Cooking Issues Transcript

David Chang & Chris Ying: Down the Pie Hole

Hello and welcome to cooking issues this is Dave earlier host of cooking issues coming to you. From Rockefeller Center a newsstand studios, calling your questions if you're listening on Patreon live 2917410 1507 That's 917-410-1507 joined as usual witness to ask you the hammer Lopez How you doing? Sounds good. We'll get into each other's mutual Thanksgivings in a minute. We also got John as usual How you doing? Doing great. Thanks you back on the customer service train for Booker index indeed. Loving it loving life. Great. Great. We got as usual Joe Hasan in the booth. How you doing? Doing great. Awesome today? Oh, thanks. Yeah, semi rested. Yeah, we got Hassan who's also going to be around in the in the future coming on as an engineer sometimes. You're just letting you guys know Joe's gonna have to take some time off and a little bit, you know, and we're gonna have a sound instead. That's fine. Right? We got to Jackie molecules who left Mexico. But he's taking the long road back to California and we got a freakin high low running in our studio. For those of you that don't know, a high low is a machine that goes up and down from the floor to the ceiling. And every time it moves, it has to make a wretched beeping noise. Right has to make a horrible beeping noise. Alright, I think he's left the high low. Alright, so I can say oh, no, no. Son of a gun. Jackie molecules is that you crumpling up paper in the background? No, no, sir. That is not me. All right. Okay. Okay. Jackie molecules. Left. Wahaca Did you drive? How are you in Marfa, Texas? Where did you Where did you enter we enter the country.

You spreading that? New York?


New York Thanksgiving. And then I'm taking a scenic route back to LA

through Atlanta, New Orleans. Austin. El Paso tonight. That's where I hope to end

up How do you pronounce that town? Oh, pasa isn't it El Paso for us American folk. El Paso pass Paso Right? Or no? Sure. All right, well, well, before we get too far into that, because you have to have there's a turkey dish you have to have when you go through El Paso. The best Turkey dish you're ever gonna have. You're gonna have very close to El Paso. But before that, we have our two special guests. Our post Thanksgiving guests are Dave Chang, and Chris Yang from the Dave. Dave Chang podcast. What'd you call that Dave Chang show? Nice name, Dave.

It doesn't really matter.

And yet, and yet, you've only been doing it for like three days, but you already have 295 episodes or something crazy like this. You do it like eight times a week or something like this? Well.

Yeah, they're micro episodes. So that's how we can just pump them out. Or an hour long or an hour.

All right, so All right. So let me get back to Jack's. I don't forget this. And then we'll go through our various Thanksgivings. Right and then we got a bunch of questions that you guys have to answer and if I don't get to it, people will drop us on Patreon and then it's bad news for us. All right. So first, when you're going through El Paso go across the border to Juarez, right? Go to Ciudad Juarez and get to Lisa de Pavo Turkey buts first buy a whole roast turkey but and eat that so you get an idea for the what here in the US we call them Turkey tails and then get the torta get the Turkey Tail the turkey but sandwich and tell me that's not the way that God intended turkeys to be eaten this freakin high low. I'm gonna lose my mind. All right, so have you as anyone else besides me had the Turkey Tail sandwich. The Kalita de Pavo Are you guys familiar with you guys familiar with the fact that okay, so turkeys like I am going to go out and start so you can you go out and punch that person in the face.

So they're doing are very important in art installation.

They're not they are though they're not though. It's not that important. I guarantee you as soon as it's time for them to take their like allotted break they will just like walk off the job even if the art literally falls to the ground because they haven't installed the turnbuckle properly. Anyway, so call it like a male Turkey and when it's slaughtered weighs between 40 and 50 pounds. Alright, between 40 and 50 pounds. So they have giant turkey tails on the much bigger than the ones that you get the turkey but that you get on a commercial turkey that we get in the in the supermarket. So nobody wants to buy these things. So what they do is what we do in America is we used to ship them all to American Samoa and everyone in American Samoa and other places in in Micronesian Polynesia, we just eat all of these things. And then they got a reputation for being unhealthy. And that's the same thing that happens in Mexico. They all get shipped to Juarez where they're turned into Turkey Tail things. And so they're seen as kind of low class something been foisted onto people, which is why it doesn't make it out of its region. But the truth of the matter is, it's the most delicious part of the turkey. I'm just gonna say that

Wow. All right. Yeah. All right. Go ahead. Well, you got

isn't isn't poultry, but poultry is the best part of the chicken anyway. Yes.

Yeah, like that. You identify that the males have like specially especially stick bucks though. Yeah, wonderful revelations.

Well, it's like it's like every it's like birds are the opposite of people. Like the male birds are like the good looking birds. And they got the best bucks. You know what I mean? It's like, like the,

the turkey Nicki Minaj. Would be a male turkeys. Yes.

Oh, yeah. For sure. For sure. Yeah, sure. Sure. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. I've

never been to El Paso Juarez border is like, is that border so easily permeable that you can recommend to your friend? If he's in El Paso? He's you're popped into Juarez to get these Turkey butts. Is it that is it? Is it a quick jaunt for Turkey bus? Or is it an all day affair?

I haven't gone post Trump. But yeah, you used to be able to walk across it. I used to go Wow. Yeah. Walk across. I mean, it's like it's one city, like Juarez and El Paso is one city that like a government split into two. Right? And so there's people, there's people that work on both sides. There's like really fun bars in Juarez. Like, I mean, I had a great time. There's some good cooking going on, like in the desert outside of Juarez, at least, it was about it was pretty close to right before Trump when I went so I haven't. It's been maybe five years, five and a half years since I went but, you know, it was after a lot of the violence had died down. And so it was a relatively good time for an American to go. But, you know, I loved it. I thought it was I thought it was a great place. You know, I would go backward and I'll report back. Yeah. All right. So what did Chris What did you have for Thanksgiving?

What did I have for Thanksgiving? Yeah, we had Turkey like stuff with sticky rice. You have all the normal stuff? Yeah,

it's normal, in addition to.

And then I had a pork shoulder that I roasted because we, you know, man cannot survive on Turkey alone.

What do you do with the tendons in the turkey leg?

You know, I sort of mentally pulled them all out a paring knife

after you before you took it. Did you before so you boned you boned it.

I burned it out. owned it. And I was like, Oh, maybe I can do this in like a neat way. Yeah. And then it turned into just like a real Frankenstein. Just you know butchers twine to save my life. It held together. Okay, yeah. But sort of removing all those tendons.

I'm gonna I'm gonna make you really mad right now. You ready for it? Yeah, of course. Okay. So when the turkey still has its foot attached, right, like when they slaughter it, right? There is a machine that exists, there are patents, you can go look it up, right, where what they do is is they have like a U shape and they put what you consider the end of the drumstick, that little bone in one side. And then another thing grabs the leg and rips the leg off. And if you rip the leg off that way, while you hold that the drumstick solid in this machine, it removes all the tendons and the groove prevents the meat from the drumstick from coming out. So they have a machine and I've seen it the videos of it. It's literally it's literally a two a two and a half second operation. They do both legs at once they throw the two legs into the machine it goes for blue. And it rips all the tendons out. They could make they could make every turkey leg insanely delicious. Instead of like, like you the kid takes it and then like leaves that drumstick and like all the meat is attached to the tendon and it gets thrown away instead of that. Every turkey leg could be like insanely delicious. And yet they don't do it because people hate people hate humanity. The people who know how to make the world better hate us. Yeah.

