Cooking Issues Transcript


Hello and welcome to cooking issues. This is Dave Arnold, your host of cooking issues coming to you live from newsstands studios in Rockefeller Center here today with Anastasia hammer Lopez, how're you doing? We got John up in Connecticut somewhere to secret location in Connecticut. How you doing, John? Great, thanks. Yeah, we got we got Joe over here. Joe Hazen in the booth How you doing? I'm doing great. How are you? Yeah, doing well. And for the first time in a long time, we are coming to you live with a telephone number. So if you're part of our Patreon, if you're not part of our Patreon, go to forward slash cooking issues, whatever. And sign up. Was that wrong? John? Did I say the wrong thing?

Correct? That's correct. can

call in your questions. 2917410 1507. That's 917-410-1507. Nice to have another number. To start tonight. Joe, we're a little slightly. I mean, like, look, I don't want to imply that we're all disappointed with anything you do, because you're great. However, though, all the ones and zeros. We can't spell anything. You can't spell anything. It's fine, though. It's fine. 917-410-1507 It'll take me about how long will it take me to do that, too? How long did it take me in heritage to remember that helpful months? Oh, years. I had to write it on a piece of paper for years. Until people started laying whatever. It's cool to have an island seven number? No, because we're well, you're not you never changed out of your California number. Yeah, you got like a Covina number. Thank you. Like, you're like I'd see that as a positive thing. What what is it that people never is it that they don't want to get a new number ever? Because when I was a kid, ie like up until like, you know, you just kept changing your number constantly. Whenever you move. It wasn't like a choice. Now everyone keeps a number, right? No one wants to change.

Yeah, I don't think it matters anymore. Because of iPhones. You saved the name. Yeah, yeah.

You ever bought a burner phone? I never have always wanted to have a burner phone and then crack it in half and throw it away. Every time you Joe. I've never had one. Well, maybe maybe we should do more criminal activities that require us to have burner phones. So I just gotta get this out now, because I don't want this. Like every week, I have problems with the bike on the way up with the city bike on the way up. So today, so for

those of us funny, it's the subway with heritage, and now it's the bike Meritage I took the bike, or Okay, well,

it's always transport. But I was here earliest. I was here early. I was here way early, I'm going to be on time people, I'm going to be on time to this place. So for those of you that don't know, in New York, we had these things called city bikes. And, you know, you you basically you pay a monthly fee, you take it out and you have to dock it, whatever. They're terrible bikes, but they're they're very convenient. The problem is, is that like after everyone's coming back from COVID, especially because people are lazy, they don't take a bike during the winter, right? They only take a bike in the summertime. Or when it's warm. It's impossible to get bikes now because no one wants to be back on the subways because they're still a little bit he didn't care about the subways. So the bikes are impossible to like get sometimes impossible to park up here. So the the bike that I had to get on the way up, get this the kickstand was loose. So every time I pedaled

by, so like,

like a couple blocks, and I see another set of bikes, I'm like, I can deal with it. But But halfway up, right? I was both like, Okay, I can't, I can't, I can't deal I can't deal with this bike, I can't do this bike. So then I look over and I start to pull over where the bike is. And then right there, there's like a, like a car like a black car with like the red lights in the back. Like it's like some sort of like policing style thing. And then there's a guy standing next to the bike lane with one of those, like, special forces, beards, and those like 1000 all in black with a rifle on his back. I'm like, I'm not gonna get I'm not gonna swap my bike here.

It's not like he's gonna come after you. Oh,

anytime you have a guy with a special forces beard and that look on his face and a rifle on his back all in black. It's just not a good place to stop and hang out. Joe, are you with me on this? Yeah, yeah. I mean, John, you'd agree with that, right? Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Don't hang around. It's not not cool. Anyway, so and then like, the next time I saw a space I was within 10 blocks was like, well, now I gotta do it. Now I gotta go the whole way. You know what I mean? And then of course, you can't park up here. But I was thinking about repetitive noise, like competitive noise, torture kind of things. And I was thinking, like, Does this happen to you? Do you ever notice on on your iPhone, you play a song and you think you've told it to play the whole album, but it plays the same song over and over again. But like you're in a shop like cutting lots of wood and you have like your or you have gloves on or your like outside or your you can't just pick up your phone and be like, stop, stop, stop and see listen to the same song for like an hour. No, this happens to me all the time. All the time. I'll have to listen to the same song for about an hour. are the last two times was our green I feel good, great song. Not for an hour, but great song and share strong enough hour an hour of share strong enough.

Anyway, there's a lot like one minute of free time in that whole habit where you could just go onto your phone and change it.

Well, I also have, like a little bit of a mental issue. I mean, we know this, but I mean, like, specifically a mental issue where I don't like turning a song off in the middle. That's like why, like when I'm in a car, like if I only hear like two seconds of it, I'm fine. But I hate I hate like rapid channel surfers. I hate I do that rap. I know. That's why one of the reasons I don't like being with you on car trips are like rapid moving around on the radio. It's like, once I'm listening to a song, I want to hear the whole song. Like that's it. So like, I need to have my hands free at the moment that the song stops. Because I don't want to like I'm not going to cut it off in the middle of you know, share telling me that you know, you know that. You know that she's not you know how, you know, not worth half of her. It's true. She's telling you I can't cut her off in the middle of that. You know what I'm saying? So it's like, I need to have my hands free at the moment that the song stops. I need to get over this. It's also the same like I don't I can't like watch like part of a movie. I don't like to do it. Jen. Jen's like it. We should go to bed and watch it later. Yeah. Oh, watch it on now. But I'm getting better with that. Because anyway. So what song if you had don't think about it, I don't want you to think too long. So as if you had to listen to a song for now in a row to be

you know, 10 years gone by Led Zeppelin. Really?

John, what about you? I'm not sure. Suede head? Well, Morrissey? Morrissey, huh, Marcy? I just heard something about someone that really hated Oh. You ever heard of the group of Warlock pinchers? No. out of Denver. Great name. Yeah, they have their their best album name. I don't think they were a good band. But maybe they are. But their best album name was circumcised peanuts. circumcised peanuts? Yeah. But they had an

album that were the album Why do you always say album?

I don't know. Why do I say new killer and coupon? The they had a like an anti Morrissey album title. Maybe someone can look it up for me. I don't think it's safe for work title. But anyway John, what about you? What song do you have? I've given you the most time to think about it so you better have a fast and good answer my friend. Yeah,

no. Well, I already listened to the song for an hour when this album came out. It's I don't know if you guys have ever heard of that man. vulfpeck the LF P E CK they're really another really great but I listened to animal spirits in a long car ride just for an hour straight.

