my house. I've never had it out. You know what I mean? I've only ever made it myself. Anyway, so I hope that I've almost forgot to finish asking that question. Okay. Now, we have another question. And I probably shouldn't say this one for last because it's it's got some gross stuff in it. So me my answer has some gross stuff in it. I work for a French chef who says you cannot digest tomato skins. He claims they pass undigested through your digestive tract. Can you please look into this. Mike, PS you met this is referring to the blog. Now, PS, you may as well remove the forums that has been taken over by spam bots, and you ignore the posted questions. Okay, I'm first going to answer the PS on that, Mike, we are aware of the problem of the spam bots. And I am personally aware of my non responsiveness problem. As for the spam bots, we are we're basically trying to get to a position where we can have our webmaster give control of the forums to a few of our trusted members like Barzilay and whatnot. And I want them to clean it up. I want the forums to stay alive. It's hard for me to check all that stuff. It's recently because of all the stuff we've been working on hard enough for me to time in a timely fashion answer all the blog questions which I'm pledged to do, I will eventually answer For every single question posted on the blog, but the forum's getting tough to me, I hope to keep them useful and eradicate the spam bots. And to that end, we are going to give control of those forums to some of the loyal forum folks. We're just waiting for our webmaster to get back from his vacation with his not vacation from work. Plus, he's got a new baby. And, and so anyway, we're on it and we apologize. As for the second question, I think we might have a call and so I might answer the second part of the question later. Is that true Jack? Do we have a call? No, no. Okay, so I will answer that question. It is true that tomato skins can pass undigested through your digestive tract. There's two main kinds of fiber that we have right there's insoluble fiber and soluble fiber soluble fiber things like pectin that go through, they go through you know the a lot of your digestive tract on undigested but then get digested by bacteria because they're water soluble in your in your large intestine. And that's things like pectin, right? Then there's a insoluble fiber that's basically not water soluble at all and doesn't get damaged by bacteria and basically pass through your intestine on undigested will say, right, and there's a lot of insoluble fiber in tomatoes like so some things that are insoluble fiber are Hemi cellulose, and lignin. So tomato skins have a lot of that in it. And I was checking basically. Well, we have a color or I'll come back and finish this question because it's going to take a while caller you're on the air.

Hi, Dave. Just a quick question. I just recently learned about salt risen bread. Salt. Yeah, apparently it's bacterial action that lemons that or something. But it made me think about add another question. What, how come there's such a difference between like soda breads, you know, chemically living breads and yeast breads like the spreads are more? Is that just the gluten information? From the Easter? I mean,

the funds are fundamentally different, right? So a yeast a yeast one the volume is, is provided by the the aeration of the yeast that happens inside of an already formed network with gluten, right? Where's the quick where's the quick bread? You can is not gluten dependent. It's not relying on gluten. For for its structure. I mean, it helps obviously, right? And toughens it. But yeah, they're fundamentally different. finish out your finish out your question there. I was just that was just a music in my head.

So there's just less gluten formation with chemically live and, or I mean, because I mean, youth breads, it's like, almost stream chewy, you know, when you pull them apart, but soda bread, they just crumble, you know, there's not that. Right? I don't know.

Right? I mean, look, it's certainly possible to do yeast. So for instance, it's not the yeast itself. So when you take Well, alright, there's, there's a bunch of stuff going on. If it's only yeast, you're not going to probably get that much of a pH change. If you if you're yeast plus bacteria, you're going to get a radical pH shift, which is going to also affect the gluten make it slack if that sourdough II kind of texture, right. So if you ever made you ever made overnight yeast pancakes? No, yeah. So you'd make like a regular pancake batter, you add yeast and you let the thing go overnight. And then in the morning, you also usually add a secondary leavener and you make it and it's got that great yeasty taste, but it still basically has the texture of a pancake, but it is more like a crumpet at that point. It's got that weird kind of bubbly everything in it. So I mean, they're fundamentally different. And then a quick a yeast. leavened bread right relies on either a gluten formation gluten network or some sort of other air trapping network like Penta Czanne's in a rye bread, something like that, right? It's relying on a structure to hold the air because the air is being produced whether or not the error the co2 really is being produced over a long period of time pre baking, whereas the chemical 11 breads are relying on it on a quick source of variation that happens at or close to the time of baking either either through an acid base reaction or through the heat decomposition of the product into into you know, salts and co2. So for instance, you could probably add a chemical leavener to a I've never done it though to a gluten raise me to a high gluten thing to see what happens but I think it's just fundamentally a difference in dose structure. Okay, that makes sense. Very cool. You think Do you think I'm right? Someone will call it if I'm not right. Someone will call in and I've never made a salt salt rising bread ever tried it? I tried

it Yeah, that's it was also kind of currently like, you know, set of bread and stuff. That's but yeah, I was just wondering if you had any knowledge or experience on that because

there was a technique was it was it was it needed a lot or no,

no idea. I just, I mean, I saw it at this festival and I I have a low son. I tried it. I'm like, well, that's interesting. And Wikipedia did. And that's about it.