Yeah, because I would make millions of people happier. And I gotta say, I did not do a nice job. I got a lot of loss.

I wouldn't either. Yeah, it's impossible. It's so hard to do that like if you do like you ever do like the mock Turkey ASA. buco. You ever cooked that? No. Yeah. So in a mock Turkey Yasuko you slice the turkey on a bay So but then you pull the tendons after it's cooked so you do like the turkey like it's awesome book and you pull the tenants after to. One of you is boiling soup in a crowd.

David Chang of cooking.

That's David. What do you what do you cook?

I can't I can't believe you can hear the boil. Yeah, that's like supersonic. You think you're

being very quiet right now? Do you think you're like sneaking around making food right now?

Yeah, I mean, my headphones on. I got my head over the doorknob is that I decided to make my my turkey garbage. Yeah. And I can't believe that you hear it. So apologies.

Well, let me let me let me ask you this. iPod pros.

iPod Pro. Yeah.

They magnify kitchen sounds like nobody's business. I can't wash my hands. When I'm talking to someone on the phone to stars. He's like, What are you in a waterfall? What do you what are you? And I'm like, I'm just washing my freakin hands. It's like something about the sound cancelling. They're so good at picking out the ambient noise around them so that they can cancel it out of your ears that they make it like impossibly clear. For everybody else. It's kind of like a it's a bug. It's a bug.

Oh, that sounds terrifying. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm

sorry. Yeah, yeah. So Dave, I know that you had 14 people apparently over for Thanksgiving. And you were trying but unsuccessful in just buying everything. What ended up happening? What was that? What what do you end up doing?

Well, I have some guests that had never experienced Thanksgiving before. And it was not something I anticipated. I thought I was going to buy Thanksgiving and cook nothing. That was my goal. That's my philosophy on life at home in general anyway.

And then says the man is Turkey.

Well now because I have it, and I was like, I don't want it. You know, I gotta do something with all this crap.

Waste by the way people de chang hates waste.

I do hate waste. I I also had somebody from Korea that had never experienced Thanksgiving. So it was like six I've wound up being 16 people. I've never had turkey. For Thanksgiving, have never had a proper Thanksgiving. So I had no choice. And then my son Hugo, who was three in March has only been asking about Turkey, Turkey and pumpkins. And I had no choice. So I actually come to being a good friend and parent. And I made a traditional Thanksgiving.

Whoa. You hate you made or purchased a pumpkin pie? No. Okay. He says asking about pumpkins has

not happened. No, no, I know. I know. I know. We even sell we'll go to the park here in Pasadena where the our pumpkins just so he can play with pumpkins. But there's no pumpkins being brought home.

Okay, so for those of you that don't know, we're gonna get we're gonna get into this because I have questions about literally about pumpkin pie. Chris and Dave did a four part pie mageddon thing on their podcast. Now, Dave and I both always kind of think that we're right. And we almost never agree on anything ever. So like so like there's I think he just just threw something down in disgust. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so like, Dave hates pumpkin pie. Chris. You like pumpkin pie? Right?

I like pumpkin pie. Just fine. Yes. All right, Dave detest

it won't even say the words pumpkin pie. He won't. He'll say the word pumpkin and you'll say the word pie but he won't say pumpkin pie.

Correct. It's a spicy or spicy sweet gourd pie.

Yeah, yeah. So anyway, so like, like, first of all, I think one of your issues is is that you're just eating it completely wrong. Like pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie is a garnish for whipped cream.

Oh, yeah. The question is just eat the whipped cream. No, no, no.

The question is does the pumpkin does the small amount of pumpkin pie that you're going to eat make the whipped cream tastes better? And the answer is yes. No, yeah, it does. It totally does. It totally does.

No. There's no reason there's so many other pies to eat. Then spicy sweet gourd pie. sweet spicy scored pie however you want to pronounce sweet and spicy there's many

the one correct thing you said is it sweet potato pie and pumpkin pie mais will be the same thing. If you don't like one you're not gonna like the other. You're not gonna like regardless.

Somebody brought two pies. One was a OOB a sweet potato pumpkin pie. It was a double mix. I I was so upset and a regular pumpkin pie and to my complete complete shock and dismay and horror, guess which pie was consumed the pumpkin. I'm like the fireflies the pumpkin.

Yeah, pumpkin. People like that stuff. Yeah. Here's the only thing Dave hates pecans. Which, by the way, God's nut like next to Hickory which is actually God's not. Pecan is freaking God's not dude. It's like, everyone's favorite drink song. Yeah, well, yeah, I mean, look. Yeah. Do you? Listen? Listen, Dave Chang. Every once in a while, he has a little sense of mental clarity. He's like, listen, I realize other people like the cones and I don't so I shouldn't be judging pecan pies. Who picks the pecans off the top of the frickin pie and just eats the goop? Dave, I like nuts all the way through my pecan pie. And of course, he was like, I didn't like it very much. I Dave second favorite pie. type of pie. I've never had. I don't eat cream pies. I don't dislike cream pies. I don't dislike them. I just don't eat them. I like like, if I'm given a list of pies. I'm not going like oh, I want I want that cream pie doesn't happen to me. It just doesn't happen. I'm not saying it's bad. So I've never had been off the pie. Ever.

Wow. Well, I don't know if we could speak anymore. This is this is like bizarre, right? This is very weird. It's like we entered some multiverse. And we got the evil we got the evil less intelligent Dave Arnold rather than the open minded, highly intelligent, empathetic Dave Arnold. I think when we picked up this phone, we went down this multiverse and we got to evil less intelligent Dave, what do you think about that?

Any coincidence that we're not doing a video chat here? Because this evil droid doesn't want us to? Yeah, really? Listen, right? He's like, Oh, definitely.

I I'm not hating on cream pie. I just don't ever order it. If like if someone said to me, you could have like all these other pies. Here's a pie with acid in it. I'm going to take that pie. I like pie with acid.

Citrus, citrus pie, we've all decided is number one.

But Apple Pie should have acid apple pie should have acid in it not like from the apples, right? All the fruit pies have acids in them. You know what I'm saying? Pumpkin pie is the one pie that doesn't

put your top category pie categories in order for us then one to five.

I mean, apple pie, apple pies, apple pies. My favorite.

Are you in trouble? Are you in trouble? Because you're not actually getting where you normally are in the high loads there. You know, I remember the safe word you told me many years ago. You can tell me this? Isn't thought situation?