Wow. Know what kind of music is votec?

Like, yeah, there's some some guys from Michigan so I don't really get the name but I know they do. Like if you look them up on iTunes, they come up as like German Hip Hop even though I don't think any of them are German or German bone in their body. But it's such a very like contemporary kind of funk. It's I don't know it's it's really enjoyable.

Very Oh, one last thing on repetitive so when I graduated from college the first thing I one of the first things I did was I bought my first car on my own $400 Pontiac 1976 Pontiac Bonneville a lot of work in the quarter panels lot of rust $400 I could lay down in the trunk head to toe no problem like three cigarette lighters all the lower on the inside blue. Nice. So I spent that that first summer you know cleaning that up and deep fat frying habanero chilli Reno's while I was training myself for extreme heat stuff and just basically frying, watching Regis and Kathie Lee and all the ABC soap operas and Oprah and fixing the car. But that car so for those of you that you know are my age, we used to have cassettes, and we would like one person who would buy the music and then we would take the we would put all the music on cassettes, and they would have long cassettes, 90 minute cassettes and we had these things called auto reverse tape players. So you'd stick it in and it would just you'd hear it go click click and it would play the other side of the tape and it would go back and forth back and forth. So my friend recorded star time, which is James Brown's four original four box set CD that came out in I think 1990 or something like this. And the last couple of discs he put on a tape and it got jammed in my car so my car radio was always on and only ever played the last disc of star time for like three years. So like that car was the James Brown mobiel and eventually when it needed a new paint job I just bought a bunch of gold Krylon and gold and spray painted the entire car gold and at one point I had a zip tied a cow skull to the front of it. We were driving around with the cows golf. You know how to think diets does.

I do remember?

Okay, well first I'll let you know this. The night I got engaged. It was snowing, and it had snowed and I pulled the car into a snow The Bank something like I don't care about the car. So I pulled it into a snowbank, the exhaust pipe goes into the back of the snowbank builds up pressure boom blows the muffler off. So like I'm driving to the dinner, very fancy dinner where I'm going to get engaged with, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, up, you know what I mean? And to get pulled over, of course, while I'm getting engaged nightmare, but eventually so I kept on tying the muffler back up. And at one point, the muffler fell down again and hit the pavement while I was driving. And pretzel itself turns up. And then I tied it up and had Jen hold the muffler in the air from the passenger side as we were driving. And she was like, That's it. It's over. This car's done. We're done with this. It's over. I was like,

didn't you have to pay for her engagement dinner to know? Oh, that was that. I remember something about you having to have her pay.

Now because you know, what happened was this? No, no. What happened was is prior to the engagement, we you know, obviously we you know, we weren't married, so we had different bank accounts, we were living together. And so you know, we would go like I would pay for something she would pay for something I would pay for something she was personally when I bought the ring. That was all my money. So I didn't have any money. But I had this ring burning a hole in my pocket for like a month and a half. Because I knew the day that where I was going to propose you have to buy the ring when you buy the ring. This is not crap you have to worry about this isn't what happened. So anyway, so like I had this time where like I had, I had no money. And so Jen was like, Why do you have any money? What's wrong with you? What do you mean, you spend your money? I'm like, now now. So like for a while, like beforehand, and then afterwards she's like, Oh, nicely. Wait, you had no money. That's what it was. That's what you're thinking. But I like how you turn it into a negative thing. No, I just I Yeah. All right. Yeah. I like how it just for some reason, like me trying to do something positive becomes even that becomes a negative thing. Alright, question for people who are on our Patreon can hear this. I like having short cut things at home and I don't feel bad about it. Here's some things I don't feel bad about. And I feel bad about using bouillon cubes you feel better, you know, right. I don't feel bad about using bouillon cubes. If I was serving you as soup, and it was like a Boo Yong. I would feel bad about it. Right, John? You with me on this? Yeah, great, right. But yeah, if it's just like a base for something else, like I'm going to be cooking a whole bunch of like beef into a chili anyway. And I could use water or I could use a bouillon cube to start it. Like it's like it's like assault plus, plus. Am I wrong about this? No, no, definitely. Right. All right. How about this? Here's ones that I also even though I know how to make it. I'm not. I'm not opposed to getting tacos, spice.

Yeah, me neither. That's great. Yeah, taco spice is good. Right.

John, thoughts are great. Yeah, tacos is delicious. Yeah, pre made

curry powder. You do not need to feel bad about not making your own curry powder. Because curry powder is good. Right now like specially if you get a good one, especially if you get a good one. I'm gonna go even one further. You can buy ranch powder. Which by the way, ranch is easy enough to make on your own but ranch powder is very convenient for putting on things like french fries and chips. Yes, and popcorn. Ranch powder. Good. I'm gonna go out and say that like Like, no one should feel bad. No one should feel bad about about using those anyway. But if you guys disagree and feel that you have to make your own freakin ranch powder every time you want to, hey, Mr. Massey, and I had to do this for a living and it sucks. Like back when we were doing snack foods. Remember this and we would have to make all of our own flavoring powder from scratch. Now how expensive that is to go buy all the different powders so that you can like mix them into the one powder. Is it marginally better? Can you tailor it to your own taste? Yes, but come on, man. Come on, man. Come on. All right. Now we got some questions in no callers yet. So I don't know what that I don't know what that means. Maybe people don't have any questions they don't know how to call in. Remember, it's 917-410-1507 and we're still working on this. So we're hoping that we're hoping that works out we hope someone calls in. I think the Stasi herself is going to answer the call and drop it. Wow. Call it and drop it. Just drop it like it's Oh, it's stuck because the hammer has the button. I know and you're gonna go ballistic. I'm always a bad guy. I'm always a bad guy. So I don't like the theme that you're probably already holding the bad guy oh

and John when I dropped the call and John. superstars not gonna go ballistic. Alright.

Can you if you do it, can you do the book or goodbye?

No, I'm just gonna drop it. You're not gonna say goodbye. If they start on the second question. Drop.

You hear that people? So if you call in, make your first question. Good.

