Cooking Issues Transcript

Frat Boys Never Liked Me

Hello and welcome to cooking issues. This is Dave, I'm your host and cooking is just coming to you today as usual, we just asked you a hammer Lopez How you doing? Good. Good. Good. Yeah. Are you Are you alive? I can look at you. I see you. Yeah, yeah. So yeah, Anastasia I don't think wants to talk about it. But she's had a it's still

going. I mean it's well, he's is

having a banner week. I would say actually.

Well, we'll talk about you and I will talk after Oh,

there's the actual good news.

I think it's good. It's work for you is the thing that I've been like maybe my mom Ah, but you're gonna have to work. But people will be excited.

Isn't that fantastic? Yeah. Join us usual also with John. How you doing? John? We got Joe Hasan. How you doing? Hey, how are you doing? Well, anything good happen this week? Joe?

What's going on here? While studio is finally hitting its its peak? So I'm happy.

And last but of course not least back from Mexico. Jackie molecules. Hey, Jack.

Oh. Aaron Polsky is here. So

not here?

Well, no, not here in Manhattan or somewhere?

Not in the studio. He's afraid to come in because

think about it. Merleau

Yeah, no, I know. I know what it means. Well, then why do you say what is your meal? No.

Oh, the answer is now. All right. For those of you that don't know, for some reason, are still listening. If it's the first episode you've ever listened to, which I can't imagine. It's the Stasi NAS assay and I have a dream of getting Aaron Polsky, who used to run our favorite drug front bar in Los Angeles. to wrestle in a jello a jello wrestling match with Jackie molecules in jello made of mirlo Cheap mirlo Specifically, if we can get it yellowtail mirlo wine because of a smackdown argument during COVID that Aaron and Jackie molecules had regarding whether or not in the age of COVID Bringing the yellowtail mirlo to the first date was a no go for future. That was the that was the discussion, right? Yeah. And we were like, just

clearly I was not bringing this wine. This is the date who brought the bad wine. See

how far that was? He's like, well, well, in case you ever invited out. I'm not bringing the hotel. That's what you're saying. But you know, the Stasi and I just believe that the most honorable thing for you guys to do would just be to wrestle it out.

I mean, right now the rink is under renovation, so we could use it magic.

Rocks. I have no idea. That's above my paygrade there.

Would you do it if it was in the Rock Center rink?

I mean, that seems like the the idea

of what if I can like, what if I can be in like the Lucia mask, you know, like,

that's totally fine. That's fine. We're gonna have Claire.

I'm gonna hear if you're okay with the appropriation

we need some kind of we need some kind of measurable goal for Patreon subscribers who benchmark okay, you know,

what do you want it to be? Has to be? What do you want it to be in? Half? What do you want it to be? A million. Come on. I would pull our boss

to look at the numbers.

What do we got right now? How many people do we have right

here? He's not gonna He's not gonna. He's not gonna commit right now. He's not gonna commit. Anyway. All right. Any of you guys do any good. Any good cooking over the last week,

eating not cooking. But next, the city is pretty damn good.

Oh, by the way, if you are listening live call in your questions. 2917410 1507 That's 9174010 1507 Oh, and there we have a caller. So John, we'll get back to what you were cooking. And what Jack was eating. Caller you're on the air.

Yeah. Hey, Dave. Yeah, how you doing? Hey, good, man.

How are you? Alright, alright.

Good. Good. Hey, this is Jared over here in Kentucky. Wow. And we're in Kentucky. You gotta Oh, you're bowling green bowling green area.

Yeah. Familiar. You eat you eat Ham.

Ham. Oh, yeah. shoulder shoulder. You ever heard a shoulder? Yeah, you need Oh, it's awesome. That's this Monroe County is the best place for shoulder shots and all that

but let me ask you though, in terms of Kentucky, country hands, do you have a favorite or do you not play favorites with Kentucky country hams.

Hmm Well I don't know not really I'm not a big huge country ham. It's too salty some of them for me and but here's here's what they have it everywhere here's what

I recommend, and then I will answer your question but I'm just saying here's what I recommend. Get there's a bunch of great ones obviously in Kentucky, but I mean have you tried them sliced thin like prosciutto like like eat it like prosciutto because it's not that salty that way with some bread eat some bread and some ham that way some nice you don't want to go too salty if you're gonna eat it with cheese then that's too much salt but have you tried Have you tried it that

I haven't No, no, I need to try. You have

to aim Alright, so what's your question?

Oh hey man, you got an awesome show. I like it I like you know issues fix issues and stuff girl and a whole lot but I've listened to your show the other day the mystery the Sour Patch Kid name of the episode anyhow he's talking about the Kalamazoo grills how how cool would be to have a have a grill that you can just don't charcoal in it and have a lighter and you know it started to charcoal and and you wouldn't have to mess around with it. Well hey man, I've got that girl I just thought I was gonna let you know talk to you about it. We actually my partner and I have a patent pending grill that actually does that we can you can dump dry charcoal in there. No lighter fluid. No, no match even you just push the button and two to five minutes every single time we're gonna have charcoal ready to cook I like that and yeah, I thought maybe you'd be interested in checking it out man. It's the coolest grill I mean we it's all stainless stainless steel. You can clean it out really easy thing it has a ton of other accessories that we got that can go on like you can it's got the big ol burner in the bottom so we've got door you can actually see the fryer and then fry fish or like low country bowl or anything

what's your what's your target price

light right lightweight what's called light light right light right like light light

right but right

yeah light right yeah, we our slogan is don't fight it. There's light right? Yeah, like I say charcoal and two to five minutes ready to cook. Actually I have a manufacturer there and Leola Pennsylvania. We haven't we haven't went retail with it yet released but we've got a guy that builds in there and Leola for so we're just starting to kind of getting it started. So yeah, like to if you want to see it sometime. I'd love to show it the

man. You know, he started grilling equipment for sure.

Well, I think it's fixed a lot of raw issues. Charcoal. That's the biggest thing. I have a green egg. I'll tell you the biggest issue that you know, it has a few issues. I love a green egg. But there's a few things with it that I wish was a little different. Yeah, money in there. I don't like starting with the chimney.

