Cooking Issues Transcript

Dog Food Jelly Beans with a Side of Fries

Hello and welcome to cooking issues. This is Dave Arnold, your host with cooking videos from Rockefeller Center, calling older questions 2917410 1507. That's 917-410-1507 joined as usual in the studio, again together in the studio again, with Anastasia the hammer Lopez, how you doing? Good. And by the way you like for those of you that can listen live because you've joined our Patreon. First of all, I don't want to hear anyone saying that they can't get to our show. It's free Friday. I want the grapes free Friday right? Yeah. But for those of you that are paying for the live access and for the callings yada yada yada you have the distinct pleasure of having Nastasia Lopez hanging up on you so what I think you should do the everyone should try to see if they can interest her enough to try to get that second question before she gives you the goodbye goodbye. Anyway, right says yeah, yeah, yeah, joined with our dueling engineers. We got Joe Hasan How you doing Joe? I'm doing great. How are you doing? Well doing well and back there and it's sunny enough here man. I'm melted on the way over here. billion degree it's not

that it's the humidity I

think ain't snagging he humidity. Don't I have permission to like flushing down the toilet when you say stuff like that? But you hate those words.

60 fibers? Yeah, six. It's only 65% Humidity sassy Lopez.

As always said if I'm ever that person who's like, I'm gonna go outside because it's nice. Or if I walk up to you and say Ah nah, the it is humid it actually

it says it's 86 but it feels like 93 Oh,

and but it feels like as soon as your sweat doesn't evaporate anymore. It's just a filth pot no matter what anyway. And for our West Coast engineers crews for our West Coast engineering fun. We got Jackie molecules. How you doing?

It's hot, not humid hear

me. I'm in LA boo boo Phoebe. Hey, you know what? Good for the body and bad for the soul socket?


Well, yeah, I mean, look, I like LA. You know, I'm fine with it. You know, I'm kind of tied to this coast, probably. Forever, forever. Whether I want to be or not if I can live anywhere. If you guys can live anywhere. Where would you be? Yeah, you just as he knows, I would live like in the redwoods. And the way I would die was one of those suckers fall on me just like, kapow.

Sure if you could live anywhere, if that's where it would be.

I like being in the forest because I like I like moist ish. But cool. I like ferns and pine needles on the ground. I like the smell of evergreens. And I like feeling like an Ewok.

So that's a house where you'd camp.

I, I build a house, I build a house. I you know, I build a house. The problem is, is that honestly, if you want to live up there safely, you do have to build it in such a way that if a tree falls is not going to hit you. And since the trees are 300 feet tall, you can't really be you know, I mean safely in the in the thing you know. Yeah. Anyways. What about us does,

I think in one of the canyons in LA Yeah, that's right. She's Yeah. Oh, one of the Northern ones. No, like, you know, Laurel Canyon. No, not one of the Malibu Canyon. She

had fancy lady.

Yes. You know that. Yeah. Except our work. I haven't been paid him for a week. So

nice. As I do today.

We don't get paid today. You're taking money or you're I'm not.

I thought we went back. No, whatever. We'll we'll figure it out later. What about what about you molecules?

Soak you Really? Really? Ah, yep. Oh, yeah.

Wow. I mean, it would put me in Japan so I can move around. You know, I could start in Tokyo and then end up somewhere like up in Hokkaido. Maybe

you only move like a fungus. We mean, me just gonna use that as your home base and then just kind of go around.

Yeah, yeah. You know exactly.

Who? Carolina's

because of the James Taylor song.

No, not because of James Taylor song at all. Wilmington. North Carolina is gorgeous.

Oh, yeah. You're used to want to tour that battleship again. And again.

You know, I did some work over there at the movie studios. I worked on Dawson's Creek for a second

Ah, is that the I don't want to waste my life to be over. Yeah, I think so.

Yeah. So it's just beautiful lands of you know, beach and mountains are super close by

Ah, so not like Northern Outer Banks. He stuff more like close to the South Carolina

border will definitely hit the Outer Banks for some fishing. Yeah. Yeah. I

love fishing. So you're going to appreciate this kind of talk about this stuff? No, come on. Now.

We've done it already. We move on, we move on. We have we have.

I know somebody who was trying to move to the Outer Banks to escape the humidity. Let's put it that way. And then the Stasi and I looked up on the internet, because we were like this The craziest thing I've ever heard. It's like human is all held there. And then the person was like, said that they were having a trouble, because they were trying to reel in the bass that they were catching out of a tree. Yeah, the bass was chasing a squirrel of a tree because it's so humid. Geez, Louise, I do like the outer bank. So you know, I haven't been since the mid 80s. I'm sure it's way different. Probably. All right. So what's going on? So next week on the show, for those of you that that hear this, get your questions in because we have our good buddy, friend of the show, and I'm pretty sure he's coming in live. Matt sartwell from kitchen Arts and Letters is going to be on. So it's time to get we're going to bring classics in the field back for the first time in at the newsstand studios, we're going to bring back classics in the field. And ask us all of your like cookbook related questions. Get them in early so I can get him to Matt. And he can have although he's gonna have good answers off the cuff. Let's be honest, right? He always does. He knows all this stuff. He's gonna have good good answers off the cuff. And then also, start getting your questions in. By the way, we were supposed to have pure charm earlier, but we're pushing him because he's gone. Now. He's in he's in Dakar. He's in Senegal. So we wanted to have him we had him once he comes back. But pretty soon I haven't told you this yet. Anastasia we have we're going to have on Lehren Thomas who is a one of the most the foremost knife engineering blogs out there. And his book knife engineering, check it out, is fantastic. So for all you knife nuts out there, we're going to do a whole episode just on the ins and outs of slicing and dicing and knives and myths and who has so start thinking about your knife related questions. Nice deal nerds. What do you think about that? Yep. You're like this as he like, checks out? He's from Pittsburgh, though. Cool. What's the name of that sandwich from Pittsburgh that everyone likes? I don't know. That sandwich that everyone likes in Pittsburgh. Alright. Alright, so Oh, and this week is the week that the French fry movie that Anastasia and I so for those of you that follows the

worst? What I mean, this, I don't know if you Okay,

well, no. It's a good movie. I've watched or you've watched it. I watched it. What makes you think it's bad?

No, I don't think the movies. What's the worst? There's just a lot of emails coming out.

Oh, anyway,

yeah. It's like high level and then like below waist level,

the lowest level of email.