And if there's a follow up to the first question, drop

Are you going to wait for them to say follow up so you can have the pleasure? So you are kind of like Booker will like as though the happy birthday song was singing? Yeah. So Booker used to practice listening for the beginnings of the happy birthday song and then you know, MIME spraying you in the face with pepper spray If he kept on asking for his birthday for pepper spray, so that he could pepper spray anyone that tried to sing the happy birthday song to him because he hates the happy birthday song so much more like Booker, you can't, you're not allowed to. First of all, no one's gonna sing the happy birthday song around you because they realize that you can't tolerate it. And secondly, like even if they did, like pepper spray is not a proportional response to the birthday song. You know what I mean? But you have the same kind of reaction they're like, and, yeah. I feel like if you don't say goodbye, or there's not some sort of like that, well, whatever. It's up to you. It's your thing. Josh Seeburg wrote in via Instagram, do you also hate via it like via don't care. But you don't like the way I say what was the word

called? Blum. There's no L in it.

There's an L and album. There's one album. Yes. Album. And by the way, I know I've said this before. I'm very freaking pro album. It's one of the things that I hate to see go. I don't think people listen to albums anymore. I really don't. It said Nastasia does disagree with me when I say this, but back when I used to have to pay 1495 for an album. Like I bought it for one song but it was never ended up being my favorite song. My favorite song was always a different one. And I don't know that that would happen nowadays. You know, I mean. Anyway, okay, here's another question. Congrats on the new digs. By the way, your breakfast got me thinking. What would you have for breakfast, John? Oh, boy.

Oh, this morning had a sausage egg and cheese but

a shepherd boy. Right. Whenever anyone says sausage, egg and cheese I have to sing little shepherd boy. Sorry. Go ahead. sausage, egg and cheese from where?

coffee market and East Line? Coffee. I don't know you've traveled in lines. I don't know if you knew how was it? But again, pretty good. Solid place?

Yes. Or red? You just say sad place. Do you say it was great.

It's a good place to solid.

That's all you had? Yeah,

I'll tell you something. Yeah. I'll tell you some. I love sausage patties. I love sausage patties. And I never make them do you make those things back when you will? You know do that stuff.

No. Do you like the sausage patties? Do they do on a sausage? I've had someone staying with me and they make me breakfast every

morning in a good way or bad way. Amazed but give me give me the brown like what

yesterday when you saw me on the thing I had they made french toast with a persimmon and passion fruit compote on top. And a salad with avocado on the side. And then bacon. Amazing. Wow. Every morning. It's like that.

Wow. Wow. This is here in New Yorker in Stanford both. Well follow me. Made me breakfast while you're like hell yeah. Are you familiar with the Are you familiar with the house? Guest Olympics? No. So when you have and you should have done this back in especially because you know you always for some reason have someone staying no matter how small you call. Oh, alright. Let's try this. Try this color. Wait, what? Color you're on the air. Hello, hey, you our first caller, in a year and a half? What's? Yeah, what's up?

Yeah. So I had a question. So I'm looking through modern spreads. And I have a recipe for pressure cooker. Potato broth. sourdough. Okay. And I'm wondering, so part of it calls for juicing a potato then putting into a centrifuge for an hour. And I'm wondering if that could be done in the spindle.

So the, the centrifuge, I don't know what they're trying to do, do they get all the starch out of it?

Let's see. So they peel the potatoes cover them in cold water.

But I mean, what does it what does it look like? So in other words, if it's clear, the answer is no. Those guys like both, you know, Chris, Chris Young and those guys that ChefSteps and also like Myhrvold and Nagoya, and all those guys, they use superspeed centrifuges which get up to like, like 30 40,000 G's and so all of the recipes for the spins all are designed around what would have been like a 10,000 8000 10,000 G benchtop unit even though it doesn't do that many Jesus designed to get the same results as those but none of the kind of regular benchtop non superspeed guys that you know we would use it you know, the the lab kind of bucket kind, none of those do a high enough G force to get starch out. So if they're trying to spin the starch down out of it, right, then it's not gonna it's not going to do it. So if you look, if they have pictures, and you look at it and the end, the liquid is clear. Then they've gotten the starch out and then that we can't do But if you lightly, lightly cook it like not enough to, like cause the starch to like swell too much, but enough to wipe out the enzymes. Or if you add something just to knock out the enzymes, then you can let it settle and it'll settle but it's gonna take you like, like a couple of days. Anyway, go ahead. So was it clear or not?

I don't think it's clear that says centrifuges use One Hour at 10,000 RPM. So it looks like that should be something that spins all can do, right?

10,000 rpm. It shouldn't give an RPM for it. They should give a number of G's. But go ahead. What's the purpose of centrifugation? What are they trying to do?

Like they take it then they put it in like a pressure cooker and they pressure cook the potato broth and they use that as the liquid base for the sourdough. Well, what

are they? Are they taking the liquid or the solids from the centrifuge?

Just liquid, yeah,

you can get some of it, but you might not get all of it. Give it a shot. Let me know. Okay, what's your Miss Dawson is gonna kill you, right? Oh, wow. The Stasi. Lindsay. I thought the FBI was nice. Yeah. I thought the FBI was nice. All right, Josh, back to your question. It's good to get calls again. It's nice. What do you think says Stassi loves controlling John was when John's in the studio. The thought was that John was going to control it because that's what the thought was. But I think the Stasi likes this as her role. I think she's relishing it. She's gotten me to pay attention. This is a good way. Learning is it just being the fact that we're doing it isn't enough to pay attention? No. All right. All right. So back to Josh Seeburg. John's breakfast John's like love of doughnuts for breakfast. got Josh thinking. He lives in southeast Virginia, a place where they grow superior strawberries. Did you know that you don't think about Virginia strawberries? But you do you don't think about Virginia strivers. And he's he's busy. He's real busy today shouldn't pester him about you John, you heard anything about Virginia scrubbers.

I have not noticed it's the first time hearing about it. Me too.

I don't know. What is it about Virginia that makes good strawberries. I know in the Stasi, and I had some of the best strawberries I've ever had. And from the Santa Monica Farmers Market those things were ridiculous. No offense to us up here. But they make our I like our Green Market strawberries up here fine. But no comparison right comparison. No comparison. Like you walk you walk near you know how we're something we do really well here concord grapes. When you go to the the farmers market right stars, like during Concord grape season, first of all, friggin Yellow Jackets everywhere. Bees. Everywhere, right?

You're you get at least one in your bag. Yeah, yeah.

