Cooking Issues Transcript

Soup Club

Hello and welcome to cookie issues coming to you live from newsstands studios at Rockefeller Center. And now to hand it over to my guest announcer.

Phil Bravo. And I'd like to welcome everyone here today with Dave Arnold Nastasia that hammer Lopes, Joe Hasan Jackie molecules, John Yoo hoo. And again, special guest Phil Bravo, please.

Bravo. How're you doing? Phil?

I'm doing all right. How are you doing Dave

supposed to say calling your questions to 917-410-1507 That's 9174100 chances there are no chances. Let's just get this thing going. Get it going. Wrap it up. See people can't see as well. People on Patreon. If you if you're a member of Patreon, you can if you really wanted to see as you could. right did you announce Jackie molecule's? He did? Yeah. Why are you Jackie? Has Has California? Yeah. Delightful. He sat you sound delighted? You sound like you? Does your droopy dog? No, I'd full is ever California. California got you down. You're doing a little bit of Neil Diamond. You're gonna You're caught between two shores. LA. LA is fine, but it ain't home. New York's New York's home but it ain't yours. No more. You're not Oh, my God.

I'm not. I'm Neil Diamond. And we've been over this. I'm Yeah,

I just can't even maybe I block it out show you like Neil Diamond. Right?

Yeah, like no diamond.

Yeah. I mean, I don't understand. I understand how, like, I understand how, like, when you're a kid, I understand how like, you're like 18 years old. You're 20 years older. And I don't like Neil Diamond. That's like what my grandparents listen to, you know what I mean? But then once you get to be like, you know, an old geezer like myself. You're like, that's what my grandparents used to listen to. Always Yeah, and then you listen to it. You know what I mean? It's not like do music was just is inherently bad. You don't I mean,

do do up music is not inherently bad.

Okay, do up. Music is good to songs at a time. I'll give two songs at a time. A whole album of doowop a whole show of dua.

I think you listen to bad DuBois.

Okay, give me good do up.

I mean, now you're putting me on the spot. Yes, I

am. Alright. Well, I'll

by the end of the show, I'm going to give you a playlist,

a playlist where I want a playlist where I'm like, I've already listened to eight doowop songs and I'm like, I need a ninth. I need a nine do up song. Get like do it to me.

I'm gonna get I'm gonna give you the deep truth. All right.

Is it going to be all Hey, Mr. Bass, man?

I mean, obviously. Yeah,

so then I was driving to New Jersey, by the way, for any of you who are in New Jersey, there's a shop in between, like New York City and like the, the, you know, the tunnels and the Delaware Water Gap, where apparently all they sell is chocolate goats, chocolate goats. And the store is called the chocolate goat gift shop. And I screamed in to the parking lot at like it was a 30 mile an hour road I must have been doing 60 And like like you know drifted into the parking lot and like came to a stop next to like a grandma small child who are also trying to make it to the truck with goat before apparently the hard clothes at 5pm on a Sunday. Missed it. I don't know if I'm ever going to get a chocolate goat in my whole life. Not chocolate covered goats. Let's be clear. These are molded chocolates in the form of goats in to quote the website. various sizes. Right? I mean, that's kind of

a weighing Reuter and online. Yeah, I don't know. You can. Oh, you can?

How do they look, John?

I mean, like chocolate like goats made out of chocolate. Although

I want you people to know that they're multicolored goats too. It's not just like it's a little bit of a milk chocolate goat a little bit of a dark chocolate goat.

The different kinds of chocolate the different sizes seven, four and one ounce. Okay, listen,

I need I need different kinds. Oh, we just got fishbowl by by a tourist.

By up particularly angsty teen

Yeah, this kid this kid, like had an entire thing of hair gel in his hair to make it look like he had never combed it. He's like, but my like I combed it give me another job the hair gel go by and for me at the Duane Reade you know what I mean? Anyway, that's that's our life people anyways, so we're talking about chocolate goes to they have different variety of goat that's where I want to know like, can I get like a cashmere? Can I get like, can I get like, you know, name a different variety of goat. I'm not a goat goat aficionado. So for one goat. It's always the one goat in various sizes. Looks like it yeah. Anyway, so I went to go pick up DAX and this is this is the cooking thing. They start with a cooking thing. The people who have been staying with his dirtbag buddy Miko who we've talked about on the show before So he's at a dirtbag buddy's house in a you know, over on the Delaware River. And the mom who wrote a cookbook on soup soup among friends. They had a soup club. And they every week one of them would make soup. The four people, one of them would make soup. And then they would distribute said soup to every one of the four of the Four Families this way. You only have to have that soup one night, because you make enough soup because you don't make like no one makes like, like, you know, soup. Just for like one fan. Who the heck makes that unless you're doing like das or something that you have to make a big ol thing of soup. Am I right? Yeah, yeah. So they divvied up this soup in their soup club, and then pass the soup out to all the people and that way every week, they got a soup. One out of four. They made the soup and they didn't have the leftovers on the soup. That's not a bad idea. No, it's pretty good. If you have four friends, which I don't, I'm kidding. Anyway.

It's like a family plan. You know, for soup.

It's like it's like a soup CSA. You also get no say in what the other person cooks. Right. So you're like, Yeah, we don't know that. Apparently. They were all good. Good cooks. I don't know. Anyways, so

shade, but I joined that club with no dietary restrictions, you know?

Oh, you throwing the shade on it. Like, like who in particular? Just be explicit. Everyone likes explicit shade. I know that it's not supposed to be it's supposed to be like,

No, it's like, some people have legit dietary restriction. No,

these aren't like randos. It's not like you're going online and you're playing like online poker and you click a window that says, Would you like to join a soup club and you get like, randomly assigned somebody soup? It's like, these are your friends.

I think I think I'm hearing some shade about California and dietary restrictions.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You

know what you might be right. You might be right. Yeah. Okay.