Yeah. Well, the other thing about the green egg is yours is it's not an insulated grill, right. So it's more for high heat, or is it insulated? Like, like, yeah, I don't, I don't cook that way. I don't like I'm not a retain heat grilling guy or like, I'm a I want like, you know, I want like a Disco Inferno, you know what I'm saying? Like, I've actually, you know, I've changed almost all of my recipes when I grill to be relatively not relevant, fast, you know what I mean? So I do I do almost all of my grilling, such as I can grill now that I'm only living in Manhattan, but the you know, I converted all of my stuff to either like low temp and fast grill or to do almost Tandoor in this in the sense of off on off on. So I do almost all my stuff. So I want like, because, you know, I'm busy man, I got kids and stuff. What I want is I want the thing to become instantly hot as hell and then I want to do my work. And then I want to go inside and have some have some beverages, you know? That's absolutely so what's your what's your

plan? And that's that's what we ran into we it'll be around 1200

All right, so like you're so it's in the it's in the hey, I want something nice, but hey, I can't afford to spend 12 grand on my grill. It's in that range.

Right? Oh yeah, I don't know 12 grand, we wanted to take an everyday grill and turn it into something that everybody could have you know, and you know we when it came about is I was lighting my chimney a newspaper and all that stuff trying to get it lit and I called my friend told him we need a burner and this chimney and he said let's stick it in the grill so we did and we can have charcoal that's the thing I come home from work and I need to grill I want to grill but you got to wait and wait, wait. Yeah, I don't have that kind of time.

Nobody likes to wait came about. Alright, well send us send us information. I'll take a look at it and try out some Kentucky country ham slice then on cooked I think you'll enjoy it.

Yeah, where do I send that to?

Inform it, just send it to on the Patreon, I think or John sent it to info at Booker next. Yeah, yeah, we're on

through Patreon. Yeah, through the Patreon messages would be great. Please.

Okay. Ah, hi, man. It's been a pleasure talking to you. Good talking to you.

I look forward to seeing that stuff. I like any new grill technology. Because you know what? Everybody likes to grill. I think everybody ever likes to grill and, and I'm hoping that the grill is moving away from being a gendered agenda and implement. What do you guys think about Yeah,

you give that to me? Since you don't have a country? I don't

know. He's gonna give us a grill. I think he's gonna send us information. Yeah, that's what I think's gonna happen. This dasya but yeah. And then you'll just what? Like leave it outside and let it rust and then be like, Man, I gotta use it. Like Good girl. No, not like Anastasia would miss Darcy is the only person who calls grown women girls in this

country on it doesn't in this room, because it's it's only for the reason that I am also a girl. It's true. I never say I'm a woman. That's such a it's also an extra syllable. Maybe that's it.

I was gonna say nostos your transcends gender. But

you know, I'm a frat boy. According to Dave,

my only frat boyfriend. I'm General. I don't make friends with frat boys. And you know, I had to make it.

A frat boy. Oh, really? No,

I have nothing against frat boys. Come on. I mean, I just did they ever liked me. The thing about frat boys is they never really liked me. You know what I'm saying? Like, you know, I was that you ever go to like a, you know, like, least at Yale frat parties were in the basement, right? They're always like in the basement. And it was like, at Yale, the frat most of the frat people were kind of football Lee kind of people. And so there was like, the two and you know, college age. So there's the two girls who could tolerate being in that basement with all of those like, dudes, and then like, almost like a ring of football dudes like surrounding them. And then I'm just in the corner drinking the worst beer on earth when I have, even at the time, better skills and technology than you know a frat boy, you know, basement full of like, you know, a keg of Nikkor Oh

my god. I was at a frat party on Saturday night by accident. Yes, that checks out.

Oh my god. Yeah, here in the city. Yeah. Why no. Okay, dish. I went to the that Subway bar that you want me to talk about as a secret? No, it's not. Alright. And then and then with the two of my girlfriends and then we went to another bar that's on you go through a Five Guys In Five Guys Burgers. And upstairs. Yeah.

Damn, damn drops. Greenwich, Connecticut.

No, no. And then and then we were walking down the street. And these three guys were walking toward us. And one of one of the girls I was with said, Hey, where are you guys going? And they were like, we're gonna go pregame. You guys want to come and the other girls was that? Yeah. It was like,

I mean, are these actual college age girls or? They're my women. Yeah. And ask women all right. Yeah.

And and we go and it is a frat party. And there's flip cup and there's no wine. There's only what are they called? Beer. No, but no The other beers. Quick jello shots. Kool Aid now hold the like ones everyone drinks right now. What are they called? White claw? Well, yeah, like, Oh my God. Yeah, it was. And then they were like,

mix bottles and James look good, dude.

They were like, how old are you guys? Were 26.

Man. All right. Joe's telling me it's priceless. Joe's telling you to go home with anyone not jumping? Caller you're on the air.

Hey, I have a question about the sugar syrups for cocktails in a home bar specifically, you know, recipes I've seen for them say oh, you know, they're given the fridge for one to two weeks. But you know, home bar setting, you know, oftentimes I want to keep them longer, you know, months, etc. And I guess my questions are twofold. One is, even when I have kept them in the fridge for you know, a couple of months seems like they don't grow anything or do anything that makes them look like they're gonna kill me or smell like they're gonna kill me. So is it safe? And the second thing is there's just something I could do to prolong the shelf life. If there's no the first one

you don't need the prolongs honestly, you don't need to prolong the shelf life like so. Okay, so there's different serums syrups Okay. Regular simple syrup is just water and sugar and one to one ratio is going to be in good in your fridge for a long time a long time. Like

it's almost never seen it grow anything.

Temperature cycles a lot. If it temperature cycles a lot. You can get some mold growth in it and what will happen is is that you No, specially like, let's say you pull it off for a party and you leave it out overnight, and then you put it back in the mold that starts in it isn't going to die. And so it eventually will grow. And what you'll see is, you'll eventually see even in the fridge, you'll see like, like almost like a who is have like a gray cloud running through it. And because it's thick, where the mold is growing, it usually stays almost as like a almost like you drew like a smoky cloud through the syrup and instilling on kill you. But it's like not good. I wouldn't I mean, I don't think that there's aflatoxin growing in it. But whatever, I wouldn't necessarily do it. You're if yeast starts growing in it, which it won't at those sugar levels, right? You'll see puffing so like because the yeast will make gas that will puff it right. So it'll Puff the lid on it. So if you see puffing, you know, it's an issue that yeast is growing, but yeast is actually better than mold because yeast is 100%. Pretty much safe. It's just going to ferment it, but it's not going to happen in a simple syrup like that. And the mold. I mean, maybe it shouldn't, you shouldn't eat it with the mold on it. John's giving me the aflatoxin shake it ahead over here.