You want to know. Yeah. You want to know. Yeah. Okay. Talk about the thing. All right. So I have a good one. So this

is it's actually I've seen it. And for those of you that are interested in seeing Harold McGee floating on a french fry raft in a CGI pool of bubbling oil and really who isn't? Right, I mean, who isn't interested in that? Like you got to see the movie. It has. It has some Belgium. It's got some America. It's got some McDonald's. It's got some. It's got some Hemmings. It's got some it's got it's got it's got all this stuff. It's got me unfortunately, yeah. I use in it. By the way. It's an early because remember, this was shot what, like three years ago, two years ago? To 2019. Yeah, it's got an early reference to moisture management. And by the way, I still believe everything that I said in I watched it. I still believe everything I said. So anyway, the premiere of that movie is, is this week and it's being brought to you buy sir Kensington. And by the way, here's something you might not know. Sir Kensington was acquired recently by Unilever. So in the past couple of years, so now they've got big mayonnaise behind them. Unilever is the company behind Hellman's and best made you know what the difference between them is? You know where you come from in the country. What do you do? You grew up best made because you're Western? Yeah, probably. Yeah, it's the same freakin man is best made in humans. Same thing. So the people who try to get all bent. It's the same. It's the same damn thing. Different label. Right? It's like, it's like, it's like the Mexican coke thing I told you about? Remember, you know, everyone swears Mexican Coke is different show. Yeah, you know what I did? I sat next to the CEO of the Coca Cola Corporation at a dinner once when I was making cocktails, like, Hey, sit next to the CEO of coke. I'm like, Sure. So I sat next to CEO of coke. And he's like, it's hilarious. It's awesome. It's the same. He's like, it's the same. I was like, but what about using the sugar is okay, yeah, no one could actually tell. It's all garbage. It's fine. We love it. I'm like, All right. Good to know. Now, Pete, okay. That's not me talking. That's the CEO, maybe former I don't know. There was a while ago that CEO at the time of Coca Cola saying this, I am really quoting so I don't want to get any nasty comments about it. Alright, so what do we got? What's the

what is the low? What is the lowest jobs that that you know have that you that you you have respect for but not much.

Okay, hos again, this is very, this is very specific. I have low respect for I have some respect for, but not a lot. So it needs to get done. It's not a dishonorable profession. It's just something that I'd rather gouge out my own eyes and do. Yeah, I'd rather go full Oedipus, then then Okay.

Big difference. Big difference. Yeah, yeah, yeah,

yeah. Yeah. So they're not worthless email, because some people's job is just worthless. You You're,

you're like hitting it, you're hitting it, you know exactly what it is.

I'm being cancer. Oh, look, you're the one that you're the one that has the issue with the PR. Okay. I mean, I have my issue. Like, I just any PR person that deals with us has to know that we're going to laugh at them. And be mean, that's all they need to know, they just need to have a little bit of a thick skin that, you know, their job is to try to get us to do things that we don't want to do. And the correct answer is going to be between what they want and what we want. Right? Isn't that how it's supposed to work? Anyway? Go ahead. Sorry. So give me so yeah. So

I'm dealing with a PR person. And she says, and she thinks, you know, because John's out of town, that I'm the second assistant in a row. Second, love it, almost 40. And she says, hey, you know, we want to we want to share this with the foodie present influencers, your french fry recipe, right? She said, well, we'd also love to hear Dave's Top Tips possible. And so I was like, so my response was just Sure.

That sounds like you. And then it sounds like you.

And then she says, Great. Let me know when you're able to take a stab at those tips. And we'll liaise back to our PR team. And I said, No.

Yeah, that sounds like you. Here's something you may or may not know. I'm not gonna like Yes. Here's the reason why you're in the ribs. This is the reason we're not successful in life as much as we could be, is because people only come back to people that respond quickly to them. And just give them what they want then, right? It's not her job to like spend her life trying to figure out like the ins and outs of what what we think. So the next time they'll just use somebody else. But

then the tips until the morning of Friday. In

fact, I spent 45 minutes on the phone between a car. Yes, between 830 and 915. This morning, I did nothing but talk to her about amazing because I told her to call you Wow. Yes, you did. And she did. That's so great. I love it. You're a companion. And 45 minutes

you are the expert on franchise but that is true. And I just didn't like the take a stab at like what

I II freaking do it and I eat I eat no rational person would send back the email that you sent back to someone. But in essence No.

Because she's like, anybody can do that. What Dave was gonna say so why don't you just do it? And it's like, no, if you knew Dave, you know that it's very specific.

I appreciate what you're saying. Or whatever. You know what I mean? I appreciate what you're saying that it's so like, Hello. Yeah, anyway, if she's

seen the movie, the

sign of knowing who you're talking to, though, you have to know who you're talking I think she looks mistake they may

I have you say I'll have you know this is that she was very game because I don't think she was recording what I was saying to her. And I went in lieu weeds on French. So for those that don't know, recording, so those of you that don't know what's going on? I don't know, I don't know. But listen, people I spoke to I spoke for like 45 minutes, the French fry recipe that they're using. So here's the problem there. They have the problem and hopefully the solution they have a french fry truck that they're running this weekend right now the truth of the matter is if anyone tells you there's such a thing as a perfect French fry, they're they're jokers, they're idiots there's no such thing there is the fry first of all that you want to make right now is what you're trying to achieve and there's what systems you have to achieve it so I tried to write a recipe that would work for the French fry truck right because the recipe that I put on the blog I would actually change that now by the way I've done a lot of research since then. Then we got it which I don't even have time to talk about it would take more than this whole episode. But the truth of it is is that for professional use my recipe where you water blanch for a long time for like I think it was like 12 to 15 minutes I forget stuff it's it's a long time right since we wrote that since the fries get to beat up they almost turned to mashed potatoes. So in the rough handling of a commercial establishment, they turn into Nubbins and Mo People don't want to serve French fried Nubbins they want to serve intact fries to the majority of the fries. They want to have them be intact, right. So what that means is I had to cut down on the water Blanche time, or make a very precise recipe for just doing the oil blanch fry, but that's more difficult. So I did a shorter Blanche a shorter water blend, which means I also had to move to a smaller diameter a to a 10 millimeter fry even though my personal favorite is a 12 millimeter fry. Alright, so I wrote this recipe and I was trying to explain, like why this recipe is the recipe I chose for this. So instead we just gave it a number the recipe that they're making at a at the Tribeca Film Festival on does that Friday or Thursday, right Friday is called Dave Arnold Stringify Recipe number 27. I have you know, we didn't count I was gonna do something in the 30s Anastasia goes, that's a crap number. Yeah, about 27.

Also, they said they can't use the potatoes.