Hey. So anyways, so she's growing. She grows a bunch of she talkies, which she drives and she drives us we share things which I don't know what to do with because I never figured it out. But she also has all over her property, wild chanterelles, and they were in Ooby, dooby dooby season. So she gave me this big thing of chanterelles, and I went bonkers. And it turns out that before I even knew I was about to get a bunch of chanterelles. I had picked up at the Palos everyone knows the Palos, all the defaults. They have the Met, they had the magic pork again, they had the magical pork with the injected fat in it. I put that thing and this actually answers a question that somebody had it was Wes Hendrickson wrote in from Patreon. It's like, why do you drop your temperature? So here's how I cooked it on the Sunday that I went to go pick up that getting fish boiled again, different teenage angsty kid LA is not really from LA. It's not familiar, a shaker. Not familiar new a hat. Yeah. Not familiar. Anyways, you have to watch the patient on video to know what we're talking about. So I took the magic pork, and I peppered it, but I didn't salt because I knew I was going to cook it for a long time. And the reason not to salt meat, if you're going to cook it for a long time is there's a chance especially if you're ever going to chill it again that it will get a little bit of a cured texture. It also depends on the texture of the meat. So fine textured meats like a ribeye, or like delicious magic pork chop, you know, doesn't have a lot of connective tissue in it. And so those are the ones that are more likely to get hardened by salt anyways, so choose your maximum temperature in this case for porkchops in my family, they don't like him to paint they don't like to porkchop B to paint you know I'm saying yeah, yeah. What about you stars? I mean like when you don't mind you like anyway Joe How do you like how do you like the inside your workshop?

Medium rare. penk penk penk Yeah,

but you don't like it like read some people like I remember the first time everyone's like yo neat you cook your pork that much because it took a notice isn't it anymore. And then so like you would get these like hard rare that almost look like raw chicken on the inside pork chops and you're just like, and you're like, the point is, is that like not appetizing just not appetizing to me. If you're going to do that with like the super rare pork, you gotta go thin on the pork so there's just the finest of that like like chicken you look and pork on the inside and then like a bunch of overcook crap on the outside to have a nice texture. I digress as usual. So I put it in I chose 60 which is 100 140 for you 140 Fahrenheit heads out there. That's the one magic number by the way. Magic pork magic number you should all remember that 140 is 61 4060. Just remember that peg it my son Booker, who is spends every waking moment now in Staten Island, collecting Staten Island railroad cars. There are 61 different cars on the Staten Island railroad he has collected as of yesterday afternoon 34 of them. I think he likes it because the Staten Island Ferry is free and for some reason even though we pay for everything that he does, he still loves to hunt for bargains, except for with sushi. Strange anyway, so I put it in It's 60 degrees Celsius, which is 140 Fahrenheit. And you want to put it in at the high temperature, just enough to get up to the temperatures cooking. Now here's the point. And I'm literally writing about this right now in the book, which by the way, stars, you'll be pleased to know, I handed in a chapter to the editor, and I started handing in photos to the so it's like it's real now. Once it's done, once it's done once I hand in the home, the Gila, and it's like a huge weight off of my shoulders, and I have a different weight piled on my shoulder, like, you know, didn't do anything. Anyways, so you want it to cook just through to the temperature, because the doneness the proper doneness texture that we're used to getting to off of a temperature happens very, very quickly after you reach a temperature, right. The problem with proteins in meats is that as they ride at that temperature, they get firmer and firmer, right? So what happens if you leave it at your final cook temp for infinity, right, it will get the texture of like maybe a degree or two higher as it cooks for hours. So in general, I try to aim so that I just attain the internal temperature that I want, just right. And then I drop it by at least at least three degrees. So if I'm doing a steak, I usually want it to hit just at like 54 or 55, which is what is that that's 120 Something you know what I mean? Like just hit 5455. And then I'll immediately drop it to 52, which is about the minimum you can hold, listen, do not start cooking anything at 52 degrees Celsius, it's not hot enough. And it's not fast enough to guarantee you're going to kill everything in a timely fashion. So I think that's what happens when a lot of people get blow off bags and stuff like that. But if you're starting it, it's actually optimal to start at 57 or 55. And then immediately after you put it in before it can click through, drop the temperature down to your internals, just to get a little bit of a jumpstart on killing the crap on the outside. Anyway, again, I digress. So you have it dropped down. So in the case of this pork, I dropped it down to 54 degrees, that's entirely safe, entirely good. I dropped it from 60 to 54 after an hour. And then I let it ride for like seven hours while I was going to pick up DAX and do all my other stuff. And then I got back through a couple ice cubes in which is the fastest way to drop a circulator temperature just throw some ice cubes in actually like put the brakes on it, because what we're going to do is drop the temperature of the porkchop to 50 Celsius. Now the reason we're doing that is so that we don't get any overcook on the, on the sear as it comes out. Right. And in fact, it's interesting, if you look at physics modeling of what happens with meat, if you have even just if you if you plunge it into something cold or drop the temperature even a little bit below what you want, it'll lower the temperature on the inside a lot faster. So I threw some ice cubes into the bucket, took it down to about 45 Let the circulator come back up to 50. A calibrated 50 sear it off. Can I even say what I used to see it off? Or not? I can't right so I don't want to hear it. You don't know why? Why can't we talk about it? Because then

we're gonna get all our nerds that are like mine.

Again, I see I started off in fine style, and it was delicious. It was so yeah, magic pork and chanterelles. Do you mean it's hard to beat that?

Oh, hey, would you say that the summation of that last five minutes story was simply drop it like it's hot.

Drop it like it's hot. Right? Yeah. Well, you know, when the when when the Yeah, yeah, when the texture is getting a little too firm, drop it like it's hot.

And also just to bring it back to the beginning. Apparently, the chanterelles are a doowop band out of New Orleans. That's true.

Yeah. Yeah. Shantou. John and I were talking about this yesterday. So in the pantheon of tasty mushrooms. I think chanterelles are like right up there. I think they really are. You know what I mean? I'm writing a mushroom section. But I'm not even gonna write a recipes for chanterelles. You know why? Because you should just cook them. You should just cook them as simply as possible and eat them. Because unless you're, you know, intensely rich, you should just someone hands you a bunch of my chanterelles, and you're like, Yeah, I'm gonna cook those and eat them to highlight the chanterelle taste. I'm not gonna stuff it inside. It's something else and then stuff that into something else, and then pour goop all over it. I just want to taste the chanterelles, and we were talking let's go around the room. chanterelles or morels? What's what's what, which which you choose one which ones reigned supreme between chanterelle and Morel around the room. Go on chanterelle. Now, chanterelle shadow Joe chanterelle. John, I had the same feeling yesterday. And what about you, Jackie? You're not a mushroom head. What do you you silent over there. You got some little mystery. No dietary restriction doesn't have an opinion on Shantha Roe versus Morel anyway, I think morale shamsur Oh, no,

I said chanterelle. I like a

morel. But uh, yeah, I would always change On the here's the one chanterelle fresh porcini. I don't cook a lot with French Portuguese because again, I am not constructed out of gold bricks, but like, what are your feelings?