I grew something black and blue on one of my simple syrups. And just better No, no, don't,

don't eat that. Don't eat that. But I'm saying once it starts, but it generally it tastes bad at that point. So you'll notice like, Have you ever had maple, so even maple syrup will grow mold, right. And when maple syrup grows mold, it is terrible, terrible, which is why you need to if you are the kind of person who doesn't use your maple syrup quickly. And this same thing goes for simple syrup, seal the bottle, put the bottle in a hot water bath, bring it up to above about 160 Fahrenheit or so around that range and just hold it there until the entire thing is warmed through, you will then wipe out all of the molds that are there, maybe 180 I don't know, but you're wipe out the molds. And then once it cools, you know, that's the only thing that's going to grow in there, you're not going to grow botulism, you're not going to grow any of these there are some bacteria that can survive those temperatures that theoretically but it's not going to happen you're going to be fine especially if you're in the fridge. So every once in a while on my large things of maple syrup, I will bottle them down into smaller bottles and pasteurize them and then you know to kill the yeast the mold and yeast and put them in the in the fridge and then they're good. Basically for infinity. If you're using fruit based syrups the fruits can taste bad after a while but that's more of a tasting and listen to safety thing. All right, I wouldn't bother like benzo weighting or any of that other nonsense because then you had to tell people you did it and by me Ma'am, I'm a mama. And some people can taste it and some people can't and it's really just unnecessary for what for like for like 80 cents where the sugar you're gonna go by benzylic you know, I mean? Yeah, yeah. All right. Awesome. All right. All right. So John, you said you you said you made something good. What do you make?

Yes, I did that. In air quotes, Cape Cod style stuff. Lobster.

Ah, alright, so describe. Oh, so yeah, no, this

was really good. So I made a Ritz cracker stuffing. Lobster stock wanting to bind to sleeves of crackers.

Oh my god. Garlic, one egg to bind. Is that your memoir?


I'm trying to figure out what it's about. It's like one egg to bind. It's almost like last week when Pierre was like, he took everything I owned. What a blessing. Anyway, sorry, so So Ritz crackers and by the kind of interrupts rich call for the recipe or this is just your favorite cracker.

Favorite cracker. So then we're done with what's on saltines premiums

used to probably be with pilot crackers, which is kind of like the last vestige of the hard tack biscuit that you could buy here us alright. Okay, so rich, because you like it a little more buttery.

Yeah. All right. Ritz crackers are also just delicious. Yeah,

what do you guys thoughts on race? What are you rich people are not rich people know? What? I'm sassy. Because other people like it. I

know. It's not getting makes my teeth feel weird. Oh,

you know what? Because of the Well let me ask you this. Do you like saltines? Okay, that's fair. Okay. So it's it's it's the it's, I kind of understand what you're saying. And kind of kind of get okay so sorry here actually Ritz wanting to bind Yeah, what else lobster star correct on in, like, pre sweater. No pre sweat on the sweat the sweat. Okay.

Had to kind of like chop up the stuffing halfway through cooking because it started to brown. quicker because they're already broke.

So you took the tail. You cut it? You sliced it?

Okay, no, no. So I did everything completely separately. I took all the meat out of the lobster for that land raw

or pre steamed to kill.

I started with fresh killed it. Blanched it

a knife killed it. Then Blanche dead? Yeah, in Shell. Yeah. Okay.

Tried to do the tie. You know. Are you tied to the nose of the tail to keep the oh my

god it's so embarrassing for them. Yeah,

well didn't even work. I mean, why didn't it work? The curled up I guess I just like didn't do it from

my first do it. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, you have to do it. Yeah, yeah, have to get real really because it like, what happens is, is it if it's not tight, they have to look ridiculous or it doesn't work. Like if it's just a little bit up, they can curl as they shrink and flap underneath and then they'll curl. You got to make it like, like I'm doing the Buffalo Bill pose front right now from, from sounds of the Lambs, and it needs to be like that, like there needs to be like this and going, Oh, like that. And then like, like, they need to tie it. Okay? When you type people when you're tying a lobster up like this, which I know it's a BDSM. And they have other techniques that I do now, but I've done so many laughs there's this way. Tie the tail first, tie the tail first, and then leave yourself enough extra. So there's two ways to do it. Did you do a one tie? Or did you do ties a loop? Or did you do a loop around the tail and then a loop around the nose? That's the easiest way to do it. Instead of trying to get it to be like a cat's cradle loop around them. That's what I've tried to do. Yeah, it's easier to tie like a tie of figure eight and then pull down and throw a half hitch over the tail then because they're gonna start flapping if they get wind of what you're doing so you just tied around their tail when they don't know what's happening like around that last thing. And then up and then like pull it around that point on the nose like you're hitching a ship to a cleat Okay, and then you can throw a couple of half hitches over the over the nose and lift them up and man is it indignant for them? They stick their claws off they're like cool. And then little do they know? Yeah, exactly. They also they're more dense that way those you need to have sorry less dense that way in terms of pot space, so you need a decent amount of pot space and I made sure that I had that before going into it it's also a good handle to pick them up when you're done if you do yeah because the the string never has enough thermal mass to burn you and so as soon as you wait for the steam to flash off like you don't have to be like oh my god with the tongs and then they slip in that that that noise ship ship ship you can just kind of go in grab the string pull them on out and then just go boop round of the ice water yeah all right so go ahead so your your your state you part you whatever called blanch them to kill them all right now what Yeah,

took the meat out then. While everything was going down meta Sherry cream sauce. So some more garlic and onions.

Okay Sherry like what style

something from the coastal Portugal like more dry or more? Yeah, more of a dry, dry like little brainy little bit lemony. It was good.

You know as a 70s guy. I always use harvest Bristol cream and everything.

It was good. I ended up adding some sherry vinegar to to just give it a little bit more acidity and Tang and then added some pulper dumb seafood spice seasoning. Nice. And how was it? It was really good. Okay, and then so once that was ready, and everything was the lobster was cool. Cut up the lobster into little pieces. And so this wasn't really stuffed because once the curl the tail curl does just like whatever. It's not gonna look good. So I just took all the meat out, took the claws off, took the meat out of the claws. cooked everything in the pan. Then shrimp scallop crab meat, cream sauce, and then that was that. Cracker stuffing. It was super tasty. Sounds

good again. All right. All right. We have another caller, which I appreciate caller you're on the air.