They you I just asked for a high gravity russet. That's literally any rusted potato. That's literally all the potatoes. Like they said they might not build for I didn't specify. Look, the truth of the matter is is that scared them? I asked for night hope I asked for an Idaho Russet potato. Do you know what the difference between most potatoes is? Frankly, like, besides the skin and the color and the flavor, right in terms of their performance with frying or boiling or baking is literally just the specific gravity and the specific gravity ie how dense is the potato, because a non dense potato has fewer starch, fewer starch granules in it per per cell, and more water. So when those things Cook, they don't rupture. Right. Which is why when you can them or make a potato salad with a low gravity, potato, right? They stay intact. And why it's harder to make a good potato chip with them. Because in a potato chip, your idea is to get all of the water out. So if you get all the water out, you have less potato chips, so you get more oil. And you get you have to cook it longer and it's more of a pain in the butt. Same thing with a potato with a big potato. You want your if you want your big potato to be fluffy when you push on it and who doesn't besides a jerk, right? You need it to not have a lot of water so that the individual starch granules when they puff up, absorb all the water and then when you push on it you get that mealy grainy thing right. So all I'm asking for is a high gravity low sugar potato which is all of the properly handled Idaho russets. I didn't say you have to get a Burbank russet. I don't care what I'm saying is get you a relatively large G pod style like Idaho made no offense mean you make delicious potatoes. I'm just saying just get you a high gravity. russet potato is SR I saw they got those little red ones you're doing you're trying to troll me. You're just trying to troll me. The Stasi. Lopez is the queen of the trolls. You know I'm saying I can

see her smirk through the phone, by the way

read. It's one of those things. It's like I was talking before with wheat and hardness. Like the the red skin is one of those things that happens to correspond a lot of the time with lower gravity potatoes, that's not necessary. Right? You know what a good all purpose potato is? No, like a medium, like a lot of Yukons especially the like the bigger Yukons that are like, you know, kind of more developed. They're a decent medium all purpose potato, they taste good. I don't mind how would you do

if they got sweet potatoes? And they were like we?

Well, so Mr. Garcia Lopez has had the great pleasure of watching what I consider to be horror shows happen. Like on the reg you know, anything we do in another place before somebody else is doing it right or like I don't have control over it. Like the worst was I was doing somebody's wedding. Once I made the drinks for their wedding. I pre diluted everything. I put them in bottles. I was like I was like I gave them to the caterer is like whatever you do all the only thing you need to do. You don't need to think you don't need to measure. You just need to get these things on ice cold. Two hours prior to the event. That's all you need to do. And please don't pour it over a lot of wet ice. What did they do a nice warm over wet ice. Yeah, yeah. And so like,

I think the worst that we did was when Cliff was our intern, and he said he was just serving the drinks. It was like the habanero like distillate Right. Or just pouring it straight straight in. He thought you said it was diluted and people were getting

shellacked. Not Not to mention, you know how hard that stuff is to make. Yeah, that's that's real hard to me. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Good times. Good times. Anyway. Yeah, well, you're hurting me just to think about so my current french fry recipe. You Here's the deal, right? Sunday, if you guys want, we'll do a whole episode Anastasia can put her earmuffs in, like an old school, that old school is moving with your mouse, right? Yeah, yeah, ear muffs, it you put it on. And we can talk just about the ins and outs of all of the different operations for French fries. But it would just take, it would just take too long and I get, I get in the weeds real fast. So that's what you're telling that person this morning, I went in the weeds. I was like in the weeds. I was like, well, in Belgium, they're the fruit shops aren't really frying a lot of other stuff in their oil, so they can dedicate very low temperature and specific temperatures to the fries. And I was like You want me to give tips for home people? I was like, Do you have any idea how fast a commercial fryer heats up? You don't I mean, I was like doing all of the math for. And I was like going all this stuff I was like this is why it's hard to give tips. One of the reasons to do a water blanch, right, the Belgians don't do a water, blanch, the Belgians do a very long, very low first fry, like, depending on the size of the fry anywhere between like seven and 10 minutes at a very low temperature, right? It stays blond, and they until it just tacks up, right. The advantage of not doing any boiling or doing anything like that is as you do maintain a lot of the potato flavor, right, because it goes directly into the oil, it's sliced, maybe rinsed off the starch directly into the oil. The problem is, is that you need to get those numbers kind of exactly right. Or on your second fry, it's not going to be crisp enough. They also in Belgium, I think tend to fry the second fry at a lower temperature for longer than we do, which works if all of your frying is fries. But if you're frying a bunch of other stuff, you kind of want to keep your fryer at the same temperature. So the way to get around having to have these kinds of exact temperatures, especially if you're at home and you can't really control the temperature very well is to do a water blanch and the water blanch also salts, the fry as it's doing so I don't need to add salt to it afterwards.

I wonder how much they retained and what its gonna say she

seems smart. So I mean, hopefully a lot. But I mean, like I would not have retained that. You know, like, it's like, it's like zum zum learning at school. It's like, you know, is Dax learning anything via zoom at school? No,

you know what I mean? All right, let's get to some questions. You have

to wait until the miracle moisture management comes up, by the way, for those of you that do go see this movie or somehow see it. I don't know how it's going to be streamed out. It's an early use of the term miracle moisture management in the movie in the movie, I said. So there you have it. By the way. For those who remember I said learn Thomas the knife guy. You have to check out his blog, knife steel nerds, it is very deep. I was like I was looking at the reason I found him as I was looking up knife sharpening stuff, because I was gonna maybe put something about it in the book. But I haven't researched it in years. Right. So I was like, Well, how much new information can there be? Holy, holy, oh my god, I love when I find someone who's so deep into something that you're like, I can't even I can't even have to have him on the show. I mean, I can't even

alright. I actually got a comment in the stream from cat code card. And I've been saying that right, but it's nice nerds definitely a core cooking issues demo.

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. All right. Yeah, yeah. So here we got a Patreon question. A while back when equipping my home bar, I purchased a jigger from cocktail kingdom called DiGiGrid. Again, giggy. The gigger Gager, Jager. I mean, it's a jigger. But it's spelt with a G Gager. Oh, because Giga like Giga like I thought like, take it to a gig like Giga giga, oh, ah, I can see that. But with the next sense, it's common is a comically enormous Jager, that measures three ounces, and three, three ounces and three,

three ounces and three quarter ounces,

oh four to one ratio. Alright, so one side is three ounces on the other sides, three quarter notes, kind of a strange mix, right? Producing drinks with a four to one ratio. It is allegedly based on a historic design, but I haven't able to find information on that design or its intended use. I'm also not familiar with many drinks that have a four to one spec. And it basically relegated it to my gin Martini duties, any insight into the history of this gigantic, gigantic, gigantic, Jager or thoughts on drinks for which it might be well suited? Thanks, Brandon bird. Well listen. Greg Baum, who is the head of cocktail Kingdom has the most extensive collection of vintage antique barware that I have personally ever seen. So if if they say that it's based on an historic design, it is, you know what I mean? I don't know a very many modern specs that are afforda one. I mean, I guess some people like a four to one Martini trying to think four to one it sets so that's two half right. So actually, like I like gin sours as to half but you're making double right? So you'd be doing And you'd be doing

four to one.

