Cooking Issues Transcript

The Mystery Sour Patch Kid

Hello and welcome to cookie issues. This is Dave earlier host of cookies coming to you live from newsstands studios at Rockefeller Center joined as usual with Anastasia. Mr. Lopez, how you doing? Good. Yeah, we got Joe Hasan here in the booth with us how you doing? I'm doing great. How are you? Alrighty. And we have also as usual, our trusted associate, John, how you doing? Doing great. You know, do we didn't do we have we done an episode since you were back.

We did the special mre.

Talk about that in a minute. And we don't have Jackie molecules on the air today. But he is streaming out to you live. So if you have any live questions, and you're a follower of our Patreon, call in to 917-410-1507. That's 917-410-1507. And one other note about our Patreon. We weren't here last week. But once again, we're getting a little bit of an echo it Do you have the live feed up on that computer at the same time, John?

Oh, I do. Yeah, sorry. I was trying to be in the chat right.

For any of you who remember what it used to be like to listen to live radio Anastasia is the only thing the only person on earth who still listens to live radio is that true Anastasia of me

and musicians and rock stars. So it was a

returning musician and a rock star. Like well, you can be I mean, classical musicians rock star. So what classical musicians do you know who LISTEN TO LIVE classical musician? Well, in other words, like what some musician is not a rock. Are you talking about your friend Pat, you're talking about our favorite rock stars. So pantless is a live music friend of the show. Pat, our favorite didgeridoo artist, and we're going to make him a t shirt that says I don't know. Did you read? Don't? Did you read? Don't? Don't do it. Although be F Have you ever heard him play the didgeridoo? Yeah. Isn't he good? Yeah, yeah. As good as you can be. I don't mean to insult a whole cultures music. It's terrible idea. I take it all back. Speaking of insulting a whole culture of music, I was listening on my bike ride up I'll do my weekly bike ride recap. Boston, the Stasi and I love listening to boss. Is that not true? We love listening to boss I'm not going to bring up the whole delt thing but I also like listening so for those of you who think that all of Boston is crappy there's crappy Boston and great Boston and I I like both crappy Boston angry Boston. I was listening to that song sighs You remember rock and roll band. Just another band out of Hyannis. And for those of you that don't know, Schultz, who's the guitarist right? And I think they were all freakishly tall and dope was normal hybrid. He look short on the album cover because everyone else was tall. Anyway, Schultz who made all of his own effects. To Joe did he invent like a chorus effect because like, you know, dopes got this kind of high voice, but in the rock and roll band is about them going out to Hyannis on Cape Cod, for those of you that don't know, the East Coast, like, if you're from the Boston, even New York area, like everyone kind of empties on to Cape Cod. It's kind of a thing in the summer. And so when he hears the thing about the record people coming, and he says, sign the record company contract, can you hear that in your in your head stars when he goes? But it's like, it's like three dopes at once did they invent a chorus effect just to have because I don't think that was like common at the time. Right? You don't think about that, Joe? I'm not sure. Anything I want I want to always have come from that was at the jazz chorus amplifier. Usually the really good chorus? Yeah, I mean, I'm sure you know, Schultz had only the best, only the best chorus effects, which he probably built in his mom's basement, which is how he did all that stuff. Anyway, so like, I wish I could have like, you remember the movie. I'm gonna git you sucka.

I've never seen it. But yeah, I know what it is. Alright,

so in that movie, one of the best things is they actually had musicians following the people around playing the theme songs. So Fishbone actually was walking behind the pimp character playing this stuff. I kind of wish I had like a miniature like ghost of Delp floating behind me just like screaming Boston lyrics at all times. Wouldn't it be amazing? Yeah, that'd be great. That'd be great. Alright, so for those of you that are members of our Patreon oh and Jack's not here he has a Patreon this for the shout out do we have it? Can we get the this week's Patreon lives for the end of the show? Last week we didn't do a show but to keep you guys not hanging for Patreon only people we have we did a tasting of Chinese Mr. E's versus we have Chinese Mrs versus American Mrs. And I have to say you'll have to join to listen to it to Chinese Mrs. KICKED OUR behinds. Alright guys. Yeah, I mean shockingly good. I mean, really, like quite good. Like I would eat that stuff back me up on his pa completely. Yeah. Tasted like really delicious. Yeah. And the American MRA is I have to say they're a little bit expired. Didn't even really eat that much. Didn't eat that much. Yeah. I mean, I wanted to like the American Mrs. Or listen, I hear we have a caller caller you're on the air. Hmm Hey, there you go. What's up? Everybody, Josh from Norfolk here. Hey, how you doing? You gotta turn down your background a little bit.

Sorry. Sounds like you're listening to experimental music which I like. Are you like a John Cage fan?

Yeah, we're, I'm in the in the restaurant office right now. Nice.

All right, cool. Awesome. What's up?

So we want to make candied peanuts. It was like Coca Cola as the base. We're running into like a slight issue getting the coverage, right, we want like kind of a, like a, you know, same candy shell on. on them. We got access to everything. Including like induction and stuff like that. So I'm just looking for some advice on the best methods, best methods to make these nuts.

You want me to let you know that I had to do it. You knew it had to happen. You did that on purpose. In fact, you're not even making Coca Cola covered peanuts. You just wanted to have that happen. That's fine. That's fine. So listen, so are you having a problem with it not getting hard versus other recipes that you're using? Is that the problem? Because if that is I think I have the solution. That is exactly the problem. Here's the problem, I believe you're having you are you. In order to get a crispy shell on the outside, you need to have the sugar not invert, right. So if the sugar inverts too much, what's going to happen is you're going to it's never going to harden. Now, first of all, the high fructose corn syrup that's in Coca Cola is like, it's going to make it soft as heck from the beginning. In fact, that's the kind of stuff that I would add to things that keep them from crystallizing, right, so that's going to inhibit you right there. But if you add sugar, so Coca Cola is roughly 10% Sugar, let's say give or take. So if you're going to reduce that all the way down to get it or even if you start with a syrup, right, it's also very high acid and the phosphoric acid that's in the Coca Cola is going to invert whatever sucrose you add, I'm going to make it a lot softer and harder to get it to crystallize. So I want to say like, I don't know if you can just buy the flavors of Coca Cola without the acid and add the acid at the last minute, or, or else like do your candy syrup. Take it all the way down and then add the coke flavored syrup at the last minute, or just completely dehydrate the coke down to dust. Right. And then after you dehydrate the coke down to dust, like maybe add some solids to it like maltodextrin or something so that there's some solids for this stuff to dehydrate onto so it doesn't scorch down right then make your standard candy coating and then as its setting toss it into Coke dust. And because you might not want to get that much sweeter you could add a little bit of hard non sweet sugars to it like maybe some isomalt or something like this or something that's going to reduce the sweetness or maybe just the fact that you've added a maltodextrin carrier is going to be enough but I think that's going to get around your problem. I think it's the fact that you have the HFCs and the fact that you have a lot of acid during your boil that's causing it not to set up that sounds like it might be the answer.

Yeah, definitely we we figured the high fructose was the problem and then you save us the step of tracking down because by letting us know you know a couple episodes ago that is always condenser.