Hi, this is this is Anthony from Seattle calling and I have a question around making takoyaki. Okay. So I was making the takoyaki and it just wasn't coming out quite as crispy as I would have liked and wondering if it might be an issue with like, the burner I was using or maybe like the the batter I'm using is no good. Using like, kind of like this electric heater. You know, electric griddle for the top yaki. I'm wondering maybe I should try to go for maybe like a like those plates that you put on the gas grills or whether maybe it's an issue for the batter.

Well, so well. Okay, so let's go through this. So what shape What shape is it?

Oh, it's a circular plates circular.

It's a circular plate. And it's the two things two sided or the one sided.

Now, it's just, it's just one sided. So it's like so it's like a like a thing that's probably like a nonstick plate that's like attached to an electric heater that you just plug in.

Right? Tell me the battery. I'm gonna I'm gonna look it up because I'm getting a little

recipe called. So I was I found a recipe called just one cookbook. And then you just add takoyaki and

typically you'd make it aren't they almost made like in an April schemer pan. Very similar, right?

I'm not notice that no. Oh, what's that?

You know that you're able schemer, or skiver? There. That's the that's the the Scandinavian like Danish. And they sometimes put apples in them, but it's the same kind of batter, right? So in Japan, they're also using like, typically a single sided that you have to flip during cooking, right? They're not they're not. No one's doing it with a double sided pan. Right?

Right. No, no, I like that. Yeah, it's typically flipped. So I think you, you pour the batter in, and you let the bottom side sit. Just set, and then you're supposed to flip it almost like immediately. I'm wondering, maybe it's because I'm taking too long to add everything in that the bottom sides like saying too much. And it's becoming like too sick and like,

well, maybe that's is there? Is there? Is there any sort of I'm trying to remember because I went through a naval schemer phase, which is very similar. There's the batter have whipped, does a better I can't remember whether it better has whipped egg white in or not? Does it?

No, it's in this case, it was just the one I'm using was just plain flour, baking powder, some salts to eggs, a little bit of Gashi and some soy sauce.

Okay, so no fat, no fat, right. So it's like pancake batter minus to fat. I mean, first of all, to crisp it up, I would put a little, I put a little fat in. I mean, maybe it's not traditionally some butter or like, I mean, I'm I like butter. But I don't know I'm not if it's not traditional, don't add it if it's not traditional, but I would say maybe it's your pan like I mean, I'm assuming if you're using if you're using a Japanese pan, they also use the same low voltage that we are. So you're not running into a power issue like in other words, like if you are designing if this is designed for a home in Japan, it would also work here because the only difference is the number of hertz of the power and not the voltage. So the power output in a heater will be roughly the same. So it's not that's not going to be an issue. That said, you can find a really nice cast iron evil schemer pen that it rocks the house and you can make you could brown the hell out of them, right because any sort of batter like that, that you're putting into a small unit has a relatively high thermal load because it's a wet relatively wet. So the higher your thermal load, the harder it's going to be to get like a very good recovery on it. And if it's not crispy, you could go a little bit longer and put a little oil into the into the cups. In general nonstick things are never going to give you the kind of grit usually crispiness because you're using less oil in them and really that oil at the surface is going to help you get that crisp because it's going to help desiccate that outside of the surface and give you kind of nice good contacts. So either add some oil to the batter, try using nonstick you know try a little more oil in the cuffs but it can be difficult to oil a nonstick because the oil doesn't stick to the pan the way it would to like cast iron, you know what I'm saying? Okay, right so the aluminum in a nonstick Is it the aluminum in a nonstick you know isn't going to have as much retained energy in it right so the advantage of a cast iron pan is that because it's so heavy, right? It's because it's like so much heavier than aluminum it has more heat energy stored in it even though you know even though that the thermal physics of it would make you think it isn't it's just so much heavier than the aluminum that it tends to store more

okay, I see and the the electric griddle that I'm using right now I think it's just some generic one I bought online I'm not sure it's actually a Japanese grant one so yeah, I think maybe I'll look into the maybe getting a cast iron griddle and seeing if that would help and I think some patent

yeah look up that look at those April's give her pants because they're able they're available not that I want you to shop on Amazon Prime for anything other than see results because

I already have one yeah

all right. So yeah check check out the check out the April's give her pans and see whether those are give you they're nice to have anyway and then you know you can also start experimenting with the with the Scanbot with the scandal ball shaped pancakes which are delicious. Start without the fruit fillings though on the on the on the ABLE schemers because just get down to the aspect of flipping. In fact, I have an Instagram post from a year or so ago where I think I give the recipe that I use but I'm not sure. And the recipe that I use don't work. Yeah.

Okay. All right. Awesome. Thank you.

All right now, wacky Jackie molecules. Yeah, you said you had a good eating experience in Mexico. Where in Mexico were you?

I was in Mexico City and Roma Norte mostly.

Did you did you make it to to the Merced market and get those squash blossom tacos that I dream about every once in a while?

Not this time, but I have been and though I haven't had the squash blossom tacos where I mean it's the Merced mark is enormous.

Go to this one and I have it on if you'd want Indigo I have her pinned I have a photo of her exact location on like GPS pinned. I mean assuming she's still there, this was like three or four years ago, but just oh my god, like if you want to cry, tears of joy. See a woman making the tortillas, pressing them out, taking the massive ball, pressing it, putting it on the Komal then reaching with two hands into a trash bag full of squash blossoms, a not a not like a kitchen trash bag like breaking contractor bag full of squash blossoms and pulling out the squash blossoms and just going off on the Komal with some freakin oil and then Hakka, Hakka Hakka with the knife lake and then just like saute that and then without even looking at her hands, shredding the freaking wall Hawkins string cheese and then melting that stuff into the squash blossoms and putting it on to the tortillas that she just cooked. Just pressed. And you're like, what you're like? Yes, yes. Yes. You know what I mean? Like we it's one of those things where you're like, shouldn't you try a bunch of different places? And you're like, why? I've eaten a lot of things, right? I've been alive. 50 years I've eaten a lot of things. If you find something like that, it's that good. Just keep going back. Besides you. I know. You're a little bit of a believer in that right? Yeah. So Jack, what

did you eat? In Mexico?