So chanterelle for me? Yeah. Yeah. I'm switching to porcine.

Ooh, porcine. Is that the Italian section and use does? Yeah. What if you have to sit with an Italian who talks about food while you eat the Portuguese?

No chanterelle. No.

All right, Joe, you got it. You got an opinion on this guy. Robert hen of the woods, henna woods, great mushroom lights. A great mushroom. Yeah, the great mushroom. I just, I mean, like, of the I was also talking to John about this yesterday. It's like, I find that it is a great mushroom. I think it's a good value because it's not as expensive although, you know, John tells me that they're almost expensive as expensive now as a chanterelle is I don't know. You know what I like about a hen of the woods in order for a hen of the woods to live a tree. He's got to be die. And I love that.

So what's the difference between the hen of the woods and the chicken of the woods?

Oh, you know, they're different.

They are different.

Yeah. And oh, yeah. I know chicken to the sea. Right? Yeah. Sunkist Stark is yeah. Is it's darkest, darkest, darkest darkest with Charlie the tuna. That is correct. You look kinda like Charlie the tuna Phil. Welcome it's the it's the glasses. I think if you have a large smile smile yeah, you look a lot like Charlie the tuna Joe What do you think Charlie? The tune over here?

Definitely Charlie the tuna Yeah, he needs that little doesn't

read. Yeah, read down our cat. Yeah,

he's kind of like a like a beatnik right. He's kind of like a beatnik tuna. He's got the glasses, right. Yeah. In my memory he does.

He's from South Korea. Charlie.

The tune is from South Korea. What? For real? Like the character Charlie the tuna. The backstory of Charlie tune is uh, he's from South Korea. He understands a beatnik dude lives in the ocean. So it's kind of hard to say like I'm pretty sure he lives in the international waters. So like how you were exactly in South Korea is Charlie the tuna chillin, you know, like looking at that hope and being like NASCAR truces.

I don't think he's South Korean.

I mean, it's currently South Korea.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, he look he plays for South Korea and the Olympics, for sure. You know what I mean, but yeah, yeah. Yeah,

I would say he's from Chicago. The guy who made him is from Leo Burnett worldwide, which is an ad company in Chicago.

Catch a Catch. Catch a lot of big tune in Lake Michigan. Do you do Yeah. Anyway, I'm talking about the character's backstory. The character's backstory. Speaking of Olympics, you guys watch any of this stuff? The Olympics that it meets, hates the Anastasia. Anastasia, because people care about but people don't care about it anymore. So you can like it. Now,

why are you upset about nationalism? Okay, listen, listen.

At that Taylor that talked about this last week. I forget. What Oh, I like how you can't even remember. I don't know what you're gonna talk about, but it probably would have to be talked about the Olympics last week. Yeah, we didn't you just made that up. He's like, What was I texting about? What was I texting? What was I texting anyway? The remember people can see you now. Anyway, the whole point is Jen's Jen's employees. Like boyfriend isn't a Olympic fencer. Right. So now fencing, as you probably know, divides into foil where you stab them, right? It has to be stabbed in the main chest area. epee, which is a stiffer blade, and you can hit them anywhere, right, and saber rattling, where you just beat the crap out of people, right? It's not how it works, basically,

there's lots of ways you can hit them. But yeah, it's like more slashing to now. Yeah,

anyway, I did not know this. But in fencing, men's and women's, you are encouraged to scream at the top of your lungs. But not while it's happening. So you'll sit there and it's like silent. Tink Tink Tink Tink Tink Tink Tink detected an interesting thing. And then like, their helmets will light up. There'll be a like two second pause. And then someone will do like Anastasia Lopez, anger class, Primal Scream, like. And then back to composed, thinking, thinking thinking, Timothy, it's the weirdest, like oral thing I've heard in a long time, so I recommend looking at it. I recommend looking at the trampoline, because it's bananas. Have you seen these trampoline errs? No. They go like 30 feet high. They're like jumping on trampolines. 30 feet high. It's bananas. Anyways, that's all for the Olympics. Let's get to some cooking. All right. So Wes Hendrickson had another question. He said, something we should do on the show isn't is a dish to cook this week. So we should come up with an idea. What do you guys think of this? We come up with an idea and then we check challenge. I think this is what he means we challenge our cooking issues listeners to make it and then they can come back and maybe tell us how it worked out. What do you think?

Yeah, I don't know. It also sounds like he's just asking for what you do on the on the weekly basis. And I have a

bone to pick with us from last summer. So

what's the bone to pick?

I'm not gonna bring it up again.

Again. Okay. You actually just did bring it

up? I know. I will not participate in this

because you literally caused it. Oh, well, this is for the whole everyone. This is an idea that everyone can participate in not just WestEd apparently you have a bone to pick with.

All right. Wait, John, did you get your six player Walker?

No, thankfully,

I was just pulling out the paint stars is like stars. Like I brought something up. I wish I hadn't, because then like was uncomfortable. So I'm gonna make John feel uncomfortable. Like

it's not a comfortable. Yeah.

John was looking at getting an apartment here in New York City. For those of you that haven't had the pleasure of shopping around in quotes for a New York City apartment. No offense to the brokers out there. I don't really understand why you still have to pay broker's fees in Manhattan, because all the apartments are online. John's like I'm looking at an apartment. It's a six storey walk up. So

I didn't even think that was possible. It's like, I thought it was against code.

It is illegal for new construction. Yeah, yeah.

That's a lovely pre war building.

Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Well, do you know what's funny is quaint. What's funny about New York codes, by the way is that, like, literally architects are like, what code? Are we going to File this under? You know what I mean? They're like, well, there's no way we're gonna get up to the current codes. We're gonna follow them to the 1933 code. You don't I mean, so they file under these old codes, because buildings are like grandfathered in. So anyway, so I'm like, John, Mr. Massey, and I, the entire time stood about two steps behind John. May, John Kerry. He's carrying all this crap. I don't even know what crap you have. But it looked like he was carrying Why did

he want us near him, and he wouldn't let us go up with him. But we dogged

him the entire way. We talked him and we were like, just cracking wise, we're like, we're like, John, maybe you should go have a couple of beers first, and then walk up and then we're like, hey, hand me a credit card, hand me your keys, walk all the way up. Remember, you forgot to come back and then go back up again. Because the sixth floor walk up is just brutal. Like seeing a sixth floor walk up. Seeing a sixth floor walk up at like 1pm on a Tuesday does not indicate what it's like to live in a sixth floor walk up. We're like, why? Listen, why don't go to the grocery store to get like all your groceries. Have them like have either have the rolly cart and be like or just carry like all six bags in your article. Have people try to get past you on the stairs have the milk juggle? Above pop pop pop all the way down the stairs? Cuz that's

what it's like keeping in mind when I met Anastasia she was in a fifth floor walk up so they all just self loathing. 2022 Yeah, and I think it was Dave and I that had to get like, can you get this asbestos fireplace? Gigantic up the stairs that doesn't fit. This is all just you know.