Listen, listen, I've gone down such a pie hole in the past couple of months, not the way you guys have just like consuming pies. I've been consuming the history of pies. And by the way, you guys missed in all of your Listen, we have a question, by the way that we'll get to in a minute. But like the place that pie became like super important in the in the early to mid 20th century is actually LA LA is like the South has it. I love the South. The South hasn't done anything interesting with pies in 150 years. Okay, like the East hasn't done anything interesting with pies in the last 150 years. It's it's Los Angeles, and then spreading out from Los Angeles. One guy, one guy Monroe, Boston Strauss, who would have fallen completely off the radar if it wasn't for surely core her in bake wise in 2008. Like resurrecting his but from the from the from the ashes. Right? And now, you know, I don't even know if people don't even talk about Shirley core here anymore because she gets short shrift to I don't know why I have no idea why but that man invented. Here's a category that deserved it. So the chiffon pie, delicious style of pie. Delicious that you could have a citrus chiffon pie. Delicious. It's a lighter version of the key lime that you that you love. So Well Dave. All I'm saying is, is that you missed out on the man invented graham cracker crust. But he has such a next level graham cracker crust that you guys didn't get into, which is making a standard pie crust and then rolling that into graham crackers. So there's a real pie crust with graham cracker and sometimes he doesn't on the top and sometimes he doesn't on the on the bottom. Here's another thing. Boston Monroe Strauss owned a pie company before he became an like a national and international pie consultant. Okay. And what he did was he would just watch people all day he would wake up early, make eight bazillion pies and then all he would do is watch People eat pies. And you know what he realized? He realized that people don't like to saw through their freakin pie when they get down to the plate. He's like people like when their fork goes into the thing and then goes through it to the plate without having to fight with the pie, right. And the mistake that everybody makes is making an overly flaky crust on the bottom that you then have to fight to cut through. He's like, the average person actually wants to push the fork through the pie and eat the pie. So his solution Dave did back in the French culinary when when all of the Japanese chefs came for their Koseki thing. Did you come to that event with me?

I'm sure I did. But I remember anything.

Okay, there was a there was a there was a I forget his name. So it's, I'm embarrassed, but he is a famous tempura chef from Kyoto. And I don't like tempura right, I think it's trash can food unless it's like served directly to you like the idea of an American making. Goodness It's the worst of all of the fries of all of the fried foods. It's the worst. Come on. There's one good thing to say about tempura and that is it doesn't get your oil dirty because everything floats and you can skim it. That's the one good thing you can say about preparing tempura. But like if you go to Kyoto and you're seated in front of the person frying it is delicious. Any other presentation is garbage. Like anything else other than direct service from the oil to you is trash, canned food. Soggy blonde, and

you think and you think my take on spicy food for pies is bad. Yeah, what is happening?

This is crazy. Man.

Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question. Let me ask you a question. Would you ever if someone said to you, you can have tempura pick pick what's your favorite tempura? Stuffed thing? What's your favorite thing to have done in the style of a temper better? Trim, trim some sort of like undercooked vegetable what like what's your favorite undercooked vegetable? Shrimp? What is it that you liked the best?

Something of a gourd family? Yes.

Yeah. Squash. The sweet potato? No, cuz you guys are very good. Yeah, you guys are human nightmares. They're overly blonde water, whatever. I don't want to get into that. That's not the important part. The important part is is that this guy whose name I forget, but he looks exactly like Don Knotts and Mr. limpet, so we just call them fish face and that's why I can't remember his name, because we only call them fish face because he looked like Don Knotts from Mr. limpet. He did next level tempura which I had to appreciate when he had he was doing a seal a Nago. Right. And he was like you need a different batter for the skin side of the eel than you did from the flesh side. So he would draw it through on one side and one batter the other side the other batter and then you know do the tempura flourish into the oil I like the temperate flourish into the oil by the way. That's a good move the flourish into the oil, which is shockingly similar to a good fishing ships. Fish flourish because it's also like a batter phenomena Do you like a good? You like seeing the person? Do the fishing ships flourish into the oil? You have to

probably one of the most over overrated foods of the United Kingdom.

It's not because the chips are bad. There's nothing wrong with your you're just no the worst food in the United Kingdom is cold eel pie.

You can't make it you can't be like fish and chips is only bad because the chips are bad. That's 50% of the food.

Fish and chips and

it's a fair assessment. That's a fair assessment. But did I say to you, they say to you, I mean all of the way that they put a basket of freakin french fries. No, no. I said I liked the way they put the fish into the batter. I like the flourish of the hand. Obviously, the fries are trash. Anyway, they're the wrong dimensions. And they put vinegar on them like idiots. Like why would I want it? Like if you put vinegar on a fry. It's just proving that it was a bad fry because it's already so soggy and crappy. That doesn't matter that you've just soaked it with liquids. That's what you're saying to me with the vinegar. Anyway, I digress. Monroe Boston Strauss had the genius idea is like if you want a flaky crust, make it the top crust use two different crust a different crust for the top and for the bottom. So that's what I did for my apple pie this year. I did a flaky crust and a shortcrust Shorecrest bottom.

I have it on good authority that Monroe Boston stress stole that idea from Taco Bell a double decker taco though.

Yeah, that's that's what was incorrect. And correct. The man. The man was a pie genius. And he he hails from the Los Angeles area. Los Angeles is the nexus of modern American Pie hegemony. Right. And all the writers by the way, I say mapic Making fun of them because on their podcast, you know Dave and Dave and Chris have a had a pronunciation B, but they don't have what we have here. Look, they may be you know, whatever, like, you know, you guys may be you all big and famous blah blah blah but you don't have what I have. Watch this. Okay? Pronounce the word I wash this John pronounced the word Susana.

Oops all soup. So, yeah,

there you go. See I have a French speaking native French speaker on my on my thing. So any French word that comes up? Give them a word. Dave give them a word.

No, no, no. Well, no, what we're trying to ask about the pronunciation V. is what it means about the person that tries to pronounce something properly in a room full of people that are not native speakers.

That's your worst. That was the worst thing about Alex. What?

How have you pronounced for song?

Oh, it's it's it's I just say I don't say is that what you're trying to get me to say? I say like qua song. Yeah, yeah, but here John.

Even still,

John gave it to me again. Yeah, but like then you have like yet to have the French guy doing it for you watch. John say battery, the cuisine.

But could the cuisine like the pronunciation monkey here? Yeah,

see that? You gotta have one of those guys. You know what I mean? Hello, they

don't have that.

What about like, what about words in Spanish? How do you pronounce Barcelona?

Oh, that's not even real. I can't stand that Mexicans is the real Spanish. Everybody knows that. And everyone in Barcelona would rather speak Catalan. Everyone in Barcelona would rather speak Catalan. And that lispy thing I like I can't stand it. Give me a Mexican give me a Mexican or a Colombian speaking Spanish any day, any day.

