Cooking Issues Transcript

Night Sweats

Hello, welcome to cooking videos at Rockefeller Center in the middle of Manhattan, New York City coming to you from the height of the Omicron Corona bump. Got John in the studio. How you doing? Doing great, thanks. Yeah, yeah, we got Anastasia the hammer Lopez in her hidey hole up there in on the on the sound. It's a Long Island Sound people want to pretend that it's the ocean but it's not so more sheltered, which is nice. How are you doing? I'm okay. Yeah. Strong, strong. Like, you know, like, I'm not I'm not dead. But on the other hand, I could be better. I could be better.

I got I got sick again yesterday, and I don't know what it is. And it's really strange.

Well, we know you're not rocking the cron. There's no way you could get

I don't know, because it's like night sweats and fever. So I'm like, what is it?

First of all night sweats should be a BG song. I'm imagining. Actually, what it is, is it's like it's exactly in between it came out in the 90s right in between the Bee Gees and the Scissor Sisters was night sweats. I can hear in my head. We'll write it. We'll get someone to record night sweats for us. I freaking love the Scissor Sisters. Does anyone else like the Scissor Sisters? No, you don't?

I can't think of any songs off the top of my head.

I haven't said that. You're with us today. Hassan What are your feelings on the Scissor Sisters?

I don't think I have any.

No. What are your feelings on the BGS? What are your feelings on like high voice singing stuff?

Oh, I love the Bee Gees they had a documentary on HBO. And it explained where he got the high pitch singing

from Yeah, where's it Where'd it come from?

Um, groups like the main ingredient or the soul groups at a time singing in a falsetto. He was imitating that and it kind of became their own thing.

main ingredients. Good stuff. I liked that stuff. You know what I don't appreciate? Oh, yeah, we also got Jackie molecules over here. So I didn't introduce them. But of course a sophomore in Jackie molecules in California. I feel that that what I appreciate is that style of falsetto, to me is so much more interesting. No offense. I can't even believe he's still alive. Frankie Valli, that kind of stuff. Just doesn't doesn't hit me the same way. You know what I mean? Just like not the same kind of McGillicutty

Yeah, yep.

Yeah. What do you guys think about the screen like like hi like not falsetto, but like screaming falsetto like, like Chris Cornell. Fantastic, right? Yeah. Yeah, come on. All right now. Okay, ready for it. Now this is not a cooking question. By the way. You should call in your your cooking related or what? Whatever question 917-410-1507 917-410-1507 And that's for the Patreon listeners who can listen to his live and if you'd like to listen to his live and call in, well then go to what is it WWW dot Patreon Ford slash cooking issues or issues slash cooking you should go there and join up and for a very small monthly fee. We'll throw you some fun stuff. I have some fun stuff coming your way also, just like weird documents like there's a there's some weird PDFs on there and we're going to put more on that aren't available to other people. Go check it out. Go check it out. So back to this. So Robert Plant or Chris Cornell one man's voice has to be erased I'm not saying the quality of the music. I'm not saying oh yo Led Zeppelin so important I don't care about that all I'm saying is the voice erased What do you guys think?

I'm gonna go with Cornell which is crazy but oh my god my gut my gut my my gut tells me that it was such a it was more unique I think what okay, I know it's a weird answer but

is anyone going to come out and erase plant let Cornell stay let the voice say anyone? Hassan What are you on this way you like to me the sound got Chris Cornell sound and sound garden and the fact that you can go so low and so high and the growl and the scream I mean, come on. I love plant. But like plants got that one kind of plant thing going? I mean, like Chris Cornell, he's all over the matter. That's all I'm gonna say about that. I mean, Chris Cornell man. Not very many people better. Alright, no good. How the heck no, no, no,

I'm gonna weigh in on this.

Oh, night sweats. Night sweats. And I guess the reason system sisters came into my mind and then the Bee Gees is because a night moves their album. Right that's must be why it happened. Right boy but I can imagine it in the falsetto voice notes with but I'm picturing the BG is doing that doing the dance with those with those white pants there. What do you guys think about the pants that are super sticky around your thighs? But like loose on the bottom? No, that's not I would never want to wear that.

No. couldn't really make

it look good on them though. look good on it. What do you say sauce.

Love it. Love those pant. Love anything tight around that area.

tight around the side. That's that's the stasis memoir. tight around the thigh. This is not as though you like it on modern people are just on the old ones.

Only people with the right bodies.

So what about like, what about people who were that way in the 70s but now have the big old potbelly and the streaming hair on both sides with the giant bald patch up top.

You know how I feel about that day we got into a huge argument last week about it.

I thought you liked those guys, but you didn't like you don't like hot old guy you don't like ripped old man. The Stasi doesn't enjoy ripped old man. I don't enjoy old man Pierre all I thought you liked like a well, age old guy. What about that guy gun? He's He's good looking. But Pierce Brosnan. He's a good looking older dude. Oh, I do not find him attractive at all. And yet you find Paul McCartney attracted this makes no sense at all.

No, I don't. He's not ideal. But he's Paul McCartney, and the only old guy

and do I tell you what, from the day he from the day he like, you know, went through the change until the day he died. Paul Newman Hawkman. The singer and said, go ahead and say that. Alright, shall we do some cooking related stuff? Probably. Yeah. All right. First of all, we were supposed to have Michael and standing and masa from their new book on Japanese cocktails. But there's a little bit of a scheduling snafu. We're going to get him back when John we don't know yet. TBD. But probably in March pricing. So we're, we apologize, we deeply apologize for that. But save up all of your Japanese cocktail questions for that we had a bunch, right. But we can we can get some we can get some more questions in on that. So don't you know, don't save them. If you send the questions in now, John will, will will keep them and then and then bring them back up for later. But in case you didn't have any questions to think about this, about 10 years ago, maybe a little more now. There was a huge movement in the US. Basically. I don't know what the word just like, really, really, really loving the idea of Japanese cocktails without any knowledge of it at all. So it was all just about I don't know what's what's a good word for finding admiration my synonym creator in my head is, is is gone. But without knowledge. It's just they wanted to grab on to it, use aspects of it to kind of push themselves here in the States without any without really connecting to actual Japanese cocktail culture. Whereas masa is legit, a Japanese bartender who lives in the in the states now. So it's going to be kind of interesting. Of course, we've learned a lot as a country over the past 10 years. I remember when we went to Tokyo, Anastasia, and we went to the bars, and it was like, so 100% different to the way that they worked over here.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. And like, yeah, yeah.