All right, so, so Natasha put that on our list of things to you not something I wish McGee I'm sure has tried that a bunch of times. And so we'll, we'll we'll try to look into if my memory serves me, which is doing less and less these days. I will. Yes, tomorrow's my 40th birthday. So my brain is starting to fester. Happy.

Happy birthday.

Thanks. Thanks. So yeah, so next time I speak to Mickey, I'm going to try and get him on that. And we'll try to include that on our list of things to research. Yeah, I

meant to call you last week. Sorry about that. No

problem. No problem. Yeah. Because, you know, we actually get a lot of a lot of our interesting ideas come out of questions like this. So we're definitely gonna look into it. Thanks. Thanks so much for the call. No problem. All right. Now, back to tomato skins. So I forget where I left off. So there might be some overlap. So there's a lot of a Hemi cellulose and things like that Hemi cellulose, and lignin being two of the primary insoluble fibers and they pass through your system relatively unscathed, especially if they're not masticated, ie chewed or blended. Right. So yes, you can see tomato skins in in your poop, but they, they're not in any way. They're not in any way harmful. I looked up unfortunately, my the person who's Internet access to all of the good scientific journals that I've been stealing for years, their password changed, and I haven't been able to get the new password yet. So I'm, I'm, I'm kind of out in the dark as regards my usual ability to research things on the internet. It's kind of pathetic. I'm 40 years old, and I'm stealing somebody's password to get to to scholarly articles. It's kind of like the equivalent of living in my mom's basement. But no offense to anyone living in their mom's basement offense. But and well, Natasha says offense, I don't anyway, so but one of the articles I was able to find was changing the bioavailability bioavailability of the proteins in tomato processing wastes from 1996 that point to the fact that the tomato, tomato pulp, tomato skin and seeds are relatively undigestible and relatively new one by Ian came out in 2010. By Garcia Herrera that where they measured it they said there's a relatively high percentage of insoluble fibers in tomato, peel tomato skin. And so yeah, it's gonna pass through. Now here's the problem. There's a bunch of people out there and this is what you if you search tomato skin, you're going to come up on this website called cure zone. And what a good chunk of people on cure and I don't know anything about the cure zone people so if you guys are curious on people you want to call and tell me what it's all about tell me but it seems like a bunch of people that I saw, who are obsessed with their poop. So what they do is is they'll take some sort of like colon blow, you know, cleanse situation, and then they'll examine their poop in detail to see what kind of went through it. And a lot of these guys are petrified of this parasite called Akina stoma, Rick curve Ricker vitrum, which apparently looks it's a it's a fluke a worm, and it looks a whole hell of a lot like a tomato skin. But everyone thinks that they have this and they're backed up by a lot of research amongst the same people, but not a whole lot of medical doctors calling in right so it's like people like Natasha here who have what have you self diagnose yourself with recently? everything right? But you don't remember because like, every day she comes in, she's like, my nose is gonna fall off and the next week, I'm sure that anyway, there seems to be a whole lot of self diagnosis of this. Akina stoma fluke, and what most of the people I think, who are saying it, like don't live anywhere near a place where you would get it, for instance, in certain places in Asia and things like that. So I would assume that if you're looking at your poops, it's tomato skins, and not and not worms, because there's a whole lot of things that can pass through your system undigested, especially if you're taking something like colon blow, which, which decreases transit time. That's the polite way of saying all this stuff. If you decrease transit time, the by the way, there's an incredibly cute little girl who's like putting her face into the window as we're, as we're speaking here. Anything that you can do to decrease the transit time means you're gonna digest this stuff even less and it's going to come out looking more and more whole Gross, gross. All right, we're gonna do our second commercial break call on your questions to 718-497-2128 That's 718-497-2128 Sorry to gross you out cooking issues. Thank you

Oh yeah Welcome back to Cooking new shoes boom laka laka laka boom locka locka locka that is a good song.