So we're like, we're at the bar. I would bring sacks of a man and people would start cutting up in the bags. I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Are you allergic? Yeah, yeah. Because like they're like, What do you mean allergic to bees everywhere. Booker would hate it anyway. But the smell of the Concord graves throughout the entire Farmer's Market is like huge when and the strawberries that is we remember the name of the place in Santa Monica. So like that place has these super aromatic strawberries where if you're anywhere near that strawberry, Stan just like strawberries, so I'm interested to know what Virginia strawberries like. I heard Virginia is for lovers. They still have that as their freaking thing. Yeah, yeah. Why? Why lovers know. what would what? What would be the way to make the all time best. Dunkin inspired strawberry frosted donut. Picking up 12 quarts of berries tomorrow. Now, John? You with me? Yeah. All right. Yeah. So the strawberry frosted is a yeast donut, right? Yes. Okay, so you are in luck, Josh because yeast doughnuts are by far easier to make than cake donuts. So like a yeast donut, all you got to do is make a decent yeast dough. And when you fry it, the dough skins over. And so you don't have to worry about it just dissolving into your into your oil, which is a problem if you mess up the cake recipe. And you don't have to worry too much about Greece getting into your donut, right? I mean, it's gonna get a little bit greasy, but you don't have to worry about it nearly as much as with a cake donut. So get yourself a decent yeast donut recipe. And Wiley by the way, even though he makes these donuts now is a big cake guy because he likes the challenge of cake donuts cake doughnuts are just far more challenging to do right which is why 99 9% of people who make cake donuts use a mix. That's just letting you know. In fact, there's a company called Belshaw, the Belshaw donut depositing company they also make the donut robots. And years and years ago like 15 years ago, maybe even longer. 18 years ago when I first contacted them to get what's called a donut depositor. I got one and I asked them for the recipe that they said was good cake recipe that was good with their donut depositor and they're like, I don't know, we don't make recipes. We don't have recipes we use a mix. I was like there's no one. You're the company that makes all of the freakin donut depositors and you don't have a single from scratch recipe for freaking doughnuts and they literally found a guy who was I swear to God in the basement and that guy had an old recipe that he like emailed me that was like, you know, that old type font that's been mimeographed a billion times and stuff, see that it's like purple and stuff, that that's what they sent me. Anyways. So go yeast, a little thing you might want to think about is on the glaze popping it with a little bit of acidity, that's one of the things Wiley does as he adds some acid to the glaze to make it a little acidic. But Johnny gotten the other eye, for if I were you, I would just make donuts with like, kind of like an oak, like a decent strawberry kind of thing. And then and then just eat those damn.

I'm gonna say, but I thought you were gonna be

I mean, strawberries are so good. Like, like to me like I take like an okay, strawberry and processes. So Duncan,

but the Dunkin Donuts data are really good. Yeah.

No, no, they're really great. So

yeah, listen, let's just have this out now, because it's going to come over again. And again, like the Stasiuk. Like, I don't think you appreciate this aspect of it. And let's, let's talk about this, for real and for series. A lot of things, people want to be able to do it once or twice, so that they can appreciate all of the variables involved. They don't need to do it for their whole life. But it like they learn more. And they appreciate the things that other people make, when they have gone through the process of figuring out how to make something themselves, what the problems are, how to approach it, and how to do that. So it's not like they think that they're going to necessarily even do a better job than X, Y, or Z. But

I guess I feel like that what you just said is what I imagined people are trying to do, not what you're trying to say that people are, what the what, I think when people ask these questions, they're trying to make a better X, Y, or Z. And you're saying they're just doing it for the learning process?

Well, I'm saying I think they want to do the best job they can. They want to try to control the variables as best as they can. And there are things where there are things where you can do a better job at home than you can do on an industrial scale, just because they have certain costs, cutting things, many things. When was the last time you had the best burger at a fast food restaurant? Oh, well, yeah, I mean, what I'm saying is there's a lot of things where there's cost cutting involved in it, like most cakes that you buy are garbage, because they use garbage ingredients because they're cheap, you know what I mean? So like there's a lot of things where you know, because of cost cutting measures, you can do a better job at home then you can do bide, right like stews in a can. You can do a better job at home. You know what I mean? In there are things where it's like the people with the professional equipment have an edge on us. Have you have you seen Daddy's home with Mark Wahlberg and Will Ferrell? No. So one of the running gags in it is is that Mark Wahlberg is constantly going into the oven and pulling out cinnamon buns that look just like and smell like Cinna bonds. And Will Ferrell is like you can't make them you can't make Cinnabon you need a special oven. And then at the end, Mark Wahlberg admits that he has been buying Cinna bonds and taking them out of the oven. And he's like you can't make Cinnabon so you have a special oven. I haven't no not really like Cinnabon because they're just so intensely sweet. They're just so incredibly sweet. I tell you about the time that I had to drive an hour and a half to get taxes Cinnabon because he wanted to try and we never had him. And he was like, oh my god, this is sweet. You don't I mean, even if they're good at whatever. I'm not saying anything negative about the Cinnabon Corporation. But what I'm saying is that there are things where like waffles like making the best waffle, like the waffle irons are really good. Like Commercial fryers are very good. So it's like, it's like potato chips. Commercial potato chip lines are very good. It's hard to make as good a potato chip as a commercial processor can. But doing it once, twice, three times or learning what the variables are. I think a is fun and can help you appreciate other people's work. Answer Hello, caller you're on the air.

Hey everybody, congrats on the new setup. Thanks. This is Josh in North Dakota.

Oh how you doing? How you doing? What do you wait wait, first of all, are you allowed to hunt this time of year or? No? There's no hunting in the summertime right.

Turkey season just got over but there's there's always something you can hunt. But now right now most people are fishing and stuff.

You have turkeys in North Dakota. Oh, yeah. Now, Turkey now let me get this straight here because it's something I never understood wheat like, oh, you know, here in the New York area. We have turkey. You see him all the time like wild turkeys like on the sides of parkways and whatnot. But these suckers. They sleep in trees. How come I've never seen a turkey in a tree

Yeah, usually before dark, they always had their trees and roost. And then in the morning they come down and that's near ready to hunt them.

But have you ever seen a turkey in a tree? Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, I feel like you would notice this I've seen like eagles and trees. I've seen owls and trees. I see. But you think if you look up and be turkeys a big thing you think you've noticed it in a tree? They must be. I hear they're a lot smarter than we give him credit for too, right? Aren't they hard to sneak up on?

Yeah, they can be really hard to hunt depending on where you're at. or lots of times, we'll get ones around here that are just going into like feedlots on farms and feed in there. And those can be pretty easy. But yes, you get the ones out in the wild. They're actually pretty hard. And it's hard to say if they're smart, or if it's just they're really random. Yeah, because you know, division only got really good vision because turkeys, you know, the turkeys. When I was growing up everyone said that the turkeys that they would grow you know raise for farms were like renowned for being stupid. And then when I started reading, like, you know, hunters accounts of them. They're like, No, they're

not. They're not as stupid as everyone makes me. When I was a kid. You ever hear the old thing stars where they say that turkeys are so stupid that when it rains they look up in the sky and drown? That was yeah, that was the thing that used to tell us. Anyways. Sorry, sorry. Sorry to go ahead. You had you had a question. How you doing?