Oh my god. My Stasi was the queen of increase by the way. And he was just messed up. Like we weren't even really friends yet. Yeah. Was her boss. How was her boss?

I think we bonded through you know, shared pain.

She Okay, here's another thing about Anastasia Lopez. She'll get you to move her crap out of her fifth story walk up and she does not have the common human decency to take the drawers out of her dressers before you move them or to take the clothing

extra she put extra things in the drawers because she's like, just want to make it less of a trip.

Yeah, yeah. So I think was I've moved her several times was that the one that that also Cliff was in on?

I think so. Yeah.

Oh my God. Don't you haven't lived in DC me Matt in a move by the way? Caller you're on the air. Hey, yeah.

Hey, guys. I got a question if you guys are interested in moving into the infomercial space now that Ron Popeil has departed. Well, he died part of the planet. When did that last week?

Oh my god. Popeil. Yeah, diplomatic. Ah, yeah. So I wrote a moment of silence where there

will the interesting thing the road of royal is was was not Popeil. It was Leon Klinghoffer, who badly angling offer the one that was thrown off the cruise ship. So every everything else I think is totally, you know, but that one is actually clean offer, bizarrely enough. That said, I thought it was might be noteworthy to note up. Popeil is passing and just curious when there's going to be some infomercials queued on on behalf of Booker and DAX.

The thing about infomercials is this. We need to have products like we have products like the thing is that we actually have products. It's just trying to get them made it look we have to do serious sales pitches, but I'm not. I'm not opposed to us doing like dumb infomercials as well. I know the Stasi likes Dumb commercial.

I just want to see you can you like can you sponsor like knives but just like you'll get this nine foot katana blade and also this you know only if

we reenact the O'Dell we're going to need emergency surgery in the studio. Oh, me. Oh, got me real good.

Oh, that's so good.

I think we're gonna need so I think

that there's there's there's clearly a cooking issues Tim and Eric. Collaboration for this would be really, really, really excellent. And

I don't know, I don't know whether we could get Tim on. I don't know if he's a food guy. But Eric's a food guy. Maybe we can get Eric on. Food and Wine, food and beverage person. Yeah,

I guess we should say at the very least a We should commit to cutting one of these infomercials for the podcast. That's something I can put together.

Well, we okay, we did an infomercial for and someone actually wrote in they tried it. We did an infomercial for a beverage called Monica, Monica. And sorry, a little bit of saturating the mic there, Joe. But Clayton Patterson wrote, and so the idea of Monica was it was close to the beginning of the pandemic, when we hadn't yet been accustomed to mask breath to tasting ourselves on our masks. And so the idea is, is that you're supposed to walk around, yeah, you're supposed to walk them. You just did a spinal tap sniff the mask. The you're supposed to walk around with airline bottles of rumble mints, and in lime wedges. And so what happens is when you get home, you peel off the mask, you pound the airline bottle and rumble mats. And then to wash the rumble mints out, you chew up a whole lime wedge, including the peel, and the oils will wipe out your sense of taste for a good 20 minutes. I can tell you this for sure, because this is what I used to do at the bar all the time. But your mouth is clean, clean. You just brush your teeth. Brush your teeth, I gotta walk all the way to the back of the house. You know, I got one of a sonic right here at the front door. Yeah, and plus, you know, like, like, like today, they turned my water off today my water got turned off. What are you gonna do? Right? What are you gonna do? So it's your Monica, ammonia. And so like you just have it.

So that's what you did this morning.

Right, the bike ride real fun. So like, what you do is you have like, you have a coat. And then you have like, you know, one of those like, you know how like people use to sell watches. You just have your moon Yanka shots lined up in the inside of your coat. And and you're good. You know what I mean? Most

products actually, actually good. Yes. I think that's

yeah, I think so. I mean, I don't I don't buy that kind of stuff. But I think I mean,

like was Ron code that like the dehydrator like that? Was that or was that somebody? Ron Popeil

did a bunch of stuff not just in the kitchen space, just like a bunch of like, you know, gadgets that you may or may not ever need? You know what I mean? But like, I didn't know he died, like his passing is like on the order of Billy Mays passing. You know, Billy Mays, God rest his soul, like blew up his head with cocaine, you know what I mean? But like, there's like, I mean, there's not what happened in his head explode because he took too much cocaine and his heart burst a blood vessel in his head and that wasn't what happened

in absence of any other data and I have to just trust you that that's exactly what happened. I mean,

he was one of the greatest pitch people ever right. Billy Mays for mighty party. I mean, like, that man could sell mighty party. Like I don't even need party. Okay, here's my question. It's not a cooking related question. Let's go around here. Flexible guy or Billy Mays flexing your flexibility Well,

if you're Billy Mays, because I don't have flexible in my head there's a lot of useless information in there and a lot of TV

flexsteel Do you I can't really do a good Pennsylvania accent and so he's like he's got like a hardcore like like Pennsylvania you know water kind of accent he's like, you know, he'll he takes a cannon fires a cannon through like a flat bottom like a Johnny boat. And then He seals it and I forget why he says it but he says something about water and he's like and he's like, sealed up on Flex Seal or he'll like take a Flex Seal patch and like have a giant fish tank with a hole cut in it and then just like slap some Flex Seal on the side of the on the side of the fish tank.

The guy who does the roofing stuff he he'll

seal anything job with Flex Seal

anything anything you like in a boat with these in a boat with like, you know, a screen door sitting on the flexsteel dude, dude amazing dude

took I think like a car I want to say he took a car coated the entire underside of it with Flex Seal and then just like floated it in some random sorry, some random Creek in like in, in Pennsylvania. flexio I mean, gets a lot of negative reviews flexiable it I mean, I'm Billy Mays, though, didn't just have mighty buddy, Billy Mays was the original OxiClean pitch. Just saying. Just saying.