And we were like, you know, we had literally been flown over there to, like, show our skills off and like our techniques, and we went into the bars, and we were just like, What are they doing? You know what I mean? And so it's like, what the hell, I'll never forget, I remember we went in and there is that bartender and she, she starts rinsing the ice off, and we're like, What the hell is going on? And then like, but the funny thing was, is that when we were going out, we wouldn't have any translators. We also couldn't ask, like we were ordering basically, basically by pointing at things, right. I mean, it was just kind of like, not like they would have answered as if we had asked them in Japanese either. I don't know. But anyway, so it should be fun. We get back on I think the book is doing quite well. So save up your save up your questions. Who else we got coming up soon. John, who's next week? Dave? Wonder Show speaking of cocktails. Yeah, we have the New Oxford with a compendium or is an encyclopedia company. That sounds more like a one bridge project right Compendium or I think it's companion companion. Companion Oxford Companion. So in other words, it could be about anything, right? But you read it while you're drinking. So it's the Oxford into spirits and cocktail companion to spirits. So like, may or may not have anything to do with cocktails and spirits. I've read it. It does actually has something to do with that. But it's a it's a weird title. Right companion? What do you guys think about that? What does that even mean? In this case? Like a dog is a companion to a person, right? Not a person. I wouldn't want to learn about people by talking to a dog. Maybe I would. Yeah,

I mean, I don't know. It's also the Oxford Companion to beer.

That's pretzels. The that's a book entirely about pretzels. And I have to say, you know, normally before I go because we don't have a guest right so we can talk about things for a while. I've been working a lot on pretzels. But before I go into a pretzel hole, which you know, my pretzel hole is deep and boring, right, you know, this deep and boring pretzel hole before I go into that. Anyone else have any interesting food experiences in the past? Make This is your time you could have thought about it before you showed up the show today. Nothing we made John you made nothing interesting.

You made some soup.

Soup What kind of soup

using Broto like Marco Kenora is Britta broth Rebecca sent me some a while

ago Rebecca the alcoholics the boondoggle boondoggle? Yeah now in Philadelphia no longer bro doing it up.

I will say that's a great product. Yeah, the broth Yeah, it's really really good.

So describe their broth versus the knockoff bone broth. And is there a difference between just is it just like they boil it longer? It's got more gelatin? What's the fundamental difference here?

Yeah, it's got more gelatin for sure.

You know what I do to my stocks? If I don't like the gelatin, and sheets of gelatin? That is correct, my friend. I add gelatin to them. Why not? Yeah. So like, it's a good tip for you. Here's a cookie related tip in the middle of John's story, if you have to use bouillon cubes, or any sort of other fake broth, right in gravies or in like if you're making like chili because I use stock and chili along with beer and other things or, and you know, you're not going to build up enough gelatin with the with the meat base, you have other stuff to put some gelatin that son of a gun. I have gelatin sheets, you know why used to shun? Or because they're so easy to add to things? Yeah, you just so come in cold water for a little bit of time. And they dissolve boom with no clumping, right? Whereas with powder, you got to worry is it going to dissolve? Right? Me Me, me, me, me, me, Nanny, Nanny nanny, right. So like the sheets are nice to have around. They're also super easy to dose because you dose it by the sheet. It takes more sheets. And you think actually that's the one that people are like, Oh, I'll add a sheet now it's like, it's always like six or eight sheets that you need to add. But it's incredibly convenient. And it's that's the way and I don't recommend buying anything above like silver gold. Don't bother with the platinum. It's a no, no, don't bother. Anyway, my point is a great way to add body to a broth if the body is just not there. Don't have so much that you get that. Because you know that noise means John, that's that feeling that sauce gets when it's over reduced. Yeah. Do you hate that? Yes. It's extra trouble. Yeah, yeah. All right. So continue soup made with Broto. So you use Broto as the base for the soup. Yeah. So fancy pants. How much more does that cost? Then? Garbage broth? I know you didn't buy it. But how much more does it cost?

Like think if you get a six pack? It's $65 plus shipping. So six quarts I think maybe more than a quart. Not a cheap man. No, it's not. No, no. Yeah, but it's good product and yeah,

so thoughts from the crew. So Marco Kenora basically single handedly single handedly I had never heard of the term bone broth and I had never considered using any sort of Italian word for broth up until when he started pushing this stuff anyone else anyone else think of this before? What

Yeah, I was first I'd heard right

right stars you know first I think yeah, so he pushes this stuff makes it famous puts a you know health quote unquote health everyone who listens to me knows I don't believe in health is related to healthy food is the food that makes you happy and reduces your stress in life and doesn't like add more problems to your life. That's what's gonna make you live longer in my opinion, wide variety of things low mental stress equals equals a long life anyways, he adds his health tags is holding on to it takes off like wildfire. And then other people just rip off his his. They're just coasting on his business. Kind of like people who knock off the sizzle. weasels? Yeah, weasels. The man should be rich, whether or not you like the product, whether or not you like believe in any health stuff. Like the fact that he convinced all these people to like, take a shot of broth or somehow substitute broth for coffee. That is a knuckleheaded idea, people if what you want is coffee, drink coffee, because because I don't care how long they simmer those bones. Broto is not going to get your motor running, right and coffee, get your motor running in more than one way. Now, for those of you out there who don't have a gastrointestinal intestinal response to coffee, for those of you whose peristalsis works the same whether or not you consume coffee, maybe you don't know this, but for those of us who when we drink a couple of espressos all of a sudden our insights start working at a much quicker pace. Broto ain't gonna fix that, you know, I'm saying no, yeah. But anyway, it's

interesting that I have I was telling you guys about the street bras that I had in Mexico City where they were just like, they had the barrier bras there and like a sipping cup. I guess that's been a thing. Yeah, I mean, that's Broto was the first time I'd like sipped on broth really like in that context.