I wish the listeners could have seen Dave bouncing on the chair and she is standing still there

to go back to to go back to yes you know yes that's true bouncing up and down but it goes back to the gross stuff we were talking about just before the break that song The reason I liked that song so much besides from the the severe butt kicking that it gives everyone is the bass trombone and that thing which just really fills out the bottom end of that song and like you know that kind of song when you play it loud enough it's like it's a a a button rumbling thing so it fits with that fits with the with the theme, like the other side. Why stand up in the middle standing tall giant about beside him above the floor? I think so the great one of the greatest lines of all time. When I would slide fence. I wonder which slide is up to these days. I hear he's a producer now. He was in prison for a while. Singing backup for Elton John. Come on. Really? Natasha just having seen Elton John in concert. Okay, so here's an update. We talked about radiating corn with atomic weapons and also the corn mutations and trunk and corn. So a friend actually of mustaches from childhood named dev wrote in and said he hopes all's well which it is. He just stumbled onto our podcast last week. And he's a biochemistry nerd, and he thinks he has a partial answer for my corn question about using radiation to get sweet corn. Radiation treatment is a common way to do a mutagenic screen. And this was one of the methods that Nobel laureate Barbara McClintock was able to discover us to discover mobile genetic elements transpose ons. These transposons are why corn kernels have such heterogeneous, heterogeneous kernel code colorings. Not each kernel is an exact genetic copy of the entire plant, as far as whether it was used for shrunken two, which is the the gene that helps super sweet corn be super sweet. In particular, I don't know it is possible. That strain seems to have been around since the 40s. I think late late 40s, early 50s, I have to re research my stuff. But it may have been an existing strain and was just first described in the literature. That way, the biochemistry of that strain is pretty interesting, too. But I can tell you about that later, which I hope you do. He does have a question for us. Not so much a question but a dare. You've done inhibitors of sweetness and sour turning into sweet that's miraculous and the sweetness inhibitors gymnemic acid, which you can actually buy turns out in air Vedic shops, you don't need to go to Earth like online herb shops, you can go into Colombians or the dual spice specialty shop here in New York and buy anemia Silvestri, and take it and obliterate your sweetness. You can look it up on our blog, we have a post on it. You should do bitter inhibitors bitter blockers. I know these are additives to some medicines to make them go down better give it a try. And he hopes to hear from us. Well, we actually have tried it. But we tried it as part of someone else's experiment. Frances lamb on was a Right that was on Yeah, on Funny article, that's hilarious. You should everyone should go right now after they listen to us Don't leave right now to Francis lamb, who's we liked him a lot good writer on And he was doing a bitter blocker test adenosine monophosphate. And he brought it in and we tested it with a bunch of different products that were bitter to see how they affected it. And they were all affected too. They were affected to greater or lesser degrees. And I think part of the problem with bitter blockers is that unlike sour and sweet, where we have basically you know, one or a few receptors, right? There are like over 50 kinds of receptors for bitterness and so I doubt that there's necessarily going to be a broad band bitter blocker that's going to knock everything down the way that you can literally obliterate your sense of sweetness which anemic acid we were not able to completely obliterate obliterate the bitterness of things like coffee, what else we'd have chocolate, although we beer, although we were able to affect them. It also the bitter blocker that we use the adenosine monophosphate seem to be much more dose and time dependent and also seem to increase as you took more and more of it. Then we took much more than the recommended daily allowance so that stuff but seemed much more dependent on those kinds of factors then gymnemic acid which just it's like boneheads simple you take it everything's gone or miraculous you know the where you take it and you know it definitely has an effect no matter what the sour thing is that you're adding has an effect. So we have experimented with it, but I didn't feel it was right to write about it since it was Francis's thing and his article is far more hilarious than anything I could have said about it. Brasky writes in I'm not smart enough to actually make this into a