Yeah, good. I was gifted a bunch of paddle fish eggs recently, like three pounds of them. And I don't know good caviar at all. But I figured I heard that paddlefish eggs are like second best next sturgeon. So I figured I'd make some caviar. But it turned into a complete disaster.

Well, what happened? Did you mean during the salting process, it turned into a disaster they broke.

Just trying to separate the eggs from like the egg sack and I tried a few techniques. I tried using like a drying rack to kind of scrape them off or then just by hands with water and they were just falling apart like motion. I'm thinking they were just too old. I don't know exactly how properly they were taking care of from the fish or they like in the refrigerator for five days. I think by the time I got him. So

how big are the egg sacks on those things?

Large and like all the eggs were connected, it seemed like it wasn't like other fish. I've seen where you like, open up the egg sacks and they kind of fall out.

Yeah, yeah. I mean, like, I've never know like here like the egg sacks that you get. We like here on this. I really only have experience with shad, you know, so and those eggs, of course are like super tiny. You know what I mean? And in terms of dealing with the whole with the whole egg sack. Yeah, I don't know. Maybe it was old. John, have you ever had to try to cure caviar at all?

No, I haven't. I know Jeremy Romanski has done that a lot at the larder and he has some posts about it on Instagram.

You wait, maybe we can get him to call in and give us give us his technique and maybe specifically address this. This machine has problem with a previously frozen Josh.

No, I don't think so. I couldn't hear John.

Oh, yeah, sorry. Yeah. Okay. So he said that. Jeremy Szymanski has done some curing at Larter and he's done a couple of Instagram posts on it. And then I was saying maybe we can get him. Maybe we can get him on to answer your answer your question. Okay. But I mean, I wonder whether resulting it would help you know, you think salting

would help them and I saw 3% assaulted them and what mix, let them sit for a while and then drained and the flavor was fine, but they just didn't really have any, like, texture at all. They were just kind of soft. And I don't know, I didn't find anything too special about him anyway.

All right, well, well, John's writing down that we're going to find an expert, whether it's Jeremy or someone else, and we're going to get to the we're gonna get to the root of the problem, whether there's a trick that we don't know about, or whether or not it's, you know, something with the actual fish. I know that in the real life, they add additives to firm up like borax and stuff. But I mean, obviously you don't want to do that. They don't do that anymore. Right. You don't let that things anymore. Do they

have no idea anyway?

And we will check into it. Thank you. Bye. Even Even people who sent whoa, wow. By the way, that Josh The reason eight he's the one who sent the pronghorn and the doves and all that stuff. Cool. So you know, very, very important. I didn't get any of it. So I asked you and you're like sit and you said no, I'm gonna what am I gonna cook I'm by myself. I'm by myself. What am I gonna cook That's what you said. Now that you have someone cooking for you every day. Now you probably want this stuff. It's true. Persimmon compote, huh?

Unexpected. I wouldn't have eaten it.

You don't like persimmons? No, not really. Were they like, really? Give me that. Were they part dried or were they just like persimmon flesh and sugar like cooked like I didn't even ask While you looked at it, you ate it.

They were they were much they were like acampo they were juicy.

Okay, so like fresh. Fresh. Yeah. But not as stringent. No. I've never had a, like an American, like native persimmon have only ever had the commercial ones. The wild persimmons. I hear they're fantastic. And what else I've never had Papaw never had.

I haven't had that either. And I'd really like to try it.

Yeah, if any of you guys oh, you know what I had shipped to me. A bunch of real expensive shelled hickory nuts in shelled hickory nuts. Oh stars is looking at someone who was in the full like, like, Cruella. Yeah, all white super high heels, maybe trying to pay her but like her heels were like maybe like up to my knees and the drill. The code still hit the ground. Yeah, basically,

Disney movie that's premiering on

Friday. Maybe this literally was Cruella Deville. Maybe I'll see a bunch of dead Dalmatians. Did she ever kill the dominations? Or did she not get a chance to? I don't know. I don't know. Probably not. No one uses donation for why would she want to kill the donations? I mean, it's just nonsensical. So yet another nonsensical thing for me. All right, so Alex Godin wrote in Hey, Dave, congrats on the studio. I'm wondering if you had any issues with your liquid bread caps cracking, liquid bread has their carbonation caps, it was never an issue in the past, but the last three or four I bought have cracked big time and develop leaks. They still work, but it's messy. You have an alternative you recommend. Now you can go metal, I've had that happen. So when you're going off on off on off on try not to like angle it. We had a bartender, Kendra, who used to call the Incredible Hulk because she could she could crack a cap like nobody's business. I had never had it happen before either. But they would happen occasionally. We moved to metal but the problem with metal is they have a gasket on the inside. So just be a little bit gentle when you're taking the thing off and on. You know, just you know, try only straight up and down. Try not to do any sort of like, what's this rocking motion as you go off and on? That fine, great. Yeah, great. From Johnny via Instagram. Hey, Dave, I'll be brief. I consider liquid intelligence as a Bible very nice furnace. I'm trying to emulate your vision and approach using every ingredient and in different ways. analyzing it and playing with all the shades its properties. In 10 days, I have to send a concept for the Citroen competition. Patrol do they pay the rappers to put all the rappers into the Citroen thing or two people just like the rappers just like, it ends up in a lot of rap songs. I think it sends up send up in a lot of rap songs. Patrolling competition, I have an idea. But there's a wall between me and the realization and that's the color of coffee. I want the same texture notes and properties and feelings of a cup of Italian of Italian espresso but clear. So like you know, water looking but powerful is espresso. I need to be clear for the color of the final drink, but no idea where to start. Can you help? Thanks a lot. You have chosen Johnny, I'm sorry to say an impossible problem. I have tried to make clear coffee through distillation I have tried to make it just really has never been done. You can you can't. It's like if you even if you distill coffee, like coffee without the bitterness is just not. It's just not coffee, right? A spread especially like espresso. Like you can texture it up by putting things into it. But espresso is an emulsion. So it's got oils in it. And that's going to make even if you just emulsified different oil in it's going to get you know cloudy, you could buy some of the acids that you have in espresso, but you're never going to get kind of those bitter notes. I would say as much as you probably don't want to do it. There's got to be someone. Does anyone make a clear coffee flavored cure? I don't know. I mean, most of the coffee flavored liquors I know aren't clear. But flavor houses do this right on a professional level. But there's no actual natural way that I know of to make coffee clear that I mean, I just don't have a good answers as that right. It's fine. Clear Pepsi group. Do they still make that stuff? I don't think so. But it's kind of same idea we're looking to do, right? Well, except for like Pepsi is all made with like caramoan compounds anyway. And they add caramel color to it. Yeah, coffee, like you make coffee. The problem is, is that any separation that gets rid of the color in coffee is also going to get rid of getting rid of all the color I'm saying make it clear is going to get rid of probably the bitter components and stuff that make it characteristically coffee and the Renens of coffee. Well, yeah, all of the all of the like the burnt plant compounds. That's what it is. You know what I mean? And so it's like, it's hard. John, have you ever had a good clear coffee thing?