I mean, hot broth on a cold morning I'm you know, hot broth on a cold morning is a good thing. You know what I mean? Like a lot of cultures know this. Maybe Americans didn't know this, but a lot of cultures know this. Not a replacement for coffee. Anyway, he should be a billionaire. Yeah. Like that's the problem with coming up with an idea that other people can easily draft on and like take take your stuff from he should be a billionaire because he created this market where there was not a For weather, you know, here's another thing. Do you guys notice that now it's becoming so popular for people to give up caffeine? He notices. No, not really. No. Oh my god. It's the new thing. Yeah,

I'm guilty of it, Dave. I did it for I did it for a few months.

Yeah, you went back? No. Listen, I went back here. Let me let me tell you a little. And I'm not. I'm not a psychologist by trade, although I have shrinks in my family. Now. See, when someone says something like that, what that means is they're about to tell you some garbage that has no data behind it is someone else again talking about drafting. If I'm drafting on my stepfather's, you know, doctorate degree and being a psych psychiatrist, then obviously, I'm about to tell you a load of horse crap. And that's true. I have no proof for this. However, it is my strong feeling that when you give up something, for health related reasons, you are bound to feel better because you've done something you didn't want to do to try to improve your health. It's called placebo. Right? So everyone who gives up something they all of a sudden they feel fantastic asking you raw food birth that's also if you go raw, you feel better because you're also going slightly insane because your body is starving itself and you feel that if you're going on the toilet that much it's something interesting must be happening to your insides. I think that's what happens when people think they feel good when they go raw food. But I don't know. I don't understand giving up caffeine moderate. Moderate your caffeine intake. Is that where you are now Jack? Yeah, totally moderate.

No more like no more. I try not to do afternoon coffees because trouble.

Yeah. Like what time the afternoon? My wife has a hard

luck. Yeah, yeah. No, no, I think it's 3pm smart. I think like anytime after that you start getting into danger zone.

Now you have that song going through my head. Highway to the dangerous. It's not a good sign. What

I do, that's my idea for for a Department of Health timer. Oh my god. Three hour thing. Tell the idea. Yeah, please, that's fine. How you the danger zone as soon as like your time temps stuff. It needs to be changed out with like dizziness.

I don't remember how it works. But like, okay, so like, so you have the timer, it goes, it goes on the hotel pan. But it's also it's attached to a thermometer, right. So what you do is it should calculate the cooling curve, right. And then like the the amount of volume that the song plays that is like, dependent on how close how far you are down the highway. So like, yeah, you know, like, like, when you're only like one hour into the cooling cycle. And it's like, I don't know, if you're gonna make it on time. It's like you know what I mean? Yeah. And then like, you know, like, 30 minutes before it's too intense is going crazy. So you can't ignore it anymore. And then you have to spread it out real thin and cool it like that.

For that, John, what do you think?

Great idea. Brilliant.

Give us that right now. I patented it. Yeah, she patented it. And does it come with a free pair of those pizza vomit chef pants

with that Tasmanian devil on it.

Yeah, like Tasmanian devil and all sorts of things that no matter how much food you drop on the pants, they don't look stained. You know, I'm talking about guys. Yeah. They're kind of like grayish black with like, all kinds of like bull crap on it. You could you could you could step into a vat of bolognese sauce and step out of that thing and look the same. Pizza vomit pants. You know, then, yeah. Anyway, that is a good idea. I don't know how we got onto that. But that is a strong that is a strong idea. So you still haven't finished your soup. So you started with Broto and ended with what?

Oh, mushrooms, leeks, and then some Faro

Stacy, Alyssa Frenchie French. You know, I never cook with leaks. You know why? I hate cleaning leaks. And I hate sand. Oh my god, I hate sand. Sand as much as I also don't cook with shallots, because man, they're tiny. And I hate doing that. How depressing. Is it people when you get a shallot and you're like, I finally picked a shallot. That's only one ball on the inside. Right? Then you cut off just a little bit of a route so that there's no sand, but it's gonna stay together while you chop it right? And you're like, you're like I'm gonna simulate this thing like a weed like it's gonna go crazy. I'm gonna have tiny shower pieces. And then you cut the tip of the paper off. You put them in two bones. And then you have to peel another layer off. Yep. That's another one too many times. I mean, what are your feelings? I haven't seen them in years, but they used to make this thing called a Xiaoyan. You seen these? No, they look. Okay, the call is Xiaoyan. They're bigger. They're like, they're like bigger round. They're like, like an inch and a half around or so bigger. And they're long. They look like a Cindy Lou whose head or something like this. But they they're always single bowl. They're bigger. And they but they have more of a shallot taste than an onion taste. And fairway like no other market did you know that because they're closed now. That's why they're like no other market that exists. Yeah, The clothes are like no other market anyways, in the 90s, they used to sell. They used to sell those things all the time. And I was like, Oh, that's a good idea. Maybe I'll use some shallot flavor, but since then I've just erased the shallot from my from my repertoire as I have the leak, even though when other people cook them. I love them because they are delicious. Yeah. Anyways, oh my God says you will get so mad yesterday. I made chili and I sliced all the raw onions. And I was like, You know what? You know, nothing's gonna happen tonight. You know, for me. And so I'm just gonna eat a whole bunch of raw onions because I never get the raw onions because my wife doesn't like raw onions. doesn't like them in the house. So I chopped them right before we had the chili but correct me if I'm wrong, people wrong and people chili without Iranian said you want to? You want the raw onion on top of the chili for people who like raw onion, right? 100%. Yeah. Sounds like

and then she's like, I'm in the mood and you're like,

oh, no, come on. Come on, come on. I gauge myself. Right? I gauge myself, right. So that's fine. But like, the problem is, is that I haven't eaten raw onions in so long, because I don't like I'm not really allowed to have them in my house. That I forgot what it's like to go to bed. Have your hand come up by your nose and smell the onion coming out of your skin up to your nose right after you eat it. And I was like, oh, yeah, it does suck. You know what I mean? It's worth it. Totally worth it. Totally worth it. 100% worth it. They should make a pill. Here's the money. Here's some money chemistry people make a pill. Forget Dino. Although I've done a lot of tests with Dino recently, you guys remember Beano? Yeah, that's the anti the anti tivity the anti tooting enzyme, whatever, they could make an enzyme that you ate it after you ate the raw onion and it prevented that that'd be amazing. No Sure. Yeah, sure. I love that I would love Yeah, because Anastasia likes the flavor just doesn't like the aftermath. But maybe it's the smell coming out of your skin is what gives you nightmares.