Well okay, so what the CEO of Coca Cola said when he told me that it all tastes the same is that yes, they do sometimes you sucrose, but like they organize it to all tastes the same that no one can really tell the difference anyway, your mileage may may vary. I believe that there is Mexican coke with sugar in it. Although I have to say I've never looked at the ingredient label because I don't drink sugar full non alcoholic beverages. I'm either drinking an alcoholic beverage or I'm drinking Seltzer and there is no other beverages for me. Those are the only two things let us know how it works out. Send us a send us a what's it called? Joe? We got another call. Caller you're on the air. Hello. Hey, how you doing? Yeah. Oh, awesome. Is that an inside or an outside bird that you have go in there? I hear a bird Anastasia whenever she has birds in the background cause it's like some like vicious Seagull that's trying to like murder her but like is that an insider?

No, it's, it's a couple of woodpeckers. But

oh my God. Listen, I hate woodpeckers. Do you like woodpecker? My nephew likes them. He's like they have honor. God woodpecker. Are they like little Sap suckers that are gonna put like a zillion holes and all your trees are they those nasty pileated suckers they're like pop pop pop pop pop pop pop up that

like it's the the yellow. Yellow bellied sapsucker. I think,

you know, is there is there any worse thing to call someone than a yellow bellied sapsucker. or unless they're so puny. They're sitting there just knocking all these holes in your tree. I don't get it. Like,

I don't think of worse things to call someone but considering it's a family program,

yeah. All right. All right. So what's what's your what's your cooking issue?

So, okay, so COVID has messed up a lot of people and the like, and I and I remember you had an episode where you're speaking to a friend of yours who studied this very, very intensely, like a Guzman. Paragons, meow and I was mad, etc. And I have an idea that I think might might actually help a lot of people. I just wanted to know your, your take on it, which is so gymnemic acid and miracle berry, my ideas, micro dosing on those to try to kind of like kickstart your brain reconnoitering how it assesses smokers who think that that's a worthy endeavor?

Well, I mean, first of all, I would never recommend that anybody take gymnemic acid, other than so for those of you that don't know, or, you know, haven't heard us talk about it before. gymnemic acid is a compound that is developed from leaves, he actually you buy a leaf powder, you eat it, it tastes like the bottom of a rabbit's cage. And it's disgusting stuff it like, oh my god, so gross. But what it does is for about 2030 minutes, like literally erases your ability to taste sweet things. Right? Literally erase erase is your ability to taste sweet things. So much. So miracle berry, right? Sorry. Sorry, go on. Yeah, but nobody likes it. So like, in other words, like, I remember, like, in classes I used to teach, we used to give the genomic acid to people so that they could mentally understand what it was like to not have the, the be able to taste sweet, which is useful in terms of texture analysis and stuff like that. But you know, occasionally we would have people like cry, they'd be like, am I gonna be this way forever, that I'm ruined?

With honey, honey and whatnot. It's

nuts. So but the miracle berry, and many more people know about the miracle berry. You know, what it does? Is it tricks you into thinking that, you know, things that are sour or sweet. I don't really know. I haven't studied I have to talk to you know, the people that we had on that day. I think we had we had Harold, we had Bob and we had erielle on I think, yeah, Bob data from Harvard. And I got to ask him, but you know, I know that, like, I know that a lot of people had kind of more, you know, drug induced mystical experiences with miracle berry kind of parties than I ever did. I was always more kind of cold analytical thinking about it, but I don't know how that as well. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know.

I'll ask I mean, it's just just for me, like, it's, it's, I mean, I'm, you know, I'm a professional cook. And it's so much so, like, 90% of time, I really can't taste anything artistic garbage. And I know that there's certain programs that people use where like, they buy like, like infused oils and whatnot, to try to like, really, you know, trick their brain back into it. And I looked into it, the problem is I'm, I'm not a professor, and so I'm barred from, you know, all the other scientific literature.

Okay. Well, first of all, like, I'm not going to tell you to do this. I'm not going to tell you to do this. To go I'm not recommending that you look up S C. I dash H UB, don't go look up sai hub. Okay, and then assuming you haven't gone to look up sai hub, right? Then don't go to Google Scholar and search for anything that you want that's behind a paywall. Definitely don't find what's called the DOI, the DOI number. Definitely don't copy and paste the entire DOI string into the sai hub page that you haven't opened and hit Go. Don't do that. Because you might accidentally download scientific literature that was formerly behind a paywall.

Don't worry, it wasn't listening to anything you just say. Okay, so thank you. And is there any way we do have the contact info of of area or Dr. Bob such that I could maybe reach out to them

reach out to John on our customer service line after the show and we'll see what we can do. All righty.

Thank you so much.

Thank you so much for calling in. All right. So we're we're back to patrons. We haven't even started we haven't even answered any any questions yet. I actually want to give a shout out. Are you guys Spanish cook In fans, by the way, you like us better. So my mom for some reason, my mom during pandemic, so like right before the pandemic, we got rid of the house in that I used to have in Connecticut. So all of my outdoor cooking gear I just dropped onto my mom's deck right before the pandemic. So my mom now went from having almost no outdoor cooking game. She went ape during the pandemic crazy, like so naturally. Now, she only has my Tandoor on her deck, right? She's got not one ready for it to pioneer cookers. Have you guys seen these outdoor pioneer cookers? No. They are not they are crazy, dude. And my mom's always like, Oh, do you think that this like your My mom is like more mellow she has a regular human being stove, right? regular human being hood, like regular human being everything. And then she's like, Did you got this pie cooker? So I'm assuming it's going to be some? I mean, no offense, ma saccade garbage right. But go out there and the ring burner on it is the size of a professional pie a a pan it's like how big is that? John said like 20 inches across 20 like 20 inch car wheel? Yeah, it's like it's like a car wheel size burner she cranks it it's all jets all the way across it right? And then she whips out a giant This is the first time GIANT pie pan right this is right before the pandemic. I just had dinner with her the second time the first time since the pandemic was over. And even the who was only just like my my sister and you know her husband and my brother and fiance as she brought two pi rigs to full size pie rigs. And I have to say my mom has turned into this like this Spanish monster cook like with the pie pans over the over the pandemic which is bananas. But she made something that I actually hadn't heard before. Strangely you know that so not pay which he made one of delicious of course you know with the soccer rod on the bottom while he was so great to the crunch you know everyone's got their own kind of crunchy rice business you like the crunchy rice business people? I like the crunchy but I like anyone's form of crunchy rice. I like Iranian crunchy rice. I like Korean crunchy rice I like I do Americans have do we have our own traditional crunchy rice?

No, not really. No. There are low

maybe there think you can get that crispy?

Yeah, there are old American recipes, like rice casserole recipes, where if they're cooked in a certain way you can get a kind of crunchy layer on the bottom. I have to do more research on that whether we have because I feel like we're you know we're leaving a lot on the table if we don't have our own crispy rice at the bottom of the pan set. You know what I'm saying? I feel like we're I feel like we could up our game there as a as a nation. Anyways, so but she made this other Have you ever had this pie like pasta dish called FIDIC? I don't know how to pronounce it right? Fit for Day. A day of the day. Who have you ever had this one Bridgewater? Is that how you pronounce it?