question. I'm sure you are. You know, he's being humble here. But and this came in one thing it's a girl. She it's a she I think it's a she Well, I'm sure she's smart enough. Brasky sounds like I was thinking of as a first name. It sounds like the first Yeah, right. Yeah. Okay, it's the last name Okay. came in yesterday but too late for Harold and I to get a hold of. Do you have any suggestions for improving beef at home? Is there a way to uncork beef it's gone flabby and purple. My friend is a grass fed beef farmer getaway farm in Nova Scotia. And while the beef is quite good, I often think it would be best if grain finish, but he says it's really hard on the cows stomachs and removes most of the healthiness of grass fed beef. And there she or he is she Oh, that is a huge fan of our work. Good. Here's, here's the deal. It is hard on the cow's stomach over long periods, but there's no question that it does fatten them up quickly, which tenderizes them. As for the healthiness, I'm not sure. I'm not sure I'm a believer in any health claim on beef, either pro or anti. I eat beef because I really like it a lot. grain fed beef tends not to need as much aging to get it to be tender, because usually it's more inherently tender, because it's just been fattened up with grain. Now if it's gone flabby and purple, I'm assuming that it's being aged in a in a cryo bag and you should be able wet aged. If it's going purple, in which case, you should be able to get it back in fairly good shape, just by getting it out of the bag and letting it dry out. Because regular dry aging right has two different processes one, the purple, this is probably coming from a lack of oxygen from being inside of the bag, right? That's what purples comes from usually. So the flabbiness could be because the moisture has been staying in there too long, he has too much moisture in there. So dry aging does two things. One, it tenderizes the meat by having enzymes continue to act on the meat and thereby break down the proteins right and to it tends to dry out the meat a slightly which increases the flavor because what's being removed as water which is relatively flavorless. So in general, I think grass fed beef in order to be really delicious, should be age dry age preferably. And then the challenge becomes with dry aging grass fed beef that it typically doesn't have a large fat cap on the outside because it hasn't been finished with grain. And if you ate something that doesn't have a large fat cap on the outside, it tends to lose moisture too quickly and you lose a lot of the meat on the outside, which then is a is a problem with cost. And also a problem with well, it's mainly a problem with cost because the fat keeps the moisture in and allows the enzymes to work for a long time without a radical amount of moisture loss. That said, you know, that whether you want grass fed or you want grain fed is largely a matter of taste. I know some people who really just love the taste of grain fed beef. And you know, they're not too concerned about what it's going to do to the cow's stomach since they're about to take a captive bolt gun and shoot it in the head anyway. Was that callous? Well, that's the truth. You people need to realize we're killing animals, we're eating meat. Anyway, I hope that at least somewhat answers the question. Okay, and I think we've taken care of all the mailing questions, which means we can use the last portion of this show to enlist there's a caller at 71849721287184972128 Unless there's a question we can spend the rest of the time talking about our awesome fundraiser that we had on Sunday, right? Yeah. We kicked ass. Yeah, but you know, I don't think you'd like to see that on the air. But yes, we didn't know I realized if Peter can use it, we can. Yeah, so look, don't take our word for how awesome it was. Go on. go to timeout New York did Food Wine, put anything up on their blog anything? So Daniel grits or anyway? So heritage foods, right. Our parent here was one of the sponsors as was Pernod Ricard, who gave us all the booze and the barter house, which is one of our you know, the fine people behind the wine Bouza which you should all go by. They gave us a bunch of good wine patlak Frieda gave us the meat was at Del Posto the French culinary. You're gonna go to our website soon and see all of the all of the sponsors and like a complete rundown of what we did. But basically, I'm going to give you the rundown on what the what the food and drink was. I'm not going to talk about the mummy powder because I already talked about the mummy powder last week, and you can go to the blog for more, but Cesare came in with a whole passel of awesome cured meats. So you know, mainly pursued our parmigiano and had some really, really good salumi. I didn't even ask the name. I was too busy shoveling it in my face to kind of ask the name for it. We then had