No, it's definitely in I think I have what Jen has where it's like it's I it's it's a weird reaction in my in everything

like mouth every Gen is like Jen doesn't like being at the table when it happens. So like I literally chopped the onion. Put it on top of my chili. We did the Fritos with chili. What are your thoughts? Fritos? Yeah, yeah, good call freedom. Freedom God snack chip. For real Come on. I mean, like I love a traditional tortilla. But in terms of like modern things. Fritos straight up. Great. Anyway. So I dumped the onion, and then immediately covered it with like cheese and lettuce and all stuff to kind of keep tamp down the aroma of the onion. Because if I even have it sitting on the table, when Jen comes up to the table, she's like, dammit, what the hell? Who has the onions? She doesn't talk like that at all. So those of you that know her, she hasn't talked like that at all. But that's kind of what that's what her mind is saying. Anyway, so we still have not finished your soup. John, what's going on here? You got the

power period, the onions and the mushrooms and in shower and leaks and leaks? Yes. Yeah. And then yeah, cooked the grains and the broth and

which grants evens mentioned. Oh, stars likes that something she actually enjoys?

Delicious. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, man. Was

that how? How pearled was the Faro that you use? How much brand was on the outside? Were they white or with a brown? Pretty white, pretty white but but still enough that they didn't burst? Or did they burst that in burst? What are your feelings when they burst? little sad. Yeah. But how much start flew off to thicken up the broth enough. But you have to write it anyway. You create it and then add the grain deeper everything together. So only a small amount of grain or just

what the leeks and the mushrooms pureed them than cooked grains in the broth and then added the puree. Have you

talked on the air about your sweat tests? What sweat test your sweat tests, your broth sweat tests. Remember, like a year ago, I was like does it really make a difference? Whether you sweat the sweat the miracle? Oh,

right, right. Right. Right. Yeah, man. What were the results of that? I think it did make a bit of a difference.

Did you say that made a difference? We didn't know what the difference was because you weren't for all us. It don't know, John, like is, you know, he's a little bit of a Francophile? You know, I'm saying like not just a francophone as I say, but a Francophile. So when he sweats his veg he doesn't let it brown he goes he goes Frenchie French make MC don't let it brown you know what I mean? Which I think is kind of trash can I like a little bit of brown on my on my onions especially if I'm going to broth a fire them you know? Yeah. Do you sweat long enough for them to go brown? Like caramelized brown or no, you don't sweat out which is a slight sweat. Yeah, but even though even though some nights sweat a night sweat. Yeah. So Right. So you said it didn't make a difference who made the broth different? Yeah, but we can't figure it out why?

But it was a little bit sweeter

as possible that's Probably only an onion phenomenon like what's the point in sweating the the salary for instance? Yeah,

I'm gonna have to redo it. And I'm just doing each and each ingredient individually.

I'm doing a demo tomorrow at my old arch nemesis, ice. Because the French culinary we were arch nemesis is this. This is with ice. But now that the FCI was bought by ICE, I guess I can go. So I'm going to do a demo tomorrow with Chef Mr. Rivera, my old friend from the FCA. And we're going to do the old onion ice cream speaking of onions that Nils and I used to do at the French culinary and that one we pressure cook the onions and the onions go you should not pressure cook onions for for caramelized onions because it raises almost all of the onion flavor. It's too much right the high temperatures are raised like too much of it, but it's great for onion ice cream. And by the way, I don't know if I've said this on air, if you are making things like I do a lot of I don't do beef chili in the like, way anyway, if you're going to do things like pork or big things, and you're gonna braise them or like a carbon odd with big pieces of beef in a pressure cooker, you need to like triple your onion load because the flavor of the onion drops down so hard but then you also need to slightly reduce the sugar load because it's going to be a little bit sweeter. I always add a little bit of sugar to those things. So you guys know a little bit. Yeah, a little bit. You know, don't be afraid of adding a little bit of sugar. By the way. You probably already know this if you're listening to us anyway. But don't be afraid to add a little sugar. I'm shocked like when dad when I'm teaching tax how to how to finish food, right? Like, you know, soups and stews and things like this. He's like, Oh, this doesn't taste right. And like add a little bit of salt, that little bit of sugar. And because you know, like it's very hard for him to work his mind around the difference between something being bad. And just oh, it needs a little bit of sugar to like bring it together to knock down the bitterness a little bit and just you know what I mean? Yeah, and it needs salt to punch up all the flavors. He just it's astounds me how you can't get that into your head unless you do it. You know what I mean?

By Thai food so awesome, man, because like, you know, like fish sauce and sugar at the table. You can do you can do it. You can follow the adjustments you make. They're awesome.

Thai food is hard. Delicious. Am I right? So hard. Delicious. It's so delicious. Yeah.

I mean, last night was a Bangkok

pasta lately in Bangkok, what from

the top Bangkok mall pasta from the from the night market book. So it's like, it's spaghetti. And it's like stir fried with garlic. Anchovy chili has sort of like the Holy Trinity and then red pepper and oyster sauce, Thai seasoning. Kind of

like that in big big scare quotes, Thai seasoning.

And then and green brined green peppercorns, which is really the only thing I use them for it, but it was just them around

the dry greens or the pickled greens.

The pickled Brian? Brian, Brian.

I think you said Ron. Yeah. Yeah, I never keep them around in my house. Should I start keeping them around in my house?

I don't use them for anything else.

Do you like when they're draped over in that Viny weird form? Or is that too much too much for you?

Actually, sometimes I do it that way. Yeah. That's fun, more visual.

Here's a product that I don't like. Unless they're blended. caper berries. Too salty. Too salty. To eat on their own sliced wedges. wedges. Fine. Too salty. Okay, for those you listen here, you've heard me many times rail against the session one button because who wants to have your tastebuds erased? Oh, we have a caller. All right, remind me that John, we get that caller. You're on the air. What's up?

I just got a call. Last week, there was a conversation about intergenerational relationships. And, you know, I just think the word gross got used. And that's not very nice. You shouldn't be criticizing people, how people fall in love. A lot of people can learn things from people of different generations. And I think people follow them on growth is pretty good.