Is the Brazilian I'm sorry. Well, this

one's this one is Valencian. But I'm sure they had the same thing. So it's in a pie pan. And you use these like tiny what look like like tiny pieces of vermicelli. Like but instead of like, you know, you have vermicelli means like like little worms, right? Yeah, right. So like this. Oh, we're getting fishbowl to love it. This is our first fishbowl, we're getting fishbowl people anyway. So you know, like, there's no worm, that's the size of a vermicelli that's as long as a piece of her machete, it just doesn't happen. Right. So these are actually worm size, which is kind of gross. Get this. You toast them off, like with oil, right? Just like you would toast off like rice before you were gonna do like a result or some. You add the stock and all the other nonsense to it and you cook it pretty much like a like a pie and she did it with squid ink. But get this as it boils off, right, you stopped stirring you don't stir it after a while because you want to make that kind of crispy crap at the bottom. But Anastasia you might enjoy this. The pasta stands straight up in the air. Looks like grass looks like grass growing out of this giant pie pan. And my mom brings it to the table. I'm like, man, what the hell are you doing? This is beautiful. The hell's wrong with you? Like I just don't expect this out of my mind. You know what I mean? It's like, it's like these little things standing up. You know what I mean? And then you, you scrape it, and it comes up in one chunk because of the crunchy stuff at the bottom like a piece astroturf and then you're eating this astroturf? You know, I was like, Damn, my mom's got the pandemic game. Sounds like it. Yeah, yeah. Speaking of my mom, one more shout out pologize. So my mom's retiring this year. In fact, she's retiring this month. So a little shout out to my mom, my mom. I've said this on the air before but my mom had me when she was 20 years old. She was at Stanford at the time. She was 20. She took a year off from school. Her parents told her she was never going to follow her dreams. Nothing was ever going to happen in her life. She was going to get you know, that's it. She was done. Went back finished. went to medical school at Columbia when I was three moved out here started the pediatric heart transplant program at Columbia University in 1984, where she was the cardiologist on the first successful pediatric transplant that had been done, has run the pediatric heart transplant program ever since. And I know that like it's very fashionable incorrect now, to think that, you know, big data is a lot better than human judgment, which I think in the average is true. But when my mom retires, the world is losing like an amazing clinician, I'll give you just a couple of things that that she's done. So for those of you that are in the medical industry now, right, you know, there's a huge reaction over the past maybe say, 20 years to kind of what's known as heroic actions, trying to take heroic actions to save people's lives, you know, you're not supposed to play God are supposed to let people die now is but a lot of doctors saying, but my mom, especially because she's dealing with kids kind of never had that attitude. So she has this crazy sense of how the human body works as a system and what's wrong an entire, like, fan system level basis. So she wants ran a code. So when someone has a cardiac arrest, they they do what's called, they run a code, right? Where they, you know, they try to, you know, get their heart working again. And she wants ran a code for two hours on a kid who was in need of a heart transplant, and everyone else was like, You got to quit Doc, you got to quit, you got to quit, ran a code on him for that long. Why? Because she was looking at all of the numbers. And the numbers didn't indicate that the kid should be dead. Right? So it's like, it's like, you know, everyone's like, Oh, well, no one, no one lasts this long. And a code mom's like, Well, it's because no one runs code is this long. Kid lived. She wants had a kid on a table who died coded on the table while they were waiting for a transplant, my mom jumped on the gurney, and and did chest compressions to get that kid while they wheeled my mom giving the kid compressions, all the way to the operating room in a different building. Kid lit. We lived through that. I mean, I don't know if they eventually made it right. My mom also would transplant. So here's another little secret fact that those of you that have gone through any medical procedure, not all medical procedures are guaranteed to you, even if you have money, like some doctors won't take you on if they think you're going to lower their percentages, right? In the old days, when it was very kind of rare to be able to get a transplant, not a lot of people were on the list. You were shunted off of the list because well, the that heart had to go to someone who was healthier because you had to put it into whoever had the best chance of survival. Right. But my mom, because that's not a guess, at the time, not the way that kid heart transplant work, because you have to get a heart that exactly matches the person she would transplant people that no one else would take. Because no one else wanted to have their numbers go down. Everyone wanted their survival rates to be high. So they would be like, No, we can't do you. We don't think it's going to work out my mom would do it. My mom has given people to transplants when the first one failed, because she realized that it wasn't that it was a failing proposition all the way through. But that because of some other things. So my mom always treated people like individuals and had kind of an amazing clinical sense. There was someone who was slated to get a transplant once and my mom was like, you don't need a heart transplant she had was on somebody else's transplant list, get this on somebody else's transplant list. My mom was like, you know, what looked again, looked at the numbers looked at the patient was like, You know what? I think actually, you have this extremely rare condition. Turns out vitamin deficiency. The kid had a vitamin deficiency. A the kid supplements kid didn't need a heart transplant anyway. And you know, I know that one gives credit to the surgeons right. And I had no offense surgeons are great, but you know, my mom's the one who was there at the beginning. My mom was the one who stayed with him for years. My mom was the one who you know, they were always sad when they had to get handed off to the adult transplant. So I'm happy that my mom's retiring. But it's worse for anyone that needs a heart transplant here in here in least in this country. Anyway. Enough about my family. Let's do some questions. Oh, you guys cook anything by the way? Anything good? Cook something good. See what you think. So John and I, so John, you know, every morning John and I have a call where we're supposed to be talking about what I do it for the day supposed to do. But instead we end up talking about Connecticut foodstuffs quite often right? So we're talking about Connecticut food stuff I've never been to superduper weenie never been sighs we've been super duper we know how far is Fairfield from you like 20 minutes on you got to know I will be like hot dogs. Yeah. What's your recommendation is Super Duper Weenie, John,

the New England ARDS spicy relish kind of like the Connecticut sell spicy relish then begun sauerkraut and mustard. Quite good like that.

So anyone that's heard me talk about Connecticut food knows I'm a fan of steaming cheese steamed cheeseburger. Get this. So here's what I did. Since I can't really get my family on board with the steam cheeseburger but I can get DAX on board with the chopped cheese. Ready for this? Here's where I'm going with this. Here's where I'm going. It's not a chop steamed cheese although now that you say it that would be great. Anyway, here's what it is. So, I did a, I just did a braised short rib. Right, but not with too much sauce, beer braised short ribs, standard beard beard ratio. Then I took that, let it cool all the way down, reabsorbed all of its juices, right? Then put that in a hoagie put like put that in the steamer, put a piece of the of the of the rib in the steamer, put the cheese on top. Let the whole thing instead of reheating the rib, reheat by steaming the whole thing into one steaming pile of short rib and steam cheese. Put it in a hoagie roll. Put in a hoagie roll. You know what, it was real good. It was real good. I wanted some sauerkraut on it because I think it needed some acid backs didn't back just you know ketchup didn't whatever that helps kids do. But real good. It's a try people. That's it. That's it. Give it a try. Also, you know what I did? Chicken bullying on on the french fries. Now apparently, Australia. And I know Anastasia has her issues with the Australians but apparently they have this thing called Chicken salt, which is meant to be put onto rotisserie chicken but also sometimes includes chicken bullion. So that's a good reason to visit Australia because chicken bullion on French fries is a good Very good. It's a real good. I'm going to everyone was like have you tried beef powder? I'm like not yet. I'm gonna I'm gonna go get every Bojan flavor and put that on my french fries from now because what why not?