You Oh, I don't know. I don't think I've ever even had any clear coffee thing. I mean

cold brew can be limpid, ie you can see through it, but but it still is brown and not, you know,

this is just to get a flavor thing.

Do they make that probably your The problem is is in a competition like that you need to have a good story for

the ingredient. We're doing these ones first.

I didn't see the way it was done. It didn't go that way. But was the Okay. All right. All right. All right. Jordan bunting wrote in can people with a video access? See, Anastasia is vegan face. Yeah, there she is. There I am. Yeah. She's hiding behind sunglasses and some sort of Camp hat. And she tries to inch off the screen so that you can't see her even though the whole point is that you can see her even though that's what you're paying for. But yes, you will occasionally catch like some of the vegan face and the relish if you want to see Mr. Garcia being really happy. Look to the parts where she's hanging up on the collars. And then you can see what Anastasia looks like when she's super stoked, right. Tyler chambers wrote in Have you explored using a pressure cooker, or the simpleton civilian type the instapot. For concocting cocktail syrups infusions and ingredients. I thought I had a good idea for a quick lime cordial, but the first round came out tasting cooked, though it was indeed cooked, I was hoping to avoid that flavor. Is there such a thing as a pressure cooker that does not use heat? I know I could use an easy wiper. But I want to do larger batches and ultimately, a delicately cooked citrus stock well, okay, so there's a couple of things here. When you heat cordial, the reason to heat cordial is to give it a little bit of a cooked flavor, because that's the flavor that's stable. Now, you don't need to pressure cook it. In fact, just bringing it up to a simmer is all you need to do. And you don't need to simmer it for that long. So I would try just doing that that's like standard cordial. And that's the only way to get a stable flavor. If you want to get if what you mean is, is that you want to get the peel flavor into the thing and have it be fresh. Here's what you do. You peel the citrus, the day before you take the citrus peels, make sure that you don't let the citrus dry out after you peel it because that's what's gonna happen. But anyway, then you smash up the peels with sugar and you make an what's called an olio. Then you wash that OLIO with the fresh juice, which you can clarify if you want. And then that's going to give you a lot of the peel notes as well as the citrus notes and you have to titrate exactly how much of the peel you want in there. That's going to be fresh, but it's not going to last. If you want it to last you got to bring it up to the simmer and when you bring it up to the simmer, it's going to taste somewhat cooked but I definitely wouldn't pressure cook it because in a pressure cooker. It's going to go from being like you know citrus color to being extremely brown because you've elevated the temperature even you know that extra amount above boiling. Is that a good answer? Yeah,

also Jack who's running the chat room right now says that Sargon found a clear coffee liqueur. It's rolling river Rolling river spirits Oh, their

own river rock. I don't know if you can use someone else's spirits. But thank you. James McCulloch Rodin. Hi, I'd love to suggest a new mini segment. Classic weeknight meal weeknight meal so it's like classic we'd like meat but weeknight I can't say weeknight Why am I saying we'd night classic week no meals here like that. Yeah. To the tune of classics in the fields, which is I'm used to saying we're gonna bring classics by way. John, when are we getting our Matt from kitchen arts and letters back on? June 15. So remember, for June 15. People get ready to ask all your classics in the field questions because we're going to have the in the studio, by the way. Yeah, Joey's coming into the studio, answering all of your classics in the field questions. So the idea is classic weeknight meals. James would like to hear what enjoyed hearing my story about what I do with bacalao when I need to do quick meal. What are the go to recipes we use for feeding the family? We've only got 10 to 40 minutes. Thanks and congratulations on the new digs. What do you what do you what do you back when when I feed the family? When you used to you used to be every day you would leave? You'd be like I gotta get home. I have people in my house in 10 minutes.

Pasa passes easiest. So this used to be like an

ongoing thing. The Stasi would say why don't you make pasta tonight? And I would say I'm not making and the Stasi would say why do you hate pasta? Yeah, say I don't hate pot. Yeah,

I would do I would do like sausage and broccoli. Rob. It was easiest.

You like broccoli around? Like the bitter. Where do you blanch it first? I Blanchett first. Yeah. In water. Yeah. What about you, John, what about you? Do you plant your broccoli rub?

No, I just put it in the pan with some olive oil, little water to steam it through and some red pepper flakes and salt. Yeah.

And do our other people like adds unpalatably better?

A little bit, I guess. and picked up for anyone in a really long time before we used to do it at the Breslin I was just like if I can just get away with doing it this way, why would I Blanchett?