I don't have any recollection of what you're talking about at all. But I'll tell you

when you said that was especially for me or or give me more. That's what you brought up to me more on Ashton Kutcher. We

weren't even talking about

how that was. How to Date within your own range.

What I'm saying what I Okay, it's coming back to me slightly. It's coming back to me slightly. My recollection was is that I disagree with you. Yeah. Okay, well, we'll wait we'll see what happens when you will see what happens this dassia Stasio I'm gonna zing you can hear him singing me. We'll see what happens when you actually date someone. What age it is

yeah. Oh man, I'm

not I'm not hard. I'm not hard one way or the other. Like, I think I've told the story of my brother in law, whom I love, right? I thought there's no fun, Tom, I thought there was no way that he should go out with my sister. Because now remember, he was in high school. And he was a senior and she was a freshman. I'm like, nope. I was like, Nope. Not gonna work. He's he's just trying to like go out with someone much less experienced. And it's a nightmare. He's doing some sort of power trip. I was wrong in that case, right. Individual relationships are individual relationships. Right? That's 100% the truth.

Yeah, but then you say something like their gross national cake.

Which Which ones whose gross? Your comment.

And so what they like each other a lot of people have intergeneric are like, workout well.

Remember, on maturity,

individual relationships are individual relationships, specifically Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher. That's gross. Because he was weird that they never looked like that's the whole point of being a human the stars here is that you get to have your own judgment and I get to have my own judgment. They never looked like that. How people fall in love is gross. I don't say how they fall in love is gross. I said that couple was gross. They don't look like they go together. They never looked like they go together. Look, she gets her Debbie more very attractive woman. Right. I just I just felt that as a couple. They look gross together. What do you want out of me? Well, it's not the

presidency, man. The president. Right?

You're talking about McCrone now? Yeah. I mean, I haven't seen them together. I just saw that. You just brought to my attention. The age gap that they have there?

Well, that's also another good example. Because it wasn't she his teacher at some point, like

Yeah, that's. That's gross. I was like, hot for teacher. That's gross. Listen, teachers out there. Do not mind your students for sex. I mean, that's very easy. Don't mind your students for six. That's all my opinion. Individual relationships may vary. That's my opinion. Like in general, you should not do that.

Well, that's not a rule that I would follow from you or I'm glad that you're

speaking to McCrone though the reason McCrone came up this dasya is that when he was going to shut down was he was going to shut down for Omicron. Right? And we were like, if McCrone was here, or if they had to post in France, the headline would have been like, oh, McCrone, right, like, oh, Macron.

I didn't get that until I got that. And yeah,

that's how that came. Right now. Anyway. I'm gonna go ahead and stand by what I'm saying is that in the majority of the time, right, I feel like you're probably gonna have it again. Everyone's different. Forget about this just for me. I'm glad that I'm that I'm married to someone who has similar life experience, your results may vary. You can do what you want. I'll stand by my Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore and PS they're not together anymore. Why? Because that relationship did not work out. For whatever reason. Did that relationship work out? Wait, are they married? Wait, is our Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore married? Yeah, yeah. Right. Yes.

John, John, John Hill, your your thing.

I got so angry when this happens. So my mom came to pick me up in the city a couple of weeks ago, to go back up to Connecticut. And I was walking out of my building with my dog. And this, this freaking lady is walking by, you know, pushing her kid in her stroller. And she looks at my dog. She's like, Oh, is that your girlfriend? And I was just like, oh, hold up. And I was just like, Oh, she's you know, just being cute. It's a cute dog. You know? Thanks. Appreciate it. I was like, oh, maybe. And then she looks at me. She's like, you shouldn't reevaluate your life decisions. And then I realized that she was looking at my mom who was outside of the car right outside the building picking me up. And I was just I was confused and like speechless, and I was like, What is this lady talking about? And then after she walked away, pieced it together, and she was talking about my mom and I was like, one fu like, that's, that's its own thing.

That perhaps your mom, you didn't think that sure props

to my mind. But you know what? Mainly mind your own business lady. What if that is my girlfriend, so I ended up getting a speeding ticket.

You can't let that stuff get to you, man. It's true though. People same thing. Do you on the street? Like burns?

Right? Well, it's just like mind your own businesses New York City nobody wants to talk to you don't talk to me like just barely even on the way we really did.

Okay, so let me ask you a question. So for the for those of you that have never driven out of New York now I know you la people are like you don't know from traffic in New York, fine, or DC people. But like, nothing really is less pleasant than trying to fight your way out of Manhattan up the East Side of Manhattan up the 95 corridor into Connecticut. After a certain period of time during the day. It is, is soul crushing, right?

It's almost worse than LA traffic in a way that is the worst described? Well,

since there was you know, you would know better than I because you've done both. You know what I mean? I've never really done the LA traffic thing. And also LA traffic. At least you're like, Oh, I've seen a million movies about LA traffic. No one like no one films a movie. Like on i 95. Yeah. Yeah. So when you're driving on i 95 people if there's any people who make movies, right? When when you make the movie of the person who's caught in traffic on i 95. The joke to make is as you're driving up through my my anus, which is an actual sign that you see on i 95. Like near Stanford, it's a place my anus. It's pronounced me in this. I think we always call it my anus. You're supposed to turn to

whoever gets my anus. Do you mind you

do your anus. So the joke to make when you're driving past his sign every time and never never gets old is heavy traffic through my anus. And then that's it. That's all you got to say. I mean, we're slow going through my anus.

I wish I could call the show that this week. That'd be a great title.

He's gonna mean this. You can do that. You know what I mean? Anyway? Yeah. Wait. So it's we're still on? Wait. So here's the thing. Here's the problem. I'm sure this will happen. So you're on that I 95 corridor? Yep. So it should take 4045 minutes to fight like up to the Stanford. It takes probably an hour and a half, two hours, something like this. From here in the city. Yeah, yeah. So you're going further north and that you're going past New Haven? Nightmare. And anyway, the problem with that is you're sitting there and you're probably thinking of come back suing CenturyLink have come back that you should have said so many things. I wish it did differently. So what are the comebacks that you should have used? No real comebacks. I

just wanted to like, go back and just yell at her and tell her to mind her own business.

It's in the Stasi. And I feel we've had this discussion many times. Whenever that happens. Does we just sit around thinking of comebacks we should use?