This place the best the best meal was at a place called expand the Old Bay mice.

Wait, what does that mean? Like expensive, expensive, expensive corn? What does that mean?

I think it just means like sale of corn or like selling corn. But it's like an open air. It's like on the street. It's very unassuming, like an open stall. Kitchen kind of thing. Kind of like mixed and more mixed. analyzation happening. It's it's elevated dining and like a street food setting. And they kind of just like you show up and they'll keep bringing courses until you tell them to stop.

Well like that's so worth it. Like we have a little coin like yes, the yes no coin.

No, you just yeah, the service was actually really great. They're very communicative. John, have you been?

Oh, I have a website. Now that looks or their Instagram. It looks really tasty. Oh, yeah.

Do they have like different varieties of corn? Like in any given day? Is it like the blue bottle coffee of corn that you like you like? I'll have the I will have this corn.

I mean, good. Good question. I only made it once. But I mean, everything I tasted was unbelievably delicious. Had my first poke a there too, which I like.

How was it? What was it flavored? Or was it straight to pulque

seemed flavored but I have no point of reference. So I don't know what plane okay with, like, compared to this, I mean,

I have yet to go I need someone to take me to a pulque bar, but where it's just pulque the kind of one where like, where you you try to have one and then the person walks up behind you with their hand and forces you back into your seat and pours you another one that kind of a place. Like where they're like, oh, I want to experiment you want to experience you're gonna get to experience like that one of those places I need to get one of those.

But no one knew if anybody's ever in Mexico City hit that place. It was amazing.

And it's called selling corn but in Spanish.

For Sale of corn expand do de mais

corn say yeah, I should learn Spanish. I should really learn Spanish Sunday. Nice. All right, so let's get to some Patreon questions. Anthony. Oh, by the way, someone sent me on Twitter and I have no idea. So I'm calling out for someone to tweet to them on my Twitter, which is cooking issues in case you needed it. Good places to go in Nashville because I've never been to Nashville. I've never been in Nashville. The last time I was in Tennessee was for the 1980 Knoxville World's Fair. Yeah, I enjoy the Knoxville World's Fair in 1980 I was nine though. So what did I know about anything really? Cool. What World's Fair?

What was Nashville?

Oh Nashville school. Oh, the World's Fair Knoxville. I remember the kudzu on the drive into they still have kudzu everywhere. Hey, oh, no really sassy. You hate kudzu. Do they have in California? No. Just the idea of it. Yeah, the idea of this green monster invading your life invading everything growing over your car? Yeah. You're like, ooh, ooh, the I got a flat in the I got a flat in the in the Corolla. And so the big Corolla doesn't drive for a month. It's kudzu just covered in kudzu. Kind of creepy. So creepy. Kudzu. Anthony did writes in what are your thoughts on using a carbon steel pan on an induction burner? I have the control freak. And I'm wondering if it's worth the effort. Thanks. Also, where I could get one would you recommend getting a 10 or a 12 or both? So I've actually been using a carbon steel quite a bit Recently from JB prints, so JB prints has a new carbon pan that they have out. That's kind of cool. It's made by this dude in Australia. But he's now making them for JB prints in the US. And what's cool about this particular pen is it's no rivets, John, you'd like this, from a professional kitchen standpoint, no rivets. So it's never going to, there's nothing to break on it, it's stamped out of one piece of metal, but they they, they've made the handle like curved in such a way that the handle doesn't get that hot. Because one of the reasons people that handle materials different from the pan is also to make a thermal break, not just not just because it's hard to make it in one piece. But also theoretically, I guess it provides a thermal break. But not that you're ever supposed to grab the handle a pan and a professional kitchen anyway. But you know, we all do it sometimes every once in a while, although wildly last me whenever I do it. You know, I mean? Like, the first thing they teach you in a professional kitchen is Don't grab that handle, don't grab that handle, you know what I mean? Especially if you're, you know, in the habit of throwing your pans in and out of the oven, right? Never grab the handle of a pan, why do you need it, that's why you have the towel. The reason you have the towel is to grab the handle of the pan anyway. So I really like I haven't used me as in also has some pans, now some carbon steel pans that are, they're relatively inexpensive. I actually really liked them, you know what I mean? Like I use it quite a bit, it's got the same nonstick properties as cast iron, roughly. But it's a lot lighter, right. So it's not going to have the kind of I don't think heat retention as a as a cast iron. So if you're doing something like I don't know baking in the oven cornbread, I'd probably still use the cast iron, I still use both my cast iron sizzles and the in that pan, the issue on an induction with that it works great on induction, by the way, you know, the bigger the pan depends on where you're going to use it for, like the induction burner itself is only so big. So if you take a pan and put it on your control freak, or any induction burner that you have, and then dust the bottom of it with flour, and then turn it on to like 370 or something like this 375. And then if it browns totally evenly all the way across at 375, then you're getting good enough heat conduction across, it's such that it makes you can have a larger pan and still use it kind of for fun for frying or for things like this where you need even. And then try it again, where you just crank it as high as it'll go and see how much of a burn ring you get where the actual heating element of the induction unit is. I use bigger, bigger, much bigger things on my on my induction unit all the time. But typically, then I'm doing larger things like I'm doing like a batch of greens, where I either using a low temperature such that it can go across the the entire pan like I'm sweating onions, and there's a lot of oil. And so you know, it doesn't matter that it's going to be a little hotter in the center, or I'm putting a mess of greens and that I needed to cook down. In which case, it doesn't matter that it's theoretically hotter, because the temperature of the steam from the water is keeping everything at roughly boiling point anyway. So you know, don't expect a large pan to be even for something like frying eggs, right? Unless you have a lot of water in it. So I will get both of you good. Because it's always you know, having a pan is too small is like sucks. You know what I mean? Like if you need to cook X amount of stuff, and you have x minus something that you can fit in your pan, then all of a sudden now you're in to batch fill, you know, I mean, John? Yep, no one wants to be into batch fill. No, definitely not. But don't expect your induction burner to, you know, a whole section of my book, which is going to be I'm trying to figure out which is going to be the most boring section of my book. Right now I think it's the thermal properties of water is going to be the most boring section of the book. But since it's the miracle of moisture management kind of have to deal with it. You know what I mean? My wife, Jen, who's reading all this stuff, she's like, she's like, if your section on mushrooms is not the least boring section of your book, then it's going to be because I've wrote the mushroom section already. She's like a Am I Oh, don't worry, the water section. Real boring, but you need to know it to get it right. The other thing is gonna be real boring is where I discuss how to relate the power output of your equipment to what you can actually accomplish with it. Right? So you know, it's the akin to don't try to put 10 pounds of poop into a five pound sack right and you know, it's very simple math to figure out what you can get out of your wall socket what you can get out of your microwave what you can get out your toaster oven what you can get out of your standard oven what you can get out your burner and I have to get into it, but it's going to be deep and boring. Right? It starts Yeah, Outlook. Do you want it exactly the same size? Because I know you lost your copy of liquid intelligence you want this book to be exactly the same thickness? Yes, I'm shooting for it. I'm sure I'm just gonna try to make it exactly the same dimensions. So that you know it fits exactly the way that the old old one did.