What about what those mushrooms from the MRA

Oh my god. So again, you can't watch it unless you're a Patreon of viewer but they had this dehydrated chunk dislike. It's like imagine like a sponge candy. But instead of sugar. Mushroom. Right? And it was so awesome. I would buy if any of you like our manufacturer of Chinese Mr. Ease and know where to get this freeze dried mushroom block. Even the Stasio like the freeze dried mushroom broth. crunchies Yeah, that was good. That was good. Really good. Really good. You know what Anastasia kept saying the entire time we were doing the MRIs. Anytime something looks terrible to be like those. That's your mra. Dave, if we're in survival situation, that's your MRI. No,

yours was just the American one the

anything look bad. But if it had been the Chinese when you would have have you have that one. I noticed that when we opened the American one and it had a Skittle pack in. We didn't even get to inventory it because you were already picking up the color that you liked. Which is which is the Lopez color. Red. Red's the first color. Second color.

Green, and all others garbage. Yeah.

Have you I know you're not you're not a Pez person.

No, but I did bring the Sour Patch Kids because there's this new flavor. That's a secret. And pass it

today. Oh, but Anastasia is going to be able to tell because she can tell. No, I

can't. And you win. $50,000 Oh, geez.

Oh, geez. You know, we should all do people. And we should all cool. Hard. It's really hard. I was gonna give on to erielle because I just do the GCM. Oh, no, I just want to see if her nose or nose is forget the nose just do GC Mass Spec on it figured out what his cheating. That's like, what do you really want that that would be cheating. I am now telling the computer exactly what it can do with a lifetime supply of sour patch

a slick Bailey artificial, vaguely tropical, real sour stuff. I feel like I've

had that flavor before. It's a specific flavor.

And there's lots of clues that they'd give you.

But I see you also brought that one of my favorite sour flavors. sumac, sumac people I saw when I was driving up a couple of weeks ago. The sumac starting to ripen is that one ripe yet?

I think this one is taste taste?

Well, it made me taste. So sumac for those of you that don't know. sumac is delicious. Now listen, here's how you know if it's the sumac that you can eat? Is it red? If it's red, you can eat it. If it's white? Don't art goods. Does it mean? That's real good. Yeah. So what you do is, if you live where sumac grows, in our neighborhood, the majority of sumac is was known as Staghorn sumac. It's kind of hairy, right? So you just rip, cut the whole sumac thing out, let it get ripe and tasted first, if it doesn't have a lot of flavor, it's not right. If you wait too long, it loses its flavor. So the one that Stasi got here is real good. Then what you're going to want to do, you can just freeze them as is if you don't have time to what's it called processing right now. boil them in water, and then it's verb burst soda. It's so good. There's something about sumac that when you drink it, you have to drink more, you have to just drink a little bit more. You drink a little bit and you're like, Oh, that's good. And one more and then you have a little more you're like oh, that was good, but I'm done. More, more anyway. So alright, enough about our cooking. Let's get to other people's cooking issues best delicious. Thanks for bringing that so welcome. Thanks for sharing. I appreciate it. Hey, Zack Ross wrote in. I've been making watermelon Aqua fresca this summer. It's good. But it's about 100 times better than that's a lot of times, DEC 100 times is a lot better. And I don't know that there's anything where the best version of it I've ever had if it was 100 times worse I would even putting my mouth. What about you guys? Do you believe there's a factor of 100? Between something that is edible? And something that is super fantastic. That's two orders of magnitude. Joe. That's huge.

That's a big number.

Yeah. Yeah. For those of you that, like don't think in terms of orders of magnitude go watch the games, his powers of 10 film. Amazing, classic. Amazing. That said, I will just assume that that we're just being a little hyperbolic. And that we're okay. It's about 100 times better the next day. Why is this? It seems too simple to just have the flavors meld overnight, and be so better. Maybe that's it. But I'm curious if there's something more happening here. Well, I have a note into Harold McGee to ask him and see whether he had any ideas but he hasn't gotten back to me yet. If I had to guess what I'd say is this because I was thinking well, is it the Shiva somehow something but we I did some, like some preliminary Google Scholar searching on whether or not watermelon what changes happen watermelon juice over the course of a day. I wasn't able to find anything. But here's what I think. If I had to guess, I would say there is some volatile aroma in in the watermelon, right? That is being liberated and flashing off and that you like the product a lot better after that flashes off, right. So I would say it's probably not a chemical reaction or some sort of like reaction within the product itself. It's just a losing of volatiles. Now, it could be that if you're adding the lime that you liked the lot, the age lime flavor, it could be that there's some reaction with the increased acidity because watermelon is not that high of an acid. It's causing something to precipitate out. It could be that it's auto clarifying overnight, and you're just drinking the top and you'd like this stuff to top tastes better. But here's how you test. Take this stuff. If you have a vacuum machine. If you don't have a vacuum machine, you're Sol and just run a vacuum on it. And that'll distill it'll flash off some of those top end volatiles without heating it or boiling it. And if you're getting a similar result by doing that, then I'm guessing it's a loss of bottle that a good he's an answer. Oh, got a shout out. Erica lash wants to give a birthday shout out to our Patreon follower, Christopher Tomkins tip Tench. Oh, sorry, sorry about your name, Christopher, especially on your birthday. Couldn't figure out a better way to get in touch without breaking into my husband patreon account. I liked that she doesn't break into her husband's patreon account as strong right? Yeah, yeah. So I'm gonna give you is so so Christopher's turning 33 on the 19th What day is it today? 13th. So, oh, he would be turned 33 before so 3330 See, what was I doing when I was 33? So he's a PhD student at the at the Harvard right now. Right? And he was a formerly a TA at the at the Harvard class that we that we teach. By the way we're doing that again this year does. Well, yeah, Harvard live this year. What was I doing when I was 3333? I don't know. No. I think I had Booker already. Was I die? Who knows? I was a good year. You're in for a good year. And this is your this is your birthday shout out. So what else what else we say and a shout out we kind of have a job we got to have some sort of like birthday shout out like at the bar. We would always play in the club. You know what I mean? I mean, I know it's kind of like trite. But I tell you what, when you're in a bar and 50 cent comes on in the club and people are drinking people enjoy it. All right. I'll look for that. Yeah, I'll look for something look for something I'll look for something alright. Note make note and then you know we can will retroactively somehow Christopher give you the the you know, your shorty it's your birthday, whatever whatever whatever Joe's version of go shorty it's your birthday. Aaron from Oklahoma road and hey cooking issues gang I have a propane grill with a big fat so weak that it's it's W E AK with dashes weak side burner. I use a cyber mostly for deep frying in a pot. Is it feasible to upgrade this to a bigger higher BT you burner? I don't often use the side burner at the same time as my main burners and in the grill if that matters, thanks. Well, yeah, but what I would say you should do is don't like upgrade. Here's the issue right side burners are weak because they're small. And they're expecting you to I don't know what keep a pot of butter going or something on the side, right? We mean like these you will. That fancy grill that you have access to known John has access to a Kalamazoo grill. Kalamazoo grills are built entirely by hand to the United States and signed by the makers. They cost $12,000 Yes, right. Yeah. Anyway, so John has access to one of these. And yet he still hasn't found our monocles. I think I can't wait for us all to do this program with our monocles in. You know what I'm saying? Anyway. So do you use a monocle when you use the Kalamazoo grill? I haven't used it yet. That house is being renovated at the moment. But you looked at it. You touched I've looked at it. I touch it. Yeah. What's really nice, really, really nice. It it run off tanks, like chumps, or did they plumb that sucker wonder? Yeah, imagine, but you can do a fuel that right? You can throw wood into your Kalamazoo? Yes, you can. Yeah. Or charcoal or charcoal? Yeah. I always thought more people should have the dual fuel situation. So they could just because as much as everyone likes a chimney starter, right? Would you like to just dump a bunch of coal on top of where your gas flame is and go? And then walk away and then have it be coal

instead? For as? Yeah, my dad used to get that one is a good. Took a little while for it to get started. But you don't have to like do the chimney. Just throw it in there, get it going. And then for 2030 minutes, it was good to go.