Now four to one now. Yeah, two half.

Right? I don't know.

Three and three quarters ounces. So it's like it's it's like, almost, it's almost two cocktails, but not quite, that we're talking about here. So yeah, so you could make gin sours that are a two half half ratio. Right. So that's what I like, I pull back to two half half for that. So you could do a gin salary kind of thing with it, but you're making slightly less than a full drink. Also, it's not quite one and a half, half, half half, which is my the Corsair. Spec anyway. So I think what you have there, Brandon is a novelty, Jager novelty. I hope it's pretty. Derek Groden Is it pretty? Right? Or as? We talked about that before, right on the air? What do you do?

That's what you said, spins, spins? I'll do Yeah. Yeah.

So like, the, the story is, is that you know, when I go over to my in laws house, they they you know, around the holidays time, they play the old, Super Eight movies that they used to take, you know, and the projector is 50 years old. So when it's still cold, everyone's moving in slow motion. And then once it gets warm, it's like, man, it's like going, and then they have these old tapes that they you know, like reel to reel cassettes, these things that they like, that they had of the kids, which, you know, it's my wife and all that. So they're all sitting around opening stuff on Christmas, and they lived in the South. So at the time, so they had southern accent. And so like they opened some sort of tchotchke and all it is is a doll. What's it do? And they go, it's just pretty and that's it. And so like when people are like this things are lets you do is just pretty. Yeah.

Brandon says the Jaeger is not pretty also.

Yeah, yeah, it's a little too. Hey, Hey, bud, bud vase. What do you what are your thoughts on? Love advice? And for those of you that someday we'll do Nastasia Lopez will hire the logger and weep or higher call the log when we person in and we'll talk about flowers for the table. What do you think about that? Yeah, you want to do that? Yeah. Was that person's name for maybe there's a newer person that you can find it's also good. Anyway, you want

to hear a sad story. This weekend, I went to The Hamptons to see someone that's very rich, sound sad and horrible. Well have lunch at their house. And so I brought flowers because there is a bunch of stuff at the farmers market. They're like Delfin, Ian's and stock and these broccoli flowers and stuff. And so then I was assembling the bouquet. And then I get to the house. And they have like the most amazing bouquets. Everywhere. They even have a cutting garden just for the little bud, the bud vases. And I was laying here and then they were like, just put it there and someone will take care of it. Ah Wow, yikes. Yeah.

It's good to be real. What are your thoughts? Anastasia on pin frogs? Is that the correct term? I don't know. You know, the little the little real heavy things with the nails that you stick in the bottom of vases so that you can make sure that Oh, no, I don't like those. Yeah, I like those things. Very Japanese though. Yep. I like them, I think because like we don't like like a lot of our vessels are kind of too wide. And so you get too big of a spread. And if you have those things you can like, you put them in and you can get some good. Anyways, so sorry, Brandon. It's not even sounds good for a bug for a bug advise me because probably pretty wide, huh?

Anyway, just okay. Don't throw it away. Next question.

By the way, when we're making things like we seriously try to think about we don't want everything to just become landfill. You know what I mean? Like, since my wife's an architect, or was a product designer as well. And so like we are we're always thinking like, as soon as I make something like well, that thing is like destined for the landfill before it even shows up at my house. You know what I mean? It's like future landfill. I think it like we try not to build things that are future landfill. So yeah, well, right. So listen to this. So we're on the phone on last week, at like, you know, midnight, because that's when you know, you know, both I guess and Stasi and I are expected to be working and, and the factories in China are working. And there was an electrical explosion at my house and the built that my apartment building and the building caught on fire. It's fireproof. So it's fine, I guess. But the everything was full of smoke, and we had no power and everything's a flashing off and on. And so I started asking this dasya Can you check the blogs or whatever to see if like, because I didn't know, terrorist, whatever, because it was the loudest explosion I'd heard in a long time. Right. It didn't sound like something that was just in our basement. And they thought we were joking. The factory thought we were joking around. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Good times. Derek wrote in I have a big luggage plant. It has a fairly Be assertive flavor. What are some good foods slash Bev uses y'all have found for luggage. First of all luggage seeds are also good if you can let it go to see the seeds are good for those of you that have never had luggage luggage, aptly is assertive, it's a more assertive celery taste, okay? It's also greener. So if you have Chinese celery Chinese celery is like a more bitter version of the celery leaf, right? But it's not necessarily that much greener. The lovage that I've had is also like intensely green so think a mixture of celery, Chinese celery and parsley all in one kind of like powerhouse thing now so you can use it for a lot of the same things that you would use those for. You can use them in their great in soups as a fine as a fine dice over like you know that day so what do you call when you you know you minced the ribs up real fine young man. Yeah. Over like risotto or things like that. You like parsley on your risotto?

I don't like parsley that much. Really? Yeah.

Do you like anything minced up over the fact of your risotto? No. Just even like a porcine risotto.

That's fine. Yeah. Oh, yeah. No, just cheese. This cheeses Cheese,

cheese and pepper.

What about adding was the Chi What was the thing that they wanted to add cheese to in big night and she lived goes ballistic on.

I don't remember, it's a criminal. It's

a criminal anyway. So it's good for that kind of application. It's good in soups, rice, any place you would use celery leaves and celery leaves are not available anymore. But it's also delicious in gin drinks. So blender modeling, it's very sturdy. So it's not going to kind of get Swappi on you at last for quite a long time. So like anything with gin, anything with orange, anything with gin and orange, you're going to get good results. So that's kind of what I would do with it. Yeah. And the seeds are delicious. If you can get the seeds if you know if you can raise it. I don't know how to do that. But if you can do that, that'd be great. Someone Dan wrote in and said that John, when he's going to Italy should go to us, Tony and the pool your region? I don't know that John gets to choose where he's going. But I don't think so. You're have been down there. Either. Have you been down there anyone been? No, I've never been to the south. Again. I've never been south in Rome. It's kind of ridiculous.

This way I've been to how was it? That's fine. My family. My family. They're


We got a doctor sent me something from the chat. Grats on getting this year's all back on Amazon. I noticed the listing now is a prominent warning, choking hazard small parts not for children under three years old. I'm all for child safety. But that's not the first reason I wouldn't hand a sizzle to a toddler. Does this have something to do with your new certification? What's up?