Today's the day I tell someone that they can't stay with me because they're not vaccinated.

Oh, whoa, well, so So we're named nameless namely, oh my god. It's Is that what's his name the actor from keep he got killed in in House of Cards. He's the county who's the congressman and how's the cards? Who got carbon monoxide? Well, he's alive. I mean, they don't kill him in real life. Acting or speaking of acting, get this. So I had a I had one of those things. He doesn't have Hoffman Midnight Cowboy. I walk in over here. I'm walking over here. I had a such a moment like that, because I was trying to get here and I was a little bit late. And I was like, people, it must mean that tourists are back especially in this neighborhood. I'm like, yo, yo, yo, I'm walking over here. You know what I mean? During that scene, which is fantastic. It's a what's his name? Angelina Jolie's dad. Yeah. Jon, Jon Voight, and Dustin Hoffman. Right. And they're both you know, Dustin Hoffman is not hot, but void is hot as hell in that movie. You know what I mean? He's like a gigolo kind of guy. So they're walking around like kind of this neighborhood almost more like Times Square. And they had when they were filming it, they did roped off the entire area. And so he they're walking across the street without looking because they're shooting a movie. You know what I mean? And classic New York style. A taxi driver just boom, blows through the blow through the thing and almost hits Dustin Hoffman. And he goes, I'm walking over here like that. Like, it's like it was totally unscripted. But how good is that? Yeah, it's like completely unscripted. He doesn't break character. And then does his thing yells at the taxi driver and then continues walking and talking to voice blocked off the streets? They did? Oh, I mean, are you familiar with us as a as a group of people?

Well, that's true. Yeah.

You know what I mean, anyway. Oh, my God. I've talked about the the what to call right the Oh my God, His name just went on my head Marathon Man. Oh, thanks. So who played? Like, is it is it? Is it? I always forget. It's Laurence Olivier. Right? Who plays the Nazi doctor? Isn't it? Anyway? I think it's largely he plays he plays a naughty dog here. Yeah. So it's you should see this movie. It doesn't I don't know whether it's I loved it. Dustin Hoffman plays this like kind of young character who's, who is being got like, kind of. He's kidnapped by this Nazi doctor who's trying to figure out what's going on. And he's drilling holes in his teeth and then putting like, like, he's just causing immense pain. And he's just saying, is it safe? Is it safe? And Dustin Hoffman's? Like, I don't know what you're talking. I don't know what you're talking about. You don't I mean, because he has literally no idea what he's talking about. It's a great scene. So anyway, so to study for being in this immense pain, where he's drilling his teeth out without anesthesia. Dustin Hoffman was in his like trailer and like icing his junk down like sitting in a seat with just like his all of his like Frank and beans covered in like ice, just completely ice down. Like shivering. And like Laurence Olivier walks us through the hell you do. And he's like, Well, I'm trying to get in like a physical emotional space. You know, where I can really live the scene. He's like, just the act, dude. Just act. You don't need the nice, you know, you don't need to ice your junk down. Just act man. Anyway. And he hasn't talked like that, because he's British, but whatever. And they're all he's dead now. So he doesn't talk like anything anymore. All right. Let me see. Next question. From Alexander and I believe it's pronounced Taylor. Right. Isn't that correct?

I think so. Yes. Yeah.

I guess it's how it's written to. It's not Tada res tilde. Oh, yeah. I think so. Anyway, Hey, Cookie, you're just people. Thanks for the answer on ginger. And no worries about being late. We were late. Remember, you know, they Yeah. And likes our decision to go on Patreon. That's good news. So got some of the ginger juice to clarify, just by doing it with time, which is the only way to doing but it lost all of its ginger cake. So I ended up using a mix of heated ginger and just juice giving, like giving up some of the carbonation and it was excellent. Nothing you can do by the way is a ginger is going to lose its kick over time. And so what a lot of people do is try to find the most neutral capsaicin Note that you can get and add a little bit of capsaicin heat to the back and it's not the same but it pushes a lot of the same buttons. So you know, if you don't mind the flavor being a little bit red, like something that's fairly neutral like Italian crushed red pepper is a fairly neutral reddish heat and like usually those kind of I don't know if you you know, I mean red right? Yeah, usually like those kinds of red hot notes work with well with. With ginger, they don't close because you're not adding. You don't necessarily want to add a vegetal note. You don't necessarily want a greenish, hot note, and you probably don't want a vinegary hot note, or even floral like a habanero style notes. I think you want like, but red usually doesn't that reddish red, straight red pepper flavor doesn't tend to conflict very often with ginger. And so that's what I typically use crush red. The only problem with crush red is is that it's very it's very finicky with steep time. So you want to just I usually over add, because I'm looking mainly for heat. And then I keep tasting until the heats exactly where I want and then I drain I don't let it sit for a long time because like anyone who's ever eaten a pizza with me knows that I put stuff how much crushed red well put on pizza sounds like 70. Like, remember, it's

red? Yeah,

it's bright red. It's an Sandy right. So like, if you make me if you make me laugh when I'm eating pizza to the extent that I have to breathe in. Like if I breathe in while I'm eating pizza through my mouth. If any air goes into my mouth into my mouth while I'm eating with pizza, it's like almost like a like a guaranteed trip to the hospital because I'm inhaling. Like, like, like a blanket of crushed red pepper into my mouth. But it doesn't actually make the pizza slice that hot. Because crushed red pepper is not hot until it gets hydrated, right? It's just not that hot till it gets hydrated. Take that same amount of crushed red pepper. Put it in a sauce or as they say in Boston, put it in the gravy. And then you heat it up and you're you know you're done. Does anyone else call it gravy? Sauce gravy or just a Boston Italians.