But what about an individual right? If you are like, whatever, somebody asked you in your room with like four friends. You speak Spanish and it's like I went to Barcelona but someone else pronounces it. Barcelona, Barcelona. i What do you think about

I went? I went yeah. That's horrible. Yeah. Unless they're Spanish. Like, if they're Spanish. Yeah,

yeah. What about the person that speaks that doesn't speak French. The only word that they pronounced in the proper pronunciation. Like he's like, that's it? Like what? Why do you why do you pronounce that properly? And nothing else properly? You know what I mean? It's like, what does it say about a person that thinks that they have to pronounce it? Like a real French person? Just say it's croissants. Like every other dumb American?

I don't know. I think people feel like they're doing like a good I don't know. I don't know. I don't think people do it out of maliciousness. So

what do you do? You were at the patient case? You're ordering. You say croissant?

No, no. I don't know what I just say give me that. I just say give me the give me the flaky buttery thing this what?

french french bought on the other end, John. What? Yeah. That's how I pronounce it Coogan almond Queen mo literally voice

in Google Translate. Amazing.

I love it. I love it. I love it. All right. So the Stasi What do you have for Thanksgiving?

I went to a friend's house and what they have oh the usual stuff but no mashed potatoes.

No mashed potatoes. Oh,

what what? No, no, no, no they had beets oh

what were the dimensions of the beats

large baseball was

missing people. After you wrote the beat you have to peel it and cut it into small pieces for even go into my mouth. Like don't certainly

they just robbed

but they still had like a hard Middle.

Middle. Oh God. Listen, beets are one of those things. Like until they're dried out. You can't overcook it. Just make it cooked. Make it cooked. Make it cooked. If you're worried about drying it, wrap it wrap it

well, no one better move than that. A better recipe is never cooked up.

Mike, Mike, Mike Steve thinks famous no cook beat recipes.

I've had. I've had like three three or four times my life so wins. handed me a beat and I was like, Damn, that was good. Like Mike Sharon at WD 50s 10th anniversary made a beat dish where he did that par high par dehydrated where the beat got like real chewy. And I was like, I'm enjoying this. I'm enjoying this. That's the

dish, Paul. Paul, Paul Carmichael had a good beat dish, you know, but, but that's about it beats to me. Dave, how do you I'm trying to find moments in places in life and world where we can now agree on where we will be simpatico. What are your thoughts about the Australian disaster of putting beats and an egg on their burger?

That's a huge mistake. First of all, having having a burger anywhere other than the United States is always a letdown that people get. Yeah, people don't get it. They just don't get it. Like they they do all this stuff to it. I'm like, don't do that. It's a burger. You know what I mean? Like, just don't do all of those things. Why would you do those things? Yeah, yeah.

It makes no sense. No, I'm

gonna give you the logic. It's when other countries tried to be like America and it gets it. They don American football pads, the cleats that helmet, but they're carrying our lacrosse stick, and they're playing lacrosse with football. That's what it's like when they try to make American burgers where they think they're making like American stuff, but it's just an embarrassed Yeah, that's just stops.

I want I want for giggles got a hamburger in Germany. Okay. And they mixed spices in with the meat like it was freaking meatloaf. Good. meatloaf is a different food from burgers. People are so dumb. People are really bad.

What's your logic? They might as well put a pumpkin pie in between the bread.

Come on, man.

That would be good to

come on. Okay, what

cream? Whipped cream essential with the whipped cream.

First of all, I can't believe this dassia had to have beats on Thanksgiving. I still that's going through my head. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. John, would you have

pretty good Thanksgiving grilled spatchcock turkeys and really good stuffing. Squash casserole with marshmallows on top. green bean casserole mashed potatoes.

Real green beans or canned green beans, green beans. creamy mushroom soup or not green mushroom? Mushroom soup. Okay, so halfway. You're halfway it's a halfsies Yeah, okay. Perfect. That's

the machine green beans. Yeah, he

can green beans are bad. But I had this discussion with people. There are some times when the worst product makes a dish better when the product that is the worst product makes the dish better. And the theory on this I'm not saying I agree is the crappy canned beans, the cream of mushroom soup and the Durkee fried onions and that that combination of three things baked together is that dish and that then to try to fancy it with beans that tastes good is actually making the dish worse. I don't agree. I'm saying that's the argument.

I don't agree with that either. Yeah. 100 migrant means Yeah,

it sounds it sounds a little bit like Moneyball those three things equal Jason Giambi.

You know, I don't understand sports references, so I'm just gonna have to agree with Jambi. Yeah. Joe, what do you do? What do you have for your Thanksgiving? We want the pasties. What, yeah, really? My wife, you know, my wife is pretty far yeah, are very pregnant. So we didn't want to have anyone over didn't want to have to do the whole spiel of cleaning up cleaning the house. Cleaning up after people having people over so we went the pasties we ate French food. Yeah. And dynamite. Would you have like steak fried? I had a flim mignon. She had a whole lobster. Gees. Oh, yeah. Yo, John, give me some Daniel. Daniel. Yeah, there you go. That's that you could have had a pastiche you could have had John within you could have gone. Dandong would have been awesome. Design. What are you? What do you have? You have traditional Thanksgiving there? What? No, he doesn't have a mic close enough to him. What are you now is in a fistfight with a bird. Alright, there we go. All right. I'll tell you what I have for Thanksgiving. Thanks for asking.

We know the pie that's

giving me so I went to my sister's house. Right but here's the worst part. Ready for it? No leftovers. They have a new baby. So I went to my sister's house. No leftovers. So on the way home. We stopped by Stu Leonard's we got a Christmas tree I ran in well Jen was picking out the Christmas tree with with DAX and I bought a turkey. I went home got home at 4pm or 430. Had an entire Thanksgiving on the table at nine Turkey turkey gravy. I cut the back off of it broke my kitchen shears cut the back out of it made a turkey stock with the pressure cook turkey stock with the bone spatchcock. I didn't have time to brine it properly. So I made a mixture of mayonnaise and salt and broth and injected mayonnaise, salt, broth and sugar into the breasts to get them all jacked up because I didn't have time to do it right. And the man is injection actually wasn't so bad. Well, yeah, I made a cranberry sauce. And I made Parker house rolls I ground flour and made Parker house rolls table by night because I was just so mad that I didn't have leftovers. And the best meal I had was actually Saturday when I got to have my cold turkey sandwiches, which is the only reason to have Thanksgiving anyway. Is the cold turkey sandwiches for me. I love a cold turkey sandwich. I don't like an open face sandwich. I don't mind that you like it? I just don't like it. I don't want gravy. I don't want freaking cranberry sauce on my on my sandwiches. I just want Turkey and mayonnaise, and lettuce and mustard. White bread toasted one side. That's what I want.

That's crazy, man.

I know. And like thinking, we should be impressed with we should be impressed with what he did I'm gonna be like,

Why would you do that? Because I wanted the second one. You only said Why did you do that? My wife Jen. She's like, why are you doing this? I'm like, I don't know.

Yeah, exactly. Secondly, I mean, you're pro turkey. This is problem. I think for a lot of people, including myself. You're

just like, look, it's okay to be wrong days. It's okay to be dead wrong. Turkey is delicious.