coming in after that we had Neil's did hit. I gave him fad diets and he did something called the real South Beach Diet, which was a cabbage soup and a Cuban sandwich because South Beach diet has cabbage soup and he says in South Beach what they're really eating is Cuban sandwiches. So it was like the flavors of Cuban sandwich and then a shot of like a pureed cabbage soup that was was delicious. And then then next, David Bowlby came out with Martel and orange basically like an oldie fashion kind of thing which was freaking delicious. And a bunch of that and we serve with that was a was a Carlo merace came out with his lamb and mint which was like like a like mint jelly, and yogurt. This is based on New York circa like 1780s. And I like a little piece of lamb that breasts that was like sear on all sides. Great stuff right? Then after that Eben clam bartender came out with his cat sacado trick. That was good. So he grew his own corn, I don't know where the hell he grew his own corn, but he grew his own corn and made sort of a corn like horchata thing and put a little bit of licorice tea in it by using Absinthe and then with vodka to boost it up, because that's Evan Evan can't do anything without boozing it up. So we serve that as as a foil to Dave Chang's dish, which was called it's a shame. We know more about dinosaurs and by about what Native Americans ate. And he called up a guy who wanted it to be actually Hudson, like what they ate here in Manhattan. And his thing he spent like hours and hours researching he called every Native American tribe leader from here to here to hell and called up like, you know, anthropologists and archaeologists and everything in turns out that we know jack squat about how this stuff was prepared and eaten. We just know what they ate. And so he called it we know that the oysters were bigger because we have the show mittens, Mittens. So we called up a friend of his who's an oyster producer in up in Long Island, like old school blue point oysters, and he's like, keeps on growing for a lot longer. And so because we told them early what he was going to do, and these oysters are some big oysters. They're the biggest oysters from this coast I've ever seen ever. And he cooked them because the Native Americans cooked them. And he served him with acorns and dried berries with like, some like greenery on top. And that was very interesting. He took it like, like he was the most kind of literal interpretation. I think, Carlos, Carlos Well, what was going on? But you know, fascinating, fascinating stuff. After that. We had an auction where we auctioned off like a Nathan Myhrvold, Chris Young book PolyScience, circulator, I lost my voice during the auction because I went crazy. Well, where is it? Which circulator? I don't know? We apparently we've lost the circulator. hope not, we'll have to find it. But the we auctioned off a signed chef's jacket for 900 bucks, which was awesome. We then did caveman food and Thomas White from death encode did Piaget champagne and lindemans Peschel lambic beer because he's like, I don't know is fermented. It's delicious. Delicious. You got to know Thomas for that to be funny. But anyway, and then, while he came out with like a crazy plating. contractional looked amazing. He made fake. He want to do bone marrow because it was like caveman like eating bones. So he made a fake bone marrow out of out of like a perfect bone out of potato. Which, you know, he said basically, they use tubers. They didn't use potatoes, but since we don't know what tubers they ate, it might as well be a potato. And then it looked just like the outside of a bone. And then he filled it with boat with a bone marrow mix that he made. And then he had like, instead of like blood from the animal, he had like a beet puree because they would have had roots and things they would have ate as well. He then took a gnocci mushrooms and dehydrate them to look like twigs like they were like lying around on the ground. They look freaking amazing. And they had some sort of like edible grass on top of that. So it looked pretty damn cool, right? Yeah. Yeah. Then came ancient Rome. And Audrey Saunders came on board with her Madeira Martinez which was like a It was basically Madeira and and bayleaf infused gin. That was some delicious delicious business. I drank a little much of that one and and then Mark came out Ladner from Del Posto the home chef with a swear to God a whole ostrich showed up with a whole ostrich and then we had another one cooked and served you know with spice like Roman style on bread like almost like on trenchers like I didn't know they did that in Rome, but I get Yeah, she didn't know that. But kind of like trenchers in medieval times. So that was that was amazing. The dish was called Big Bird. And then after that came the desserts. And the first thing that went out was an Espresso Martini to kind of reinvigorate everyone that came to go to put out there was also delicious it was Espresso Martini with with sign or China or you present China which is our show liquor there was absolutely great and that was paired with with Brooks Headley, who did an basically sweet dessert made of fried artichokes because he was his was Hebrew food in Italy. So it was taken that's basically an old it's like, what is it carciofi alla Judah, which is a Jewish like a recipe and then sweetened it with a mass and made a Mazzo matzah ricotta ice cream, and apparently was delicious but since no one saved me any I didn't get to try it. Thanks. Thanks. Thanks. Then I served a Martell cognac Mara Tokota Cordon Bleu with mono that's manna from heaven. You can find it on our blog of some real business. You know, it's like dried up, you know, dried up plant sap that God sent to say the Israelites if you believe in that sort of thing. And Tozi sent out space food, which was she didn't her take on. Neapolitans, astronaut ice cream, Neapolitan ice cream, and everything was delicious. Everything was amazing. And a big, big thanks. We had actually some people from the listeners from the radio show, who came kenning Berg came Colin Gore came. We thank you very much. Ariel from UC Davis came by The other guy was Brian Korea, Brian Korea came. Or his dad came. They both came. He didn't say hello. Anyway, amazing. Thank you so much. We hope to do it again in six months on the west coast for anyone that listens on the West Coast listeners can

see but I'm crying in the booth. Oh,

yeah, cuz Jack didn't get to go. He was here busy doing radio because he didn't eat so he didn't get to go even though he was obviously we wanted him to come so he missed out on what turned out to be one of the most epic lunches of all times.

And this beard is pizza. I had to revert his pizza.

It's also delicious also can be epic. Anyway, that is this week's cooking issues come back next week.

Thanks for listening to this program on the heritage radio network. You can find all of our archived programs on heritage radio as well as a schedule of upcoming live shows. You can also podcast all of our programs on iTunes by searching heritage radio network in the iTunes store. You can find us on Facebook and follow us on twitter for up to date news and information thanks for listening.

Oh twist and against can't get it straight fishes oh you

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