I did not know that. And I think it's because Mr. Garcia threatened to ram them down their throats that they thought they were a choke.

Actually, you did mention children. So

I didn't mention that the thing I mentioned to the Amazon person was that they were in essence messing with my kids future. Which is true. They were messing with my kids future. You don't I mean? Yeah, no. Yeah, I guess you could unscrew parts of it.

Well, I guess the matchstick. I mean, again,

don't give your kids attachments. Stupid. Right. Well, we mean, what could go wrong? Yeah. I don't know who wrote that. And we have no control. We're just thankful that they it's back up. And now you know, now it's only a full six months of revenue that we've lost. That we have to somehow make up for the Yeah, did we talk about the guy we allowed to say the guy's name the guy? Oh, I'm gonna say his name. But I'm gonna say that if you heard this guy's name. It's amazing. He's got the best name. The best the best. He's told

me to drop his name for other problems that we have. So they must be Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, she's he's it he's oh, by the way. Do you know that Jeff Bezos is gonna blast himself into space? I

saw that. Yeah. Good read. Yeah.

Right. Stay up there.

Yeah, Give us our money.

Give us our money and stay up there. Anyway. Alexandra wrote in hay cooking, she's people. Thanks for the answer on ginger. And no worries about being late. Remember, he had some sort of event he was doing and we told him the week after his event about the ginger. I love your decision to go on Patreon. I got some of the ginger juice to clarify, just by time but it lost all of its ginger cake. So I ended up using a mix of heated ginger and just fresh juice giving up some carbonation. And it was excellent. Now to my question. That was his feedback says it wasn't a question don't get bent. Okay. I'm trying to recreate a cocktail version of dalgona coffee dalgona coffee. Now I had no idea what dalgona was. So I asked the Stasi to look it up. It's one of these COVID things when he's like, Tick Tock COVID Things were inserted in Korea. Yeah. And for those of you that don't know, every every one of the Tick Tock things that I've tested has been garbage God Ah, like that. Was it? What was that a year at my house?

I was there for that. Yeah.

Here's the thing. Like,

I was really dumb.

Nobody. Nobody takes the time to vet things anymore. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Anyway, so you're here for Yeah, so what's dalgona coffee now so people know it was listed or not Tiktok friendly.

Looks like I don't know a bunch of doesn't contain dalgona what is gonna? I don't know. It is not possible to make dalgona coffee using ground coffee beans, instant coffee crates a dense and foaming topping and the reason for the name for this has much to do with the drying process of the coffee granules. What I don't know what's gonna coffees beverage made by whipping equal parts instant coffee powder, sugar and hot water until it becomes creamy and then adding it to cold or hot milk. Occasionally, it's topped with coffee powder, cocoa crumbled biscuits or honey. Okay.

Yep. All right. So anyway, so that's what we're trying to recreate here. I'm trying to recreate a cocktail version of dalgona coffee. And so that actually tastes like coffee and not instant crap. I'm using a Moka Pot and an EC Ripper. I've tried using full magic, which is maltodextrin methylcellulose. xanthan gum from modernist pantry as a foaming agent and it worked. Okay, but the phone got that goopy texture from the Xanthan. Is there are there any other agents that would work better to give a lighter but still stable foam? I'm looking for a texture like an egg white foam on a sour thanks and keep up the good work Alexander. Okay, so if it's foam, the Methow cell is probably some version of F 50. And the maltodextrin is just there for a whipping agent. So you could try just using a 50 and a whipping agent and just dialing back the Xanthan because you can put on like I wouldn't go over a percent of a 50 Because you're gonna start tasting at 50 but you can go fairly high on the on the meth on the metal cell and fairly high on the maltodextrin so if you just jack that so the maltodextrin is there to jack the solids and the methylcellulose is there to like do the whipping you could add another stabilizer to it or you could you could pull the Xanthi I have an answer baccala chat what does the chat say? Sargon says dalgona was pre COVID

Thank you and he also says Hoffman was a video on has a video on dalgona google it it actually works for free dried instant coffee acts as a surfactant and it effectively turns it into a foam and then he says grief I found that equal partner suboptimal five grands instant coffee powder one gram so he left the lecithin powder 20 grams sugar 20 grams water and then he says the Alcohol should be one to one replacement with water thank you okay

but but he doesn't want to use instant so just use something stronger like like espresso shot and if you need to add the powder to make up for it I don't

we have some more Patreon questions

here you new ones

yeah all these are from Jack this morning

or why I there's not those the ones I just did? No All right give me some

Hey cookies use teams I'm a mid 30 Software Engineer married with three small kids seven years old three years old. Five years old living in Melbourne, Australia I do most of the cooking. I've been looking at a benchtop induction burner and of course came across a rebel control freak with the price tag is a bit hard to justify at the moment. I want to hack a much cheaper induction burner to add smarts precision, temperature control, cooking schedules, programs, etc. I'm comfortable with electronics microcontrollers programming, but I was wondering if Dave has any recommendations on what induction burner to start with? What components would be best and what kind of thing to watch out for? I own a good intelligence I'm looking forward to being able to purchase a Sears oldman say start shipping internet you can write Oh internationally. Well, he can get on Amazon now. So yeah, I don't know what,

like they do what they do they own it. So if they sell it, like we have no control by the way, we have no control people, right. We don't own those. The only ones we own are the ones on deliver. So here's the prop Shopify. Yeah, okay. Yeah. So okay, the problem with hacking induction burners is and people have done them you you can you can look them up is the way the way that they're controlled, is you ever you guys ever listen to your induction burners like V 00 near year, because what it's doing is it's it's it's hunting frequencies to try to find the right one that resonates with your pot. Right. And so they're they're doing a lot of they're doing a lot of stuff because theoretically you could get you could get induction to work by the way on on, even on non magnetic pots but not the way that induction hubs are using because they're not strictly just using induction and they're using what's called a hysteresis loss, which is why it needs to be magnetic. And in fact, why you can't heat with a standard induction stove things above a cherry red because as soon as you go what's above called the Curie point that it stops heating effectively. That said, so there was once I looked into trying to do my own induction once, and you can find the stuff, but, you know, basically, any of the coils is going to work fine, right? It's just a question of, I don't remember if there's any, I don't remember if there's anyone out there, that allows you to use the microprocessor that's already on board, and then just change the power up or down, but I haven't researched it in years. So I'm sure that there's someone that because really, all you need is control of the power. So you know, you don't want to have to write an algorithm to hunt and peck for the correct frequency. You don't want to write an algorithm to sense whether the pan is there, you just, I assume want to change the heating profiles and whatnot. So unfortunately, I haven't researched it recently enough, but it should be possible if you're good with you know, surface mount stuff, but trying to do it 100% From Scratch is probably going to be a long, long and winding road. Save your money.