Yeah, for me wasn't comments was like how I should have reacted the situation. You can talk

to your mom, right? Sure. Yeah,

I don't think I'll go back to prostitute props to your mom. You should have said she was my teacher.

I'm a little confused. So your mother looks young?

I don't know. She's 6566. You're

asking John to think about her mom and his way. That's pretty hard to know. I

just don't understand why this lady would want to say that.

I don't know. Yeah, I don't know either.

People are dumb look. Yeah. Also, some people are just high too. Who knows what she sees out of her mind. Yeah,

baby in a stroller.

Oh, all of a sudden, people stopped baking out because they have kids. That's not been my experience.

Speaking of this might be interesting. It's not really food related. But apparently there is a major new study out on psilocybin and its effects on long term cognition. Apparently, it's fine. Fine. I never tried it makes me nervous. Makes me nervous. Yeah. Okay, so who else do we have coming up after day one rich?

Don't we have coming up? We have I believe we have Nazli and Catherine from lowfat. And then we have Dr. Jessica Harris,

also from Movember. From everything.

Then Adam DiMartino would have somebody that's also put us in touch with him. We got Francisco, Nagoya, then Nick from Grove and Vine and working on getting Kenji on to discuss his new book because Walk, walk,

walk, I listen. We Nick Nick is the Stasi as olive oil friend. Right? So

sweet. Dave, can we do a blind tasting? I really want to do a blind tasting, like with all of the crap versions from like, Stop and Shop like and then his you know what I mean? It would be really interesting on air.

Yeah, that'd be cool. Okay. Here's my issue with that. Yeah, in general. Like, I think blind tastings are an opportunity to make people feel bad about themselves. Yeah, I'm saying it's like, they're like kind of like gotcha moments. It's kind of like the it I just there's so many things you evaluate in a black like triangle tastings are interesting to test the difference between different things like but like, especially cereal, bright wine tastings and kind of a weird atmosphere, especially when panelists aren't trained to taste a particular thing. I mean, I think it's, I don't know, it's just an opportunity. That's like, whenever we

like the Reese's Peanut Butter thing, you know,

I don't know. Well, I can remember like, when we would do demonstrations at the at the French culinary all the time. Like one of the things I would always try to not do is make people feel bad about the choices that they were making, when we would give them like three different samples, like try to make them feel bad about it. You know what I mean? I mean, some people can reliably choose garbage like my, my grandpa, you know, the kind of one who's kind of a bit of a nightmare could reliably taste jug wine, when presented with jug wine and like 82 Bordeaux, and reliably chose the jug wine, not just out of out of a group, but as his favorite. You know what I mean? So wow, yeah, that rules. Kind of my feeling is, is that he did it just to be a dick. Like, in other words, like, he, you know, it's more important for him to be a dick than it is for him to have something that's enjoyable. I really feel that that was what was going on in crab grandpa's head, but you know, who knows? I can't ask him any more, because he's dead. But when Nick comes on, Nick, the olive oil guy, maybe we can do a blind date we should definitely do a tasting people don't forget about and Hassan maybe we can pre record some mouth noises to freak out some of our No. So I did the 23andme thing and it says that I am genetically less likely to be bothered by chewing noises. Completely wrong. Completely wrong. Anastasia and I've had this discussion I think we've even had it on air. When someone is cooking your dinner or lunch or somebody is working do not get a crunchy snack and sit behind them making crunching noises into their freaking ears. Am I right says

yeah, for like Peter Kim when his wife was in the birthing tub in their home birth he just pulled out a sandwich from a wrapper and was eating a sandwich next to her while she's like pushing like That was rude

that's that a that's rude and be that's a hardcore thing to call out on the radio from somebody else's birth experience. That's so you'd be okay with mommy that's kind of a story to tell on that one right there and like so Peter can you know formally Museum of food and drink now has a show you know we had him on the air he used to be known as cooking issues favorite punching bag but one thing we know about Peter Kim habitual line stepper man loves to

step over a line that that is a line separate there

well but I'm saying you just are now that Peter came up today because you stepped over a line by bringing up him eating a sandwich well during the you know childbirth situation you've done the lion's den with Peter Kim is the kind of guy is he's not dead. Peter Kim is the kind of guy who you'll like you'll take something just up to the limit of acceptability which we do how often constantly Yeah, we're always like right at trying to stay right on that line a little bit over. You take Peter right up to that line. He'll step way over and be like I didn't see the line there. I'm sorry. He's like way over the line, habitual line stepper? You know, I mean, but I feel like maybe talking about him. And also the man only will always eat a sandwich. The man stress sandwich eats

clearly yes.

You know, the House would catch on fire. The smoke alarm would be going off and he would open up his fridge to make a sandwich for the walkout because demand stress eats sandwiches and only sandwiches. Anyway, well, hardcore. We got done. These last 10 minutes we get to some questions. Okay. Okay. So you don't want to hear about pretzels. We'll talk about pencils again.

We're surely going to talk about pretzels again. Yeah.

That flour I bought for pretzels. Amazing. Snavely Snavely is mill flour last week on the show from a but I finally got my pretzel recipe dialed in. fan tastic The reason it's good soft flour, non cake. So should we some point somebody asked me a question about flour and then I can go crazy on on why you should at least at once in your life. Buy soft wheat flour, good one, not bleached, right and don't try to use it for cake because that's not what it's for. In order to make a proper American high ratio cake. You need to have chlorinated or treated flour or add Xanthan to it to increase the water holding capacity because the reason this flour is so good for pretzels Is it soft flour has much less starch damage in it not just lower protein which means less bite on it when it goes in but it also has a much less damaged starch which means that in order to make a dough you use much less water. So you're working with like 50 52% hydration to make a pretzel dough with his soft flour and you get a very good machining di e rollable dough at very low hydrations and then when it's baked out, the texture is good for rising it rises when it's baked out. It doesn't have too much protein bites, so it just makes the best hard pretzels also good for pies. I could talk more about it but that's that's all I'm gonna say. Is that is it? It's okay, John. Okay, yeah, we're good. Snavely is so cheap. So good. $12.25 pounds. No $12 to deliver it's still under $1 pound that is that's okay. Jacob Minkus rideshare Hey hope you all gearing up to have a nice and relaxing holiday New Year of too late was just relaxing anyone relaxing

here in there a little bit

okay. I was curious if Dave has any classics in the field recommendation kind of start classics in the field again.