I'm still just I like the idea that the flexsteel commercials was where Kate Winslet did her like, you know, accent study for America. Is that really true? In absence of any other data? I'm gonna say yes,

he is. She is. She is great in that that is a great show. You did not let you know don't

sleep on that show. That was episode. Very sad. But then who

I have not found a show that I love that I love the first episode of most shows take like a while to get into except for girls five ever which is good from the jump. You guys gotta watch girls five ever girls five ever. Girls five ever if you have any relation to like, kind of it's like New York scene. But like, it's about like a girl band that had one hit in the 90s and then gets brought back because a rapper samples their song. And then like they try to get back together. It's like, is this a British show? No, it's uh, the exec producer is Tina Fey. Oh, and what's her name? Something Scardino is the showrunner. Yeah, it's good. It's got Paul appel. Everyone loves Paul appel. Who doesn't? Yeah, it's good business should watch that stuff. Because I can't watch because DAX is not around. So I can't watch the second season to Ted Lascaux yet which is, is it out? Yes. Is it out? What are you live?

I'm talking how the Internet in California and I've been in a camp with 100 like teenagers for two weeks.

Oh my god using cafeteria. This is why Phil was coming on to talk about cafeteria food and you teaching them recorder in the real life.

It was it was real instruments. It was good. Good old fashioned.

Did you admit that the recorder is not a real instrument.

The Dutch are going to be very upset with you. It does.

They're so tall. They don't even get oxygen to their brains because they're so tall. You don't I mean, what do they know? You know? Well, we have nice houses and we're tall

small amount of oxygen so they have to play these little nudes. We're an attractive people.

Here's a recorder. You know, I mean, so what are you here to talk about before I do the next Patreon question.

I said sloppy joes, cafeteria food and using the Bank of Idaho code for your hurt steals.

Have those are my those are my bullet points.

Alright, so here's my question on sloppy joes. Let's go around the room before we start. Who here grew up eating sloppy joes? I'm raising my hand. Yeah. being sloppy joe. Yeah. JACKIE back.

Yes, yes, of course. Of course.

I didn't. Joe Nice. Nice. Okay, so is it that they didn't serve them at your school? Or did you shun them?

I didn't. We didn't. Yeah, the school. I can't remember if I remember. I brought my lunch every day. Really? Yeah.

I don't think I brought my lunch once in like 12 years of school

every day. I think. I don't think I had a sloppy job until I was probably in high school. That's too late. Yeah, it was very late. Because the thing is, if you have a sloppy job that late in your life, you realize that it's not a good idea. You know what I mean? Tell me you're my past self that. But let me ask you a question. So, so Who here thinks that there I have a I like it like it's a soft crappy Bong? For those of you that don't know? It's like, instead of chili ketchup, like ground meat. It's like it's like a cross between a meatloaf and a chili. But it's like a hamburger helper. Right?

Like it's like,

oh my god, don't get that song in my head. Fail here to help. Ah, Hamburger Helper makes great meal. Anyway, like, the worst, the worst? Jingle because it's the most sexist and dumb and crazy and like she's just waiting for this hand to pop out of the box. I'm hoping

was there a jingle for manwich because I feel like that might

be Oh my God. Someone out there please write as the man which jingle manwich being the brand name of sloppy joe because apparently like the jello apparently. Apparently, women are too smart to eat this stuff. And so like you know,

so but here's my so Dave this is the thing I noticed in in two weeks of cafeteria food so there's Sloppy Joe and like one of the early days how are the kids

eating it? Picking it up like a shop where the knife and fork in this thing like build it was kind of like

tentatively I guess would be the answer to how it can't be picked up. Yeah, but

look, I've never said anything nice about Bill de Blasio in my life go knife and fork on the on the sloppy joe. Just go knife and fork on the sloppy joe.

But do you know like Do you remember like in elementary school when you learn about like precipitation and then it and then the rain evaporates? And then there's the cycle like the water cycle watching the sloppy joe go from like day one was sloppy joes. Day two was like chili cheese dogs. And day three, just the pasta sauce suddenly got a little thicker. And it's like all of these. It is like a lifecycle of ground beef over like five days.

It's a circle of beef. Yeah. So the by the way, I didn't mean to get political there. I have nothing against Bill Blasio was just everyone in New York knows he's a clown. That's all I'm gonna say. Right guys New Yorkers. It's not that we're against him it's just clown right? No clown yeah I mean it's fine it's fine whatever you know it's it's fine it's good it's all good anyway

sorry favorite part of leaving New York and I don't have to have an opinion on Bill de Blasio. Amazing

it but did everyone has the same opinion? Did you vote for him? Yep. What do you think about him clown? Like everyone has the same exact opinion. Anyway,

he just announced plans to require proof of vaccination to for indoor dining. Oh, good.

And we'll see how it works. The right like that's it. We'll see how it shakes down. I'll tell you a quick story about that. About that your circle of beef. So I am related by marriage to Lizzie Borden. The lady went took an axe and gave her father 40 wax when she saw what she had done her father 41

Just like where we're going from a little girl with an axe to sloppy Joe's

sloppy. So the oh my god, but how I know why because you didn't like sloppy Joe's. Joe because your name was Joe and you're like, I'm not sloppy? Because you're not a sloppy guy. That's what happened. Oh,

I didn't didn't think about that. I thought I thought Sloppy Joe was a Hormel or is that different?

Well, Hormel might make the man which I don't know. Which is, which is everybody's brand name of choice for sloppy joes. Anyway,

how are you related to her? So

the oldest, the oldest person that I ever met? Is that true? Yes. The oldest person I've ever met. He was born in the early 1880s. I met him when he was 100 was my great, great Uncle Mark. He stayed alive. Just because I said, Grandma, which I called my Uncle Mark before he dies. And because he was about to die, I didn't talk like that because I was a small job anyway. And then, and you know, whatever. Whenever I lived in Jersey, anyway, point is he like stayed alive. You know how people will do that. He's like, he was like, they were like, he's gonna die any day now. And my grandma and grandpa were like, oh, Dave's coming up. He's gonna you know, he'll be up here in like, a month. He lived a month, so I could go see him and then died. Anyway. He married Lizzie board ins. Cousin and he had met Lizzie Borden. Yeah. And so he was they're, like, totally semi zoned out. Right. You know? 100 like laying in a bed. This is like, you know, 19 like, you know, 82 or something like this. And I'm like, I'll go mark. Lizzie Borden. He just goes, she totally did it. But the basta deserved it. Wow. And that was it. Because and this is where I get sloppy joes. That was the last thing he had the courtesy to stay alive while I was in the room. The the story was is that one of the things he would do as this guy was born was from boarding boarding family. He was rich, but he was so cheap. That he would make them eat the same lamb and we're tying it back to soup, the same lamb soup every day for like a week. It would get moldy on the top. He would make them scrape the mold off of it and eat the the moldy lamb soup that plus the I think I don't know whether her original mom died but there was a there was a kind of a stepmom situation going on with the moldy lamb soup. The guy was apparently hated skinflint. And so, yeah, he was like she did that she did that stuff.