Bill away real quick, Joe,

I have a joke for you, Dave. If I was a techno DJ noted, do frequencies and see which one resonates with your pot?

Ah, yeah, I like that explanation. Bill on Patreon says I'm also attending the balancing act classes on gush I have a jar Moroccan preserved lemons and spins on a craving for another Corsair will Dave go over the clarified Moroccan preserved lemon ingredient.

Okay, so this is good, by the way on my Instagram, go to the cooking issues Instagram, and you should go there anyway because occasionally we tell you things about things there. I give the recipe how to make it without a spins all now where the spins all the whole idea of the Moroccan preserved lemon is you don't want it 100% clear because some of the cloudiness is what gives it its gives the body to the drink. So you just blend the entire thing. Blend it all add pectin x, but don't use D one D two, which are the wind finding agents and just spin it in continuous mode, right because you're trying to get the liquids out and let it be cloudy, right and then strain the stuff at the end. That's definitely do right. Is that good? Yeah.

And then Jack sent me from the chat room. Ven graph says the best place to start hacking is not at the interface between the Logic Board and the power board where the interface between the keyboard and the logic board hook up a logic analyzer there and reverse engineer the level controls then use your own microcontroller and firmware to do it. There you go. There.

There you go. Good advice. Aren't wrote in. Hey, what about your day to day use of hydrocolloid? I want to know how you guys use hydrocarbons in your daily cooking. Well, I'm guessing that you don't stars. I don't want to presume,

right? No, I guess not. I mean,

we don't do that kind of cooking anyway, right. You don't make like Roos and sauces.

I was just thinking like mac and cheese. Right. But I'm not kidding.

You didn't do that. Right. What was your what was like your old? Are you allowed to talk about your old recipe? Your mac and cheese recipe?

No, no, I'm not.

Well, helpful. Well, well, what about you, Joe? Jack, you guys use Hydros. Now, or fancy? Yeah, you know what is like I use a lot. I use very, I often use small quantities of xanthan, oh,

other than that, I doubt they're looking for that. Like they want more. But I

use in other words, like I use Xanthan, mostly in baking. Like I like mostly I use Anthon and baking because if you're milling your own flour, and you want to use other people's recipe for like chlorinated bleached cake flour, you need to add a little Zan fan to get the texture of it, the texture of the product right to mimic that to mimic the same water holding capacity that you would get out of a chlorinated flower. So I do that all the time. What else do I do all the time? Yeah, no, I mean, trying to think about it. You don't. I'm thinking I'm thinking she would know. I wouldn't necessarily know I mean, the one that I reach for the most is is is is obviously Xanthan, right? I have a center for you. So I don't use Aguilar that much anymore. Right because I'm not often making gels.

What about when you you do a lot of this verification though at home. So

again, cleaner, the trolls, the Stasi yellow pen, we know the trolls Now, here's my problem with this. Let me ask you this. Do you do anyone out there? Like other than the color other than the color? Do any of you guys out there love? The pimento in the in the Spanish all have, like just a flavor of like, you know what if I could just have a jar of just that, would you? I don't think I've ever eaten it. Really? I mean, you've eaten the whole thing and had the red. I don't think I've ever you've never eaten a green mass produced Oliver the

red thing in my whole life. Same here. Yeah. As a kid you're like, No, really? Yeah. Dusting. Yeah. Yes. looks disgusting. Wow. Have you ever had one though?

Yeah. Wow. Okay,

can't you find those and also in like independent mental loaf as well? Like, what is it the meat with the has the olive in them?

Coming from the Carolina man. I love the parental love. Do you like come into cheese? No. Okay, okay. I thought I thought we were gonna have a moment there. Joe,

are you sorry,

I like the mento cheese. And parental love is the same thing. So like the look, I don't know if you know this people but like red peppers aren't all the same exact shape. And they don't come in strips that can be punched into olives by a machine. So what they do is they pulp all of the red peppers, mix it with sodium alginate spray calcium on it and sheets, then they age the sheets for a day so they get nice and firm cut them into strips, and then those strips are tough as nails and can be shot into those hours without breaking them. And that's what they are. What any of you guys like the trumped up chopped up onion rings. A fake onion rings. No. Me neither. I love a real onion ring. What What's your idea? Onion rings? Like what kind of battery specifically mean what kind of better? I don't know. Are you like more of a beer batter or more of like a chicken fried but I like to make more of a chicken fried batter. But I know a lot of people like the beer batter the puffy heart.

Oh yeah. The other one.

The one that's more like chicken. Yeah, Joe.

Yes. Absolutely. The puffy wanted to be better. It's like harder to Yeah, yeah. I don't know.

I think you know, I think people like to do that. It's very difficult to get good adhesion of the more chicken like that are on the onions because they shrink so much. And the beer batter one because it's so puffy. No one notices that you have the onion onion rattling around on the inside of this like freaking crunch tube. I don't like it. I prefer the other. I prefer the style we're talking about.

I don't know what's better. I like whatever battered that was used at Tony Roma's?

Oh, you know, I don't know ever actually been is it is a steakhouse or a rib house. 20 ribs. As you know, I've never been to one. You know, I was talking to I was talking to a chef. This was a long time ago, I had never heard it was the first time I had heard of the Macaroni Grill. And I was talking to one of the execs of the Macaroni Grill. And I was like, Macaroni Grill was that. I was like, is that like an olive garden? He's like, No, we're way, way above an olive garden. I was like, Well, I don't understand. Have you ever been to Macaroni Grill nearby? Is it way above an olive garden? We just said we've never been but you know how things are positioned? Like if someone said to me, if someone said to me, I don't know. I would think they're the

same. I think it's the same franchise probably probably the same. Like maybe like, a little bit different ingredients.

Yeah. Yeah. Not like It's like once one's getting Cisco. The other one's getting like other

Yeah, it's like there was I'm sure like I say it's honorable thing. But I mean, like the market is what the market is. It's not like it's not like one is McDonald's and the other one is John George. You know what I mean? Like that's not like what we're talking it's not like

I don't know we shouldn't I know. I've been at Olive Garden. I don't know what

first of all, I've always wondered is what what is a grill have to do with macaroni? How often are you

doing things together that Americans will go crazy for Well,

I love macaroni but that's not even Americans don't call pasta macaroni only Italian Americans call pasta macaroni and from Boston only likes Boston because hamburger

helper and macaroni and all hamburger.