You know, I'll give you a meeting somebody the first time it's like, oh, they're pro choice. They're feminine. They believe in all the good things in life but you're like, you know you don't believe in the First Amendment. That's what like what you're telling me and you're like, I like Turkey. I don't understand that. I

don't know. I don't know either. Because Turkey is delicious. Listen, the first fight the first fight that Dave and I had you ready for it? It got ugly, really ugly. Wiley. Well now the very first fight was over tongs. Wiley and Chang are on Team No Tom, and for any reason and I'm like, you're incorrect. Tom's are useful. And they're like tongs are not useful. Whatever the second one, same night. Like I can't believe I made it out of this. Like unscathed. I was like, I know that it's a trash can thing made by Trash Can people for trash can people but wasabi mashed potatoes taste good. And you guys lost your minds.

Hey, my God.

Human What is this? evolved and develop an opposable thumb so we should never have to hold Tom. It's very clear. That's the main purpose for come. This isn't saying not full Tom's gonna kitchen. Okay, like that's just the truth. Just look it up. Okay, second. Secondly, wasabi mashed potatoes is one of the most horrific combinations ever invented and the fact that you liked it. I remember that night being like, I can't. Opinions like what are

the same freaking argument we had, like 15 years ago? And listen? Well, what I'm trying to tell you is is that I understand all the reasons you hate it. It also happens to taste good.

This is one of those. It's not true. If somebody you gotta let somebody grow over time, you know? 15 years as you mature. Listen, well for 15 years.

15 years. 15 years. I stand by it. I have not made it. But if someone handed it to me, I'd be like, as long as there's enough butter whipped into that sucker. I'd be like, that tastes good. I mean, yeah, yeah. Explain to explain to me why horse has to explain to me why horse radish potatoes are good. And wasabi mashed potatoes are bad go.

Who says first of all?

Good. Legal trickery. Do I disagree with the

worst? No, those are terrible.

It's a good combination. Do

you like horseradish? No,

I don't like it. Fine.

Oh my god. You don't like horseradish? On a roast beef sandwich. What

is it good. You know what's better than horseradish? What any kind of hot sauce. Oh, please. Anything else over? Please. What's better than horseradish? You know what's better than horseradish? fresh wasabi.

Oh, so now you want wasabi mashed potatoes. Do you?

Alright, how's again after some questions,

this is from Bryce, I'm going to trigger you again. Because I know you and I agree on this. I don't like eggnog very much like I can have one thimble full of it, but then I'm done. I'm good with it. Bryce writes in I used to use rumens aged eggnog recipe I've since stopped consuming alcohol. Jeffrey Morgenthaler offers a non alcoholic eggnog recipe at the link provided is there a way to circulate a backed up Morgenthaler non alcoholic nog for a time and attempt that will render the product safe for immunocompromised individuals? Sure. Yeah. So like the problem with his so for those of you that are keeping track it's two eggs whole eggs though not yolks. So like that's going to be the issue the whole eggs but they're not going to set because it's 120 mils of milk and 300 mils of heavy cream and some sugar. So yeah, so just bag that sucker. Like just bag it take it up to like 62 for like you know, 15 minutes in a bag and you're done or just pre pasteurized the eggs, just pasteurized the eggs at like 57 for an hour and 15 minutes and then use them pasteurized like that and then don't worry about bagging the whole thing but you do I don't. But like I say I don't really like eggnog that much. I don't know.

I'm doing a better recipe again is that don't make it don't drink it

day by day yes days on record saying that they all eggnog is better consumed as ice cream. I believe. Chris, you rightly pointed out that alcohol and ice cream can cause textural issues. I believe that's what happened. All right. Ready for another triggering question from Colton Johnson. Hey, everybody, we're just about pies again. Pie marches on time marches on, by the way is the book we were talking about by Monroe Boston Strauss. The pie king of Los Angeles, invented the chiffon pie when he was only 20 or 21 years old. mazing amazing man. Now did pine marches on has been one of the best classic cookbooks we've gotten probably ever oh by the way, I should mention this. If you are a member of Patreon I have skin I went to the New York Public Library and scan and extremely rare Monroe Boston Strauss cookbook him and a guy named Charles glaslough. You can look read the glaslough Just for fun. He was the Technical Director of baker's weekly from like 1911 to like 19 like 33 for 1920 Tonight, whatever. Anyway, so it's half glaslough and half Strauss but you gotta you gotta read that section. I put the scan up on the for the Patreon people. The pumpkin pie recipe of from time marches on is hands down the best pumpkin pie my husband and I have ever had, and will be we will be making it every year. As for the short flake or Meili pie crust recipes and this is where the question comes in. I can't seem to get it right. So So Dave, and Chris for your because you haven't been tuning into this so that Boston Monroe Monroe, Boston Strauss has three different recipes, what's called the long flake recipe, which is what most 99% of people think pie crust should be. Right? The short flake which is the one that he uses almost all the time, when you want the fork to actually go through and hit the plate. And when he calls me Lee and Amelie one you almost really never want to use because it just kind of falls apart. It doesn't hold its structure. And so so what that what the thing is when I follow the recipes as they're written, it turns into more of a pace to shorten the meal and is impossible to roll out. Have you had any trouble with this? Am I just over mixing slash overwatering? I've already rolled some all butter long flake pie dough in the graham cracker crust and dust and it's by far the best pie crust but I want to get the full experience with his short flake recipes. Any insight is appreciated. Love the show Happy Holidays. Your problem is this. Boston Monroe Boston Strauss was using commercial This is one of your problems. He was using commercial pastry flour right. Everybody now uses AP flour. AP flour is not the ideal flour for a good pie crust everyone is using JV level flour in their recipes. And all cookbook writers write recipes for JV level flour because everybody doesn't want to tell you to go out and buy the right flour for the job at hand. Myself included as I'm writing these recipes I'm trying to write stuff for AP flour. If you've ever gotten your hands on real decent awesome pastry flour milled from really good soft wheat soft winter wheat like it is by far and away a better flour to use in in a paste regret and this is one of the reasons why I'm sure a lot of your pie crust you said when you were tasting them over the last month were like universally good is because all professional pie makers get real pie flour for pies. You know what I'm saying? They're not buying. They're not they're not going to the supermarket and expecting one kind of flour to make every baked good on Earth right? Because it's just not the way the world works. You know what I mean? But if you want to take AP flour, I would say on 150 gram basis I would use about 25 grams of cornstarch and 125 grams of your regular AP and don't do that to imitate cake flour because it's it's not going to have a cake flour has been treated to hold water better. So that's a terrible substitution for cake flour, but it's a good substitution for pie flour. And I almost guarantee you that you're over working the butter into the flour. So he says to work it in all the way but you got to remember, he's writing this recipe for 1930, you know five or six when they were mixing these things like cutting the butter and shortening into giant vats doing like 10 pounds at a time. And so you're almost certainly using something like a food processor or whatever and overworking the flour into it. And then probably if it's not holding together, then you need to add more water and if it's not holding, if it's if it's turned to a pace you probably added too much but his recipes I've done them use the pastry flour substitution I gave you and don't don't over overwork the the butter in I would say like here's one everyone's like work the butter into the work work your butter into the flour until it's the size of walnuts to hell is that that is a trashcan recommendation. That is That makes no sense to me. Anyway, I hope that helps. Was that a good answer? Guys? Great answer.