I'm sure it's easier to add more on top because you know how like, we add more on top. You wait too long. It doesn't catch right. And it's uneven. This one you're like, Hey, yo, yeah. Nice. Anyway. So you have to report back to us on what that's like. I'm sure that side burners not weak? No, probably not. Yeah. When you're spending $12,000 on a grill, your side burner better not be weak. Also, like, what does it mean by week I've just been looking at at you know what, so weird that you asked this question now, because I was just doing a lot of really boring research on powers of different burners and ovens, which I won't get into now, because Anastasia is already checked out on her phone, she would really punch me in the face if I just started talking about BTUs and talking to what I think. Alright, so anyways, so yeah, you can replace it. But I think a better thing is to just get an entirely separate unit to go on the side or just remove the side burner and put the equivalent of a candy stove, it depends on what you want. You can buy outdoor wok burners, which, you know, that's like Hi, I'm gonna go crazy, right? Or you could buy like my mom's pie a a burner, but again, that's a real big flame. Or they make a kind of dual ring burners, where you can have just the inner ring on and just the outer ring and a lot of people make outdoor very professional units because professional people cook outdoors. I wouldn't necessarily go for like the Home Depot or Lowe's style turkey fryer because they're a little low because they're meant to cook low. They're not meant to be operating on a grill and they're a little bit unstable. Even candy stoves professional candy stoves, which are awesome. You're using candy stove, John mill, you know I'm talking about that right does. Okay, so like when you're in the kitchen, you use them for stock? They're low. Oh yeah. Yeah, call candy stores because they need the super high BTUs for doing candy and stuff but you can put legs on those and lift them up high you just have ripping burners on the side. So yeah, I would just get a standalone commercial side burner and then you know just kind of saw off the old one and put that next to it. You might have to upgrade your you might have to upgrade your regulator and you also have to realize that there are at least two different pressures that outdoor propane gear runs on kind of like a very like a lower pressure one and can warm a medium pressure so just make sure that your pressures match and I will not and I'm being serious here will not recommend that you do your own gas stuff work just you know, buy real equipment and don't blow your self up too much. You know. Alright, anyway, anonymous wrote in anonymous new Patreon subscriber here longtime listener, love the work. I'm from Australia, and we're planning an American themed dinner party next weekend. We've been planning it for a while but COVID has gotten into the way it's worked out well being Fourth of July. Oh, Sue must have missed this when we were in the Fourth of July. Oh crap. I'm planning on Oh, man. I forgot to look up. time marches on right I was gonna do that. So I was gonna do this morning. Look at the time marches on recipe. John, you have the time marches on recipe I'm planning on making pumpkin pie. I have a can of Libby's that standard. It stops you a pumpkin pie. What do you like better? Sweet potato pumpkin. I'm ready to go. Like neither you have a nicer look on your face. Yeah, I'm not into I'm not really into pies. Is that weird? Now a lot of people don't like pie. People don't like sweets. Do you like sweets? I like that. I love sweets. I've only pie I really like is a key lime pie. Whoo. Yeah, but any other kind of cooked fruit I'm not into. There's a lot of people my stepmom doesn't like cook fruit. I like fruit on its own but not a cooked fruit like apple pie. No, but jelly. Like, like a British jelly like a mint now like peanut butter and jelly. Oh, yes, I do. I love apricot jelly. You know why? Because it tastes great. I have an apricot in the fridge. Do you do you like that from the farmers markets mapper class Do you like I like the your apricot? That's another good question to ask people apricot, apricot. Apricot. Does apricot. Wow. And from California so I'm going to have to take that John. Apricot or apricot. Apricot. Hmm. Fight. And I don't have a dog in this fight. That's like I was trying to start a fight over last week at an event that Anastasia and I went to over Fudgie versus non fudgy brownies. fudgy versus cakey Oh, my, my wife is British. So everything Yeah, I'm learning to speak the language properly. Oh, please.


Oh, come on. Don't like, you know that like, like, I love working with you and everything. But if you say aluminium, it's Oh, no, no, we're out of here. There's no shedule for Oh, geez. Oh, God. You know, and I even get it now you're gonna get into I'm not even gonna get into all right. metrics on recipe. Oh, right. So so how did what kind of crust first of all does? First of all, you need to go online? Look up Boston, Monroe Strauss.

Was a PDF of it on the heavy Babel at trust.

Every everything that comes out of that person's pen off that person's typewriter was genius. What kind of crust does he use? sifted

pastry flour shortening, water, salt, powdered skimmed milk and corn syrup. For the crust. Yep. Special crust for pumpkin pie. Wow. Ha.

Here's the thing I'm going to tell you. Here's the thing I tell you, I'm gonna get back to your question. In a minute. We have a quiz. We have a caller, but I would just go on that. Because if he says that he made a special crust just for pumpkin pie. I'd listen. I would listen and he I my memory serves me you can look it up while I'm doing this caller John. memory serves me he tells you how to make your own mix but he says that you're probably better off starting with pre canned I believe is the is the truth. So and figure out what his recipe for that is. Don't follow Libby, what do they know? I mean, they know everything cuz they make it but come on. Alright, so the correct Brando caller. You're on the air.

Hey, Dave. Hey. Hey, Jordanna

Hey, how you doing? Jordanna? How's it going? How's how's it? Where are you up in Hudson?

I'm near Hudson, when your head

What's it? What's it like? Is it a human is a human there like it is here? Is it just not too hot, but just kind of grows that way that only New York gets grows?

You know what? It's thick. It's spongy? It's unpleasant. Yeah. And it's not inspiring. I would say,

Oh, you just you just described my high school life.

Yeah, I know that about you. But we did just visit a friend's garden and we got such beautiful stuff. And so yeah, I don't know. I'm feeling all right about the world. Nice. How about you?

I'm glad you're feeling great. Good. Yeah. Scene.

Do you know why I'm calling?

I do not as you know how to Stasio doesn't like to tell me anything. So she knows she hasn't told me anything.

Oh, well, so we did it. Jordanna he didn't really care. That was the what? He didn't care. He didn't care. He didn't care about the flavor of the mysteries our past.

I felt I don't care. I don't know what it is. Do you have any theories?

Did you? Did you even do it in a scientific way?

No. He said it all tastes the same.