If only he had gotten together for families to eat soup on one weekend.

It could have been avoided. If only you know Lizzie Borden, his dad whose name escapes me had been smart enough to start a soup club. And I Where is it? Fall River Fall River, Massachusetts, wherever they were like, if you don't even smart enough to start a soup club. He might have died only a long time ago instead of a long, long time ago. Yeah, at this point, they'd all be dead anyway. Doesn't really matter.

And this has been your commercial for manwich manwich

Oh my God. We should do a Lizzie Borden man way. Man. This

is gruesome.

What you're looking at the Lizzie Borden pictures

now not the pictures. Just the with pictures.

I don't think there's the dad on the couch. It's gross. It's one of those if you grew up in the 80s, right? If you grew up in the 80s Acade cable 19 If you're younger, you're too young my age. Okay, I'm not your age. But like they they needed to fill cable. So they had like 18,000 If they hadn't figured out everything yet. So it's 18,000 documentaries on things like Lizzie Borden, and it's all with the same three public domain photos. And then like a bunch of like, imagine if Ken Burns really sucked. It's like all of that kind of documentary with like, if they hadn't even yet figured out the Ken Burns that you can like pan on the photo. So it's just like a still image of like real grainy picture that they took off of a newspaper of like dead board and dude,

so basically like 90% of the History Channel. You know, the History Channel

when it started was only Hitler. Yeah, and we used to call it the Hitler channel. And it was only like, yeah, it was just newsreels of like Hitler, you know, invading and getting beaten back and when that's all it was hitches,

basically the entire documentary section of Netflix.

Really? Yeah, it's all Yeah, it's true. Okay,

we've taken a left turn here, okay.

We don't I used to watch the documentaries I used to watch where the World War One documentaries. I'm not going to get into it. No, not gonna get into I'm not gonna get into it. So John, where we're gonna say to to do so Dustin Meldrum has this this idea of getting Michigan dogs and then doing Connecticut, Michigan dog off. But the thing is, we're going to have to do maybe like a cookout at anastasius. At some point. We're going to talk about this after the show. We'll talk about whether we could do it for the show after the show, and I wasn't bringing that up or putting Joe on the spot. But you can because you just did. But the anyway, so like, Will. John Dustin, Dustin, John will be in touch with you and you're trying to think through the logistics. First. We're trying to we totally want the the pawpaws though, because I've never I've never had one we've ever buy. I hear that you know what's coming out guys, I think you will actually you guys missed it. The May Apple, if any of you have may apples growing in your gardens, they have a very distinctive leaf. They are poisonous, right? But you'll it's I think we missed them already. I think we're about a month late. But for next year, think about it. They They're these little green balls that grow on them. And then those green balls they go from like over the course of a couple of days they go from green to yellow. And when they go yellow and start getting soft, they taste tropical, even though oh, by the way, the seeds are poisonous, and the entire plant other than the ripe fruit is poisonous, like poison poison like not cool to eat like poisonous. And the other problem is that when you harvest if you if you wait for them to turn yellow, you're not the only person looking at them. Every rodent that lives outside every bowl. Every chipmunk every squirrel is like that tastes delicious. And so they eat them instantly. So you have to pick them a little little green, write little green, take them inside. They are a climacteric fruit so they will ripen on your counter. let them ripen up. Press the fruit out don't eat the seeds, although I hear the seeds aren't as poisonous and red. But anyway, that makes a delicious jelly maybe too late for this year and I apologize but for next year. If you live in a temperate zone, and you want a tropical flavor, get you some may apples.

I like that your go to Roatan is a vole that's where you started

started with bull. Yeah, yeah. Well, you gotta go in reverse alphabetical order, right? Always as a guy whose name starts with a I mean, you're pretty early with a B, B. Yeah. It's like sometimes we want the alphabet to go the other way.

That's true, especially in terms of presence. Yeah, yeah.

Although what's uh, what's in a rodent? Alright, John Donne wrote in Hey Cookie issues people I recently purchased a speedy moneymaker speeding is a fun word. No. Speed any Did you were Yeah, right. Right. Like, yeah, I'm with you.

Sorry. It was very near and dear to me. Spadina was like something that my it was like a family dish. I mean, speedy me doesn't really mean dish. But that's my Grandma called this thing she made so I had a reaction there to the words Bedini I'm sorry.

I like that. I appreciate that. I really do. I think I think we all do anyway, so John purchased a speedy Animaker from consejos kitchenware. All right. Conceal yours kitchen where? It's $109 By the way, I looked it up. So let me tell you what happens to it. Here's what it is. First of all, it is a freaking I watched the video I watched the lady make the make the meat. So for those of you that don't know, these are those like these, like long, like Italian kebabs that are cut as squares, but instead of it just being a long square of meat, it's like layers of meat, but the entire meat is cut into squares. So it's kind of like having your own little mini owl pet store unit. You know what I'm saying? It's like flap of meat like with a with a skewer through. Alright, and then you cook them on those. What are those? What are those Grilli things called the Cookie Monster? As you remember? I don't remember. Anyway, Mark had one. Yeah. But they're, they cook really quickly because they're only like, you know, they're like less than a half an inch on the side. They're like, you know, 1010 millimeters on the side anyways. So this thing makes 100 of them. So you have to be like, I don't want like five or six. I want like 100 So the video is this lady pounding out the meat. Then layering the meat into this giant meat cube. It's a huge meat cube right. Then putting a like a like a lid on the meat cube and the lid has 100 holes in it. Then she has to take a metal skewer and jam it into each one of the 100 holes. Then take the wooden skewers that she sewed for an hour and she has a special like speedy soak In pocket, and then like places them in, then takes our specials BDD knife because it's got like, it's got like slots cut in the sides. So it's like, can you match? Can you see what I'm saying? The side of the cube has like slots. So you could jam this BDD knife through it. You with me on this? So she jams a knife through and then cuts it. So now you have an entirely speedy unified. Meet flap Megilla. And then another thing to like, plunger it off. So the video is like a minute and a half. I'm sure that took like an hour and a half. I'm sure it took like an hour and a half. We had one. How long did it take you to fill it on time? Like an hour and a half? No, like an hour? 45 minutes. 45 minutes. Did you enjoy it? Did you ever put any non standard things into it? No. Okay, that sounds about right. Okay, because anyway, so like, if you have 100 How many of those you think any average person needs five? Yeah. Right. So you need 20 people to come over. Right? Or I guess you can freeze? Think as you can freeze? Yeah. So that's what that's what happened. Oh, there we go. It's basically a metal cube. You fill it layered me traditionally, goat? I love goat. I like to eat goat. You guys like to eat goat? Not really? Sure. Why not? Why do you not like the goat mentally?