All right. The nut size is actually pecan because it's also

I have you know, Dave, I'll have you know that they are all members of the jigglin Desi family. But the pecan and the hickory are more closely related. Walnut is a good nut. Walnut is a good nut. They're all good nuts. You know what's okay, what is your favorite nut? Don't say peanut because you know it's not a nut. What's the best nut? What's the best nut? Pistachio. Pistachio nuts? Not a nut? No. Oh, legume. Yeah, come on, man.

Of course I know that cheeses.

Alright, so what's the what's the best nut? No, no, not that not. I

don't. I'm not a fan. I like black walnuts when they're fresh. That's about it. That's about it. I was not a big fan of nuts.

What about pistachios? Anastasia just busted out the pistachio nut.

Too much work pretty good. Not too good. You might work too much work.

You know what I don't like your work. When you buy the number 10 cans of pistachios. There's always nasty ones in there. So you have to go through them. That's what I hate. Yeah.

Yeah, it's too much work to show. And honestly, you're fancy.

You could buy those Bronte's. You could buy the Bronte's, you could probably have the entire island like send you all of their brawn tasty food.

Oh, no, no, no, it's important. It's important to buy to shell them because you get that extra bit of salt on your fingers, which makes it that much more delicious. I'm not saying mustaches are not delicious. I'm saying there's too much work for me to like them. That's just all that says me. too fatty.

Ah, see, for me, it's like I don't really think they have that much flavor. They're more of a texture food for me.

Well, I mean, again, like maybe that's why it's always in that crappy box of chocolates that someone gets when they come back from wine. And I don't want them either.

You know, what not I don't know what not I don't like very much. Brazil. Not never like you know what? I really want Brazil nuts. And then when you get the mix in Brazil, what's the worst? Yeah, Brazil nuts worst nut? And it kills people so much, too, you know? Yeah, they're big for no reason.

There's like rocks. What's that? There's a there's a nut in Australia. That's like 18 pounds or not? That's not very good. And then what was I going to say about processions? The reason why I can't even get past pistachios if you got me thinking about pistachios gave you are a wealth of knowledge. What is the reason why pistachios were colored red lipstick for years upon years?

I used to know this I had to look it up once I forget the I forget the answer. It has to do with the fact that they couldn't be like they would turn to an an off color on storage. And so they couldn't figure out a way to process them right so in order to have them not look unappetizing, they just dyed them all red, but I forget exactly what the reason was, was is because they like were they couldn't control the color properly. They're just like, better off that they're all red. But no one who's younger than Sen has seen a red pistachio. I was wondering I

don't even know what that is. Yeah. I honestly instead of I think a lot of people would say like, well, that's the dumbest invention culinary invention of all time. I think it's probably arguably one of the top three or four best culinary ideas of all time.

coloring the pistachios

Yeah, well, it's just it's a huge lucky to everybody that would eat pistachios. It's like for so many people didn't even know that the sessions were not colored red. They've no idea. So when they actually saw a pistachio that was not colored red. That's what freaked them out in the

70s. It was genius move in the seven Here's the first time I had non read pistachios I was like, What is this? What is wrong with these things? You're gonna mean? Yeah, because Pistachios are red. Yeah, yeah. All right I gotta get some questions you guys are gonna get my hands are here go Zachary writes in question for you guys any chance of Lucky pinch lucky pinch lucky peach reprinting or release it was my favorite food writing but collecting old issues is getting expensive any chance guys?

All right, probably not ever, but I know

I wouldn't even know where to find those files if I tried.

Yeah, you gotta cut my man Zachary ERate dude.

He sent me around your soul ship you whatever issues you want,

buddy. There you go. You back here you go. But only if your Patreon he is a Patreon member. There you go. All right. All right.

And only only if you were announced pumpkin pie.

So, so Zach, Zachary, you need to write in renounce pumpkin pie on the Patreon and you can get the issues you need. That's the that's the deal you have to make with the Oh, when you said pumpkin pie, you're totally busted. I love it. So from JM badger writes in for Chris what's the craziest story you have from collaborating with other slash providing editorial direction either on books and lucky peach or your current major domo media projects?

The craziest story I have from collaborating I feel like the last 15 years has been one long crazy story ring with Mr. Chang here it is not hopefully stopped yet but it's been I mean, I think the first time that Dave and I really hung up he fell out of a second story window. Whoa, that was pretty crazy.

Like a pretty good

sell with with quotes are like legit Phil.

No, like legit fell. But in his defense. If you must remember this, he fell. And I went outside of a bar. He literally fell out of a second story window into like a little Olympic Simone Biles tuck and roll. And then they just started tying his shoe as though he had meant to fall out and roll to tying his shoe and that's how he always says the shoe. So that's probably

where you on the second floor or were you on the sidewalk.

I was on the sidewalk below. And he was inside on the second floor and fell out again. Like I'm not exaggerating, fell out. I can roll tide issue. Gonna dust themselves off and walk back inside.

He didn't give you a dude, he didn't give you subdued, subdued.

This is also important. Important to note. It's also important to note that like the cultural zeitgeist, at that moment in time in the Bay Area, we are on the Tony and I had just pissed off everybody in San Francisco by saying the sticks on the play comment, right? We're on the tour and they canceled us. Every goddamn restaurant, every museum, every auditorium cancelled us. So we still went there. And we had to host our event in a bar. And, and I bought, I think 148 Miller highlight ponies for the audience. And no one showed up except for Chris. And

not even exaggerating.

And Chris, did you bring the things in the goat cheese?

BYOD Bring Your Own figs to the Dave Chang event. All right. Yeah, I remember that. Yeah. All right. From Dakota. Dave, what's the wildest thing that cooks better in a nuke? Wish ya incredible holiday season Dakota. Better better to nuke? Yeah, better in a microwave? What's better in a microwave?

Mashed potatoes. What do you think about that tomorrow?

I don't even understand what that means. I don't even understand what that means. Like does the microwave master for you? Do you have some sort of like next level Panasonic?

No, I'm just saying like cook the microwave and cook the potatoes in the microwave?

Like how many like in one of in one of your bowl so they steam or like individually? So they're semi baked?

It doesn't? It doesn't have to be in the bowls, but certainly it does. But if you just microwave potatoes, I think it's the best way. See the

thing about the bowl. The thing about the bowls that I like is is that then you're developing steam and you're cooking them all. If they're not in a bowl and you're cooking more than one or two you have to worry about the timing so much you know what I'm saying?