I didn't say that's not what I said. What anyone is listening. It said it I said it tastes like kind of sour, fruity. Vaguely tropical. Like I mean, like, you know, berries and tropical stuff. What do you get out of it

stuff? Fast. Can you do me a favor? Hold his nose?

No, I am on the other side of that. He can do it.

You can hand me another one. I'll hold my nose. I don't care.

Please. Place the candy in the mouth. Hold the nose. Are you doing it

or else I get the hose again? Jose. I'm gonna follow your instructions. All right, ready? I'm fine. Okay, so I'm gonna pinch my nose. I'm now picking my nose. Now what?

Okay, put the candy in your mouth. Bite it. She would a little bit Oh, Candy. Candy, put it in your mouth. Chew it a little. And now release your release your nose. What do you experienced? What are you feeling?

Yeah, I know that. I know that flavor. But

you know it? Yeah. Suddenly, suddenly someone's invested. No, but okay, it's some

sort of like tropical plus banana plus like some sort of ESRI thing. I don't know. I don't know what it is. What do you guys getting out?

Here's what I got out of it. All right.

But strawberry banana. Yeah, but it's got also got some strawberry. It's like a strawberry banana situation.

The hammer the hammer. got strawberry. I got banana. And then at one point I got a little bit of cherry but stuff. Did you go over the clues with him?

Yeah, yeah. Cherries because it has that cough syrup hit at the end.

You got little time cap energy. That's right.

Did I have I ever made you one of my my flaming mo Sazerac With the cough syrup. He doesn't know what it is. Okay, so should we read the clues stop? Do you have them up? I don't have them up. No. Okay. I'm sure we're gonna get people on the Patreon to like, like, hit us up on this, but go ahead because it gives me some clues.

Okay. Okay, ready? Okay. Okay. Yeah, here we go. All right, ready?

Yes. Okay. Born ready, Georgia. Okay,

cool. Number one, it gives laugh and can be a riot. Because when it flies, nobody silence is when it's what? When it flies, nobody silent.

Wait can give a rise.

It gives laughs and can be a riot because when it flies, nobody's silent. It's flavored. Okay, cool. Cool. Cool. All right, moving on to clue two,

it could be a banana peel back and, you know, anastasius favorite banana peel story, you know, you know her favorite banana peel story, right? No, I don't. We were at Harvard, maybe? I don't know. 10 years ago said no, like seven years ago supposed

to say we were in Cambridge. Yeah,

we were on the Square Garden. We were on the squares. We're at Harvard. We're walking with, you know, eminent food author Harold McGee, who's a distinguished, distinguished looking gentleman. He's a distinguished looking gentleman. Yes. And yes, he he came within what like millimeters right stars of doing the full like three stooges banana peel, fly, like, Anastasia for ever since then, like every once in a while when she's looking off in the distance. She's either thinking of Peter Kim coming into the bathroom with me. Or she's thinking of Harold McGee almost slipping and dying on a banana peel.

Yeah. Godfather of science.

Can I add one more to the mix? Sure. Okay, so last year, I decided I was going to learn how to be a gardener. Okay, spoiler alert did not go well did not go well at all.

Why did your soil no good or is it just a that you just hate plants.

I got shitty soil Excuse me. And I didn't build a fence. And so it just got and then at one point, I got infested with tomato hornworms, which are the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. Anyway, I was I was really feeling myself for a bit and I was sort of galavanting around calling myself an outside gal. But you can imagine and I just wanted recognition for my wife, you know, and I was just like, I'm an outside guy looking at this amazing things that I do when outside, stepped on a rake and smashed me in the face and I got a black lie. Oh, that my that's a

guy. Oh my god. Please tell me you have surveillance footage?

No, I absolutely do not. And I would never share it with you because you're not trustworthy. But it did happen.

What's How am I not trustworthy? Well, oh, how am I not trustworthy?

I gave you the surveillance footage of me literally prep falling with a rake to the dome, you would put it on your Instagram or something you put over me for my

knife. You're maybe thinking of your friend the Stasi, and maybe you're thinking of your good friend to Stasi, because maybe she would do that. But I would keep it to myself higher dose. Yeah. And just look at it. You know, every now and again when I needed a little mental encouragement, because the idea not only that, it has happened in the real life but happened to someone that I know. I'm just picturing it in my head. That's even better. Well, I can't imagine it. It's like, because it breaks people like you see it in the cartoon. But rakes are long. I mean, Jordan is like, you know, you're you're you're a normal high person. It's not like you're like one foot. Yeah, you should have seen it coming. But like think of how long it takes the tip of that rake to fly up and hit you right in the face. You know, I'm saying

it's also it's also just the level of sort of bravado that I was bringing to the moment, you know, like, I'm an outside gal and then literally smashed myself in the face. Yeah,

it's got it's got shades of Afro ninja. It's not like it's not like grape stomp lady who deserved it because she was cheating. You weren't cheating, but that that little bit of a for those of you they can mentally see what I'm about to do. That's the afro ninja hit right before right before he does the flip. And you got to your equivalent, like the outside like golfing. You give that little head bop with them. And then you step on the rake and Yeah.

I would just say pride Pride goeth before the fall. And that's sort of the primary left Hey, well,

you know, thank thank God thank God that you weren't doing some sort of Mamas and Papas 70s garbage and were barefoot or that rake would have gone right through your foot.

That's true. A lot of that garbage as well.

But you know, what did you did? After that? Did you move away from the old school hard time Drake to kind of the more modern plasticky more malleable rakes that don't have the ability to fly up and down clack you in the head?

No, because those are really more for leaf piles Dave. Well, that's really more for a leaf pile and I was looking to do some serious gardening. I was an outside gal. I forgotten the thesis.

Hey, do you know what you don't? You're gonna like, you know, you know, I have a feeling you want to know what's a good stress relieving tool? Go get you go get you a size. Size a size. Yeah,

like a like a grim like a grim reaper?

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, they're not cheap. They're not cheap. I think I have one I can loan you but you have to go to Lyme, Connecticut and get it. But like, I have like, I have like a couple like 100 or a 5060 year old size that like came with the house that I got before. And I was like, was there

like a golden a golden year of sizing. I took the modern sides really.

I took down on half acre. I took down a half acre of tall grass in like 40 minutes with the size. First of all, you sharpen it and then you get the swing of it. And then you're like, I'm gonna get you grass. And here's like, poof, hula hoop hoop and it's faster than weed whacker. It's nuts makes the only noise is the noise. Are you going to shoot shrunk with the weed whacker? Through that you would love it. You personally would love it. And then that's some serious outdoor vowel stuff.

Yeah, that is that is. I do have a baby now. And I fear the message that I would be sending,

but I cut grass.

I'm aggressive, not aggressive or gal needs.

Listen, if you have aggression, which we all do, and I know you do for data, right? Take it out on the grass. Take it out on the grass. I'll tell you what, if you want to see the sides in action, the literally the very first Instagram post I ever put up like five years ago or something is the day that I was like, oh my god, decide this is the greatest thing. The very first Instagram,

okay, I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna hit the back wall of your Instagram on the middle, and then I'll make a decision. All right,

yeah, please do. I think you will enjoy it. I was telling you, I think you'll enjoy it.