No, just the smell of goat is not.

So the smell of alive goat imprints your mind so that when you have the meat you don't want it?

There's no the smell of the meat.

Game you but it's tasty. It's no chocolate.

No chocolate though. I must I will say again. That store does not sell chocolate covered goat. It sells chocolate in the shape of goats. I like Go me but got me It used to be really cheap. It's not cheap anymore. It used to be so cheap. I used to you know, I told you I used to do racks a goat. You know, like rack a goat. If you have a butcher that was that used to do whole goat, like do whole goat stuff. Most of the meat was just cut up into stew meat. And you could get a rack of goat for almost nothing back in the in the 90s You know, back in the 90s rack a goat was what you got. And by the way of just flannel

and go for the 90s were known for

Yeah, that's it. Yeah. Yeah, we're all listening to foo Ghazi and you know, frying racks a goat, you know, if deep fry racket go, right. So you do like a quick low temp and then you throw, you throw the entire rack into a deep fryer. Right? And then you're you're wash off the small layer of fry oil with like a stock or even like doesn't even have to be stopped. To be honest. You could cheat you could do like, you could do water. I've done tests. So Tim Robinson and I think you should leave season two, okay, has a skit called sloppy steaks, where they go there, they grease their hair back and they go to restaurants and they order steak and then they pour water all over the state at the table. He doesn't know it's actually a good cooking technique because if you deep fry something like a rack or a rib roast, you get an amazing crust around the outside. But you get a little bit of that oil flavor from the fryer that doesn't taste like meat oil tastes like fry oil. It's off putting you just rinse that stuff off eco sloppy steak on that thing. And oh my goodness, it is genius. And you get a real nice crust around him just saying that was a secret just between me and anyone else. Listen. Alright, so traditionally with goat I've done it with lamb with great results. Well because lamb is like lamb is like goats. Less evil cousin. Like a lamb is like my eyeballs. Like my pupils don't go the wrong way. So I'm not evil

so goats are just a more evil lamb. Yeah,

like the pupil in a goat. It was designed by the devil. There's a reason why. Like, like, the goat and the devil are linked. Like in, you know, symbolism.

It's the gamey flavor.

I mean, if you look in a goats eye, and you're not afraid, there is something wrong with you. Goats are frightening. I mean, they're not like geese. They're not like inherently mean the only animal that ever headbutted the only animal which I hate to say it on its way to slaughter that you know, my my stepfather's father was a butcher that okay, so he used to go get the animals for butchery like in New Hampshire, take them down into Boston where they would slaughter him for the butcher shop. People don't get bent at me. This is what happens when you eat meat. The animal has to get slaughtered. Somebody has to do it. Right. You know, you can't pretend that that's not what's happening with your meats. I don't want to hear about it. So they would get the, the you know, the stuff and so my stepfather shows up is like, oh, a goat. And the goat goes. And just like headbutts them and like sends him flying. Like I imagined like, you know, my stepfather a small boy just me like, oh, and to this day, he raised me knowing that goats were the devil with those little with those little horns that are curved just enough to like, Powell to get you like, you know, get you going. You know what I mean?

I mean, in the goats defense. He was about to be slaughtered. Yeah, I mean, he kind of had a point. Yeah. Yeah, like, you know, I'm not taking note.

Yeah, I mean, like, I don't know, this first of all, it's not like this wasn't like assembly line slaughter like they would go with their Canvas truck, like pick out some, you know, this was like 19 late 50s like early 60s like old school butchery so like, you know, it wasn't like you know, orientating the lead in to Nina you know heads off like you know, or like you know, Bart Simpson knife goes and gods come out knife goes in goods come out. It wasn't like that. We've got the fish caught the fish. Yeah. Alright, so back to this question. Sorry. I've done it with lamb with great results was trying to come up with other things I could speed an eyes speed and eyes or speed Dini eyes speed, speed speed. Dini? Eight? What do you guys think? Bedini is Bedini Yeah, Spadina fie.

Bedini Aetate.

One idea I had was eight spaghettini eight Bedini da it sounds like spaghettini eight sounds like something a lawyer would do in a courtroom. One idea I had was Al Pastore using layers of marinated pork interspersed with layers of pineapple. The flavor came out. Oh, so you actually did it wasn't just an idea. It was actually executed.

It's just bragging. Wow. Stars

is so rough on people. Man. You know what? Oh, I hope you guys enjoy it. Because this is like our lives all the time. All right. All right, guys. Yeah. Anyway.

Well, you gotta yuck his yum. Yeah.

Well, is there a question? I mean, we make his yarn. Is there an actual question?

The flavor came out great. But I had an issue with the pineapple falling off the skewers while cooking. I think this is due to the small size of the pineapple at one by one centimeter, do you have any idea on how I might make the pineapple layer that I could use that will hold up the grilling, I'd like to maintain some of the pineapple texture. So I don't want to have something that would be like a totally smooth gels. And the other idea of what I could use this for thanks. And good luck on the Patreon, John in Denver. Yeah, you know, the problem is, is that like, in general things that have to be like cut into layers like that, that's why for instance, the pepper strip in the middle of an olive is a nasty gel, it's because the only way they can guarantee that it's not going to shatter or break long, you know, its inherent, you know, lines of breaking and force is by turning it into a dark nasty, heatproof alginate gel, and pineapple in particular, because of its structure. If you if you mentally picture a pineapple, right, it has raised going through it. And they even you know, if they're unripe, you can see they break along those rays, but a ripe one, you know, is compliant enough that if you stick a skewer through it, it will stay but they lose their structure rather radically when they're cooked, and then it will just instantly fall apart along those rays. So it's almost like it would be like trying to keep a braised a one centimeter cube of braised short rib on if you did it low temperature, you could get it to work because you know the structure would be maintained. Right. But, you know, once it's been turned into a friable thing, it's kind of no no luck. So you could put chunks of it in a gel, I guess, but it's still going to be a gel. None that None None. Nonetheless, I mean, you might be able to get something with the flavor of pineapple. But yeah, I don't think you're gonna get cubes of pineapple to stick together. That way you guys have any ideas you think there's any any some make an alginate they're gross. He knows they're gross, you know, they're gross. That's why you have like that look on your face. By the way. If you are going to make a nasty alginate shell, I will tell you this. You got to make it then you got to wait a day. You make it then you wait a day. If you don't wait. It'll be too brittle. It'll get a little more compliant. But it's not going to taste any better. It's still going to taste dag nasty, but it will get a little more compliance so you have to age them before the machine goes out and shoves those little fake peppers into into the olives. Who here is a fan of the fake pepper? No, no fan.