Correct? Correct. But you can get the timing down if you get to know the what your power of your microwave and the you know, idiosyncratic nature of everyone's microwave. And I also believe that microwaving your Idaho potatoes is probably the best way to make gnocchi potato

really bad because you're not adding or subtracting that much moisture

yep it without without anything fans bowl just it just it just a great way to cook your potatoes. I think I'm a big fan of cooking potatoes in the microwave.

What are your What are your theories on? On the temperature of the potato into an Yoki? Better?

It needs to be warm. Not cold.

Right? Right not super hot yet what's yours saying? It's like this weird thing it's hard to describe. I also like my mind Yogi's horribly inconsistent and I don't want to talk about it. That's a trigger for me. I I don't know why I haven't been able to dial it in. It's one of those things where like, I just can't I can't get it right 100% of the time, and it just pisses me off. And I haven't had the time to like dial dial it in. So it's making me your take

on your potatoes. What kind of potatoes are you using? And how developed are the starch crystals there?

It might interest you to know, Dave, that the main difference between a waxy potato and what we call a starchy Urmila is literally just the density of the potato and not the variety and all the genetics that's all heard it like if you get a potato, like really it's all about the density. Its you can base all your potato recipes on the flavor of the potato itself and on its specific gravity. i But to answer your question, I use Idaho recipes whenever humanly possible, right,

but can I just say that that is? The density actually matters in the cooking and the flavor? Because then it's about drying out your potatoes as much as possible.

Yeah, and if you want those mealy things like oh, I have to get these questions or I'm gonna get I'm gonna get in trouble hustle

real quick. I'd like to remind it's a family show. No, Can I curse? You did what I say. Shi T. No.

I said sugar. Honey, I say no kid. Oh, no sugar honey. is in from Quinn, the premiere season of mind of a chef and one of my first big inspirations to get serious about cooking. If that show or something similar came back with Dave's involvement, who is a chef today would choose to follow for a whole season.

Oh, good question. I've probably right now, because I think he's doing really interesting things is Matt horn in West Oakland. Because he's on the precipice really expanding to the entrepreneur as well. He's got like a chicken thing going on. And just what he has with his barbecue operation in West Oakland is just, it's just there's so much happening there talk about noise. There's a like a junkyard, literally right behind the restaurant. So there's a lot going on. And I would be I would watch a show that sort of took a peek into his mind, not just for the culinary ideas, but just sort of like, what it means to be a chef trying to open up multiple businesses right now.

Speaking of Oakland, how do you not have don't they have been pie over there? How did you not get bean pie in your list?

I don't even know what that is. What does that

mean? Pie bean pie is like,

How can I order something when I don't even know what it is?

Bean pie was like, it's like, you're just making it up right now

bean pie is the famous Nation of Islam pie. And like I would assume that you know where the where the Black Panthers were invented the cradle of the Black Panthers, they would have a decent bean pie somewhere.

And we went to actually

the Reverend Muhammad believe that the Navy being was a superior being and so didn't want people to be eating the sweet potato pie or the pumpkin pie. So the bean pie was developed and it's a good pie. It could be your alternative. It could be your pumpkin pie color. Now you could go to somebody's house and lie.

But I wonder if it's like it was probably I imagine it was like a specialty of your black Muslim bakery, right? Yeah, in Oakland. I must have been.

Well, it might have gone away with them. David, would be very similar I would imagine to a lot of the red bean desserts in

it's not though. I know you're saying but it's not okay. What question for Dave? What are your top three favorite pantry items? Beyond the existing line of products you recently launched. They're great ways to increase umami blow up flavor and introduce a wow factor when aiming to create dishes inspired by Japan, China, Korea, Thailand, etc. Eccentric hard to find our items are acceptable things you have to make are acceptable.

Three easy one is say well, it's Korean salted krill like very, very small shrimp. You almost need to like find a special container just to make sure that somehow don't emanate into your house because it is extremely pungent, but a little bit goes a long way. The other one is red boat fish sauce. I go through a tremendous amount in my cooking and everything from Vinogradov. So you name it, I think I put red fish sauce in like 75% of all the dishes I make, regardless of the cuisine. And the third one would be any kind of Shiro diet, which is basically like dashi bouillon liquid,

you're okay with, are you okay with the granules are you hate the granules?

Now I like I hope that she's fine but like this whole, there's this I would say the past 10 years that has been even longer than that a lot of American cooks, understanding or utilizing Japanese ingredients a little bit more for a museum to so on and so forth. I would say the past 36 months or maybe a little bit longer. The big thing has been the adoption of Shira dashi into their cuisine, which is, you know, like, I don't know, yeah, how would you describe it in layman's terms? This you're not here to hone Bashi share adashiko I

think that yeah, I mean, I don't know. layman's terms. It's like it's it's a slightly smoky slightly seaweedy umami

juice. It's like dashi Staci Tashi water Dawsey sauce. Yeah. Yeah, you know, flavored coffee sauce. And I think a lot of cooks professional cooks are adding it to a lot of dishes themselves. And those are three very, very highly potent umami things that you could add in your pantry. Now

you're talking about like, if you it is it's like a delicious flavor. The first time you eat it, but then after you if you just try to use it constantly and you don't use it with sort of a judicious hand then you can get tired of it pretty quickly.

Well remember when everybody is ketchup and nice and everything remember back then when everybody put ketchup on us and everything

was when every everybody that was a graduate of less than three tunes you know for like a five year period was putting in ketchup man a song everything everything. We're dating ourselves, because nobody knows what the hell we're talking about. Yeah.

Alright, Jake, can you please help me identify the proper This is from Chris Grady. The proper alkaline salts to buy for homemade ramen noodles. I get lost on the internet trying to understand and are those hyperemesis toy row clay pots that show up in your videos? And what wheat berries to use if I want to grind fresh flour for ramen? Thanks

I can't get to any of that stuff anymore. I've forgotten knowledge across the board.

Do you buy the liquid constantly or do you use salt?

I don't like the liquid concept in small batches. I think it works better in larger batches. And it works better when you're making tofu a little bit, but I still don't even like it because it just tastes like crap. But I don't make mood ramen. There's certain things as a professional cook. Davis clearly, I'm not even a professional cook anymore. I just refuse to make at home. I don't make stuff. Like pasta is with farces in it. I don't make ramen noodles. I don't make soba. I don't do these things at home because I never want them to be made in my home ever.

So yeah Anastasia is great agrees with you. She gets triggered by people making pasta. Chris I'm gonna get to your I'll get your weekend. Next week. By the way, I'll talk cuz I'll talk too long. Anastasia will take my head of what about your clay pots? What's your make? Is it till you row?

I don't know this one is Japanese. But toy row has the monopoly on all the good ones. And I have I've had the same one for like 10 years and it's chipped up. But it's you know, I don't you just need to have one that's not going to crack on you. And that has a deep well. That's what I say. 20 Romans are really good. I just honestly I haven't bought anything other than the one I have.

Right, Jason, I'm gonna get to your vacuum bagging question next week because I don't think Chang and you don't really care about vacuum pricks right. You're not a vacuum prick guy.