Well, actually, I do think that you know me pretty well with regards to the things that I need to do to release my aggression. So you know, because, you know, one minute I'm gonna take you at your word

as much as I like a two stroke motor. I think that like I hope that I'm the last generation of people that uses a two stroke motor. They're just so loud, like anyone who's out like, you know, and about and Nike, like all of a sudden whips out the two stroke motor. It's like, destroys the whole vibe, doesn't it? There's a some sort of wanted to stroker No, but hey, hey, hey, we're not going there. But you want I'm talking about like, they burn oil. They make that smell? They're loud. Anyway. Disgusting. There's a guy staring at us who I think is gonna kill us. Oh my god, this show. This guy's gonna kill us. Right?

I'm here to say, is it? I think it's a banana. Yeah. And I would I would like your support of this.

Well, my How do I how do you? Like how do I support you? I'll support you with anything. Jordanna but like, how do I give you my support? I think there's definitely some strawberry action in there too. What are the other clues

we're gonna give? Okay, we're gonna give it to Arielle, by the way so she can also weigh in because I think she's that she's a good one. Okay, other kids back in the 80s that came by storm but not the 80s. You think of again? Bananas? Big Boom in the 1880s

Oh, but that's really dark. You think you think we really want meant so dark? You mean the stuff that we did? The stuff that the United Fruit Company did that's so dark imagine like being like, rah, rah United Fruit. Imagine that. Exactly. So dark.

Exactly. So I think you could really write a sort of inverse history of the banana in concert with the Sour Patch Kids company.

Every time I every time I see did they change their name from United Fruit to Chiquita just so that we wouldn't have all those terrible associations.

Interesting that you should mention Chiquita days. Clue number seven, a lady things about this kid's flavor. It's on her mind in a couple of layers. Okay,

what lady thinks about bananas.

Carmen Miranda?

She sings about bananas. I mean, I love I love Carmen Miranda, but she's wearing a whole freakin fruit basket on her head. Oh, she was a Chiquita Banana related. But if you ever watched the old Carmen Miranda stuff, Carmen ran it right. Yeah. When she had a whole fruit basket on our head where I like some rathole fruit basket.

It's not a whole fruit basket flavor. Okay, Blake says it's just the Chiquita Banana lady. Okay, finally, this is the only one I want to ask you about because I actually think you might have an idea. Actually. First I want to tell you that clue number four is a dough that twinkles had its origins here. It's not a star and it tastes pretty weird and I'm very impressed with myself because I remembered that the original flavor of Twinkies was banana

peel. Like, you know, they were they rereleased it recently. And I couldn't get my kids to try. Yeah, I couldn't get my kids ready. Like, why do I want to get into it goes like for history for history? Why don't you just eat it with my kids? And I hope that you don't have this happen with your kid. I'm like, you don't have to like it. You just have to try it. Like, why don't why did kids now think they have to like everything that they that they have? What the hell is that? Was there any expectation growing up guys that you would like, necessarily everything that you were going to?

No, no, no, no, no,

no. Kids are different now. Like it?

Was there an expectation growing up, but you had to like everything that you eat?

Oh, absolutely not.

Okay, this is the query I want to ask you about because this is not triggering anything for me. So I want to know from a bit through a banana lens, if you will,

through a banana and so not through a banana dark bakery.

All right. Exactly. A flavor from north and south. Melting Pot meets drooling mouth.

See, that's what I'm saying? I think it's going to be a temperate fruit, like a strawberry and a southern more tropical fruit like a banana. That's what I'm

saying. So you can get strawberry banana? Like that is just what the flavor is.

There's definitely a berry flavor in there. And I know don't start with me that bananas or berries. Okay. Don't start with me. Like because old strawberries are really just multiple Aikins mobile with multiple fruits. Now I don't want to hear it. Like I would say that. I think it's definitely a strawberry banana, which is the classic flavor anyway. It's a classic flavor, right? I don't necessarily think that there's any oats in life. Strawberry Banana is like a class. It's like an all time classic combo. You know what I mean? And that will give you the kind of North and the South. Although, truth be told, like, because the United Fruit Corporation Chiquita, like, bananas became the most popular I think fruit eat out of hand, like in the world. So everyone in the Northeast bananas anyway. And they're all freaking cat.

That's what I'm saying. But they're all Cavendish. But I do think that perhaps we are overstating the sort of the intellectual project at hand. With regards to the mystery flavor of the Sour Patch Kids.

I think there may be some strawberry in it. That's all I'm saying. There's something fruity in it. It's not like banana fruity. That is the I think by bike. I mean, I could be wrong. I mean, if they're gonna stick into it, but I don't think they're gonna stick entirely tropical, because they mentioned the northern thing. So they wouldn't also have like, you know, pineapple or what it you know what I mean? It wouldn't be that, you know, but like pineapple, pineapple does not ripen once it comes off the once they once they cut it, you know that it's not what they call a climacteric fruit. It can change slightly right? And they can hit so. So here's the story of pineapples. If you look at a pineapple, you guys know how to pick a pineapple. You take the leaf in the middle or some other size. That doesn't really work. Yeah, you smell it. Right? Does it smell like a pineapple, and it got a good chance because here's the thing. It's supposed to, it's supposed to go yellow, it starts going yellow at the bottom. If it's green all the way to the bottom and has no smell. It's under ripe, right? But if you live in a place, if you're lucky enough to live in a place where they grow pineapples, they can let them get what's called like three quarters ripe three quarters where it's like yellow almost all the way to the top. Right, but they just don't ship well. They don't last long. So they tend to pick them right when they get mature. But when they're still kind of shippable and they have a long shelf life. That's why most pineapples we get just aren't that great. You know I'm saying so you can look at the yellowness. But they can cheat the yellows because they can ethylene gas, the pineapples and they will go yellow, but they won't necessarily get that much better because again, they're not climacteric fruits. I also tried, which I don't think we've talked about on here because we haven't been on there. I tried one of those pink pineapples to try one of those Jordanna

you know what I actually thought about gifting one of those recently the pink pineapple, but they're like $40 And then I felt dirty. And so I I skipped it.

Well, I don't think I thought it was looked I didn't pay $40 I paid 20 They had him at the Essex market live. I was like, literally I'd never heard of them before. And I was like pink pineapple. And then I was like I went to I was like how much is it? She's like, $20 sounds like $20 and then like, I went I looked it up I was like, oh online, it's like $40 or $50. So I was like, alright, I'll buy it. So I bought it cuz I smell it smell good. Cut it open. Beautiful. No acid. I don't like I need acid in my pineapple. I'm gonna acid pineapple guy. I like acid in my pineapple. But as I said if you like low acid fruit, maybe you would like it. You like low acid fruit Jordanna

you know, the older I get the lower the lower acid. I like my fruit. Really? I think I think high as high as a producer or young girls game.