Well, because I think some some people are much more broccoli raw is one of those interesting things where some people are much, much more sensitive to it than others. And so like I can eat it, just like you're doing it in fact, I prefer it that way. But then there are people who just can't tolerate it. Unless it's been water blanched first, you know, Joe Yeah, my feelings on it Joe? Yeah, me feelings on the broccoli rub of broccoli. Rob. I love anything bitter love ridicu and broccoli rub together and double the bitterness. Any beverages bitter. I just yeah, you ever have that you ever have the fancy freaking like, what's it called TREVIZO radicchio, one where you like this lightly hit that some gun? Like you on the grill. I was ruined. I think I've said this. Maybe even when I was here, I was ruined because in the 70s the radicchio was such garbage that I grew up hating it, because everyone bought it, but it was just such low quality radicchio, that like, that's what I thought radicchio was, so it took me a long time to learn to appreciate it again. So going to things that have the word broccoli in it. Here's another problem. I think the broccolini people buy this thing called broccolini, which looks a little bit like broccoli raw, but isn't so they're like, Oh, I like that. And then they buy the broccoli Rob and they make it the same way. And they No, no, no. Wait. So back to this. You guys also like a hot pepper on your broccoli rubber you can't have a broccoli Rob without a little bit of the hungover flakes. Sad otherwise. Alright, so I'll tell you one of my fast things that is a complete mutilation of a Juliano boo Jiali Giuliano abou Aegiali recipe and I told him about it once he smacked me in the face. So he does this recipe where he makes what amounts to like a rule like a basher Mel, but instead of he uses a stock instead of you know, like a milk thing. So it's like roux and stock. I think he saw taste some onion, not garlic, he gets real bent when you use garlic, we're not supposed to so tasty onion with flour, and butter, and then stock and then steamed asparagus and then put through a food mill because of course, he puts it through a food mill. And then he gets all freaked out if you add anything different to it. So by the time I'm done with it, one of my fast things to do was I would just take a head of broccoli, I would cut off the very bottom, I cut the florets off and then take the stem. If I had time to sauteed onion, I would sometimes I would add garlic because I'm not a purist at all, obviously, because I'm not even using asparagus, I'm using broccoli. And then I would just throw stock like either canned or Boolean or whatever in a pot. Then throw in the big stalks, turn it up to a boil, then throw in the, you know, a couple of minutes later throw in the florets, so they're gonna get like super overcooked. And then literally in the blender, I would stick some cheese, some egg. I think I just do yolks or mixture. Boom. And then you don't need cream but you can it's kind of gilding the lily and then you just once it's done steaming you blend the whole thing into a sauce with pepper. And you'd correct for salt. That's delicious because it's super creamy. And if you if you want to make a real best Rommel you can or you can just use use eggs to thicken it like they do with some pasta sauces, which is a lot faster. And yeah, yeah, that's that's one of my go to keep going. You know knowing good on a creamy I like do like thin pasta is like creamy pastas. Not really. I think that sauce because it's so creamy is good on a thinner pasta, which which I kind of like I see it as a different. You like you don't like them at all. Or sometimes you're okay with it.

Oh, I'm okay with it.

Rich McDuck where we say about

apparently there's a super blood. How our moon tonight? It said, I'm out on iTunes or something on your thing. What is this? Like power thing, but I guess I gotta go back to Connecticut.

Why we don't have the moon here in New York.

You don't see it like rise out of the water.

Billy, what was that? What's gonna do? It's gonna rise out of the water. Sometimes the moon's out in the daytime. But this Bloodmoon comes out of the water.

That's where I've seen where it is right now. And it's going to tonight it will rise out of the

way you know that Booker is very good at remembering. Like, whether it's waxing or waning by which side of the Moon has the knot? Yeah, you do that? I always forget which one? Which one was going away? Right? Yeah, but I don't know which I don't know which direction it goes. I can never remember. And then every time because like, Dad, you're an idiot. And I told you this a million times. But it's just one of those pieces of information that I can't keep in my head. You know what I mean? And he was definitely like, if you put me in the middle of the ocean at night, I'm dead. Like I'm not finding my way home. Nothing.

You know, I think I'm good at that stuff. Oh, yeah.

Okay. Please don't try. Also like, like, I can't tread water. Like if you put me in water Her and I tried to tread I corkscrew down for some reason like the more I try to stay above the water if I do nothing I'm fine I'm floating oh my

gosh we have to do the class here. You have to do it remember you said you would do it once with me what my class Oh

Mr. Garcia is anger class which is like she needs help now generating a bit of the

anger that's what you need so and you said you do it once and it's coming to Rock Center

so I think you remember that if like if my internal you know my when I say you said I was gonna tell Dave

You promise me some bet we had and then you know this you've made this up

just trying to make it seem like I'm gonna be a welcher if by the way, Joe we're we're anti Wiltshire. Yeah. See is just as us no All right. Rich Road in. Rich McDonough mood therapist. Question. I'm trying to make a sweet almond err essentially homemade Orsha. diluted with almond milk. To top a drink needs to be light or it gets too sweet worked fine the first time using soy lecithin and an aquarium bubbler. But the second time it wasn't anywhere near as stable, tried a few variations and even added half percent of xanthan to help it hold better, but not great and any suggestions needs to be foolproof for service. Well, I mean the original marguerites kind of errors if you're actually trying to get those kind of bubbled errors like when an aquarium I'm not exactly sure what texture you need in terms of light. Those aquarium bubble air things with the bubblers those things are usually done with egg whites or with some other things. But if you want like stable, like almost like Guiness head, like Sam Mason, back at WD 50 would be f 50 Metacell F 50 whip it up and then every once in a while maybe he would have to we will we re whip it during service but like a little bit of xanthan with some Metacell F 50. And that stuff holds like a demon and he used it I've actually tested it but it's it's not it's light. It's super light, but it's it's dense and light. Does that make sense? Then some light it's like like a like a head of beer. But let me know whether you're the margarita ones like I say egg whites or things like that with a bubbler but those are the giant bubbles with a lot of air. And then if it wants more like not shaving cream dance, but like Guinness head dance trimethyl Salah 50 I've had better luck with it than I've had with Versa wit but I've never done it with almond milk. Used to do with passionfruit this stuff was done it with orange, real good. Anyway, let me know. William Sabado is wrote in Hey, Cookie issues crew, it's a pleasure to help support you after years of entertaining content. Thanks. I've got a question about my newish Kuhn recon pressure cooker. Somewhere along the way, I picked up the notion that Khun recon made ventless pressure cookers Well, I mean, I've said that for years. So mean. Yes. Anyway, so by the way. All right, well, I'm gonna read the question and then we'll get into it right, I'm gonna try to read the whole question we think says, we're gonna have a lot of time left, meaning if you control the temperature properly, you should never have to listen to the hiss of steam escaping the pot. However, my Khun recon hisses all the time, even if I'm writing in the target pressure, as indicated by the red lines between the valve stem so on when recon people, what happens is, is that as the pressure goes up, there's a there's like a, like a plug with it with a shaft and it comes rises out of the lid. And there's first line is first ring which is five psi over pressure, and then it rises up and there's a second ring and that's the 15 psi over pressure. And then you can actually make it go up even further and then it really starts hissing and that's how it can recon works. That's why it's ventless as opposed to like, the favours or other ones where they actually regulate by the only way you know it's a pressure is if it starts hissing, so you actually wait for it to hiss or the old what are called jiggler ones where there's like a little weight on top of on top of a hole and when you hit the right pressure it goes and it makes them jiggle and jiggles back and forth and they're called jigglers. So okay, so that's that's what we're talking about. I suspect that the hissing is because there are three silicone nubs on the bottom of the silicone seal on the inside of the lid, was I misinformed about the magical ventless properties of the Qun recon, everything seems to work properly and I use the pot all the time. However, when I hear the hiss I can't help a dream of a horseless pressure cooking experience. thank Bill. Thanks Bill in Huntsville, Alabama. Okay, Bill, here's the issue. So open your pressure cooker and look underneath it. Okay, there the Qun recon has three or four different I will hear myself in a barrel safety safety mechanism. So one is the actual seal itself, the silicone seal on the outside the big one, the ring, make sure that things clean all the time, it's going to be a world of hurt. If it isn't, you'll notice that in your lid there are little slots cut out. That's a safety mechanism because if it ever goes super overpressure the seal will extrude itself out and vent down the sides right so that's safety number one. Well, no, that's one of the safeties the actual steam. The pressure thing that with the rings on it, if that goes too high I will vent. That's actually safety number one right now that one shouldn't make noise. If it does, it's leaking, you can try to tighten it a little bit, you could take the little silver plate, little hat off the top and tighten that a little bit. Now, also, you need to make sure that you tighten from the inside the spring mechanism, it's all good. But where you're leaking is a little thing there. It's got its blue, as you say, silicone. And it kind of rattles back and forth a little bit. And what that thing does is it prevents a vacuum from going one way but it also is meant to leak a little bit as it comes up to temperature so that it's venting out the product and then only after you reach a certain pressure, is it supposed to steel and be quiet. So what you'll hear is you'll hear if it's working properly here. And then it'll turn off, what you're getting is is you must have gotten some grit or dirt underneath that blue silicone thing. Or it's gotten hard from age and you can replace it right or clean it. Now here's what you should never do. I'm going to tell you this, never do this. Okay. Piper Nastasia and I were chilling at the elder tree lab back we had the oldest treat lab, the Qun recon was making a little bit of noise. So I walked up to it to that little thing that you're talking about from the top and just took a spoon it was like clack, clack clack to try to seed it to get it from stopping making the noise and I hit it so hard that I punched it through the lid. It went into the lid and then my 15 psi of stock started shooting straight out of the pot straight up into the air. It flew hit our 10 foot ceilings and then guys are in Versailles it's way all over the thing where we're running around like like like like slaughtering like chickens to the slaughter getting coated with burning greasy stock. Remember this does poor paper. Good times though. Good times anyway.