Helsing so man her help her hamburger. Wait, no Hamburger Helper helps her hamburger help her because dudes aren't allowed to use it. I don't know if you know this. Like men aren't allowed to use it. And like I think that back in the day you were kind of number a man. Yeah, I think you were kind of cheating on your husband with that hand. I think it's like something was happening in the kitchen.

It was definitely aimed for the woman in the kitchen. And that's like, literally the

song is like straight up. Hey, like, this is a sexist thing. Here we are. She's cooking. Yeah, Hamburger Helper. I believe it is Hamburger Helper. helps her hamburger. Right so the hamburger doesn't get in on the feeling up thing the hamburger doesn't get like any touchy feely hamburger right? It's not a hamburger Hamburger Helper. Whose do is it's a man. Yeah, white glove so your clean, clean come comes Let's click Clean. Hamburger Helper helps her hamburger. help her make a great meal. That's it. Yeah. You know, I had Hamburger Helper. Yeah. Also, has anyone had shaken bake in the last 25 years? Yeah. Really? Whoa, pork chops they can bake or chickens. They can bake chicken baked pork chop? I wasn't.

It's always at my parents house is fine.

Wow, I really haven't had that in a long time. Shake and

Bake. And I help remember that commercial. Yeah, yeah. So for those of you that are a grooving on these reminiscences from the 70s. And for those of you who are, you know, slightly younger 80s. Okay, when you used to go to kind of like, what at the time seemed like the height of epicurean delights like a bonanza or a Ponderosa steakhouse back in the day, or, you know, sizzler style place, right? And you went to the salad bar, or when you got your steak when you got your like, you know, three millimeter thick steak, you know what I mean that you got there. They used to come with these spiced apple rings, who's with me on the Spiced Apple ring, they're red. And they're like, they look like pineapple rings, but their apple and the red this, like, I'm on a mission to bring these back. Originally, all the old recipes for them, and a lot of them are like fake pen Dutch kind of recipes. You melt red hots, and then you steep it in the red hot so it's like a cinnamon spiced apple ring. Because when I was a kid, I always thought they were beats and I thought somehow I was like, well, I won't eat the beat, but I will eat the red apple. You know what I mean? But I don't think it's a beat. Anyway. I want to if anyone out there has like a really good memory of or good recipe for the apple rings. I think it's worth bringing back bringing Apple makes back

for the salad bar, you know, you pay per head. My parents would be like the kids aren't eating.

Ah, wow I'm so glad when I was so glad when I was a kid that I did not know what I know now about human beings. Because those salad bars oh my god, what a filth machine. That thing was

Oh, of course. I someone brought this to my attention. Like you know like pizza all those people all those places that had a salad bar. There was always kale. They're not as to eat it, but just as decorate. Yeah, so kill has been with it with a really long time. Yeah, we'd never thought to

eat. Well, okay. Like you're not supposed to eat raw kale.

I get it. Cooked Kale was just, it was just an ornamental, ornamental kale. I was like, Oh, I got all this extra care. I'm gonna throw it over here. And there's the whole day, but why not just make something with it. Cook it. Cook it cook it? No, like, but

it wasn't part of this stuff.

No, no, you weren't supposed to eat it or Yeah, it wasn't washed. That thing is like straight on E. Coli. But Splosion if you ate it, you know what I mean? That thing's filth. Joe.

Do you like raw kale? No, no, I

don't. I don't does anybody

in the real life?

What like, Would you do that? Well, I want to put Iceberg lettuce as an ornamental thing over here in the corner just to fill a hole now eat that stuff and eat it. Yeah, so like, why

are we why there must have been some salad bar experience that was like this.

Yeah, green. It's like yeah, dark green too. Yes. Yeah. Full of sand. Or chlorophyll. Yeah, I tell you what, Iceberg lettuce I like it. I know a lot of people hate on Iceberg lettuce. You know what it is? real crunchy. real crunchy. NDF indeed, that says that you will you I know you like a bitter a bitter green. They'll have a bitter green. That's why I said yeah, love a bitter green. Back to salad bar for a second. I can still have very pleasant memories of being like Why does no one else go to the bottom of the blue cheese jaw. I would take that plastic scoop. That long plastic scoop. And I will go all the way to the bottom of the blue cheese dressing and get the big chunks. The big chunks that have blue cheese and settle down. Man. Good times. But again, if I just think about how gross gross I know those salad things were I probably made them more gross. I mean honestly, I was probably right up there and grassland said salad bar. What about have we talked on the show before about the Roy Rogers? A free fixings bar Are you familiar with free fixings bar? Oh wow. Yeah, yeah. So to this day when when I'm getting burgers ready at the house I'm always like get the free fix and spa ready get the free fixes. You know what I mean? It's so like, because what you do is is you order the puny just whatever the puny is burger is that you could get at the Roy Rogers. And then you use the free fixings bar fundamentally as a salad bar. So it's like it's like it's like a little when you don't have no money. This is what you do. So you have like the bun, the burger. And then like a pile of lettuce and Bs tomatoes or whatever else they have and like all of the pickles, you know what I mean? Because if you add enough pickles, it's kind of like a dressing. You know what I'm saying? And then like you know, whatever mayonnaise is and stuff and you basically you have a salad with your with You're free. fixins Bob Rogers.

The only reason why Easthampton is great is at the beach. They have they had a snow cone, make your own snow cone station. Wait, you make their own. So they shaved the ice. Perfectly fluffy, like, perfect. Okay, same machine we had? No, I don't know, it's somewhere back in the back. Okay. And then they hand you the code, they hand you the shape and then there's a wall of every single flavor of juice, right your thing juice enclose your quotes, you get to put it on. Ah, but can you can you double dip? Yeah, you can go back and because yeah, that's dicey. Go ahead. Anyway, they got rid of it. Because I don't know.

Because maybe because of COVID Maybe what color? What color?

I used to do cotton candy.

Oh, the pink is pink or blue. So you liked that kind of burnt sugar taste? Yeah. What do you think that burnt sugar taste would work if there was also some acidity to it. My problem with cotton candy is it just doesn't have any acid back to it. And when I have a shave ice, I need some acid.

That's why you can mix flavors to you know, cotton candy lime,

you know, like a coconut one.

Cut it. That's right now.

I like the coconut one. I always used to when I was a kid green. Go Green. Go Green. As green

since we're talking about like Jelly Bellies. Like jelly beans. Yeah, like all the flavors of jelly. It's pretty incredible flavors.

Yeah. Smell.