I'm watching the sopranos and they call a gravy on that. Really?

So Jersey Italians called gravy to

at least based off the sopranos

It's gravy Long Island Italian sauce sauce. For Long Island.

Yeah, what's the worst thing on earth that you can do? In an Italian household? If you're a cook

definitely add ketchup to your to your linguini clams.

I don't even think that's like that's like you wouldn't even that's like as the as they say, you would be dead to me at that point. I mean, like the worst thing you can do and still be a member of the family. The only reason

I say that and it's so close to because I had a friend come over for a birthday at my for my father's birthday and my mother makes my mother Sicilian. She makes an amazing linguini and clam sauce. And like my friend Harry were skaters in like high school and he goes into he literally leaves the kitchen table goes to the refrigerator brings back he actually brings his plate into the kitchen because we're sitting in the dining room and puts ketchup on the linguini comes back to the dinner table. My mother is like Get the fuck out.

Get out. Because I appreciate that. Skater friend out. That's amazing amount of man, and rightfully so. Well. Right. Yeah.

I got left out at that restaurant in Rome when asked for a wedge of lemon to go with my fried artichoke.

Yeah, you said that last time and said Well, no. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, as Louise lunch in New Haven says this isn't Burger King. It's not how you want it. You know what I mean? But so I was gonna say, I have to say this. So like my stepfather. He had three made nots, they never married. They you know, they live together until they until they all died. It was crazy and one of them the bank robberies. No, but it's the same people have so like I told you like there was the one who was kind of the kind of ruled the roost. Her name was a net and there was there was a net auntie, and Annie those were the three made nots right. And you know, Annie died first and it was a net and an auntie. But anyway, it started to go a little bit soft, but she was never the one that ruled the roost. Right? It was always like, it was always the net that ruled the roost. And, and that was the one that is most closely related to Uncle diamond. Who's the guy who, who had the safe deposit box. Anyways. So you know, everyone would say, oh, oh, Auntie Oh, and that she thinks she's the boss. She's the boss of the toilet. She's the boss of the toilet. So like, whenever anyone says that they're the boss. I'm like, yeah, they're the boss or boss or the toilet anyway. They were making the gravy. So the way that they used to do it is they make the gravy and then they tomato, you know, they put it through the strainer thing they'd get this stuff they'd cook it down and then they'd put all the meat in it so they'd put the you know, the brushroll the sausage, the pork chops, everything into the gravy cook it in the gravy pull it out cook the pasta serve the pasta with the thing the meat on the side, that's the world it was. And one time I wasn't even alive yet. It was like in like this it was in like the 60s and that burn the gravy and tried to serve it. So she scorched the bottom. The entire pot then is tinged with the burnt tomato. And it was one of those things were literally 30 years later, you know what I mean? Like in the 80s or 90s They were like news time and net burn and we're all like it was it was like an entire table because the I got you know the whole I used to do family dinner every Sunday and it came really from Gerards family had the family dinner would be like the odds were there his dad his grandpa like the whole thing. And yeah, every once in a while he's like and then like jurors dad would just go

like it wasn't like oh, it's okay. Yeah. Like remembering is sucking in. Yeah. Gracious. All right. Andrew K wrote in question. I'm making

them even get to Alexander's question. Oh, I

didn't. Oh, shoot. Alright, tangent. Okay. I'll tell her these without tangents because Oh, yeah. Now to my question. I'm trying to recreate a cocktail version of dalgona coffee now that's that one. Were you whip instant coffee, right? You whip instant coffee. And then you survey like

they're answering this before? We've answered a similar one.

Well, no, it's a it's a COVID thing can't be eight years ago. It was invented during COVID.

Okay, then yeah, leave the house weeks ago, then.

I don't know. It's all the same. It's like you're getting you're not even close as ultimate and still, your entire life is blurring together into one big mess. Don't let it happen yet. Keep your date separate for at least another 10 years. All right. I'm trying to recreate a cocktail version of dalgona coffee. Dakota is kind of a good word. Is that why it's popular? Because delta? I don't

know. But answer the question. Wow, Jesus.