Really no one has that. So like, I'll tell you for me. I like I like my drinks drier. But I'm still an acid head. I still good I still could take a lot acid down. You know, it's kind of say one terrible thing about acid. So Booker, my son Booker, which I you know, I shouldn't talk smack about my kids on the air. But Booker, somehow real late, like years late, it's been gotten interested in that damn Warhead challenge again, you guys know about that stupid thing? Oh, wow. Yeah, stem challenges. And so he went into the Warhead challenge. So he sat there and he unwrapped 100 warheads. And he would just start eating them like, crunching these warheads. He 3636 And, you know, Booker, like, you know, we're not like a rough and tumble like, I'm gonna have my mouth bleed, kind of a no. Squirting, he'll eat more squid ink than he did. Like he could. You took him out to California when the Humboldt squids were taking over over there and he would have taken down the entire population, he would have all of it all the ink. He eats like a sort of God when my mom was making that I was talking to really my mom was making this Spanish pasta pie like pasta, and she made it squid ink for Booker, even though he left early to get on the train because you know how he is anyway. So like, I had to bite the only container of squid ink that was available because my mom's like, I ran out squid and can you get it was at Colossians and they had only the $50 size of squinting the $50 size of squinting because you know so she's like ticket home to book or I know how he likes squid ink. Every surface of my house now is covered in black filth from the squid ink and that the sink is just Manet's and squinting because what he does is he gets a jug of mayonnaise. I have to buy cheap mayonnaise. I can't even afford to buy almonds anymore, because he just goes through like giant tubs will just take mayonnaise and squid ink, mix them together with little salt and sugar. And he'll just sit there and how's it with chips? How's it just how's it like? And so like, yeah, you want to hear something gross can say some gross?

You just did tell me something?

grosser. grosser.

All right. Yeah, go for it.

All right. He was like, it changed the color of my poop. Because he ate only squid ink. He will usually use like squid is healthy. I'm like, no one has ever eaten as much quitting Booker. No one knows. No one has ever subsisted entirely on squid ink and mayonnaise before in the history of humanity. So nobody knows what it does to your health to eat this much quitting? Because no one's eating as much winning. Anyway.

I don't know. I don't. I don't. I am. Speechless. Not to say good for you. But yeah, good for you. But that is that is quite a snack.

Hey, listen, do you have any pumpkin pie recipe? Do you have any pumpkin pie recommendations? Because before we get cut off the air, John, John, did you have anything on pumpkin pie for his recipe where he put his filling? He gets canned filling? Yeah, he does. Yep. And so I would trust him. Are you a canned filling? Please tell me you're not growing your own cucurbits and then boiling them down and making pumpkin pie. Oh, yeah. That seems like a lot.

To be honest. I'm not like a pumpkin pie lover. I find. I find most desserts that are like heavy on the off spice nutmeg. Cinnamon lobby to be a little a little much.

You like whipped cream.

I love whipped cream. I just want a pie that's made entirely of whipped cream.

I like pumpkin pie with copious whipped cream. I don't like it without the copious whipped cream.

I think that you don't like pumpkin pie. I think you'd like whipped cream. I think you like pie crust. And I think you tolerate the pumpkin filling.

Now here's the thing, right? I what I would like is I would like to kind of invert the ratios. You know, I'm saying like, I love that pumpkin flavor. And I even like the texture of it. But I would like the vast majority of what goes into my mouth to be whipped cream. Like pretty much all the time. Pretty much all the time. I've got beers. Yeah, I love

you. You just have like a tiny little spoonful of pumpkin pie fillings. Just an absolute orgy of whipped cream while your son eats squirting mixed with tubs of mayo and sugar.

Have you been to my house for dinner? Basically what it's like, like people people joke because I go crazy house

and made dinner. I've made dinner and you're in your kitchen.

Oh, that's right. Yeah, I wasn't there. And and that's when this dasya punked a pregnant lady into insulting my vacuum cleaner when I let her stay for free in my house. Cara? Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, Kara that was also when I almost died on the zipline is everyone recalls. Oh, yeah, that video footage of my body going slack in the woods.

Yeah, I made a very I made a nice zipline anyway, I was so sad. I feel like but I gotta give this pumpkin pie recipe. What is it John give me.

So it is. It's on page 95 And pie marches on and the recipe You search for the crud for pumpkin filling to calm sugar one ounce salt forms pastry flour, one on cinnamon quarter ounce nutmeg, a quarter ounce ginger.

And that's why that's why a Jordanna is not like all that nutmeg. You don't mind the ginger powder though, right? Good answer there. We lose her.

Oh, sorry. Yeah, thanks. So here I muted you so I could discuss my child's nap. But I'm I'm in I'm in a minute. I love a candied ginger.

Oh, really? Do you like a more more a hot ginger and not like the ginger powder that's in the in this stuff?

Yeah, the pie you're describing John. John. Don't have me over. It's not. I'll be nice. I'll be nice about it at the dinner, but then I will talk about it afterwards.

Yeah. Whoa, yeah. Whoa. Well, that's rough. Wow. Ouch. Jeez, Louise. All right. All right. We gotta get off. by Jerry. I was like, I gotta I gotta go to his one because I gotta get the Patreon question out. Adam wrote in. Hey, Anastasia. John, Matt. Dave. At least anyone who's not in Italy. Longtime first time Adam from Irvine, California. Where's Irvine again? Valley. Okay, you like Irvine? No, go to the 34 wife puts up with cooking gadgets and projects as long as they don't make any more over carbonated Root Beer geysers in the kitchen. Oh, that's a nasty and root beer also, like poisons all the lines they smelly Root Beer forever well known fact. I'm setting up a small patio kitchen. What are your thoughts on instead of a grill? Getting an only 16 inch pizza oven 70% of my use case is for grilled veggies. 20 for non hen for burger and fajita meat on cast iron pan in there. Basically. I don't actually barbecue just grill. Second question. I'm also thinking of a portable induction burner for side dishes and maybe hotpot it looks like duxtop is the widely trusted brand but New Wave gold has better advertised temperature range and added infomercial allure. All the reviews I can find online seems sponsored on the slide. Thanks for all the answers, rants, raves and banter, Adam, this question is actually from a while ago, I think and we just never got to it. I looked up those induction ranges. And the temperature range of the one that had the wider temperature range, I think was wildly optimistic. I think just I don't think it's going to be any any better. They're all roughly the same unless they actually have accurate, accurate temperature control. But I think you can't go wrong. I've never used the loonie myself, but I'm a huge fan of get that and then also just get a grill. So you can do grilling, I do almost all of my grilling over ridiculously high heat. I've redone all of my recipes, fundamentally to have extremely high heat cooking. And in fact, two weeks ago I just did a photo shoot for that section of my book. And it's it's in the section of the book is what I learned from cooking in a tandoor what I learned and cooking in a in a tandoor the miracle of moisture management. And next week on the show, we have we'll try to get to some of the questions maybe that you know weren't from the Patreon listeners. But next week, make sure you tune in we have Pierre chomh next week from yo Lele foods in his restaurants and to Ranga here, friend of the show, great guy. We're having him on ostensibly to talk about what it's what it's like to start a food business, especially one that does kind of import export. So bringing food from Senegal over here, the trials and tribulations and the rewards thereof. I had a dream that say the Stasi I had a dream where Pierre became a billionaire. Oh, yeah, he did selling frozen foods in supermarkets. And it was like, you know, like, you know, how Paul Newman's faces on everything in a supermarket. It was pure, his face on everything. And he was a billionaire off of his frozen food. So we'll ask him next week he's going to be on so send in any questions you have about Senegalese food. We were going to do it before but we were switching networks. And so we didn't want him to get like lost in the shuffle. So he's coming on next week. Any questions about fonio starting a business foods from Senegal? You know what it's like to be Pierre send to us cooking issues.