Huge fan. Huge fan of Cuban food. I love mine like the Yeah, I'm big fan. Yeah, not kidding. Yeah. I should make a cookbook called flowers for all alginate

flowers for alginate. That's great that like that flowers. What was this theory of that one? Is that the one with that?

The mouse that gets super smart. But then the guy it was Charlie was the movie. All right. Ernest Borgnine? Yeah, he's crazy, like psychedelic scene at the end.

Are you a Borgnine fan? Who's not? This is an accurate statement. For those of you that don't know who Ernest Borgnine is, look it up. All right, let's see what else we got here. Miguel combs wrote in Hey, in past week's episode, you briefly mentioned how oil works to desiccate the surface of something that's being sauteed and therefore assist in achieving a cootie speed texture. I'd love to hear how you get into the weeds. More on the mechanism of Christmas. I guess this will take up a large part of the miracle of moisture management. I promised to buy the book even if you discuss it on the radio beforehand. Thanks and bon appetit. I don't remember what I was talking about. Does anyone I noticed she doesn't remember what I was talking about. The John next time figure out exactly what it is I said, and I'll try to only go into the weeds on like one specific thing because otherwise I'll have to hear about it later from Anastasia.

Okay, John, that means you have to go back and listen to him. Oh,

no just has to go look for this section. Yes. Stars. No. Gs.

Dave calls John is like, where's the radio show? I forget what address in what streets? And John's that's not the case. I'm not here. Not in this space. Yeah. And the other one. So instead of

for the first couple of times, oh, first of all, Stasiuk instead of googling what Rockefeller Center, go for it. You can't find it. You can't find anything in Rockefeller Center. I love Rockefeller Center. But it's like, yesterday, I was like, you just have to say Go next to the Victoria's Secret because Victoria's Secret has a big sign that said

before Yeah, well, I'm talking about the the others. The other one. The other

one, it was just confusing as to which because the building is also through. And so sometimes we'll be like, we're going on the streets. And as we've gone on the street, or Beep boop. And you know, as Tacitus likes me to flail around, such as anything, leaving me feeling

like it was such a weird. Oh, you know?

Tell me tell me where it is. Yeah, it's so weird. It's so weird. It's weird.

John, do you agree? A little it took a couple of times, but it's okay. Okay, figured it out. Yeah.

Well here Cool story, bro. She's the bro Okay, okay. He

looked at me when he said that

punch drunk love on Instagram wrote in. We don't have any more Patreon question right. Later this month I'm doing with probably too late now. I'm doing a fried chicken pop up. I'm going to Asou sous vide I'm going to Suvi the chicken and let them dry in the fridge for a couple of hours. I was wondering if you had any tips that might help me achieve the best sushi fried chicken flour type, deep fryer setting etc. Well, good news for you Punchdrunk. The good news about serving the chicken beforehand is the fryer temperature can be whatever you want. Because you've already cooked the inside of the chicken. The problem is going to be this you need to let that chicken come up to temperature I made the mistake once of going direct from fridge to fryer and then you need to get the center of the chicken warm before you're before you know you're you're doing anything and that negates a lot of the benefits of going Suvi beforehand. Right. So I think like the worst offense you can do with finishing a CVD product is to do a cook chill and then give somebody a product that's cold in the middle right we've all had that happens nasty. But you how long you cook it is completely dependent on the on the breading system you use I can't stress this enough there is no one single breading system that works because it's all about the exact moisture content and the exact type of starch and whatnot you use whether you use leavening whether there's a bass in it, whether there's an acid in it, all of that is going to affect both adhesion and crust color. What I do when I do sue the chicken I do I go into flower I first of all, you unpack them hot so that they can flash off on the skin and some of the excess moisture on the skin will flash off so you don't let them cool in the bag. You unbag them hot. And then I do flour and then I do a buttermilk, egg, soda and powder the soda will make it brown more so if you're having problem with coming out to brown omit or reduce the soda up the powder a little bit to get leavening the powder is there to create leavening if you don't live in your batter slightly and this is actually why people use things like beer or Seltzer, or something that creates bubbles. If you don't slightly live in your batter. It goes for all frying or cause it to be live. And what happens is is that the violent water boiling out of the meat as you as you fry it tend to blow the crust off. So if you're having crust blow off problems, it's actually a lot of times has to do either report Asian and you're gonna help your adhesion by like I say pre dusting with flour, not using a liquid base batter and letting it flash off hot. But also your leavening isn't quite right. And so you're getting massive bubbles that are just blasting the crust off of the chicken. Was that a good answer? My done? Good answer. Drink mixcraft via Instagram. I was reading up on some of your old stuff on clarification I was hoping you could clarify no pun intended, but you didn't turn it because you wrote it. I believe you mentioned that milk washing would make the cocktail have an extremely long shelf life. Is that specific to milk washing? Or does it apply to centrifuges ag are eccentric no milk washing won't increase the lifespan. In fact, if you're going to use milk washing for shaking something, it only lasts a week like whether it's refrigerated or not and then it loses its shaking powder power. What is true is that milk washed off doesn't spoil so it will it has an infinite shelf life so you're not using milk washing to extend the shelf life. It's just You needn't worry when you milk wash something that it's going to go bad on you're going to spoil. Is that an okay? Okay, answer don't answer. What? It's time. All right. So I will get to it's 2am. And Kevin said Meyers questions next week. Phil Bradley got any stuff for us on the way on the way out?

I think just thank you, everyone. This has been Dave Arnold, Anastasia the hammer Lopez. Joe Hayes and Jackie molecule's John knihu. Close enough. I know. I tried. I looked at it and I snuck up on me. Oh thanks, Dave.