Do you? Do you guys know that? Like for the past, like 5678 years, the kids have been eating the gross ones you know about those real gross ones are the gross ones. The black ones. No, no, no, no, no. Like literally,

they there's like booger. Vomit vomit. Yeah.

Oh, so they have these ones. I forget what they're called. They're like, they're like challenge Jelly Belly things. So what you do is is it like? They have two beans that are identical looking? No. Yeah. And one is like peach and the others vomit. Now,

it's like the garbage pail. Yeah,

exactly. Yeah. And the thing is, is that is it? I know that they quote him with carnuba wax or whatever. Bean Boozled you're correct. And these have been through my house. So isn't that part of Harry Potter is that you think it is order beer which now by the way, there's a line out the freakin block for butter beer on Broadway here in this place. Anyway, but you can smell which one's vomit before you put it in your mouth so it's easy to not get beat by this.

You're gonna go least go

read some of these flavors. They're really rough. Okay, there's toothpaste stinky socks. Lawn clippings, baby wipes. like barf booger moldy cheese, which could be good. I like it. Yeah, and then number one is canned dog food.

Which basically whenever I open canned dog food, which is not very hungry. I love that. I love the potted meat. Dude. The old school potted meat. Like those little things. If you like Viet, why wouldn't you like potted me? Have you tried it? potted meat? No, your dogs? No, no. Spam. I love spam. It's too salty. Salty. Yeah. But I liked spam.

I was I want to see the commercials coming back is pretty good. Really? Yeah.

Yeah. You know, you obviously know who consumes the most spam of anybody? In the military? No. Hawaiians? Oh, yeah. Yeah, Hawaii. Yeah, Hawaii, like they come by that peep. You know, that pizza that people don't like honestly, they consume a boat ton of spam. It's not even close. Like their spam consumption is like by far No. And that's why, like here in the city like three, four years ago. musubi were like everyone was masu being out their ears and it's all like it's like an onigiri with spam in it. Real nice.

Right? You got three minutes. One more question. Well,

we got to finish the Patreon questions.

We are done.

No, we got another one. That's it is this is Patreon Oh from but it's from lat last week. This is in from Quinn. I'm interested in making shelf stable fruit preserves with as little change to texture and flavor as possible style I'm going for it's essentially just whole fruit slash large pieces of fruit sitting inside of syrup. As long as I'm using the proper ratios of sugar and the correct acidity for a standard preserved jam, can the actual canning pasteurization happen at a lower temperature. If my fruit with concentrated syrup was held at 65 or 70 would eventually pasteurized and be stable like a boiled can preserve? I cannot find any guidelines about times for lower temperatures because most people use high temperature process to activate the pectin. Well, so the issue with the issue with this Oh John says to Nick symbolizes that it's not really Nick symbolizing. First of all, you shouldn't use Nick symbolizing to mean using calcium to strengthen the cell walls of fruit because Nick's symbolizing is a different procedure that is done to grains to turn the seed coat into a mucilaginous thing and to pregelatinized starch so you can make a masa dough. The Count calcium reinforcing is not of fruits is something that goes back a billion years in places like Thailand and you do with bananas and with a bunch of other stuff. So if you want to stabilize a fruit, you can use any number of calcium related things to make it happen. We used to use pickle In lime, you know, and you can get it in red line paste in a Thai store. And you can use calcium hydroxide as well anyways, that will make it hard, right, but I think they're asking about preservation. The issue is, is that it's going to be hard, it's going to take a long time for the syrup to kind of penetrate into the fruit if it's sliced thinly, or if you can get the stuff and I think half of the boiling is just to make sure that as it's going down as as it's getting more and more concentrated, that you're making the water go away and getting the sugar in remember, those old school fruit concentrates are done in stages, because if you just throw sugar if you throw fresh fruit into a high sugar situation, all the water leeches out of the of the fruit and and it becomes desiccated because you're in a sense, dehydrating it the same way as if you threw it into salt. So you could do it and I would guess that you would be safe once the sugar concentration and the acid concentration was high enough and then you would just need to do pasteurization. But you know, you could use calcium, I'd be aware if you're if you're if you're using pickling lime, or calcium hydroxide to strengthen the walls of fruit. Eventually it does nasty things. So I used to do experiments where like I was strengthening cucumbers and strafing and like it's good, good, good, good, good, real bad. So you got to be careful you can vacuum impregnate with with calcium to try to make them stiffer. And frankly, you can vacuum impregnate with syrups to try to get them to go in faster. And if you actually get the syrup in there and it's not too far away from being isotonic, you could probably start the preservation early anyway, once the inside of the fruit is at a high enough sugar content and high enough acid content and yeah, you should be able to pasteurize it but the reason you'll find recipes is ain't no one gonna write a recipe where they're basing your Satan like their word and your safety on something that they can't like specifically get behind you know, saying anyway. Oh, and John says if you want to look at those people look at Andy do bravas Instagrams on using presume if it says maximize I'm presuming there's using calcium hydroxide. Josh Whitlam wrote in when we're done yet we're done and Jackson arena new Patreon Yeah, shout out jazz Jack's gonna do this shout out to

204 so I'm gonna do this as fast as I can. We've got thank yous to Ray Berry, John Hunt, Joshua Hill manies kowski travesty can trust in Kenny, Christopher Hyde, Kevin Q. Matt Robbins, Travis Hawkins, Brian McWhorter. Isabella, did you give? Well, I got to work on my pronunciation is David Harris. Dennis. No, in Go. How do you pronounce the NGO name? Yeah. All right. Colin Arneson, Mo Godin. Igni. Secret Anson, Annalise LaRue. I think that's two or three women their styles for Alexander. Chad's CAC. Huge dragon. leet. Okay. Michael J. Lee, Andy, Brian Donovan, Lauren Lambert, James Neal. Sandra news, Zachary Stewart Graham Clark. That is an awesome batch in the last week. So

that was the old mo phatshaft. Now in Barcelona. Cool. So yeah, made possible by people Exactly. Like you. Thank you.

Yeah, there's no way we'll be able to read all the names as this grows bigger and bigger. But let's get us to 500 We're to 2:04am are brand new here. So spread the

word and tell your buddies who are worried about the Patreon that they can listen to it free on Friday, like we're not again, you know, don't get bent at us. You can listen to it free on Friday. We thank you for your support and Jack we're going to have the RSS so that it'll update on the Friday soon right. Whereas Yeah, what

will end up happening is patrons will still be able to hear everything on Patreon on Tuesday and then it will go to a regular RSS in all of the platforms by Friday.

All right, and and tell all your Sears all friends they can go back on Amazon so no more bad words about Amazon for now. Cooking issues