I'll get in touch with Matt Yeah,

well, we want to do it we could do the old style with with the call and bring it like you know, with with little classics in the field scream out. Yeah, yeah, we should do again, recommendations for butchery, specifically the breakdown boning out of various animals break down and boning out that should be another song as we have so many song titles in this in this episode. Various animals looking for something that I can reference while in the kitchen. Thanks much and can't wait for my series All Pro best Jacob. Alright, so I am not an expert in butchery In fact, the only real butchery books I own are the Adam Danforth books which book butchering poultry, rabbit, lamb goat and pork and his other one butchering beef. And he has a new one out that came out those were all maybe eight, nine years ago, maybe even 10 years ago now. And then he has a new one that came out a year or two ago on slaughtering and butchering chickens, his all go from kind of slaughter to break down. And you know, I enjoy them. They're good books, but I don't have the opportunity to slaughter pigs. I can't say whether or not you know, his suggestions for slaughtering a pig are good. And I think you're more interested in kind of butchery. Another weird thing is anytime I have butchers on, I kind of asked him about specific books. And butchers in general that I've spoken to get a little bit hinky about recommending books for some reason, like, you know what I'm saying? Have you noticed that John, it's like they're like, maybe it's because they rightly believe that you know, you got to go do a lot of cutting and apprenticing to kind of get it right. And I think that's probably accurate. But that doesn't mean that at home. You don't want to just kind of read something learn about it and try it not that you're going to become a great butcher. I noticed as he hates it when someone tries to take over somebody else's job. You hate that one book that I don't own that some people like is that's not think about slaughter was more about just straight butchery on beef only is carry under Lee's book. The art of beef cutting, but I don't own it. So I don't I don't know. Do you own that?

No, I don't. I will add a River Cottage meat book? Oh, yeah.

Yeah. Hugh fearnley wedding hall. Yeah, what a name? Yeah. Oh, he's British. Well, I couldn't guess that from the name. You know? His name could be like Pip pip. Cheerio. He could not have a more British name. So I'm

gonna sing the hog book by Jesse Griffith is great focuses on hunting and butchering wild pigs but translates well to domestic.

Really, okay, good. The bull moose cookbooks aside from being like crazy, misogynist, and racist. But crazy in a very interesting mid century way. Has a lot of butchering stuff, but 90% of the stuff that I can verify, but based on my own knowledge in that book is false. It's more of just like, it's like the National Enquirer of cookbooks. You've read those right, John? Yeah, yeah. One book that I'm gonna say it's not about butchery. But I look at it again and again and again all the time. I'll just sit down in bed as I'm going to sleep and read it. And don't get the Kindle version. I looked at the Kindle version online. It is garbage is the meat buyer's guide. And it covers beef, lamb, veal, pork, and poultry. And it's put out by NAMP. The North American meat processors, what a what a thing. Now, imagine North American you've seen this book, right, John, it comes in a spiral. It's like it's plasticize so that you can dip it in, in pig blood and it's still fine. So it's a grid, and it's like spiral bound. And what it has in it is all of the retail cuts and where those retail cuts come from on animals. And I don't think it has a lot on on the trimming but still just like looking at those retail cuts and where they come from and how they're graded. I'm just sorry, I'm pausing. I'm thinking about the book in my head and then when did this morning when I went on Twitter and on Twitter on Amazon and did the look inside on there. Kindle I was like, Oh, what a disappointment. Sad sorry disappointment from Alexander toguard is it's Taylor, isn't it? I forget. I have a little Christmas curiosity too late. That I don't understand in Norway. A traditional dinner is I'm gonna get this wrong. Penny, Penny, Penny. Penny Penny. Good. Pinnacle breathing. Got a lot of slashes through o's and Ks and J's together. I don't know. But the translation is stick me. Stickney. What's your favorite stick Meet John corndog is pretty great. Oh, I was thinking corndog What about you guys? So you guys corndog people are more say tape people or more shish kebab people?

I mean they're all delicious. Okay for me

say that you're

at like that raw chicken we have

the quote unquote sushi me that was done on a teppanyaki thing was really are you just saying that to be ornery? No,

I do. It is the one like when I think of favorite stick meat. Like something I can't do that was like that. Yeah, you didn't like it?