I want to actually taste like coffee and not instinct crap. I'm using a Moka Pot and an easy Ripper. I've tried using foam magic, which is maltodextrin methylcellulose. In xanthan gum from monitors pantry is a foaming agent and it worked. Okay. But the phone got that goopy texture from the Xanthan is are there any other agents that would work better to give a lighter but still stable foam? I'm looking for a texture, like egg white foam on a sour thanks and keep up the good work. All right. So let's take a look at that. First of all, I really get bent when people write in their ingredients. And they do it so that you can't copy the methylcellulose because there's a bunch of different Mt. methylcellulose is and cellulose derivatives that have different properties. I'm guessing this is what I think that is maltodextrin is just a filler, right? It's just solids. So if you're using instant coffee, I tried to look up what's an instant coffee? Does instant coffee always have creamer crap added to it or can you get black instant coffee? Black? Yeah, like the standard like tasters choice is black. I couldn't find the ingredients for taste or choice coffee on the web this morning for some reason. Is that like the most ironic name on Earth tasters choice? Yeah, yeah, it's like it's like they gave a bunch of crap to a bunch of tasters and a taster had to choose one. And that was the tasters choice. It's anyway. So the the multi dextran is there as solids. Also, you gotta remember in in an instant coffee, it's all coffee solids and coffee solids have good whipping ability. This is why coffee is such a nightmare to carbonate because it foams up a lot, right? So the maltodextrin is there just for adding solids and viscosity. The methylcellulose is the actual whipping agent, right? So you need both that maltodextrin and the methyl cellulose, the Xanthan, but it's the metal cell you need to use it's called F 50 F 50. Just get Metacell F 50 straight and then get some maltodextrin and use that and just nix the xanthan gum the xanthan gum is a stabilizer but you probably will not need a stabilizer because coffee is already foamy enough. So coffee plus Metacell Mithila 50 Plus maltodextrin will probably give you what you need without that snottiness and if not it Metacell doesn't always work in milk based systems. So if you're adding the milk before you whip the coffee, you might need to move to a Versa whip reverse whip is just whey protein. So it's an there's two different there's a soy protein first whip and a milk protein versus whip. So you could try versus whip the first one it takes a lot longer to whip up or just try straight F 50 the coffee and the maybe some maltodextrin if you need more solids content but try to make the coffee as strong as possible. When good go oh and then there's also a liquid nitrogen thing John parse that out for me while I while I get Andrew today's question. All right. Andrew K writes, and I'm making a paralyzed banana. I'm making paralyze bananas, which I guess means barbed cut. Oh, no, no, like a black garland? Yeah, that's what it means. Yeah. Although it's not mean like it's not really alright, but I'm not gonna get into the technical not like you know what I mean? Like it's not gonna get into all right. From the aviary cocktail book where you peel bananas, you vacuum seal them you boil and for 10 minutes in the bag, and then you place them in 155 degree Fahrenheit environment for four weeks. I'm using a rice cooker on keep warm. One problem after a week of cooking I checked on the bananas and the bag had blown up. It was found to have a small hole in the side not at the sealed end, which I suspect led in air that expanded in the bag. I seal the hole but a day later I found a new hole in the bag possibly due to the temperature being higher than estimated and melting my cheek bags. The bag was minimally inflated this time that was that's that was my nickname minimally inflated, minimally inflated. My main concern is botulism. I am reading the 10 minutes of boiling can neutralize the toxin. Is this true? I know this would not include the spores. But if I were to boil the bananas for 10 minutes again after the four weeks of blackening would it be reasonable to To consume the product is just for myself. So I'm not particularly concerned about other foodborne illnesses. Thanks in advance. Yeah, you know that botulism toxin is mainly heat labile. And boiling, it should do it. Bananas are really fairly thin, and they're high in moisture, so it should make it through. But also, if your temperature is 155, botulism is not going to grow there. Right, that's, you know, that's well above the thermal death point for the vegetative stuff. So if it smells off, off, you're getting some sort of thermally. There are thermal active bacteria, right? That will tolerate living in those temperatures. And they're typically not pathogenic, and it's not going to be botulism. Botulism just won't grow. I would guess maybe that your temperature, I would just be concerned that your temperature wasn't as high as you thought, right? So just if you can guarantee that that temperature was at 155 the whole time, and it smells good, it doesn't smell like like, like it's gone bad, then I would say you're okay, I would consume it. And botulism wouldn't be a concern in that point. And especially if you're going to reboil it, I think you're you're fine. What do you think, John? I think that's accurate. Yeah, I think so. Alright, so was there more in that question, you need to parse out but right liquid nitrogen

is looking to get LM for his bar and trying to convince the owners he needs to know the price how much is used,

like on a blog somewhere?

Well, well, it's old, I don't even know if you can still get to the primer. But the the issue on price is just the price of liquid nitrogen varies widely, depending on your locale, just call up two or three local welding shops and figure it out, you know what they what they're going to charge you liquid nitrogen, it costs almost the same to fill a, like 30 liter Dewar as it does to get a full 160 or 180 liter Dewar of liquid nitrogen. The issue with the liquid nitrogen Dewar's and if you're going to use it in a bar, you really want to get the big containers, if you don't use it constantly, it boils off, so you have to use it all the time, or there's no point in having it. And if you get the big cylinders, you know, usually you have to put a deposit down of like, you know, a couple grand, and then when you cancel your account, you get the two grand back and then they just swap the cylinders out. And they'll typically charge you a delivery cost and the and the liquid nitrogen we've, we went we had two existing conditions and we had one at Booker and DAX. And it was like we spent on the order of like $150 a week on him. So on that order in that

and to get him as the owner, you got to do all your safety, you gotta do all the safety stuff.

I mean, like you know, you know, maybe this we read the liquid nitrogen primer, you know, it's all about you know, if the people aren't going to respect the safety if they're not going to listen to you, if they're going to be kind of fast and loose with it and like let your guests ever touch it or get near it then don't even bother. But if you're going to follow the rules and like not let people take it home in their car and you know, you're not going to like store it you know in a basement and you're not going to like try to walk it down the stairs and you're not going to do any of this stuff that's evil to read the read the blog post, it's still current and even though it's like 10 years old, it's still true. Yeah, follow the rules, right? Yep, rule you

have one minute

all right. So someone just someone just said basically they want to know whether we want this is Dustin Meldrum wrote in has Paw Paws in the Yonkers area, right says during during season if not we can get some pop balls aren't you're interested in that? Definitely. Right. Also, is it as an engineer at the domino's sugar plan, we're gonna have some information we want about engineers and Domino Sugar plants and a calcium chloride plant. Oh, something somebody asked me once and also says can get some good dogs because they're going to Michigan Should we have a Michigan hot dog should we get in contact with Dustin and have a Michigan dog versus a Connecticut dog off where you cook them both John so that they're both done exactly the same way served in kind of a standard bond situation and we can do get in contact and we'll see we can figure out we can have a start so you like hot dogs right if they're playing Joe you like hot dogs? Like you are you interested in a dog off and like a Michigan versus Connecticut dog off? Definitely. All right, but like no no adornment just mustard mustard crowd or do we have to have it with nothing? Nothing? Nothing? I prefer mustard and crap 30 seconds yeah, mustard was mushroom crowd right? Okay, someone wants to ask me this and so here it is. Salted butter is one salted butter can be a range of different salt contents right. But in case you're wondering how much extra salt you're adding when you add butter the standard I looked at the one in my fridge which is a little bit off right because they said you know according the decimal points don't go out far enough the minimum fat content of butter is 80 and the maximum is 90 in the US right the rest is water milk fats non solid salt in the one of my house is 1.6% Salt by weight 1.6% salt. Remember people when you read the sodium on the side if you just have a sodium content in milligrams, and you want to know salt multiply by 2.5 2.54 Technically, right? So if there's if there's one milligram of salt there's actually of sodium then there's actually 2.54 milligrams of salt. Does that make sense to you? Yeah. Okay. In a stick of butter there is about 1.85 grams of salt. Okay, so when you're cooking with butter and you want to know I'm putting a stick of butter in and you want to cut back on the salt. It's like 1.8 grams. All right, all right cooking issues.