Okay, one more question. All right, let's go. Nicolas

screwfix wrote in hey folks really glad you're doing Patreon thing it's great. It's great idea two questions for the show. Sorry, she might cut you off. He gets first one is about bread. Sorry, again gets well what are the important qualities look for when evaluating wheat for milling and final purpose protein content is definitely one but gluten as well. How is gluten content and quality reported? And do you have any good resources for finding out these values? I have animal yachties book but living here in Australia, I don't have any access to the varieties you mentioned. I have other interesting varieties. But now I failed at making flour water pasta don't get started as a fill and making flour water pasta twice. And I suspect it's because the protein and the gluten content of my wheat isn't where I think it is. But I have no real way of telling. And so and also because what's How do you source something that's hard ingredient I'm thinking things like why I can't get into the source union not because he's going to kill me. So we've answered that before to your question. What for whole wheat, whole grain Durham. Apparently they grow a lot of it in Australia, but he can't get a hold of it. Alright, here's the problem when you're when you're milling first of all, for pasta, everything people tell you about protein is it's not that it's wrong. It's misleading right there, the hardness of the wheat is going to determine its milling properties. But weeds can be very hard and not necessarily have that much gluten they usually go hand in hand but not always because the actual proteins that are making the wheat hard which is what the important thing in milling is are different from the gluten proteins. Also, you can have a lot of gluten proteins but the glutens are different. So really what you're worried about when you're milling and the reason you haven't had any good luck is because you have a lot of damaged starch. So when you're making pasta, what you need is to make semolina semolina does not have any fines in it and Durham is very hard so it shatters into these particles they get rid of the fines and the semolina because it has no fines does not have that much damage starch if you have too much damage starch in a flour that's meant for pasta. When starch absorbs almost no water this is why if you take cornstarch and water right it gets soupy very very quickly if you were to take corn flour and add the same amount of water it would make a very stiff dough because damage starch from milling absorbs 10 times as much water as undamaged starch does. Also if you're drying pasta right damage starch enzymes will activate it and it'll darken so if you try to make your own pasta and it's not a nice bright yellow is because you have too much damage starch and the amylase enzymes were reacting with it as it as it as it dried out now. So first thing you're going to want to do is if you're trying to mill your own is you're going to try to get a hold of some Durham some Durham because Durham is not only very hard so it makes a good semolina but also it has a lot of gluten it glutens in it that allow for it to have that nice hard texture after it's done. However, the glutens that are in Durham are very, they're not elastic, they don't snap back where Right, so they allow you to stretch out they give good stretch, but they're not super elastic so it doesn't snap back. So it's very hard to make decent water pasta with regular flour. Just because one you have a lot of damage starch or you're adding too much water to it to get the right consistency of dough to the glutens in those things tend to snap back and so they don't react well unnecessarily for the kind of pasta that you would normally think of for water pasta. So you have to think about your particle size, you're gonna have to change up how you sift things. Think about damage starch, damage starch is the unsung thing that's going on with a lot of different flowers, regardless of the gluten content. So we can talk more about this later. And I was going to talk when Sasha says I don't have time, I got a new French fry recipe for you guys that I developed for the French fry and John, when are we doing the French fry premiere?

You're doing that June 11. I believe

I saw on June 11th I'm doing the fries premiere that they recorded before the pandemic. It's got Harold McGee doing some like crazy alter. Kind of he's like oh, he's on like a floating french fry thing on a on a pool of oil. And then he's discussing the science he uses the word parallel a pipette

Can we say that I have to be in LA in September Can we say that maybe we'll do something in September in LA

See you in September we're gonna do some la September stuff. Yeah. All right. Yeah. All right. Yeah, I don't care. Okay. Well, we'll we're also going to be like maybe I guess releasing a product and maybe we can dovetail maybe we can dovetail the but everyone always asked when we're gonna announce the new product. That's not the one that we always have. And it's probably September right September.

We are hoping to stand

all right so I didn't get a chance to tell you about French fries or salmon temperatures but maybe

next time special guests next week to surprise my not allowed to know who it is. You do know who it is.

Oh in studios oh we have a special surprise guests and longtime listeners will know who it is next week on cooking issues.