I did. I mean, but I was still I think I prefer cook chicken. Yeah, I liked it. I enjoyed being there. And having it. Yeah, yeah. Sonya had a favorite stigma about the memory one memory. Yeah, check memory sign you gotta stick me for me. Oh, no. It's goodbye. Yeah, they're delicious. By the way, if anyone can help me out, in in Turkey, there's a kebab called testi kebab is nonstick. It's from kappa Nokia. They load the meat and all this stuff into like this little, it's like a clay vase. And then they cap it with like aluminum foil and and dough and then they cook it inside the clay and the clay has got a line around it. And then after it cooks, they bring it out and they almost like savoring they go clack clack clack with a big old knife and the top the entire top shatters off like you're savoring a bottle of champagne. And then they boop, they pour it all out onto the plate and you eat it with like some sort of flatbread. I don't think you can get it here. Anyone finds a place you can get it. I will have it. Okay, in this case, the stick meat doesn't mean that the meat is on the stick. What happens I had to look it up because I'd never heard of this. Well, here's what Alexander says. Individual lamb ribs are usually steamed traditionally over birch sticks in a big pot. So here's what they put water in the pot with me. Then they put sticks in the pot merch because I guess I got a lot of work. And then on top of that goes the meat on top of the sticks in the pot so that the that the meat is suspended above the water to steam by the sticks with me. Alright, so that's the stick meat for two and a half hours triggered is becoming more normal, especially among chefs in later years is to use non peeled almond potatoes now how to look up an almond potato. But they're also known as Mondal potatoes, which is Montell they kind of sounds like almond, right? They're small potatoes, not almond flavor. They're small. To use almond potatoes instead of birch steaks partially covered the potatoes and water, but no one seems to understand. And my question is, why did these potatoes survive without this turning into mushy burst mess? According to some chefs, this works with any potato, but I have yet to hear any explanation for why it works. Also, congratulations on the Indiegogo goal. Okay, so I had to look up I said this potato because we don't have this potato in the US. But what's interesting is is that according to the internet's the these potatoes are what's known as the flowery type, aka mealy type. So if you were to bake it, and then push on it, it would fluff out like like an Idaho rust it does. And that shocks me, because any potato that does that should burst when you cook it for too long. The main difference, and here's what I know about that science of this is that the main difference between potato varieties, it has to do with genetics, so certain, you know, but it also has to do with how they're watered that you know, especially read before storage storage and how they're stored is the dry matter content. And the dry matter content of a potato can range anywhere from 16 to 25%. And the majority of stuff obviously, it's not dry matter is water. So a potato that has a lot more water in it has a lot more space in between the starch granules, the way that this is particularly usually measured by people, people don't measure dry matter, they measure the specific gravity. So the specific gravity potatoes with a very high specific gravity tend to be flowery, they tend to mash well, they tend to have much higher yield when you make potato chips. So french fries, potato chips are all made with very high specific gravity potatoes. So there's specific gravity of 1.08 or higher, right, and sometimes even up to 1.1, which is a dense potato. Boiling potatoes right have a lower specific gravity like down 1.06 And below is a good boiling potato and really the main difference is the size of the starch granules in them and how much they're packed because when you heat a potato, the starch is going to expand as water is sucked into it and they will A puff up potato starch especially tends to puff as it more than any other starch absorbs and puffs out and then also is very fragile as starches go, which is why when you over mashed potatoes they turn gluey, which is why they can burst and leak out into soups and stuff like this. In a boiling potato and low gravity potato, you can boil it for a long time, because as the starch expands out, it doesn't expand enough to rupture because there's more room around the starch granules for expansion. Does that make sense? Yeah. So in a low gravity boiling potato, the structure of the potato itself is maintained over long boiling periods, even though, you know, just just by dint of the fact that they stay structurally sound, they don't self rupture. So one thing that might be happening is if you put the potatoes into cold and you steam it up gently, it's possible that you're strengthening the pectin in the potato, by bringing it up slowly, and a small potato would tend to temper through to the same temperature maybe gets more protected. There could be something going on there but, but I'd be interested if you write back to me if you can tell me whether or not they're a waxy style potato or a flowery style potato.

He says they're delicious, perfectly cooked and not mushy or Burston,

but I mean, in general, are those potatoes a waxy potato or are they a flowery potato? For what? From from Coleman? What was question? combust this out? Okay, guys, last question. But I made Dave Chang's Boson recipe for Christmas. It was delicious today, but not so great leftover definitely have that warmed over flavor. Any tips for avoiding this when using pork shoulder leftovers. So wonder over flavors and oxidation phenomenon. And so you can either backpack if you don't have a backpack. Another way to do it is if your meat is sauced. And it's like stored in sauce. This is why like pork dishes that are in like gravies, or pork dishes, like like, like pork chili are stored in a liquid, they can last a long time, right or stored in fat, they can last a long time. It's not like Riyadh stay good forever, right? Because oxygen is not getting to them. So the problem with your bow Psalm, it most likely is that you wrapped just the pork piece, and it wasn't covered oxygen got to it. And on rewarming, it was a warmed over effect,

but are more merely than waxy if the potatoes

so perhaps it's an intermediate variety, because there are intermediate varieties here. So maybe it's a combination of Waxiness if you start cold, maybe it's a combination of wax Enos and the size of the potatoes allows the there to be a little bit of enzyme action before I don't know if there's a rate, like a rate reaction of how fast they're brought up. I have to think about it. Do I have to think about it some more. And I'm just gonna put this out there for people to respond to us. Okay, so not answering his questions. Quinn, who we had on the show was ice cream book he wants to know now that Bender table is gone. senesin what you guys think are interesting sources for shelf stable food products, especially interesting heirloom grains for milling and flour. I mean, bread, topia, and other places like that are good for that, looking for United States because while looking for United States also curious about American based sellers as single origin cocoa beans. So I only know the old chocolate Alchemist supply, which is still a place that I would look out for that. But guys, send in your stuff for that. And maybe we'll make a list on Patreon have interesting sources for people to go and put it up there. And last Sargon wrote in and he wants to know about good vegetarian or vegan cookbooks, if they take into account modernist techniques for vegetable preparation even better. While I'm starting. I always recommend anything by Michael Mackin True or False Anastasia. You love love? Yeah. Also, you should check out Amanda Cohen's Dirt Candy book. We had her on the other day, and I could not find it in the in the United States. But Edie Shepard has like a micro or I don't know what happened during the pandemic called the Walled Garden Restaurant and does exclusively not food but modernist plant based food and he has a cookbook, you can go to his website Edie DDI, E. A shepherd, but I was not able to find it in in the US.

I'll also add on Brooks Headley superiority cookbook. Yeah, right and on vegetables by Jeremy Fox.

Yeah. On vegetables. And Jeremy Fox, not on vegetables by Peterson. No. Which I read that one. His sauce cookbook Peterson sauce cookbook is like, I mean, like classical infield, classic in the field. Do we even do we do that as classics in the field ones? Not since I've been here. The original one. The remake is great, whatever. But like the original one back in the day when he was like basically nowadays we just reduced cream down. We just go as we do scrape. That's what we do now. And then people I guess stop doing that so that the reup of it doesn't have all those reduced cream sauces. You don't reduce cream sauces are delicious. The It's alright, so apparently John's telling me that's all I have time for. So we'll get to the non hoot we have David wondering, John, please send in cocktail stuff. I'll try to get some of these other questions John has suggested we'll see what the Patreon people think that I should reserve a section a small section of time. We're to figure out the beginning or the end when we have guests on maybe we knock out a couple of questions when we have guests on, then go into our normal stuff just like hit the questions and then go into what do you think or do we save it for the end? Tell the guests to get lost and get them at the end.

Or the guests and start in at like 15 right or something that's true, like 1215

right but then we have to get out of i we i have to get out of my habit of going on like infinity pre tangents. But we won't we won't be able to have this conversation about Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore anymore. Or Robert Plant and Chris Cornell Robert Plant and Chris Cornell Yeah. I'm shocked and no one here came up with like Chris Cornell, by the way, what

I can say for now, that was like 10 seconds.

Okay, yeah. Soundgarden. So good cooking issues.