Not anymore.

Yeah. All right. So I have two things. We got to do one on the way out. Go by the Sears all pro by the way. Dave, you haven't had a chance to actually use the at the same it kicks the crap out of the old one. It's like, we've completely redesigned it. It's completely redesigned and we're not gonna we're not gonna we're not gonna get to make it. We'll try.

What what is everyone's problem? Do they not understand what this is? Like your listeners actually care about

you? I think they do.


I don't know, man. Yeah, I don't know. But like,

the thing is because it's like it's legitimate even like, it sort of means you cannot recreate the sheet. Even in a professional kitchen. So I don't understand especially

the new one. It's nuts, seeds, nutty Baggins. I mean like, but like again, like the thing is like one guy was like, I'll just wait for it to come on Amazon. You're gonna wait a long time to

Yeah, if we don't make this Indiegogo. We don't make anything we don't exist. Yeah, there's

A good chance that we just oh yeah there's a good chance that you know and then

John Stone emailed John and asked you know where all this stuff is just like with the spins off

yeah hey guys this is not this is not my my clearly my my time to ask this but why don't you just shame your audience right now

doesn't like shaming he can't change he can't shame these guys yeah but you can't say no because then you get mad and I don't want to I don't want to deal oh yeah I guess

give them a give

if you shame them they might care

yeah I feel like the people who listen to this probably have bought it it's just you need you need a lot of people to buy it we have a lot of people to buy it because we have to pay for the tooling and

they're not doing their job yeah they're not doing their job they're not doing their jobs because they need to be like starting like a religion right now. They need to have eight to 12 other people if you haven't convinced 12 other people to buy the Sears all plus you're not a real fan of the

basement and go until we

Cheese Louise we should we should do this we should do this. What's it called? Like a Ponzi scheme style where it's like if you bring in three friends we give you a discount on the one you got.

No that's it. That's how you figure out yeah

yeah, like like Tupperware is there like I saw one of those. Was that Mary Kay the pink Cadillacs. I saw one of those on the street the other day All right, we got it we got all the way Amanda next week give Amanda Cohen right yes,

on what No. And also for our Patreon members. Holiday per coming out 10% off at Edwards aged meats. I'll post the discount code in the Patreon comments. Share it with anybody

Yeah, but check out Edwards age meets. I'd like a follow them on Instagram. They do some different stuff. Yeah. All right. So on the way out. Let's leave it with this discussion. You ready? What is it from Pablo? Polaski what are the fewest number of ingredients? You need to consider something ramen go

is overwhelming. ingredient.

It's a question from a user. What noodles and water?

Noodles. I mean, are you already considering the noodles already cooked? Or not cooked?

Do you get to choose man? I don't know. I don't know. Okay, how about this? Noodles? Ramen Noodles come Yeah, broth and noodles that you have now what? And what are the two ingredients? like chives and egg? What chives?

Now you need you don't need a broth because you could have a Buddha ROM in which you can have some kind of like oil base ROM and you need some aid like flavoring agent in some something to sauce. The noodles. So it would be on a macro level number it would be three. If you wanted to, like go deeper. I'm sure it could, you know those three could be broken into like 25 ingredients

to the minimum ramen is three.

But you don't actually run without any topic. It doesn't have to have topic doesn't have to have Choshu. It doesn't have to have menma it doesn't have to have a lot of thing. I think it's the basic minimum is some kind of sauce and flavoring age. Whatever age it really can't be the sauce itself.

Could someone provide you that minimum? Ramen and and have you be happy?

No, because I'd be like, What are you guys been doing all day?

Okay, so what's the minimum number? Yes, a minimum number of ingredients. What's the minimum number of ingredients where you don't walk out and say what the hell is that?

Are you saying components of a bowl of noodles? It's like noodles, bra.

Chris, you choose? You choose? I don't know, this is not my question. So you get to choose what the answer is.

Some kind of some kind of drop or liquid or fat is another right? Yep. The seasoning that taught it. You can't have rotten without today. Right? The salty umami flavoring liquid, which is like a double dip method created by Aldo ramen shop many many years ago, so that's three right? Then the minimal thing would be one topic. One topic, right? And that could be you know, a bad negative could be eggs. It could be Negi. You know, I think the most classic thing would might just be nagging. But, you know, I think for me, the bare minimum would just be one topic, like a meat or vegetable or something. Fish cake egg. That would be my idea. What do you think? Yeah.

Yeah, I think that I think that tiny even without broth, you could just have tiny and fat noodles. As a bare minimum. You need some sort of little Allium. You need Nikki on there, I think would be the minimum

element. Did you just say

aluminium? No one Since

you aluminium so you can take your bacon

away. Yeah. But listen, you don't realize I think like you need that little bit because you need something at least a little bit texturally different you need something a little crunchy on it now. Need some textual variation? Yeah.

What circumstances are we even being forced to live? Like?

I don't know, I've been told that I've been told that this circumstance I'm living with is that we need to get off the air. That's the circumstance we need. But Chris and Dave, thanks for coming on to the show. I hope that you

can ask one question, then you guys can kind of Soph it's a real honor. What are your thoughts on Turkish to like Dave Arnold?

Okay. Okay. Here, okay. For I thought you might ask them and like this. There's Dave Chang hates Turkish food. I'm gonna say is he hates Turkish Delight.

crystallins. I love I hate Turkish.

Okay, there's a Turkish there's a Turkish desert, where you cook you poach a chicken breast? You beat it. And then you mix it with rice in a pudding form. You chill it and you eat it. What are your thoughts? See,

um, I have to try it. All right.

All right. I can't pronounce your name of that dish. And so I'm not going to try to be that like American white guy who tries to pronounce the Turkish word so I'm

not gonna do so that's something completely different. That's not Turkish though. So

I'm gonna go one further and call it locum and even though I hate I hate flour water as an ingredient in general, which is why I don't drink Ramos Gin fizzes. It's like a triple hatred for you because it's a jelly it's it's got nuts in it. And it's flavored with a flour water right so it's like all the hates but the fact that it comes with powdered sugar on it in snake format that you then cut off of the snake I think that's a win so I like

best name ever for a food item with the actual worst flavor well

but do you call if you call it locum it will be easier for you to hate on

Yeah, because I don't waste Turkish Delight on don't waste Turkish Delight on Turkish Delight. It should be you know, one of like cavas recalled Turkish Delight. Instead of kebabs or

let's take a campaign or two kebab should be renamed. Let's let's take that name back. Like when, when like New Orleans, one of the jazz named back for the NBA team. We should give it back to

to Bob also Chang hates Whoppers, so let's just put it there. Chang thinks that Whoppers in Turkish Delight are the equivalent candy which is incorrect. It's just not the correct opinion.

Maltesers way more cheeses.

Maltesers a great name. Whatever. Is anyone in here gonna back me up on Turkish Lira. Is anyone gonna say? They're

disgusting? Let's get off the air. All right. Thank you. All

right, cooking issues. Love your guards. Hi, Dave. Thanks.